Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, October 18, 1854, Image 4

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NEW iHUfiiSj&c. H r TltlAL. —N.;» 19,J*.iuary to June, 1854, Banking’s A a.Au<j:»lt*ti ;n aad Percussion; by Ur. Sko'-. od-.-a treat ?u at of Syphilitic Diseases; byLanrstoc. t’u . v 1 .*?u.t •on and Percussion; by H. M aaghes, Si. D. Pumotta y Tuberculosis; by John H. B-u i>- X-e fi.in nod iinir ; by Erasmus Wil son, F- -• S. ticii i uerj.;' Assaying, Mining, Ac., according toT-n-& st m 'teds; by JTredir' k Overman, for sale by [sj'.-Tj 111 JS. RICHARDS A SON. _ \T ALL’AtSLfci B(H)KB.—The Metallic Wealth of the L niiC'j tJta-e . ei rihed and compart d with «h** °* Other cotn.lies; by J. U. Whitney. No Motu, or Keel Rovings iu the tenth Seas—a n; -rativeof Adventures « the Hawaii r, Georgian and & -ietr Wm*. and .ttustraUoua and an apj>i n !i*; by *“}’!,* . a <iiu" a Air.t ,oi Mcc.-J t there; by T. B. Ar hig:a 0 ... al ■ -v.5.2 >■ •~" c i a jj lW a ourney in the taUi. 1 la.'t.s in t-e a Home for all, or the Gravel wiT -Vn ; , y »£?d?2f Budding; by O. S. Fowler. W ali and Oci..;. - , , . Isabella, or the Pride of Pa- ’ The "dv.iiturescf Hercules Ua.dy; by Eugene Sm™ o "Ko*ii Wuidviile,or the Jailor’s Daughter; by Alex. l)m. The oc-ntienien’s Daughter, or a great city’s Ten &tidus. For rate by iu26 _ TUPS. RICHARDS A 80S. "\Ttitt MEDICAL BOOKS.—The Skin and Ilair, JN their preservation and management; by Erasmus Wilson, F. K S. The Pathology and Treatment of Pul monary Tuberculosis; by Jo n Hughes Bennett, M. D., f. R. S. E. Ausiu atioa and Percussion; by Dr. Jos. Skoda, translated from the 4:h E i.; by W. 0. Markham, M. D. A Clinical lutrod o.iou to the practice of Ausoul a ion and other modes of physical Diagnosis, in diseases of the Lungs and Hear; by H. M. Hughes, M. D. The Modern Treatmeutof Syphilitic u ; seases, t oth prim .ry and secondary; by Langston Par.-or. No Id of Banking's Half Yearly Abstract of Medical Sciences. Just received and for sale by MoKINNE A HALL, au3o Booksellers A stationers. VIEW HOOK.is.—Utah and the Mormons —The Uis- XN tory, Cove i.ment, Do- :-res, Customs and Prospects of Latter-Day Saints, from personal observation during six mouths residence at Great Sa t Lake City : by Benja min cr. Ferris, late feecre’ary of Utah Territory. A Popular Account of the Ancient Egyptians, revised and abridged from his larger work: tv Sir J. Gardner W lkinson, F. R. e., illustrated with 6th) wood cuts. Footprints of Famous. Met*, designed as .ncitements to intellectual industry : ty John G. Edgar, author of Boy hood of Great Men. Harper’s Gaa-...cer *. to. World, to be completed in ten numo.rs. Firs, number jun received by jyj MoKINNE A HALL. LEVGB’d MDi NOVEL.—,Sir Jasper Carew—his Li.e aim Experience, with some account of his over reaching.-. and she. i-comings, now first given to t .e world by himself; by Charles Leve-, author of the Dodd Family Abroad, The Daltons, " . Cashe 1 , Maurice Tierney. Agatha Jeauford, or Family .’ride; by the author of **piqu a.. For sa-e at GEO. A. oAi'ES A BROS., jy2l Booksellers, Broad-st. MUDKUX BTAIDAKB Oil AM %, in 2 vols., edi ted by Epes Sargent. Apjstles and the Early Church, be.rg the last volume of Kitto’s Daily Bible Illustrations; also the preceding v Aurics, *. -J nother supply of Types o: Mankind and Fern weaver. T.*r sale by jyliji TROS. RICHARDS A SON. RV\ HOOlve.—The Pilgrims ol WalsingUam, or IN tales of Middle Ages, an Historical Romance: by Agnes Strickland. Gideon Giles, or the Struggles of Life: by Thos. Miller, Esq . auth ,r of Godfrey Malvern, Kayston Gower, Ac. School -or Hnsbunds: by i.-my Bulwer. Carnelle, or Rover a Gath: by u. ... i'owtfi Uickßy, Just received, and for salt by jyo MoKINNE A HALL. V I.it iiUUht.—L:u.c-n’s *jO Years in U. S. Senate. XV Voi. i t. Leu- h Ritchie,new an ! enchant ng Novel. Wearyfoot Coo -ujon,from Cham be.- ’Journal. W. i.r V» arrer, r the a tventur s of the Northern YYi ;ty xinffey. ! ost received, and for rale by c.C MoKINNE A HALL. A .. A 800- s.—Kan and Mishaps of a Tour In Eu j. ■ it-;. ; by Gi.-.ce G . .wood. Farmingdate; by C;.- s nts. Art indent in Munich; by Anna v ; i.ouitt. Our Pans!:, -r Anna's of Pastor and Poo pi- ' Hive of • e Bse Hunt-’-, a repository of sketches c : A tertean Cft&n cter, Scenery and Rural Sports ; by T. B. , u:pe, of Lou-.. u'Jut of Too uweo, The Bee Huii i, .dystertec l.e Back-woods,etc. E.elma orthe H. .v of a TV.. -t. iy’s . franco- a*c the world; by F . ...i Boro y ... i , lame D’Arblay, new edi- G.-j - me; by". •; author of Kate Uar;>er, : -,r i . ...I 'lot es, tic. The Parish Side: a - '..' jr ■ 5..... -3 and Shady bide. Tins, That anti i* v ; cy f. .* i f--uUs Chandler. I>r. Vallcntice’s l\ - - Lo tures. t to Young Mothers; by Uncle Jer—■. Ju.rt received, and for sale > y » MoKINNE A HALL. A *A BOOK ’.-T ; i -1- .. 11 Ex-iedition in Search XV Sir J•; F ' bn —2 pws-jnal narrative; by Elisha Kent K * U i. Farm Implements an .... .. .r ccustre-'tioa and use—an ele . j u... .-*c .n Me«n ,: o» and on Natu ... pfiedto the ordinary pmc t: . .rice! •• - J engraved »Lustrations. A h . m Ores.-'-.. m oarl.tst times to the Roman C - w. I ...'y chapters on the History of Lit raiJteai-d A.- .Sm.IV,L. L. D., revised w:th an appendix. jj o- hundred engravings on wood. Tne S.l - . It i ians, or the Muscovite Empi»e. T;.e C *• . i. j, by ■1 • manDcLagny, tr»ns!atedfrcm ,x . ,' > *-..T id.enan. jet M.iJNNK A HALL. BAti; L T “ t>s !ti>- lO\; by Mrs. Harrison A Gray 01. r e : Pj.il—Characters acd Manners in t’ m, . ; by Utyle dt. John. Busy Moments of ;.a 1-lic Woctan. Cruse of the North Star Sketches of tfcs Iri.-'i ! x . Lai: gton’.- Sketches. De tqueneey’s Wr l : .. R. ..iu ana the Eastern Question by Richard Cc. n, M. B. The CLemi»:ry cf Ccmmo Life. For sale cy je€ LIOHARDfI A SOW, A'; TJOOlit>. i’-.. Parish S.de, by the author of XV son: c . -. >ks,. 3 ' Cherk cf the Parish of Edge fis.d, wub iduit. a*, ns—Tic. h .ays on the Fo maticn anu PunUcatioi. of Opinions, i’hcpursu.t of Tru th, and on other subjects; bj bam el Hailey—sl Photographic View: . . .' .v Jus. V*'. The: ; Persons ana Pic- urt*. f om ice iiisicries of France and Ecglacd, free :h- Norm., r >. inquest to the Fall of the gam-tr, by Henry H'i.haEi il.-.bert. Life and its Aims, L . : ;ci:s— part 1, -d-»l Life, part 2, Actual Life. M*-:. :.-y,a it.ry v .u. a ru-ral—76c. Anew edition of the Cviup-.eu . V o. ks of t'cauel Rogers, with a i - . -hi. an. ex; ed.te. by Epeshargent. i.a.a. Other; b Ellen Louisa Chandler,with iUnstiabons g lit *s-—gi. f. Xh . . ■ue Wreath,or o.ray Leaves recalled; by Minnie Myn.fc— ‘i 2b. Alone; by Marion Hariand—Jl.26. Mm r.. i* rr ,or the Nig. . and iu Morning—A Tale for a. Brown—sl.2s. Justpbiiahed, L .‘j GEO. A. uATEb A i KOs. ,J- x* ’ < b.tfi.—TtaiS cf me Mind in its i’ro- XJ gtvjo to Ca.huL.cam just received aLd for sale-by jw MCKi.N.’Ei HALL. CILIATCAL LlißTl libs on Puimonar/ Ccnsump ) tim ; by The ; .ilus Thampson, M. D.,F. R. b. Lec tur son our Lord’s Parables, by the Rev. John Gumming, D. I*. F f sale by [jeioj T. RICHaRDB A SON. V*'R AND v .bht liLK tiOOKs.