Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, October 26, 1854, Image 1

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1Y : ' LIAM S. JONES. €. vi#?oiiiflc & Sfntinci i, PUBLISHED OAIL' L'iSl-WJ '£ KLY, AND WEEKLY . gy. i.,«i t*ti g. «ior%T.i>. TEKMS. DAILY PA : i.—Publidi • Morning and Evening.— T . C;.i- S d *■ l ' Doi laps per annum, pay- If sent by Mail —Betbi Dollars. TRI-WI.KKLi t’AV' .U —l\>ua Dollars pa- annum in WEEKLY —(A mammoth sheet) —Two Dol lars per animm in advance. iEitliS Ox ADYEPvIISING IN' ’>AJL'i PAPER, Fitly C ' per square i ten lines or .ess I lovti'e v: • . Thirty-Fight Cent for the next fie; and i F •. •. ;r each subsequent inser ti V KELLY, \ nty-F : SUMI-MOMi.LYor ■ >TMI,Y, eith. ; .a e>; Dollar; and Rule and figure Work, On- Dollar per square. ,* ' nder'-.'n lead of Specia notices. Fifty Cents for each insertion. i'aoFßSsiosA or i ■. s:sEr; • -xceeuing six lines Ten Dollars ptrannua.. lfover : x lines, ; ro rata per Gcrnmnicationsae-igne ! .opromoteprivate orin ♦ivjda liniercft', ai. uarg. . . a ive.useroents: wet ■ <rr> . obit nary Notions; and ih6£C t tf/idn 1 e.juar< (I-; . , alteration. 16 1 “ “ 12 1 “ “ quartertj, IS u .........25 uluoiKr nsertiocs Wi ‘' ‘ . .. oil * n itractß will be I 02 ’ ie< M. T;1 bo i ad.if paid on AUG Cat A s QSO EG * A 1~"Mi : t^UKKh!: : ?i' \ -openedl it ibovi oar •*: U.... ncr.i,t.r** no*.- prepared to * ecut all or . a; H-a&8 or Ironfori tire? Gr.-ar . .. .’’’aterPlpe3. ani( PovvS Ccy. >.!eu IV.. r.’ ,y b ‘ required~t hot willcenrtantiy keep onhand and for sale a supply* j diL r; ti.t most improved pat : terns. C *.* • I\G3,0. ail kTils, havingtb moe.ert. .jssorteu of Plow .•atterne he Soutkt.. 3 r.. .. Boththepfij iesdiiQg Practical Mechanics,and intend s#t l 7e*\ f; tacir uoxin ailention to the business I hop. -us.’. "c i roEjptnesLm filling orders, superior work I nantihfp, :J a. *oir prior- 33 can be aifordc’d, to oer;» I acoc. Lu . ; tr i. iitu-xi support formerly bestowti- j nponiL ■ . & A. PHILIP. PER, aid OAST IRON . mars-diw PATENT DIXIE AITD GATE SPEINGS. T)U'H:.. : U U . r j Sheffield, England, j Xu mam : AN*;s PATENT DOOR and GATE I SPKIM , i " • ■ ' .. .v rue. l the £rd Preu ium at tl e World’s i - -.1 r :n 1S&1, announce that he hut constr.ui.. I.D:. ’ : * u.iOVi s his sole Agents for Rich- I moedcour . . •. full performance dur.b;i ,i --1 tc -t :tce tainly takes i.s positico . nti ns. We da not in tetit. .. -a t.wgie taamination will induce the public frit ' RICHARD W. INMAN. leave to cm!:-.t t .: ot it —articles in his line j to his car>. s. ■ xi extensive assortment o> Moleskin Ela, l aca Drab Beaver Brush and Cass. HATfc I Brash, Bearer, anu s.dt t.ncy HATS; Saxony an. A h ter* proof Wool no Ughorn.C.impeachy.F.maaa and Mandarin do Florence,. :ta ; Canton, Set »te and French Straw do Doable an Angie Brim t ; aim Leaf and Canada do Silk, ilor. •.* A xtl - and Lace BONNETS; Straw, T, ; ■. . - BLDO^xLBS; Ladies’ ii. uag ilA'i'e and JAPis, variom.stylc3; Silk <riay*;:.m and Cot'.ca LifBRELLAS. Astortu’crr • e>-t full by weatiy supplies fresh from roan* I olaCiurei ', <.e.u uLcred c,; lowest pricer. Caii at GlO. » . FiiiiiSA fob2l-dfcw Masonic Hail, Broad B iret I NEW FI&M. rpHK undersigned begs to call the attennon of their I J. numerous customers and friends to one of the largest j and most e mp ete s.; .rimtat oi UKOcERILS in tLe j city, whi-h they cO'er to set: cn very acc mmcdating | terms. Now in ttore, and receiving by every arrival oi , * *lO bbls. A and C Crushed ?nd Pow’d Sc GARS, ’ *5 boxes Sperm an t Adamantine CANDLES; lu’,u;o “ Canvassed and Plain HAMS; Also, a great many .rtieAs :oo numerous to mention. I au.- : .-i, August, lbOi. RUSSELL A SIBLEY H.:'. it;, kll, j Hbkxv J. Siblst. 4Ui ‘ JAeas..GX-nTWBH j.' JSPITAL AHD SUEGICAL i.'I.SM.. 1 Y rOR NEGROES. an l -<i : ave deemed it advisable to add the f ten i! infirmary, for, . tended principally or cases re* q-*r. •• .» Up . t a.s .Aid Surgical Treat eat, iu I r 3d to these ; we re* , eive Ca-es of .1 y natur _o- urring in the Negto.provided, H. 9. CAMPBELL, ML D., U... rating Lurgeon. 1 ..JUT. CAM. Hi LL, M. D., | July -ii, 1. Attending Physician. Ci TINS AND UNDERTAKING. rpii : :i, having connected the COFFIN AND , X L *x. . id,. . vßod with his establishmenl cad: • rit .of if ? public to hia arrangements foi sup- ;: .R-rs in that line. The strictest attention % .adsrda executed with promptness. • ring orders at Mr. J. B. PLATA ■. e,ti.. rear of tire store, will be punc tuai.'y f .... -j to. fa;.;.,-if] t. dARLES A. PLATT. to '. ..I xiehchanis, paaotees. *c r y*fW suc'cribers would call attention of Merchants, cxaD..,:. is to their stock of DRUGS. • - -e. (MIA, Ac., now offering. Their S'- oca ocltg OLta.h-j'ie>.U«b»vt;y flrom Importers, they o. . prepaied to c--. 1 Uo-.u.- its low aud accommodating teres a: sxni .r articles c n be obtained in this or the r.ighbor. . .y,C.. r . Caliand price. All articles put up by Us • ireful -a. nd warranted pure. ti W. ii. A j. TURPIN. LEATHER, LASTS, SHOE PEGS, FINDINGS, &Z ■\ITK invite the attention of Merchants and Manufac- YV turers to cur stock of and Hemlock bole LEATHER Band “ Picker do. Lace “ Holier do. Black and Russet Upper do. French and American CALFSKINS Lining “ ./eding SKINS: Buck “ Ct.amoise do', Morocco and KID SKINS, Ac. ALSO French KIT, KIT ill ' RASPS, PINCERS,NIPPERS. HAMMER 4, AWLS, »• EL T ACKS, Blue and Round RABLES, KNIVES, HEEL CUTTERS, ,KLIS, RIV -lIVET LTS,Iron end Wood Awl HAFTS, SHOE • Ha: AD, MliiNG THREAD, SILK TWIST, BOOT CORD, e 1 GALLOON, Ct-LTS, IN&TEP LEATHERS, SlA' : • , PUMP STICKS, BRISTLES, Boot and Shoe Las. . uOCTT REES,CRIMPING BOARDS, GRAINING BOARDS, CLAMPS,. DOE PEGS, Ac. ALSO, TANNERS’ TOOLS. BEAM FACES, Ac. JORCE, CONLEY A CO. O 8000 sucks SALT ; 5d hhds.new croo Cuba MOLASSES* 50 ob.c. do. N.O. do. ’ td dc. N e-Orleans Rectified WHISKEY; 40 do. do SUG ARS, various qual DO boxes Star CANDLES ; 100 small coils Hemp ROPE ; SO bales heaviest Gunny BAGGING ; 800 bap Bio and Java COFFEE ; RON, NAILS,TOBACCO, Ac. iorraieoy AX. A D. A’XLKINSON. OHDEBTAKING. : , a new supi>ly of Fisk’s celebrated C"■ isd ■ * ' • BURIAL CASES. W. have and keep _ ir v u. -r.rcentof the above,together all sizes and qualities. Per- a *. I - yeanalways be sure to have nty and despatch. Underta- Qtjjprn . usual with mahogany and mhtV -f , , HENRY A SKINNER, hr ■-..i-sirf.et, Augusta, Ga, T Hk ; -OOBS. X BASH, ( ... H; * u -! v L d , a large supply of quality, made of -i. DOORS, of the first filled atshc-t no* i ‘ ‘ u orders for odd sizes X danforth. UKEii SHEETIHGS. Isl-A 11-4 and 12-4 linen sheetings a r IV pi:ce3 of the above cn hand, and wiii vV fe ,^ ew to .iTse. _ [JeSO] WARD A BURChard d Klt'K.