Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, February 19, 1853, Image 1

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Daily Chronicle & Sentinel. BY WILLIAM S. JONES. tt Chronicle S S'fiitinri IS PUBLISHED aI1 Y ( xri-weekly, and weekly, v BY WILLIAM 8. JONES. t TERMS: P ipgp k .—Publishcil Morning and Evening.—ToCity Six ooi.la iis j>er annum, payable in advance. Doll a as. i; rritv i’APJSR— I’o'jk Dollabs per annum in ad -gj.WsOk"* papEH—(A mammoth sheet) —Two DokLAßSpcr TEEMS of advertising . niTTY r\PER, Fifty Cents per square (ten lines or 'D" / #nt insertion; Thirty-Eight Cents for the next l 4»)w r !°i. . v .j.’ive Cents for each subsequent inscr -I*l 'wrEKLY Seventy-Five Cents; SEMI-MONTHLY or Y (in either paper) One Dollar; and Rule and Dollar per square. inserted under the head of Special gift* Cents for each insertion. w BcsinbssCari*, not exceeding six lines, '•Ztiwr annum. lfover six hues,;-<•<> rtnn per line. ®JuriHmu»anieations designed to promote private or indi- IKSwtt, will he charged as advcrtDement*. ®£«taiU>n* Advertising, under any cirtminstances, except u'J'f and Obituary Nonces; and tucse, u.tcn Oier sue be charged a* advertisements. * STANDING- APVKRTU?kMK\TS: mon|h, without a1terati0n......... *S J u *« ft months’ altered quarterly, 18 i one half more than the shove rates, jsiuwn one^_f^ nhj more t) ,. in e.e above rates. ! “ double the above rates. i O~U next to reading matter and leaded, double these n ar Advertisements not marked the number of insertions, •si bteonlinoed and charged by the insertion. KhMcrehanU, Brmrgists and OtUeiw, contract*Will be «s*v foi* a lveitising by the year, onreasooableterms. the bill of any house or farm amounts within six K nUis to |SP or upwards, for other than contract adver ,discount of 25 per cent. wiU be made, if paiu on pigeatation. ■ TBS WEST INDIA INLANDS & CHAGEES Bf TUS BIUTISII ROYAL MAIL STJCAMSIiIP COX WAY, CIPT. SAWYER TONS BURTHEN. TglS Steamship is designed to sail from Snvan aah, Georgia, on the fourth of January, third rffebruiry, 6th of March, third of April, and fourth of Mir trChsgres, touching at Nassau, N. P., Inaguu, i hSlbe Turk’s Island mails,) and Jamaica. She will be *:« jtChagres on the 14th of each month, and return on i by same route to Savannah. i Ai this service contempiUtes arrangements only for a , iaiSeiaamber of passengers, persons who desire to avoid ewiM boats will find the route a desirable one; and in- s nlid?, who wish to spend the Winter among the We t In- ] *»lslands, may find conveyance in the Company’s Steam- j tipi, twice a month, between Jamaica and the following namlin addition to those named above; t ” Antigua, G ey Town, St, Kitts, Birba'loes, Guadaloupe, fit. Lucia, 1 Carriacon, Jacmel, St. Thomas, Cartliagens, Martinique, St. Vincent, 1 Demarara, Montserrat, Santa Martlm, Dominica, Nevis, Tobago, Grenada, Porto-Rico, Trinidad. Tint RATES OF PASSAGE ARK*. fromSivannah to- Nassau ,-....$ 21 i* “ Inagua 44 , *> “ Jamaica 04 j « “ Chagres 72 (including Steward’s fees,) isl in proportion to the other Islands, fore cabin passengers taken at one-half the above rate?. , gT Each ship carries an expo ienced Surgeon, freight and specie conveyed on the usual terms. For angements, apply to ANDREW LOW & CO., janS-3 Agents, Savijmiah, ( OfflCE SOUTH CAROLINA R. ROAD COMPANY CtfiKLKSTOS, October 1,1552. NOTICE is hereby given that from and after this date this Company will receive at the Georgia Railroad tep.it at Augusta, all Cotton, Produce or Merchandize freight down by the Georgia and other Railroads, and in haded for the South Carolina Railroad; the Freight and tharges on which they will pay up to that point, and <-ol tetthe whole, Freight and charges, as agreed above on delivery in Charleston. Beplicate receipt* will be given, by the Agent of the Csopany on the receipt of such Cotton, Produce oriUer diaslize at the Georgia Railroad Depot, otir of which will begiven to the Georgia Railroad Company, and the other Till be forwarded Ho the consignee in Churleeton, and for iB loss and damage that may occur to such Cotton, I’ro toeisr Merchandize after it came into their possession, the South Carolina Railroad Company will be responsible, (and trill promptly pay) but no further. Shippers of Cstton, Produce or Merchandize for Charles- j twfrom points on the other Roads above, will send Dupli- j ttttreceipts to W. J. Magrath, Agent, Hamburg. By or- j test the Board. oS J. R. EMERY, Sec. j OFFICE TRANSPORTATION SO. CA. RAIL ROAD COMPANY. Charleston, May 2 A IS5£ 05 AND after Tuesday next, Ist June, the(Passcnger and Mail Trains (under regulations of the loast Office teptrtment,) will, until further notice, run as ftdUavs, v.z; CHARLESTON AND HAMBURG KOAIX FIRST OR RKUULAK MAIL AND PASSSSCJSK TRAIN UP. Leaves Charleston (daily) at 8 Oh o’clock, a. m. Arrive Hamburg “ 240 “ f. v * DOWN. Leave Hamburg (da.il y) at &% ‘ 1 a. m. Arrive Charleston “ 100 “ r. v, these Trains connect with the afternoon Mail Train o 2*Georgia Railroad, (at Augusta) going South and West, aad at Charleston with the Wilmington Mail Steamers, and lev York Steam Packets going North and East. Forts c taunt Express Train is run only on those days that the litaington Mail Steamers, or New York Steam Packets Uii to arrive at Charleston in time to connect wi h .rc to’clock, A. M. Train. skosbob stauTKxrKESs freight and r isskngep. train kwe Charleston at 5 00 o’clock, f. m. j Arrive Hamburg at ...5 30 “ a. h. j DOWN. «we Hamburg at j 6 00 o’clock, r. m. tare Charleston at 6GO •* a. ?it. hnsengers by this Train will always arrive at Hamburg AUa» to take thejrilay Mail and Passenger Train of tiic i Railroad, which leave Augusta at 7 o’clock, A. M., ! *Atiiata, Ac. J. D. PETSCII, *jS7 Superintendent Transportation. PARHAM S NEW HOTEL, CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE. M. D. IIOQAXy Proprietor. ?IE SUBBPRIDKU begs leave to inform his Mends and the travelling public that the above a-’iii •tMishment is now open for the reception of visitors, it ’hatted in the centre of Business, commanding a beauti- Wfietr of the River and surrounding country. The nterior of the House has been constructed with a | * l *t»iew to the comfort of its lAttrons —affording iinpor conveniences rarely met t/Uh in country llotiAg. I* the chief object of the Proprietor will be to give gene- his guests may be assured that no exertion *hhp*rt will be wanting to make their stay with him of their patronage. I™»willbean Omnibus in waiting on the arrival of Mil Road Cars and Steam Boats, and a trusty, careful *“ to take care of Baggage. M. D. HOGAN. .ttMtaaooga, May, 26,1552. my29-dtf r GROCERIES! GROCERIES! |K SI'BsCKIUhHS rc constantly supplied witli a , wsortment of Heavy ami.Fancy GROCERIES, ibeh they respectfully invite the attention of Merchants, **««« and Families. * continue the oU! practice of delivering goods to out etutomerj free of txpeuse. Orders from the country, . fccetre prompt attention, ar.d will be filled at the priSe- J ' K - * W - M - uow - ORLKANS MOI.ABM.B ia . • VCT Y superior N. O. MOLA6SEB. i« 1 ® B ?ar House SYRUP. New York No. 1 SYRUP. dl HAND, WILLIAMS & CO. 4, ®f tunes adapted to the Psalms and Hymns of «9rii"i! er * n Church in the United StatCß of America; "F the Genera! Assembly. Edited l>y Thomas THOS. RICHARDS A SON, * "tank Book Manufacturer's,.Book-Binders. Ac. 3l°V AS( »KB.