Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, January 18, 1854, Image 3

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A CARD. |3?“ The Undersigned returns his thanks to his riends and the public for thei past patronage, and re spectfully announce that he has associated with him Mr. JOSEPH A. BEALS, late of Savannah, and willconductbusi neaS under the name and style of COFFIN A BEAIiS, in all the branches of PAINTING, namely: House, Sign and Ornamental PAINTING, GILDING, GRAINING, GLAZ ING, Ac. JOHN G. COFFIN. Office on Jackson, corner of Greene street. jar- The undersigned takes this mode and time to an nounce to the citizens of Augusta and vicinity, that, having received the best of tuition from good masters, they are enabled to furnish work in style equal to that obtained else where; such as Military, Civic and Society BANNERS; Designing, Ornamental, Fresco, Pannelled and Marble WALLS • Plain and Ornamental BIGNB, SHADES, Ac. JOHN G. COFFIN, Augusta,Sept. 15. s2l-tf JOSEPH A, BEALS. gay South C'aroliua Hail Hoad.—Change of Schedule. —On and after Monday, 2d January, 1854, the Passenger Train will leave the South Carolina Rail Road Depot at 6 o’clock and 30 minutes, A. M. JOHN E. MARLEY, Agent. Augusta, Ga , Dec. 30,1553. d3l Win. 11. l!raue,ls ujw setting off his stock o Winter DRY GOODS.cheap, and he respectfully invites any in want to give him a call. d 4 ESf” Portrait*.—CaaaLKs Bkruff, Artist from the Academy of Munieh, Bavaria—grateful for the encourage ment given him the past season, informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Augusta and vicinity, that he has removed to the Rooms over office of Dr. Van Voorhis’, on Mclntosh street, two doors from Constitutionalist A Republic office, and is prepared to furnish Portraits of the finest execution at short notice. The public are respectfully invited to give him a call. A few more Pupils in Drawing can be accommodated. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons, he will be engaged, giving instructions on the Sand Hills. Rkfkkknoks.—Messrs. T. Clanton, Thomas Richards, . Gardners jr. MARRIED. In Macon, on Wednesday evening, the Ilth inst., by the Rev. John Marshal, Mr. C. W. NIXON, of Marshalville, Ga., and Mi<s M VRY Jyoungest daughter of Solamon Fudge, Esq., of Houston county, Ga. On the 12th inst., by H. W. Shea's, Esq., Mr. JOHN SFL MAN and Miss MARY F. STARK,onIy daughter of Epsey D and William E. Stark, a" of Walton county, Ga. DIED. 11l Hertford England, on the 25th o! Octooer last alas. ELIZA CiIRISP, w.fe of Charles Crisp, aud mother of the accomplished Actor, Mr. Wm. H. Crisp. WANTED. AT the Augueta Cotton Mills,n.ty Power Loom WEAV ER-*, and six or eight famines of four or more OPE RATIVES, each. Inquire at the Factory, of the Superin tendent, or at the office, Broad-street. j«18-wtf N. E. BESTON, ~ Ai ruu\*i\ A I LAW, Marietta, Ga., wi 1 ' practice in the Counties of Caerok.ee, Cass, Polk, Pautffing, Car roll, Campbell, Fulton, DeKilb, Forsyth and Cobb. Rat SHKNOks.—Barrett A Carter, Baker Js, Wilcox, W. T. Gould, Augusta ; James Carter A Co., Savannah; Perry Spenser, Columbus ; Citizens of Marietta. jals-6m* CHAMPAU.VK CIDKK.—Just received, 20 this. Euri’s celebrated New Jersey CIDER direct from him self. jyl' S. C. GKKNVILLE A CO. Mtiss? IJKKE. —10 Obis. Prime just received, and for .-.tie by .iyls S. C. GRENVILLE A CO. A DM I.VIST RATO H’s to ALE. W U be sold, on XU. the first Tuesday in MARCH next, before the Court House door in the Town of HavkinsvJle, Pulaski county, a lot Land, No. 85, ly.ng in the 20th district of said county, c mlainiug Two Hundred and Two and a half acres. Sold as the property belonging to the estate of Dar : el Hutchinson, 1 tie of Warren ounty, deceased. Term’ on the day. GEORGE IV. DICKSON, Adm’r. Jan. IS, 1554. RANAWAY til- Subscriber, on the night of the 15th insi., my five NEGROES, Kitt and his wife, It : hii; Tom, and I-aac and his wife Eida. Kitt is feiiow about 6 feet high, s tador built, dark copper complexion,aboutso years old; his wife, Rachel, is dim complected, with a noted scar on her left wrist, made by a Cotton gin, aged 85 years. Tom, a boy, about 5 feet 7or 8 inches high, hts right h md deformed, and is about IS years old. Isaac is about 85 years old, biack complected, slow spoken, 6 feet high ; his wife, Eida, is dark, 3u years old— both Isa ,c and his wife, Eids, are stout built. I have reason to believe the above negroes have been decoyed off •>- som wnite person; if so, I will pay a ,; berai reward for the apprehension of said thief; and any person delivering said negroes to me, living near Calhoun’s Ferry, on Broad River, or lodge them in some safe Ji» ; t, so that 1 get them, shall be liberally rewarded. jalS-w4 ISA AC D. SLATON. f 1 hiOUl.l A, OGI.E I HOttPK COIiIbTV.—COURT UX OF ORDINARY, JANUARY TERM, ISsL—Whereas, Dr. Wm. 3. Mane, the Admin strator upon the estate of Nancy McGu re, deceased,shows to the Court that he ha administered the estate of sa'd deceased, and prays to be dismia-ed therefrom : Ordered by the Court that all persons intirested sh.w cause ; it any they have) on or before the Court cf Ordinary .beiid ios the lir-1 Madiy in August next, why such letters of dismission should not be granted, and that a copy of this rule be pub ished monthly for six months in the Ciironicle A Sentinel, next preceeding said August Term of the Court. A true extract trom the minutes of the Court of Ordinary, held January Term, 1554. HENRY BRITAIN, Ord’y. Jan. 16,1854. GEORGIA, OGLETHORPE < Ol ,\ II .—Whereas, William Marabte appbes to me for letters of Guardian ship for the person and property of Mary Frances Thomp son, a minor of Thomas P. Thompson, under the age of fourteen years : These are thereforeto cite and admonish, all and singu lar, the kindred and friends of said minor, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if any they have, why saidletters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office. • 4. HENRY BRITAIN, Ord’y. OPENING THIS DAY AT THE NEW CASH STORE, V FRESH supply Jaconet COLLARS ; “ “ Linen Cambric HANDKERCHIEFS, all prices; English and German MERINOS, to 7£c.; Black ALPACAS, 20c. to *1 ; Black Canton CLOTHS, a superior article for deep mou-n --ing; Beautiful Plain and Figured colored FLANNELS. —ALSO— Black GRO D’RHINE, at *l, worth *1.25. E. GREEN, 2 doors below Campbell-street. Cotton 03NABU11G3 always on hand at Factory prices. ja!7-d3t CARPET BAG LOST. A IsMALL black CARPET BAG, marked Thos. R. B. Cobb, was taken by mistake fr.m the Waynesboro’ Depot on Saturday evening last. A liberal reward will be given for its delivery at this office. jal7-d3t OLE BULL'S CONCERT. OLE BULL respectfu’iy announces that he will give in Augusta, ONE GRAND CONCERT, in this month, January, on which occasion he will be assisted by Signorina ADELINA PATTI, the Musical Phenomena, and MAURICE STRAKOSCH, the great Pianist and Composer, Musical Di rector and Conductor. Programme and ali particular* in future advertisement. jal7 JllillT READING to be found at GEO. A. OATES j k BROS., Broad-st: Shirley, Minnie Grey ; Gus How ard ; Monk’s Revenge ; The Cabin and Parlor; Marion’s Brigade, or the Light Dragoons ; Fair Rosamond, or the Queen’s Victims; the Dean’s Daughter ; GUderoy, the Freebooter; Mysteries if New Orleans ; Effith’s Legacy; The Robber’s Wife; Helen Mulgrave, or Jesuit Executor ship; The Lofty and the Lowly; Wizard of the Wave; Jack Cade ; Grace Manning ; Frank Rivers, or the dan gers of the town ; Obi, or Three-Fingered Jack ; Theodore, the Child of the Sea ; Emma Walton, or Trials and Tri umphs ; Dow’s Patent Sermons ; Dombey and Son ; David Copperfield ; M.