— 10 casks fresh RICE, just received andtoTkju Daily Chronicle & Sentinel. THE GRAEFENBERG MEDICINES. THE GRAEFENBERG MEDICINES. THE GRAEFENBERG MEDICINES. THE GRAEFENBERG MEDICINES. THE GRAEFENBERG xYIEDICINES. THE GRAEFENBERG MEDICINES. I'HK GKAKFENBERG FAMILY MEDICINESare wide ly and justly celebrated as the most safe, valuable and reliable Family Medicines ever offered to the public. They are endorsed by the first physicians of the day, and those who have used them guarantee their beneficial action. “ A most valuable Pamphlet, containing a list of more than 60 diseases, with their symptoms and treatment, can be obtained, without charge,” from W.H.A J. TURPIN, wholesale and retail Agents, Augusta, E. J. WHITE, Agent, Milledgeville, oo fceei s a full supply of the Medicines on hand at al times. fl9-d*wly INFIRMARY. Dtt 'V. R. MOfsKLKY’B SURGICAL CANCER INFIRMARY, is now open for the re- ffii caption of patients. His Infirmary contains thirty large well furnished Rooms, wi h plenty of good and trusty ser vants a ways at hand. This is the first Institution of the kind ever established in the Southern States, although such an Institution has long been needed. Ladies Depart ment st: iat y private, if desired. They will receive the daily attention of the proprietor, as well as one of the most experienced Matrons in the South. Dr. Moseley’s treatn .1 is generally without the use of the knife,caus ing very little pain. Patients are boarded at fl per day, or $!6 per month. Fee to be agreed upon belore the case is under taken. All communications must be postpaid, and addressed to W. R. MOSELEY,M. D., Griffin, Oa. aulf-tf OXFORD HOTEL-NEWTON COUNTY, GEO. f I'Hh el HM'KIIIMU begsleave to inform the X patrons of Emory College, and the public gene- |g| rally, tha t he has taken charge of the above Hotel, and he hopes uith trusty servants, good cooks,and an ardent de sire on his part to render his House second to none in the State, to ob.aiu a liberalshare of patronage. Persons or Famll 3, wishing to spend a season in one of the most beautl 1 and healthy rural villages in Middle Georgia, will b< accommodated with rooms, Ac. He is also con structitie commodious Stables, which will be attended by an exi -lenccd Ostler. Terms to suit the times. UiA motto wide, “to see that none go axvay dissatisfied.” jySI W. W. COOKSEY. PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS. IMiK Proprietor of the Augusta Umbrella V l'av;iSol Manufactory, return his thanks to jf I the La and Gentlemen of the city and ] fc their patronage during the last five years,hoping they will lavor him with a call this season, as he is better : enabled o supply them with all the above articles than I he has been for sometime. 2,000 fine PARASOLS, of different colors, will be sold nxu. h lower than they can elsewhere. Any Ladie wishing their Parasols re-covered, can have it done in th ace of oil xuinu es, of any color they chose. Bugg I UMBRELLAS always on hand at wholesale and retai ! All repairs donecheap. 8. LECKIE, Agent, Augusta, April 6,1554. nearthe Augusta Hotel. ap7-Cm FKAMIUM DAUUEBKEAN GALLERY. IMi t: firm of TUCKER A PERKINS having been dis solved by limitation, last February, the undersigned w:.ic in:.r.ue topraetice the ART OF DAGUERREOTYP IN'G,in mll its various oranches, and from his long practi cnexperience.hefcelscoufldeut of his abllityto please the most fastidious. The Pictures now being taken at his Gallery, are pro-, no.-.'.ccvi by these who are judges, superior in tone and life At expressioutoany everbeforeproducedia Augusta ISAAC TUCKER. N.B. —ArtistspurchasingStock, willplease bear in mind tha M rialsare sold atlower rates than at any other house this side of New York. mayls TO THE TRADE. are receiving weekly supplies from New York, YY hprlog Goods 1 CLOTHS, CABSIMERES, VESTINGS, “DRAP D’ETAS,” CASHMARETTS, SILK CODRINGTONB, and all the neweststyles ofGooda for the season, purchased by the Case ; which we offer to the Trade as low as can be got (less than by the case) in New York. A full assort ment of the best TRIMMINGS, nth 9 WM. O. PRICE A CO._ NOVELTIES IN SUMMER HATS AND CAPS* / t tu. W. FERRY, now in New York, has selected VJT and sent in an assortment of the newest and most fashionable styles of fancy SUMMER HATS and CAPS, among which ar Black, White, Pearl and Drab Julian, Know . othing, Wide-Awake, Young America, and Oava ier fe'.i Hats; White and Tea col’d, Senate and Rutland, St-aw and Leghorn do.; Drab, Watered and Glazed Silk Caps, Ac., Ac. Call and see them, at G. W. FERRY’S Fashionable Hat and Cap establishment, Masonic Hall Budding. >«26 DYE HOUSE. DOOGK'b FANCY DYEING ANDBTEAM FIN 1 UI.NU ESTABLISHMENT, on Greene-street, between Bol lock and Marbury, where he continues to DYE and k.N. ISn every description of Ladies and Gentlemen's apparei. Silks Satins, Woollen, Cotton and Linen Goods, and in lact, C j.ls of every fabric. Shawlsof every description dyed and pressed; White and all kinds of Shawls cleansed, bleached and stains removed. Articles for mourning dyed at sh rt notice. Gents. Coats, Pants, Vestg and Cravats dye i a beautiful fast black, warranted aot to tmut. Re pairing done. Every style of Goods cleansed of Ladies and Gentlemen’s apparel. White Kid Gloves and Straw Bonnets bleached and pressed in the latest styles and shapes ; Straw Bonnets dyed all the light color* as well as black; Carpeting cleansed, Ac. This i* the only estab lishment of the kind in the State, where the finishing is executed wiih steam. N. L*. He also manufactures SHOE LACING, and has thc-m Lr sale ai wholesale enly, or by the gross. Shoe dealers willpl.ase send in their orders. Prices as lew as elsewhere. Goods for the Dye Ucuiccan be left at the old Franklin i use l udding, with M.ss Dodd A Aikins, or the Dye Houseaa Above. mhlp DIRECT IMFORIATION. ''■MJK feL'UM'ltlHKUft have just received of their X own importation from Paris, a large and beautiful aa rimentof Lubin’s Fancy Toilet SOAPS, and his premium ivihg CREAM, n China pots, also a lot of choice COLOGNE WATER, and fine SOAPS from the celebrated manufactory of EU. Pinand, together with Pinands Royal Hankerchief EX TRACT, “ Louisa dud Marla.” These articles cannot be excelled in the world for richness or delicacy of perfume. Lubin’s Handkerchief EXTRACTS in aimostany variety, for sale by n 23 D. B. PLUMB A CO. DAVIS, KOLB a FANNING nave