Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, January 14, 1854, Image 1

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- , 3^,, - BY WILLIAM S. JONES. €ljf (£!;roniflf & Sentinel IS PUBLISHED DAILY. TEI-WEEKLY, AND WEEKLY, BY WILLIAM S. JOKES. TEEMS. DAILY PAPER. —Published Morning and Evening.— To City Subscribers —Six Dollars per annum, pay able iii advance. If sent by Mail—Sevkn Dollars. TRi-YVEEKt.Y PaPER —Four Dollars per annum in advance. WEEKLY PAPER—(A mammoth sheet) —Two Dol lars per annum in advance. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. IN DAILY PA ‘ it, Fifty Cents per square , ten lines or ssYfort'o- ’ insertion; Thirty-Eight Cents for the next ». and Twenty-Five 0 is t.'.r each subsequent inser or.; WEEKLY,* -eventy-F: its. SEMI-MONTHLY or ON'TiILV, ;. e. ; i r) One Dollar; and Rule and flirure YV-.-rk, Om 1) 'liar per square. { f?“ Advertisements insert* ! under the head of Speeia F v. ces, Fifty Cents for each insertion. Pk. r-Ksstoii i or BOf;s.;ssCAKi)S, notexceedingsixlines Ten Do.ktrs pet annum. If over six lines, pro rata per Commnicat ions designed to promote private or in < vi ; ml interests, will be charge l as advertisements: gratuitous Advertising, under any circumstances, ixcept M arriage ati'l Obituary Notices ; and these, when . **.*r a<> Ines will be charged as advertisements. t-i A NDiNG ADVERTItsEMENTS: .Muar< {10lit:- s) 1i - th, without alteration, #6 “ “ 8 months, “ “ 12 1 “ “6 mo tli , altered quarterly, 18 1 “ “ li months, “ “ 25 Jsquar cne-h.-.lt no : e than the above rates. “ t Un e-fourths more t' an lite above rates.. 4 •* double the above rates. ts next to reading matter and leaded, double these rates. ijtf“ Advertisements i; • marked the number of.nsertions ! Will bee ltinucd and chat ged by the insertion. With 'L-rchanu», Druggists and others, contracts will be m de r advertising by th- year, onreasonableterms. A .eii tl.-‘ ■ii f auy house .t firm amounts within six ; m mil - *i> or v.;. wards, for other than conract adver- j tisetru ..it a discount of 26 per cent, will be mad, if paid on : resentation. OFFICE TRANSPORTATION SO. CA. KAIL ROAD COMPANY. Charleston, May 25,1852. OX AND ts! r Tuesday next, Ist June, the Passenger an<i Mail Trains {.under regulations of the Post Office Department,') „ ill. until further notice, run as follows, vis: CHARLESTON AND HAM BUKO KOAD. FIBST OK KSOCI.AK MAI’. AKD PAdtjEMOBK TRAIN Leaves Charie t o n (daily) at 800 o’clock, A.*. ; Arrive Hamburg “ * 4O p ’“* DOH N. Leave II- mbuTg (daily) at 5,14 “ A. m. Arrive Charleston “ 100 “ «*•*. These Trains connect with the afternoon Mail Train o ; the Geer m Railroad, t,at Augusta) going South and West, j and at Charleston - iththe Wilmington Mail Steamers,and New York Steam Packets going North and East. For the present Express Train is run only on those days that the Wilmington Mail Steamers, or New York Steam Packets : fail to arrive at Charleston in time to connect with first 6 o’clock, A. M. Train. SBCOKDOaXIGHTEXPaKSSFRBiaHT ASDPA3SKNSKSTKAI* UP. Leave Charleston at 5 00 o’clock, p. m. Arrive Hamburg at 580 “ A. u. DOWN. Leave Ha tub r.' 'at 5 00 o’clock, f. u. I Arrive Ci. i.rk»t- uat 680 “ A. M. j ' Passengers by this Train w’lalways arrive at Hamburg ! In time to take the day Mail and Passenger Train of the 1 (Jeon'ia Railroad, whichleaye Augustaat T o’clock, A. M., or Atlanta,AC. J. D. PETSCH, j « ra y 27 SupcrintendentTransportation. ; ( SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE’ THK Subscriber will open on MONDAY E\ ENING, the j 21st., a Seho il for instruction in Architectural and In- i duetrial DRAWING, in a course of lessons on Geometrical j and architectural designs. Forte.*ms, apply at office over 1 Mr. Blalocks store, next doc to the 1 ank of Augusta. j Plans, Specific a. ions and l>es gnsfor Buildings, of every j descript on furnished. E. W. BROWN, nSO-tf Architect. j _ NOTICE. THK L'XDPiIISIIiXKD, desirous of changing their j badness, offer for sale their Ste tm SAW MILL of 25 i horse pow -r. ; n full operation at this time. Also, Three ! Hundred aud Fifty Acres f LAND attached, ten head of . t Mules '.t a.; ji.s, .id Ca- '.s, Pertaining to the Mil. Also, t one sett French Burr M li ck, four feet diameter. We j t wul s - l the Land and Mill together or separate, to suit ; I the purchaser. The above described property is situated , 1 four miles west of •Varreutoa, Ga. Tlte proprietor can be J found 'n Warrenton or at the Milt at all times. oV -, f tff)DY * NFAL._ i A GOOD FASHIONABLE TAILOR WANTED. i N\ person of the above profession, and of steady ! habits, can obtain a good situation by applying early to us, at Antioch, Troup county, Ga. ! n4 . 2m HARRIS, HOOD A CO. AT PET?ATE SALE. npKOsE two LOTS situated southwest of the Factory, i : X a' the east end of Brick How, fronting 01 Pine street, 1 each f„riy feet fron t, running back one hundred and twenty- ! fivefeet. On one lot t: ere is a good Dwelling House, with ; four scood r onis, a kitchen «ad other oat houses. The , other has a F-.ni y Grocer;, store, capable of being made a I comfortable dwelling for a small family, a good stand for j bu iness The place is it present occupied by Mr. William ; Kvail. Fur particulars apply to nIO C. E. GIRAROEY A CO. j NOTiUI TUIi C3.P.UIT\Kti»HIF of CHARLES CATLIN, of :h - city, ItKUBEN 0. fcKINN'Eii, of New York, unuer the as:..' an . style of “ Charles Catlin A C 0.,” ex pired, by hni .uion. on the 31st alt. CHARLES CATLIN w.-lc ue the same bas'iiess at the old stand, two doors hr! w the United state* Hot l, where can always be found a Well ieLc: d uck of I*IAX ■> FORTES, MUSIC, and a geutf. al assortment vs VIOLINS, GUITARS and other Mu- ] sicai Innrir which will be sold on the most favorable ■ CHARLES CATLIN. Mori; v.vs phkuicm cottagb chairs - W e keep on hand a c instant supply of Morgan's bandscrue andj ustly celebrated cottage Rocking CHAIRS; which, for cornfi rt' ud durability cannot be surpassed. Those in want of Chairs, v, •. respectfully invite their atten- i tion to our ass >rttraeat before purchasing elsewiiere. N. B. All Cha rs from M ssrs. Morgan’s Factory are i , ticketed on the back, bearing their stamp. C E. GIRAROEY A CO., Agents. TO DENTISTS. SUBSCRIBERS have just received and offer j for s die, at man of a- rurer’s prices, the largest and most 1 Complete assortment of INSTRUMENTS, for either Opera tive or Mechanical Denistry, ever brought to Augusta. Among therapy article; are Turnkeys, Tooth Forceps of every style and finish, Haiihen’s Screw Forceps, Flaggers, steel a 1 ivory handies, Scrapers, Scalers, Burrs, Drills, Exeat. -p -3, stock-, t and Revolving Drill heads, Plate and F ire ■ tt’.-., FILS -cf every description, File Carriers, Mouth and Ms.