-mo-rs of a Physician ; Northwood ; Nicho las Niekleby ; Mystic Veil; The Twin Brothers, or the Victims of the Press Gang; Charles O’Malley; Dr. Valen tines Lectures; Tower of London; Miles Tremenhere; Schoo's for Husbands, by Lady Bulwer ; Fortunes of the Colvell F’amily ; Modern Flirtations, by Miss C. Sinclair ; Lady Lee’s Widowhood ; Jack Adams, or the Mutineer ; Countess of Rudolstadt ; First and True Love ; Rebel Scout, a tale of the Revolution; Empress of the Isles; Violet, the Danstuse; Ugly Effie, and other tales, by Mrs. Henti. Victim of Excitement; Lady at Home, by Arthur Davis the Pirate ; Eva May, the Foundling; The Gold Seekers ; Count of Morion ; Australia and her Gold Re gions; Morgan, the Bucaneer; Ten Thousand a Year; Vny Lawrence ; Valentine Vox ; The Ventriloquist ; Mary Barton ; Lucretia, or the Children of Night, by Bulwer ; The Roman Traitors ; Adventures of Capt. Simon Suggs, Maj. Jones’ Travels and Courtship; The Iron Rule, by Arthur. ja!s \TALI able SEMPSTRESS, HOUSE SER > VANT, Ac.—We have for sale a valuable Sempstress, House Servant, and first-rate Washer and Ironer, about 30 years of age, warranted sound and healthy. Sold for no fault—the owner wishing to change investment. Ap ply to jals-6t S. C. GRENVILLE A Co. T-vISSECTING INKI Kl >IEXTS.—We 'have just jIJ received a supply, made expressly to our order, which we will sell extremely low n 24 WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. YmjOLR. CORN AND OATS- ■ JU 170 bags extra superfine FLOUR ; 350 bushels CORN; 300 bushels OATS. For sale by j a!s BAKER A WILCOX. r a BOXES Prime CHEESE; *) • J 6 firkins Goshen BUTTER, just received by d‘2o ESTES A RICHMOND. CvIILESE —3 boxes English Dairy. Just received and ) for sale by dl3 S. C. GRENVILLE A OO- SALK, TO ARRIVE.—6O hhds. did crop Cuba 1 SUGARS —quality FVr. [d!7] J. A. ANSLEY. QAA BBLS. N. O. WHISKEY." For sale by" wUU (121 BAKER A WILCOX. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. OK TllßKKgood Journeymen BOOT-MAKERS X can find constant employment, by applying to me, at Thompson,G.R.R. jal3-dltn JAS. L. ZACHRY. CiHl'HXsi.— Best white Cedar CHURNS and BUCKETS’, J brass and iron bound, at E. MUSTIN’S. j.il2 F >RI.VIE SYRUP and N. O. SUGAR, 10 arrive—4 1 hhds. prime N. O. SUGAR ; 75 bbls. prime N. 0 SYRUP, for sale to arrive, by 07 C.|E. GIRARDEY A CO. lAAA ÜBS. new Sugar Cured HAMS ; IVvU 5 half Bbls. Pickled BEEF ; 5 “ « “ PORK: 2 “ “ “ TONGUES; 4 doz. Smoked TONGUES ; 2 Bbls. White BEANS. Just received by d2O ESTES A RICHMOND. ru \ HHDS. NeW’Orieare SUGAR, fine to choice, for rale u>v by dls GEO. W. LEWIS. commercial. AUGUSTA MARKET. Weekly Report Tuesday, P. M. COTTON.—TIie market opened rather quiet on Wednes day last, with only a moderate demand, and has continued very much in the same condition throughout the week with but a limited business. The lower qualities contin ues to increase, and as there is little or no demand for ‘hem, prices have declined fully # C tnt, while the rates for the better discretions continue firm, and the market closes steady for that class. The lower grades are rather difficult of sale at on • quotations. Inferior and Ordinary Stained ly @ 8 Middling B)tf@ g^ Good Middling 9 Middling Fair 91^ Fair - © 10 RECEIPTS TO LATEST DATEEh _ „ . ~ 1354! 1853. New Orleans, Jan. 10 528,420 1 906,466 Mobile, Jan. 6. 148,195 242,230 Florida, Jan. 2 . 47.556 60,557 Texas,Jan.s 19,587 27,650 Savannah, Jan. 11 136,947 172,429 Charleston, Jan. 12 171,168 156.718 North Carolina, Jau. 1 1,680 7,222 Virginia, Jan. 1 7,247 8,609 Total 1,049,779 1,611,880 Decrease 562,101 STOCKS IN SOUTHERN PORTS. New Orleans, Jan. 10. .7777.7’ 235,436 801,252 Mobile, Jan. 6 80,097 125,42 S Florida, Jan. 2 84,289 34,883 Texas, Jan. 5 6,751 6,267 Savannah, Jan. 11 57,112 45,569 Charleston, Jan 12 63,545 85,153 North Carolina, Jan. 1 600 750 Virginia, Jan. 1 760 800 Total in Southern Ports. 467,580 550,052 New York, Jan. 10 38,870 81.155 EXPORTS." To Great Britain 8007878 646,771 “ France 55.362 107,249 Other Foreign Ports 67,279 94,666 Total Foreign Exports 456,014 848,686 To Northern Ports 248,899 308,792 TRADE and BUSINESS during the week have been sat isfactory though not extensive. GROCERIES.—The operations in the Grocery Market have been to a fair extent. The Stocks are ample for the demand, and prices for the leading articles have nnder gone no change. We refer to our quotations as a fair in dex to the market. GRAIN. —The Corn Market continues steady at our quo. tations, though some holders are asking higher rates. Oats and Peas are in demand at our quotations. Wheat is scare and readily commands quoted rates. PROVISIONS.—The Bacon Market continues heavy for p’l discretions. The demand is limited—and dealers an ticipate lower rates. The demand for Flour continues ac tive and p.ices are well sustained. See quotations. BAGGING AND ROPE.—The season is pretty well past for these, and the demand limited. No change in prices. SALT.—The supply has increased durir g the week, but is still ' mited. The rate from store is *2.50 per sack. EXCHANGE on the North is wot.h % per cent premim, FREIGHTS. —The rate toSavsnah is 31)4 cents, and to Charleston |1 per bale lor Cotton. The late rains .have given us a full river. NEW ORLEANS, January 12. —Statement Qf CoUon.~ Stock on hand Ist oept., 1853 bales 10,624 Arrived since 5' ',937 Arrived to-day 2,599 f VS ,160 Exported to date 837,944 Exported to-day 2,689 — 340,553 Stock on hand and on Bhip-bo&rd not cleared.. 217,577 Sugar —The demand was active and 1200 hhds. were sold at firm prices. Fair to fully fair 31»@8Xc. Molasses —Sales 1200 bbls. at 17>2@lSe. Flour —Market firm. Sales 4000 bbls., including 250 Ohio at *6.75; 1500 -n 3 lots at *6.SO; 500 at *6.Sl#; 750 St. Louis in 2 lots at *6.90; 100 at $6.95; 100 at *7; 100 ex tra Ohio at *7.25. Corn —Sales 7000 sacks, embracing 1637 new white and ye’low late last D’ght, at 67c. and to day 123 new at 65c.; 600 at 67c.; 700’t 3 lots at 67c and GSc., and 8350 in 8 lots at 63c. • Whiskey— lo 6 bbls. Raw were sold in 2 lots at 27c. and 105 bbls. Rectified at 26c. Lard —Sales 70 bbls. at S>2c.; 374 at —; and 159 kegs at He. Bagging and Rope —27o coils weie sold at Sc. aud D pieces at 13)£c. Coffee —Sales 203 bags Rio at lie. and 512 at 11 ■qc. Freights. —Cotton shipping to Liverpool at \d. Rrohanges —Demand fair. We quote:—London 7 i@s>s ¥ cent, prem.; Paris 5f.20@5f.30; New York 60 days 2@2>j $ cent, discount; New York Sight par© 3* 52 cent, discount. COLUMBUS, Jan. 14.