Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, October 10, 1855, Image 3

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' ADJOUHIKD aqs m. jmUc# The Inferior Court of Richmond Ooun- to Thursday, the lit of OCTOBER ' T ton wMch day it will be certainly beld, providential esu«e» “ r t preventing. OH WELL K. CASHIN. ef|-30-2*w4t pg“ french end Mpsutah I «Dgu»g«i.~Dty nod five slug Cimei—P»;vat* Lmmoas fob Laci** ash Mr. A. M. r*\fON’T!IDRRT, lately Princi pal of an >3lllOllOO of Modern Languages, end Edi'or of the Ereir: I'tcrary Review In New-York City, bee tie h nor to inform the public, that be will open en ©See in ObneUtutioneUet Range, Mclntosh -st-eet, over the olßce of V. C. Barber, on MONOA If NEXT, the Sth inetant, when be *n b; prepared to give LEMONS in bo’h the F tt.VCii AN') SPANISH LANGUAGES. ibe sy<tem of Teaching, es adopt id by Mr. Montburry, a entirely new, and p ollxrly adapted to learning there I. ngnag ■». A large portion of tb time ie devoted to ORAL EXKROISEK, the Leeeone are eo arranged ai to obviate many of the difficult es with which the Puj il lies usually to contend, end to enable him, in a abort time to epesk and write wi h eaae and rrpidity. For Terat, Ac., pleaee app' yto Mr. Monti srry, et hia office. Reference—H. H. Camming, Esq. ect6 i Notice. —Re/, 11. U. fccui ofLaGrange, ia ta pe.'d te Preach IntheUiptisl Church, next SABBATH • ■ : 7th inat, et 10)4 o’clock, A. M. and 3)4 P. M. oct6-3t iW Auguia and Wayneattbro* Railroad, Aeons -a, Oct. 6, lPr,.— . n end after the Bth inat., Freight on Cotton from Augusta to Savannah, by the Arguata and Waynesboro' and Centra' Railroad*, will be charged at TW ENTY CENTS PER 100 POUNDS. WM. M. WADLEY, Q:ts-d2w Gen’l Sop’t. MT Tba Kxerclses of Ida Houghton Institute will be returned on the first MONDAY in OCTOBER next The Mate Department will be und:r the Superintendence of Mr. Lucien Taste. The Femiie Department under thePupeiintendance of Mr*. Reb aO. Wheeler. cct3-t? Washington Artillery —Att/stmi* I— You are on Eire L'uty for the present qcarter. In case of an xtirm of Eire you will immediately repair to the Drill Hoorn By order of Oapt. Kirkpatrick. I>cß JNO. C. KALTIIOEP, Sect’y. Kgr I'blou Hank, Augusta, Oct. 1, iHss.—Divi dend No. 24 —Th“ Board ol Directors have this day de clared a Dividend of PIVE DOLLARS per ihare from the pr tits of the last s.x m onths, payable to the Stockholders yn demand. [oci2-dlofj JNO- CRAlG,Cashier, notice. ;if The Proprietors of tlio Augusta Ice House feel grate, j 1 for the patronage extended to them the past season,and hope to merit a continuance of the same next s ason. We shall c ose our Ice House on the 15tb inst. [ofi-lwj O. EMERY, Agent. sar- Clinch Fire Company.— Attbktios.— Yon are I ht eby summoned to attend your regular Monthly Parade, THIS (Saturday) AFTERNOON at. 4* o’clock, in Winter uniform. By order of Oaf t. D Antignao. oefi GIRARDEY.Scc. $9“ Oyatera, <<aiua, 4ki-., ie'v«l up at the SUADKS srom Ur a out. r '5-"3t PLUMB A HATCH. $9“ I’ay yunr State Tai Tor 1 H 55.—1 will make my iavt appointment for etch District : I will be at the Pcate Houle on TUESDAY, the Bih ofCc'ober, at the Kag’e A Phusnlx Hotel, on MONDAY the Dth, WEDNESDAY at the United Stales Hotel, THURSDAY at the Store of J. W. Kvacs. 1 hope this wi l be a warning for all, for whom it may concern, as my time is short. WM. V. KEENER, T. C. R. 0. Augusta, October 4,1855. ts(4 7t iW~ Talmas,4 loahi, Ac. —One case C ! cth TALMAS and 01/.’ AKA, ail qualities and sit's, for sale low by oc-5 WM. 11. CRANE. >folre Amlque Hilts and Talmas. —A few tich Moire Antique bilk DRESSES and TALMAS, just re eeived and for sale cheap, for cash, by ccls WM. H. CRANK. JOHN W. SPEAK, tW-H urgoon Ueutlst, Augnsta, G<3o. Office at me I United States Hotel. jaUB j9“Tne Misses Hedgwlek will re open their School for young Ladies, MONDAY, October Ist. S thojl-Rootn in the rear of Masonic Hall. Entrance on Ellis Street. s”p2 dßm $9“ One Dollar aud Kilty Cunts. —DAGUKRR f O- T. I’ES will be taken at Tucker’s Piemium Clalle.y, for a short time, with, or without color, for $1.50 each. CAMERAS for sale a* New-York prices, and a full sup ply of stock constantly on hand. X. TUCKER. je22 * , £IJ" Mins at Ward Unrrharl A Co’s.