Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, February 19, 1853, Image 3

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Mtt»rSSX*&iGKT DAGUEEBIAH OALLEKY. l*SrTh» andenlfaed Would respectfully an. to tta citiiea* of Augustaand vicinity, that the Im *roremeata at hi* Gallery »r« now completed, ar.dh.u every iUtf fer producing the beet picture* In this Coa try. ptrncw &et Light is the largest In the Uni a Mates, , for Daguerrian purposes, and contain* fico nmdi-etl * l dtU*niy-J tt:e W uire f eet< ? O' 6 *** —affording every ra .„t _ fcr obtaining large groups as well as single pictures in<M* exqui» ite beauty and effect. Persons having pic * res taken at this Gallery, can depend upon having vtl „m ieeoted in the highest style of the art. He has j u from the North a great variety of all the new and beautiful styles of cases, from which person* may matte se i notions. picture* taken at all hours of the day. MiSUTCSRS on Ivoar executed in his inimitable style. ,il»er medals, fa st premiums , cun be seen at his Gal erf* Always dealing with manufacturers at the North, I an red to furnish Operators with Stock, Instruments and Chemical* at the very lencestprices. A large supply con stantly 00 hand * r»llerj oTer Clark A Co’s store, and next door to the pjoffice. ntO-Cm B. 8. DODGK. PEBSinJM SKY LIGHT DAGUEBEEOTYPES. Removal. —Mr. LEIGH having withdrawn from of LEIGH, TUCKER A PERKINS, the undersigu l/wili continue their former business, and for the more ccessful prosecution of their beautiful Art, have removed • *°theT new and commodious Rooms, No. 210 Broad street, (nearly opposite the Augusta Hotel) where they have all L facilities that can be desired from one of the most Lntiflcally arranged Sky Lights in this country. They would embrace this opportunity of returning their thinks for the very liberal patronage extended to then: r several years past ; and being determined to merit a 3)ofinance of the same, and not be surpassed by any one in their profession, in producing Daguerreotypes of the richest tone and most life-like expression, one of the firm v has spent the past season at the North, and nothing now and useful either in Instruments, new styles of Pictures, or cases, has escaped their notice. N B. Oar patrons will please bear hi mind, that our pre- K nt Roomsare easier of access than any rooms heretofore osed for the same purpose in Augusta. P S.-Operators in the country purchasing slock wili please recollect that we "have just completed our arrange ment witff whole sale dealers at the North, and we are de termined tofurnish those who wish at lower rates than can brought elsewhere south of New Ycrk. TUCKER A PERKINS. I. Tccxza, 012 J. . I’kr.Kixft. • _ {3f" Cheap Ready-Made Clothing of all ilescrip tions can be had at the “ People’s Clothing Store,’’ kept by J. M. NEWBY A CO., under the U. 8. Hoh l. We have CLOTHING to fit al! sizes, shapes, api s, Ac., al-o, a large Stock of hue SIIIRTB, DRAWER, GLOVES, SUSPEND ED, Ac., Ac. Country merchants will find it to their in terest to price our goods before going farther —tvs will sell them as low ns they can be had ia New York. (315 M&BBIED. r In Malison, Ga., on th ; 16th inst., by the lt*v. L. L. Wiiti-h, Col. DAVID S. JOHNSTON, (formerly of. North Crroliaa,) Attorney at Law, Augusta, Ga., and Miss ANNA GOUDYLOCK, the only daughter of the late Judge Adam G. Ssffjld. FOB PHILADELPHIA. ULS. MAIL LINE. Philadelphia & Savannah tstenin Navigation Co. rIE new and splendid side wheel Steam _ Ship STATE OP GEORGI A, 1230 tons faster, Capt. Waltkb Collin-, will leave v-, Br •| ?' Savannah, as follows : Wednesday, February 231,.... Wednesday, May 4th “ March 9th, “ jliy 18th. “ March 23d, “ June Ist. “ April 6-. h, “ June 15th. “ April 2*>:h, “ Juue 29:h, This Ship lias been built with strict regard to the safety and comfort of her Passengers, and her accommodations are unsurpassed by any Steam Ship on the coast. A new Steam Ship now building, in eflery respect equal to the State of Georgia, will take her place in the line du ring the mouth of June next, and will, with the State of Georgia, make a weekly line, leaving each port on Wednes day. Cabin passage from Savannah to Philadelphia.s2s ft!) Cabin passage from Savannah to New York 25 oft Steerage....., 9 00 C. A. L. LAMAR, Agent in Savannah. HERON A MARTIN, feblD Agents in Philadelphia. CRUTCHFIELD HOUSE, KORMKKI.Y GKIFVIS HOl'.'K, CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE. THIS well known Hotel situated within a few Rtfps of the passenger car landing of the Western and At lantic. Railroad is now opeu under the supervi.-ion of 1 lit*’. CRUTCHFIELD, assisted by Mr. J. W. F. HRYtON and LADY. This House, while under the control of C l. J. J. Griffix, acquired a very high reputation as a first class Hotel. The pre ent proprietor having secured the service.- of Col. Griffin’s liar keeper, and having purchase! his most excellent c ok and house boy,and having furnished the house entirely anew, hopes to retan its high reputation tail merit pub’ic patronage. Passengers can be accom madated writh an Omnibus to and from the boats, febl9-1 y TIIOS. CRUTCHFIELD, Proprietor. TO KENT, T y ATIL the first of October next, the HOUSE on U the north side of Greene street, near the corner of Lincoln and Greene, and a few doors below tire Hough ton institute, recently occupied by Col. A. C. tVldkell. febl9-lw IV.II. A. WALTON, Adm’r. KENTUCKY MULES F 0 SALE- Twenty good mules at j. m. fwa. box’* Stables, in Augusta. vfega Apply to-day. For sale by feb!9-H* B. L. SANDUSKY, nlt hLhl) UKKP. —We have just receive 1 a fev. A barrels of superior quality, put up expressly for cu: city trade. febl9 DAWSON k SKINNER. Oi t’OStilU.AMKX T. —2ft'tbls7Newark CUDr K." 10 bbl* NORTHERN APPLES. febl9 ■ • ' DAWSON v SKINNER. BBEAST PIN LOST. LOST, on Thursday night, on the rout from Greene street to Concert Hall, a valuable old BllEAfti PIN. The finder wiil be suitably rewarded >y leaving it at this office. feb!9-2t OX COXSIUNMKXT.—A choice lot of new BACON, Hog round. SKYMOCK, ANSLEY k 00. Jfebl9-3__ _ __ NOTICE. XTtriLL BE SOLO, on the 15. h cf MARCH next, to tv the highest bidder, the stock of DRUG? and MEDI CINES, in that fine large store, corner Broughton and Whitaker street-, iu Savannah, together with the fixtures and unexpired lease of the building, being one of the Lest stands in the city, t ale positive unless disposed of privately before that day. For particulars, address W. JOHNSON, febl9-l.*3w Marshall House, Savannah, Ga, AD MIXISTR A TOR’ej BAUI.-Wili be sold, it th< Lower Market House in the City of Augusta, Rich mond county, on the first Tuesday in MAY next, within the usual hours of sale, agreeable to an order of the Ordi nary of Richmond county, a Negro man named ABRAM, about 29 years of ape, a good Field hand, Drayman, and Carriage Driver or Wagoner, and a first rate and valuable Negro. Sold as the property of John L. Tinley, late of Richmond county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heir* and creditors of said deceased. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay for Bin. of fta’e. ALEXANDER DKAft, Adm'r. on the Estate of John L. Tinley, deceased. February 19,1853. RH'HM OXD COUNTY, (aJSORGIA.- —WhereaVj George M. Thew, Administrator on the Estate cf Jo seph Brown, late of Philadelphia, deceased, applies for Let ter* of Administration on said Estate — Those are therefore to cite and admonish,all and singular, . the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appeal •tray office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, If any they have, why said letters Bhould not be g.'antc J. Given under my hand at office in Au'usta. - February 19,1N53 LEON P. DUGAS, Ordinary. RH'U MO.