— 8S lilids. Cuba MOLASSES, for sale 411® wharf, by W. H. STARK A CO., Warren Block. v J'™™- —7200 bushels prime CORN. For sale m GEORGE W. LEWIS. Wamu Block . —SOO bags good to prime 810 COFFEE. CT —by jan9 BAKER A WILCOX^ FLOUR—IO bbls. and 15 hats and 'vittlt * ?r bbls. BUCKWHEAT. Just received by ESTES A RICHMOND. Hi.!!. 1 !®?-* 0bbLj PECAN NUTS, just received Orleans. LAMBACK A COOPER. IQO Goshen CHEESE. Just received tv ESTES A RICHMOND. SPECIFIC.—The speedy cure. The r «a«dy. gold at |l a bottle, by • HAVILAND, IUBLEY A CO., - j — 15 W —The Adventures of Capt. Blake, by Esq. The Marrying Man: A Talc b. ?> b ? the author of Frank Farleigh, Lewis ’*c- Just received by GEO. A. OATES A CO., Broa-l-st. tifi A BAMta •» BACKS'BALT.'"~ i«_ ... slightly damaged, will be sold immediately. ' JOHN B. GUIEU, Agent. _ wiS* 11 , F ® R ™hbab‘y, nnmeU, has been received, and for sale bv *• GEO. A. OATES A CO. Piano, Book and Music Depot. have on hand deci - I : 7W r rS*^ cle Oat Bole LEATHER in the I oGe.i,^, 18 d i* well to give us a call he dlO FORCE, CONLEY A CO. " TOBIN’S GARDEN AND CONSERVATORY. C* 2HF SUBSCRIBER begs Wave to re- sen. ’^v' , turn his sincere acknowleglgenients to cu#,omer * ttßd G»e public, f-.r the Jibe-vfesJa 1 . patronage bestowed upoti him dur:ng«E^SSi the last sixteen years, and hopes, by unflinching perae vcrance, to merit a continuance of the same for the future. He desires at present, to call the attention of Ladies and Gent elnen to his splendid-block of Ornamental Shrubbery, embracing alt the latest arid most desirable varieties of LOSES; EVERGREENS; FLOWERING SHRUBS; lIUL BOLS ROOTS; DAHLIAS; TULIPS; LILIES ; CROCUS ; Hi ACINTII ; AMARYLLIS ; GLIDIOLUS; Ac , Ac., Ae. Hu> new and •jaicioui GlMdiN HOUSE is stocked with oil the richest, i arest, and most beautiful Plants that could be* procured at the North and in Europe, comprising some of recent introduction, from China, California and other distant parts of the globe. In the way of Ev ERG 11EENS, especially, he has some new and very 'desirable varieties, and as lie makes it h'.s vspechil study to off.r no Plant, Shrub, or Flower, which ■ i deviated to give satisfaction to his customers, he 1-- every Confidence in his ability to please a l persons of taste, v.-iio may favor him with a call ’t ue long experience of the Proprietor in the South ena bles him aLo to offer a select assortment of “ FRUIT TREES, peculiarly adapted to this climate ; among which mav be found the following: Apricots, Pears, Plums, Figs, Pome granates,. Peaches, Ac., Ac. Also, choice Grape Vines, Strawberries, Raspberries, Ac., Ac., all of which will be sold very low. lie has added 12 new varieties to his pre vious stock of Jtie-es, which Ladies and Gentlemen are in vited to call and examine. All Plants will be freely and cheerfully shown to visitors. Orders from the country promptly attended to. Addle s THOS. T. TOBIN, Telfair street, Augusta, Ga. -g-ss“ He has in his employ, two GARDENERS, skilled in laying out grounds in the most approved farms, whose ser vices can be obtained at short notice. dl9-3cn FASHIONABLE GOODS, r A. VAX WINI4LK, Merchant Tailor, has rim now on hand a large and full supply of Black, Brown, Blue, Olive, Green and Dahlia CLOTHS, ft j And also, a large Stock of Fancy and Black CAS SIM ELKS, VESTINGS, Ac., which yi ill be nude to order the very best manner. —ALSO— A large Stock of Ready-made CLOTHING; and a fu. and select supply of FURNISHING GOODS, such as white and colored SHIRTS; Silk and Merino UNDER GAR MENTS; all kinds of GLOVES; ifOSIF.RY; SUSPEN DERS; CRAVATS; SCARFS ; COLLARS; UMBRELLAS; CANES, Ac. 015 J. A. VAN WINKLE. FA s>H 10i\ AttLiC SPRING'ANi> SUMMER GOODS. | OIIN imiDOKS, Merchant Tailor, next door ft below the .United States Hotel, Broad Street, is now receiving his Spring and Summer Stock, con- lift sisting, in part, of- A W French Black and Colored Singlfc Mill’d CLOTHS and CASSIMKUKS; Fancy Do.; DRILJ.S; Silk MARSEILLES, and other VESTINGS; CASIIMKUKTTES ; DRAP d’ETE, of several grades, which will also be sold by the yard. Os Fancy Articles, SHIRTS and DRAWERS, of ail de scriptions, COLLARS; CRAVATS; SUSPENDERS; HALF HOSE; GLOVES’; Ladies’ UNDER-VESTS ; SHOULDER BRACES, Ac., Ac. ' Ready-made CLOTHING, of the latest style of Goods, cut and made. MILITARY WORK, In all its branches. Making and Trimming Garments in the best manner. A fml assortment of the above, and all other articles in his Hre, v.iil be kept suitable for the season. mh!B TTJTT’S PECTORAL ELIXIR, the relief and permanent cureof Coughs, Colds’ Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping-Cough, Spitting of Blood, Croup, Pain in the Side, Pleurisy, Pneumonia, Difficult Expectoration and Consumption, May be had, Wholesale or Retail, of Barrett A Carter; AV. K. Kitchen ; W. 11. A J Turpin, and Win. 11, Tutt, Augus a and l>r. A. J. Creighton, Hamburg, S. C. 027- lAw ROSENDALE CEMENT. r rl! II subscribers are Sole Agents for the sale of the Cele- JL bra ted Cement, known as the “NEWARK AND-RO 9ENDALE HYDRAULIC CEMENT.” The repletion of this article for strength, Uniformity, cheapness, antLdurn bility, is well established, as will be seen by the following Certificates selected from many received by the President of the Company. From Col. W. J. McA’phine. Dry Dock U. S. Navy Yard, IJaooKLTX. President of the N. and R. Cement Co.—Sir: All the Ce ment used on this work, for two months past,, over 8,0 M) barrels, lias been obtained from your establishment. Eve ry tenth battel of this quantity has been very carefully in spected and tested in the severest manner. The result lias proved very gratifying; and it gwves me great pleasure to say that your Cement has stood all the tests, equal to any that has been furnished this work. VVm. J. McAlpisk, Engineer. From J. Edgar Thompson, formerly of the Georgia R. Road Compimy. . *, EsfljritßKß Departvkxt I'a. R.R.Co., IT arrisboxo,Pa. President N. and R. Cement Co. —The Cement which you hove sent us is equal to any we liftvc received from any other manufacturers. J. Edgar Thompsok. A Stock of the above Cement always kept on hand. Also, a supply of Calc. PLASTER PARIS, which will be sold for cash, o-tiy. HAVILAND, RISLKY A CO., I au29 Wholesale Druggists. ET TO TEE DYSPEPTIC. | I )I.A YI T'T’B IMTTFRB. — These Bitters are Tonic, ! I Alterative and Aperient in Dyspepsia, Liver Com tbeu-ain of symptoms commonly called Nervous' Affoe ti . ns. Their virtues in Dyspepsia are unequaled, as, ihe most obstinate and protracted case rarely withstands its powerful action. The use of Planett’s Bitteraenable