—Cotton ae’la freely at vey full priees; the state of the road preventing large receipts. We quote Middling to strict Middling SJa@9; Good Mid dling 9; Middling Few 9>4@9\ ; Fair lfc. The market closes very fii m. OAton Statement. Old Stock on hand, 1553 43 Received this week 2,076 Received previously 47,420 49,539 Shipped this week 1,306 Shipped previously 31,280—T',587 Stock on hand this day 18,902 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. CHARLESTON, Jan. 17. —Arr.,steamship James Adgtr, Dick nson, New York ; barque Snowden, Dunlop, Liver pool, barque I vant. Linnerton, Li vet pool. Cid., schr. Golden Cloud, Mil’s, New York. SAVANNAH, January 17.—Ai.ived, Br. sh p Charles Chf’oner Thom »n, Liverpool; Ship Nicholas Biddle, Gerr sb, Liveipool; Bhip Oregon Porter, Now York. Old., Br. bark Brothers, Murphy, Wexford, (treland ) AUGUSTA PRH BS I UKKKHT. WHOLESALE PRICES. BAGGING.—Gunny %)yard* 12 @ * 12^ Kentucky 19 yard none. Dundee yard <& 11 BACON. — Hams tt>. 10 © ” 11 Se Shoulder*. 8>... 7 7# Sides $ 1b... 8 @ 2 Hog Round BVf(, SV BUTTER-Goshen s>»»... 2S <&, 85 Country 12)£ @ 16 BRICKS- $ 1000 6 00 8 50 CHEESE.—Northern ll#<g, 18 English Dairy tb... 13 @ 18 COFFEE. —Rio $Mb 12# © 13 Laguira I‘t)4 © 14 Java 1b... 15 @ 16 DOMESTIC GOODS.—Yarns 75 © 81 X Shirting W yard 4>£ @ 5 % Ji Shirting syard 6% © iy t 1 Shirting ip yard S © 5- Shirting . ...’Myard 10 © 12>£ 6- Shirting. 'P yard 11 © 14 Osnaburgs $ yard © 9 FEATHERS.— 43 @ 45 FlSH.—Mackerel, No. 1 $ bbl.. 16 00 ©lB 00 No. 2 V bbl.. 13 CO @l6 00 No. 3 bb1..10 50 @ll CO No. 4 7* bbl.. 800 @ 900 Herrings bbl.. © 1 00 FLOUR.—Country $ bbl.. 600 @6 50 Tennessee |9 bbl... 500 @ 550 ; Canal $ bbl.. 625 @ 850 Baltimore bbl.. 600 @ 700 Hiram Smith’s %)bbl.. 900 @ 950 City Mills $ bbl.. 650 @ SOO GRAIN. —Corn, sacks incl’ded, )2 bush. 70 @ 75 Wheat, white bush. 125 © 140 Wheat, Red $ bush. 100 @llO Oats bush. @ 65 Rye $ bush. none. Peas $ bush. 70 @ 75 GUNPOWDER.— Duponts’ skeg.. 475 © 550 Hazard 475 @5 50 IRON. —Swedes lb— © f>y English %*».-. 4>i @ 5X LARD.— 10 @ 10^ LIME. —Country %fbox.. none. Northern 12 bbl. .1 87 @ 212 LUMBER.— V !000 10 00 © 14 00 MOLASSES.—Cuba $ gal.. 26 © 27 Orleans s@l • 39 @ 88 NAILS.— © 6 OILS. —Sperm, prime 160 @ 170 Lamp 1* .. 120 @ 155 Train 12 gal.. 60 © 95 Linseed 19 gal.. 90 @ 100 Castor gal.. 150 © 175 RICE.— tierce 4% © 5 ROPE.—Kentucky 12 1b... @ 9^ Manilla 12 ft... © 16 RAIBINB. box. 815 © 400 SPlßlTS.—Northern Gin 12 gal. . 42 @ 45 Rum % gal... 42 © 48 N. O. Whiskey 12 gal.. 35 @ 87 Peach Brandy 87 © 125 Apple Brandy 12 gal.. 50 @ 75 Holland Gin '•s gal.. 125 @ 175 Cognac Lrandy $ gal.. 200 © 400 SUGARS.-N. Orleans ft... 5X ©• 7 Porto Rico ft •.. 7 © 8 Muscovado f9ft... f>X @ 6% Ixiaf 11 ft... H © fljf! Crushed 12 ft... @ 11 Powdered 12 1b... Hl# @ 11 Stuart’s Refined A lift... 9 @ 9J4 Stuart's Refined B ft... @ 9 Stuart’s Refined 0 19 ft.. 8)4 @ B>4 SALT.— 12 bush. 00 @ 09 12 sack 225 © 250 Blown 12 sack 800 © 3fO SOAP.—Yellow ..»ft... 6 © 7# SHOT.— 15 bag. 2 @ 225 TWINE.-Ilemp Bagging tb. . 18 @ 25 Cotton Wrapping 111 b... 15 © 25 IcS? It is proper to remark that these are the current rates at wholesale from store—of course at retail prices are a shade higher, and from the Wharf or Depots, in large quantities, a shade lower. POCKET BOOK LOST. LOST at the f -e, on Friday Dight last, a small Buckskin POCKET-BOOK, conta’n- [fesS||§S£l ing about One Hundred Do’’a.s in Bank bills ;||§pgpg| among them a *2O bi". on the Bank of Charles- liar- rWal ton, with the name of R msey endorsed on the back. The finder will be ,; berally rewarded by leaving it at this office. ja!s-3t* BOARD FOR TRAVELLERS. AXY of my friends and acquaintances visiting Augus ta, if they will call upon me, at my residence on Broad-street, above the Upper Market, I will do all that is in mv power to render their stay pleasant and satisfac tory at a liberal charge. WILLIAM B. SMITH. jals-wly TABD.—IOO bbls., half bbls. and kegs LARD. For JL 4 sale bF ja!s BAKER A lULCOSV. LIST OF LETTERS TTKMAIftIftG in the Post Ofliee, at Augusta, Ga., on J.U thelsth of JANUARY, 1854. %£fr~ Persons wishing letters from this list will please say they are advertised , A. Allen,David Abby, Jr < > Alexi-uder, GS A .mid, Eliza Miss Alley, Jas > rlliony, Robt Alman.G F A nthory, A C Mrs AMton, J F Ashby, Mary Mbs Adams, L L Ai”nan, Margaret Allen, ThosJ /Uen,Wß Arnold, June Miss Anderson, Jas Agent Augo-da A Wajues- Anderson, Robt boro’ R R, B. Beil. LB Dr 2 Ba'iy, E Mrs Bird, RL 2 Bothwell.JT Bally, W T Dr Bogle, Jas Beall, J II Bowers, It T Byrd, Henry 2 Bobler.J A Banner, P L 2 Bohr, A 2 Benefield, E Boulineau, G E Bare, Wm Dr 4 Bogle, L J Baldwin, J H Brewer, E Baer, B Brown, Fanny A Boxdale, E Brainard, A M 1 Beall, T H Brown, G W Berry, E F Bradon, Mary Bale, Jno Brown, Josiah 1 Bruce, ADr Broom, T M 1 Beesman, J W llrayboy, Stephen Beasley, E M Branan, Willis ; Bailey, J B Butcher, Henry 1 Buckley, Eliza Burnett, S J Mrs Beall, Ohas Burris, Jas 2 1 Bep'l, J W Byrne, John Baker, Henry 2 Barnett, Jas 2 Barkley, J B Burke, T Dr Baya, Wm Burgess, John Bayden, W W Bruce, A Dr Baydet,E A Bunco, Mi. " Mary Ervin, Albina care Ann Brown, Sarah A Bostic, Busse",OhasS Blackman, 0 Butler, D E Bowen, F D Byrd, Mrs E A Blance, J C C. Carron, Sarah i .Kendrick, Jno care of Carton, Arthur Cochran, Robt Callahan, Patrick Corrente, Jos Carr, Jno Cooper, Wm Campfleld, II careSam’U Cook,JnoS 2 Carter, Connors, Michael Carter, Margaret Clark, UP Cassedy, Wm N Cooper, Henry Carpenter, Sarffird Cook, AH Carey, Jno L Collins, Mary E Carpenter, Jno N Coulter, 8 H Campbell, Jas II Con"n, Dominick Carden, B S Coiper, JM H Carpenter, Jno D Clark, Benj Chamberlain, Bradford Clark, Miss Mary Cheatham, Wm Cooper, Helen J Church, Edwin Cooper, Wi'son Chapman, Harry C Cooper, B F Carfleld, Mr M Cliett, G II Clark, Benj A Cook, Effison Cook, Jno Cowding, Chas H Cook, E J Crosby, Benj 01a* Jno Crane, Miss Copperfidd, Miss Ida 8 Crocker Mrs Wm Clark, Benj V Cleary, Jno Cooper, Wll * Crombe, A * Cooper, Mary Ann Culpepper, Wm W Oonta, S II Culbreath, Wm H Dawson, Andrew L DPI, Ann Dea.mond, Georgiana Dearmond, Maj W Deckerman, E D DaMarsh, Chas DeColn, R L Doswall, Thos Dawson, Jane F Dougherty, Wm J Davis, Mary M Dennis, Thos L Dill, Garnery Dongen, Cornwall's Dee, Johanna R Dougherty, Francis E 0 Day, Jno K Dougau, Jas Davison, F M D Dougherty, Wm H Davison, Jno 8 Dozier, Mary Danforth, Polly 2 Duboise, M F K. Ac F. Eddy, Wm E Ff-ra", Dr Evans, A L Juda Harris care of Miss Evans, Wm Farr, Ellsworth, Sidney Faust, Mrs W Ediston,ST 1 nch, Wm Eve, 8 P B Fleming, Robt Wilson, P J care of I .awrence, Jacob Erenes, G W F.azier, Mary F.kard, Henry C Fonts, Martin Eastman, H