>O I OUA I'Y, "tJfc,t>.— vVPereas. Edwarti Girardey applies for Letters of Administration (with the wii! annexed, the Executors named in the said will haring declined to qualify,) on the Estate of Martin FrcU «riek, late of said county, deceased — These are therefore, to cite and admonish, ail and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed bylaw, to •how cause, If any they have, why said letters should not he granted, as to the Court may seem best for the interest *f the said Estate. Given under my hand at office in Augusta. r pwo Movnis afterdate, application win ue m.iae A to the Ordinary of Warren county, for leave to sell al! hANDg belonging to the Estate of William Slone, late °* warren county, deceased, except the widow’s dower. ISAAC C. HARMS, Adm’iv CATHARINE STONE, Adm’x. February 19,1353. QBORGIA, OIiLLTHOHPK t.’OtXTY.—Where Sp ( M i James T. Petty, and Franklin C. Camphell, np -40 m « for Letters of Admin stration upon the Eetute of * Tx 01 *xidcounty, deceased — kre, therefore, to cite, summon an I admonish, all *®jl«nsular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, b* »al appear at my office within the time prescribed by tMjAowcause, if any they have, why said letters •“CbM not be granted. Given under my hand at office. _rebruary 19,1*51, HENRY RRTTAIN. Onlir.arv. WtiLiv 1 liUitPii vui .* l a.— ,> n-jie fbr iJtt Lids and Mordacai W. Woods apply toine tJwTT*” Administration upon the Estate of John ™d*.Ute of said county, deceased— larT*j?re,theref ’ ,re ' to cite HnJ summon, all and singu aoi*^” red and ere lit ors of said deceased, to be and ** ®F office within the time prescribed by law, to hew.*!"?’ if an F Gi*F bdve, why said letters should not uoder my hand at office. G^ R ™™L OULKT,,OKI>K Ctft-XTY.-cC’RT Wh OF oß ° ina GY, FEBRUARY TERM, 1553. last .m***! and Davis Owen, Executors of the fe*tament of Glenn Owen, deceased, having to this Court, that they have fully administered th« or »uch deceased, and pray to be dismissed from Ituw ®i*tration of the same. .i! ed ' t * l ® rc - or *. by the Court, that all persons in- Coii* Rt llle next September Term of this to John \v Bismissory should not be granted ° wea M Executors a’orevaid, * SemjLJ J* thi, Role be publishd.l in the Chronicle btr Twm ’ We ® w F* ‘ or *l* months preceding said Septinn c°urtor ° rdi - FJbmary J 9, ism, iIKNRY BRITAIN, Ordinary. COMMJKRCIAL. AUOUSTA "m akkey" ' Fnirar, P. M. COTTON.—The America'* accounts have caused no change in the market to-day. Demand Fair. Sales cf Ft lined at T mo Ply Rt 7,'i ; Middling to Good Mid dlihg 9@9>l; Middling Fair ojtf; F.tlr 9ji(^9 I '<:. CHARLFPTON, Feb. 18. — Collon —There was n mode rately fair rVicund for thi* article for reveal days preeert ng the datcofo r-last publication, which was freely met by seller*. The transaction* generally, however, were charge terixed by a good deal of irregularity in prices, and the week closed, to say the least, upon a drooping market which was particularly the case with the lower g ades of cotton, which had been very much neglected. The rnid d.iug qualities at the time were uoinlnally valued at 9 1 d> tftc. There were but few buyers in attendance in the'ear ly part cf the present week, and (lie market during the first three day* wore a languid and drooping appearance, but prices exhibited no positive change on the rates paid when we closed our report of the 1 lih inst. On Tuesday the trade were put iu possession cf the favorable advices brought over by the steamer Niagara, which it was thought would check the downward tendency in prices, but the very heavy re ceipt*, and the rapid accumulation cf the stock at our port soon dispelled thi* belief, if it ever w is setionslv entertain ed ; ami during that and the following day the transactions weto. quite limited—for buyers teemed nut disp'sed to ope rate nl all—and made on terms lower than had previously been submitted to. Yesterday the demand materially in creased, mi l a comparatively active business was done, at about similar rates, but prices were very irregular, so much wi indeed, that wi find it impossible to give quotations with that degree of accuracy we tbotihl wish; those we offer below, however, wili approximate very near the pre sent value of the article. The jeceipts of the week com prise 2d,2*5 bities, and are the heaviest of the season. The sale? in the same tir.re sum up an aggregate of 6212 bale* at the subjoined prices:—l6s at 7>j, !(.* at" 3 ,', 112 at 7 7 „, 617 at 8, 37 at \V, 155a \!j, llfiat 811-16,141 at 8’„ vsj at S»j|, 467 at 9; Vim at 9?., :‘.|6at v s ,', 573 at 9V, ;■! at 9,5. StMatOj*', 418 at 9»j, 1326 at It), 12d at 10**, 183 at 10>t, and 8* bales at I'iifc. We quote ordinary to good ordinary —; middling to good middling *9 V<&9; npd liing fair .i;i@l0; fair and fully fair and choice —! the Lung Cotton market, which lias been rather quiet, has this week assumed a considcrab’c degree of activity, and full.) "ftiti bales have been sold at full prices, and embracing the following quotations, viz: common to prime Florida* fiftifcoS cents, common to prime Banters and Mains 85(7). -ft l, Middling Fine to Sea Islands^-tarf/iOfts., ar.d upward* for extra Fine. tci-:e.— This Article continues to attract a'tenfion, and the demand during the wick ha* fully übaqrbed the re cdpte, which comprise 4220 tierces. The 'transactions generally, not only show a full range W prices, but sellers have o-rcasionally obtained a slight advantage over buy ers. The transactions have racgtdl from B&4X hun dred, according to quality; but by far the larger portion of the sales have been made within the range of < 'em —The transactions have fully sustained our quiita- Uonsa»f the 11th inst., if we except one cargo, which was sold out to dealers at 72c. *{’ bushel. Ihe receipts comprise .i 2:o’ft liu-dielsi from North Cart lina, ami 2000 bushels West ern $ Railroad. b *»u— Wef have no chang” to record. The demand, which has been limited, lias been confined chieliy to Balti more brands. J&vo»i —The receipts since our lasi comprise about 20ft packages, vt*: 7ft hhd*. Western Hams, which have been odd at ]s>fc., and the remainder hUd*. Sales and Shoul ders, old and m w meat, of which there have not been enough sold to establish prices. Lai d. —We have no transactions to report. The article is neglected, and wo have been informed that it has been offered at lower prices. •Stiff. — Ihe receipts since our last comprise *0111*68(1(1 sack?. The demand is being supplied from on shipboard, m lots to suit purchasers, at 95c. anti f I ,3 sack. Bagging and Pope. —Nothing has been done in those articles worthy of particular notice. Efforts are making to put up the price of Gunny Cloth, with what success remains to be seen, in the meantime we quote about Iljtf@l2c. as the market value. pumesiic Ligaors. —There has been a heavy accession to our stock of N. O. Whiskey—the receipts this week hav ing reached about 13 >0 bids. About fifty bbl*. of this quan tity have been sold mostly at 26@?6)tfc. p* ga'ton. We have no transactions to notice in other description*. Sugar —The heavy operations of the previous week left the trade very'-ttle to do during the week just closed, the transactions having been confined to a few small lots of Louisiana descripti n at prices ringing from Tjatgh’fc. as in quality. The markt t exhibits a good jleal of firmness, undprices are full. Received since our last lfin hiids. Mus covado, and ISftlihds. from New-Orleans. ( ’ojree— The transactions have been confined fsolciy to Rio, of which about HOft bags have been sold. We quote extremes 9 5 I'Vt : the gales, however, have been principal ly at 9)4' and 9j^c. .v portion