those whose stomachs were so weak as not to retain the lightest diet to,cat hearty and digest tlie coarsest food. Indepen dent of these properties, they create a healthy action throughout the system, restoring the appetite and crea- i ting power of resistance to disease rarely obtained. Planett’s Bitters are purely vegttable, arid adapted to all ages. For sale by WM. H. TCTT, old dA wtf Sole Agent for Augusta. PHALON’S IMPROVED MAGIC HAIR DYE, A X'EW and valuable discovery—being a liquid Dye to . color the Hair, without the least injury to the fikin. It cun be washed immediately without disturbing the color, and has no bad odor. Prepared only by E. Phalon, No. 197, Broadway, New-York, and soid in Augusta by 1:7 D. B. PLUMB k GO. Fj E WALLOW CHARCOAL. HMIIi: great difiicuHy in procHiring a pure article of Char* 1 coal, for Medicinal ami -Dental us»>, has induced us to make great exertions for obtaining something that can be relied on.. In the Chemically pure state in which this arti j cle is presented, it has no superior ns a corrective of the I acidity of the stomach, and is especially recommended as a Djjjitrifice where the Teeth arc decayed, f r sweetening nn 1 purifying the mouth. But up in bottles and for sale by dls D. It. PLUMB A CO. j WOLFE S AP.OMATIC SCNIEDAM SCHNAPPS \X excellent Tonic, Diuretic, Antidyspeptic and Invig . orating Cordial. This preparation is considered supe rior tq any other, in all those cases of incipient Dropsy, Kidney Complaints, Gravel and clone, for which pare Holland Gin has been so long prescribed by the Medical Faculty. No other Gin can be obtained in so pure a state, either in the Amcrican or foreign market, at any price.— It is manufactured a s Schiedam, in Holland, and can be re lied upon as perfectly pure, it is put up in a convenient form, and sold in bottles at One Dollar for quart, and Fifty Cents for pints. D. B. PLUMB A CO., Agents. • n 23 I fc’LUliS, IILAX(f M I.MiK, IH OniXGS, Arc*.' t) GELATINE. Pink and White; Russian Isinglass. Corn Ptarcb for Puddings, Farina, fresh SPICES, viz: Cloves, Spice, Mace, Cinnamon, Ac., either ground or unground; all kinds of flavoring EXTRACTS; Paulsen’s and Cox’s sparkling GELATINE: RoeefOmnge and Peach WATER White Mustard SEED; TAPIOCA; Bermuda ARROW ROOT, Ac., Ac., wan anted of very snjierior quality. For sale by WM. H. TUTT, d 9 Wholesale and Retail Druggist. SOUTHERN GARDENER. rpilß 80UT1IKUX FAHMIiU and Market Gardener, I being a compilation of u-eful articless on these sub j-cts, from the most approved Writers, developing the prin ciples, an 1 pointing out the method of their application to the Farming and Gardening of the South, particularly of this section, by F. S. Holmes, of Charleston, S. improved, and enlarged edition. For sale by THOS. RICHARDS A SON, ja’C Biok Binders, Blank Book Manufacturers, Ac. BUGGIES FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS Hubbard’s Patent Carriage Springs. fTTHE subscribers having purchased the patent right for A the State of Georgia, of Hubbard’s Patent improve ment in CARRIAGE SPRINGS, are now prepared to fur nish to order, all kind of vehicles upon this improved plan. By this improvement a straight piece of wood is made to form a durable, cheap and efficient spring of great lightness and strength, that cannot be set or made to strke when brought entirely down to its bearing, and at the same time, s self ailjusting to any weight that the carriage is capable of sustaining. With this improvement a Buggy can be built one hundred and fiftyjpounds lighter than upon the old plan, and to cost one third less. JAMES HULBERT A CO., vnhSl ROBERT 11. MAY; W. H. MAHARRY & CO.. PLAIN AX'D OHX AMKXTAL GAB FITTERS. DWELI.IX <48, Stores, Churches, Ac..fitted up in the neatest manner. Al! work warranted. Plain and Ornamental GAS FIXTURES for sate. Reference* —Col. H. 11. Gumming, President Gas Light Company. Mr. William Holme, Engineer Erecting Gas IVcrks. apls BUTTER AND SODA CRACKERS. - BBLS. Butter CRACKERS, J 10 half bids. do. 25 boxes Soda ilo. For sale by dls HAND, WILLIAMS A CO. Mexican mustang li.mment.-a fresh lot just received nSO and 25 cent bottles. For sale by dls D. B. PLUMB A CO. GELLING TWINE AND SEINE THREAD “ Let those fish now, who neve** fished before, And thus; who always fished, now fish the more.” r.AA LBS. GiUing TWINE and Seine THREAD, of su. t t'J V/ perior quality. Just received and for sale by FORCE, CONLEY A CO., Sign Mammoth Boot, i PERUVIAN til A XOANDLAND PLASTER— L IO torts genuine Peruvian GUANO, DM) barrels LAND PLASTER. Received and for sal low, for cash, in quantities to suit purchasers. jan2s-twAwlm WM. HAINES, Augusta • I A88.—65 bbls. and half bbls.’Choice New’ LARD, just J received and for sale by W. H. STARK A CO., * d 29 Warren Block. KATIE STEIV AR r: A true Story fromßiackwood's M igazine. For sah by ,m G EO. A. GATES * CO. AUGUSTA, GAr* SATURDAY MORIgNG. FKRRUAUY 19, 1853. PIANO FORTES MUSIC, &C. Cm ARLES CATLIN &VO ~ near m/mrs—i > the United States Hotel, Augusta, Ga., are the only authorized Agents for Chick ering’s celebrated U *• * u U IRON FRAMED PIANO FORTES, . Also, for those made by Nunn & Clark, and Adam Stod dard. The superiority and wide spread celebrity of these In truments render any special reference to them unnecessa ry. The universal satisfaction that they iiave given in this market, for more than 15 years, is good evidence of their urabiiity. Their stock is always large and full, comprising every variety and style of 0, fi % and 7 octave PIANOS, which they will sell at the lowest factory prices, (varying rom S2OO to ssuo,) and warrant them sound and perfect in very respect. Their stock of MUSIC is large, and they receive fresh applies every week of all new publications, as soon as they are issued. All orders for Pianos, Music, Violins, Guitars, Flutes, Ac ordeons,&c., will receive prompt and cartful atten on, and will be warranted to please in every respect. MELODKONB. / They have also a complete assortment of Prince & Co.’s MELODEON3. The K y Board is precisely the same as the Piano or Organ ; and the tone cioseiy resembles that of he Flute stop of ilie Organ, and is sufficiently loud for msili Churches. They vary in price from SSO to $ 100. JEWELRY. CHARLES CATLIN keeps for sale at the same place, a arge Stock of fine WATCHES, JEWELRY and SILVER \l ARE, to which he invites tne attention of the uublio. mhJ3 P. BRENNER, ~~~ PI ANO MANUFACTURER, Quality Range, Jlroad Street, Augusta, Ga., IS ready to execute all orders for I*l- ox-cw—, ANOS of all descriptions, which he war rants to be equal in tone, quality and du- bTwH rability to any that are brought from the li * X 1/ U North. The following is one of various testimonials, which have been kindiy given to P. B. by gentlemen in this city. Having bought a Piano of Mr. P. Brenner last year, which was of tils own make, 1 take great pleasure in testify ing my perfect approbation ol it in every respect. It is very rich in tone, easy of touch, elegantly