Ford, C W 2 Wiliams, Miss C A care Francis, Jos E Ed's, E Fraser, B M Eckman, Henry B Fox, Jno, the man who works Eweing, J W in the cotton yard, Ellsworth, Sidney Michael E Fink, Mr Frazier, Jane Finley, Robt F Fleming, H Finch, RU 2 I . uinter, Miss Cornelia G. Green, G P for Mrs E Don- Green, Mrs Cornelia ovan, Gold'ng, Francis Giles A Dawow, Glincher, Mrs E'Gabeth Gilshriat, L> J Giil’n.LC Gardner, J E A Co, Gould, M W Mrs Gilbert,Pinckney Golightly, Jas Goss, David Green, George, for Uanneh Gilbert, D P Jones, (Jennings, Stepheu D Graham Jas Gibson, Jno A Green A Redman, Garvin, Juo F Goodman, 8 M Glover, H W Gknse, Jas Gray, Miss 2 Gurley, T A Graves, Sarah A Graham, Jas Gor'd, J P Capt Glover, Jno Goff, EH Ui'.Hin, Lawrence Goodall, Margaret Gl<*ison, Patrick 11. Halson, Dennis Heard, Mrs Mary t Hampton, Robt Heard, Mrs C O Harris, Mi U Heard, Mar.ha HoUtrangp, Hiram Heard, Em'ly It Harrold, Mrs Hewson, Wm Anna M Blue, care of Hoxsey, Caroline A Harrey, Wm Holiday, Cornelia Harris, Wm II lleggie, ME Hail, Robt H Hauss, Wm Harris, Jas W Howard, CW Hs'l, John Hopk-ns, Jno T Horton, Arnold G Horton, Elizabeth 2 Harbin, JrsA Hook, Stephen Hall, Frank Hews, Sidney Hale A Griffin, Col I! Frazier, care of Hayden, Michael Hubbard Oliver Hardin, Liza Hughe?, J 8 Hall, Mr A Haobard, Miss Hannah Harris, Martha Ilutchir son, Mary Henry, Sara’l R ltuict, Reed Harring. W A Co, Hunt, Jas 0 Right, W M 2 Hook, 8 H. Haines, Andrew I. J. Ac K. Johnston, Capt Jno T Jones, Mr Joseph, Wm Irving, Alexander Jordan, R M Sifley, L G care of Mr Jordan Rebecca M Jones, Irvin, Alexander Knight, Woodson Jackson, Henry Kehoe, Jas Ivie, Jno A K : og, Henry Jones, W H Knight, Mr E Johnson, Mis 1 Cornelia Kidd, Zaddock Jones, Jerry U Kelly, Catharine Jones, JE Kenn&ssaux, Ingrain, G A K'-kpatrick, Daniel, Jr, Jones, Mrs Polly Kirkpatrick, Daniel, Sr, Johns, J D Knight, Thos Jones, W P L. Lassiter, C R Lewis, D W Lee, J Cooper Lee, Jas Lackie, Thos Landsrback, God'red Lambeth, Amos P 2 L&fountain, Jno Lawton, Rufus B Lammons, Jno Low, Miss Kate Longstreet, Dr A P Levin, Mrs Jc'ia 4 Lyons A Schwartz, Lewis, Chas Prof Lampkin, Emaline Lacy, Joe Lumber, Mrs Labeg, Adelaid Lucas, Jno D Lamb, Kate Lovell, Francis Lanns, B C Lav.gnino, Rocca Lambkin, Robt I/odsey, Wm E Ladom, Willard Lucas, Ch"s H Lamrassan, Corwa'lus Me. McFeily, Delia Mrs McHenry, L Mis Mclntosh, M McCarty, J L McCutch'on,S C McKenna, Thos McDean, W B McGraw, Nancy A Miss McKinney, A M McCullough, Geo Mclntyre, J W McMahon, E McKeun i, J Mils McCarty, D McNeir, R T McKean; l , Jno McKc - na, M M. Mathews, M P Mebrith.KUa Maher, R Miller, Jno Mack, Sarah Mrs Mehaffey, T J Mauge, A Mitchell, Thos Mathews, 8 P Merly, Elick Magrath.TP Meyer, II Maxwell, M R Moore, J B Mayo, A Moody, A E care of Cap'. Martin, Anna A Mrs Moody, Malone, E’la Mi's Murphey, W E Martin, Caroline Miss Mu’igan, J F Mayes, Robt Mulcahy, M May, Sarah Miss Morse, J M Matherson, J P Morse, J M Mannin, 8 Mordacai, M C Mis Mathew, Joseph Moore, JR Metcalf, Eliza Miss Morgan, 0 W Capt Merritt, Jacob 2 Murphy, Mary Ann 2 Meyer, G B Moore, JD Meyer, Haas A Co, MuHin, PhiPp Miller, JII Murphey, 1> for Pat O’Bryan, Mafford, Francis 9f- Ac O. Nosier, J Osmond, II Nagle, Jno Olive, Mary M Nilli*, P D Ozment, Z Z Nixon, R Oakman. Eliza A Neunan, Joseph Oliver, Mary Miss Nelsol, It L Oglesby, 8 II Osmond, E M Dominick Brown care of Oliver, Thos O’Dowd, M Obermul’er, Mr 2 P. Peck, SAD Phi hips, W m Peterson,B H 2 Pickering, A B Pardue, A F Miss Philips, J T Pearson, Bfl'y care of Nub, Parton, Martha Paiiiam, Nelson Page, J W R Beawe, BE 2 Parker, L Miss Pike, D H 8 Perry, Mary U Preval, Thai! Peak, Caroline, Miss Pierce, Edw RB Price, Levi E Payne, Anna for R C Pomroy, FA 2 Campbell, Pawpins, Franklin Picknon, Wm Pother, A Parton, Martha PolMll, Rev Jos Philips, Percy Primrose, P U Pace, W U l’owse, Wm Pardue, R A Pool, J H Peirce, M A Miss Quin A Rigby, Ri Robinson, 8 Robinson, J C Rawls, J 8 Roials, E Mrs Ramsey, Jacob Rowland, A N M Regan, Francis Roberts, Jas Reid, Geo Robertson, A P Reidam, Hannah Ross, Ann Miss Ramsey, WH Robertson, Jno Read, Samuel Rogers, A L Right, Abel Rogers, Daniel Riley, E G 2 Robinson, W Rinehard, M Mrs Roman, C J Miss Richey, Charley Ruggles, W 0 Itigdale, Cynthie Robinson, Jno Rowlan, J W Robinson, TV W Roberts, Elrta Roe, Jas Hoby, Martha Roberts, Dr J A Rogers, E C Rowley, Harmon 8. Sauls, Miss J C Smith, 8 F H Salmon, Visa M J Stanford, Jas Saunders, L W Stewart, W A gego,J Stublefield, Thos 9 Scribner, B C Stark, Susan Salmons, Adeline Stallins, Henry for Win Jas Grillo, care of Critten. J 8 Sardesky. Swan, H 0 Sanders, Alfred Steel, Wm Scurry Ten is, for Stemwood, D C for John Dennis Donogue Jewett. Silbert, Miss S A Spence, W B 2 Sinclair, R H 4 Stringfellow, Laura Skinner, T If Statham, Caroline Shairman, Ed. Smith, Olive T Sims, Jane M Stokes, W Shilito, W W Stevens, Miss Mary K Skinner, Mrs E Stevens, Miss Clensmy Skinner, Josephine A Spat, Mr for If C Eckard. Skinner, Henry 2 Spalding, Eli Smith, l)r li 2 Sutherland, Misß N Stokes, Eliza Stallings, Fmily Smart, Horace Spencer, Wm T. U. <& V. Thomas, Miss Mary Tredway, O C Thompson, Sarah J Tules, Wadden Taylor, J W Tweedy, Mary care of Terry, Wm Patrick Tweedy Terrance, L II Tronian, Robt Thornes, Miss Various, John Temples, P Vaughn, John Thornes, Mrs M Vernon, Thomas 2 Taylor, Martha Verger, Mrs S A Thompson, Catherine Vanse, R II Thomas, Louisa (Servant) Verdery, Mat. Tye, H L W. Y. & Z. Walker, Mrs care of Col Wilson, GR W H T Walker. W !l son, P J for Miss D L Warren, W W Ezekiel. Walker, D Wilson, P J Watkins,Jason Williams, BA Co Waters, Florence Winkler, F J Watk'ns, Ally WiP’ams, S W Wareham, Jno A Wilkerson, B F Wallace, Robt 2 Willis, L P Walter, Wm for Elizabeth WorthingtoD, E 0 Hooks. Witherby, Chas Walker, Miss for Helen Webster, ET Blanch. White, W Wanless, Eliza Williams, Joseph West, Tyra Wead, N B A II Westmoreland, W T Wolf, Wi'Mam 2 Waver, Jno Wiight, B 2 \\ hitehead, T D Wright, Miss Ann V Wever, Master G L Woodgate, J II 2 Young, Col. R Young, Dr William Young, Col. R M 5 JAS. M. SMYTIIEjP. M. January 15, 1854. janlß LOUISVILLE FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL subscribers have open d a School in the village of . Louisville, where they will be prepared to give in struction to young Ladies, in the following branches, at the following rates of tuition : Ist Class —Elementary Branches,per quarter.. $5 00 2d Class —Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Ac,. 