of the receipts of Cuba, held over from tile previous week, have been sold at 19 and sft* ceift ■. dome -tuft bbls. of New-Orleans, received since our last, have been sold—part to arrive ami the balance on arrival. The more recent transactions have been at B \%c. $ gallon. Krehtihges— Sterling has advanced to 9> 4 per cent. prem.; at least this is the Bank rate. Francs arc noirui »1; Bigtit Checks on New York, *5 per cent. prem. b’nights. —We continue toquote 7-lfihad. as the rate to Liverpool, for square b ig’ Cotton. A vessel was taken bp a few days since to load for Havre at T„<: for square ’i ig.?; 1 for Sea Islands, and $3 per fiftft lbs. for Rice. To New-York, fur Cotton, and l.’j for Rice. To Bos ton jsc. far do. Stock*. —There hast been some little demand for local Stocks this week, which resisted as follows, viz: Railroads at 116,V,: and sll9 ; 2ftft shares Commercial Insurance at $.Bl share; a few new Charleston's equal to *ll9 for the old ; Union’s at par. At auction, 67 shares Union gold' at !9jk ; ami t > Planters’ and Mechanics’s at 2S,'a ; 10,00 ft dollars worth ofSavannali 7 ct. bonds, interest payable semi-annually at tht City Bank of New-York, at slft’2 q' and interest: and I4,(hh.i dollar* worth of City of t ’ luinbm fi \> cent Bondilit 95>j atul .ffto/ri. BGUGIA, OGLLTIIOHPL COUNTY,—COURT UF OF ORDINARY, FEBRUARY TERM, 1:58. Whereas, Uieha-d 8. To} lor and William 11. Wooten, as of Ciark Taylor, deceased, have petitioned this Cfttirt f*r Letters Dismissory on the Estate of said de ceased. H i* therefore ordered, that all persons interested, sliow eau*e at the next September Term of this Court, v. iiy such letter* should not be granted, and that a copy of this Rule >e publish-,d in the Chronicle & Sentinel, weekly, for six six months next preceding/eaid September Terms. A true Extract from the Minutes of the Court of Ordi nary. held February Term, 1653. » February 19,1653. HENRY BRITAIN, Ordinary. PXECUTOR'a S Al.E.—Agreeable to an order of the 12 Court of Ordinary of Oglethorpe county, will be sold, before the Court House door in the town of Lexington,ou the first Tuesday in APRIL next, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: JIM, a feiiow,about hirty five or forty years of age; EMILY, about twenty years of age, and her child, GEORGE, two years ol«l. : — Said Negroes falling to the children of Nancy Wilkes, do ceased, under the will of George Latimer, deceased, ft aid property sold in order to make a division among the chil dren of the satu Nancy Wilkes, deceased. Terms of rale ni;i;de known on the day. February 19,1858. JOHN V. LATIMER, Ex'r. / I EOHUIAT WAiikiKN l Ol NTY.~Whereas, Da * T vid I*. Montgomery applies to me for Letters Iti unis soryfrum the Guard anshipof the property of Charles 11. Montgomery, minor— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all ami siA .ru'ar, the klndted of said minor, to be and appear at my ftlicc within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, f iuy they have, why said letters should not be granted. ' Given under my hand at office in Warrenlon. ARDEN It. MEliftHON, Ordinary. February 19, 1653. p KOHGIA, W VRREIV COUNTY.—Whereas, Fe -1 F lix Granade applies tb*me for Letters of l)i*mission from the Estate of Rhoda Gee sling, late of said county, de ceased — These are, therefore, to die and admonish, all and sin -jsi'ar, thr kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and ■show cause, if any they Have, why' said letters should not be granted. Given under m.v hand at office in Wavrenton. * . ARDEN It. MERSUDN, Ordinary. February 19, 16'3. DR. HASTINGS’ COMPOUND SYEUP OF NAPTHA, VPlJtftlTlVli cure for Consumption, Decline, Asthma,, and ali Disease* of the Chest and Lungs. A single bottle will prove its efficacy. Heretofore all, regular prac titioners placed consumption amongst the' incurable dis eases; and as lucli, the hospitals i f ail cities declined to re ceive as patients persons attficte l with it. Happily, how ever, a discovery has '’ten made which disarms Uonsurr, 11- ion of its terror*, it entirely under our control. For the truth of all we say, we refer to any of the mo:t emi nent Physicians of Hospitals in America and Europe, who now, through the aid of Dr. Hastings’ Naptha Syrup, re cognize Consumption as curable, and daily rejoice in the re timing health and strength of those for whom b'fore its d scuvery, they could have expected or even Imped for no soccer but the grave. It is,in fact, tire only preparati.n •ver known to have succeeded in arresting the formation of tubercles in the Lungs, or in removing those already formed. For Asthma, Coughs, Night ftweats, Spitting cf Blood, Difficulty.'of Breathing, and Soreness of ihe Chest, Hastings’ Naptha Syrup, by at once grappling with the root of the disease, stands before alt known remedies; and its operations in all cases arc so speedy that p itier.ts begiu to feel its beneficial effect? soon after the first or second dose. AYe might fill a volume with but we simply ask for a single trial of thi* medicine, for ■we are confident that there is no person suffe: ing from any disease of the lungs but will find an immediate benefit and speedy cure from its use. Price J1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. For sale in Augusta by HAVJLAND, RISLEY & CO. BARRETT A CARTER, W. K. KITCHEN, AY. 11. TUTT and Country Merchants and Druggists generally. febl 3 dAwfim rpHR LOFTY and the Lowly: or Good in all and None JL All-Good, by M. J. Mclntosh, author of Two Lives: or To Seem and to Be, Charms and Counter-Charms, Donald son Manor, etc., etc., etc. Just received and for sale by . J. A. CARRIE k CO., feb!2 Book/ellers and Stationers. 1) ACOA, —5 hhds. New and Old Baltimore HAMS,can ) vased and uncanvased. Also 2 hhds. Shoulders. Just received and for sale by S. C. GREENVILLE & Co. felft AUGUSTA DAIBY~ ~ 'plIE gUfISCH IB Kills now prepared to furnish Im- JL telsand private families with any quantity of MILK eight cents per quart, and deliver it at their residences every night and morning. Persons wishing can leave their orders at the office of Jamks P. Fujjhsg. felG 1y JOHN LOVETT k CO. |)EAS. —100 bushels PEAS. Just received and for sale t by [felft] ft. C. GREENVILLE k GO. D 0 NOT NEGLECT YOUR COUGHS ANDROIDS HEISE’S UNRIVALLED PECTORAL COUGH CaNDY. THIS article is a never failing remedy for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, and Tightness of the Lungs or Chest. Persons who are much exposed, an ! troubled with irvitab'e Coughs and weak Lungs will find almost in itant relief by trying the PECTORAL CANDY. In fact, no one should be without it when the changes in the weather are so frequent. No article of Cough Candy has been *0 much appreciated for its safety and certain cure; you will find it needs but one trial, to convince all of its medicinal virtues. F?r sale by D, B. PLUMB k CO., ftbls-tw2mos Agents for Augusta. IjOLTKD CORY MBAL.—The Granite Mills are U> now turniug out a first rate article. For sale by GEORGE AV. LEW IS, fob 15 j AVarreu Block. fTARRISOX CIDER.—IO bbls. Uarrisoa CIDER, 1X just received from the manufactory, New Jersey, and for sale by ffibtl S. C, GRENVILLE A CO. OI LB, OILS.—A lot of Linseed and Castor OILS on consignment. For sale by fob s D. B PLUMB k 00. CONCERT HALL. LAST DAY OF WAUGH’S IMMENSE AND MAGNIFICENT MOVING ODEOSCOPir MIRROR OF ITALY! THIS nwgn-ficcnt Painting is universa'ly pronounced l by the Press and the Public to be THE GREATEST AVORK OF ART ever exhibited in the United States! Cd?””