made and keeps in tune most admirably. From what Ihave seen of Mr. Bren ner’s Pianos, I have no hesitation in recommending them foi* their superior quality, to all who maybe in want of a fine and durable instrument. J. B. llakt. August ) September 15,1852. Further references : Rev. Mr. Ford, Mr. J. Seize, Mr. 11. B. Frazer, B. P.igncn, Mr. AVm. It, fichinner and others. Pianos, Organs and otlx r nmsica! instsuiueuts tuned and skillfully repaired, at the shortest notice. P. BRENNER, siH-ly Bread -s', above McKenni-st. SAFES, IRON WORKS, LOOKS, &C. rpilli UiNDERSIONFU I laving contracted to i JL build the SAFES, IRON FIXTI RES, i.uCKS, Ac., in tlie new Banking House of the Bank of Au- t’gt •§ gusta, has permanently located in thi*city,and begs \siw leave to inform the public that he *.» ill execute all orders for SAFES, IRON FIXTURES, STAIRWAYS, LOCKS, BELL HANGING, FENCING, LIGHTNING RODS, ORNAMEN TAL WORK, Ac., &c., including every branch of his busi ness, in the most perfect and satisfactory manner. His shop fa on the north sideof Broad Street, next door below the old Bridge Bank Building, where he will be pleas ed to exhibit Models, Patterns and Drawings to all these who may wish any thing in hi* line. uiy2C-ly AUGUSTUS GRUKNDEL. VALUABLE DISCOVERY. W FIELDS & CO.’S Chemical Liquid SOLDER, I « for Mending broken Glass, China, Earthenware, j Pearl, Ivory, or precious Stone. This article is decidedly I superior to any yet introduced to the notice of the public, | rendering the broken parts joined firmer, and leaving no j stain whatever. Fir sale by D. B. I'LUMB A CO. And Druggists generally. o2i-tf ) JUST RECEIVED, VN assortment of Skiff’s Patent Galvanic Alloy Metal- | lie COFFINd. These Coffins are so constructed as to t exhaust the air when desired. Their make is of th? old 1 lonely form —neatly covered with Black Velvet, adding to j their richness, and very appropriate on Funeral occasions, ( together with Fisk A Raymond’s celebrated METALLIC j CASES, of various sizes, thus affording an opportunity to j parsons selecting for their friemis to, suit their taste and j judgment. We shall continue to keep our supplies lull of ; the varied styles an 1 patterns, as they may be introduced. I HENRY A SKINNER, Cabinet Makers and Undertakers, Broad-st., next to S. 0. Greenville A Co’s. St re. 1 ' BOARDING OUSE. rpilE- undersigned will be’pleased to accommodate a few | JL more will) Board and Lodging. Also, any number ac- j commodated with Board alone. 11 is Table will at all j . times, Vp yupylicd with as gootl as the city «,B<.;*4s. Restdencr on Greene street, between 'the Methodist and | Baptist Churches, formerly occupied bv Mr. Firm. £23-Cm ' C. E. MU.-T'X. i BOOTS AND niLOLS. [ rpilli ’’Eubscriber lias just received,-at' bis i A. Store, oppo ito the United State Hotel, hi l; T , i Fall Supplies of BOOTS, SHOES and BROGANS, f fe I which lie will sell cheap for c<utfs. Ill* Stock ci-r.t- *•«* j prises a great variety, and the very latest st.vios. Call and see them. Prices very reasonable. 012-ts HENRY DAT-Y. j ENGLISH SOLE LEATHER TRUNKS. JU»»’i’ received, a lot of very superior I Sole Leather TRUNKS and VALISES. jjQv) J J|l i Brass Band and Iron Frame TRUNKS, j Hat BOXES, Valise BAGS, Carp, t BAGS, Ac. FORCE, CONLEY A CO., jyls Sign Mammoth Boot. TRUNKS, TRUNKS. * I,ARISE LOT of Fine TRAVEL- I J\ LING TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, VJPJ IJU VALISES. Ladies’ BONNET CASES, Ac. I?. \\ Received by jy7 ALDRICII A ROYAL. WATCHES, JEWELRY. &<:. nHAIIIJIS CATLIX invites the attention of K.J his L lends and the public, to his largo and well selected stock of fine WATCHES, J KWEI.RY, Silver FORKS and SPOONS, PLATED CASTORS, CAN DLESTICKS, and a great variety of Rich Fancy Good?, which lie will sell on the most favoralVc term*, lie has In his Employ one of tlie best Watch makers in this country, who will attend to the repairing of FINE WATCHES promptly and in the very best manner. He has also a prac tical Jeweler, who will make or repair ail descriptions of Jewelry. Engravings of ail! kinds neatly executed, mh'24 PIANO FORTES. r filllJ subscribers would respectfully call 1 the attention of their friends and the PjSSggSgMl public, to their assortment of Rosewood and RTrTjTrjl Mahogany PIANO FORTES, from the well J “ « U J known and justly celebrated Manufact 1 rieeof Bacon A Raven, A. H. Gale & Co., and Dubois k Scabury, New York, which ai-ifwarranted in every respect, to be at hast fully equal to any instruments manufactured in this country or Europe. The subscribers would also state than the instruments now on hand are «f tli’e latest patterns and fashion, and fresh from the maiThfrcturt rs. For sale at very low prices for cash or city acceptances, at GEO. A. OATES & CO.’S myl3 Piano, Book and Music Depot, Broad-st. TO DENTISTS. npIiKTH FORCEPS, Burrs, Drills, Excavators, Plug- JL gets, Mouth Classes, Vices,‘ Anvils, Lancets, Files, Teeth and almost every thing necessary for Mechanical or Operative Dentistry. The largtst supply ever brought to this city, now for sale by D. B. PLUMB & CO., d2B Druggist? near P. O. corner. AUGUSTA SEED STORE, Nearly opposite the United State s and Giohe Hotels. r |' , IIE SUHSCRIBUR has received and will continue *JL to receive throughout tlie season, his stock of fresh and genuine GARDEN SEEDS —Crop 1552. Country Merchants supplied as usual. Great Asparagus Reots, White and Rod Onion Setts, Lu cerne White and Red Clover, Ac., Ac. Jans-d2tnv J. 11. SERVICE. COPARTNERSHIP. HOUSE, SIGN AND DECORATIVE PAINTING. TH K FXI)LK?H;\ lU>, having as.’ociated themselves together, under the name and style of JONES A I’AR KYN, beg respectfully to inform the citizen* of Augusta, and its vicinity, that they are prepared to execute (in a manner hitherto unattained,) witli punctuality and des patch, the following varieties of PAINTING, viz: Grain ingin all its branches'; imitations of Marble, of every description; Fresco Work in Oil; Decoration of Hall.-, ?ar lots, Ac.,in Blocks or Panes; and Plain and Ornamental Sign Writing. J. & P. being thorough masters of their trade, and 1 liv ing a stock of good OILS, PAINTS, &c., constantly on hand will be.enabled to undertake work by contract or otherwise, and complete the same with entire satisfaction. THOMAS JONES, HUGH H. PARKYN, Grainers and Ma riders for McLaughlin A Cavendcr. N. B.—All orders sent to J. &P. through the Post 0 the, or left at their Shop < n Telfair street, 3 doors west of Cen tre, wilt be pronptly attended to. d7-ly TENNESSEE PRODUCE. WKFGS prime new LARD; 10 bbls. ONIONS; 1 cask ONION SETTS; 20 bbls. PO f A TOES ; 30 bushels Seed KYS; SoO bushels CORN. For sale by ja„9 BAKER A WILCOX. ON CONSIGNMENT, 1A HHDS. N. O. Clarified SUGARS. lU —ALSO— Receiving and for sale cheap, 250 bags Rio COFFEE. 15 hints. N. O. SUGAR. 10 “ “ “ Clarified. 150 bbls. A. Ti, and C SUGARS. 200 kegs N ails. 5 half pipes Dupej, Rastean A Seignette BRANDY. 