in store, and are no receiving, 4t>o bags Rio COFFEE-, 180 *• Laguyra do. 200 bbls. A, B and C SUGAR ; 60 “ Crushed and Powdered SUGAR; 20 boxes Loaf SUGAR; 250 “ Adamantine CANDLES; 50 “ Mould do. 50 “ PICKLES, assorted; 225 “ TOBACCO, various brands ; 75 pkgs. Black and Hyson TEA. AIso,STARCH,SOAP, BROOMS, TUBS,BUCKETS, Ac., Ac., which are iffere i for sale low. a uls KVA BOOKS—TLe Ora tor's Touchstone, or Eloquence X i Simplified, embracing a comprehensive system us in otruction for the improvement of the voice, and for ad vancement in the general art of public speaking; by Hugh McVtueen. rir Jasper Carew, Knt., his life and experiences, with some account of his over-reaehings and short-comings low first given to the world by himself; by Charles Lever author Dodd Family Abroad, Daltons, Roland Cashel eto Just received, and for sale by jy2l MoKINNE A HALL. LA MIIATj TMIB DAY -500 kegs NAILS, superior bran 450 bags Rio COFFEE; 40 “ Old Java do. 50 boxes No. 1 SOAP; lUO “ TOBACCO. SCRANTON. SEYMOUR A CO., au22 No. 2, Warren Block. CUTBATE OF MAGIVKBIA.—In these exciting, ) political times when it is of the utmost importance to keep the mind cool, so that a dispassionate view can be had of the operation of the two exciting parti es now grow ing up in our midst, viz: the Know-NothiDgg and the Know-Somethings, no article will so far tend to have this desired effect as that of CITRATE OF MAGNESIA. To be had at 25 cents the bottle from au >4 W. H. A J. TURPIN. JM.VK TOBACCO— . 4 boxes “ Calhoun,” very fine ; 4 “ “Bob Toombs,” “ 10 “ “Siultz’s Twist,” cn consignment and for sale by DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING, au24 No. 4, Warren Block. Domestic li hi okh— -80 bbls. American BRANDY; 50 “ Rose GIN; 50 “ Felton’s RUM; 75 “ Pike’s WHISKEY, to arrive; 25 “ Sup. Mon. do. 25 “ “ Eagle” do. 15 “ XX and XXX WHISKEY. For sale at satisfactory prices. au?4 DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING. Blit fcsHEis —Hair, Hat, Tooth, Scrubbing, Paint, White wash, Furniture, Cob-web,Shoe and Graining Brushes, in great variety, for sale by jel _ WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. r [MIE undersigned would call the attent ion _ of _ his _ cus- X tomers to the new firm of RUSSELL A SlßLEY—hav ing this day associated with me in business Mr. HENRY J. SIBLEY, for the purpose of doing a General Grocery Business, and would solicit their patronage for the new concern. H. F. RUSSELL. July 1,1854. rpilK UAii>EKBIGNKD haveformeda business con i nexion for the PRACTICE OF LAW in the States of Georgia and South Carolina. THOMAS P. MAGRATH will reside at Edgefield 0. H., S. C., and EDWARD J, WALKER at Augusta, Ga. All claims to be 3ued in South Carolina wilib left at the office of EDWARD J. WALKER, Augusta, G ~or at his office in Hamburg, S. O. THOS. P. MAGRATH, Edgefield C. H. jan EDWARD J. WALKER, Augusta, Ga. LADIES’ CHEAP SHOES.—A lot of Ladies’ fine Kid TIES and SLIPPERS at 75 oents a pair, a little shop worn. [je2tl] ALDRICH A ROYAL. JUST AH HIVED— ~ 40baskets Heidsick CHAMPAGNE, quarts and pints; 25 boxes CLARET WINE; 15 baskets superior OLIVE OIL; 10 firkins extra fine May BUTTER; 50 Smoked TONGUES; 2 bbls. Smoked BEEF ; 5 bbls. New POTATOES. For sale by I jeS G. T. DORTIC. AUGUSTA, GA., THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 20, 1851. | LIFE AND FIRE INS ORANGE COMPANY, | CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, HART FORI), CONN. Capital and Surplus, over $250,000, Alkrkd Gill, Pres’t. | Jab. 0. Walklky, Sec’y- THIS Company will issue Policies on tlie Joint Stock principle,and upon the Mutual plan,thus combining the benefits of both systems at the option of the insured. The strength ability and well invested capital of the in stitution, are, in my opinion, unsurpassed by any Life In surance Company in this State or Union. [L. S.] signed R. G. Pinnky, Comptroller Public Accounts, State of Connecticut. Slaves insured. Risks taken on reasonable terms. The subscriber is also Agent for the following Fire Com panies : EQUITABLE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF LON DON. Authorised Capital $2,500,000 Capital paid in $1,000,000 0. E. Habboht, Esq., 1 Hknby Ludlam, Esq., New-York. Robkht Dillos, Esq.,) FARMERS’ FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital $200,000. COLUMBIA INSURANCE COMPANY, COLUMBIA, S. C. Capital $150,000 Marine, River and Fire Risks. GRANITE, FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW-YORK. Capital $200,000. These Companies, having a cash Capital, safely invested in bond and mortgage, are prepared to effect Insurance against damage by fire, on all kinds of property, on rea sonable terms. For Insurance in eitlierof the above named Companies, apply to J. H. ANDERSON, Agent, nlB ’SB-ly Mein tosh-street, Augusta. SASHES, BLINDS AND DOORS. 'T'HESubscribers would respectfully announce to the A citizens of Augusta and vicinity, that they manufac tureSASUES, BLINDS and DOORS, of the first quality, from the best soft pine, and free from sap. It is universal ly conceded by consumers that our work is the best in the country. Some dealers Acre have refused to purchase our work to send to the Southern market, because we have in sisted that it should be stamped with the name of our firm, thereby intending to keep our name from the Southern public. All cash orders left with WHITE, LOOMIS A CO., Au gusta, Ga., will be promptly forwarded to us and answered. Thename of our firm will be stampedon all our work. D. D. SWEET A CO. Providence, R. 1., Jan. 2d, 1554. BUILDING AND CARPENTERING. Tvllle Undersigned beg leave to announce to the citizens of Augusta that they have established themselves at the Machine Shop, formerly owned by Ambrose Church, Jr., near the Cotton Factories, and are prepared to enter into contracts for BUILDING and CARPENTERING in all their various branches, and will execute all contracts, faithfully and promptly, in the best style. Their Planing Machine is in fine order, and they will execute all orders for Planing Lumber at short notice. They are also prepared to furnish bored logs for Pump Stocks, Ac. As ineir motto is despatch and a faithful execution oi all contracts, they hope for a liberal share of business. WHITE, LOOMIS A CO. 8. C. Wurrz. j O. Loomis. | T. W. Wilson. _jaßS_ __ _ FREE TRADE AND NO MONOPOLY Opposition to High Freigb Tariffs! Oyficb of thb Fashion Link. 1 Augusta, April 16, 1564. j TKK subscriber would respectfully call the attention f the Merchants throughout Georgia, Tennessee, Ala bama