■ Exhibition every Evening, anti on Wednesday and 1 Saturday Afternoons, commencing at half past 7 iu the Evening, and at ball-past 3 o’clock in the Afternoon. US?" Doors open at 6V. and half past 2 o'clock. Cards of AdmisHion sft cent*. Children and Ser vants 25 Cents. fet-lfi AUGUSTA HOTEL RANGE GKEAT NATURE CUR 10ftITY. SATURDAY, FLBIItVHY 19, ISS.T. SIXTH PAV OF TIIV KX2UHTIOH OF THU SEA TIGRESS. IMII6 BXTRAORDI.VYRY Am] hibions Creature, . which was captured in Wellington bound, by the Brit ish fleet scut in Search of stir John Franklin, will positively te exhibited but TWO BAA’S MORE. tW" The doors will be opened fiuiit 11 A. M., to 2, P. M., nn l from 4 o’clock to 9 P. M. Price of Admission 25 cents, without reserve: chil dren under Ift years of age, half price. Mds s 2LJSOOVIN, Agent. BOOKS JUST PUBLISHED. THL lOOl’P.Ylll and Highway: or Wanderings of an American, by Benjamin Moran; Charity and the Clergy, being a review by a Protestant Clergyman of the New Themes Controversy; The Fi-ca! History cf Texas embracing an account of its Revenues, Debt , and Cur rency, from the commencement of the Revolution in lsll to 1351-’52, with remarks on American Debts, by AYilliam M. Gouge; Tiie American,Book of Coins, containing near ly one tin. tsaml Fuc-ftimites of the Gobi unit ftilver Coins found circulating in the United ft:ate*- price 15cen(s; The Pictorial Definer, illustrated by over two thousand Engra vings, by U. Bentley; The ILnstrated Magazine < f Art, No. 1, containing over one hundred Engravings—price ‘25 cents; alt>o, another supply of the following : Napfth on in Exile, by Barry E. O'Meara, Esq.; .Memoirs, Ac., of 'lhomas Moore, by Hi n. Lord John Russell, No?. 1 and 2; Knick- Knacks, by Luring Gaylord Clark ;No Fitch XVord ag fail; The Lofty and the Lov.l.v, by Mies Mclntosh, also, a sup ply other earlier works; The AVide, Wide World; Queer by; Select British Eloquence, by Goodrich; The Young Mi rooners, l«y Rev. F. It. Gou’.ding; all the volumes of Apple ton’s Popular Library—price 65 rents each ; do. Putnam’s Semi-Monthly Library—price 25 cents each; a great va riety of Novels in the cheap form, and other late and pop ular Books. Just received by THUS. RICHARDS k SON, febl3 Blank Book Manufacturers, Ac. CARRIAGE AND HORSES FOR SALE, VC’AHHIAGF, nearly new, and a pair of yeung and . gentle MATCH liOKftKS, can be purchased low, if applied for soon. febls AVM. H. PRITCHARD. AUGUSTA MILLS .1 MAN'S, Bleache I, end of ex cellent quality can be bought, by the piece, cheaper from 1110, than by the live bales, at the manufactory. feblß AVM. H. PRITCHARD. IM*SII I’tFi’ATOKS.—An excellent article, and :•* sound as Georgia currency, sidling at 75 cents per bush el, by AVM. H. PRITCHARD, feblß Bri !ge Bank Building. BAH A A D CftFFliE, ?. Ring by retail at Jr s ■ than O wholesale prices, because I buy for cash, and sell for cash. AVM. 11. PRITCHARD, feblS Bridge Bank Building. \ \/ A.A'i’l'.lF TO IT lu ll kfttK, almost any coinmodi -11 ty that can he useful to any person. Ami purchasers wanted for just such things as are daily purchased by me. feblS AVM. H. PRITCUARD. SUG A HS.—4u hhds. Porto Rico and Muscovado Sugars. 30 “ New O leans “ 250 bbls. A, 11, ami C Coffee “ For sale cheap by DAVJft, KOLB k FANNING, febtS No. 4 AYarrcn Block. tlOtFbb. —550 bags prime Kto Coflee. Just received / at No, 4 .Warren Block. febl3 DAVIft, KOLB k FANNING. /tb VlthT AM) .MAI AG \ W I\L —25 boxes ftt. V. Julien Claret Wine. 15 c..ska Malaga AVine. For gale by feblß DA AT ft, KOLB A FAANINO. XfBW I’HUIT.-lft'bow.- I.K.MONft. IN 5 “ ORANGES, feblfi DAVIft, KOLB & FANNING. NEW WORKS. I ICHT AM) KH Allli ; or the Young Arti-t: a Talc, I j by' Anna Harriet Druty, authoress of ‘•Friends and Fortune.” Gn- Howard ; or How to AVin a AVife : hv the author of “ Jiinnie Grey,” Ac. '1 he Fortunes cf the Colville Family : by Frank E. Guild ley, author of “ Frank Fairleigh,” ‘‘Lewis Arundel,” Ac. Ugly Eflie; or the Neglected One and the Pit Beauty, and ether Tales : by Mr-. (.'aniline Lee Hentz. Just published, and for sale at GEO. A. OAT Est k CO ’ft fold ft Piano. BO"k and Music Depot, Broad *rr>-ef. / 1 ltAliAM’B .M VUA/H.Mi, New Series, has been V A received for March, at feldft GEO. A. O.VTE3 k Broad street. L'.Vtii.lMl ri’Sd.AIH ; or Ali. rose ..pie Views i f ilr.g lU laud ami Englishmen : by Matt. i’. AA’ard. author of “Letters from Three Continents." Just published, and j for sate at GEO. A. OATES k CO'ft, j ft'd S Rroad street. V WINTER L\' MADEIRA and a Summer in ?pt . and Florence : by John A. Lhx. Ju ( published, and j for sale at ‘ GEO. A. OATES & CO.’ft, j febl 5 iir nnl stre t. | |AKX Sliteh* I'T‘l If \'OS-2'm• • ft"pounds in new bright | 1 casks. L r sale by GEORGE AV. LEWIS. , feblß Nx. i AVarreu Block. ! K> 11 KEHUOUHER Magazine for February has bom i received, aud is for sale by the Agent. ' fob is (lEOL A. OATES i CO., Broad st. TO DYSPEPTICS. USE PL A NETT'S BITTERS, AND YOU WILL BE CUBED. | LffOll Dyspepsia, Liver Complaiul, Heartburn, Indiges- l 1 tiOD; l’iatult ncy. atid the virions diseases arising from a derangement of the nervous system. No remedy has ever yet been discovered, which exerts s 1 powerful an influence as PLAN ETT’ft HITTERS. They restore tone to the stomach, impart a fine appetite,'ptomote a hotdthy diges tion,and remove alt depression f:icn (lie mind, as well as body. ’I hey are exceedingly j len- oit l» the taxte. For sale by i WM. 11. TUT r, Sole Agent in Augusta. i f Vdfi-dA a lmo AUGUSTA. MANUFACTURING- COMPANY. FEBRUARY 17, i-. V-. ; i .MEETIMi of fttockli dders in Mill 'No. 1 of this j a 1 Company is cvlli d, in cuefa,unity to the Bye-L-iwf, to ! be held at the*Company’s office, on Broad street, on MON- I DAY, the 2!st inst., at 11 o’clock, A. >L, when it is -\- peeted an adjournment u> AA'ednesday, the in 1 inst., at the same hour, will take place. On this last named dty fttoch holdtrs in both Mills are requested to e nvene. The Annual. Report of tint lio «rd of Directors, an 1 other business will come before this meeting. On Monday, the 2x;h iu.it., .a mccling will be licliwrthe election of Directors toranutige the affairs of thi Ueinpai.y the ensuing year. l*o ! L open from 11 A. M. to 2P. V. By order. ' JAMEft HOPE, Agent, febl T-d Litt2 j FOB SALE, ADEBIR ABLE I*». \ STATION, known as I’epprr Hill, 11 miles from Augusta, immediately up >n ti e Georgia Railroad, containing 296 acres, i>u rt in wood, atul bdtH ready for cultivation. 'Price low. Terms cash. An p’y to ‘ febTJ-lm CLARK, RAMSAY &< O. JjLXIKTTOII’h HALE.—Svill be offered for sale, at Fj the Market House iu Augusta, on the first Tuesday in MARCH, unless previously sold privately, Tweuty-five | Acres of LAND, at the fork.of the Savannah and IVcynes- | boro’ roads, seven and a half miles from the city. On the j premises are a Dwelling-house, a Wood Shop and a Black- j stoith’sShop—all new. Terms at sole. \VM. W. HOLT, Ext-. February IT, 1853. dAtwtd MORE NEW 'liooks.—The'History of Europe, from the fall of Napoleon in 1315, to the Ac cssion of Louis Napoleon iu 1352, by stir Archibald Aleson, Bart, au thor of the History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution, in 17x9, to the Battle of Waterloo, «c., Ac. fth.ak<pieare and his Times, by M. Guizot. A Hero, and other Tales, by the author of Olive, The Ogle v as, The Head of the Family, Ac. The Mbtory of The Restoration of Monarchy in France, by A. DeLamartinc, author of the History of The Girondists. The Life and Works of Robert Burns, edited by Robert Chambers, in 4 volumes. 2d part of My Novel: or Varieties in English Life, by Sir E. Bulwer Lyttun. 