20 qr. casks “ * l “ “ 2 pipes Holland GIN. -Jk 50,000 Havana SEGARB, “ El Famader.” DAVIS, KOBB A FANNING, jan!2 No. 4 Warren Block. FLOUR. FLOUR. Wli have reeeived a lot of family FLOUR, in 100 lb*. bugs, from Judge Bailey’s Mills, Appling, Cass coun ty, which we offer very low. Cali and try one bag, and you will say it Is extra. « nIT _ BUFORD, BEALL A CO. 1/OR SALK.—2 fine young MULES. Apply to 1 junlS J. TAYLOR, JR., A CO. *7-- Illibs. Porto R;co and Muscovado SUGAR. For I O sale low by dl6 BAKER A WILCOX. rR BBLS. Planting POTATOES: 80bbUL~Carter~Jo7; OU 20 bbls. East Port do. f 8 DAWSON A SKINNER. WATCHES REPAIRED. Tin: SI BfCRIBKU ha* opened * SPECIAL r“3> Kc-TAB 18HMENT for the repair of fine y*^ W ATCIIIS, ofxnrery description, in a thorough and wo! UmanAip wanner, and will warrant hi* work for one year. He%# practical WATCU MAKER,ha-. log learnt liis profession fR-cneof the first Manufacturing llous-sot Paris, worked ijererul years ia New York, and the last two years with Mr,®. Gatlin in this city. He therefore confi dent y offers lit* services to the citizens cf Augusta and vi cinity, and wi'lwe every endeavor to give entire sathfac ile will kt c;ifm hapd a select assortment of fine Gold and Silver Wajjbes, together with rich articles of Jewelry for the use of (adten and Gentlemen, all of which he will warrant. V ANTHONY PRONTAUT, o;ie 'ijlor below the Augusta Hotel, Broad st., n2'2 Cm Augusta, G?. WAMELY GROCERIES. ~ JO 11 .Y A .Hll.thA' has Just received at the old stand. No. 205 Lifted street, a new supply of the following ar ticles, viz: W. ' Muscovado,#orto Rico, New Orleans, Stuart’s Steam Refined, Ousted and Clarified SUGAR?; Old Rio COF FEK ; Old Govhrnment Java COFFEE; Pearl CANI>LES; Prime White Mfcrd OANOLES; Starr CANDLES; Superior ' e T MAHOH ; No. 1 SOAP, Toilet SOAP; In h 1 ■.) I A lOjB; Canton GINGER; Freueh and English MI. nI AUP: IfCKLES; PEPPER; ALLSPICE; CLOVES; CINNAMON i JBPtGER; Green and Black TEAS; Fresh XtS2?L *** WINKS ; LIQUORS; TIIE Gaffed MILLS AT WORK AGAIN. TIIKBI-: spljpdid Mills, erected at very heavy cost to theirowner, need support fiom the South; and Citi zens, and Southerners, 1 most respectfully ask you to sus tain them, if :sdi the Granite Mills, do not forget the South You have the Cunningham Mills, the Atlanta, Etovva, Le banon, Deumdad, and other Southern Mills. Have you ever thought tint every barrel of F.our brought from the North deprived the South of aquantity of food for those of moderate means, who can now buy Flour from me at $4.00 per barrel, and that you also contribute to Increase the price of provisions for Negroes and Stock, by giving your patronage to Foreign rather than Home Mills, ol JAMES L. COLEMAN. 8. D. LINTON & CO. CIOAiI.VL'B their Odice in a favorable location, for the > sale of their FLOUR and MEAL, purchase of CORN and WHEAT, Ac., in the East endvf the Warehouse lately occupied by Walker A Bryson. Being thus favorably situ ated, (and time to attend to it,) will receive and sell all COTTONS their friend* desire to send to them fur sale. Ex pecting to be always on the spot, and having but few lots to sell, can do so on advantageous terms, and can remit Check', on their Houses in Greensboro’, Rome, or Dalton, or on such other Bank Agencies as may be moreconvenient to those tiiey sell for. Commissions and Storages as is cus tomary- . AU Cottons consigned them should be marked S. D. L. A Co., Augusta. g 22 T'li 1* AMLHK'AIIi ALMANAC.-, and Repository of Useful Knowledge, lor the year 1:68; The World's Laconics : or the best Thoughts of the best Author*, by Evt rard Berkeley anil William B. Sprague, D. D. Also, an- • other supply t f Select British Eloquence, by Chancey A. j Goodrich, D. I>.; Mrs. Hales’new Cook Book ; Cecelia: or » the Memoirs of an Heiress ; and Henry Edward, by W. M. Thackeray : also, a fourth supply of Men of the Time. Just received by THUS. RICHARDS A SON, janC Blank Book Manufacturers, Stationers, Ac. 'TMIi: SUBSCRIBERS havejust received a fresh sup -1 ply of San-lfj Seidlitz CASE, Recommended as superior to the ordinaryScidletz Powders,producing the same effect, but arc so put up as to be adapted to the use of persons proceeding on long voyages, or residents in damp or hot climates, suffering no change from long keeping, or expo sure to the air, r.nd being the cheapest article ever offered to the public. For sale by nti D. B. PLUMB A CO., Druggists. GEORGIA SARSAPARILLA- A PURE AND UNADULTERATED ARTICLE, FIUfPAHKD nr J. nii.VYIS, M. Al'IirSTA, GA., I /OK DISEASES of Hut Liver, and to purify the Blood.— For sale In Augusta by M in. H. A J. Turpin, Havi land, Risley A Co., D. B. Plumb A Co , W. K. Kitchen, Bar rett A Carter, P. A. Moire, IV. 11. Tutt, and \Vm. Haines; in Hamburg, 3. C., by A. J. Creighton ; Covington, Usher, At dersun A C(>., and by Druggist generally. Tliusoorib ring this article from Druggists, or Comraisrlon Merchants, should express in their orders, JMnmW ffeor <jia 8», .s’ tjtat-i V. nor 8 HOTEL FOR SALE. Till: HOTKL.fn this place, known as “ WASH- Jffc INGTON 11 AI.L,” is offered for sale. It hsssix-JeJ. teen sleeping apartments, a large dining and two reception rooms,every necessary outbuilding, one of thelargest and be.-t gardens in the State, with a fine water lot for paster age attached. Tins valuable property will be sold on rea sonabl.' t rios, and in view of the facts that it is the only Hotel iu the place, and our Rail Road will be completed in a few months, it presents extraordinary inducements to any one wishing to engage in that business. Applv to 18 JOHN 11. DYSON. Washington, G:>., July 28,1:52. jyßl RYE FLOUR. H;YH FLOUR, from pure white Rye, tho- j X'J roughly cleansed from all impurities, can be had at the Store below the Eagle A Phoenix Hotel. Those prefer ring it unbolted can be supplied. Orders left for Graham FLOUR will be attended to. o!3 JAMES L, COLEMAN. HARRISON’S AMBROSIAL SOAP. T/XPEBIK.YCK has proved this article to be fully equa to any manufactured by the French perfumers. It makes a quick and permanent lather on the face, and gives case and comfort in the indispensable operation of shaving. For sale by nT D. B. PLUMB A CO. OCTOBER 28, 1852. / tI.MIK A CO., (late Clark, Rackett A C 0.,) opposite V.' the Rail Road Bank, have now in Store, complete stocks of all kinds of WATCHES; JEWELRY; Silver and Plated WARE; CLOCKS • Pocket and Table CUTLERY; GUNS ; PISTOLS, Ac., with a general assortment of FAN CY GOODS.' They offer to the Tr j.de, Country Merchants, and Deal ers generally, a good supply of GLASS; SPRINGS; MA TERIA L 8 and TOOLS, of every description. oßt FOR COUGHS, COLDS, &C. F> USIITOVS Compound Liverwort PASTE; Smith’s U English Liquorice LOZENGES; Wistar’* Cough LO ZENGES; Gum Arabic LOZENGES, Ac.; all of which are very convenient and pleasant remedies. For sale by o«T HAVILAND, RISLEY A CO, LOOK AND READ. THE GREATEST WONDER OF THE AGE! Dal. \V. 11. MOSELEY, now the most emi- A nent and successful CANCER DOCTOR in the known world, is permanently located in the city of Yg