—lmpeira dlaek 81LK8, of Superior Manufacture, all Grades. Ele gant Velv t Brocades.and Moire Anti jue SILKS, in Black and Colors. sept2B JJ- Dr. W. U. t hresoborough, having resumed .iiie practice of medicine offers his services to the citisecs Augusta. Residence and office (for the present)corner o; Greene and Centre-streets. fl-tf GEORGE T. IABNKS, %W~ Attorney at !.aw, Augusta, Ga., may be found, for the present, at the office of 001. John Miilege, over the •tore of George W. l.ewis. 128-ltf \V. Hrnenputsch will resume the Exercises of his School on MONDAY Ist OCTOBER, School-room on the p uth ride of Ellis street, first dour below Wr hiog'>u street. 27 TJf Csetyer than ever.—WILLIAM IT. CRANE asjust received by Express from New York, 60 pieces new style tine French Printed JACONETS, worth 87)$c. which he offers rt 18\ sen! 3 per yard, c aah. Call soon,! you wish a selection. je2S J 9" Mil It Elastic Belts.—Bleached and Colored Silk iiastic BELTS, in great variety, just received and for sale t-y [sep!6] WARD, BURCHABD k CO. Warranted Fresh.—We have this day received Landreth*s fresh Rata Baga, Flat Dutch, Red Top, large Globe, large v orfo':k and Yellow Aberdeen TURNIP SEED The extreme haalcwardness of the seasons at the North, is the reason we have not been able to obtain new orop Seeds earlier. [jy3l] D. B. PLUMB A 00. |9-Hats— Fall Style 0f1855. Beebe k Co. and Trale Fall Styie Moleskin HATS just received and ready for sale at GEO. W. FERRY’S, aug!2 Masonic Hall Buildings. • py' Boots aud Shoes for Fall Trade. —The sub scribers have cow In store a large and well selected stock of BOOTS a»J SHOES, for Fall and Winter trade, consist ing of every variety usually kept In their line. Our stock c» Negro BROGANS, House Servants’Kip BROGANS,and Leather BOOTS, wil be very large,and of every quality, from the lowest to the highest price. Cash, or prompt-paying customeu, will fin d our Goods as low as any house in the city. CLARKE k ROYAL. sep2s-dAwlm $9" Mrs. B. O. Collins would respectfully call the attention of the Ladies to a new and handsome assort ment of DRESS CAPS and HEAD-DRESSES, HAIR BRAIDS, CURLS, BLACK CRAPE, Lace and Love VEILS, Mourning and Dress BONNETS. Also, Lawn and Straw BONNETS, suitable for travelling. Opposite United States Hotel. j*lo Cheap Carpets.—WlLLlAM SHEAR has re ceived this day, per steamer, from New-York, a supply of Brussels CARPETS, of new and beautiful styles. LSO, Superior Three-Ply CARPETS, of rich and splendid patterns, and all at very low prices. The public are re spectfully invited to call and examine the assortment. •epSE-dtwAw PF" A Music and French Teacher Wanted.—A Lady who Is an accomplished Teacher of MUSIC and FRENCH ean obtain a good situation and liberal salary by applying to the Editor of the Chronicle k Sentinel. le ms and giving satisfactory references. .•xuS-twAwtf OBITUARY. CCJBTIB LOWE, of Warren county, ia"no trore on earth. ! The and event ° r hi » d ®* th oecarred on the 4th inat., aa he was returning home rom the Superior Court at War ronton. A ahort distance fom Cam all he fell from bia buggy, receiving severe wounds upon the head. On be ing discovered heaaid he had cramp colic, with which he had been rec Jtly afflicted, having been aohject to it for many years. MedicalA'd wr l speedily obtained, but to no avail, for he was dead in one hour Judge LOWS was one or our most worthy dtisene. He served bisoountry doling the late war with Great Britain as a lieutenant in the army. His fellow cit'aens often call ed him to i lets of honor; sometimes to a seat in the State Legis ature, then to different et uty offices,—t'l of which " he filled with credit ti himself; and usefulness to bis ooun „ try. Best of all, he we i a Christian; having been ana - cep tab! * member of the M B Church South for more than forty years, and serving the c. arch much of the time as an t fficlnt officer. “ A good name is better than precious ointment.” He waa burned at Wrights* oro ’in Columbia, his nat ve county, having nearly completed his seventy weondyear. A fawn. Wsrrenton, Oct. 8,1856. Died in this city on the Btb inst., alter along and pain ful ilnesi, Mrs. BAB 4H AItBINGTON, consort of William D. Arrington, >n her GBJ year. Death had no terrors for her. She vac in possession of the Christian’* hope. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CONfERTHALL^ “ THE CAMPBELLS ARE COMING.” TUB Moßßt TItOUPK or THK WORLD 1 FOURTEEN PERFORMERS. COMMENCING THURSDAY, OCT. 11, 1855. W** 1 * - PKKi ’* OHIOIMAL CtMPUhLL MINSTRELS, under the direction of the world-re nowned MATT PEED, will have the honor ts appearing as ***£«’ with NEW SONGS, DANCES, BURLESQUE!, "SRCIB, 4"., |;e. For particular*, see kill* of the day. T cket 5) cents. Door* open at 7—comm ence quarter beforeßo’clock. DR. F. A, JONES, Agent. octlO - * OBESJWAY IVtTITDTE. Classical c f>d English School—Mule and F'cmalc. AT THOMSON, OA. THK unders gned, having permanently le:ated as a* Teacher* respectfully solicit the patronage of their friends and the public generally. fiOoi years ol experience In a constant at tention to the duties of their profession, they flatter them selves that the system of instruction which they are now prepared to give students pursuing a regular classical court-, cannot ae surpassed by any similar institution in the Slate. To parents, therefore, designing to give their sons a Oullegiau education, thvir services are especially tender d, sine- s tdoough acquaintance with theprepara tory studies is indispensable to the student's progress throughout his wh. course. In their Academy pupils will be prepared to enter the higher clais-sof College, or if preferred, thorough ? Instructed in a more practical and tusisess Course. The accessibility, jtealth and quietneesof their location— Its freedom from scenes and causes ol dissipation—induce them to hope for a continuance of that liberal patronage which for to many years they have not failed to secure. A strict -ega d will be paid to moral trainin/, ai d the general deportment of each pupil carefully observed. The Academies for tee Ms's and Female pupils are sep arate —also, their Boarding Houses. It Is re juired that pupils be boarded with the Teachers. Board, tuition, f uel, washing, Ac., per U _t, SB6; lights excepted. Tui; ; o i Fee, per term,s3o. Serai-annus! Examination he Ist of June. Visitant: solicited' a nnJ. I - WALS DXrARTKSWT. Primary C a»s(per term) $lO 00 8-conJ Ci>e “ 16 00 Third t. ‘ 80 00 F.-enc i»■ ‘rawing (extra). 6 (»0 Music, pr , m, (iuitr.ment included). 80 00 The pu re expected to iurnish their own lights, or for them 'a e xrge will be made. C. C. RICHARDS, A. M., Principal, J. R. WU SON, Assistant. , MISS A. M. RICHARDS, *.3-istant Teacher in Female Department. MRS. J. 0. HIOHARDK, Teach er of Drawing and As-.’t. Teacher of Music. MR. Ft’RNEISEL, Prof, cf Music. N. B.—Board, with many respectable families, at from eight to twelve dollars per month. octlO-UQwAwly git BUbb. CARTER POTATOES— 1U 10 bbl*. Yellow QNI0N8; 5 quintals CODFISH; 5 t erces new RICE; 26 air; ted PICKLES; 80 boxes Soda BI80UIT; 10 “ Fancy CRACKERS; 6 ’• Gingor SNAPS; 8 bt's. 1 ,c Nic CKACKERS; . 8 “ Boston ** 8 “ Butter “ 6 cases PRUNES; 1 case Fig PASTE ; 1 cask Eng. CURB ANTS ; 10 t >xes Patent Si rm CANDLES, jug, received by [ootlu-d’l KITES A BIOHMOND. ri, B'jXKH TALLOW CANDLES.—Jug, received OU by (ocllO-’tf] EBTEB A RI liMOND. CHiOICB UOkHgN BLTTkR and CHIDE-b. Juat J t eived by [octl«-dtf ] ESTEI A RICHMOND. ~r A DO/iKN BuOOMH— » OU to d. JCI w*t • BUCKETS; 6 “ .i. s bound BUCKETS; 6 • Flour “ Just received by ectlO-dtf ESTES A RICHMOND. 1/1 BULK PECAN KITS 1U 6 bblß. ALMONDS; 8 “ English WALNUTS; 8 “ FILBERTS. Just received by I/ . UHL'S, choice Sugar-house SYRUP. Just received 1U by [tctlO dtf | K9TKB A RICHMOND. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR.—In whole, ter bbls. and b-gs. Juit received by octlO-dlf ESTES A RICHMOND. LADIES’ CLOAKS. WILLIAM HUE Alt has received this day from New Y rk, I .dies’ C'oth and Silk Velvet CLOAKS, of new and elegant styles. —ALSO— Ladies Cloth TALMAS, of the latest style*, to all of which the attention of the public is respectfully invited, nctlC-dtwAw NEW BOOKS. —Kaloolah; or JourneyiDgs to the DJe’bel Kumri —an Au.obiography c f Jonathan Bo mer, edited by W. 8. Mays, M. D.—&oc. The Two Uuar dians; or Home in this World, by the author of Heir of Hedcliffe. L'?ht and Darkness; or the Shadow of Fate: A Story of Fr’bionable L fi. The English Orphans; or a Home in the New World, by Mrs. Mary J Holme . Con suello, by Geo..;e Sand, transla' d from the French, by Fay t“ Robin >u. The Nararine; or the Last of the WaeJvnj, on’c—a Revolution of Philadelpt ia, New York and Wash igtou.in the year 1814, by George Lippard.— PouDds, Sliiilings and Pence; or Irish Heirs of Samuel Lover, Esq. Kenneth; or the Rear Huai Jet the Grand Army, by .he author of Heirs of Reddiffe. An Attic Phi lo jphir in Pai ;or a Peep at the Wo-ld from a Garret being the Journal f f a Happy Man, irom the French of Emile'Lout wi"-‘. The Winki- 1 ; or the Merry Monoma niac*, an American Picture with Portraits of the Natives, by the author > f Wild Western Scenes, etc. Juat pub’MbeJ and for sale by M. G. MoKINNE. octtO NEW FALL AND WINTER GOOD 3. WILLIAM H. CKAKK has just returned from New York with a large assortment of Fall and Winter DRY GOODS, and asheadhera tc the cash sys tem he is enabled to sell h ; i GOODS at a smaller profit than those doing a crediting t usings, lie would respect fn'ly invite these who wish to purchase for cash, to give him a ca'l, as he has many barga ! is tn offer them In Choice Goods. 010-dAwlm WATCHE3, CLUJKB AND JEWFLKY. K. TWEEDY A OO , {Xear the Lower Market, AuffUn-a, Ga.) WE have received our new and beautiful assortment of WATLHiS and JEWELRY; also, a large as sortment of 80 hour and 8 day CLOCKS, at all prices from $1.50 upwards, Ell of which we warrant to run well and keep good t : me. Watch- i, Ciocits and Jewelry Repaired with dcipatch, and warranted. 010 PISTOLS! PISTuLB! 1 T K.TWEKDY <t CO.’S, near the Uwer Market. i \ Co;t’s repeating PISTOLS, a fine essortment at the lowest pricer. Al 1, Allen and Bacon’s REVOLVERS and self-cockin? PIbTOLS, GUNS, Ac. A choice aa ortmentof Pocket and Bowie K MYES, for sale at »ow prices, olu HwTICE. * AAA SACKH HALT on consignment, and for sale lUUU by lolO] M.W. WOODRUFF. ADMINIHTBATOU’S HALE. —Agreeable to an or der of t*>: Court of Ordinary of Oglethorpi county will be )ld, l fore the Court House dor in Lexington in said county, on the first Tutsday in DECEMBER nest, between the oanal hours of sale, the following properly, to wit: One tract of Land, containing fifteen acres, be ihe same more or le r ~, known as the Tan Yard Tract * hereon Braxton E. Br ’nt r ided at the time of his *’ *b, adjoin ing lands of Dr. W : Will’ngham and George F. Platt, near the to' aof Losing* ;n. A », twenty-two acres, be the same r e*s, lying on Troublesome Creek, about one mile :ro wo, a 1 lining lend* of Mrs. James and Henry Ota- i. about sis. n acres cleared and fresh land, the bt t- ‘n 'he woods t iso, six Negroes—one men name. ’ 1, twenty-two years of a-e; Aaron, a man, twenty- ht years of age; Habey, a woman, about twenty-six y of age; Rebecca, a fcirl, nine years of age; 1 -aiy & , five year*of age; and John, a boy, three years ■ .; all belonging to the estate of Braxton E. Briant, tL , and sold for the benefit <1 the heirs and creditors 0 aid deceased. Terms made > sown on the day of sale. Oc' er 10, 1 5 ALVIN M. ROBERTBON, Adm’r. DMIKIa i t ITOK’H H ALU.— Will be sold, before theCpu*t ouse dcor in tt e town of Orawfordville, on the first Tu ’ty in DEOEMBER next, within the law ful hours of sale, one House and Lot now| 0 cup el as a Grocery Hoi’*e by Jesse and James B. Guest, lying east of the pubh'c square Bold as the property of Jno. Phillips, late of said -ucty, drees ed, under an order from the Or dinary of 'he co nty of Ts!ia*er/o. Terms mad? known on the day of sale. October 10,1855. WM T. PHILLIPS, Adm’r. EXE4 U IUKH’ HALE.