—PersonalN<»r- A.V rative cf rsp orat n and Incidents in Texas, New Mexjoo, Calif rr.: , bosora and Chihuahua, connected with the- U. f-ate. r-nil Mexican Boundary Commission; by John Uas chßa.t.ett. i '.e Trials olaMind .n its Pro gi-.r: to CatJioiicisir —a letter to hiafricn is; byL.bd.iman Ives.L. L. D. Dr. c-m:til’s History of Greece, illustrate.! by cue hundred engravir.gs on wood. The Knout axd the Russians, or t .£: ovne Empir--. The Cxar and Lis Peoj* ;; by Germ itu dc L igoy, translate*, from the French. The Russo Turk.eh C a paigns of 1 i2S-’2J, with a Y’iew of .he-present state of g:s iu the East; by Col. Ci esney, K. A , v.iih ar. Appel, ix nr;.! i: pg. Far .: Implements, with taOengrnv -iga; i>y J.J. nomas. History of Caii lorni ~ from its d->cure v to the- present time, with a new Mapo. the Coe try ; by E. . 0 apron. The Hive of the Bee Hunter; by .B. -»r; -,of Louisiana. Our Parish, t r Pastor and Pec de- Fa.-m.i g laie; by CarolineTh' mas. Alan, a fre-.ii sn, ..yo't: iean Bee Keeper’s Manual; by < . il. Min r. DvQu. . fheoiogicai Essays. For - - . • • HA -:j.~ A BON. ,AXU_ t« tti-.i. z .—The Russian shores of AC the Biack aea m the a. mr-.n -f 1352, with a voyage uown the \Olga, at: .it tr t rough ihe c: untry of the Don Com auks: by Law.eneec pliant, author of a Journey to Nepaul, for sale by m Ift ra RICHAKDB A SON. CHA dUKU c-iJi .EYAL, Nog. 4 ana 5, for May and Jar.e —one*! e :-*- v 3t ;teti rdk-als pubiiiihed in th- English Language. Jo,- j cce.ved acd Rr sale t y 3. RIeIHAR - J. ON. puTKVV MBliii ti, -itOK.—The Science and Art b' *fSurgery—L -a trcati-e -a Surgical injuries, L.seast.: „hJ Op ons. IS John i-richaon, Professor Cuivei>ity Cc.!.Just received and f:<r sa e by MvKINNEA HALL. TV BW UOuK B.—Lectores on tl e B< ok of Dan.el: by -T-V the- Rev. John Cummirg, D. D , Minister cf the Scotch National Cn rch, am or of Apocalyptic Sketches, Lectures OU Miracles, etc. Sunny Side; orthe Country Minister’s Wife. Horse Shoe Robinson: by J. P. Kennedey, Esq. Lamp Ligh'er, new supply. * ' Y’ea. h-'iui 'Ed on the Frontiers of Haty-a, Turkey anti ter-:a; y //. Robert Curyan. 1.,- Quiet heart, from Blackwood’s Magas ne. r:utohi( grapi.y of an Actiess ; by Mrs. Mowatt. New supply-just received ty _ i el * MoKINNE A Hall. (j ' L .11 is ;;-f3 ’iVOttK.ts.—-The Text and the Altar, or '•y c - ; -t f*c : Pj r’arc’r:! Life; by Bsv. Jao. Coin j. Oamtcm; s Scriptnre Reading; Genesis.— ! - i - r-n our Ixrd’s Parables, by Bov. Juo. Cumming, - j. < liiiXU VA i. lU,\ ; or the Rebel of Do: ches y - • r: vW. Gilmore Simms, author of Pl:tisan, Mel hct.in;>e, etc. v - • or toe u night of tie Coaqncst, a Romance of V : R-ut,;. ry Bird, author of Nick of the H-;. j St -dies—lectures on the Book of Daniel: by t JJ ‘. ' -’ptr.’tiy o. , g’lthor of Apocalyptic Sketeh ani \ , r i n t 7 J or thf: Revelation of fcaauty o/ oi.as. x\«v c . , v ( r oin Houseticld Words : re. * , and . ‘ , e, g''t original illustrations. Just - r ' e - V - t '-SA I OATjq» BRQB , Broad-st. , PNITmJ STi VSg HQTRT. rg - undersigr. , e __ . 1 x’.ip,untljr rlvr : tir, . d APrt’? r sc e 5,?„ Co P artner ' dx -r tIJ U: :- : t ,g h .vc amed Hotet^a^ 0 c «* ‘i . taw.-or.-. ,■ r -. 3 t ’ . and will unite - " iJ "- - lvlt - hfbtta;je ani good willof t., ■ .ms of tn.s hv.< J.jva ana favorite estabishmTnt Daniel chaffhb-" ry 1, 1864. JOHf W. SPEAR. ' lai i’AL .; ri j, BHxUKW &iX i aaderpi.-- rcr :ctf- -y informs their friends t ~ - n. -jiy, thv.c they are now prep&ied ....sabove line in the very beat i, ' ‘ • ued t* men, they pledge Hi. -'.'--un tea who rasyfavor us with Or >tfa tl -* -• 4 wi. : - r -:y thing in the no* re lint, Poi.-»y-:: , Address, threugh the • v - A HITCHCOCK. IJWVBU ' V f AmE f ) - ±1 WAITEIv. atthe -JJ..I4C, - Ti l be % lven for or six ‘ wmilng fivo - Jy# i U.KER OLLi,X3ORFf -Being a pro B res= 1 A o f lh e principß.: t f the Greet. Grammar *h» A; t-10. Ken (in ok. i'orsat- * * “Ti l’HOi. RICHARDS A BON. MISCELLANEOUS. AUGUSTA STEAM CABINET MANUFACTORY CHARLES A i’LATT, - Via.il. the attention of citisena, and voting the city, to his large and handsome assortment of Karnfture, aomorisingevery article usually found In a Cabinet V.’are house Being connected with one olthe largest manufac tories a! the North, together with my own Steam Manufac tory at this place, 1 can supply orders equally low as any establishment in tbecountry—as all articles are received from first hands and warranted of the best quality. Con ted with the above, I have always on hand, a splendid ortment of Carprh, vis: English Velvet Tapestry, Cotton, “ Brussels do. Hemp, Extra Three Ply, Venetian, Extra Ingrain, RUGS and Door MATS, a beautiful assortment. CURTAINS, CORNICES,Curtain LOOPS,PINS, Ac. Table and Floor OIL CLOTHS, of all patterns and widths. The above at e ah purchased, at the lowest price, and the egitimate business of this establishment has been so well known for the last fifteen years, m kes further comment unnecessary. jal2 " FOR NEYV-YORK OR PHI LAD EL PH I PHILADELPHIA AND SAVANNAH STEAM SHIP LINE. <£Si> CARRYING THE UNITED ST YTLS MAIL. Cabin Passage S2O Steerage passage... 7 CHANGE jF SCHEDULE. The Atlanta and Lagrange Railroal connects at East Point with the Macon and Western Railroad, through from Moatgomcry to Savannah in 80 hours. Leave Montgomery at S.BO P. M. arrive at East Point at 5.20 A. M.; leave East Point at 8.45 A. M., arrive at Macon at 2.80 P. M.; leave Macon at 4.30 P. M., arrive at Savannah at 2.50 A. M. Fare from Montgomery to West Point $8.50 “ “ West Point to East Point 8.25 “ “ East Point to Savannah 8.00 This line consists of the well known first cla6B Steam ships STATE OF GEORGIA, 1260 Tons. Gaft. J. J. Gvhvin, Jb. KKY&TOAK STATE, 1500 Toss. Cxwr. R. Hakimb. In strength, speed, and accommodations, these ships are unsurpassed, if equalled, by any on the coast. River navigation 100 miles. Tv;o nights at sea. Sailing days, every WEDN BSD AY, from each port. A'jENTS : In Savannah, C. A. L. LAMAR, corner Drayton and Bryan Streets ; in Phi adelphia, HERON A MARTIN,No. North Wharves; iu New-York, SCRANTON A TAILMAN, 19 Old Slip, near foot of Wall Street. STATE OF GEORGIA will leave Savannah : July 12thand26th.October 4th avd 18th August 9th and 23d Nov. Ist, 15th and 28th September 6tiiand2oth|Dec. 18th and 27th KEYSTONE STATE will leave Savannah: July l&thjNov. Sth and 22d August 2,16 th and 30th, December 6th and 20th Se-t. 18lh and 2lth|January 3d, 1855. Oct. 11th and 25th| July 20th, 1854. H.C. SCOTT, Travelling Agent. au3 MON TV ALE SPRINGS. I ARtiK and commodious HOTEL atthispopu* JL lar Watering place, will be opened for the reception of visitors about the Ist of June. The Hotel has been com pleted and furnished in most elegant and convenient style, and evt ry preparation will be made to render com ortable and plea-ant the stay of those who may visit this celebra ted resort fur -Le in. alid an pleasure-seeker. Os the mod c'nal properties of these waters, we will state, for tlie benefit of the aihicteX, that Dyspepsia and Chronic Liv.r Complaints are cured in their worst fore-. Dropsy, Chronic Diurrhtea and Bowel affections of all kinus are cured in Bor 10 weeks. Returned Mexican soldiers and Californians, with that ise.ise peculiar to the climate, have ail been restored to h ailh. All cases of Piles are permanently cured, or much benefiitcd, by the use of these waters. There 1 ave been some tiaif-cozen cases of gcrof ul:., and all wei i cured at these Springs. The proprietor had their certifi rates utt.cn, and would be pleased to see ! others, to mcert<- \ whether it wc-uiu prove infallible .n sii | cases. In all those diseases peculiar to Females, it has I been highly oeneftciaL Protracted cast 3of Chills and Fever, Spinal Affections, Kuin- y affections, Lead, Ac., it has I been equsily Leiieticial. The p.easure-seeker will find Mo*.