1 lth part of Dickens’ Bleak House. For sale by JOft. A. CARRIE k 00., febl I Bo iksellers and Stationers. A HERO, and other Tales, by the author of Olive, The Okilvies, Ac.; Shaktpeare and his Times, by M. Gui zot; The History of the Hestoi ati nos Monarchy iu France, by Alphonse DeLamaUine, volume 3d.; Volume 4, Cham bers’Life an.l Works of Robert Burns; Part 2nd Os My Novel : or Varieties in English Life, by stir E. Bulwer Lyt ton ; No. 11 Bleak House, by Charles Dickens; and History i f Europe from the fall of Napoleon in 1315 to the Acces sion cf Loqis Napoleon in 1852, by Sir Archibald A’ieon, Bart., part Ist. J ust received by TIIOS. RICHARDS ft SON, febl'2 Blank Book Manufacturers, Stationers, Ac. IJMSftAYS OX TIIE EMMIHKSS OK A VI'I OX S lj in Civilization, Productive Industry, Wealth and Popu lation, by Ezra C. Seaman. The Indications of the Creator; or the Natural Evidences of the Final Cause by George Taylor. Also another sup ply of the Young Maro tiers, by K. R. Colliding. Holmes’Southern Gardener; Woman’s Record, by Sarah Josepha Hale; The Men of the Time; Swallow Barn; Horse Shoe Robinson, and a number of similar books. Just re ceived by THUS. RICHARDS A SON, febft Blank Book Manufacturers, Stationers, A ’. f)/X BOXEH Soda BISCUIT; 20 bbls. Butter CRACK- L\) ERS. Just received by <l2B ESTES A RICHMOND. FXxrixij .VXD MERCER POTATOES.—ISO bbls. choice Planting POTATOES, 2u bbl*. Mercer PO- T A SOL'S. Just received by jan23 ESTES A RICHMOND. TffOß CHAPPED HANDS, &e.—The AMANDINE will cure and prevent a return and render tiie hands soft and smooth. For sale by WM. 11. TUTT. jan!s I RAM SMITH’S Double Extra.—lso bbls. in store for sale by GEO. W. LEM IS, janig No. 1 Warren Block. ATSa—Bo9bushel*"s«ed OATS, for sale by janl9 GEO. W. LEWIS, No. 1 Warren Block. 81. CARR, SODA.—2S kegs 81. CARB. SODA, just received and for sale by .11 HAND, WILLIAMS A CO. A HTHUR’S HOME MAGAZINE for February ha* x\ been received by GEO. A. OATES A CO., fel Piano and Book Store. CtORX. —2000 liushcls prime CORN, ‘or sale by 1 janl9 GEO. VY. LEWIS, No. 1 Warrenßlock. B"OOT AXD _ BHOK MAKK«W._We haYe now on hand the most complete assortment of all kinds of Boot and Shoe Making Materials to be found in the city. Give us a call—we will *cll low. dlfi FORCE, CONLEY A CO. SUGAR. —120 hh Is. Brown and Clarified new crop SU GAR, of all qualities, for sale jaa‘22 BAKER k WILCOX. | BOOK BtROBBT. Thu rnopBiRTOR «r th c ciißosictr a ram- NtL would respectfully notify hU friend* and the pub ! lie,that he has added to his establishment a complete BOOK BINDERY, ! and haring secured the services of an efilcient and compe ; tent workman, is prepared to execute ail order* for HIND* ; ‘h'f! in the host style, and at short notice. Having also a : most approved ruling machine, i all orders for BILL HEADS, BLANK BOOKS, Ac., will be UUitHt to anxgiven patterti, with neatness and despatch. Lie natters himself, therefore, that lie will be able to exe cute every variety of work in a most satisfactory manner. JOB PRINTING. The JOB PRINTING department of the CHRONICLE* SENTINEL Office is now complete in all its parts, having been recently re-fitted with a most extensive supply and great variety of New Type, of the latest styles and moa approved patterns. The Proprietor would therefore re spectfully invite the orders of his friends and the public, feeling assured that his facilities, and the superior skill and taste of his workmen in that department, will enable him to execute every variety of JOB PRINTING in a style equal to any establishment in the South, and at most satisfactory prices. juh"o MECHANICS’ MUTUAL JIEALTH ASSOCIATION. Imxrporattd 1852 —Charter Perpetual. CAPITAL $75,000. % PRINCIPAL OF TICKS: \ ICIXIOSII hTIIELT, in Constitutionalist Range, il l. Augusta, Ga. No. 81 Common street, New Orleans, La. Main street, opposite Post Office, Memphis, Tenn. Main street, between Pearl and State, New Albany. Corner Second and Chestnut streets, St. Louis, Mo. Court Place, 0;h street, Louisvil'e, Ky. No. tit Woodward Avenue,Detroit, Mich. No. T, Wheeler Block, corner of Clark and Water streets, Chicago. No. HI Manchester Buildings,cornerß;l andSycamore-sts. Cincinnati. This Institution is based upon a secure capital and cor rect principles, and conducted by m»n of responsibility and sterling integrity, and with experience and ability sufli- C-ent to warrant the stability and perpetuity of the Insti tution. The Institution is regularly incorporated; has a perpetual charter, a large and increasing fund, a large and healthy membership, an equitable Table of Kates, and is the oldest Institution of the kind in the whole entire South and West. I y the payment of the following Annual Rates, you will be entitled to a weekly benefit when disabled by sickness or accident, from attending to your ordinary business or occupation, ami a funeral benefit at death, and SO UAHIUTT TO ASSKSSMkVr. The Annual Deposits of members under 50 years of age, are from $8 to $lB. Those who deposite SB.( 0 are entitled to draw SB.OO per week, ai d a sum ral benefit of SBO.OO. Those who deposite SB.OO are entitled to draw SB.OO per week, and a funeral benefit of SSO.OO. Those who deposite $1 > 00 are entitled lo draw SS.OO per week, and a funeral benefit of $500.00. The first week of sickness excepted. Those over 0J years of age will be charged 25 par cent, extra, A:i Admission Fee of $2.00 will be charged for the first year only, and must be paid when application is made for membership, and the first years’ deposite within twenty days. Application for mcmlicrrhip can be mnde at this office, or to any General or Local Agent. J. H. BUCHANAN, Secretary, feblj __ C. T. POTTER, Actuary. WAGON FOR SALE. VVERY complete Plantation cr Road WAGON, as good as can be made, wither without a body, that will bold seventy bushels of Corn. Apply at this office. fet>ls-law3t LYON’S KATHAIEON. “ I 'OR the growth and embellishment of the lIAIU, to 1 prevent its failing off and turning gray; awarded the highest premiums by the States of New York, Maryland, and Michigan, at their Annual Fairs of 1851. THE KATUAIRON neutralizes the effect of disease, cli mate, and old age, in preserving and restoring the human Hair even after a baldness of twenty years ; cleanses the scalp from Scurf and Dandruff; will cure the Nervous Headache, Scald Head Erysipelas, Diseases of Ilio Skin, ~ and is the most desirable TOILET ARTICLE l'or Ladies’or Gentlemens’ use in the world. Its perfume equals Lubin's choicest Extracts, and being free from all offensive < il, or coloring properties, it gives the Hair that clean, bright, soft, lively appearance, secured by no other preparation. The use of the Katbuiron is adopted by the first physi cians in Europe and America, and has a patronage and sale unprecedented in the history of the materia rnedica. — But words are superfluous, a trial only can attest its real virtue, as minions certify. To be had throughout North and South America, Europe and the Islands of the ocean, in large botile-, lor 85 cents. E. THOMAS LYON, 101 Broadway, N. Y. gold Wholesale and Retail by U. IS. PLUMB & CO., Au gusta, Ga. jau2(J dOmos RHEUMATISM CAN BE CUBED! \\7K now have for sale that celebrated remedy, MOR \ V TI MORE’S RHEUMATIC COMPOUND and* BLOOD PUKIFiER, which has gained such great popularity where ever introduced, as the only specific known for the ef fectual cure of this painful disease. This remedy has al ready cured thousands of cases, comprising every seeming form of this complaint, from the inflammatory (acute) lorn), attended with swellings and enlargement of the joints, to old chronic cases of from ten to twenty and thirty yearn' standing. Those who hid for years resorted to the various celebrated springs, had trie i all the liniments and ext' rnsil appli aliens, and been under treatment of some of the ablest physicians both in this country and Europe, atfd were pronounced incurable; skill, after all these ef forts had failed, this compound