— WiII be sold, on Wednes day, the sth day of DEOEMBER next, at the late res idence of Mary Eavecson, de teased, ia Elbert county, all the perishable propel .y belonging to the estate of said Mary Eavecson, deceased, consisting of Oorn, Fodder, Wheat, Hors? s, Csws, Hogs, Sheep, Household and Kitch en Furniture, Plantation Tools, and many other articles not here mentioned * Terms will be made known on the day of sale. THOMAS EAVENSON, I BEVERLY A.TEABLKY, f n ”* October 10, DMIMbTRATOR’H HALE.—WiII be sold, on the first Tuesday in DEOEMBER next, before the Court House d* jr in Coffee county, agreeably to an order of the Oonrt of Ordinary of Elbert coun.y, one lot of Land, con taining four hundred and ninety acres, known by number three hundred and ninety-four, in the first district of form erly App ing, now Coffee county. Bold as the Land be longing to the es'it* of Jane Higginbotham, deceased, late cf Elbert county. Terms cash. JOHN G. HIGGINBOTHAM, Adm’r. OctobeHO, 1866. TWO MONTHS after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Jefferson county, for leave to sell the Land and Negroes belonging to the rotate of Thomas Hannah, deceased. JAMES F. HANNAH, j. . . Oct Ob., 10. 166&.” ILLIAM '■ HANSAH -| Ad JUST RECEIVED, RICH Silk Flounced ROBES * Striped and Plaid BILKS * Mo’ 'e Antique SILKS, Black and OolM Uu.oro and Brocade 81LKS • " Black SILKS, all qualities : * French MEBXNfJ; Cloth CLOAKS and TALMAS; Safi do. do. o4dlw HICKMAN, WRSCOTr A OO PEACH BRANDY.—6 consignment and for sale by * oeti St-RANTON, KOLB A 00. * SHIRTS ! SHIRTS!! SHOfinT" MADE to order with the French Duffs and Young America Collars, at HERBEYTL c 4 dßw nsxt to Mechanic’s Bank. ORANMB FLOWER AND ROBB WATER— Os superior quaiHy, for eale by WM . H. TUTT. sep36 COMMERCIAL AtiUVHTA MARRBT. Weakly Report Tsei4a|, P. M. COTTON—The late European news has had aa unfavor able effect on our market, and prices have declined during tbe week H te X cent., the greatest on the lower quail lies. Since the decline was established there has been a frir demand with considerable transactions at tbe following rate*. Low Middling to good mi’ding... B)4o®# Good Middling to Middling Fair BX®B* Fair to Fully Fair B)4®s GROCERIES—The business in the grocery trade haa been very satisfactory for the present week. Indeed throughout the season it has been heavier than for years. The stocks are ample, and in prices, we ncte no materia! change. We refer to quotations. PROVISION*.—The Bacon market remains ss previous ly quot d. High prices have rather checked the de mand. Flour has slightly advanced daring the week. See quotations. GRAIN.—Corn has still farther declined—but large oparat'ona could not be made at our present quotations. Tbe transactions are confined to small lots. Tbe Wheat market remains firm. EXCHANGE.—The Banks supply Checks on the North at X per cent, premium. FREIGHTS.—The River continues very low, and none but light draft Steamers can teach the wharf. Freights are unchanged. NEW ORLEANS, Oct, 4, P. U.-Statemmt of CoUon. Slock on hand Ist September, 1864 bales.. 38,301 Arrived since 148,168 Arrived to-dsy 4,189 180,488 Exported to date 66,247 Exported to-day 64 68,811 Stock on hand and on shipboard not cleared... 186,187 Sugar —Salee 108 bbds good common at 6)4o; 100 fair at 6)4c; 63 fully fair at 6)4 e; and 106 for shipment on pri vate terms. MoCittt* —73o bbls prime re-boiled were taken for ship ment at 94®263. flour— Bales 1760 bbls, including 188 bbls unbranded at $6:60; 116 fine and 150 nnbranded at $6:76; 800 St. Louis at $7:86 and $7:50; 118 at $7;50; 6CO at about $7:87; 870 superfine and fancy at %1-XIX, And 74 extra at SB. Wheat— 4oo sacks prime sold at sl4l, and 187 at $1:62)4 V bushel. Corn— lSO sacks white sold at 75c fl bushel. Bacon —9osacks piime Side* were sold at 18c, and 47 tierces Duffield’s sugar cared Ham* at 17c. Rope —B'JO coils or the Louisiana Manufactory sold at 9-tfc. India Bagging —lßß4 bales were sold r sently at 18® 13J4c, and to-.ay 100 bales to arrive at 18J4c, time and interact. Ctffee —Bales 400 bags prime Rio at 11c; 676 at 10)gc, and 60 at 10)4a. Freight*— A bark taken for Bosten at lc for Cotton and 90®95e for Hour. Exchange*— Very dull, acd oar quotations only attein able for small sums. London B®B X And 8)4 V ct. prem. Pari* 6f.18)4®6f.27)4. ' New York, 60 days 2®9J4 W cent, disc. do. Bight X&X V cent. disc. ; EXPORTS. SAVANNAH, Oct. B.