-vale one of t!.e most delight*ai Bummer Retreatsin tlie United States. Si mated » the base of the Chilhomee Mountain, s -.at hr :t tbousa*. feet above the level of the sea, the salubrity of the-tmobphere and healthfulness of the climate, are proverbial, while the grandure of the scenery is surpassed by that of no place of resort in this country. The-e Springs are . mated in Blount county, Tennessee, 25 m;.es south cf Knoxville, 28 mile from Loudon, and are of access from any part of the county. A daily ■ line of Coaches and Ujclcs will run from Loudon (the pre sent terminus*-: the East Ten nee eeand Georgia Kaiiroau) to Montvah .springs, so as to connect with that Road.— Through i i-keta from Dalton to Montvale can be procured lor $5 50. Kates of Boarding wiii be as follows, to wit: Per Day $ 1 25 Per Week 7 00 Per Month 25 00 AsA WATSON. P. 8. —There are from 50 to 60 Cabins, intended for the accommodation c-fiho#e who may wish to board themselves, j and will be rented as follows, to wit: For Framed Cabin:, per week |S 50 “ Log “ “ 1 50 je7 tw*wßni AUGUSTA AND WAYNESBORO’ EAIL-BGAD, NOTICE TO PASBKN GERB. UNTIL further notice, Trains v *ll Have Augusta at 7jg A. M. and 6P. M.; return:ng, will leave Millen at F. M. and 11 >. P. M., connecting with the Day and Night Passenger Trains on the Central Rail Road, which leave t'avaunah at S A. M. and 7 P. M., and leave Macon at 7Ya A. M. and i\ P. M. Passengers for ddiedgev'lie, Eatonton, Oglethorpe or Cclumuus, should take th* Night Tram to avoid detention. Freight will be carried by the Day Train, making it an Accommodation Train,exce: t on t.un-Jays, when it will run as a Pa.-sexger Train exclusively, leaving Augusta at 9S. M., and Milieu i P. M., arriving at Augusta at 6* P. M. WM. M. WADLKY, March 9, ISO I. Gen’l cupermteudent. UNITED STATES MALL LINE. NKYY-YOKK A .Ml BAYAA.YAU. [BEMI-WKKRLY. j OX anti after March 18th, the new and splendid side wheel Steamships FLORIDA, 1309 tons Capt.M. 8. Woodhcll, ALABAMA, 1800 tons Capt. G. R. Schbsck. AUGLBTA, 1500 tons Capt. T, Lvos, KNOXVILLE, 1500 tons Capt.C. D. Ludlow, will leave New-York and Savannah every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. These sh’u .are among the largest on the coast, unsur passed in peed, safety and comlurt— making their pas sages in 50 to 6tl hours, and are commanded by skillful, careful and polite officers. They offer a most desirable conveyance to New-York. Cabin passage $25 etecragc passage 9 PADELFORD, FAY A CO., Agents in Savannah. 8 A M’L L. MITCHELL, 18 Broad way, New-York. aavanny. , March 14, 1854. mhl7-tf NEW-YORK. 1851. FALL GOOD 3. IDD\% ARD LAMBERT A L’O., at their new Ware -* house, 55 Chambers and 83 Reade-streets, (oppo-ite the Park) aie now prepare! with their Fall Importation of Foreign, Staple i.nd Fancy DRY GOODS, in addition to their 1 ef*u. tr lines of Rich fTLKS, DRESS GOODS SHAWL: .RIBBONS,GLOVES, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, Ac., they will offer the following Exclusive Novel ties, which comprise the newest and most fashionab e styies of LADIES’ FABRICS for the coming season, vis- L’ETOiLE D’ALLAHABVD, DRAP DE COR ALINE, TILS US DE TURQUIE, TRICOLA CLOTH, MOIRE DE PARADIS, ROBES DE SEVIGNIE, to wiiich the &it<!nt!on of thctmde is psrticulariy invited. Cash aid first class buyers wiii find it to their interest to examine our assortment before purchasing, as we be lieve, in point 0! novelty and style, it is unsurpassed. au< tw2m SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSUKANCE COMPAN \ WM. HOODRUFF having been recently ap • pointed Agent for the above Company, is now prepared to tak< Fire and Marine risks on as favoiable terms as any Agency in the City. Augusta, Aug. Ha, 1853. au2B-iy £ RAWING AND PAINTING. OT7 O LENI'Z, Artist,from the Academy of Munich and Dusseldorf,thankful for the patronagereceived from the citisens.of Augusta the past year, announces that he has taken toomsover Mrs. Loeb’sMillineriStorejOnßroad-sL. one door below H. D. Beil’s, Landscape and other Paintings executed in artistic style. Instruction in Drawing and Painting will be given in classes or private lessons. Terms reasonable. Young gentlemen desiring nightlessons can be accommodated Oct 16-ly THK IIYKH'B 1 X HTRI CTO it for dying Silk, Cot ton, Wool and Worsted and Woolen Goods, etc., con taining nearly eight hundred receipts; by David Smi h Pattern Dyet. Tables for finding the mean height of Cross Section., and Cubic contents of Excavations and Embaux m nts ;by Patrick Lyon. The Practical Surgeon's Guide. A-’.ral Chemist y; by Edward Solly. Struggles for Life, or the Au'ob .-g aphy ol a Dissenting Minister. Also, sequel to t;a N-j 'hour’s Children, fr.- m the German; by Mrs. Sarah A. Myers.- For sale by » la THQB. RICHARDS & SON. BOOivh. —Now-a-days. Fashion and Famine; by Mrs. Ann S.Stephens. Ohesnut Wood; by Liele Linden. Time and Tide, or Strive and Win; by A. S. Roe. Capt. Canot, rr Twer.:? Years of an African Slaver—an account of his earner and adventures on the coast, Ac.; by Brants Mayer. English Items, or Microscopic Views of England anu Englishmen; by Matt.F. Ward. Notes of a Theo logical Student; by Jas. M. Hoppin. Cavendish, or xhe Patrician at Sea; by W. Johnson Neale, Esq. The Ora tor’s Touchstone, or E.oquence Pimplifled—embracing a comprehensive system of instruction for the improvement of the voice ;by Hugh McQueen. Just received and for sale by j>7] MoKINNE k IIALL. \ GOOK.K.—Tne Comforter, or Thouguts on the j 1 iu ®“ e ?oe of the Holy Spirit; by Rev. J no. Gumming, mert ■ vT-jV " ol^ r >asß °ver, or Thoughts on the Atone an ,9 ummin ß. D. D. Struggles for Life, theFi gerof God ng ’‘? Minor Work » containing dren, c,x the tv *2 lhe N «K h bor’s Chil pubii hfd, un lor sal ’1 7 Wrs ‘ Barah A - Wyers. Just ■ A.Oateb abBO, Broad-st. JN the Eng! Commonweal-^f° f^ U Tn r C X omweU Charles the iirstto the Deathrf<’’ ola th ,° fi *bcution of The Turki-l, i.mpire-i M HRtorWi°S?f by gious condition. Also, in Alfred Deßease. Just received s^ 1 ? 1118 ’ et 3; b I i EFIA' 'aU bIUAUe—IO boxo. Loaf SUGapT -i-V 40 bnig. Crushed and Powdered uq” ’ In store and for sale by DAVIS, KOLB 4 FANNING. W Hlfe hKi .—SOO bbis. superior Rectified W mywirv constantly on hand, which will be sold low f„, cash, or satisfactory paper. 