- Mirrors, in ivory and pearl, Hammers, Sliding Tongs, Vices, brush and Emery Wheels, Plate Shears, Ac., Ac. —ALSO— Full cet" of Harris’ Extracting Forceps, in neat mahoga ny -ets of Dental lo itruiuents, in brass bound cases, A ibey’s Gobi FoiL Tin Foil, Jones’ White and McCurdy’s superior Teeth, X., Ac., A ', jygu D. B. PLUMB A CO. AUGUSTA WHEEL WSLGHT AND BLACKSMITH SHOP. \T7E NOW OPEN to the citizens and the public, the VY new establishment fur repairing and making Wag gons, Carts, Drays, Trucks, Wheelbarrows, Ac., and we ) p; i>y strict attention to business and workmanship, to mera a liberal patronage. Leave your orders on the corner of Jac- -on »:.-d Calhoun streets, north side of Augus ta Gas Works, and they will receive prompt attention. Wfce; iwright, Shop under the direction cf W. D. Arington, and Blacksmith Shop under the direction ofJ.K. Wil liams. N. B. I am prepared for Blacks ith work generally; also, Eis or Bolts from to inches, with right or left haul thread. au2B-tJI J. K. W■ AUGUSTA FRENCH BURR MILL STONE MANU factory. TI! E subs: riber,thankfulforthe kind p&tronageheretofore extended to the late firm of Schikmkk A Wigakd, would respectfully inform hisfriends and the public,that ho contin ues to execute orders for his well known Warranted French BURR MILL STONES,of every desirablesize, attheiowest priceand shortest not-.ee. He also furnishes ESOPUB and COLOGNE STONES, SMUT MACHINES, of various patterns, BOLTING CLOTHS, of the bestbrand, CEMENT, for Mill use. Avd every other article necessary in a Mill. Also, for Planters,small GRIST MILLS to attach to Gin 6 All orderspromptlyattendedto WM r i alSwtf Surviving partner of Schirmer A Wigand. NEW CARRIAGE AND WAGON REPAIRING SHOP. TIIK undersigned has his shop completed, and is now - tdy for ail kinds of work Carriages, Buggies, » ag ons Drays, Carts, Ac., Ac., REPAIRED at the shortest no tice and with neatness and despatch. He hopes, by close attention to business, to merit a share of patronage. His shop is on Campbell-street, north of the new Ticket Office, Georgia Railroad. f J. H. LOWERY. OYER-COATS, OYER-SACKS, &C. JM. NEW BY A UO. offer for sale low a large l">t of • OYER COATS, OVER-SACKS, Ac. Also, fine Black COATS; Frock COATS; Business SACKS and FROCKS; Fancy and Black Oassiroere PANTS; VESTS, of all descriptions; SHIRTS, GLOVES; DRAWERS,Ac. Those in want, will find it to their interest to call and examine our stock, under the U. 8. Hotel. Bargains can be had. 026 ______________ i7p. gikareey & CO., WHOLK6 ALB and RETAIL CONFECTIONERS and Deters in French and German FANCY GOODS, Augusta, Geo., respectfully cal! the attention of the pub lic generally to their large end we’l aelec'ed stock of C INFECTIONARIES, FANCY GOODS, TOYS of every description, FIRE-WORKS, CORDIALS, SYRUPS, BE GARS, Havana and Malaga FRUITS, PICKLES and PRESERVES, e c , all of which can be fount! at their es tablUhmentJat the lowest possible market price. n 22 1 ik t w k LBsTaWFisti; I*UUU 25 boxes Fouled HERRING; 10 kits Pickled “ 800 lbs. Dried BEEF; for sale by d 2 ALLEOUD A WINGFIELD. [ SPECTACLES. i T F YOU will and must wear SPRAT A- L CLK«, get them exactly suited to the'2S2 fJ HSiSg eye, or they will do more harm than good. THE OPTO MEIER is an instrument invented by Prof. Slampfer, of the Poly technical School of Vienna, for the purpose of mea suring, with scientific exactness the degree of convexity the eye has lost by age, and it applies accurate numbers of classes to counteract the defect. None, then, need here* after complain that their spectacles pain their eyes, who call on us to be fitted with Spectacles. Come and see for yourselves. Now, though we have taken much pains to obtain this instrument, as well to inform ourselves with reference to the application of Glasses to remedy the de fects of vision, we take pleasure in informing our patrons and the public that we have become sole age;.ol Messrs. Ball & Co., for the sate of their recently invented Cups, which render spectacles entirely useless, even to the most Aged persons, where eyes have lost their convexity from age. We append, In favor of this invention, the following letter from Professor Finney, of Oberlin College. The fa.it in regard to the improvement of my sight by the use of „our Cups are these: I was wearing GLASSES of 18 inches focus—l have had them changed twice; and am now writing in a bad light with glasses of 4S inches focus, which is the lowest magnifying powi r used by Messrs. Pike. lean now read common print with ease with the lowest magnifying glass es. I have used them agreeably to your directions about four weeks. I see not why 1 may not expect, in a short time, to have my sight quite restored by continuing the use of the cups, I cannot but regard this discovery as of great value. Yours, truly, (Signed) C. G. Finney. P.S. lamin my sixtieth year, and have worn glasses bout te n years. Fjffl’y. 7, 1858. —Prof. Finney writes—l have, for the last six or eight months, used them (tlte Cups) but seldom. The improved state of my sight rendering me forgetful and neglectful of their steady use. I have received much bene fit and no perceptible injury whatever from their use. With tny ohnes open I read comfortably, and write easi i ly without glasses. Other letters can be seen in the pamphlet, published by j Messrs. Ball A Co., in out - possession. OSBORNE & WHITLOCK. | E2f?“ Constitutionalist A Republic please copy. 014 NEW MUSIC! NEW MUSIC ! JU ST received at GEO. A. OATES & BROS., Piano, Book and Music Store, Broad-st., the following NEW MUSIC: Polkas.—The Chimes Polka ; Nations Pride “ New-York “ Albion “ Impromptu “ by SchaJhoff; Crocus “ j Addi “ St. Pierre Sylph “ Young America Early Dawn “ .Marie Polka Mazourka ; Catawba Waltz ; Mendelsaonia Cing Vaises for Violin and Piano by Ryiha; Falling Leaf, or Autumnai Waltz; Passaic Waltz; Flower of the Field, Valse a deux Temps, by D'Albert; Feuille D’Album Mazourka ; Fu sex Scottisch ; Polonaise Brdiiante, by Oesten ; Chobbam Camp Gallop ; Jullien’s California Quadrilles ; “ Musical Tour ; “ Polka ; “ Prima Donna Waltz ; Stradella Souvenir dePOpera, by Wallace. dBl FURNITURE WARE ROOM, Under the Augusta Hotel, Broad stree f . f x THE SUBSCRIBERS have on _______ V 4. hand, and will be receiving from gYjtft the best manufacturers North, * i • FURNITURE of every descrip tion to suit purchasers, both in quality and prices, and so licit a share of public patronage. Just received a fine assortment of Mahogany and Wall nutt York and Cottage BEDSTEADS, 80FA8, of the latest styles and finish, in connection of a general assortment of alikindsof Household Furniture. apr2 HENRY A SKINNER. P. BRENNER, PIANO MANUFACTURER, Quality Range, Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., Ib ready to execute ail orders for PI- mx***?