000 8d Class—Languages, Drawing and Embroide ry 8 00 Music 10 00 Parents and Guardians are respeetlully invited to call upon the subscribers, at their School Room in the Court- House, or at Mr. Bostick’s residence, and examine the fa cilities offered. References—L. B. Bostick, A. R. Wright, E. W. Cars well. W. II.DICKINBON, jal7-w2ra Mrs. S. M. DICKINSON. TEACHES. VL.VDY, who has had some years’ experience in tea hing, desires an engagement as Music Teacher nn Piano or Guitar. Good testimonials given. Address X. Y. /., Powelton, Geo. jal7-w4t < A A BOXES No. 1 SOAP, for sale by Jal7 ESTES A RICHMOND. NOTICE. IMIK undersigned have associated with them, Mr. WM. K. KITCHEN, (late of Augusta, Ga.,) as a partner in their business from this date. The sty cos their firms con tinue the same. HAVILAND, HAERAL A RIPLEY. New-York, January 2, 1854. jal7-dtwxw2m LOST, AVERY large and handsome Silver SNUFF-BOX, or nament, d outside with gold; the face representing the figure of Christ, “let little children come unto me.’’ Said Box being lost, during the late fire, at the premises of B. L. Nehr, corner Washington street. A suitable reward will be paid for same either at this office or at B. L. Nelir’s. ja.7-1 w Hydraulic ukmknt and calcined plas TER, a fresh supply just received by jalT ESTES A RICHMOND. I > ILK FLOUR.—Fresh ground RICE FLOUR, for sale IV by ja!7 KITES A RICHMOND, i 4 VARIETY of HALL LAMPS—some very rich, at •XX jalT E. MPBTIN'S. j NEW STYLE ts GLASSWARE, GOBLETS, Cham pagne and Wine GLASSES, BOWLS, PITCHERS, ; DECANTERS, Ac,, at jal7 E. MUST IN’S, ; (t U AHDIA.Vft feALK.—By virtue of an order from JT the Court of Ordinary of Columbia county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, before the Court-house door, in the town of Lincolnion, four very likely NEGROES, belonging to Nathaniel and George Ben net, minorß of W iliam Bennet, late of Lincoln county, dec’d. NATHANIEL BAILEY, Guard'll. January 11,1854. Georgia, lixol.a county.—court of or dinary, JANUARY TERM, 1854. RULE NISI. Whereas, Wm. S. Tate m, Administrator, de bonis non with the will annexed, of John Tatum, late of Lincoln eouu ty, deceased, having petitioned the Court for Letters Dis missory from the estate of raid deceased, It iB ordered, That all persons interested, show cause, at tne next July Term of tins Court, why said letters should not be granted ; and that a copy of this Rule be published in the Chronicle A Sentinel monthly for six months pre vious to said July Term. A true extract from the minutes. January 17, 1--54. B. F. TATOM, Ordinary. 1 BORGIA. LINCOLN ( Ol NTY.—COURT OFOR YT DINARY, JANUARY TERM, 1854. RULE NISI. Whereas, William J. Jon"S and William Murphey, Ad ministrators upon the estate of Moses R. Jones, late of Lincoln county, deceased, having petition.d the Court for Letters DUmissory from the estate of said deceased, It is ordered, That all persons interested, show cause, at the next July Term of this Court, why said letters should not be gra t ed ; and that a copy of this Rule be i üblish; j in the Chronicle A Sentinel monthly for six unnths pre vious to said July Term. A true extract from the minutes. January 17,1854. B. F. TATOM, Ordinary. ,'tOLl MBIA COUNTY ,GA Whereas, Josish St vail applies for Letters of Administration, de bonis non, with the will annexed, on the estate ot Patrick J. Culbreath, late of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to beam! appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause,if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. 8. CRAWFORD, Ordinary. January 17, IS'4. r) ICIIMOND COl NTY, GA.—COURT OF ORDI i NARY, JANUARY TERM, 1554. Whereas, John Bones, William J. Eve an 1 O. I*. Fi:z simons, Executors of the last will and testament of Charles Cunningham, late of Richmond county, deceased, having represented to this Court that they have fully administered the estate of such deceased, and pray to be dismissed from further administration on the same : These are therefore to cite and admonish, all persons concerned, to show cause, if any they have, on the first Monday in August next, at 10 o’clock, A. M., at my office, in the city of Augusta, why Letters of Dismission should not be granted to the said John Bones, Wi’fiam J. Eve and O. P. Fitzaimons, Executors of the will of Charles Cun ningham, dec’d.. as they will, on that day, be granted, if no objections be made. Given under my hand at office in Augusta. January 17,1854. LEON P. DUGAS, Ordinary. Richmond county, ga.—court of ordi nary, JANUARY TERM, 1854. Whereas, Louis Alexander Dugas, Administrator on the estate of Louis Frederick E. Dugas, deceased, having re presented to this Court that he had fully administered the estate of such deceased, and pray to be dismissed from further administration on the same : These are therefore to cite and admonish, all persons concerned, to show cause, if any they have, on the first Monday in August next, at 10 o’clock, A. M., at my office, in tlie city of Augusta, why Letters of Dismission should not be granted to the said Louis Alexander Dugas, Admin istrator of Louis Frederick K. Dugas, deceased, as they will, on that day, be granted, if no objections he made. Given under my band at office in Augusta. January 17, 1554. LEON P. DUGAS, Ordinary. Richmond county - ,ga.—court of ordina ry, January TERM, 1854. Whereas, Jackson P. Turner, Executor of the wi'l of William B. Moss, deceased, having represented to the Court that he has fully administered the estate of said deceased, and pray to be dismissed from further administr. tion on the same: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show cause, if any they have, on the first Monday in August next, why Letters of Dismission should not be granted to the said Jackson P. Turner, (Executor of the will of William B. Moss, deceased, as they will, on that day, be granted, if no objections be made. Giveu under my hand at ollite in Augusta. January 17,1854. LEON P. DUGAS, Ordinary. TVVO MONTHS after date application willbe made to the Ordinary of Richmond county, for leave the Real Estate belonging to Gamell P. Flanigan, late of said coun ty, deceased. OSWELL E. CASHIN, Adm’r. January 17,1854. TWO MONTHS after date application will be made to the honorable Court of Ordinary of Richmond county, for leave to sell personal property, one Negro Man, belonging to the estate of Ehotwell B. Clarkson, late of Richmond county, deceased. January 17. 1864. OSWELL E. CASHIN, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—WiII be sold, at Ap pling, Columbia county, on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, the following Negro Slaves: Joe and Isaac, men; Milley and two children; Melinda and child; Matilda and two children: Sarah, a woman; Sophronia and Martha, girls. —ALSO— Twenty-eight Acres Land, lying on Double Branches, ad joining Lands of J. M. Darley, estate Jas. Staples, and others. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the estate of John A. Staples, dec’d. Terms on the day. January 17, 1854. A. M. CRAWFORD, Adm’r. QAA SACKS CORN. For sale by OUU jan 15 HAND, WILLIAMS & CO, BOXES New RAISINS ; ») 100 qr. boxes Do. Just received by jan 15 _ HAND, WILLIAMS & Co. WANTED TO HIRE 4 GOOD COOK. For a capable one, good wages jTa. and a permanent situation will be given. Apply at this office. jals SCHOOL i|OOKS. —The undersigned has a goo<T as sortment of School Books, Slates, Pencils, Copy Books, Steel Pens, Handles, Ink, Quills, and a variety of other ar ticles in the Stationary line, at reasonable prices. ja!3 GEO. A. OATES & BROS., Broad-st. BREASTHpIjmSPST— an arti cle, entirely new, and ahead of anything of the kind ever invented. They produce no pain, and can be used without the least trouble. Jan 13 WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. ATTeX YN DKll'S KID GLOV Eb—Black, White and Colored, of the above make, to hand. jalO lou-u ’ u WARD & BURCHARD._ r7 FIIANCK’H fcPEUlFlC—Another lot just landed. The afflicted are assured that it is a certain and speedy remedy, and possesses advantages over every other preparation of the kind. WM* 11. TUTT, jaa 13 Agent for Augusta, January 17,187 4. LOTTERIES. GREENE & PULASKI MONUMENT LOTTERIES. Managed, Drawn and Prizes paid by the wellkwwn and responsible firm of GREGORY & MAURY SALES CLOSE EACH DAY AT 2 O’CLOCK. Drawn Numosrs Class IP, drawn at Savannah Jan. 10. 74 33 03 77 S 8 40 10 44 21 12 6 3!> 4. CL ASS 15—to be drawn at Savannah on Wednesday, Jan. IS. Excellent Scheme. $7,850 ! $1,645; $1,000; 2of $500; 5 of $200; 10 of SIOO, Ac., Ac. Tickets s2~shares in proportion. Risk on a package of 25 quarters $0 63. CLASS 16—to be drawn at Savannah, Thursday, Jan. 19. Lucky Lottery. $5,529 ! $1,100; $1,000; 50 prizes of $100; 111 of SSO; Ac., Ac. Tickets sl—Halves 50c. Risk on a package of 25 quarters $3.92. CLASS 17—drawn at Savannah on Tuesday, January 20. The Friend in Need. SIO,OOO ! In two Capital Prizes of $ 5,000 each! $2,500 ; 1,104; 2 of 1000; 5 of 500; 5 of 300; Ac., Ac. Tickets s 2— Shares in proportion Risk on a package of 25 quarters $7.40. EXTRA CLASS 3 —by Delaware 17—to be drawn on Saturday, Jan. 21. Grand Scheme. $37,000 ! $20,000; $16,568; $10,000; $5,000; 5 of $2,000; 60 of SI,OOO ; 40 of $300; 110 of S2OO, besides numerous others. Tickets $10 —shares in proportion. ~ JOHN A. MILLEN, Agent. On Jackson-street, next the Globe Hotel. ES*'” All orders from the city or country, strictly confi- j a lß JUteT RECEIVED, on consignment, 300 bushels heavy Te> 'essee OATS. For sale by ja!2-d2w J. A. ANSLEY. I KATHKRfe —5( 0 lbs. fresh Feathers. Just received I and for sale by jal2 02w J. A. ANSLEY. LARD —A fresh lot received, in desirable sized packa ges, for family purposes. J. A. ANSLEY. jiP2 d2w ]Vj *’■" J* l SlC.—Songs —The Dawn of Day ; When can i.l the Soul find Rest; Come and I’il give you Rest; We are Happy now, dear Mother; Passed away to Heaven; Family Bible ; Oh ! Home ol my Boyhood ; Ossain’s Sere nade; Will he Come ! Oh wi'l he Come ; Do they Miss Me at Home; Yes, we Miss Thee; Why do Summer Roses Fade; Be of Good Cheer; G rave of Bent Bolt; The Katy Did Song. r>i P k L s KA& ~7! rhe Kilt ' y I>i(i Kolka, by Julien ; Etna Galop : Chobnam Camp Galop, by Julien ; Dawn of Day ; Sociable ; llennetta ; Coral focoltisch ; Crescent Scottisch : Saratoga Scotti Bch. 6 Waltzes —Chant d’Amour, l’rima-Donna, by Julien- Les Amourettes, Nos. 1, 2 and 3. Just received by jal” CHARLES CATLIN. I kACKI's Tennessee CORN; 1 0 1/ 150 Sacks Tennessee OATS ; 50 “ “ WHEAT; 25 Packages (new) LARD, on coasignment and for sale by _ ja!2 M. AB. WILKINSON. 'T'OIiACCO-—ICO boxes, or more, A Just received and for sale, in store. Prices and quality, low and fine, To suit all the dealers in that line. No more need be said —just try it— Chew it—smell it—and you’ll buy it. U‘‘- _ W. H. PRITCHARD. IWAN'I a NEGRO BOY, about 12 or 14years old. Moderate wages, but excellent treatment, will be g'ven. ja!2 _ \pi. 11. PRITCHARD. PURE JETHRO COTTON SEED- A FEW 8A( 'K» of choice Jethro Cotton SEED for sale, two bushels in a Sack. Price three dollars per sack. Samples of the Cotton can be seen at our office. juul2-dt&Wtf D’ANTIGNAC, EVANS A CO. 7AA GALLONS JARS.—Fine large JARS for Lard at [jal2] E MUSTIK’S. MAGAZINES FOR JANUARY. (iODEY’H Lady’s Book, Arthur’s Home Gazette, and J Peterson’s Magazine, so - the above month, have been received at d2B GEO. A. JATE3 A BROS., Broad-st. APPLES.— r 'Ceived tins day by Steamer James Ad ger, a few barrels fine Northern APPLES. For sale #3 H. F. RUSSELL. ORANGES AND LEMONS.—Received this day a few barrels sweet ORANGES, and a few boxes LE MONS. For sale by d 23 H. F. RUSSELL, lil TTKK AND CHEESE.—Received tho day by X) Steamer James Adger, five kegs choice Goshen BUT -lER; 15 boxes extra fine Lundy Dairy CHEESE. For 3ait by d 23 _ H. F. RUSSELL. F AIU>, BUTTER and cheese— -Li ‘id bbls. choice new LA UD ; 10 kegs choice Goshen BUTTER ; 40 boxes ami 10 casks prime CHEESE. For sale by Jal2-sw3t W. A J. NELSON. Ale and cidehZ 25 bbls. Taylor A Son’s superior Albany ALE ; 15 “ superior Champagne CIDER, Just received and for sale by W A J. NELSON jal2-twßt 14 GR Sale, on consignment, 50 bbls. prime silver-skin . ONIONS. jal2-d2w J. A. ANSLEY. N EW BOOKH.—Golden Dreams and Leaden Reali ties, by Ralph Raven, with introductory chapter, by Francis Fogie, Sr., Esq M ild Scenes and Pong Birds, by C. W. Webber, author of Wild Scenes and W"<J Hunters. Per sonal Sketches of His Own lime by&r Jonas Barrington Dramatic Works of Uycherley, Congreve, Yanbourgh, and Farquhar, with Biographical and Critical Notices, by Leigh Hunt. Homes of American State nen, with anecdotal, per >nal and de. criplive Sketches, by various writers. Dynes from Wide, Wide Wor d ; words by W. H. Bellamy, mu lie by C. W. Glover. A Day in New York Crystal Pal ace, and How to Make the Most Os It, by W. C. F ehards, A. M. The Potaphar Papers, reprinted from Putnam’s ! Monthly. The Lost P;'nce, Facts tending to prove the j identity of Louis XVII of Fiance, and the Rev. Eleazer Wiliiarus. Just received and for sale by ja!3 McKINNIE A HALL. NOTICE.— AH persons having demands against the estate of Thomas W. Freeman, late of Richmond county, deceased, will present them in terms of the law; and those indebted to said sstate are hereby required to ! make immediate payment. i January 11,1888. JOEL N. FREEMAN, Ex’r. I T. W. FREEMAN, ATUII-MAKEU, JEWELER, at{~SL V T the old stand, opposite Planters’ Hovel, Au- g/V gusta, Ga. The public ate respectfully informed that, agreeable to the will of Mr. T. W. Freeman, deceased, this business will be continued in his name for the present. JOEL N. FREEMAN A W. G. WOODSTOCK will unite their best endeavors in the management of this business, ! so as to ensure a continuance es its prosperity, and give satisfaction to all its patrons and friends. The present stock, consisting of fine Gold and Silver WATCHES, Rich JEWELRY, Ae., Ac., will be sold ex tremely low, for cash ; au opportunity is thus afforded of obtaining better bargains than is often presented to pur chasers. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry carefully REPAIRED. A fine assortment of Silver SPOONS, FORKS, Ac., on hand of the purest quality, jail SUMMERVILLE PLACE FOR SALE rpH.VT desirable LOT, on Telfair street,adjoining Mrs. JL Carmichael, ruining back to Mr. Wm Harper, and I separated from Col. M;Hedge by the old Hill road. It is i under a good substantial plank fence, and on the premi- < ses is a good building with six rooms. Also, for sale, my fleet and gentle MARE, Lucy Neal. Also, a Chickering PIANO, selected for its tone by Mr. A. Iversen. Apply to WM. K. KITCHEN. jalO-dlm npHB Picture Pleasure Book, illustrated with upwards I. of five hundred engravings, from drawings by eminent artists, 4to. size, beautifully printed, on fine paper, and bound in fancy cover. First and Second series, $1.50 each. Almost every thing which can please and delight the youthful family circles, will be found both narrated and il lustrated in these pages. No book of equal fascinations for young people has ever been published in this country. “ The Picture Pleasure Book is really the child’s joy, for it gives him a volume of wood cuts, executed in the best style of ait, teaching him natural history, educating his eye to good drawing and graceful form, and tclliog stories in pictures. It is an admirable design, and no house that holds children should be without it.”— Critic. 1 A second supply has been received at jalS GEO. A. OATES A BROS., Isroad-st. TO HIRE, AVERY likely Mulatto BOY, about twenty years old, a good House or Body Servant, handy with Horses, Buggies, Ac. He can te seen to-d vy, Friday, at my house. Terms, sl6 per month, payable quarterly, expenses for year to be paid by the hirer. [ja6] JOHN FINN. i lAAMILY FLOUR—Arriving this day, 50 sacks Hen- ' . derson’s Extra Family FLOUR. For sale by u7 DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING. I JjMGM. —200 drums, small and large, fine fresh Sumatra J . FIGS. Just received and for sale by d2l ts C. E. GIRARDEY & CO. OUGARS.—IOO bbls. A. B. andC. SUGARS ; IO 50 bbls. St. Croix SUGARS; 25 hhds. prime old crop New Orleans SUGARS, in store, for sale by BELCHER A HOLLINGSWORTH, d 23 No. 5, Warren Block. pl'lllFlFI) LABTOR OlL—Deprived of all impu- JL rities, and most of its taste and smell. A fine article for Family use. For sale by d2O WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. TIIE SPECTATOR—A new edition, carefully re vised, in six volumes, with prefaces historical and biographical. By Alexander Chalmers, A. M. Pi ice $9. Just published and for sale by GEO. A. OATES A BROS., jail Piano, Bock and Music Store, Broad st. DR. ( IIALMKRS’ HKRMONs.-Scrmonr and Discourses. By Thomas Chalmers, D. D., L. L. !>., now completed by the introduction of his Posthumous Sermons, in two volumes, For sale at GEO. A. OATES A BROS., jail Piano, Book and Music Store, Broad-st. AUGUSTA MUSIC SCHOOL. “ Let those now sing who never sung before, And those that always sing, now sing the more.” MU. C, IRVING has the pleasure of announcing to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Augusta, that he has fitted up a fine room over Mr. Blalock s Store, on Broad - street, next door to the new Bank of Augusta, where he intends opening a School to give instruction in MUSIC. A Class for beginners will be opened on THURSDAY, Janua ry sth, ISSI, at 7 o’clock, P. M., and for advanced scholars on the evening following at the same hour. A supply of the best Sacred Music and Glee Books, will be kept at the room, for the use of all scholars, without charge. Ti ose desirous of receiving private instruction, can see Mr. I. any day between the hours of 11 and 1 o’clock, at the Music Store of Geo. A. Gates A Bros. d 29 WANTED, A FEMALE TEACHER, to fill a vacancy in the Greensboro’ Female College. The applicant will be expected to furnish satisfactory testimonials of her quali fications to give instruction in the usual English branches, and to assist in the Mathematical Department. Address Rev. F. Bowman, D. D., President of Board of Trustees, at Greensboro’, Ga. jal-tf C. U. BALDWIN, See’y. APPLES. —Received this day per Steamer, a few bar rels fine APPLES, for sale by jaa 7 U, ¥, RUS&SLL. AUCTIorTsALKS BY S. C. GRENVILLE & Co7 T... „ , —TOMORROW— III I{SSI)AY' 17th inat., in front of store tiw o cioch, will he sold, an assortment (I,“' consisting in part of 1 w Ur b eri.s ran.n» r ’ t r5 e< ij ur ’ Raco »-Molasses,Tobacco, 8, '*r Candle , Rice, Potatoes, Onions, Pepper Sauce Mu t, i R,? m Un wh? P w’ MeBB WhiJkeyfcherry Br’amlv t: ’ Rum, White AY me and Cider Vinegar, Ac. * ' Second-hand Furniture/ Term* cash. j a 13 BY 8. C. ORENVILLETca ~ Aiight Auction. —THIS NIGHT— WEDNESDAY, at 7 o’clock, in store, will be sol i variety of Hardware, Dry Goods, Fancy Ait.eies Shoes, Cutlery, Watches, Jewelry, Stationary, Ac Ac ’ Terms cash. ’ "j“’^ BY S, GRENVILLEI CO, ’ " Night Auction. -TO-MORROW— THI'HSDAY night, at 7 o’clock, our usual assortment J. of Dry Goods, Cutlery, Fancy Articles, Ac. Ac Terms cash. j al g BY CAMILLE E. GIRARDEY & CU F U A l ®r I wewm 3 i ell- ia ° f St ° re > at 10^ The old Foundry Buildmgs between McKinne and Mar. street# —ALSO— The 101 l House of the new Bridge. Purchasers to re move buildings within ten days after sale. Terms cash. * a -,g BY CAMILLE E. GIRARDEY & (0. —THIB*DAY— WEDNESDAY, in front of store, at 11 o’clock, wil be sold— ’ 3 good Plough Horses. —ALSO— A lot of Redding and Mattrasses saved from the i >te “ re - Terms cash. j a i j BY CAMILLE E. JMRARDEY & ( U —’thiTday— WEDNESDAY, in front of store, at o’clock A M., we will sell a goneral assortment of Groceries Provisions, Liquors, Wine 3, Ac., consisting in part ot * Sugar, Coffee, New Orleans Syrup, Bacon Hams and Shoulders, Starch, Cane"es,Soap, Butter, Lard, Bran ly Gin, Rum, Whiskey, Onions, Potatoes, Figs, Tobacro’ Cigars, Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Fancy Articles, Ac* —ALSO— At li o’clock, a fiut-rate Saddle and Harness Horrfe Bold to pay stable expenses. Terms cash. jal7 BY S. C. WRENVILLE & ~COT Valuable Real Estate. T‘ K ,f ° A v V ’ 7th febraarXat the Lower Market House X within the usual hours of sale, w ill be sold, if not t> el viously disposed of, a Lot, with the improvements there l n consisting of a good comfortable Dwelling, Kitchen. Stalda and other outbuildings, situated on the south’side of Greene street, between Marbury and McKirne-stret s ‘Kf ? 