8. C. GRENVILLE 4 co! DRY GOODS. NEW FALL GOODS! WILLIAM SHEAR has received from New-York a part of his Fall supplies, embracing a great va rity of new and beautiful artic es suitable for the present season, among which are Rich Batin Plait, Brocade and Plain Fancy SILKS, of the latest Paris styles; Plain Black Taffeta SILK?, of superior quality and rich lustre; Rich all Woo! Paris Printed DELAINES, of new and ele gant styles; Fancy all Wool Paris Printed DELAINES, of small figures, f« r Misses and Children; French all Wool Fancy PLAIDS, of beautiful style for Ladies English PRINTS and Fancy GINGHAMS, warranted fast colors; Superior English Mo rning PRINTS and GINGHAMS; Lupin’s Plain White, Black and Fancy Colored MERINOS, of superior quality; Lup n’s Plain Black and Fancy Colored DELAINES, and Plain Black CHALLYS; Superior Black BOMBAZINES, Black ALPACAS, and Black Canton CLOTHS; Superior English Black CRAPES, for Trimming and for Mourning VEILS; Ladies’ Embroidered French OOLLARS, UNDEUSLEEVEB, and COLLARETTS, of beautiful styles; Ladies’ Mourning COLLARS and UNDERSLEEVES; Worke 1 Muslin EDGINGS and INSERTINGB, and Narrow Thread EDGINGS; Rich Thread, Valenciennes, Maltese and Hbniton LAOES ; Ladies’ Embroidered, Bcolloped, Wide Hem-stitched and Mourning French Lawn HAN DKERCHIEFS, of beauti ful styles; Fancy Neck and Bonnet RIBBONS ; Ladies’ Rid and Gauntlet GLOVES, and Long and Short land Black Lace MITTS; Ladies’ Black Spun Silk and Fleecy-lined HOSE, some of extra weight and site, of the best make and quality; Real Welsh and Heavy Shaker FLANNELS, of the best make ; Superior Welsh GAUZE, Saxony and Silk Warp FLAN NELS; Heavy all Wool Red FLANNELS, for Servants, at low prices; English Colored FLANNELS,for Ladies’ sacks; Englis’’ and American Cant n FLANNELS, of superior style and quality, with a great variety of other new ard beautiiul articles of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, many of which have just been purchased at auction far below the cost of imper ation, mdali of which willbeßol .stvery low pices. Families wishing to purchase their Fall sup plies early, are respectfully invited to call and examine the assortment. sB-dtwaw SPLENDID CARPETS. WILLIAM SHEAR bat just received from N. York, English Tapestry Velvet CARPETS, of rich and splendid styles; English Brussels CARPETS, of chaste and elegant patterns: Superior Three-Ply ami Ingrain CARPETS, of new and beautiful stales; Superior Plain and Twilled Venetian CARPETS ; Rich Chenille RUGS, to match the Carpets; The Tapestry, Velvet and English Brussel’ CARPETS, are of the most recent importations, and in richness of co or and elegance of style and pattern, surpass any I have ever offjre Jto the public. They are also offered at greatly reduced prices, and the public are respectfully invited to examine the assortment. s 8 dtw*w NEW GOODS. \ LEXUNDER A WULiIET have just}l from New York Jaconet and Swiss BANDS ; UNDERSLEEVES and LARS; L&dies and Misses’ Long Black SILK MITTS; “ GAUNTLETS and Kid GLOVES; Black GALLOONS, Wide Velvet RIBBONS and Serpentine BRAIDS; Cotton FLOSS and Prone’ Working COTTON ; Sleeve EL At Ti OH and Silk ELASTIC WEB; Plain and Figured BLACK SILKS; D’BAIGEfor Travelling Dresses; Black and White and Fancy GINGHAMS and PRINTS ; GRASS CLOTH, GAUZE FLANNEL and Irish LINENS; ! With a great variety of other Goods to which they invite j the attem nos the public. aulS 4&ADTIFUL ~~ in store, all of which have been received ; 17 v, it in the last six days. NEKDLE-WORKED GOODS of all kinds, the best and ! largest ass rtt -ent that we have yet had of these G<oda. HABITS, COLLARS and SLEEVES, in full setta, of Mal- It 3. and Honi on Laces; French, Swiss and Jaconet j NLEDLE-WORK, many very handsome; also, each of ' the kinds detached and separate, COL : ARS, SLEEVES and HABITS; FRILLED COLLARS, of new Btyles and , very preify. Our stock of Lace, Swiss and Jaconet COL i LARS ,3 very complete ; large Mourning SETTS, COL ! LARS, HABITP and SLEEVES, various patterns. Lace Swiss and Jaconet BANDS ; also FLOUNCING, a i ' »rge variety. NEEDLE-WORKED DRESSES,from low-priced to very handsome ; also, SKIRTS, Swiss worked MANTILLAS, i fine qua ■ ■ ; Lac ■ BERTHAS, Ac. Ac., all of which are j selling at very low prices. WARD A BURCHARD. ap27 CHRes? NEW DRY GOODS. WILLIAM H. CRANK, HAVIIiG received a very large and extensive stock o Sprk.g and Summer DRY' GOODS, is now pi *rtd j to offer great inducements to those who wish to pur ! chase. His Goods have been bought exceedingly low, and ! h isdc --mined to sell them at very small profits, and ha i would respectfully ask the public to caii „t i examine hi* stock tud prices, as he is satisfied they c;. >no: fail to 'nease. | Among -he many articles, are the following: tiummer SI LKS, in small and medium Plaid-and Strips*; Plain BAREGE!*, all colors; | 'i;h F -aret an i Plaid BAREGES of the latest styles ; Printed and Bruchs GRENADINES; Elegant Figured CRAPE DE PARIS; Broche and Robe BAREGES,something new; , Plain Colored CHALLYS; | Trench Printed ORGANDIES and JACONETS ; Printed and Plaid LAWN’S and MUSLINS, all prides; French and English PRINTS ; New Style Scotch GINGHAMS ; j Printed BRILLIANTS, for Children’s wear; | Striped an-J Figured Saline JEANS, for Boys’ wear; j White and Brown Li ten DRILLINGS, all qualities ; Black French SATIN, for Gentlemen’s Coats; j A large assortment PARASOLS; Plaid and Figured Bonnet RIBBONS; Black Sewing ftffk MITTS; ; Ladies ami Misses’ Lisle and Silk GLOVES ; White and Colored Kid GLOVES, best quality ; Embroidered and Plain White Crape SHAWLS; French Worked Oil KM IZET I’ES and BLEE VkS.in setts; i Embroidered COLLARS, at ah prices; Rich Maltese Lace COLLARS : MourningCHEMIZKTTES,COLLARS and SLEEVES; Crape de Paris nd Brocbe Barege MANTILLAS ; Black Lace and Bilk VISIT ES ; Embroidered Black and tthite Lace TALMAS; i Jaconet and Swiss Flouncing BANDS ; j White and Color d Marseilles QUILTS; j Wide White ami Colored Furniture DIMITY ; | Ladies,Gents, and Children's HOSIERY; Bleached and Brown SHIRTINGS and BHEETINGS, Striped and Plaid; HOMESPUNS, Blue DENIMS, Ac.; Augusta SHIRTINGS and Georgia STRIPES, at Factory prices; aps-dAw DRY GOODS FUR THE MILLION, CtOfefJUOVK A BRENNAN h; ve now the pleasure J to inform their friends and the public that they have received la; go additions to their stock of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GuODS. Their stock comprises almostevery article in their line. C. AB. have been unavoidably late in getting their Spring and Summer Supplies 26 to to per cent leas than early purchases. C. A B.’s business being almost exclusively a cash business, and having no lang credits or bad debts to cover, will sell at prices that will not fail to give satisfaction to ali. The following are a few of the articles to which they would invite attention. edLKS. Brocade and Glace SILK ; Black Gro de Rhine do. Chai geableand solid colored SILKS; Small Chucks and Striped do. Fancy Plaid SILKS; Lining SILKS, allshadea and qualities; DRESS GOODS. Plaid, Plain and Figured BAREGES and TISSUES; CHINTZ patterns ate styles; GK - ING SILKS, Ac.; F.ne French Jaconet LAWNS and ORGANDIES. MANTILLAS. Embroidered and Plain MANTILLAS, every color; Lace and Lißle do (black); EMBROIDERIES. Lace ard Muslin CUEMIZETTEB and OOLLARS; UNDERSLEEVES and Worked BANDS; Corded, Uordeied Hem-stitched and Embroidered Line Cambric HANDKERCHIEFS; Swiss and Jaconet INSERTINGS and EDGINGS; HOSIERY. Ladies’ Black, White and Colored HOSE; Misses’ “ “ ** Slate do. Ladies’open worked do. Boys’ X HOSE, every color; Gents. White, Brown and Mixed % HOSE; Striped and Fancy do. Kid GLOVES; PIC NIC MITTS ; Also, PARASOLS and FANS; BAREGES, for Veils, of every color; Black Silk VELVET, for Trimming; SKIRTS, every style; Pantaloon GOODS and VESTINGS ; House Keeping and Plantation GOODS. MOURNING GOODS. Black BOMBAZINES and ALPACAS; BAEEGLS, TISSUES and GRENADINES ; Second Mourning GOODS, in every style. mylO HOUSE WIFE