—For New York, per steamship Alabama,943 bales Cotton; per brig Mary Walker 647 tales Cotton. EXPORTS. CHARLESTON, Oct. B.—For New York,per schr. J. A. Stanley—B9o bs’es Upland Cotton. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. SAVANNAH,Oct. 3.—Arrive**, *ihr ElT’rr, Alien, Bos ton. G eared, brig Mary Walker, New York; 'chr Day light, Mitchell, Boston. CHARLESTON, Oct. V.—Arr’d. ship Crusader, Ea'on, Boron; bark Courier, Brerwcod, New York; brig Clinton, Thompson, do.; tebrt. Magno ia, Nickerson, Boston; Tro jan, Cook, Philadelphia. Old. bark JaUa Dean, Gage,New Orleans; tcbr.J. A. Stanley, Simmons,New York. ASGCBTA PBICIR CmRIRT. WHOLISALB PRICE I. BAGGIN G.—G unny « yard 16j$ O 17 Kentucky f yard none. Dundee f yard 18)$ ft 18 BAooN.—Hams .**>... 18 14 Ames’Sugar Cured Wfc... 811 18 Bhooldera w »... 13 13)$ Western Sides 1b... 18 j I 14 Clear Sides, Tennessee...W 8... O 14 Ribbed Sides, M ...» *... 18)$$ 14 Hog Round .* »... 18)$ | | 14 BUTIRR.—Goshen f ft... 86 | ) 46 Country • ft... 18 H 26 BRICKS 9 1000 SOO I ) sso CHEESE—Northern f ft... 14 < | IS English Dairy § ft... 1$ ( > 18 OOVFEI.-RlO f *... 11)$ I | 18)$ Lagnlra V ft... 1$ t | Java V ft... 16)$ | t 17 DOMESTIC GOODS.—Yarns 78 4 ; $1 X Shirting yard & < l $ - X Shirting « I yard 8 ( j TX 1 Shirting I I yard 8 $X 6-4 Shirting yard 10 ii ISX 6-4 Shirting < I yard 11 I ) 14 Osnaburgs 1 I yard $X ( t 10 FEATHERS.... ft... 38 ( ; $6 FlSH.—Mackerel, No. 1 bbl. .18 00 080 00 No.S. « bb1..18 00 (;14 00 No. 8 « bbl.. 700 ft 8 N 0.4 « bbl.. 600 O TOO Herrings V bbl.. lb 100 FLOUR.—Country f bbl.. T6O A 800 Tennessee f bbl... 760 j 3 900 Oanal « bbl.. 760 i) 800 Baltimore V bbl.. 800 4) 800 Hiram Smith’s.. * bb1..14 00 OityiMills .jl bbl.. 8 00 Q 960 Lenoir’s v bbl.. none. Denmeads | bbl.. BRAIN—Corn, Sacks indu’d.* bush 65 A 70 Wheat—white { bush.l 85 A 180 Wheat-Red f bush. 100 AIM Oats ....* bush. O non# Rye * bush. nose Peas .* bush. O 1 00 GUNPOWDER— Dupont’s keg. 700 A T 5 Hasard....; < l keg. 700 A 760 IRON.—Swedes ft... 6X O English i I ft... 4 A $ LARD ** •• 1»X 5 14 LlME.—Country box. 1 86 1(0 Northern 1 I bbl.. 800 4 3 888 LUMBER 1000 10 00 14 00 MOLASSES.—Cuba 88 A 86 Orleans, Old crop * gal.. 43 A 45 do. New crop gal.. 00 43 none. NAILS B OlLS.—Bperm,prime I gal.. 180 O 800 Lamp 1 I gal.. 110 A 185 Train 1 I guL. TO O 86 Linseed I gal.. 106 I I 110 Castor 1 I gal.. 160 ( 3 ITS RIOS 1 I tleree (XI I 6* ROPE.—Kentucky < I ft... V)s < 3 11 Manilla 1 I »... 17 O IS RAISINS 1 I box. S6O I 3 460 SPlßlTS.—Northern Gin.... .* gal.. 60 I 3 66 Ram * I gal... 66 ( 3 60 N. O. Whiskty... 1 I gal.. 60 O 66 Peaoh Brandy 1 1 gal.. none. Apple Brandy I gal.. Bone. Holland Gin < I gal.. 160 A IT6 Cognac Brandy 1 I gal.. SOO A SOO SUGARS.—N. Orleans I ft... 6X A $X Porto Rico 1 I ft... 8)$ A l)$ Muscovado 1 I ft... 2 0 t>X Loaf X. i I »... 11 It 11X Crushed <!».... 11X < t 18 Powdered 1 I ft... 11X 11 13 Stuart's Refined A 1 I ft... 11 It 11X Stuart’s Refined B 1 I ft..- 10X 11 11 Stnart’sßefinedo 1 I ft... 10 < 3 10X SALT * I bush 00 < 3 COO N I sack 160 ( 3 l'<6 Blown i f sack • M 1 , 860 SOAP.—Yellow f »„. T)s < 1 • SHOT f bag.. 816 it *$T TWINE.—Hemp Bagging....* ft... 38 I 3 H Oetton Wrapping • ft... 16 O M |aV~U is proper to remark that these are the car rent rates at wholeaaJe from store—ofoours# atretall, prices are a shade higher, and from the Wharf or Dspets, la larga quantities, a shade lower. SALT.— 1000 bushels Alum SALT, of beautiful quality, in store and for sale by M. W. WOODRUFF. oct9 RYB.— 800 bushels SEED RYE, in etore and for sale by oct9 M. W. WOODRUFF. LOUH.