Griffin, Ga., and is prepared to treat all kinds of V A A V E II 8 With almost a magic influence. During the past four years he has cured hundreds of case* that seemed from their ap pearance, to be entirely hopeless. He has never failed to make a PERFECT CURE, when the patient applied in time. Always warrants a cure, or the patient treated the second time free of charge. Give him a call and you will not go away dissatisfied. jel 7-ts P. S. The above stated terms are to take effect from the first day of June, 1352. All patients are required to pay their bill in advance, or settle by note. June 1, 1352. WILLIAM R. MOSELY, IVL D. GUNS, PISTOLS, &C. DOUBLE BARREL SHOT UUIYB, Shot and Pow der FLASKS; Gun CAPS, of best makers; Patent WADDING, Ac.; Allen’s and Colt’s Revolving PISTOLS, and others ; English Belt and Pocket PISTOLS. —ALSO— A fine Self-Cocking and Revolving PISTOL, with five chambered cylinder, patent rifled, firing wadded ball with great execution, splendidly made, by Deane, Adams A Deane, ixmdon Bridge, a beautiful article for any one wish ing a fine instrument in case, with caps, balls, wadding, wrench, driver, cleaning rod, oil cup, extra cones, Ac., complete. For sale low, by CLARK A CO., Dealers in line Watches, Silver AV’ares, Jewelry, Guns, Ac. ©Bl _ ENGLISH VERMIN DESTROYER. VIYEW article that is taking the place of every other Vermin Killer, being safe and effectual in removing Bugs, Roaches, Ants and insects of all kinds, as well as a preventive of their existence wherever it is once used. Price 25 and 50 cents a bottle. Sold by o 27 UAVILAND, RISLEY A CO. BUGGIES FOR SALE. rpm: l YDURSKlAiLD,contemplating a removal from JL Augusta, offers for sale at his new carriage Shop, corner of Broad and Koilock Streets, his entire stock of BUGGIES, all of his own manufacture, and at prices which cannot fail to please. —ALSO— The very desirable Cottage DWELLING HOUSE erected by the subscriber, and now occupied by him, pleasantly situated near the new Episcopal Church, on Telfair street, below Koilock. —ALSO— Three vacant LOTS adjoining the premise*. KBENKZER PAGE. N. D. —The advertiser having left his notes and accounts in the hands of Wright, Nichols A Co., requ sts all persons indebted to him to make immediatepnyment to him. Claims not paid at an early date will be placed in the hands of an Attorney for collection. 018-6 m A I AUIC COPYLYO INK.—A new and important i, 3 L vention, whereby a clear and perfect copy of a lette bill, or any written document can be taken in one minute without the use of a press or any machine whatever. Copies of letters wiitten with this ink, can be taken a week after, they have been written, or immediately, at the option rff the party who writes. Sold by o 2 lIAVILAND. RISLKY_A_CO., Druggst GIbVER WARE.—Rich Breakfast and Tea SETS, of O silver, in chests, complete; Silver PITCHERS; GOB LETS; CUPS; SALT CELLARS; Napkin RINGS; Cake, : Pudding and Pie KNIVES; FORKS; LADLES, and 1 SPOONS, of many different patterns; SYPHONS; Tea ! STRAINERS; Drinking*GOUßDS, Ac.; for sale low by CLARK A CO., ! ©3l Oppoaite the Railroad Bank. _ PA llLOR LAMPS.—A fine assortment, with orna mented Glass Shades, fitted for Fluid, or Phosgene Gas i f sale by L. HANCOCK A CO., i an 14 __ 218 Broad street. 1’ ~y B. R.—so dos. RADWA Y’S READY RELIEF. For sale by WM. 11. TL'TT, i <l9 Wholesale*nd Retail druggist. : rpHE BKASOY 18 PASSIYU, and we have still on j 1 hand a large stock of STOVES, or every variety, i which we are desirous of converting into a different species ' of “ castings,” For decided bargains in these goods. caii on jail L. HANCOCK A CO., 210 Broad at. D' RESgIYG AIS O FINK iWld CaMM».-A elegant assortment of both of the above a. 1 Embracing ail sizes and kinds of U° rn » Ivory. For sale by n»& »B. PLUMB A CO, AUGUSTA HOUSE FURNISHING DEPOT, 210 BROAD STREET, (A few doors beloic Post Office Comer.) TMMo Un . llen,iErned 411 °P en *ng anew their busireas for ibAJ, desire again to caii attention to their extensive stock of HOUSE FURNISHING GOuDS, to which they are constantly adding such articles as the want* of their customers require. We have now in store, a general assortment of Cooking STOVES; Office do.; Parlor, six plate, and Of fice do.; Parlor GRATES; Wood WARE, of all kinds; Willow WARE ; Table CUTLERY ; SHOVELS aod TONGS BrittanniaGOODS; SCALES and WEIGHTS; Enamelled and fin d. IRON VVARE; Japaned WARE, of every ia riely ; Tin WARE, of ciu* own manufacture; Tea and Counter SCALES; BIU.OMS and BRUSHES; Hollow WARE; Japaned Toilet SETTS ; Bronzed Hat, Coat and Umbrella STANDS; Wire and Brass FENDERS; Tin and Wood BIRD CAGE *; Hall LANTERNS ; Burning FLUID ; Door and other MATS ; Well BUCKETS and WHEELS; Lifting and Force PUMPS; Lead and Block Tin PIPE; Brass and Iron FIRE IKONS; Work and Toilet BASKETS, Ac , &e.; together with a great variety of oth r Furnish ing Goods, entirely too numerous for the limits of a news paper advertisement. We are getting in something new every week, and shall endeavor, at all times, to keep on hand such a stock as the trade of tlie city in our line will warrant. L. HANCOCK A CO. TO PHYSICIANS. TO PRACTISING PIJYSICIAXB.— NORWOOD’S TINCTURE OF VERATUUM VIRIDE.—A fresh sup p’y of tiiis valuable preparation just received by D. B. PLUMB & CO., A cents for Georgia. •/V I nee reduced to $1 per vial of two ounces. UNITED STATES HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA. TIIP above HOTEL is now open for the reecptioncf lEH.MANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS, lfus long established and well-known House lm* under gone a thorough alteration throughout, and furnished with new and fashionable FURNITURE. The TABLE will always be supplied with the BEST the market affords ; and tlie Proprietor trusts, by a systematic course, both with servants and the regulations of the house generally, hit will be enabled to give entire satisfaction to those that may favor him with their patronage. J unG JNO. W. SPEAR. THE AUGU3TA BKASS AND COTILLON BAND, JOHN A. BOIILER, Leadcs, IFESPKOTFFI.LY inform the public, that they are L prepared to furnish Music for all occasions required, on reasonable terms. Comm unicat ions addressed to JOHN A., or WILLIAM 0. BOHLER, Augusta,Geo., will receive prompt attention. jyl3-ly ‘FAMILY MEDICINES, PREPARED by J. DENNIS, M. D., Augusta, Ga., 1 proprietor of tlie Georgia Sarsaparilla, a preparation regarded by the most scientific, and those who have used it, as the purest and best of tlie kind that has ever been prepared in tlie United States. Among them are the fol lowing— Choice ANTI-BILIOUS I’ILI.S, a mild and effectual purgative—Price 25 cents per box. STIMULATING TONIC, for Dyspepsia, Colds, and Fe male Complaints, arising from Colds—Price $1 per bottle. COUGH SIRUP, for Cough, Asthma, Ac.