AHD FAMILY GOODS. AS Linen SHEETINGS and SHIRTINGS, Cotton do., Pillow Case LINENS and COTTONS, Table DAM ASKS.NAPKINS, TOWELING 3, DIAPERS, FLANNELS, Ac. Linen Cambric and Silk HANDKEROHIEFS, CRA VATS, Ladies and Gentlemen's GLOVES and HOSIERY in great variety ; Maryland PLAIDS, for servants. Augusta SHEETINGS and SHIRTINGS, Cotton OSNA BURGS and Georgia STRIPES, at manufacturer’s prices. Our Goods are all fresh and new, bought cheap, and will be off-red at a email advance upon the original cost for cash, Wholesale and Retail. They will be shown freelv, represented fairly, and submitted to the unbiassed judg ment of the purchaser. Orders, accompanied with the money, will have our prompt attention, and the services of our best judgment. An examination of our stock is respectfully solicited. mllS o WARD & BURCHARD. MAUTILIAB. A ('GOD assortmentof MANTILLAS. a great variety zi colors, of the iatest and most fashionable styles, just received by [apl4] ALEXANDER A WRIGHT. SICK - ; i2S3 SILKB AT A GEE AT EEDUCTIOI7 IN I’RIUES. WILLIAM SHEAR has just received trom New York i f LIES’ RICH DRESS SILKS, of row and beautiful styles, which were purchased at auction greatly below the cost of importation, and which are olTered at gn at bargains The Ladies are respectfully invited to call and examine the assortment. sS-dlwfcW embeoidehiesT r ipms subscriber has just received a large lot of Rich -II and Low-price-! EMBROIDERIES, consisting of Lace, Book and S'. L; Bluslin COLLARS; ** “ “ “ CHEMIZ EX TBS; ‘ “ “ “ UNDERSLEEVES; . lourning and Second Mourning COLLARS and SLEEVES; „ ** “ “ Embr’d. L. 0. H’DK’FS; Embroidered White Crape SHAWLS ; Muslin SLEEVES and OHEMIZETTES, in setts, Ac. m»24 JO AN P. BKTZE. DUTCH BOLTING CLOTHS. \X7TLLIAM SHEAR has received from New-York, N°s. 0,1, 2,8, 4,5, 6,7, 3, 9 and 10 Dutch BOLTING CLOTHS, of the best quality, to which he re spectfully invites the attention of the public. je!7-dtw*w DRV GKXJDS. LADIES’ DRESS GOODS ~ OF RICH A < D SPLENDID STYLES. WILLIAM tell hi*- has received from New York, a very large sc mil 7 < 1 Ladies’ Summer DRESS GC ODS, of new and beautiful styles; EMBROIDERIES, comprising Ladies’ Chimasetts, Collars and Undei sleeves, separate, or in setts, of new and elegant styles; Fancy, Stnped and Checked SILKS, to be cut in any quan tity, for Ladies’ or Misses Dresses; Dotted Swiss MUSLINS, for Ladies’ Dresses, of beautiful styles; Honiton, Valenciennes and Maltese LAOES, of splendid Rich Needle-work Muslin EDGINGS, INSERTINGS and FLOUNCINGS; A full assortment of Ladies’ Mourning GOODS; A complete assortment of Ladies’, Misses and Children’s HOSIERY; Ladies Sandal Wood, Spanish, Bridal and Mourning FANS, a very large and splendid assortment; Ladies’ Fancy, Bridal and Mourning PARASOLS. A full and complete assortment of STAPLE DRY GOODS, comprising almost every article required for Family or Plan tation use, and to all of which the attention of the pubiicis respectlully invited. my9-dtwAwlw NEGRO CLOTHS. WILLIAM SHEAR has received a supply of Negro CLOTHS of the Augusta Manufacturing Company, to which he respectfully invites the attention of the public. jel7-dtw*w NEW SPRING GOODS. llteti Twilled bllki, Bareges and Tissues, Organ dies, Jaconets, Brilliants, French Calicoes, Embroideries. MILLER WARREN have received a large stock of the above GOODS, which, for novulty, bbaotv and vakikty, are believed to be unsurpassed in any mar ket; and having been selected from the very latest im portations, our customers will find them to be the newest and choicest Goods of the season. ALSO, A beautiful line of GOODS for Misses’wear, consisting of Rich BAREGE ROBES, (something new;) Neat French MUSLINS and BRILLIANTES ; . Plain, BulT, Pink, Blue and FawncoTd French CAMBRICS Fi ench, English and American PRINTS. We have also a handsome stock of GOuDS for Gents, and Boys’ wear, which we would be pleased to show our cush mors and the public, assuring them that our priest will be as cheap as the cheapest. Persons from the country would do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. apl MO( UN ING (aOODtt— Plain Black BEREOK,extra quality. Plaid and Fg’d. Do. Black Marquise and Silk TISSUE; Extra heavy Plain and Fig’d. Silk HERNANI; Plain and Fig’d Black LA WNS. Mourning and Second Mourning GINGUUMS, Ac., Ac. For sale low by WM. H. CRANE, m36-dAw MANTILLAS, KID GLOVES, AC.. \\J 11,LI AM 11. CRANK, has just received some very YY handsome Broche MANTILLAS, Light Col’d Kid GLOVES, Extra Sewing Silk MITTS, Muslin COLLARS, CHEMISETI3, SLEEVES, Ac., to which he would invite attention. mb26-daw HEAVY ALL WOOL NEGRO GOODS AND BLANKETS. MILLER A WARREN have just received a larg stock of Georgia PLAINS and a large lot of 8-4 and 8-4 NEGRO BLANKETS, some of themweighing eight pounds to the pair, to which they invite the attention of *■ iters. sep2o d&w L'Hlibll gIi’PLY OF Jj B rege and Muslin KOBES; Rich Embroi .ered L. Cambric HANDKERCHIEFS; Extra Fine Oigandy MUSLINS; Latest style Plaid and Cheek GINGHAMS ; Low priced and Extra Rich PARASOLS; Ladies’ Silk c SI BUELL AS; Rich Folding and other FANS. my'2B J. P. SEIZE. SUMMER GUODS. Ij'Oß M VSI"FACTOR.—We have this week received a choice asssortment of Summer CLOTHS, OABLI MERES and VESTINGS, which we offer to the public; we willmake them up to measurein the modern styleandat the lowest rates. my‘24 WM. 0. PRICE A CO. EOSIERY AND GLOVES. ALEXANDER. A WRIGHT have just received large and complete assortment of Ladles’ Cotton Merino and fciik HOSE, of superior quality and mvkt j Misses HOSE; Alexander’s Kid GLOVES; Taffeta tffk GLOVES, Ac., Ac. augSO-dsw NEW SPRING GOODS. ALEXANDER A WRIGHT are now opening their Spring stock of new and desirable Staple and Fancy GOODS, which is very complete in DRE; S GOODS of the newest styles, EMBROIDERIES, MAN 1 ILL V. , MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, TABLE LINENS, Irish LINENS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Ac., to which they invite attention. cihlf'-dAw FURNITURE WARE ROOM, Under the Augusta Hotel , Broad street THE SUBSCRIBERS have on liy hand, and will be receiving from >• v MpM the best manufacturers North, f * 1 * FURNITURE of every ueserip t : >r. to ouitpurchasera,both in quality and price*, and so lie. i a share of public patronage. Ji streceiv.'u a daeassortmentol Mahogany and Wall nut. York ano Cottage BEDSTEADS, e-01 aB, of the latest styles and finis, a connection ol & genera) assortment of allxindsof Household Furniture. aprg HENRY A SKINNER. DISSOLUTION. > | UK firm of J. TAYLOR A CO., is this day dissolved by A mutual consent. The notes and accounts are left in the hands of WM. N. NICHOLS, who is authorised to re ceipt for the same. All persona indebted to the firm, are requested to make payment on or befure the Ist of January. J. TAYLOR, Jr., December 20,1568. N. H. WILDMAN. NOTICE. HAVING purchased the entire stock of Messrs. J. TAYLOR, Jr., A 00., will still continue the HAT and CAP business, in all its branches, both wholesale and re tail, at their old stand, 236 Bron i-street, where I would be pie?sed to serve all who may favor me with a call, and would solicit a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed to them. WM. N. NICHOLS. Augusta, December 20,1868. . AYING discontinued business in Augusta, we take JL i