and South Carolina, to the Savannah River, as a safe, expeditious and cheap route for the transportation of their Merchandise. By comparing the freight tariffs of this line with thoseof the South Carolina, and Central, and W aynesboro’ Rail roads, it will show a result in favor of this route of from £0 to 50 per cent., generally, and In some instances a greater per centage. By this route a merchant receives each shipment of his Goods together; they are not retailed to him as they gen erally are by Railroads connecting with the seaboard, with a list of charges attached 10 each package. In addition to the present force of this line, another new Boat, of light draught of water, will be added during the coming summer. These boats will leave Savannah after the discharge of the New York and Philadelphia Steam ships, twice or three times a week, delivering those Goods at this point in FIVE DAYS. From the present low tariff of this line a deduction of 12,54 percent. wiff be allowed on all bills from this date. Give the river more business, and a cheaper freight yet awaitsyou. Allgoodsfrom the seaboard should be directed to M. A. COHEN, Savannah, and produce from the interior to JNQ. A. MOORE, Augusta. To the manufacturing portion of Georgia, as well as the Cotton Merchants, and dealers generally, on the line of Railroads through Georgia and Tennessee, who ship to Savannah and Northern markets, this route offers very favorable inducements. Tofacilitate shipments, as well as topreventerrors,bills of landing should be forwarded to M. A. Cohen, at Savan nah, for all goods from seabord. JNO. A. MOORE. Incase of low river, all goods consigned to this line, will be forwarded by Central, and connecting Railroads. apl6 T, WYNN’S IMPROVED PAaENT BREAST COTTON GIN—OPEN TO THE WORLD—SSO PITCHER. T'HK Subscriber respectfully informs the Planters of Georgia and South Carolina, that he continues the manufacture of his superior Fire-Proof Cotton GINS, near Belair, Richmond county,Ga., which he sells at $2 per saw. Also, his self-acting box and patent Breast, which he will warrant to gin 200 to £OO bales without choking or clogging between the ribs, and which he will sell at $2 74 per saw. He has also the disposal of three 45 and two 5o Saw Gins, of Carver’s make, which he will warrant to gin well and run as light as common Gins. au23-sw4t THOMAS WYNNE. Constitutionalist and Home Gazette copy one time each. WHOLESALE DRUG STORE. TIIK undersigned have associated with them Mr. WM. E. DuBOSE, in their business from thi» date. The name of the firm will remain the same. CLARKE A WELLS. Successors to Wm. K. Kitchen. All orders promptly executed. M. Clark, | Wm. B. Wbllb, | Wm. E.Dcßosb Augusta, October 17, 1653. A CARD, HAYING entered intothe Drug Business with Messrs. CLARK A WELIij, I avail myself of this opportuni ty to inform my friends and acquaintances that 1 shall be happy to see them at our store, opposite the Planters’ Ho tel, Augusta, Ga., where we shall keep constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS,OILS,PERFUMERY, FANCY ARTICLES, Ac., Ac., which we will sell as low as any other house south of New-York. fll W’M. K. DcBOSE. RECEIVED THIS DAY— lObbls. Pickled BEEF; 10 half b bis. do. do. 5 do. da. Pickled TONGUES; 10 bbls. No. 1, large, MACKEREL ; 2 do. Smoked BEEF; 2 do. Pickled SALMON; 2 do. Pickled PORK. WILLIAM M. DOW, opposite Planters’ Hotel and one door below the Franklin House. j e 14 JUST II KCJkIVKD— -10 kegs choice Goshen BUTTER; 5 tubs fresh May BUTTER; 10 boxes American CUKEi-E ; 5 do. English Dairy CHEESE; 2 bbls. fine Leaf LARD. WILLIAM M. DOW, opposite I lantera’ Hotel and one door below the Franklin Hon « e - jel4 IffKKteli TEAS— ’ ~ X 1 2 half chests superior Black TEA; 2 “ “ “ Oolong do. 2 “ “ “ Souchong TEA; 8 “ “ “ Gunpowder TEA; 2 “ “ “ Imperial do. 8 « “ “ Young Hyson TEA; WILLIAM M. DOW, opposite the Planters’ Hotel and one door below Franklin House. jel4 UST HKCKIVEU -26 dozen Underwood’s PICKLES, 1, % and X gallon* ; 20 “ superfine MUSTARD, % and lbs-; 10 “ Walnut and Tomato KETCHUP * 6 “ superior French OLIVES’ 5 *• CAPERS; 5 “ Tuscan Family OIL; 6 “ PEPPER SAUCE; 2 « John Bull do. jel4 WILLIA . DOW. IhUU I YV-—ORANGEa PINE-APPLES, LEMONS, 1 COCOA NUTS, LIMES, GRAPES, BANANAS, ONIONS, APPLES and Irish POTATOES. jel4 WILLIAM M. DOW. JUST A Kill V HD, THIS DAY -15 baskets Heidsick CHAMPAGNE, qts. and pts.; 10 boxes CLARET WINE; 2 bales English WALNUTS; 2 ba'es Brazil NUTS; 2 bbls. Pecan do. Bbales FILBERTS; 2 “ Soft-shell ALMONDS. WILLIAM M. DOW, opposite the Planters’ Hotel and one door below Franklin House. jel4 BACON.— Just received from Chattanooga, TennesJ see. J 4 H°hds S . BA do N ’ [shD* and shoulders. For sale by seplS RUSSELL & SIBLEY LAUD —Jusf received by Iron Steamboat Co. Boats— -50 kegs Prime LARD ; 16 bbls do anu Pressed DO. For sale by slB RUSSELL k SIBLEY. NEW MACKEREL.—B 9 bbls. and half bbls. Nos. 2, 3 and 4 MACKEREL,just received and for sale by ON CONSIGNMKNT—IOO,OOO lbs. choice BACON from Middle and East Tennessee; 10,000 lbs. Choice* LEAF LARD, in bbls.; 150 sacks Walton Steam Mills FLOUR, an extra article ; 1000 lbs. New FEATHERS. J. A. ANBLEY, JelO-lm Com. and Prcdnce Merchant. LK K C H K B.—Another lot of those fine Sweedish Leeches,just received by Express. jels WM. H. TPTT, Druggist. IT'RBSH CAMPHLNE and Burning FLUID—A supply . constantly on hand. * jel WM. H. TUTT, Druggist JOHN HOWARD and the Prison-World of from original and authentic documents. For sale bv jeß THOS. RICHARDS k SON. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS AT WHOLESALE. W r M. N. NICHOLS has the pleasure of announcing to Merchants visiting Augusta, that his stock of HATS, CAPS and BONNETS, fer the Fall trade, is now complete, and ail those desiring Goods in his line, are in vited to call and examine it, aa they will be sold at prices that cannot iaii to piease. Successors to J. Taylor, Jr., A Co., opposite the Bank of AugusU. s!4-tf TO MERCHANTS. I OFFER to City and Country Merchants a large and well selected stock of CROCKERY, GLASS and CHINA. Those wishing to purchase, wili find it to their interest to call at 294 Broad-street. Biff ELI MUBTIN. PHINiZY 4k CLAYTOV, VTrAREHOUSK AND COMMISSION MER* VV CHANTS, Augusta, Ga ! s 6 6m EW BOOKS, by the author of Sunny-Side, Ac.: The Tell Tale, or Home Secrets, told by Old Travel lers, by H. Fousta, author of Sunny-side, Ac. Liltle Ma ry, or Talks and Tales for Ch.ldren, by H. Fousta. The Last Leaf from Sunny-Side, by H. Fousta, author of Peep at Number Five, Ac., with