— . ANOS of all descriptions, which bewar rants to be equal in tone, quality and du- |t| rmbility to any that are brought from the » * 8 1/” North. The following is one of various testimonials, which have been kindly given to P. B. by gentlemen in this city. Having bought a Piano of Mr. P. Brenner last year, which was of his own make, I take great pleasure in testify ng my perfectapprubationofitin every respect. Itis very rich in tone, easy of touch, elegantly made and keeps in I tune most admirably. From what I have seen of Mr. Bren- i ner's Pianos, 1 have no hesitation in recommending them j tor their superior quality, to all who maybe in want of a j tue and durable instrument. J. B.llabt. j ; Augusta September 15,1562. j Farrherreferences: Bev. Mr.Ford,Mr. J. Setse, Mr. H. j 8. Frazer, B. Bignon, Mr. Wm. R. Scliirmer and others. Pianos, Organs and other musical instruments tuned and i skillfully repaired, at the shortest notice. P. BRENNER, ! 16-ly Broad-st, above McKenni-st. j AN IMPORTANT NOTICE- FjASETT’B BITTBRB possess Tonic, Aperient and Alterative properties without a partieal of Mineral in its composition. In Dyspepsit, Liver Complaints, Indigestion, Flatulency, General Debility, and ail the train of symptoms, common- 1 ly called NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, they have been em ployed with the most unparalleled success. During the summer season, when the system is relaxed, the appetite gone, and a genera! want of energy prevails these Bitters exert a most happy effect, creating a healthy action throughoutthe system, restoring the appetite, equal- j izit g the circulation, giving tone and energy to the body, j and creating a power, which wards off disease during the i autumnal s eason. Planett’s Bitters Is a certain cure for Dyspepsia. They j are purely vegetable, are very pleasant to the taste, and j are adapted to all ages and condition. They are in full quart bottles. Price fl. For sale, wholesale or retail by junels-dAw WM. H. TUTT, Sole Agent. CRUTCHFIELD HOUSE, FOBMBKLY QSUrrIS HODSS, CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE. THIS well known Hotel situated within a few stepsoi the passenger car landing of the W’estern and At lantic Railroad is now openunderthe .supervision of THOS. CRUTCHFIELD,assisted by Mr. J. W. F. BRYSON and LADY. This House, while under the control of Col. J. J. Griffis,acquired a very high reputation as a first class Hotel. The present proprietor having secured the services Os Col. Griffis's Bar keeper, and having purchased his mostexcellentc ok and house boy,and having furnished the house entirely anew, hopes to retain its high reputation and merit public patronage. Passengers can be accom modated with an Omnibus to and from the boats. f_bl9-ly THu3. CRUTCHFIELD, Proprietor. AUGUSTA DAIRY. TH K 81B8CB1BEU is now prepared to furnish Hotels and private families with amy quantity of MILK at eig ht cents i? per quart, and deliver it at their residences —***““»°» 1 every night and morning. Persona wishing can leave | their ordersat the office of Jamko P. Fleming. fel6~ly J. P. FLEMING. CORDS AND GALLOONS FOR LADIES CLOAKS RECEIVED this day, a splendid assortment of TRIM MINGS, for Ladies’ Cloaks ; TASSELS ; BINDINGS; GALLOONS, &c., Ac. dS WM. O PRICE & CO. CHOICE TOILET ARTICLES I ''OH LADUBS .VXD UKXTLKMKS.—A large and 1 full supply of all the little requisites for the toilet, among which are Lubin’s Extracts of Jockey Club; Bog. Caroline; Hedyosnisa; “Napoleon III” Burgamotte; Pink; Flowers of Italy, Ac. Also, Lubin’s Philocoine, decidedly the best Philocome extract: Lubin’s Shaving Cream; and Lubins’Sachets, just received bv jy2S D. B. PLUMB & CO. APERIENT PILLS DU. A. CUNNINGHAM has, for the last twen years, used the above PILLS, and found them a sa and useful remedy in costive habits, and in those sick he aches, arising from a deranged condition of the digest organs. When taken according to directions, they nev fail in assisting to remedy the many evilsarising from th abuse of medicine and improper food. Many of my former patients continue to use them, ther fore I can safely recommend them to all who may find necessary to resort to the use of medicine. aprl2-ly JETNA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE CO., npAKES Fire and Life Risks, on reasonable terms.— i. Offce, first building above Bridge Bank, Broad s reel, Augusta, Ga. n2'2-6ra JOHN G. SLEDGE, Agent. HOLIDAY FIXINS. ORE6KNTATION MUGS, CUI’S and SAUCERS, 1 China and Plated CARD BASKETS, Toy DOGS, SHEEP, Ac. GLASS TOYS, such as Tumblers, Decanters, Wine Glasses, Pitchers, Ewers and Basins, Sad-Irons’. Granite, China and Britannia Tea-Sets, Ac., at the China Store of dl7 ELI MUSTIN. JLBT RECEIVED— Men’s flue Calf Dress BOOTS; “ “ Patent “ “ “ “ Cloth “ “ “ “ Water Proof “ “ “ “ “ Quilted-bottom BOOTS; “ “ Calf and patent Congress “ Ladies’ black and colored GAITERS; “ bronze and coI’dSLIPPERS, Ac. , —ALSO— A fuli supply of Misses’ and Children’s SHOES. dIT FORCE, CONLEY A CO. LAND PCAfeTISR—We have on hand a stock of No. 1 LAND PLASTER, and expect, in a few days, a few tons of genuine Peruvian GUANO. Planters are invited to give us a calL nl2 D- B. PLUMB & CO. nPOBACCO FOR HALE-—I have severaUotsof com- X mon, middling and very fine TOBACCO, which I offer for Mjg by the b0x,«1.» price.. XDIA Rubber Doll HEAD 3, Chinese Doll HEADS, with bodies to match; Crying DALLAS, suitable for Chrißt mdi3iT“_,°" ■SSraSuftWnT. REMOVAL. WK HAVE moved to the store formerly occupied by O. H. Lee, next door above Gray Brothers, where we will be pleased to see our friends and patrons. sep So ESTES A RICHMOND. IRON A NONA ILB .—25 tons Swede’s and English IRON, allsises, forsale by n 8 BAKER A WILCOX. TYltiS.-IjußtTeceive d this day direct per steamer Two i/ Cases very fine new dried FIGS in Drums. For sale by a23 H. F. RUSSELL. AUGUSTA, GA., SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 14, 1854. I NOTICE. ; \VMLI.IAM M. DOW, of J. R. &. W. M. DOW, has I ' T opened that spacious and commodious store, oppo ■ | site the Planters’Hotel, and one door below the Franklin ! j House, where he will still continue to carry on the ‘whole sale ami retail Grocery business, in all its branches, and will be pleased to see his frien»l3 and patrons. n2l ! ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN PICKLES. Oil DOl6. Underwood A Co’s., assorted PICKLES; OU 12 dos. Tomato CATSUPS ; 8 “ Walnut do 5 “ Taoli VINEGAR; 5 “ John Bull SAUCE; 20 “ X and X lb. canisters Urderw-od'a best MUS TARD; Sha fbbls. PICKLES, in vinegar; 5 doz. assorted English PICKLES ; 5 “ French assorted do. 5 “ Tomato SAUCE; 10 boxes CAPERS and OLIVES; 5 baskets superior Olive OIL; 5 dcz. French MUSTARD. For sale by WILLIAM M. DOW, opposite the Planters’ Hotel anil one door below the Frank lin Houee. n 24 WINKS AND LIRE OHS.—IO barrels. 01d Rye WHISKEY; I*l 11 Eagle do. 5 “ Rye do. 4 “ old Nectar do. 8 casks Cognac BRAGDY, very choice; 2 x “ “ “ “ “ 2 X “ “ “ extra One; 8 % “ Chateau Bernard Cog. BRANDY'; 2 “ Old Jamaica RUM; 834 “ Madeira WINE ; 8 }:{ “ Old Port do. 334 “ Teneriffe do. 8 doz. Heidsick and Bolling’s CHAMPAGNE. Just received and for sale by WILLI AM M. DOW, Opposite the Planters’ Hotel and one door below the Franklin House. 