—Price 25 cts. per bottle. ASTRINGENT TONIC, for Bowel Complaints—Price $1 per bottle. STIMULATING OINTMENT, for Rheumatic Pains, 4c. Price 25 cents per box. SL'IMUIjATING LINIMENT—Use similar to the Oint ment, but preferable in painful Swellings, Swelled Breasts, Sore Throat, Toothache, Headache—Price 50 cents per bottle. * ANTI SPASMODIC TINCTURE, for all sudden and dan gerous attacks of disea'e, such as Convulsions, Lock-Jaw, Cramp Colic, Pneumonia, and ail other diseases in which immediate action is necessary. U*ed externally, it is su ltrier, in cases of Poisons, occasioned by Hie bite of Snakes, Sting of Bees, bite of Insects, Ac. it so also valuable to relieve inflammation in eases of wounds, bruises, 4c. For horses, it is a sure remedy in Colic, as well ns a valuable article to cause fresh wounds, end other sores, to heal.— Price $1 per bottle. Fold in Augusta by the Proprietor; in Covington by E. U. Pringle 4 Co.; in Wc.rrenton by Hudson. tVeiborn 4 Co., and by Druggists generally. n g GEO. W. FERKy’ T 7 grateful for the liberal patronage extended to v the firm of O. W. FERRY 4 CO., begs leave to say, that, having purchased the interests of his partner in said firm, he wiU continue the business at the old stand, where “hall, at all times be found, a full assortment of the latest, and best styles of Gentlemens’ and Youths’ HATS AND CAPS, of cVi ry grade : Boys’, Misses’, and Childrens’ Fan cy HAT£, CAPS, and BLOOMERS; Silk Florence and Straw BONNETS,a large variety; and of UMBRELLAS, every description ; and he heueuby uareiniitingaUcaUaa tettfo. wants ot his customers to merit a continuance es the pat rsnage so generously extended to the former concern. janlS-ly BOOTS, SHOES AND KUBBERS. q-HE sub sCribers most respectfully’inform their a*m ' X friends and patrons, arid the public general- ffl|l ly, that they have just received a large and splen did assortment of BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS, • Vft. comprising almost every th -cription adapted to this mar ket, and the season for City and Country trade, among which arc many new styles and patterns; allot' which arc offered at the lowest cash prices. Please call and examine our Stock, as ail Goods will be freely shown. Grateful for pa t favors we solicit a continuance of the same. E. L. SYMMONS & CO. Augusta, Oct. 80,1852. ohl GENT'S FINE BOOTS. TI'ST received Rogers’, Benkrrt’s, Miles’ and Brooks fine DRESS BOOTS. —ALSO,— Stitched Bottomed and other tine Water Proof BOOTS, —ALSO, - Patent Leather Calf BOOTS, of the latest style. jan£o ALDRICII 4 ROYALD. SALT, —500 sacks SALT, for side by jai:2’3 BAKER & WILCOX. SLXDRIKB. —Tubs; Churns; Buckets; Seives; Sha ker Boxes; Barrel Covers; Chop’g. Trays and Knives; Willow Chairs; Wagons; Cradles; Ac., Ac. For sale by janl4 L. HANCOCK A CO., 210 Broad-st. TARD OlL.—osogallons,for sale low- by J j ai'O ' WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. lAH “ GASS \nil’s” new HAMS. IvU 15 bbls. Northern CIDER. 10 “ “ APPLES. Fresh SALMON anil LOBSTERS, Hermctricatly Pealed; KETCHUP; French MUSTARD ; PICKLES; Spiced OYS TERS, Ac. Just received by dIG DAWSON A SKINNER. ONIONS. —-25bbls. Yellow and Red Skin Onions, just received and for sale by jant6 P. C. GRENVILLE A CO. DO.VIKSTIC IJULORh.— 20n bbls. Fletcher WHISKEY; 50 “ American BRANDY; 85 quarter and eighths casks BRANDY ; 75 bids. Monongahelia WHISKEY; 40 “ Felton A Son RUM ; 50 11 Gibson A Phelps’ GIN. Xnst received by DAVIS, KOI B 4 FANNING, _ 09 No. 4 AVarren Block. CABINET MAKING AND UNDERTAKING. HENRY & SKINNER, at their new stand, next to A. Lafitte’s Auction Room, have and will keepon hand a supply of Mahogany and other COFFINS, made of the best materials, and on reasonable terms. In connection with the above, we keep a constant supply of Fisk 4 Raymond’s Celebrated METALIC BURIAL CASES of ail sizes — orders filled at short notice. N. B.—FURNITURE, MATTRASSKS, 4c., for sale and made to order. ja9 COOPER’S ISINGLASS OR GELATINE. A very Bflfierior article for Jellies, Blanc Mange, 4c. A fresh lot just received, and will be sold very Ijw by Janls WM. 11. TUTT, Druggist. MEAL. —100 sacks good CORN MEAL, just received, and for sale by S. C. GRENVILLE 4 CO. jaul G1 RATES, GRATES.— A fresh supply to arrive to- F day. Call scon for a good selection at ja!4 L. HANCOCK & CO.’S, 210 Broad st. SHOES, BLANKETS. KERSEYS, Aft Q AAA PAIRS Heavy BROGANS, made to order; 5,000 lbs. Sole, Harness and Band LEATHER; lOcasesheavv Wool UAT3; 20 “ Georgia PLAINS; 10 bales No. I OSNABURGS; 1,000 pairs heavy Negro BLANKETS. —ALSO— -100 boxes assorted Gulatus TOBACCO; 50 “ best Goshen CHEESE; Just received and for sale upon good terms by J>H BUFORD, BEALL 4 CO. AT ATTICO LEAVES.—Fresh and fine, just received I*l bv jan‘2s WM. 11. TUTT, Druggist. HARRISON’S “Upper Ten” EXTRACT, a mosYde lightful perfume—superior to Lubiu’s. For sale by JantV WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. CORN. —1000 bushels prime Corn, in strong Osnaburgs sacks, just received and lor sale by JanlC P. O. GRENVILLE 4 CO. A GOOD BLACKSMITH to Hire.’ Apply at tiffs of fice. * jan9 TIM) LE I’.— A suite of 8 R OMS,on Broad street, to let, 1 with Board if desired. Apply at this office. janl9 11 \ATS, OATS.— 1000 bushels, a first rate article. For V / sale by did GEORGE W. LEWIS. SALT. — 200 bushels bulk SALT, slightly etained, for sale by 417 BAKER 4 WILCOX. SUGAR HOUSE SYIUI'.—UK) bus. Sugar House SYRUP, No. 1 and 2. For sale by jnn9 IUKFR_4 WILCOX. CUBA MOLASSES 40 hhds. prime Cuba MOLAS3- J FS, in Store and for sale by janl2 ' W. 11. STARK A CO., Warren Block. THOM ASTON LlME.—loo bills, fresh THOM AS TON LIME, just received and for sale low by <124 ESTES 4 RICHMOND. CLARK & CO., Dealers in WATCHES and JEWEL-, RY, will make to order any article of Jewelry, Moun Diamonds or other Stones, or reset them in any style. 08 OATS, OATS. —500 bushels in store, and to arrive.— For/aleJ>y Janl 8. C. GRENVILLE 4 CO. NEW BACON.—4,OOO lbs. NEW BACON, hog round, for sale by janll E3TES 4 RICHMOND. COAL, COAL.—4O hh la. Cannel COAL, for sale from wharf by GEO. W. LEWIB, Warren Block. Jan 22 LANTING POTATOES. —For sale jan22, BAKER 4 WILCOX. VOL. XVII. NO. 42 CHRONICLE & SENTINEL. [From our Evening Eli tkn of yesterday.] From tf* Charleston Courier—By Teltyraph. New* by t ie Alps. The British Mull steamship AuvuLa arrived at Liverpool on Sunday, tho Buih ult. The Liverpool Markets.— The demand for Cotton, alter the departure of tho Nbigaia on the 29th ult., was good, and tho sales amounted to 25,- 00(r bales, of which Speculators took UOOO. All qualities had slightly advanced, the lower prudes most. Fair Or’.ean was quoted 1 1 iliddlii g Orleans at std.; Fair Uplands o> s 'd ,'und M.ddliig Uplands at b%d. Messrs. Wright & Gandy quote a continued up ward tendendy in Cotton, a-.d stato that there is increased confldencer evinced by all classes of o*h alore. The common qualities have advanced, tWv ray a full eighth of apennv. The sales since Fri day, the 28th ult,, they give as 27,000 hides, agam-t 12,000 imports during the same period. and Yarns have advanced in Manchester, which they think will cheek extensive operatiora. Western Canal Flour was quoted nt 255. per 125 lbs. All qualities of Corn had largely declined. Trade in the manufacturidg districts Las slightly improved. Austria.