thisopportunity to return our thanks for the liberal patronage extended to us, and take pleasure in soliciting a continuance of the same to our friend and successor, WM. A.NICHOLS. J. TAYLOR, Ja., A CO. December 20,1858. d2S SPRING STYLE OF GOODS. THK subscriber is now opening a large assortment of STRAW HATS, andof thelateststyles; among which may be found, Gentlemen’s fine Canton HATS; “ “ Sennet “ “ Leghorn “ “ “ Panama “ “ “ Tea colored Canton HATS, new styles; “ “ Bermuda “ “ “ Campeaehy , “ Also, Boys’ “ Canton “ “ “ Leghorn “ “ “ Rutland “ “ “ Col. and White Palm Leaf HATS; Together with i urge assortment of Misses’ Straw and Lace FLATS and Iniants’ HATS, at WM. N. NICHOLS, atthe old stand of J. Taylor, Jr., A Co. ,236 Broad-st. mU26 NEW AND W NDESFUL MACHINE. WILLIAM STODDARD, PATENTEE. TIIU Subscriber having purchased the Ri ; htof the State of Georgia In the only MACHINE now in vented, for RIFTING AND SHAVING SHINGLES, BAR REL HEADING, Ac., is prepared to sell the Right of the Counties, or single Machines, at prices sufficiently low to make it an inducement for puichasers. The Machine being simple in its construction, and is not liable to get out of order, is capable of splitting and shav ing TWO THOUSAND SHINGLES PER HOUR, better than made by hand. It is portable,and can be workedby hand, horse or steam power. Ten to fifteen days work of a Machine will make enough Shingles to pay the price asked for a single one. Large inducements are offered to persons wishingto pur chase the Right of several counties. One of the Machine* can be seen in operation in this City. Augusta, March 24. T. P. STOVALZ Refer to the following persona for any information m reference to the Machine :-Wm, M. D’Antignae, Scran ton, Seymour A Co., Belcher A Hollingsworth, Simpson A Gardner, M. P. Stovall, Beall A Stovall, L. llepkins, and E. D. Robertson. BOOTS," SHOES, TRUCKS, iil VALISES, CAB PET A-4® ’ Vlk BAGS, Ac. WK INVITE the attention of Merchants and the trade generally to one of the largest and best selected StocksofßOOiS, SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, CARPET BAGS, Ac., ever brought to this market, most of whichbe ng manufactured expressly for us. We can and will sell aßlowaa they can be purchased in New York, Charleston or any Southern market. Call and examine for your selves. FORCE, CONLEY A CO., Sign of the Mammoth Boot, opposite Insurance Bank. ISST" Great attention given to orders. f 23 E. GUILD CIVIL KNGIMKKH, ARCHITECT and 00 NTH AO TOR, for the erection of the following branches of thfc Mechanic’s Art, via:—Cotton,^Woolen and Hemp Factories, Sugar Mills, and Calico Print Works ; also for the erection of Churches, Court Houses,or the finest olass Dwelling Houses,together with Stores and Warehouses,all to bsof the most madern style—furnishing all the materialsro quired in the Builder’s Art. All orders promptly attended to, from any part of the Southern States and West Indies. All CoDtractsfilled with despatch,and warranted notto besurpasaedby any artist for the amount of money paid. Resi lencs—Lawrenceville.Gwinnettcounty, Georgia nS-twtf FOR SALE” A STB AM KNGINK of 25 horse power, with two Boilers each 86 feet long and 86 inches In diameter. Also, one of Page’s CIRCULAR SAWS. All in complete order, and will bo sold low, if early application is made to the subscriber. JOHN 8. LINTON, Athens,Ga. auO-twlm WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. MR. WM. R. KITCH'-A is associated with us aa a partner in all our con. ms, from this date. HAVILAND, HARKAL A RISLE7, New-York. HAVILAND, HARRAL A CO., Charleston, 3. 0. HAVILAND, RISLEY A CO.. Augusta. January 1,1854. HAVILAND, liISLSV A CO. are my duly autho rised Agents, to transact any business in which I am interested, d uri ag my absence from the State. My Notes and account ! will be found at their store. WM. K. KITCHEN. Augusta, February 10,1854. no BEAUTLFUI TS~ f Black, Whits and D fan Wide Awake HATS; A-* “ “ “ Nankeen Jullien “ “ Leghorn, Rutland and Senate “ touths and Boys’ Leghorn, Panama and Rutland “ Just received by G. W. FERRY, j b2B Masonic Hall Building. _ WAREHOUSES. OLII'CU u. LEE, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION(WYV^\ MERCHANT, Augusta, Ga., 0 ce onVlii^} $ Broad-'Mreet, 5 doors below Bones & Brown’s 8< t r-ia Hardware Store, will continue the War house and Com mission Business, and hopes by strict attention to the in terest of his customers to merit a liberal patronage. Forwarding through Goods will receive prompt at ten ■ *«>»>■ a-25 HEARD & DAVISOY, AKD COMMISSION rrvYYk BIttRCHANTH, Augusta,Ga.,will continueKV\ Ad ine Warehouse uid Commission Business at their. Fire-proof Bui.dings on Mclntosh street, and wu grn their p rsoaa! attention to the interests of all who confide business to their management. They are prepared to extend tua usual ca h facilities, Augusta, August 21,1854. JOHn"Davison 0, au22-d6aw6m u “ LAMBETH HOPRIRS, WAKKHOUHK AND COMMISSIONS—^, MERCHANTS, Augusta, Ga., renews thel&X\& tender of his services to the public for the and sale of Cotton, Grain, Flour, Bacon aad ad other country Prduce; purchase of Merchandise and every de scription of Produce on orders. Will make Advances on shipments Cotton to Savannah, Charleston, Baltimore and New York, with the usual Cash Advances on Cotton and other Produce in store. Charges, customary rates of the city. August 21,1554. au22-6m WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. D’ANTIUNAC, EVANS «Sc CO. continue- - - the above business at Augusta, Geo., andgWtjy) renew the tender of their services in the StoragegnffS&ilit and Sale of Cotton and other Produce. Their exteuaivo Fire proof Warehouse is immediately at the Depot of the Georgia Railroad, and they continue to receive ail con signments of Cotton, by that Road, without any charge for Drayage, Their Office and Saies-rcom are at the oid stand on Broad-street, between the Insurance and State Banks. Orders for BaggiDg, Rope, &c., filled at the lowest mar ket rates, and liberal advances made when required cn Produce in store. Commission (or selling Cotton, 25 cents per bale. AM. M D’ANTIGNAO, GEO. W. EVANS, au2B-6ra WM. E. EVAN . ___ DOISUTI A BEALL, WAREHOUSE AND MERCHANTS, Augusta, Ga , will continue a \ *i - the WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSI-SggiJ NESS at their oid stand on Jackson-street, devoting, as heretofore,theirpersonal attention to the interests of cus tomers. They are prepared to extend the usual cash facilities. Chargesmade in conformity with the established rates of the city. E. W. DotfanTY, | W. Axos Beall. Augusta, August 19, 1854. w4m J. J. PEARCE, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION -- vv MERCHANTS, Augusta, Ga., would re-UAV-Wl spectfully inform his friends and the public he will remove on the Ist September next to the new and extensive Fire proof Warehouse of T. S. Metcalf, immedi ately between Mclntosh and Jackson Streets, next ad joining Messrs. Buatin Walker k Co., above and near Warren Block; where he wiil devote his personal atten tion to the storage and sale of Cotton and other produce consigned to hi care CASH ADVANCES, BAGGING, ROPE, and EAMILY SUPPLIES forwarded to customers as usual. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. August 18,1854. " J. J. PSAROE. SIMPSON & 61RD1A ER, WS R KUO OK AND CO.