06 JUST RECEIVED— -5 doz. SALMON, in tin cans ; 5 “ LOBSTERS, do. 8 “ MACKEREL; 8 “ CLA dS; 1 “ Roast TURKEY; 1 “ Boiled do. 1 “ Roast GOOSE; 1 “ Roast BEEF; 1 <> BEEF, ala mode. justreceived and forsaleby WILLIAM M. DOW, Opposite the Planters Hotel, and one door below the Frank lin House. d 6 I >UTTER, CHEESE AND FLOUR— J 8 kegs fresh Goshen BUTTER; 15 boxes choice American CHEESE 10 boxes English Dairy CHEESE ; Fresh lliram Smith FLOUR, in bbls.; Cunningham Mills FLOUR, in bbls. and bags. For sale by WILLIAM M. DOW, opposite the Planters’Hotel and one door below the Frank lin House. u'4 I> A CON, A.e.—2000 lbs. Bacon SIDES, 1500 lbs. Bacon > SHOULDERS, 2 Casks Sugar Cured HAMb, 50 lbs. Dried BEEF. WILLIAM M. DOW, Opposite the Planter’s Hotel an 1 one door below the Franklin House. u 24 11ST RECEDED and for sale —ORANGES, AP fj PLEB, COCO AN UTS, ONIONS, POTATOES, BEETS and Grape FRUITS. WILLIAM M. DOW, Opposite the Planter’s Hotel and one door below the j Franklin House. n 24 HA V.—6o Bales prime Eastern HAY’. 1r a tie by WILLIAM M. DOW, Opposite the Planter’s Hotel and one door below the Franklin House. n3l FURNITURE, CHAIRS, LOOKING-GLASSES,&C TT.YDKRTHE AIGCSTA HOTEL. —YV'e respect 1 fuUycall the attention of buyers to our New and ; Fashionable assortment of Cabinet FURNIIUHE,CHAIRS, j Ac., which has been selected with care. As to quality and prices wt; trust we shall be able to give satisfaction to all j who will favor us with their patronage. In connect on, we | have an Agency tor the sale of Aubian’g Power Loom Man- : ufactory of CARPETS, RUGS, Ac. We will be pleased to j take orders from those in want from samples we have, j together with some whole pieces, which we will sell at i manufacturer’s prices. N. B. —Country dealers supplied as usual with Cabinet Makers and Undertaker’s Materials, he. o!6 HENRY A SKINNER. WAGON YARD, AUGUSTA. GA-. 'V' KAR the Lower Bridge, and opp site the South Caro- IN Una Railroad Depot. This Wagon Yard, is now un der my management, to accommodate Wagoners with their Teams. Separate Lots are kept lor CATTLE, HOGS and SHEEP. Corn, Fodder and Provision? generally, constant- ! ly on hand. WM. 11. PRITCHARD. N. IL—I buy COUNTRY PRODUCE in all quantities, I ' and am prepared to supply GROCERIES and general i MERCHANDISE, at wholesale and retail prices, at my old i stand, in Bridge Bank Building. o7 WATCH CLOCK AND JEWELRY ESTABLISH I MENT, Broad-Street , nearly opposite the Eagle J Photnis j Hole. Jdk K.TWKKDYjlntenderingthanksfor theQY j 1 • large measure of public patronage accorded to j them since they comraenced business, would call tec, tion to their presentchoiee selection of GOLD AN D SIL VER WATCHES, and the newest and most elegant styles \ of JEWELRY and FANCY GOODS, which they offer at i very low prices. In the department of Watch and Jewelry REPAIRING, i they are determined to pursue the same course as hereto- i fore, and by the same careful and neat workman dry, ! punctuality, and low prices, which have given such general j satisfaction, to merit a continuance of public favor. An assortment of clocks of the latest styles always on hand. imr3 j REMOVAL. nAVINO rented Mr. T. S. Metcalf's new office, on Key- | . noldi-street, with a portion of his new Fire-Proof I Warehouse,adjoining Messrs. Platt A Brother, 1 will con- ! tinuethe GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS. Prompt attention will be given to all orders for the sale of Mer- j chandise or purchase of Produce. JOHN CASHiN. I SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, lit M. WOODRUFF haviag been recently ap- YY • pointed Agent for the above Company, is now prepared to take F.re and Marine risks on asfavoiat le terms as any Agency in the City. Augusta, Aug 82d, 1863. ;iu23-ly HAAIB. —A small lot New Y’ork city cured, just re' ceived and for sate by r. 17 YY. H. STARK & CO. /CALCINED PLANTER AND HYDRAULIC C£- MENT.—YV'e have now in Store a large lot of the above of the best brands. n!2 i). B. I’LL'MiJ A CO. VERMICELLI, TAPIOCA and Pearl BARLEY. Just received by [nls] ESTES k RICHMOND. Koh-i-noor 'tobacco—The towTchewing'r^ bacco in the world—a small quantity.ius received. SCRANTON, SEYMOUR A CO., n 26 No. 2, Warren Block. -< A A HALF boxes 1 AISINS, new crop. For sale by lUU SCRANTON, SEYMOUR A CO., n 26 No. 2, Warren Block. OATS. —500 Sacks Prime Seed OATS. W. H. STARK A CO., nl7 YVairen Block. / i ARDEN hEEDH.—The subscribers will receive, in i Ola short time, their stock of Fresh Garden SEEDS, nil D. B PLUMB A 00. CYIIEKBE. —28b boxes Choice American CHEESE ; ) 50 boxes and 10 casks Miles A Sons’ extra do. For sale by [o7] HAND, WILLIAMS k CO. SUGAR.— A few hluls. very prime old New Origan) SUGAR. For sale by d7 HAND, WILLIAMS & CO._ TUT AILS.—6SO kegs NAILK, jus received and for ra'e, lN by n2O DAVIS, EOLB A FANNING. Mackerel and cod-fish.— so bbis. and hail bbls. MACKEREL,Nos.I,2 end 8; 1,000 lbs. COD FISH, just received by ESTES A RICHMOND, n‘2B Next door to Gray Brothers. /» t\(\ Sack SALT, to arrive this day and for sale on the OVH; Wharf. n 26 M. A B. WILKINSON. I) RANDY PEACHES, pronounced by tlieCommittee 3 at the Fair to be “ Extra Fine.” I offered at the Fair just such as lam selling every day. Call and see them. 028 WM. li. PRITCHARD. N KW-ORLEANS SYRUP—SO bbls. in prime order, in store and for sale, to suit purchasers, by oS C. E. GIRARDEY A CO.__ IYIRE CRACKER*.—'IOO boxes No. IFI RE CRACK ERS, for saie low by 028-ts ESTES A RICHMOND. JOINT A LIME, ThomastonT LIM E, ‘ Calcined P LAS TER PARIS, and Plasterer’s HAIR, ju-t received by 08-d4wtf ESTES A RICHMOND, CIAYIPHENE AND BURNING FLUID— / 150 gallons CAMPHENE; 150 do. BURNING FLUID, warranted fresh. For sale by [nl7] WM. H t’ UTT, Druggist. INDEED OIL—SOO gallotjs just received by j [n 17] WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. ‘NA BOXES SALERATUS, super, article, pound papers; ZU 20 “ SUP. CARB SODA, do. do. do. 5 gross Preston & Merrill’s YEAST POYVDERS; For sale by HAVILAND, RISLEY A CO. HAIR BRAIDING—In various beautiful styles. BRACELETS; CHAINS; EAR-RINGS; CHARMS; PINS. As. Samples can be seen, and orders left, at the store of o2S CLARK A CO., Jewellers. O Kegs "Choice Family LARD, just received and for ZO sale low by [n23dtf] ESTES A RICHMOND. iHK PHILOTOKKX may be had of n'24 WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. kTv BOXES choice Goshen CHEESE; 5 firkins “ “ BUTTER. Just received by n 29 tISX ES A RICHMOND. - arrive. d 22 DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING. (DRAIN’S SUPPORTERS.—The subscribers have J on hand a lot of the above valuable Supporters, which will be sold cheaper than the cheapest. d7 D. B. PLUMB A CO. %|l BOXES Prime CHEESE,instore and for sale by SCRANTON, SEYMOUR A CO., n 5 No 2, Warren Block. BAGGING. —65 bales of Gunny BAGGING, old impor tation, for sale by n2O DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING. IITAGOS AND TEAM OF MCLES.