—The speech of Napoleon, announcing his marriage, caused great condition in Vienna. Baltimore, F. b. 17.—General Fierce, on his ar rival at New York on Wednesday evening was r: - ther unwell. He left, however, for Fliiladclphb', this, Thursday evening. Mrs. Fierce has not tc companied him but remains in Boston. New Orleans, Feb. 16.-—On "Wednesday 6,'>00 bales of Cotton were disposed of. A decline of fully a quarter of cent lias taken place since Mon day. Middling is quoted at from aB% cents. Sugar lias declined an eighth.' Mess l’< Ik is steady at irom 15.50 to $lO. Rice is worth #4 25 per lob lbs. Lard bus declined a quarter—l3oo kegs „f. prime have been sold at 10 cents per lb. Freights are firm. New Orleans, 17.—8000 hales of Cotton wore sold on Thursday. SCO tierces of prime Fee changed hands at $4.25 per 100 lb«. Whiskey was quoted at from 21 to 21J*j cents per gallon. Tho brig Telegraph, Capt. Laurens, has arrived from Charleston. Tnejahooner Antelope lies clear ed for Savannah, and the brig Mazathm, Captain Lewis, and l’rincipe, Capt. Gilchrist, for Charles ton. [ln our report of the state of the Ncw-Orlemm Market on Monday, it was mentioned that largo sales of Bacon hud'been effected at Oja cents per lb. for Sides; on enquiry we find that it should have boon BTiio mistake occurred in the Telegraph office, and not with ns or our reporter.]—/.i/V. Courier. New-Orleans, Feb. I".—The steamer Osprey, with Havana dates cf the 10th inst., lias arrived.— She brings intelligence that Mr. King’s health was improving. Trenton, Feb. 15.—The Air Line Railroad Fill passed the Assembly to-day, and it is thought it will pass the Senate also. Fittsbitro, Feb. 14th.—The City Council l ave passed a resolution this evening, unanimously, to subscribe one thousand shares, amounting to five hundred thousand dollars, to the Fittsburg and Conuellsvillc Railroad. New Orleans, Feb. 10. — Later dates from Texas state that tho Indians were very troublesome.— Tiioy had attacked Laredo and killed two citizens, and committed other outrages'. New York, Feb. 15.—The caloiic ship Ericsson sailed for Norfolk at ", F. M., making 6 per hour at ebb tide. She reached the Spit about 6 o’clock, averaging 7 knots per hour at ebb tide, and w ith a head winch Burlington, Vt, Feb. 15th.—The majority «in favor of the Liquor Law in this Slate is about 2,000. COMMERCIAL. NEW YORK, Feb. 15.—-Flour. —Sales of 10,000 bbl«: at $4,ST#@5 for State, $5 373«.'<fVr , \5i» for Genm-si-ee, .".'1 @s,t>3 for Southern. Wheat unsettled. Corn—salts of 20,000 bushels white at Gucents- St cks—S .les at First Hoard of Canton at 124 ; Erie 90#; Harlem 65.; Norwich 523* ; Heading 91; Cumberland 0234 ; Morris Canal 21 V; New Creek Sales at Second Board of U. 8. (s's, ’O2, at Ilf V. ; Cnm bcrland 623tf; New Creek S3* • Harlem 6>'. ; Erie 9034' ; Reading 90#. MOBILE, Feb. 10, 4:20. P. M. —Market languid and ir regular. Middling Fair, 9#, Good Middling 9to 9’,', Mid dlings S# to 931, Ordinary 7# to 7 ‘,. EXPORTS. ’ SAVANNAH, Feb. 15.—For Liverpool, per ship Gledyor, 13939 bales Up. and 877 do. S. 1. Cotton. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. SAVAXNAIt, Feb. 17.—Arr.brig Excel, T-Uman, New York; brig Alfred Exall, Golder, New-York; sthr. Mary Zimmerman, North Carolina; schr. John Phillips, Bridges, New-Orleans. CM. Br. shipOlenlyon, llouson, Liverpool; brig It. M. Charlton, Lightbourne, Cardenas. CHARLESTON, Feb. IS.—Arr. schr. Susan Cannon, Frisbie, Baltimore. Cld. Sp. ketch Medusa, Juan, Palma and Barcelona; Sp. bark Petuisa, Grenada. Palma and Barcelona ; Sp. pol. Astrea, Oliver, Palma and Barcelona ; Sp. bark Bell Antonia, Forrontegui, New-Orleans. WINES AND LTQUORS. 1 A QUARTER CASKS Malaga WINE; L V 15 qr. casks Madeira aDd Port l>o.; 1“ ■ “ Jamaica RUM; 1 puncheon Scotch WHISKEY; 4 half pipes Holland GIN ; 5 “ “ fine French BRANDY; '4O bhls. Felton’s RUM ; 40 “ Gibson’s GIN; 60 “ Monongaheia WHISKEY; Just received by dl2-d£wtf ESTES A RICHMOND. GRANITE HULLS FLOUR. I AM RAKER AKD PASTRY COOK at the Au gusta Hotel,and, unsolicited, have offered this, rnv tes timony, to pronounce the Double Extra Family FLOUR, from the Granite Mills, in the hands of a competent Ba ker, to rank with the best which can be made, and give it as my opinion, it will pass any Inspection in to- United States as Extra Family. P. 11. MAGUIRE. J UST ARRIVED. —Another lot of prime Mhite Gen esee W HEAT. J. L. COLEMAN. ITH'O.VOM Y.—PeaMEAL for Milch Cows. Recollect, 1 li bushel made into a thick mush, will make neatly lour. —ALSO,— On hand Crushed Com and W heat BRAN, which makes a very che'ap food for Cows. J. L. COLEMAN. jan26 WM. H. TUTT, Trholesale and Retail Druggist, and Proprietor of THE PECTORAL ELIXIR AND COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. Augusta Georgia, n OFFERS for sale at extremely low prices, fgg* 10,000 lbs. superior WHITE LEAD; IS 750 galls. English Linseed OIL; BBL 1,500 lbs. PUTTY 250 boxes Windsor GLASS; 2,000 lbs. No. 1 POTASH ; 50 do*. Planett’a Dyspeptic BITTERS; 150 gross MATCHES; 800 lbs. Gum CAMPHOR; 1200 Ibs.INDIGO; 1590 lbs. MADDER; 8000 lbs. COPPERAS; 5 bbls. GLUE; 10 “ ALUM; 10 “ Epsom SALTS; Dr. Janes’ MEDICINES; McMunn’s ELIXIR OF OPIUM; A splendid assortment of Surgical INSTRUMENTS ; 5 gro. Mexican Mustang LINIMENT; 50 doien superior Lemon SYRUP; CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, Ac., Ac. dl9-dA w WM. H. PRITCHARD" MERCHANDIZE BROKER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, BRIDGE BASK BCILDIStt, Angnsta Georgia, 18 apw prepared to receive consignments of all kinds of GOODS, WARES and MERCHANDISE—make cash ad vances upon articles in store, and attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care. His attention will be directed to the hiring and selling of NEGROES, renting or telling of LANDS, LOTS, or HOUSES —as well as to the sale of all kinds cl MERCHAN DIZE, new or old. FURNITURE, Ac., Ac The patronage of his friends and the public is solicited, as he Intends to do a cash business or no business. fob7 _____ r> MARK FINK JELLY.—First, call at D. B. Plumb A Co’s, and get “any quantity” of Fine Prench roll Gelatine, (mark that, the French Gelatine.) Secondly, get a vial or two of Flavoring Extracts, and they will furnish receipts for making it. sej*2s r n BOXES RAIBIAS. 5 bbD. CRANBERRIES, oil febß DAWSON A SKINNER. ASHING WITHOUT LA BO It.—The celebrated 80AP POWDER, warranted to take the stains out of Table Linen and Napkins. Full directions accompany , ea £T rCeL “ to D B. PLUMB A CO. LCHOHOL.—To arrlva, 8 bbb. superior ALCUO B1 , HOL - dlrect frwn 0lBd T“d. cnSmuP* co. a wirrKSLßO.ViiTadies’ National Majasine for Februa- P „ received by GEO. A. OATES A CO., j 4n jg Piano, Momc and Book Depot. AHO.—kits and bbls. of choice new Lard, just re j eelved and for sale by janlfl 8. C. GRENVILLE * CO,