a memorial of the author, by Austin Phelps. Father Brighthopes, or aa Old Clergy man’s Vocation; by Paul Creyton. Burr Cliff, its Sun- Bhine and its Clouds, by Paul Creyton. Hills, Labes and F rest Streams, or a Tramp in the Chataugay Woods; by 8. H. Hammond. History of Cuba, or Notes of a traveler in the Tropics, being apolitical, historical and statistical account ol the Island from its first discovery to the present time; by Maturen M. Ballou, illustrated. The Arctic Regions, being an account of the American Expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, under the patronage of Henry Grinnell, Esq. Wild Scenes in a Hunter’s Lire, including cunning .Uventures among the Lions, Ac., with 80U illus trations. Frontier Life, or Scenes and Adventures in the Southwest, by Francis Hardman. Just received ar.d for Bale at [slß] GEO. A. OATES A BEOS., Broad-; t. BOOTS AND SHOES AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, OPPOSITE the Masonic Hall, Augusta, Ga. ALDRICH A ROYAL are receiving theirs supplies of Goods for Fall and Winter trade,yßLv which they are determined to soli a3 cheap aa any * Shoe house in this city, Charleston or Savannah. Our stock for retains of the finest and best material; and in our wholesale department will tee found a large and well selected stock from the best manuiactories; together with a great many cheap Shoes. Merchants will find our stock large and varied. From our loDg experience in the Bcot and Shee business, we Hatter ourselves that we can do as well, if not a little better, than any other house. Our terms will be six months for first-rate paper, yet those who buy for cash, or city acceptance, wiil find our prices very low. H. ALDRICH, »6 W. 8. ROYAL. NEGROES FOE SALE WK HAVE for sale several Negro Women, Girls and Boys, among which are good Seamstresses, No. 1 Cooks, Washers and Loners, general house servant*, very desirable. For particulars, apply to s!4-lw C. E. GIRARDEY A CO^ CARPETINGS! CARPETINGS!! JUST OPENED by the subscriber, and offered at the lowest market pr ces, a very flue sot of IMPORTa’D and DOMESTIC CARPLTINGB, which are well assorted in prices, styles and qualities. s 9 j p. &wm JUST RECEIVED, AT THE Augusta Saddle and H rness Manufactory 198, Broad-street,under the Augusta Hotel,the largest assortment ofTRUNKS and CARPET BAGS ever offered in this market. Among which are Ladies’ and Gentle men’s Sole Leather and Steel Spring Traveling Trunks. Bonuet Cases, Hat Boxes, Valises, Ac., Ac. Also, Ladies’ Riding Gloves and Whips, Gentlemen’s Walking Canes, Ac.,all of which wilibe sold onas reasonable terms as any other establishment in this city js23 A. HATCH. SUGARS AM) TOBAGO •. —I OO,OOO SUGARS, all qualities, some very fine; 70 boxe3 TOBACCO, some very fine, for sale by [o4-twSt] JOHN NELSON. d ItddktiiKS, «ki\— OT 160 bags Uio and Java COFFEE ; 40 bbls. St. Croix Granulated SUGARS; 15 “ Powdered and Crushed do. 20 hhds. Porto Rico SUGAR; 70 boxes SOaP; 35 “ Hall’s CANDLES. ALSO, A large stock of BAGGING and ROPE; BACON, LARD, Ac., Ac. For sale by [o4-tw3t] JOHN NELSON. OAK SOLE LEATHER, EXT if A trimmed N. J. inspected Slaughter HIDES, a superior article, and worthy the attention of City Boot Makers. Alsoa large assortmentof Ba timoreSpan ish Oak Sole, for sale at the Saddlery Warehouse. SHERMAN, JESSUP A CO., late Wright, Nichols A Co., 239 Broad-st., 2d door above new Bank of Augaata. s7 datwffm HEMLOCK SOLE LEATHER, IN every variety of weight aud quality. Also, Harness, Skirtu , Bridle, Band, Picker, Lacing and Roller LEATHER, aqd every description es Patent LEATHER always on hand\ud for sale at the Saddlery Warehouse. SHERMAN, JESSUP & CO., iate IVright, Nichols A Co., 259 Broad-st., 2d door above the new Bank of Augusta. s>-d*twßm FOR SALE. A LOT of flue, well-broke young MULES, two fine HORSES, one large WaGON, iron axletree, with Har ness, one second-hand CARRIAGE. Enquire of W. 11. OAKMAN.Jk., At J, J. Byrd’s, upper end ol Broad-streei, on and after the ISth inst. s9-tf d vEOUttAPHY AND STATISTICS—A new and YJf complete Statistical Gazetteer of the United States; by R. S. Fisher. The Progress cf the United States from the ear iest periods; by li. S. Fisher. American Guide Book through the United Slates. Pocket Maps of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Florida, Texas, etc., etc. Na Motu, or Reef-Rovings in the Southern Seas, a narra tive c i Adventures at the Hawaii. n, Georgian and Society Islands, with Ma. s and Illustrations; by Edward S. Per kins. For sale by s!5 T. RICHARDS A SON. ri'eilE MASTER’S HOUSE : a Tale of Southern X Life; by Logan. Fashion and Fame; by Mr 3. Ann 8. Stephens. Also, anoiher supply of Katherine Ashton, Life of Dr. Alexander, Life in Abyssinia, History cf Free Masonry, Edwards on the Will, Mechanic’s Assistant, by Kuassen.and the Chemistry of Common Life. For sale by uuib THOS. RICHARDS A BQM. / VENTS. Pat. Leather Oxford TIES ; Pat. Leather Strap Os SUOES, and fine Calf Oxford TlES,received by ap7 ALDRICH A ROYAL. IXDKLLIBLR UR, with and without preparation, equal to the best in the icorld, prep red and sold by j. 15 D. li. PLUMB A CO. HODGiLVS VERMIN POISON, for destroying Rats, ce, Roaches, Ac., for sale by jyls D. B. PLUMB A CO. IJHV SIGIANs in Augusta all use aud recommend in X the highest terms the fluid extract of BUG HU, I’A KEVIA, Ac., prepared by [a-18] D.B. PLUMB A CO. QAA RAGS RIO COFFEE for sate by OUU 1 jySO HAND, WILLIAMS A CO. INK KIPTFOR PUDDINGS, Ac Call at D. B. Xu PLUMB A CO.’S and get one or more papers of CORN STARCH, then follow the directions on the wrapp •||Wk BBLS. Hydrau ic CEMENT, IUU 5U do Calcined PLASTER, 160 do Thomaston LIME. Just received by my 17 ESTE3 A RICHMOND. CtASSIMEUS FOR SUMMER H EAR—Receiv- J ed, June 17th, new Patterns of Pantaloon Goods,for warm weather. JelS WM. 0. PRICE A CO. MACKEREL —A few bbls. and half bbls. No. three MACKEREL,fors ale by jyS ESTES A RICHMOND. ALIRKIiY NKGUO GIIIL said to be a good House servant. Vorsuloby s 5 E. O. TINSLEY & CO. r pilK PILGRIMS OF WALSINGHAN, or Tales of the i Middle Ages, an Historical Romance: by Agnes Strickland. Also, the following New Novels—Gideon Giles, or the Struggles of Life. The Adventures of Clarence Bolton, or Life in New York. Garnelle, or the Rover’s Oath. The Empress of the Isles, or the Lake Bravo. Just received by jy6 THOS. RICHARDS A SON. QDtiAIl. —106 Uhd3. from Fair to 01 liceN. O. SUGAR O just received aud for sale low by jyBO HAND, WILLIAM 3 A CO. NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES.——S 66 bbls. choice N. O MOLASSES, for Bale from the wharf by ly 86 HAND, WILLIAMS A CO. IVT EVV BOOKS.—The American Cottage Builder, a se- AN ries of designs, plans and specifications from S2OO to $20,000, for houses for the people; by John Bullock, Arch itect and Civil Engineer, etc. Our Honey Moon, and other Comicalities from Punch idustrated. Just received, and for sale by auU MoKINNE A HALL. TOILET ARTICLES.—We have just received a beautiiul assortment of rich Toilet Articles, among which are Lubin’s Soaps and Extracts, Piand’s celebrated Extract Bouquet, Louise and Maria, and Cologne. jyls D. B. PLUMB A CO. CORKS.— A fine assortment of Demijohn, Jug, Bottle and Vial CORKS. For sale by aulß D. B. PLUMB A CO. CASH paid for WOOL, or will exchange for Wool, “Richmond Factory Woolens.” SCRANTON,BEYMOUR A CO., au2 No. 2, Warren Block. BUTTER AND LARD —IO kegs East Tennessee BUTTER and LARD. For sale by j 8 DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING. ADHESIVE PLASTER.—Davidson’s celebrated ADHESIVE PLASTER, highly recommended by the Faculty, just received and for sale at W. H. A J. TURPIN’S, jy2s Druggists and Apothecaries, Augusta, Ga. NEW NOVEL, BY LEVER—Sir Jasper Carew, Knt. —His Life and Experiences, with some account of his over-reachings and short-comings, now first given to the world by himself; by Charles Lever, author of The Dodd Family Abroad, etc. Fashionable Dissipation and Adela Lincoln. The Orator’s Touchstone, or Eloquence Simplified, em bracing a comprehensive system of instruction fer the improvement oi the voice, aud for advancement in the general art of public speaking. For sale by 8 j y 2i THOS. RICHARDS A SON. CONGRESS WATER.—A fresh supply direct from the Springs. For sale by W. H. AJ. TURPIN. au24 INFANTS AND CHILDREN’S SHOES.—Just re ceived a large supply of Infants and Children’s SHOES. au!9 FORCE, CONLEY & CO. J. A. AASLEY, G1 ENJKHAL COMMISSION AND PRODUCE rr-r-r-o. T MERCHANT, Augusta, Ga., Office on Broad gV ) street, opposite Union Bank, will give prompt and personal attention to the sale of Bacon, Lard, Grain, Fiour, Cotton, and ail articles cf Merchandise consigned to him. Also, to the forwarding of goods for the interior and North ern markets, at the customary rates. Liberal advances either in cash or by acceptances, ma' e on articles in store, or when Bills of Lading accompany drafts. Refers to Baker, Wilcox & Co., M. & B. Wilkinson, J. Fargo, Cashier, Augusta, G a.; Hand, Williams k Wilcox, Thos. Trout k Co., Charleston, S. C.; Wm. Duncan, Padel ford, Fay k Co., F. T. Willis, Savahnali, Ga.; Sturges, Bennett k Co., New York; J. O. Wilson k Co., D. Stuart A Son, Baltimore; Wood k Son, New Orleans; C. B. Wel bone, Dalton, Ga.; Grenville k Sample, Chattanooga, Tenn.; Bearden, Son k Co., Knoxville, Tenn.; S. K. Reeder, Ath ens, Tenn.; W. B. Shapard k Co., Berry k Demoville, Nash* ville, Tenn. s 2 THOS. P. STOVALL & CO., / V KNKUAL, COMMISSION ME R-igSk VJ CHANTS, Augusta, Ga. —Having formed Hjyfcgiyi a co-partnership for transacting a General Com mission business in this city, we pledge ourselves io a prompt and faithful attention to any business committed to our care. We will give careful attention to the sale of Cotton, Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Hay, and all kinds of Produce, and to the filling of orders in the market. Hav ing ample facilities, we are prepared to make liberal cash advances on consignments to us. Our office ami salesroom is on the North side of Broad street, a few doors above the Insurance Bank. Cotton consigned to us will be stored in a safe Ware house. THOS. P. STOVALL, au6-d£wly JOS. H. STOVALL. RAMEY & STORY, Gt KOCERY MERCHANTS, Augusta, V Ga., wili continue the GROCERY NESS, in all its branches at the old stand Broad-street, two doors below Bones k Brown. We are daily receiving our Fall Stock. Our stock will at all times be large, assortment complete, and adapted to the Plan ters’ trade—a liberal share of which v. e have so long en joyed, and hope still to receive. J. D. RAMEY, au 5-dlm4wßm S. G. STORY. LAROCHE & MILLER, HA\K just received, per steamer, a large assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, consisting of SUGAR COFFEE, BUTTER, HAMS, FLOUR, « to which they invite the attention of the public. Their store will be kept o.;en during the prevalence of the epidemic. 010 NEGRO CLOTHS. ALEXANDER & WRIUHT invite the attention or Planters to their stock of NE JRO WOOLLENS, most of which is of Southern manufacture, and their as sortment embraces some goods of very superior quality. OSNABURGS, Georgia STRIPES and Plaid LINKERS. ail of which will be sold at low pric s. sIS-diw TIN DOLLARS SEWARD. OTRAYED or stolen frem the subscriber about 25th p September, a Red Bay long tail HORSE, about 16 hands high, and S years old. The above reward wili be given for the delivery of said Horse, or Five Dollars for any information so that l get ffim. TO EENT, IVROM the Ist of October next, the three story I dwelling corner of Broad and Kollock streets, MBi suitable for a targe family or boarding-house, with or with out the store underneath and office in the rear k Go, several dwelling houses on Broad street in the u per end of the city. Apply to anßo-6t EDWARD THOMAS. 10 RENT, the Ist of October next, a pleasant DWELLING on the corner of Broad and Houstoa-sts., with six large rooms and other out buildings. Apply to au HENRY' PALY, under U. S. Hotff. TO RENT, the Ist of October next, the STORE on Broad ■*- rhieet, next below the Bank oi Brunswick. Apply to au * ROBERT WALTON, Sr. TO RENT, 17’ROM the Ist of October next, a large twe-story 1' Brick D > LLLING and STORE, with good Kitch-fifcj en, large Lot, Ac., situates in “ Dublin.” Apply to aus-tf __ JOHN MURRAY. DWELLING TO RENT. qpHE comfortable DWELLING on Eilis-street, now FRs JL occupied by Mr. A. Sturges. Apply to 85 WM. H. PRITCHARu. TO RENT. IMIOM THE Ist oi October next, the I ff ORE at pres . eut occupied by Mr. Geo. Lott, on Broad-street. Ap ply to Mr, THOMAS RICHARDS, agentfor Lessee. jyoi> TO RENT, ITiROM the first of October, a Double Tenement DWsH- Jl LING on Mein tosh-street, near the Waynesboro’ De pot. Apply to P. CON NIFF, at W. kJ. NELSON’S. jy2J _ TO RENT. ~ npWO two-story HOUSES on Calhoun-street, contain* A ing 7 rooms Two double tet ement, on samestree., single story. One double tem-ment on Tayior-street. Two two-story HOUSES,7 rooms, on Fenwick-street. Four, 1)4 story, on Fenwick-street, fronting S. O. Depot. Apply to Q)8I] JAs. L. COLEMAN, TO RENT, TjVBOM Ist October next, two