--A good VV team of six large MULES. Apply at the Wagon Yard. [o!s] W. H. PRITCHARD, | LIFE AKD FIKE INSURANCE COMPANY, ! CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY', HART FORD, CONN. { Capital and Surplus, over $250,000, Alsrhd Gili,, Pres’t. | Jab. C. Walklet, Sec’y. ! npHIS Company will issue Policies on the Joint Stock il principle,and upon the Mutual plan, thus c mbit)mg the benefits of both systems at the option of the insured. The strength ability and well invested capital of the in stitution, are, in my opinion, unsurpassed by any Life In surance Company in this State or Union. [L. S ] signed R. G. I’ixxey, Comptroller Public Accounts, State of Connecticut. Slaves insured. Risks taken on reasonable terms. The subscriber is also Agent for the following Fire Com panies : EQUITABLE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF LON DON. Authorize! Capital $2,500,000 Capital paid in $1,000,000 C. E. HaBKCIIT, Esq , 1 Henhy Ludlam, Esq., >Trustees, New York. Robert Diu.on, Esq., j FARMERS’ FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital $200,000. COLUMBIA INSURANCE COMPANY, COLUMBIA. S. C. Capital $150,000 Marine, River and Fire Risks. GRANITE, FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW-YORK. Capital $200,000. These Companies, having a cash Capital, safely invested in bond and mortgage, are prepared to effect Insurance agaiast damage by tire, on ail kinds of property, on rea sonable terms. For Insurance in either of the above named Companies, apply to J- H. ANDERSON, Agent, nlB ’SB-ly Melntosh-street, Augusta. WOUTHY OF NOTICE.—The Southern Iron Witch Cook STOVE is unsurpassed as a Cook Stove for Southern use. For culinary conveniences it is complete, but nevertheless so simple in its arrangement that the most inexperienced cook can (with il) produce the best boiled, broiled, baked, roasted and fried victuals. War ranted to give entire satisfaction. For sale by J AS. SULLIVAN, 145 Broughton-st., Savannah, 022 andß. F. CHEW, Augusta. / Y IFT 800 KB.—British Female Poets, withbiographi \J cal and critical notices, by Rev. Geo. W. liethune. YVatson’s Poetical Quotations, The Women of the Scrip tures— edited by Rev. H. Hastings Weld, with illustra tions. Montgomery. PiLrimage to English Shrines; by Mrs. S. C Halt. American Female Poets, with biographi cal and critic H notices, by Caroline May. Scenes in the Life oi the Saviour, by the Poets and Painters ; edited by Rufus W. Griswold, with illustrations. Keble’s Christian I Y'ear. Be mu Book of the Picturesque. Reid’s Female i Poets of America. For sale at GEO. A. OATES k BROS., d*2o Piano, Book and Music Ftf re, Broad-st. SiRIRKTH EIRON Y/HILE ItJ HOT. npBK undereignej takes thU method of inviting the La- j A. dies and Gentlemen of Augusta and vicinity, to his j large and well selected stock of DRY' GOODB and OLOTH- • ING, which he notv offers for sale, “ cheaper than any other store in Augusta,' and to convince the public that i such is the case, he would inform them that he intends to j retire ft m business by the first day of April next; he is, j therefore, determined to tell out his entire stock by April ; I and to < ntble him to do so, be off-rs his extensive stock at i prices which must tempt all who wish to purchase. B. PHILLIPS, 812 Broad-st., Augusta. I N. B.—AH thrscindebted to me, by notes or otherwise, j will pie .- j eaii and settle before the Ist o i April next, and i those having claims against me, will hand in their bills, j .5-d A-v B. P. f iCOPHR’s Nava 1 History to T 'B. New edition. V Complete D1 lioaary of Poetical Quutitions —com- pi isteg tlte mo=t excellent and appropriate passages in old British Poets, with choice and copious selections from best modern British and American Poets. Edited by carah J, Hale. Poems of Geo. P. Morris. Beautifully illus rated. History of all Religions, with ceremonies and customs, with forms of worship practised by the several nations ol the known worid, from the earliest records to the present time. Also a full account, historical, statistical and doc tri -ai, of the principal religious denominations in the Uni ted .Hates. By YVm.Burder, 11. A. Civil Liberty and Belf-Goveri ment. By Francis Liter, L. L. D Lint. >f. r tie Gentle and Lot iog. By Thos. MacKtTer. Infidelity,its Cau.--.-s, A upsets and Agencies. Ihe Priae Essay of British organization of the Evangelical Alliance. By Rev. I hos. Pearson. Works of Right Rev. Geo. Horne, D. D.,late Lord Bishop of Norwich, to which are prefixed memoirs of his Life, Studii tad Writings. By Wm. Jones, M. A., F. It S., one of bis Lordship's Chaplains. Just received quid for sale, t>y MoKINN E & HALL, jas P,ooksci:e;s end Stationers. DISSOLUTION^ rr’llK firm of J. TAYLCR A 00.,-'a this day dissolved by ! JL mutual consent. Then A s and accounts are left in | the hands of YVM. N. NICHOLS, who is authorized ts re- | ceipt for the same. All persons indebted to the firm, are ! requested to make payment on or before the Ist of January. I J. TAYLOR, Jr., Dec-.- nber 20,1553. N. H. YVILDMaK. ; NOTK.E. | HAYING purchased the entire stock of Messrs. J. : TA VLOR, Jr., A CO., w ill still continue the HAT and CAP business, ia ail its branches, both wholesale and re tail, at their old stand, 285 Broad street, where I would be pleased to serve all who may favor me with a caii, and woul i ..'licit a continuance of the p .tronage so liberally bestowed to them. YVM. N. NICHOLS. Augusta, December 20,1858. I AVI.YG discontinued business in Augusta, we take i_i th s opportunity to return our thanks for the liberal patronage extended to us, and ta-c pleasure in so foiling a continuance of the same to our friend and successor, YVM. A.NIOUOLH J. TAYLOR, Jr., A CO. ! December 20,1858. d2S CO-PARTNERSHIP -1 HAVE this day associated with me, in the Auction and General Commission Business, my brother Dr. EDWARD GIRA RDEY', and will henceforth continue to do business at my old staid, lately occupied by Messrs. Daw son & Skinner, under the name aud style of C. E. GIRAR DEY A CO. CAMILLE E. GIRARDEY. August i, October 6, 1553. o7 DIRECT IMPORTATION. npHK SUBSCRIBERS have just received of their ! _L own importation from Paris, a large and beautiful as sortment of Lubin’s Fancy Toilet SOAPS, aud his premium Shavihg CREAM, in China pots, also a lot of choice COLOGNE YVaTKR, and fine SOAPS from the celebrated manufactory of Ed. f’inand, together with Pinands Royal Hankerchief EXTRACT, “ Louis i dud Marla.” These articles cannot be excelled in the work! for richness or deli acy < f perfume. Lubin’s Handkerchief EXTRACTS in a most any variety, for sale by 0.28 D. B. PLUMB & CO. \ f 1J H VSIC8 —their principles and practical applica- ! . JL tion. Elitod by Oliver Byrne, Civil, Military ami i Mechanical Engineer, author of Poaket Companion for j Engineers aud Machioists, Just published and so. i gale at dS GEO. A. OATES k BROS., Broad st. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY AND SILVER GOODS. r | i YY . FRKE.Yf AN, at his old stand, nearly opposite X • the Bank of Brunswick, and the New Planters Hotel, Augugta, Ga., wholesale and retail dealers in Gold and Silver WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER and Silver plated YVARfci, Ac., &e , has now on hand and will be constantly receiving a fine assortment of all artie’es in the above lin?, which will be sold cheap for cash. Persons wishing to put chase will find it to their inter est to call and e amine. WATJHES, CLOCKS and JEWELEY repaired with accuracy and despatch. oIG-ly OCTOBER 17, 1853. CYLARK «V tlO., v. atch Makers and Jewellers, have J now ia store a complete stock of new and choice GOODS. Particular attention has been given to fine YVAI CUES, Silver WARE and DIAMONDS. On hand WATCHES of T. F. Cooper, fine Duplex ; do do. Repeating; do. do. Independent Seconds; do. of Jurgeuson (of Copenhagen) Duplex aud repeat ing; do. of the maufactDre of Citas. Taylor & Son, in mag ic and other cases; —also of the Tobias, Beeseley, Johnson, Harrison and others : SILVER WARE—Tea Sets, Pitchers, Urns, Goblets, Cups, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Ac. JEYVELRY —, r n Pins, Ear Rings and Bracelets, o the latest styles. CUTLERY —Fine Table and Pocket Cutlery. GUNS—Double Guns of all kinds, and the largest and best Assortment of Gunning Apparatus. PISTOLS —Colt’.-, Derringer’s, Deane’s (London Bridge) Revolvers, and every style in use. C ANES —Gold, Silver, Stone and Ivory Mounted, and a variety of Fancy Imported Sticks. DIAMONDS and other Stones Mounted to order. ENGRAVING on Metal at a moment’s notice. 018 SCOTIA’S BAUD—A beautiful Gift Book. Just re ceived by d 9 THOS. RICHARDS k SON. ROADS and Railroads —A Manual of principles and practice of Road-Making ; comprising the location, construction and improvement of Roads—Common, Mac adamised, Paved, Plank and Railroads. By W. M. Gilles pie, A. M., C. E. Just received and for sale by d 22 MoKINNE k HALL. r>F* DOZKITSHOVELS anT SPADLS ; iO 1500 lbs. llorse-shoe NAILS; 50 boxes Roofing TIN, 20 14. For sale by n!5 MULLARKEY & OAKMAN. CIBANBRRRIKB OK COKBIBKHEKT-SIO' bbls. /justreceived. For sale by GEO. W. LEWIS, nlO No. 1, Warren Block. LAUD. —A fresh supply in barrels, kegs and stands—a choice article. For sale low, by J.A. ANSLEY. d3l ON COVSIGA MENT—4OO bushels prime North T A A BUSHELS new Corn MEAL, for sale by OUU dIS GEO. YV, LEYY'IS, NURSING BOTTLES—Of a new and improved style. Just received bv ep2o YYM. H. TUTT, Druggist. i *7 SACKS superfine FLOUR, on consignment and for 1 i sale, by [d29] M AB. WILKINSON. rrr BBLS. Stewart’s A, B and C SUGARS. I,) 023 __ M. &B. WILKINSON. OT COK\ —Life Scenes in New York, illustrated; including the Story of little Katy, Madaline, The Rag Picker’s Daughter, YViid Maggie, etc., by Solon Ro binson. For sale by jal T. RICHARDS & SON. I DENNIS’ ANTI-SPASMODIC TINCTUHE, I,'OU Fits, or Convulsions, Apoplectic Affections, Locked Jaw, Cramp Colic,Chvlera, Pneumonia,Hydrophobia, Bite ol Snakes, and other dangerous and poisonoui Rep tiles, Insects or Animals; and all other diseases in which immediate action is necessary. This Tincture produces its effect by equalizing the circu lation of the blood, and by relieving intlammation. Its ef fect in relieving inllamniation, either internal or external, makes it useful in a great variety of diseases. For Fever and Ague, or Chills, it is an almost infallible remedy. Diluted with syrup or honey.it is useful for Colds and all affections of the Lungs, arising frein Colds, such as Lough, Croup, Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing ic. As an external remedy in fresh Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Snake-Bites, Sting of Bees, or Bite of Poi sonous Insects, it prevents iailammition, greatly relieves thes ireness, and facilitates a cure. Used as a wash in Eruptive Diseases, such as ScaM- Jead, Ring-Worm, or diseases which cause on itching sen i ®?. tion u i )( m the skin, it soon produces a healthy action, j Y> hen thus used the Georgia Sarsaparilla should be taken j to purify the blood. j . For Horses, and other ani naU, this article will be found I invaluable for Bruises, Cuts, Galls, Fistula, &e. For Colic, I end various oilier dangerous attacks, it will rarely fail to | cure even the worst cases. This is the most active medicine in use, yet it may be j givea without danger of injury. It seldom fat's, in dan gerous cases, to cause an immediate re action in the sys tem. After it has caused a re-action, it may be followed by such other medicines as the situation ol tne patient may indicate. 'I hose who have large p’aatati ns, or live at a distance from a physician, will find it greatly to their interest to keep it ready fzv use in eases of emergency. P y spared by J. DENNIe, M. I)., Augusta, Ga. Price $1 per bottle, or Sis Bottle? for $5. j i7 MOKE SEW MUSIC, I received at GEO. A. OATEdJt BROS., Piano, M<“‘c Store, Broad-street, between United states ana Globe Hotel, v iz: Sosas—Thou wilt meet Me no More; My dark blue eyed Maiden; The Wind is a Bachelor; Aunt Harriet Beecher Stowe; My Heart with Joy is Bounding Light; The Ine briate’s Lament; In Childhood I Dallied: Moored is my Boat,by George Lialey ; I may not meet Thee, Oh, Lady, Sing that gentle Strain ; Columbia, the Land of my Home, as sung by M’dlle Anna Terr at Julien’s Concerts; Keep the Heart light as You can ; Dear Land, from Songs and Ballads of Erin ; I had a Dream just now, Mother; Lillie Jell, a new Ethiopian melody ; YY’e are Coming, Sister -Vljry ; Calmly the YVaves, Love —Duett; There’s a Land of Bliss; Our Childhood Years ; My Old Kentucky Home, Good Night. notice! THE partnership of STARKE k BRYSON is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. W. W. Starke, assisted by H. C. Bryson will close the business of the old concern. December 1, 1853. dt STARKE A BRY'aCN. FOB SALE. AY KRY desirable tract of LAND and Improvements, (MX Acres) lying in the vicinity of Geo. YV. Lamar, about 2 miles from Augusta, on the Georgia Railroad, is ottered for sale. Apply to the undersigned. THOMAS J. INGRAM. DRAWING AND PAINTING! OTIO LEN’JZ, Artist,from theAcademyof Muniokand Dusseidorf, thankful forthepatronagereCfcivtdfroasthe citizens of Augusta the past year, announces that hs has taken Rooms over Mrs. Loeb’aMilliner Store,on Broad-s‘ one door below U. D. Bell’s, Lani.scape and other Paintings executed in artistic style. Instruction in Drawing and Painting will be givtn in classes or private lessons. Terms reasonable. Young gentlemen desiring night lessons can be accommodated. Oct 16-ly FASHIONABLE MERGHAMT TAILORING r|’iih I.YDEKSIUXED, having purchased the entire A interest of Mr. JOHN BRIDGES, in the weli kiown stand, 