—I6O sacks superfine FLOUR, in store and for sale by [oct»| M. W. WOODRUFF. LADIES’ MOUNTING BLOAKS AND TALMAS; WILLIAM HHEAB has Just received a supply of Ladies* Mourning CLOAKS and TALMAS, of new and beautiful styles, to whieh the attention of the public 1s respectfully Inv ted. s;t4-dtwAw AS CONBIONMRMT KJ 157 bags « Extra” Family FLOUR; 160 « Superfine “ 806 bbls. Magnolia WHISKEY. Just received and for sale low by >«P27 SCRANTON, KOLB A CO. OOTABH—9OOO ltw. forTaleTby I »epßs WM. H. TUTT. AUGUSTA HIGH SCHOOL. REV. JOHN NEELY, PRINCIPAL. TUB duties will be resumed on MONDAY, Bth OCTO BER. The Scholastic Year, ending Bth August, 1866, will be divided ioto Pour Terms, or Beesions. commencing respec tively Bth October, Mth December, 10th Msrch, and 86th May. Terms, S6O per Scholastic Year, payable at the com mencement of each term. One Dollar will be added for fad during the two winter sessions. scpßß-twtOi3 SELECT TXMALE GLASS. AT THB EIQUBBT of many of her friends, Mrs. NBELY will open a class for Young Ladies, on MONDAY, the Bth of October. Hours, from sis. A. M. to LP.M. The seholastie year, from Bth October, 1866 to 86th June, 1866, inclusive, will be divided into four seasons, as fol lows, vis: .., „ . Pram Bth of Octobtr to llUi December. Pram 13th December to 15th February, 1866. Prom 18th February to 31st April. Prom 33d April to 3sth June. TERMS—S 34, SB3, S6O per scholastic year, aooording to studies; being equivalent to SB, sll and sl6 per quarter of three months. FRENCH—S9O per scholastic year. One Doliar will be added for fuel in each of the winter sessions, ft “ffihiMßly Advanced to require it, will have Mr. NEKIY’B attention one hour each day. sepßo-twtQf 8 ENGLISH CARPETS ““BAB has received this day from New rwp * olft,u F requested to call and examine •morsmmK, cot6-dtwAw COTTON FORWARDED FREE OF COMMISSION. JAMES ARMSTRONG, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, Noe. 40 and 42, Market-Street, Charleston, 8. O. ALL GOODS consigned to or care wi’l ba forwarded promptly and at a very small Commission, and as I have a targe number of Horses sal Drays. »tH ,u * r *2 tee \ t> FORWARD COTTON FREE Os COMMISSIONS to make the Dr a jag- ; and wilt alto guarsa’os t*> ENGAGE FREIGHTS at thelowes' rate and forward promptly. Krniison nt CmaL*BTu»H. W. Conner, Esq.; Courtney,Tencent A Co; Gilliland HowellAOo.; Hyatt, M’B rny A Co.; Townsend, Crane A Co.: D. F. Fleming A Co.; Hari'and, llarral ACo ; Wilmans A Priee ; Pier •on, Jennings A Co.; Beach, Pratt A Kin ; B. W. A J. P. Force A Co.; Hanes Williams A Wilcox; Chamberlain, MilerA Co.; Kan.in, Puliam, Hudson A Co.; Hare, alhenn A Co.; John Fraser A Co.; Cameron, Webb A .; Thsyer, Dewing A Co.; Brown A Stone; Oondicl, Jennings A Co.; E. B. Stoddard A Co.; J. 8. AL. Bowie A Co.; Bates A Mitchell; M. Carter A Co.; Ha-jeltine A Walton; Roosevelt, Hyde A Clark; Bancroft, Betta A Marshal; Browning A Leman; Gindrat A Duncan; F. D. Fanning A Co.; T. M. Hor.ey A Co.; Stoddard A John ►ton; Maiheiaon. Simons A Co.; Bimonds, Ruff A Co.; H rral, Nichols A Co.; John King, Jr., Agent 8. C. R. R. cc(s dim THE BURKE HOUSE,! TUB undersigned has opened the above HODSE, Apj situated on the corner of Brotd and Wash ; ngt.n B£J Streets, and is prepared to accommodate transient and permanent Boarders in as good stile as any other Horse in the city. This Houle has undergone extensive repairs, which, together with additional rooms and its eligible location, warrants the subscriber in saying, that with his beat efforts be hopes to make it a omfortable home for business men and travellers. H. D HELL. Augusta, October fttb, 1855. oc?-dAwlf LUTHER C. BULL. ATTORNHY at LAW, Office on Washington f treet between Bn.ad and Ellis ol DKLAINB. Jl*T received, a large Ist of BERKGK DETAINS, to be told at 12*c. per yard. T. DUNHAM, oT Successor to J. K. Bancroft. TO RENT, A PLEASANT REBIDFNCE on Broad-street, next door below the State Bank. Apply to of 8t __ N. C. TROWBRIDGE. Rblkivbd thin day -5 bhdi. Family Bacon BIDES ; 5 tierce Canvassed HAMS; 20 bbls. Nashville City Mills FLOUR ; 10 boxes MAOOAROM; 5 • VERMICELLI; 20 doten boxes fine SALT; 60 grors MATCHES and WAX TAPERS. For sale oy [oct7] DAWSON A SKINNER. WB ABB NOW RBCKIVINU— , 50 boxes Soda BISCUIT, fresh; 10 “ Fancy CRACKERS, fr.sh; 5 bbls. Sponge CBACKERS; , 50dos. PICKLES, qts. * ga's. and gals ; 5 obis. “ 10* “ “ DAWSON A SKINNER, cell I NBW PUBLICATIONS.