has cured them. Many who have been cripples, either hobbling upon crutches or confined to tlieir beds for years, certify to a complete and permanent cure by the use of this remedy. We have not spire, in a newspaper advertisement, toin s rt but a small portion of the accumulated evidence in its behalf. This eviden e comes,from sources which must in spire confidence in every mind. The conductors of high tailed public journals have published to the world its won-* d'lfuland beneficial effects upon themselves and those around them, and in some instance* speak of hundreds of cures. Physicians have resorted to it, and certify that, even in extreme cases, where consultations had been held, and they had decided that there were no hopes of recov e y, even then, they procured this medicine and adminis tered it, and it effected a complete cure. Minister* of va rious denominations have written and published what it has done for themselves and their friends; while mer chant, officers, mechanics, and private citizens, have fur- j nished volumes of evidence of the highest character, such ; as accompanies no other preparation iu America. We m st respectfully ask those who aro afflicted to send | lo the agent in their vicinity and get a circular, and read j | the 1 tiers and certificates of Kcv. Jas. Mitchell, R v. N. ' | G. r.crrvtn n, Rev. J. H. Linn, Rev. J. M. Kelly, Rev. R. ! A. Colburn, and other clergymen; while we add the names 1 of lion. J. Smith, late President of the Bank of the State of Missouri; Geo. <>. Atherton, officer in the Bank in St. Louis ; Messrs. Jas. 11. Eddy, 8. Downing, A. Holland, C. W. Stone, J. W. Chnsty, Joseph Southack, with other prominent merchants of 81. Louis, as also vast numbers of other citizens. This is Adhid evidence, and these ore liring witnesses, where tiiis great remedy was first introduced, and where many thousands have been cured during the last two years. The proprietors have now opened their Great Cen i tral Office at No. 1 Barclay street, (Astor House,) in the i city of New York, where all orders for this medicine wL | be promptly attended to. This is a vegetable spirit—an internal remedy, pre ; pared and recommended for tiiis one liiseaFe alone. This I it nill cure.’ j Price, $5 per single bottle; or three bottles for $ Iff. W. V. ALEXANDER & CO., Proprietors, New York. ! Held by HAYILAND, RISLEY A CO., and W. H. TCTT j Augusta, Ga. dl-twly LYON'S EXTRACT OF PURE JAMAICA GINGER’ NO Fill Mi need be said to command the attention of the public to this article, when convinced that it is : /otre and unadulterated. Medical men, or those seek | ing a harmless beverage to destroy the unwholesome es ! sects of brackish and turbid water, can rely upon its gen | uine character, nnd it is also extensively used for culinary i purposes, in It ivoriug cakes, preserves, Ac. To the af flicted with Dyspepsia, Summer Complaints, Cholera, Ner vous Debility, Fever and Ague, Dizziness, general Pros tration, Ac., uotliing has ever been prescribed with equal effect. Manufactured by E. THOMAS LYON, Chemist. 16L Broadway, N. Y. Inquire for LYON’S PURE GINGER, gold by reputable Druggists throughout the world. Sold at Manufacturers’ prices by jan‘2o-domoß I). 11. PLUMB A CO., Augusta, Ga. COLLECTING AGENCY. Til E UNDERSIGNKD will attend to the COLLEC TION of Accounts, Notes, Ac ,of PhySiciaus, Teach er 1 and Merchants, and all others who may favor him with their business. Office corner of Reynold and Mclntosh streets. n2l-dtf C. C. TALIAFERRO. PROFESSIONAL NOTICE. DU p \L*I, F. EVE having returned to reside in Au gusta, offers his PROFESSIONAL SERVICES to the community. Servants requiring operations or special care, can be accommodated on his lot. Augusta, February Cth, 1853. feb4 NOTICE. VBOX marked “ T. McGOWEN,” contents unknown, having been forwarded by Harndens’ Express from New York to Savannah, thonce by steamer Hancock to Augusta about a week ago, which the owher can have by applying at my store and paying expenses. JOHN C. CARMICHAEL, fdo 8 Warren Block. A TEACHER WANTED. A LADY to take charge of a small School in a healthy 1 V location—one that can teach the English Branches, and Music,for wh ; ch a liberal salary will be given. Good recouimendations will be required. Apply to the subscri ber, Madison, Morgan county, Ga. Jan29-tf W. J. RHYMES^ POTATOES.— 150 bbls. Yellow PianUng Potatoes; 100 do. choice Eating do., just received and for sale by janl6 S. C. GRENVILLE A CO. CIRAIIAM’S MAGAZINE fir February ha* been re- J ceived by GEO. A. OATES A CO., fcl Broad Street. CdOO LIVER OlL—Burnett’s warranted pure COD J LIVER OIL, prepared from fresh and healthy Livers. Just received and for sale by febs D. B. PLUMB A CO._ OATS. —300 bushels OATS, for sale by _ feLS HAND, WILLIAMS A CO. E. t7& GA R. R. BONDS dh JfA AA e - t * GA. R. R. BONDS, for sale by fe!>9 JOHN C. CARMICHAEL. L«IAR, KUljAß.—2s hhd».c twice P. R.SUGAR. 10 hhds. choice New Orleans 40 “ fair “ “ “ 10 “ “McCall’s” 2th) bids. Stuart’s and other Refined For sale low by HAND, WILLIAMS * CO. febß i . ——■ — ■ OATS.— 500 bushels OATS, for *ale by feb9 JOHN C. CARMICHAEL. IIQI ID GLtfE.—A very convenient *»djuelulanl _j eie for sale by febs P- B. PLUMB A CO. I'RKRH UHK JUICE. —Just landed. < WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. [ LOTTERY. . GEORU la st ate lottery. Authorised ky the Legislature, fer ike benefit of the Independent Fire Company of A agtut.l. rr>Vlt DHkWrXOs, EACH Went. Draws in Augusta on Mondays. Draws fn Savannah on Tuesdays. Draws in Columbus on Thursdays. Draws in Savannah on Satnrdavs. Offices and Agents established for the tale of Tick- I ets throughout the State, and Prizes purchased at any of. lice promptly paid at the Managers’ office, in th* ci;y of Augusta. F. <l. BARBER A CO., ill onager* and Proprietor* 159“ Tiie Managers have also opened an office in Broad Btreet, in the rear of the Store of Me»r*. J. Mili.rn * Co., (entrance in the alley,) under the direction of Mr. A. PIC OCET.Jn., who can be found there at all hour* of the day an 1 evening. Drawn Numbers of the Georgia State Lottery, Class 28: 22 T 2 66 5S 35 17 70 52 42 8 47 54. LOTTERIES FOR*JANUARY, 1953. Q I CCS I JQ go’” b I ii ft if 8- m Sl™ 'VS o $ e> : 5* 2, * g, j? a ” 4 Olh SB,OOO 75 12 $2 5 Sth $4,000 75 14 $1 « lffth $7,000 73 13 $2 7 11 Ih SB,OOO 75 12 $2 8 13th $5,000 72 13 $2 0 15th SB,OOO 73 15 $t 10 17th $7,000 73 18 $2 1! 18th $5,000 72 12 $2 12 20th $6,000 75 1 2 $2 13 22d $4,400 73 13 $1 14 24th $7,000 73 13 $2 15 2V h $6,000 75 12 S- $2 16 27 th $5,000 72 12 $3 17 29th *4,000 . 75 14 $1 F. C. BAKIiKK A CO., Managers, jans Washington-street. PH ILA DELPHI A A DVERTISEMENT. 1853. SPRING " 1853- * MORRIS L. HALLOW ELL & CO., No. 143 Msrkei-si., Philadelphia. I WITH the attention of buyers to their unusually large and comp'ete assortment of choice SILKS, RIBBONS, FANCY DRESS GOODS, LACKS, Ac., Ac., purchased in EUROPE by a member of the firm, and being the LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTSIKNT that they have ever imported, believe that they can offer great inducements to purchasers as regards VARIETY, STYLE and PRICE. ORDER?!