DWELLINGS in the ,-y A? lower part of the city. jylt-twtf L. 0, DU'u.hT TO RENT, A6MALL HOUSE on Greene-street. Appivto TO RENT, IffBOM the Ist October next, the DWELLING on the A 1 southeast corner of nreene and Lincoln-streets. Ap ply to [jylSJ s. C. GRENVILLE A CO. TO RENT, IhROM the Ist of Ooto er next, the STORE at ASP* - present occupied by Messrs. Henry a Skinner, jfek second door bove the Mechanics’ Bank. Apply to. jyx2-swtf _ JOHN COSKERY. HOUSE TO RENT. A Comfortable dwelling HOUSE, corner of Rey nold and Wild-sts. Apply at this office to ‘ kNI _____ D. REDMOND. TO LET, OR FOR SALE. APLEABA\TLY situated HOUSE, corner of Oenire and Tailor streets, containing six m rooms, with ail necessary out-buildmgs; a large Gai uen attached, and good wat ;r, within IcOyardsof the Waynes boro’ Railroad. Applo on the premises. je2i-i: SUMMER RESORT. A HOTEL will be opened on the first day of J ONE, on Lookout Mountain, five miles from Chattanooga. Billiard Room, Bowling Alley, and it; jig; other amusements connected with the House. G. W. ASiLBURN, Recently Proprietor of the Floyd House, Macon, Ga. my2S-3m MACKEREL.— A few bbls. Extra Mess MACKEREL, to be had at [au2oj RUSSLLL k SIBbEY’S. IJIt'KLLB I'O.Mit'Ks*—Just received by steamer . via Charleston, Whole and Half b bis. For sale by sl6 RUScELL k SIBbEY $25 REWARD, O TOLKN from the subscriber, in his room in Mr. D. B. ky Ramsay’s house, on the night of September 14th, a Gold Hunting Case Duflex WATCH, No. 52u9. T. F. Coop er, No. 6 Calthorpe-st., London, maker ; with my name engraved on the back. The above reward will be paid, on returning said Watch to Messrs. Beall k Stovall. MO-St B. A. ARNETT. | All U.-100 bbls. BARD ; A J 50 Kits Do; J 5 Kegs Do. For sale by s!6 JOHN 0. CARMICHAEL. SALT. —1200 Sacks SALT. Foi sale by JOHN C. CARMICHAEL. Gl OOKY’h bAOV’s BOOK, for August, has been I received. Subscribers will please call for their copies at the agent’s. GEO. A. OATES & BROS. N. B. A fresh supply of the Lamplighter and the Dcdd auiily, have b een received. j y 2s NEW BOOKS.—Sandwich Islands Notes by A. Haole. Historv of Pyrrhus, by Jacob Aobstt. Ti couderoga, or the Black. Gaffe—A Romance of days not far distant, by G. P. R. James. Harpers’Gazetteer of the Woild, part 2 and 3. Just received by am 6 THOS. RICHARDS & SON. SHOE PEUo,—Just received 75 bbis. SHOE PEGS, all sizes. [aui9] FORCE, .. ONLEY k CO. | Utt'i’ lIECKIVEO—2S bbis. fresh ground Hiram tl Smith’s FLOUR; 5 firkins choice Goshen BUTTER. For sale by [jylS] G. T. PORT!C. SILVER WARE JUST received fine patterns SPOONS, FORKS, Fish and Cake KNIVES, and Silver CUPS, all of which are as pure as coin. [mh2lj OSBORNE <l* WHITLOCK. BOOKS. —Parisian Sights and French Principles, seen through American spectacles. Spirit Mani estations examined and explained. Judge Edmonds refuted, or an exposition of the involuntary powers and instincts of the human mind; by John B. Dods, author of Philosophy of Electrical Pyschology, &c. The Jew of Verona. Autobi ography of an Actress, or eight years on the stage ; by Anna Cora Mowatt. The Fortune Hunter, a novel of New York society; by A. C. Mowatt. Just received at jy4 GEO. A. OATES A BROS., Broad-st. IffOK BALB by HAND, WILLIAMS k C 0.7 1000 coils prime ROPE; 100 bales Gunny BAGGING, old and new importa tion ; 100 bbls.Extra N. O. SYRUP • 175 “ N. 0. MOLASSES; ’ 50 dozen Painted BUCKET 20 “ Brass Bound uo. 30 coils Jute and Cotton ROPE for Bed Cords and Plough Lines; 50 hhds. cnoice MOLASSES • WOOD, WOOU—2OO cords OAKWOOD, delivered as wanted in the city. For sale by aulb E. C. TINSLEY k CO. SHKA.F OATS, delivered in quantities to suit purcha sets. For sale by [jyi] e. C. TINSLEY k NEW BOOK—RussiaT,Translated from the French of Marquis De Custine. Just received by jy» MoKINNE k HALL. NEW BOOKS,—Foreshadows. Lectures" on our Lord’s Miracles ; by Rev. John Cumming, D. D. For sale by [my2s] MoKINNE k HALL, VOL. XVIII. NO 253. GEORGIA BAJXROAIL PASSENGER TRAINS. LKAY & Augusta, daily at 6 A. M. aDd 6 P. M. Arrive at “ “ 5.30 A. M. aDd 7P. M. Leave Atlanta, daily, at 9.10 V. M. and 7.10 P. U. Arrive at “ “ 4 A. M. and 450 P. M, CONNECTING WITH ATHENS BKANC'i. Leaving Cnion Point daily (Sundays excepted) at 2.55P.M. Arriving at li ‘- “ “ 10.30A.M. WITH SOUTH CAROLINA TRAINS. Leaving Hamburg daily at 6.30 A. M. Arriving at Hamburg “ 4.00 P. M. WITH WASHINGTON BRANCH. Leaving Gumming daily (Sundays excepted) at 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. Arriving at Cumming daily (Sundays excepted) at .30 A. M and 3.80P.M. WITH ATLANTA AND LAGRANGE RAILROAD. Leaving Atlanta daily at 4.80 A. M. Arriving at “ “ 4P. M. WITH MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Leaving Atlanta daily at 5 P. Mi- Arriving at “ “ 2.10 P. M. leaving Atlanta oa Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7.80 A. M. and arriving at Atlanta on Monday, Wednea • day and Friday at 3 P. M. jv22 GREAT REDUCTiON OF FREIGHT ON THE CENTRAL AND AUGUSTA A WAYNESBORO’ RAIL ROADS, BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND AUGUSTA. ON AND alter the 12th inst., this Company will dis continue their pri sent Freight Tariff between Augusta and Savannah, and reduce their rates as follows: FIRST CLAiS—Boxes Hats, Furniture, Bonnets, Ac., per foot $0 OS SECOND CLASS—Boxes and bales Dry Goods, Shoe*), Saddlery, Glass, Drugs, Confectionary, Bis cuits and Crackers, per 100 lbs 0 45 THIRD CLASS —Bagging, Rope, Butter, Cheese, Tobacco, L ;ather, Featners, Loaf and Crushed Sugar, Hides, Cotton Yarns, Domestics, (down) Tin, Bar and Sheet Iron, Paints, Oil, Crockery and Glass Ware, in hhd3. or crates, Rags, Castings, Hardware, Tallow, Hollow Ware, Ac., per 100 Ids o 20 FOURTH CLASS—Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Pig Iron, M:il and Grind Stones, Nails, Bacon, in boxes and casks, Ac., per 100 lb 3 0 15 „ , . M * WABLEY Gen’l Sup’t. Central Railroad Office, ) Savannah, July loth, 1654. f j y 12 ?, BEENITES PIANO MANUFACTURER, Quality Rang*, Broad Street, Augusta, tea., t 8 ready to execute all orders for PI ANOS of all descriptions, which hewar- l -\ rants to be equalin tone, quality and da- erw l ability toany that arc brought from the 9 * & J 9 North. Thefollowing ie one ofvaricastestimonial, which havebeea kindly given to P. B. by gentlemen in this city. Having bought a Piano of Mr. P. Brenner last year, which was of his own make, I take greatpleasurein testify, ng my perfectapprobation of i tin every respect. It is vtii rich m tone, easy of touch, elegantly mat - an j keeps in une most admirably. From