250, Broad-street, next door below the United dates Hotel, respectfully inform t:ie puolic that he will keep on hand a full assortment of all that comprises a fashionable stock of CLOTHd, CASBIMEREB, YESIInGS and TRIM MINGS to make to order, including MILITARY WORK in all its branches. Also, a full assortment of FURNISH ING AUTI'JLESfor Gentlemen’s wear, viz: SHIRT, COL PARS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, Ac. Ladies’ UNDER. VESTS. READY-MADE CLOTHING. In this department may always be found, in point of style and make, “ the at tide'' MAKING and TRIMMING Garments in best manner n 5 J. A. VAN WINKLE. CARD HAVIN’ U disposed of my entire interest to Mr. J. A. VAN WINKLE, in my lato business of MERCHANT lAILDRiNG, I respectfully solicit for him a continuation ot Patronage so long extended me. I shall continue, in behalf of him and those who may feel disposed to patron ise Mr. t an Winkle, to give my best individual exertions 10 P !eass - JOHN BRIDGES. Augusta, October 3,1585. n 5 ARCHITECTURE. EDWARD A. VINCENT, ARCHITECT, L>Et»S leave to inform the citizens of Augusta that he * has removed his office from Jackson street to Broad st., next door to the new Augusta Bank, and respectfully so licits their patronage aud support. DESIGNS and DRAW INGS of all descriptions, including PATENT DRAWINGS executed with neatness and despatch. Having secured the valuable services of Mr. E. W. Brown, Architect and Builder, ol this city, he will act for me during my absence from this city. Offices—Broad-street, Augusta ; Cotton Avenue, Macon; ana Atlanta,Geo. a; THE WASHINGTON HOUSE-BY CHARLEY S 8 PHL subscriber has taken the well known House on 1 Chew’s Alley, immediately opposite the Eagle and Phoenix Hotel, and wtli stocked it with the choicest WINEB LIQUORS and SKGAKS, and ny strict attention to his busi ness ami a desire to please aii his friends and customers, hopes to meet with a share of patronage. n22-dlm CHARLES FRANKE JUST RECEIVED, AT THE Augusta Saddle and H trness Manufactory, 193, Broad-street, under the Augusta Hotel, the largest assortment of TRUNKS and CARPET BAGS ever offered in Urn market. Among which are Ladies’ and Gentle men’s Sole Leather and Steel Spring Traveling Trunks, Bonnet Cases, Hatßoxes, Valises, Ac., Ac. Also, Ladies’ Riding Gloves and Whips, Genriemen’s Walking Canes, Ac., ail of which will be sold on as reasonable terms as at any other establishment in this city. je23 A. HATCH. / t011.Y.—1,500 bushels CORN, for sale by V d 2 ALLEGED A WINGFIELD. L> ACO.N .—l2,oui lbs. SIDES ; ) 4,000 “ SHOULDERS; 2,500 “ HAMS. Just received, which will be sold very low, by d7 DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING. U | KHCJBR POTATOES.—Received this day by iVi steamer, 10 barrels Mercer POTATOES For sale by d!8 H. f. RUSSELL. NEW UL itKV.YTH and RAISINS received this day in whole, halves and quarter boxes, for sale by 018 11. F. RUSSELL. DPLKATHD BOHEMIAS TOILhT BOTTLES, kJ Ac.—We have jus: received a beautiful lot, to which we invite attention. d2O WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. BU IT Kit.—A few kegs BUTTER, for sale by d2l BAKER A WILCOX. i Y iiOl XD-PEAS.—2O bushels GROUND-PEAS, for VJF sale by .. BAKER & WILCOX. 171011 UOUHHg, CIOLDs, SORETHHOAT. Ae— -1 PASTILLES DE PARIS ; Huston’s Liverwort PASTE; Wisteria Cough LOZENGES; Chinese OHINCACHOO; Liquorice PIPE ; Jujube PASTE ; Gum Arabic I OZEN GE3. Sold by d2l HAVILAND, RISLEY A CO. QUI UK’s Celebrated Cassada OIL, for preserving and beautifying the Hair, for sale by T’ AKKAi Lri, by the subscriber, on the 2Sth October, a Dark Bay HORSE, six years old, marked on one ear b a cord. The owner will please call, pay charges, and take him away. n 5 dtf JAS. P. FLEMING. NKYV crop RAISINS, whole, half and quarter boxes; 200 boxes X lb. SARDINES; 10 doz. 1 lb. cans fresh LOBSTERS; 10 “ Underwood’s best MUSTARD; 15 “ gallon, half gallon and quart Jars Under wood’s PICKLES; 500 lbs. Ground COFFEE ; 5 bb s Pecan NUTS ; 5 “ soft and hard shell ALMONDS; 8 “ Braz.i NUTS; 5 boxes Hecker’s FARINA ; 10 “ Corn STARCH . Butter, Sugar, Seed, Soda and Boston CRACKERS. Just received and for sale low, by n 24 ESTES A RICHMOND. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS WK have just received from Paris a. large and rich assoitmeatof Fancy BOXES, sui able for Ilolyday presents; also, an immense variety of TOYS. Call and see them. [d7-’Jl] L P. GIHARDY A CO. SUGAR HOUSE SYRUP.—IO bbls. Havemeyer’s and Moliers Sugar House SYRUP, for sale by 023 ESTES A RICHMOND. 1 UUXKB TOBACCO, various brands and quali lUv* ties, ranging in price from 8 cents to 50 cents per pound, left for sale on consignment. Dealers would do well to call and examine the lot, as I have common, medium and fine TOBACCO, and am determined to sell low; frost, snow, short crop or high prices next year to the contrary notwith standing: [ul6] YV'. H. PKITCHHRD. TWINE.— 500 Lbs. Seine TWINE. 800 “ Gil'inett THREAD. 210 “ Shoe Do. 100 “ Mattrass TYY’INE, For sale by dll MULLARKEY A OAKMAN. A I ULIiSi VND HOKSKs FOR SALE iVL A pair of well broke, medium sized MULES, and several Saddle and Harness HORSES, for sale at the Wagon Yard. ■folk o2S W. H. PRITCHARD. XT'URNITURK POLISH.—This valuable article for - restoring a gloss to old Furniture, is for sale by d2O WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. *)/ \ BARRELS CRANBERRIES, in fine order, for sale &\) by dls GEO. YV. LEWIS. EYOR BALB.—Shares “of the~STOCK of Geargia'RaS Road A Bank Company. Apply to d2O SCRANTON, SEYMOUR A CO. FINE MILCH COWS. T>EKSONS who want good M sch COWS, I Native Stock, with young CALVES, can be accommodated by calling at Simpson's 71 "/IF Stable. ■* dlO P. YV, SALE. VOL. XVIII. NO. 11. BOOK BINDERY. THfi PROPRIETOR of theCHRONICLE & SENT!. w °uld respectfully notify his friends and thepub iiCjtnat he has added to his establishmenta complete BOOK BINDERY, and having secured the services of an efficient and compe entw°rlcian,ij prepared to execute all orders for BlND lwtnn the best style, and at short notice. Havingalsoa mostapproved RULING MACHINE, allordersfor BILL HEADS, BLANK BOOKS, Ac.,willbe Ruled to any given pattern, with neatness and despatch He flatters himself, therefore, that he will be able toexe cuteevery variety of work in a most satisfactory manner, JOB PRINTING. J„ h . e , PANTING department of the CHRONICLE* SENTINEL Office is now complete in all its parts, having been recently re-fltted with a most extensive supply and great variety of New Type, of the latest styles and moa approved patterns. The Proprietor would therefore re spectfullyinvite the orders of his friends and the public eeling assured that his facilities, and thesuperiorskill and taste of his workmenin that department, willenablehim to execute every variety of JOB PRINTING in astyle equal to any establishment in the South,and atmostsatisfactorv P rices - mh2o * DODGE’S