* 1 LI. El) Very carefully and forwarded by first steamer from Phila delphia or New York lor those Merchants, who do not visit the North tiiis season. jaiiO WILLIAMSON TAYLOR & CO., 70 MARKET BTRKET, PHILADELPHIA, im- I») porters and Dealers in Foreign DRY GOODS. We keep on hand one of the largest and best assortment of GOODS that is to be found in the country. n7-ly NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENT. SMITH & BROTHER, DEALERS in Domestic PRODUCE ar.d PRONISIONS, of all kinds, 2fio Duane Street, New York. Solicit Southern orders for the eame, who will pack and ship in the best manner, and sell at the lowest cash price. S. B. SMITH, jan2B-3m J. V. SMITH. LUTHER ROLL, CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, IS RKAROV THE ADGtTSTA HOTEL, HAS OX HAND a general assortment of VEHICLES, of ail descriptions, such as CARRIAGES, ROCKA WAYS, BUGGIES, Ac., Ac., which he will sell very low for cash or approved paper. Please call and examine my stock. —ALSO,— On hand an assortment of ROCKAWAYS and BUGGIES of !iis own make. He will also build to order. —A LSO, — A general assortment of HARNESS, which will be dis posed of low. VEHICLES and HARNESS REPAIRED at short notice, very low. febll-tw&wtf COACH AND HARNESS MATERIALS. OX HAXD, a full assortment of COACH AND IIAR NF.3S MATERIALS, such as Axles, Springs, Bands, Lamps, Bolts, Laces, Humes, Leather of all kinds and de scriptions, Patent and Enamelled Cloths, Ac., by LUTHER ROLL, febtl-twiwtf near the Augusta Hotel. ROSES AND FLOWERING PLANTS. CN MARC, of Astoria, Long Island, has the • honor of announcing to his friends the citizens of Avgusta, that he ins returned to this city, and may be found at the store of his old f iend, Wm. llsines, Broad street, where he would be pleased to serve all who may give him a call. • Mr. M. has just returned from France and England, where he selected, with considerable care, the largest col lection of ROSES ASD NEW FLOWERING PLANTS, among which are new varieties of Rose*, Bourbons Month ly Roses, Erytina ilarge scarlet flower,) Scotch Broom (white flower,) Chinese Pomegranate, Monthly Carnation Pinks in full bloom, Azelias, Camellia Japonicas, Rliodo deudrums, Daiseyg, Primrose, Peonices. Ac., Ac, Also, a few Pear and Apple Trees, of select varieties. The Ladles are respectfully invited to call and see my stock, for 1 shall stay here only four days. All Plants soli by me are warranted. febl6-4t MONEY LO3T-STOP. A LETTER, mailed at Bairdstown, Geo., on the 24th January, ult., addresse I to the undersigned, has not reached its destitution. Raid letter contained $283 as fol lows : ?10fl Hi!!, Bank State of Geo., No. I<‘>6. Li tton A Co., date 2Sd October, 1^49. $3 Bill, said Bank, dated 4th June, 1352, No. 3290. SIOO Bill, Bank Brunswick, State of Georgia, No. 57, Let ter A, date sth Sept., 1813. S2O Bid, Bank Savannah, State of Georgia, Letter A, j No. 195 ff, date 15th May, 1951. $lO Bill, Augusta Insurance A Banking Company, Let- i ter A, No. 5553, date 25th Nov., 1352. Merchant*, Bankers, and others are respectfully request ed to stop said Bills if presented. Any information left with 11. E. Ci.tr.s, of this city, wW be thankfully received. H. PTODDARD, Charleston, 8. 0. fchlfi-St RECEIVED THIS DAY. i)A BBI.K. Extra Premium FLOUR ; aJt/ Iff bbls. BUCKWHEAT, halves and quarters, do.; Iff bbls fresh Extra Butter CRACKER,<; 10 firkins prime GOSHEN BUTTER ; 15 halt bbls. No. 1 MACKEREL; 20 Fits do. sup. do. 10 boxes CODFI.'H; 2 > boxes Smoked HERRING ; 5 boxes Italian MACARONI ; 5 do. do. VF.RMiCELI; 5 half che«t extra fine Black TEA; 6 d;z. fine BROOMS; Shoe, Scrub!ng and Whitewash ; BRUSHES; WooodenWare, Ac. Together with a general assortment in store. For sale by fei.9 G. T. DOBTIC. OX COX SI 4iX M EXT.— Iff. bushels OATS. 9 FEATHERS. 24 kegs BUTTER. 10 bags ONIONS. fcb6 DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING. FANCY HATS-NEW STYLES. JUST received, per steamer Alabama, a large as- fl sortment of fancy Dress HATS; among which are <U? Planters’ Hats, Black and Pearl; Non-lntei ventlon, Co*- sack, Magyar, French Cassimer an I Hungarian Hats. Call at the Fashionable Hat Emporium. GEO. W. FERRY, fel Masonic Hall Buildings, Broad-st. HATS. —2 cases of the newest fashion Black MolefS HATS, just received. WM. 0. PRICE A CO. <4l* jan9 N~ OX-IXTKRVKXTIOX HATS —2 cases of (f the above HATS, received This Day by <S3r jan2l J. TAYLOR, JR. A CO. SPRING STYLE OF GENTLEMEN'S HATS. T TAYLOR, JR. A fO. will introduce, on SA-|» • TURDAY, the sth iust., Beebe s Sprint style of <4#* HATS, to which they would ca'l particular attention. febs SPRING STYLE HATS FOR 1853. fyFHUL At CO.’S Spring Style HATS for Gen tie ) men and Youths, a beautiful article, just received.iyF Call and see them at GEO. W. FERRY’S, febs Broad street, Masonic na'.l Building. ~ TO RENT THE DWELLING on Broad street first above Jfk Judge Bishop*. Apply to n 2 A. HATCH. Mji MILMOIRis, Journai and Correspondence of Thomas Moore, edited by the Right Hon. Lord John Russell, M. P. Just received and for sale by GEO. A. OATES A CO., janlS Piano, Book and Mu3ie Depot. rivO RENT. —A large and commodious ROOM on Broad _L street—furnished if required. Apply to n 3 MAYER A BROTHER. P” 'RESerVKS, FIiKIsKRVKS.—We have Just* re ceived an invoice of the following delicious Preserves: Sliced Pine Apple, Strawberry, Green Gage, and New York Pears, which we will sell cheap. _ . d!5 GIRARDY A PAR&KR. TEN DOLLARS REW D WILL be paid for proof against the person who has been taken Shrubbery from the Garden, coimer of Broad and Elbert streets. febs WM. 11. TUTT. YRl:I’.-—25 bbi*. extra New York SYRUP, for sale cheap by ja'2B DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING. E\V OULKAXB and Sugar House MOLASSES. 25 bbls. New Orleatu “ 25 “ No. 1 New York SYRUP. 19 “ Uavermyer A Moiler’s Extra. For sale low by fcb3 HAND, WILLIAMS A CO. BACON AND LARD r AAA LBS. new BACON, (hog round.) OUUU 10 kits new LAUD. —ALSO,— 5 boxes Sicily LEMONS. 3 bbls. CRANBERRIES. * received and for EOUp A WINGFIELD. GRANITE MILLS THE CXDERBIOXKD having purchased the Granite Flouring Mill*, located upon the Angoata Canal, gives notice that the FLOUR AND GRAIN BUSINESS will be hereafter conducted and carried on by GEORGE W. LEWIS. n * WARREN. And will keep Lr *ale— Superfine FLOUR, fresh ground; CORN MEAL; Wheat BRAN, SECONDS, Ac. feb9 GEORGE W. LEWIS, No. 1 Warren Block. C tOAL.—25 hhds. Caxiuei COAL, for *aie low by ) feb9 GEORGE W. LEWIS, No. 1 Warren Stock. OATa.— 600 bushel* White and Black BEED OATS, for for sale by GEORGE W. LEWIS, feb9 Warren Block. ORX.—2OOO bushels CORN, for sale by leb9 GEORGE W. LEWIS, No. 1 Warren Wwh, AUCTION SALKS. B¥ CIKABDEY & parkH." LAND FOB SALS. IHOLD far sale, a V ALUABLE TRACT CP LAND jin lying on the Georgia Railroad, 34 mi'ua f, <mj Au.'“j9 guata, containing üboat 1,500 acres. There la 01 on premises a very good DWELLING HOUSE, new, not quit - completed; also, (said to be) the ben WATER SAW MILL in Georgia, with abundance of Timber and Wood. If not disposed of at private sale, I will offer the above at 1 utUa sale, at the Market House in the City i.f Augusta, on the flr * t Tuesday in MARCH next. For terms apply to « E. C. TINSLEY. BY GIRAHDEY & PAliK^a I aluablt Property. T*of U " Ual t 1 : 01 !,” disposed of, will be ..old— *' Ull!esi Previously The new, bamteorue and comtrsoflion* HorsT.’ , on Ellis sreet, between Centre an.l Lincoln sUeeU- S a front of ftty-seven (57) feet, mere £i™ *%£’ , r ’* back one hundred and thirty-three (If 3) fe«t‘ more or tom The above House has six handsome Rooms six Clo eta an i Pantry, and plastered in the b st manner; the Sash are hung with weight*; the Railing and Banisters all Main*, any. It has all necessary out-houses, the Ki'chen bovine four good Rooms; every thing is perfectly new, und built in the best kind i f style ; neighborhood good, and the wa ter excellent. For terms, apply toGirardey A Parker till the first Tues day in March. feblS BY s7c. GR£NVILLE & CO." Desirable B" tilings L /■•. TUESDAY, Ist of March next, at the Lower Market- House, in this city, will be sold— Bl ) e LOT on Te.fair street, next below the residence of Mr. Charles McCoy, havinga front of 45 feet, and running back to VV alker street. —ALO,— LOT next below, of raine site One Lot will be sold with the privilege of the other. Terms —One third cash, one-third oavable Ist of July and balance Ist January next, with interest from date of sale. Purchaser to pay for papers. The above can be treated for at private sale. fel 1) BY” GIRARDEY & PARKER. Erlensice Sole qf Books, SUitioiiery, Encyclof etlias u >ij Valuable Standard Wart*. IIVI IV every department of Literature, Science and Art, Annuals and Books, elegantly illustrated and illumina ted, pictorial and embellished, and beautifully bound ; fine family and Pocket Bibles and Praytr r o.ks, of every de scription ; Letter and Cap Paper; Portfolioea; Gold Pens, Ac.; to be sold at Auction, commencing from Wednesday, the Otb inst., and to continue until ti e wholeytock is closed out, at the Store nearly opposite Eagle & Phoenix Hotel, Broad street. The attention of the public in this city and vicinity is respectfully invited to this collection of Book .which is be lieved to be the most valuable collection of S!undanl Works ever offered at Auction in this place. The Books arc new and warranted perfect. Ladies and Gentle •rn are respectfully invited to call and examine them during the day. The sale will be positive, and without reserve, to the highest bidder,and will be continued every evening until ail are sold. Terms cash. Purchasers are requested to esdl for their Books on the day following each sale. febs GIRARDEY Si PARSER, Auctioneers. Richmond siikkiff’s kalu.-oh the first Tuesday in MARCH next, will be sold, at the Lower Market House in Augusta, one hogshead with its contents, at this time very much damaged,—the same being perish able. Levied ou as the property of Michael P. Belcher, to satisfy a ft. fa. issued from W ilkes Inferior Court, ut the in stance of Buford, Beall & Co. vs. said Belcher. February 17,1853. W’M DOYLE, Sheriff, DODGE’S FANCY DYEING AND STEAM FIN ISHING ESTABLISHMENT, BETWEEN Kollock and .Warbury. on Greene street, where he is prepared to DYE and FINISH every de scription of Ladies’ Dresses, Silk and Straw Bonnets, Rib bons, Laces, Fringes, Gloves, Hose, Parasoletts, Fun Shades, Shawls of every Und and every fabric. Also, White Crape Shawls, Mei ino. ditto, cleane d and bleached, Ac. White Shawls Dyed to auy light and fancy color. Ail kinds of articles for mourning, Dyed and Finished at short notice. Gents’Coats and Pants Dyed, and tv train ltd net to smut; Gents’Costs, Pants, Vests, Cravats, Ac., cleansed and pressed. Mr. Dcdge would have the people of Augusta and vi cinity bear in mind that this establishment is the only one of the kind iu the city, llis Finishing is all dene by steam, and his machinery of the latest stjle. Mr. Dodge has had twenty-three years practice in New York and Boston in the Fancy Dyeing business. Military Coats cleansed, Ac., Ac. U. K. DODGE, Proprietor, f b 9 1y Greene street, Augusta, fla. r T’O BE lIIHED, until the Ist of January, an active BOY, A 14 years old, accustomed to hou«e-woi k and driving a single horse. Apply to Dr. Jones, at this office, or to the subscriber. febl7-tf_ ' WM. W. IIOLf. FRANKLIN LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIA TION STOCK. AI7E HAVE for sale, fifteen (15) Shares of the above f t Stock. Apply to fcb!6-4t GIRARDEY A PARK nt. HORSE FOR SALE. A PRIMP: HORSE for service, works well every wb.9re —is just off a three months’ journey, und iu prime order; will be sold low by febls HAVILAND, UISLEY & CO. CTI IR.VTE OF M.VU.VEss! AT— A fresh . apply just J received. HAVILAND, KIBLEY * CO. IMS 1 >UTTER.—IS bbis.” choice Ohio Rolled lirfPßß, "for 13 sale by [febls] S. C. GRENVILLE A CO.. YOUNG’S MAMMOTH COEN. QUPKRIORI’ORX in weight an 1 rise, two weeks ear- Her than any known in our country, wiplis f>4 lbs. per bushel and produces Go bushels per acre. Put up in one peck sacks, at $2 per sack, —in larger quantities of 5 or Id bushels, $5 per bushel. DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING, ( feb6 Agents. 1151 E.—59 bbls. fresh i homos ton LIMES, jn-i received j by ft b'J ESTES A RICHMOND. CdiKEhE. —‘45 boxes superior Cheese, just received r.nd J for sale by jantfi 8 C. GRENVILLE A CO. ftv BBLri. Leaf LARD, ci*y cared, C»ukl Geoi gta cured IU HAMS. feb3 DAWSON A SKINNER. N APOLEON MIXTIIH;. -- 'lbis celebrated'SPE CIFIC can be had of febs D. I>. PLUMB A CO. Cl OX FOR M ATEI II TVPOURAPHK.—CaII at G. J W. FEURY’S, and see this Instrument, mid get or.e of Beebe A Co.’s graceful Spring Style HATS fitted to your head. - f b 5 SUGAR. —15 bbls. Porto Rico and St. Cr-dx SUGAR. 5 “ “ “ •* “ ! Just received and for rale by ft-1,10 8. C. GRENVILLE A CO. 1 TVTKW WORK.-Lady-Bird: A Tale by Lady Geor i Lx giana Fullerton, author of Grantley Minor, Eilen Middleton, Ac. Just received and for sale by GEO. A. OATES A CO , I feblS Piano, Book and Music Store, Broad-st. j JFUITL and Pearl Citizens’ HATS, a new and bcauti- V V ful article, just received by feblß J. TAYLOR, JE.-& CO. AIN HILLER.—A fresh supply just received and for sale by feblO I) B. PLUMB Si CO. HYDRA FLIC FES! E.YT. —Just received and for sale by febin D. B. PLUMB & CO. C“ IA LCIXKDPEAsTKK OF PARIS.—A large eup ) ply just received and for sale by febl3 D. 15. PLUMB A CO. LRTWKIUHT >1 V.M t’AFTtHIXG COMP Y. 30 inch Brown SHIRTINGS. 3) “ Cotton OSNABUKGS, made by the above Company. For sale by febta JOHN C. CARSHCHAKL. ENIHO.Y MAMH.-A super! r lot for sale by febl 2 ALLEOCP A WINGFIELD. HISHEY.—SO bbls. New Orleans WHISKEY, just received by febl, ESTLS A RICHMOND. IRAM H.VfITII FLOUR.—I*’ bbls. Double Extra, iust received by febO Mb rr.-A RICHMOND. fTMLVM SMITH FLOUR.—23 bbß. Double Extra, XX just received and for sale by fefc§ HAND, WILLIAMS & CO. ntTSAM’S MONTHLY MAGA/..NE for February X has been received by GEO. A. OATES A CO., fel Broad Street. ST | AAA REWARD.—The above reward will be paid 3P LUUU to any one, who will produce a preparation, superior to Dr. FRANCK’S SPECIFIC, for the cure of cer tain diseases. It is sold by WM. H. TUTT, jan2s Sole Agent for the Southern States. NEW NOVEL. THE Lofty and the Lowly; or, Good in AH, and none All-Good, by M. J. Mclntosh, author of Two Lives, or to seem and to be. Charms and Counter-charms. Don aldson’s Manor. Ac., in two Vols., Just received and for sale by fel _ GEO. A. OATES A CO., Broad Street. ttARPKB’Is MAO AZl\fl for February, leaves cut, XX for sale by TIIOS. RICH ARDS A SON, feb3 Blank Book Manufacturers, Stationers. Ac. HAY AND POTATOES. pe A BALKS prime Eastern HAY, ' OU 50 bbls. prime Yellow POTATOES, f r sale by febl E. C. TINSLEY. __ UtiARS.—2O hhds. fine SUGAR; 20 hhds. fine New- Orleans SUGAR, in store and fur sale by febl BELCHEKA HOLBINOSUORTH. LANTIAfi POTATOES.—IOO bbls. Yellow Plant ing POTATOES, in store and for s tie by febl BELCH bit A UOLUNGSWORTH.^ AIR Phillip'*, PhalonVßallard’s, H ir. Uß i>. Alexander’s, Tricobapbe, Harrison’s, and Gdn" ioi sale by WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. Jan2s , —IDKR AND VINKHAR.—2O bbls. clarified Cham nagne CIDER ; 25 do. prime Cuter VINEG AR, for MUe ja29 DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING. ~ CWAURR j CHAIRS! JUST RECEIVED from the manufactory in South Ca rolina— Office Cane-seat CHAIRS, Walnut “ “ Maple “ “ Cane-seat Sitting ” Windsor “ “ —-AIAO ~ , Walnut Cane-seat STOOLS, all of which wIU be sold low, “ da ffl ykeP l eOMtent ! OLAKSEB^—SO hhds. new crop Cktba Molasses ; 15 tierces to Store and for saIe. BKLcHKK HOLLINGSWORTH. rRmOTIAA MIWTREL, a new system of rpMK CmilSTlAtl m of I’salm tunes, X Musical NoUtion, *jin » A;ken _ Anthems endCl>* nl » * x H OS. RICHARDS A SON, Blank Book Manufacturers, Book-Binders, Ac, stock of Rio, Cuba, Laguary, and "LV'° '‘lc’uST SKirciliiT