what I h ave seen of Fir. Bren ner’s Pianos, I have no hesitation in recommending them rtheirsuperior quality, to all who maybe in want of neanddurahleinstrument. J. B.Hae?. Augusta September 15,1852. Fartherreferenees: Rev, Mr.Ford,Mr. J. Setae, Mr. H. B. Fraser. B.Bignou, Mr. Wm. R. Schirmer and others. Pianos, Organs and other m usicaiinstr aments tuned and Itillfuliyrepaired, at the shortest notice. , . , P. BRENNER, lo-ly Broad-st, above McKenni-st. NEW FIRM. HATCH k BEGBIE. Tptiß undersigned, having associated with him in busi- A ness Mr. JOHN T. BEGBIE, of this city, for the pur pose of more thoroughly carrying on the SADDLE, HA R LESS and TRUNK MAN CFAGTURING, in all its branches, takes this opportunity of ieturning his sincere thanks :o Lis former customers for the liberal patronage extonued to him would respectfully solicit a ctnlinnance of their custom to the new firm. They hope to extend their business, and will endeavor by their united efiorts to offer inducements unsurpassed by any establishment of the kind North or South. June 1,1854, _ [je£i-iiiw3m] A. HATCH. IN' b 1 UUP., and for sale by DAWSON & SKINNER— Hiram Smhh’s FLOUR, from new vVhe,.: ; Smoked BEEF, v fresh); New COD-HSU ; Irish POTATOES; Fresh Boston CRACKERS : Pure Cider VINEGAR; White Wine *• imports s 9 GLOBE HOTEL AND LIVERY STABLE. THE subscriber, having just opened a HOTEL AND LIVERY STABLE, at Cumming, Forsyth county, Ga., notifies the travelling and pleasure seeking public, that he wilt furnish private conveyance to hi- pa trons from this place to Stone Mountain, Atlanta, Roswell, Marietta, Lawrenctvil e, Gainesville, and Sulphur Springs, at the lowest possible rates—in no case above what is now charged on the mail line from this to Mari-.ua—always leaving this place after breakfast, On his return from any of the above mentioned points, he will convey r assen ge:s at reduced prices. Persons wishing to patronize the People’s Line, can always ascertain when thev are at any of the points mentioned, by inquiring at the Hotels, where they will find a hand-bill giving notice of tteir departure. Perfect satisfaction warranted, or no charge for the ser vices rendered. References—every patron. JOHN CAIN, Jr. Cumming, Forsyth county, Ga., August 10, 1;54. au22-t f SUN Dill RB.—6 doz. Jars TAMARINDS: 12 doz. Citrate MAGNESIA ; 2 gro.R. & C’s Cod Liver OIL; 1 “ Tarrant’s extract CGBEBB k COPAIVA 2 bbls. Canary SEED; 300 ozs, QUININE ; 5 gros. Fahnestock’s VERMIFUGE ; 5 “ McLane’s do.; 6 doz. Sands’ SARSAPARILLA; 2 gros. Congress WATER. J ust received per Steamer Fashion. WILLIAM H. TUTT, y26-di\v Wholesale and Retail Druggist. SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR^FORTBSSi BOUND volumes of the CULTIVATOR for 1553 may row be obtained at this office. Price, $1.50. Or we " send it by mail, postage paid, at $1.75. Address _mh29-tf WM. S. JONES, Augusta, Ga. DEI'IDEULY FlNK.—Pinaud’s celebrated CO LOGNE and BOUQUET LOUISE and MARIA, two f the best and richest perfumes extant, of our own imoor tation. LJy 15] D. B. PLUMB & CO. PRACTICE OF ' DR. JUiIIAH HARHIisH is prepared to accommo date with Lodgings and Nursing, such patients ae may be directed io him for Surgical operations or treat ment. Masters may be assured that their Servants wiii have every necessary attention. my7-wly CARRIAGES. IH. LOWRY, Carriage Maker, still upon Campbe • street, near the Georgia Railroad Depot. He w build to order ali kinds of light CARRIAGES, WAGON BUGGIES, Ac., and on the most accommodating term and will keep on nand a small stock of the above ar cles, which he will sell as low or lower than any oth shop in the city. Repairing done at shortest notice, a on most reasonable terms. mh9-d&wtf ARCHITECTURE. C'HARLKS Da RAN*iOW, Architect, respectfully J informs the ci .izens of Augusta, and adjoining coun tie 3, that he has taken rooms in Jones-street, opposite the Planters’ Hotel, and is now prepared to furnish DESIGNS and DETAILS for all kinds of Buildings, Machinery and Patents, at the shortest notice and with accuracy and neatness. He is permitted to refer to the following gentlemen: Wm. H. Goodrich, Builder; Quein & Rigby, Builder < Coffin A Beals, Designers and Painters. C.DuBANGOW is now opening a NIGHT SCHOOL for Mechanics, where a thorough knowledge in Architecture wili be taught. Terms—sl2 for 86 lessons. C.D«R. wiilalso take a limited number of Day Punil* Apply as above. dig * FOR SALE. A FlNE,young, Georgia raised horse, your years Aj v__ old, works well in harness, and is a fair saddle horse, gentle and kind. Apply to _ s2* GEO. W. EVANS. ALTON LOCKE—Tailor and Poet—an autobiogra phy. Classic and Historic Portraits; by James Bruce. Hypatia : or New Foes with an Old Face- by Chrles Kingsley, Jr., Rector of Everly. Alderbrook—a collection of Forrestei’s Viliage Sketches, Poem 3, Ac -by Miss Emily Chubbuck,2 vols. Wearyfoot Common"-’by Leigh Ritchie. Lorenzo Benoni—Passages in the Life of an Italian. For sale at GEO. A. OATES & BROS., au22 Broad-st. TRIKE’S MAGNOLIA WHISKEY—IOO bbls. in JL store, and for sale by jy2l DAVIS, KOLB & FANNING. BACON. —10 casks Grenville k Samples extra suga cured HAMS, 25 casks sugar cured SIDES. Very choice. For sale by myl7 HAND, WILLIAMS & CO. Lobsters and oysters.—io doz. boxesOYs- TkRS and LOBSTERS, 1 and 2 lbs. each, hermitical ly sealed. For sale by sIS RUSSELL k SIBLEY. CV LASS.—2OO boxes Bby 10 and 10 by 12 WINDOW Y GLASS at $2 the box, for sale to close consignment . au24 W. H. k J. TURPIN. QUININE —SOO ozs. for sale low by ap!3 WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. RIUE. —50 Tierces of different Qualities, just received by [jySO] HAND, Vi ILLIAMS & CO NEW BOOKS.—Sandwich island Notes; by A. Haole. History of Pyrrhus; by Jacob Abbott. Ti conderoga, or the Black Eagle—a romance of days cot far distant; by G. P. R. James, Esq. Harper’s Gazetteer of the World, No. 8. Just received by „. TT aul2 MoKINNE k HALL. COLUMBIA”iiTSUBANCE COMPANY, S. C7 THIS Company continues to insure on most favorable terms Houses, Furniture, Ac., and Marine risks, on application to J- H- ANDERSON, Agent, Augusta, Oct. 10,1854. [olO] Mclntosh- st. JXOK S ALK—IO,OOO lbs. Tennessee Bacon HAMS ; ” 4 1,500 lbs. Tennessee HAMS, at retail, by 010 J. H. ANDERSON, Mclntosh st. 1 iVIY HHDS * Clear BACON SIDES, for saie’by " i-VU BAKER A CASWELJL Gd RANITh MILLS FLOUJH—A fresh lot just ground , Y for sale by GEORGE W. LEWIS, 010 No. 1, Warren Block. T) AISINS.—A few half and quarter boxes fine KAtS INS, XU to be had at [au2oj BUSSELL A SIBLEYS.