FANCY DYEING AND STEAM FIN ISHING ESTABLISHMENT, IVETWEEN Kollock and Marbury, on Greene street J where he is prepared to DYE and FINISH every de’ scripticn of Ladies’ Dresses, Silk and Straw Bonnets, Rib bons, Laces, Fringes, Gloves, Hose, Parasoletts, Sun Shades, Shawls of every kind and every fabric. Also White Crape Shawls, Merino ditto, cleansed and bleached* Ac. White Shawls Dyed to any light and fancy color. All kinds of articles for mourning, Dyed and Finished at short notice. Gents’Coats and Pants Dyed, and warranted not to smut; Gents’Coat3, Pants, Vests, Cravats, Ac., cieaDsed and pressed. , j^ r ‘ Bodge would have the people of Augusta and vi ,n that this establishment is the only one m the kmdtn the e.ty.His Finishing is all done by steam! and his machinery of the latest style. * Mr. Dodge has had twenty-three years practice in New A ork and Boston in the k ancy Dyeing business. Military Coats cleansed, Ac., Ac. G. R. DODGE, Proprietor, lebJ-ly Greene street, Augusta, Ga. LIVE STOCK INSURANCE. TO THE OWNERS OF VALUABLE ANIMALS. THE SUBSCRIBER has been ap- tfV- pointed Agent of the “NORTHERN /W NEW YORK LIVE STOCK INSU RANCE COMPANY,” and is pre pared to insure the lives of Horses, Mules, Cows, Sheep Ac., Ac., on reasonable terms. All Animals must be per fectly sound at the date of Insurance, and no risks will fce taken on old or inferior stock. For further particulars apply to D. REDMOND, Agent. ’ FLOYD THOMAS, Examiner. Augusta, June 3, 1853. june3-tf NEW LAUD.—Thirty half-barrels fine New LARD. For sale by d2l BAKER A WILCOX. C'OAI,! COAL I—2oo tons Red Ash COAL, for sale / from wharf,by [H9j JOHN C. CARMICHAEL. LAUD.— 20 kegs No. 1 LARD: 50 bb s. “ do. E r sale by (d29] JOHN C CARMICHAn .. McKINNE dt HALL, have received a large assort ment of Annuals and other Books, suitable for Christ mas presents. —ALSO— Juvenile Books, and a beautiful collection of Work-Boxes, to wlkh they invite the attention of the public. ci22 HOMES in the New World. By Miss Bremer. Just received by d 22 McKINNE A HALL. MANILLA ROPE.—IO coils 3* and 1 inch Maniiia ROPE, for sale low, by .jal ' HAND, WILLIAMS A CO. r J^OBACCO. —2BO boxes on consignment, at manufac- JL turers prices, from 12>t to 60 cents. O. H. LEE. "VIEW BOOK,.—Napoleon at St. Helena, from Letters 1 ’ and Journals of Sir Hudson Lowe. Just received by d 22 _____ McKINNE A HALL. GHANITKVILI.E (iOODg -20 bales 7 S Graniteville SHIRTINGS ; 20 “ “ Carolina do. 10 “ “ DRILLS; 20 “ 4-4 SHEETINGS. _ For sale by [d29] JOHN C. CARMICHAEL. EGBERT WOODS-STEAM ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS, PHILADELPHIA. Cl AST and Wrought Iron RAILINGS, Window GUARDS, J CHAIRS, SETTEES, STATUARY, of all kinds, and every article in the above line always cn hand at the low est prices. The undersigned having the Agency of the above Estab lishment, and a book of the different designs, will be pleas ed to show them to all in want, and receive orders. oct29 dawtJl \VM. H. GOODRICH. NOTICE TO BUILDERS. WE have received—2s dozen People's LOCKS and KNOBS, complete; 25 dozen Empire State do.; 12 “ Rural LOCKS, two and three Bolts ; 20 “ Cottage LOCKS, Ac., 4c. W bite Plated Mineral KNOBS ; and every thing re quired to furnish a house in the most splendid style. Pri ces much reduced. dll A OAKMAN. 17OR SALE ON CONSIGNMENT:— Je 20 bbls. and kegs new LARD, a choice article; 50 bushels Dried FRUIT; Also, a lot of BEANS and PEAS. d 2O J. A. ANSLEY. SALT. —700 sacks SALT. For saie bv d2l BAKER A WILCOX. WANTED TO HIRE, ♦)A SO. 1 Negro MEN, and 12 or 15 BOYS—also, a A” few g3od Negro BRICKLAYERS. d3O-tf _____ L. G. BASSFORD. SI GARS.—I2S hhds. New-Orleans, Muscovado an Forto Rico SUGARS. For saie low by nl9-dAw BAKER A WILCOX. ». C. LAIkfiSIOY, 4 TTORXEY AT LAW, Carnesville, Gs. -iIL References : C. Peeples, Esq., Athens, Ga. W. L. Mitchell, Esq , “ “ Col. B F. Hardeman, Lexington, Ga. Samu 1 Freeman, Esq., Newnan, Ga. jaß-wly ABCHITECTURE. /CHARLES De R.VAUOW, Architect, respectfully \J informs the citiaens of Augusta, and adjoining coun ties, that he has taken rooms :n Jones street, opposite the Planters’ Hotel, and is now prepared to furnish DESIGNS and DETAILS for all kinds of Buildings, Machinery and Patents, at the shortest notice and with accuracy and neatness. He is permitted to refer to the following gentlemen : Wm. H. Goodrich, Builder; Quein A Rigby, Builders Coftiu A Beals, Desyrners and Painters. C DsRANGOW is now opening a NIGHT SCHOOL for Mechanics, where a thorough knowledge in Architecture wiil be taught. Terms—sl2 for 36 lessons. C. DkR. will also take a limited number of Day Pupils. Apply as above. dIS VOts All MILLS M.OIR— JLU. bbls. superfine Etowah Mills FLOOR ; 100 bushels SEED OATS. For sale by jas-dßt ROBERTSON A STOVALL. HAY, HA Y.—loo bates prime Northern HAY,for sale by jal-10 _ JOHN R. DOW. / T OS ILEA BUTTER.—IO kegs choice Goshen BUT- U TER, for sale by jal-10 JOHN R. DOW. CTAAOI.ES AiMI 051.. —100 boxes Sperm and Ada- J mantine CANDLES; 500 gls. Winter, Sperm and Whale OIL, for sale low, by Jal-10 JOHN R. DOW. QAA HAGS Kio COFFEE in store,and for sale by ♦ >vU jal HAND, WILLIAMS A CO. 1 (Ulil BUSHELS prime SEED OATS, for sale by i,UUU dls GEO. W. LEWIS. G\ II.LSA'G TWIAE.—Just received, a splendid arti* f cle of Gifiing TWINS. FORCE, CONLEY & CO. dIT 111 BO.YEs7x ibrrSAKDIN FIGS, Ral- Zl'U SINS and CURRANTS. Just received by d2O ESTES A RICH POND. A AE\V ARTICLE FOR THE TOILET.—Rica POWDER, which imparts a fine color to the complex, ion and prevents tan and cutaneous Eruptions. n 54 W*l. H. TUTT, Druggist. r A CASKS LIME, in large barrels and very white, OU for Whitewashing and Plastering. For sale by 011-d*w ESTES A RICHMOND. Oli HHLS. Choice Yeliow ONIONS : ZU 70 bbis. Planting POTATOES ; i 0 “ Eating “ 1,500 lbs. choice CODFISH, just received by d2O ESTES A RICHMOND. GIEE.M Y A Popular Tales and Household Stories, col* U lrcted by the Brothers Grimm. Illustrated. A Week’s Delight: or Games and Stor es tor the Parlor and Fireside. The Hearth-Stone—Thoughts upon Home Life in our Cities. By Samuel Osgood. Fer sale by [d2s] TUOS. RICHARDS A SON. V[ AI’OLKOA in Exile : or Voice from St. Heiena. By XA O Meara. New supply just received and for sale by d 22 MCKINNE A HALL. Of\l \ BBLS. choice new crop N. O. MOLASSES. For ZUU sale by [d2s] HAND, WILLIAMS A CO. CAIIEESE. —200 boxes Mills A Son’s CHEESE. For sale J by d6-dAw BAKER A WILCOX OLLOYVAY’S PI ELS \A D OI AIMKAT.—A supply on hand and for sale by theager ts. <l2l ii AVILAND, RISI.E’Y A CO. CIOX’T SPARKLING GELATINE ; I French Imperial Shred GELATINE ; “ “ Sheet “ Coopen’s Shred ISINGLASS ; “ Sheet “ Russia Shred “ For sale by d2l HAVILA ND, RISLEY A CO. (1 AAA BUSHELS Wheat BRAN,Tor sale by Z,UUU dls GEO. W. LEWIS. 7 \%T OLFES”Schiedam Aro'matic SCHNAPPS, for sale YY by d7 DAVIS. KOLB A FANNING. iITRATK AIAG .V ESI A—A fresh sup p)y just re. J ceived by [nlT] WM. H. TUTT, Druggist.