1 Cn GrL ' ene " stree t of 55 feet andrunning back 830 feet, more or less, to the third level of the Au gusta Canal. The Dwelling well finished, and ti e ot! er build mgs ingood repair. On the premises is an excellent pump. Titles indisputable. The above property may be treated for at private sale any time before the auction. Apply to H. H. Gumming, or to S. C. Grenville k to. Teans made known on dai as _ jais BY S. C. GRENVILLE & CO. ~ Household and Kitchen Furniture. IH«*DAV , the 29 th inst., at the residence of the Rev. h. P. Rogtr3, on the Sand Hills, nearly opposite CM. H. 11. Curamirgs, at 10 o’clock, the entire content of Household and Kitchen Furniture, consisting in part of 1 fine t rench Bedstead ; 1 mahogany Crib ; Bureau • Cai e seat Chairs; Work and Dresr’ng Tables; Card Tal.V-- Ottomans; Window Curtains and Shades; Rocking Chav.s ; Clock; Oil Paintings ; Post Bedstead; Mattras- s- Feather Beds; Locking Glasses; Washstands; Basirsa, d Pitchers; Feeders; Andirons: Shovel and Tongs; Crock ery and Glassware; handsomesett China; Divans, hiir seat; 1 extra large Mahcgany Sidebo rd ; 1 splendid n> - hogaoy Writing Desk. —ALSO— -1 fine bay Horae, 5 years old, sound and gentle: l Kockaway; 1 Horse Wagon; 2 set Harness; 2 Saddl s and Bridles ; 2 fine Milch Cows, Ac. Terms cash. jal3 BY CAMILLE E. GIRARDET & C( \ K. tensive Sale of Kooks, Stationary, Ac. r nilK proprietors, again on their “useful mission, ’» X shall be pleased to see their friends and former j• trons on TUESDAY NIGHT next, at our store, whera they will sell, commencing at 7 o’clock precisely every night, until closed out, one of the largest ard most value b!e assortment of BOOKS and STATIONARY, &e., ever otiered to the citizens of Augusta, consisting of Encyclop . dias, the most valuable Standard works in every depar - ment of Literature, Science and Art, Gift Books, most el - • gantly illustrated and illuminated, English and American editions, Bibles of the richest kind, Prayer Books, Fancy Stationary, Ac. Tfce Ladies and Gentlemen are respectfully invited lo call and examine them during the days. The sale is positive, and the Books perfectly new an I will be warranted perfect. Terms cash. jaS FOR SALE AND TO RENT. T YILL be sold at “ the Quarter ” of the new Savac t v nah Plantation, late part of the estate of Georg* L. Twiggs, on Saturday, the 11th day of FEBRUARY’ nex , ai! the Horses, Mules, Cows, Cotton Seed, and Farming Utensils on said plantation ; and all the Corn and Fodder on the plantation called the Horse Shoe, nearly opposite to New Savannah, on ;he South Carolina side of the River. Terms of sale—All sums under SICO, cash. All sums of and over one hundred dollars, notes with approved security, payable twelve months after date at either of tha Banks in Augusta. Also, at the same time and place, will be rented until the. Ist of January, 1855, the two Plantations above named, to wit : —New Savannah, containing about three hundred and fifty acres, adjoining Col. Turner Clanton, and Mr-,. Sarah Twiggs, and the Horse Shoe, containing about two hundred and fifty-six acres, adjoining lands held by ttm Trustees of G. YV. L. Twiggs and family, and those of'ill s. Emmeline Coleman and family. Terms.—Note or note* with approved security pavabhi January Ist, lb-55. GEO. W. L. TWIGGS, ) „ . JOHN D. TWIGGS, f tx rs - the will of George L. Twiggs, deceased, herein acting for George and Anna L. Eve, minors, Devisees and Leg atees under said will. jalß twtd BY S. PJURENVILLE & €O. Mulatto Girl. TUESDAY, lithinst., at 12 o’clock, M., in front of store, will be sol I, on accoun t and at the risk of former purchaser, a mulatto Girl named Sarah Ann, at om IS* years of age. Sold by order of YYilliam llogrefe. Terms cash. ja7 TURKNETT BPRING PLACE FOR SALE, nplllS pleasant summer residence, on the Lower Hill, i about 2X miles from town, is offered for sale. This tract contains 27 acres. On the premises, within 50 yards ol the Sprirg, is a comfortable D* oiling, with all the ne cessary out bui djngs. Apply to W. H. JONES or TIIOS. JONES. jalt-twtf NOTICE, r T'li E subscriber* have purchased of Mr. J AMES IIUL- X BERT, his entire stock, and have secured his services for the purpose of manufacturing and repairing all kinds of CARRIAG E8 on the premises lately occupied by him. We have, at our old place of business, an assortment of CAR- Ki AGES, ROCK AWAYS and BUGGIES ; also, HARNESS, TRUNKS, WHIPS. &<i. Carriages built to order, and re pairing promptly done. A share of patronage is respect sully solicited. WYMAN & DARROW. Augusta, January 13,1554. UAVISG sold out my entire stock to WYMAN ,t HARROW, I woo’d respectfully solicit for them the patronage so liberally bestowed on me. JAMES HULBERT. Augusta, January 13, 1554. jal4-6t r'l'MIK CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between X ALDYVOUTU & TUCK! R, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. R. ALDYVOR’i’H will continue the busi ness in his own name, and will use the name of the firm only in liquidation. R. ALDWOUTH, JAS. W. TUCKER. Augusta, January 14,1554, jal4-d3t YVrARHEN < OL.\TY, GEO.—Whereas, John L. VV Usry, applies to me for Letters of Administration, de bonis non, on the estate of Authony C. Usry, late of YVarren county, deceased ; These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be ami appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given undermy handat office in Warrenton. ARDEN It. MERSHON, Ordinary. January 14,1854. JUVEMII..K BOORS.—Arbell, a tafe foryoung peo pie by Jane YV. Hooper, w ith the illustrations by Jas Godwin, 75c., inmusli' ; Canadian Crusoes, a tale of the Rice Lake Plains, by Catharine Parr Traill, authoress of the Backwoods of Cam da,” Ac., edited by her sister, Agnes Strickland, illustrated by Darby, 75c,, muslin ; Illustrated Natural History, by Rev. J. G. Wood, with 450 designs by Harvey, $2, muslin; Arabiau Nights Entertainments, without abridgement, carelully revised and corrected with some additions, amendments and illustrative notes from Lane’s edition,illustrated by numerous engravings, mus lin, $1.25; do. gilt, if 1,59; German Popular Tales and Household Stories, collected by the Brothers Grimm, new ly translated, with illustrations by Edward H. Wehnert, 2 vols., muslin, $2.25; do. gilt, $2.75 ; Leda, or the Istand, by Ann F. Tytler, with engravings by Crr, from original designs, mu din, 75c.; do. gilt, $1 ; Leila in Englan , a continuation of Leila, or the Island, by the same author, also beautifu'y illustrated, 75c., muslin; do. gilt, $1; Leila at Home, a continuation of Leila in England, also by the same author, muslin, 75c.; do. gilt, $1; together with other pretty books for the young, For sale at jail GEO. A. OATES A BROS., Broad-st. SCENES IN THE LIFE 0 AN ACTOR, ' CtO.YIPILED from the Journals Letters and Memo ) randa of the late Y’ankee Hill. Mrs. Partington’s Carpet Bago Fun. Dashes of American Humor, i yH, Paul. Just received by [jal4J THOS. RICHARDS & SON. NEW NOVELS. THE Orphan Sempstress—A Narrative of Innocence, Guilt, Misery and Crime. The Lady at Home : or Happiness In the Household. By T. S. Arthur. The Iron Rule : or Tyranny in the Household. By T. S. Arthur. Atar Gull: or the Bridal Eve. By YVm. Henry Herbert. Theodore, the Child of the Sea —A Sequel to Lafitte, the Pirate of the Gulf. Grace Manning: or the Vengeance of Claude Duval, em bracing the remarkable exploits of Turpin and Sixteen- String Jack. Paul Jones: or the Son of the Sea. By Dumas. Eva Mav, the Foundling : or the Secret Dungeon. Just received by Jjal4] _ THOS. RICHARDS A SON. CtO\V PEAS. —5,0t>0 Bushels Ccw PEA.-, in storeand J for sale by ja4 JOHN C. CARMICHAEL. I.ANKKTS.—IOO white Mackinaw BLANKETS, just to hand, They will be sold a great bargain for cash, 4*lo WARD A BURCH ARD,