«MIbis!O.V .MERCHANTS, Mclntosh street, Augusta, U - j-• i Ga., will continue the Warehouse and Com mis- §7? ‘f'J sion business in their Fire-Proof Building on strtet, in all it-branches, and hope by ai.net per. -nal at tention to the interests of all who place busines ia their hands, to merit public fa T, or. Orders for Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies filled at 1 the lowest market prices. . Cash Adv tapes made when required on Produce ia store. J. R. SIY.PSoX. I J. T. 0 AUDI Ska. j au 5-6 m BEALL & STOVALL, GROCERY MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA., TAT ILL continue she Grocery business in all its branches, V V at their Old Stand, on Broad street, opposite the Planters’ Hotel Our Stock of Groceries will at ali times be large, the as sortment complete, and particularly adapted tc Planters’ trade—a liberal share of which we have so long enjoyed, and hope still to receive. WM. M. BEALL, JOHN W. L. STOVALL. BEALL &*STOrALL, VI7ARKHOI> AND COMMISSIONI?NTr\\ VV MERCHANT--, Augusta, Ga—Will tinue the Warehouse Business in ail its branches, on Campbell street, and will give particular and prompt attention to the sale of COTTON AND OTH-.R PJtUUUCK instore. Our facilities being ample, we wi.l make Cash Advances when requ red. Ail Cotton . signed to us will be scld at the W’arehouse, where one of ttc firm may at all times be found. Comm..-stun -or selling Cotton wiil be2s eDts per bale. W M. m. BEaLL, August 5, IS 4. JOHN W. L. STOVALL. &u6-6m DMA tV WASHBi KX. (Successors to Waehbum , Wuder tfe C 0.,) UACTOUB AND COMMIbHION MERCHANTS, JL' Savacu.ili, Georg a, wi.l continue the above business at 114 Bay street, east of the Exchange. Oruers for BAGG4NG AND ROPE, an 1 other supplies, filled promptly at lowest cash prices. RarttaxscE*: Maj. Wm. Sanford, G s n. 8. P. Ay rick, Baldwin county. A. McAllum, Ira Peck, Twiggs county. Maj. Jno. S. Row land, Cass county. M. Dennis, 8. B. Marshall, Messrs. - Carter A Harvey, Putnam county. Black A Cobb, Sioar ( k Hawkins, Rome. iaasuis G. Daxa. | Hxxby K. Washbcrji, au4-6m WABEHOUSS A COMMIbSION BUSINESS, / UGUS'iA, GA. ON the Is Septem er next, the undersigned wilt take into co-partne s ip Mr. JOHN W. WALKER; on and after that uate tht arehouse and Commission busi ness will be conducted under the firm of BUSTIN, WALKER A GO. They respectfully solicit for the new firm a continuance of that liberal patronage heretofore extended to them. August 7,1854. BUSTIN & WALKER. auß-d*wlm H. i\ STOVALL, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION htt’-'V M ERCH ANT, Augusta, Ga.,continues the Ctt 1 f.jfr business iu all its branches, at his extensive FlßK<h£-JUKi! PROOF WAREHOUSE,on Jackson-street, nearthe Globe Hotel. The usuai CASH facilities afforded to customers. August 9,1564. WHITLOCK, COSHEHY it, CO., X\T AREHOUSE AND COMMISSION TV CHANTS, AUGUSTA, G A., continue to Si transact business at their old stand, on Camp bell-street, where they devote their personal atten.ion to the sale of Cotton and other Produce consig’-ed to them. Liberal CASH ADVANCES made on Produce when de sired. BAGGING, ROPE, and FAMILY SUPPLIES pur chased at the lowest market rates. They solicit a continuance ol the patronage heretofore extended to them. J. W. WHITLOCK, JOIINOOSKEKY, A. J. WHITLOCK. August S, 1554. au9-w3m CROCKE & REES, VTT ARKHOUSK AND COM MISSION . YY MERCHANTS, Jackson-street, beiow andK s on the opposite side of Warren’s Block.—-The is'Vaia undersigned would respectfully inform their friends an former patrons, that they will remove, onthel»tßep tember next to the NEW AND SUBSTANTIAL FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE on Jackson-street, below and on the opposite side of W arren’s Block. We will give our personal attention to alt business en tt usted to our care, as heretofore and hope to merit a continuance of the favor of formc-i ; atrons. We are prepared to make, at all ti es, liberal cash ad vances on Produce in store. Orders for BAGGING, ROPE and VMILY SUPPLIES will be carefully filled, and at the lowest market price JOHN R. CROCKER, Jy2l-gia JOHN C. REES. ' 8. D. HEARD, Warehouse a n d commission n™ MERCHANT, Augusta, Ga., respectfully announces to his former patrons, and the public RkS&itea generally, that he wiil continue the above business at his old stand, Fire-Proof buildings, east side of Mclntosh street, where his strict personal attention will be given to the storage and sale of cotton, grain and country pro duce generally. The receiving and forwarding business will also have hi s prompt attention. Liberal cash advances made cn Produce in Store, when desired. Allorderafor BAGGING, ROPE, and FAMILY SUP PLIES, filled atthe lowest market prices. Commissions for selling Cotton 25 cents per bale Augusta, August 1,1854. aus-d*w6m DIE & BAKYES, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION KyVYW MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA.—The un-|&M$) dersign -d have this day formed a for th transaction of a General Warehouse and Commis sion business, under the firm of DYE k BARNES, and have taken the large Pire Proof Warehouse, on the comer cf Washington andßcynolds-streets, at present occupies by Orocker & Rees, We will give our strict and personal attention t • of COTTON and other Produce; also to the Receiving and Forwarding of Goods consigned to ---ur core All orders for BAGGING, ROPE and FAUM.-Y SUP PHES, i-Jltd at the lowest market price. L ,-ral cash advance* made on consignments when realised. Our Commission for selling Cotton v: ill be 25 cents per IniwlfMßKi JAMES M. DYE, July 18,1854. WM. E. BARNES. JM. DVii returns Lis sincere thanks to his friends o and pair, os for the liberal patronage heretofore ex tended to him, and soli .its a continuance of the same fo the new firm. j y 20 6m PLATT & GILHAii, ' (SUCCESSORS TO PLATT & BROTHER,) WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION r-r-v-rw MEItOHANTS, Reynoido-street, Augusta, ridVvN, 7he undersigned having iorraed a Uo-part-&*.V : ?>s ship for the transuo ion of a GENERAL VVARkSoUsS AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, have taken the wmmo dious Fn 1 roof Warehouse on Reynolds-street, recently occnpic 1 by Platt A Brother, convenient to the Railr ads. Liver ana hanks. We will give our personal atten non to sale and storage of Cotton and other Produce; also to the forwarding of Goods consigned to o\r care. Liberal ca m B(iV&DCC3 ics. on i Toduc© in store. V» 6 wiil give our per senal attention to fi ling orders for Family Supplies, which wiil be furnished at the lowest rat s. Our Commissions for selling Gotten, will be 35 cents per bale. A sh ire of patronage is solicited. Edwin |_ Thomas A. Gllhau. IjtOWIS PLATT returns hia sincere thanks for for- U mer patronage, and reseect/ully sol.cits a continua tionof the samef' V the new firm of PLATT k GILUaM. July Ist, 1851 au3 B U 81K ES 8 (.B,IIdST” PROFESSIONAL AND 15 IT‘IN'ESS CAR! S, cot e > six lines, will be inserted ncrler this head a t the rt, per a r nam. Cards exceeding -ix l : n*3. vil! b-> pro rata p r line. TIIO.UA , c7TB IS, A TTOUNEY AT UW, s.arta, Ua., will - J.jL in the countie . ,-,t Hancock. W a -hington, Taliaferro,, Greene, Putnam H«iJt Ba! :-r . . r trti tention paid to collect ns. Refers by penes.:;on to essrs. ", & Warn r> n Richards & Son, MeCord, ir.art • ■ ~a.-ui'' -‘-.r,,’, Gardiner,ofAueusta; Me- rs. fi a;., Williams A v .-■< ' and Hopkins, l!t< ison A Co ,ot Charleston, SC ’ jr2o-6m POPS a WEEMS, ~ ■ A TTORMRYS AT LAW, Washington, Ga., ri , practice in the cmnfk; comprising the Northern Circuit, Bnd Columbia of the M ; dd!e Circuit. All business entrusted to them will receive prompt at tention. Alkxandeh Tope, Jn. i Joes B. Wnois jy29 QUINCES 3* NOLAN, AT’fOUJiSY AT L \ W , - Nee at McDonough, Hen XA. ry county, Ga,, will collect domain the counties of Spaulding, Meriwether, Pike, Fayette, Cowet.., U ap9*6n :iVaU> ’ * iewlon « Jasper, Butts and Monroe, T. VILLEPIGLE, E A MPftr*H*NT ® and FORWAP,D!N 8 r ,f.u fatten rt C f°®® m ‘' ,dHtioa Wharf * Chariejton, dJfiriSSS?- «d ill other «tl■’ «"•* “ “>» r » ■ ’ jeß-3m T, STKNEOCBB o. S av«*n. T. bit.MiOte-K & GO., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT,. No. 2 Hayne-street, Charleston, S. C. Refer to R. Duiin, Hand, Wid ms k Wilcox,Charleston Hand, Williams & Co., Augusts ; J.Norcross, Atlanta* E C. Chandler, Ch l a-o- ;; C U. A D L. Colin sCo Knoxville ; B. S. Dunbar, h air.burg, 8. C. mylS-ia CHAS. A. GSEINEEj SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Savannah , Georgia, Yt / ILL give particular attention to Receiving and f or. YY warding Merchandise to the interior, by River or Rad road. je2-Sm ettEWEE & lIiR&SESS, S'JOOSS3OhS "• O WILLIAM 8. GUCUt CtOTfOS AND GENF.HALGO>i 'VllaielOA iEH i CiiAf XJ, 15 North Water-si. and 42 N Phil ad tip V/j». M, Gbkikkb. 1 Wu. W. Hias: K.-s ap22 LAW. Jj'DW. YOUNG IHLL, after : hirteen ye? -, expert Sl* ence on the Bench, has resumed the pra ice. ha. Grange, Cr». _ ' ol» ly LAW. THIi SUBSCRIBER, resuming the Practice of LAW will give prompt and faithful attention to >ll busines entrusted to his professional management. His Office is on Washing ton-street, one do n oerth Broad. ja2s ALPHEUS M. RODGLRg. JOHN M. TI&LEJ, A TTOBJVKY AT LA vV, Crawfordville, ia , sit XX prsf'C- at e cone' - r of Tfidafrro, Warren and Hancc: 'he - : •.hem C -.nit, and the coe-ty of ti>-( :.. of the Ocmuigee Oirou-t. a2r HOOERS, L.d-: liiii i & €O., f\UM' v-5i MEIiUIM/tATS, 72 Poy lm street V - w Orica::s. £. G. Roofi 8, |L. F. Roams, j £pwa«i> Bakxam>. 028-l y* WSI-3.L49 J- DereHESlTl, 4 TTORSKY AT t.AVv , Ntwnan, Coweta cr-utiiy i.rL Getwilt practice ' all the con a tie so* the vowels C • N. If. Spec!. 1 attention paid tc the co iect>ag practice Newnan, G . .1,1888. WILIJER & CO,, LUCTOB ASD t'U.iklt :88IOS 'tiiUl CiiA.t lb, JO .navancah, Georgia. Jos. V» _S, JiO. R. WlLBEii, F&ANfe l>4Si. ;iu2B-twSrr iOEL t- BiErvi-.TT, 4 TTOBJfRY A1 L t V,_ Mu i .on, Morgan county, 2\. Ga., will practice in the following counties, to wr.: o.arke, tAlton, Ballwin, Morgan, Greene, Putnam aod Jasper. mr Parties V 'll be promptly notified and paid, w.-t-n their claims are- Uected. -a<»SS4-ty* * > Z STfciPilfcJbj 4 TTOBIfA" IT i I\V, office »tSparta, ww,, il jL\. practice the count':** of Hancock, Washington Warren, Talio.i rr«. and Grt-ens. a?>r2l-l\ W. w. liiOSAB, AIT( 'SARY A■; L.h‘.v, Nesrnai-, G rg.. H - ,-prac. Uce In the counts f Coweta, . roup, Meriwether Heard, Carroll, lb Ns lb and Newt- n. a? r 'i --> Jgha €. CAHiiiili kEL. nOMMISSiO* MfcRCaAST, Augusta, «a., will V-J attend to the sale cf Produce of all kina • -ign- d to him. , v E. it. Hv.'-iT, Attorn k% axd coj as*'m,lor at i,aw and General Land Agent iur Gilmer county. Ell:.ay, Gilmer county, G-.-o. mar2B | DISSOLUTION. : r jTMit- COPAB’IYKRfeHIP he :ofore existing be- JL tween Messrs. DAWSON k '. f 'PEP., having been 1 this Cry - .isoived by mut ...E-nt, the undersigned | will coat h-oc- to PRA( f.AWia all of the Ceur.s cf 1 thiaCti.uiy, and in the Miti lie Circuit generally. sepl#-tf. EDWARD J. WALKER. H.U, WAEOG iliifEßSil.LU, j n KSKBAL CAMJ!l»8IOS ?’ -.HUH AST, No. *• YJS Warren Block, Augusta, Ga. irompt and particular j atteuvion given to all cottsigranenii of COT ION, RICE, : FLOOR, GRAIN, and ai; kinds of t. uni y Product. | Refkbbsoks —Savannah —Messrs. R. Habere;.am & Son A. A. Hard'. .v Co., Mr. W. Woodbridge. Augusta- Messrs. Carmichael « Bean, Mr. John R. Dow, Mr. J . A. Ansiey. N w-Yora —Mr. Geo. C. T. Seaman, Mr. R W Bleecker, Mr. J. R. Haber ham. tpS-Cm biJl:fii>;\S & (>LE.\*! j 4 TTORSSYS AT LAW, Lawre -ceviile, Ga. Jri. Jaxks i ! . SiatMOXS, | J. Nicholas Glekh, cih22-dtw*wlv late of Carnesville, Ga. \yIIUUS L. UARLSII, ATTORNEY Al LAW Jefferson, Jack sen county, Georgia, will practice Law in die counties of Clarke, Walton, Jackson, Gwinn t\Hall, Uaber&h rn and Frank- I lin, of the Western, and Madison county of '.he Northern ! Circuit. References;—Samuel Watson and j) •> ut,‘ Esqs., Jeffcr. | son ; D. W. Spence and W. J. Peeples, Esq:;., Lawrence ville; J. H. Newton and 0. teenies, isqs., Athens; Law & Clark and Martin Graham, - sqs., Gainesville aps P. C. LASGSfOiY, ATTORNEY AT LAW . Carnesville, Ga. BxriiKUiiCEs: C.Peeplej, Esq., Athens, Ga. W. L. Mitchell, Esq., “ “ Col. B. F. Hardeman, Lexington, Ga-. Gabriel Nash,ofDantelsviHe,Ga. Samu 1 Freeman, Esq., Newcan, Ga. ja3-wiy JOSEPH WASHES, A TTOiPVKY AT LAW, W;d renton, Ga., srih prac X3L tics in Warren and the adj-iningcounti l s. -P;---ci#i attention given to foreign claims. ja2B-’;-* J. A. AIYSLET, (late r. Firm of Seymour, Ansiey <5 So.) Cl BKKBAt ■ QMhiir.r'Xm AKD PUODU'h H MEitCHANI, Augusta, Georgia. Office oc Broad Street, opposite Bank of Brunswick. H £. BEKTOiT, ATTORN hi A l LAW, Marietta, Ga., wit!practice in the Counties oi CbercScce, Cass, Polk, Paulding Carrol!, Campbell,Fulton, PeKalb, Forsyth >.nd Cobb. R-t; eavtsces.- Barrett a Garter, Baker a Wilcox. W.F. Gould, Augusts.; J limes Cat ter A Co., Savannah ; Perry Spencer, Columbus ; C;tixens of Marietta. jalß-um f i» W r . STO.YE, AT TORN I!.*. ». LAW. Fayetteville, Gs.. _d2S ’ GEOHGE X HEaHO'l 1 , " i?*CTO« AND CONIMIBBIOW -liKRCUAN’T 5. CL uric *ton,B. O. Safsiifhoxs;—B. 8. Rhett, £sq., Messrs c«; t j» B id. Wm. B. Heriot, Esq., Charleeton, S. 0. ia. TILLEYj A TTORKBY AT LAW, Warreiuton,Georgia. xa >an2T-tf CL W. 2iABEY, A T'TGB?U;S¥ AT LAW, frauklir-.. Heard euanty X*. Ga.,wiUaUt:ad to Profession autfitiass in the *»>- ties of Heard, Carroll, Camp be *•, Oovruta, e- jette. wetherai; iirotsp. BS9BVS-S3V.—Oh •.s.Mcrv’hy, M.C., Decatur, Ga-; Idea ®. Y.ldH.h'VG rr.nce, do. ;Tlcn. D. Irvin, fi <i -'' OcI.M.M. .idirei .4Y.ycitevii *,do.: air. Wuhao erty, Columbus, do. jasi_ fiiSCRCJFT & OEHSSAL AGE-LTs AND BEGKfiKN, ir OB tho nor chase and sale of STOCKS, nuNDS, n 1 V CU.... •: i }Eg aL.l REA.L LdTATit. No. 117 Pay street, Savon*h, Ga. |«- -i't u'BT&EB is 09-, TMP4J?.txSRfei A.- WHOI-Hrs.4 OHATBJiS A. in DRY GOO Da, Nc.H Brosdway.Hew ; • rs. Ia . j f>esar H,Btotssbom, ES'.ost i H.L4KODO3 iiUVtai, Jotu. j- Ba-X)M. jVj.<>--_> vOii,; J. Jvk..oi. i Johh R. biuaoas. JHSB6 & BfUHSIS, 4- "DlvPjfS ft Al LAW, Waynesboro*, Ge .’rg»- il je!B-ly _ A C‘» &i - yo'O'-b o. a A'?.' L AW,Law Range,ac^u-'ait* 1, ii Prat' -■ in ; s o Court aof the Middle ■ w.- ■ Common Picas of C-. •> City. Jon»CA’--:v3ai-joprt leer in the Courts of and Bairn?;: :Ms acts,South Car-fit; a. Jobs U. fixain, { GaanAanA.S»«Jb. au6 a. B, DAWSaS, i»V AT LAW, Augusta,Georgia. aiBBEBa’S H 0 2EL AHD LIYKSI 51ABUS. BAINUIUOUS, GEORGIA, BY JOHN HIBBSRD. JylS ly