—Memoirs of Henry VIII. of England, with the Fortunes, Fates and Characters < of bis Six Wives; by H. W. Herbert Bayard Taylor's Journey to Central Africa Bits of Barney; by B. S. Mackenzie. A School of Life; by Anna Msry Uowitt. A1 o, another supply of Taylor’s Land of thg Saracen. The Hidden Path. Cummng’s Signs of the Times. Cleve Hall. Queeohy. Napoleon, and Barnes' Notes. . For sale by J_oct7J THOB. F’OHARDS A SON. RBCBIVBD THIS IIAY -10 bhds prime Bacon SIDES, for family use; 10 tierces Sugar-cured HAMS ; 10 bbls. Eating POTATOES; 10 bbls. Yillow ONIONS; 5 qintals fresh CODFISH ; 10 bbls. Nashville Mills FLOUR, very flse; 10 boxes fresh MACARONI; 5 boxes VERMICELLI; 25 “ fresh BEHRING; 6 tierces new RICE. For sale by cct6 G. T. DORTIC. JUST RBCBIVBD.—Six lota of Crib BLANKETS at T. DUMUAMB, oc6 Successor to'J. K. Bancroft. PLAIN DELAJNS, ICASB Plain DELAINB, all colors.at 19*c. For sale by [o6J WARD, BCBOHARD * CO. BACQUE FLANNELS. ICAbK Plain and Figured Bacque FLANNELS, con* taining a beautiful assortment of colors. For sale by oft WARD, BCBOHARD A 00. FBKNCH MEBINOS AND DELAINB. A LA HUB bnd very beautiful assortment of these GOODS, now ready for exhibition, and for sale by oft WARD, BPRCHARD A CO. ENGLISH CANTON FLANNELS. APBW Pieces very heavy English Canton FLAN NELS. Received and for sale by oft WARD, BURCHARD A CO. PUTNAM’S MAUA.ZINB, for October has been reoeived. Also, Knickerbocker, Graham, and Ar thur’s Magaaines for same month. For sale by octft GEO. A. OATEi A BRO., Broad it. rRAVKCS IN MUBOPB and the Ksata year in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Austria, Italy,Greece, Turkey, Syria, Pa’estine and Egypt, by bamuel Irenaeus Frime, with il lustrations. Clouds and SnDshine in the Life of aVi lage Pastor. The View of the Scripture Relations concerning a Future f'tate, * y Richard Whatcly, D. D., late A;ch bishop of Dublin. Signs of the Times: or ’resent. Past and Future, by Rev. John Cumming, D. D. Ihe Land of the Saracen; or Pictures of Palest ne, Asia Miner, Sicily and Spain, by Bayard Taylor. Also, Scenes in >e Prac tice of a New York Surgeon, by Edward H. Dixoo, M. D , Editor of the Scalp. A Basket of Chips, by J. Brougham. Little Neil, from the Old Cariosity Bhop of Ohas. Dickens. For sale at GEO. A. OATEi A BRO’S., octg Broad street. TO BENT. •a LARHK new doable TENEMENT, containing 10 Jt\. Rooms eligibly situated oa Walker street, near the Georgia Railroad Depot. Would be suitable for a Board ing-Honse. For particulars enquire of oct2 SHERMAN, JESSUP A CO. AVALUABLfa Cook for sale. Apply to _ octß ts ESTES A RICHMOND. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! J«l. CLAYTON, under the Augusta Hotel, has re • ceived a Urge and general asaortment es Fall and Winter CLOTHING, comprising all the different varieties usually kept in his line, and will sell them on the most ac commodating terms. In addition t the above, he has a handsome lot of FURNISHING GOODS and BOYS’ CLOTHING. AISO, HATS, CAPS, CARPET-BAGS, TRUNKS, Ac. oct2 AUGUSTA FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL. TUB Exercises of this School will be resumed on the first MONDAY in OCTOBER, opposite the United States Hotel, over Mr. Robert Carrol’s Boot and Shoe Store. Young Ladies and Misses will receive thorough instruc tion in the primary and higher branches of an English, French and Latin Education at very moderate rates. There being no extra charge for French and Latin, the pupil may cultivate thoroughly and uninterruptedly the above Languages during the whole course of education. oct2 8m O.S. BABAL, PHncipil. LAMBETH HOPKINS, WEBS HOUSE AHD COMMISSION MERCHANT. Augusts, Hegrgla, Continues the business ; n all its Department*. sBO-ftmdkw THE AUGUSTA SADDLE AND HARNESS MANU FACTORY. WB have on hand a Urge Stock of PADDLES, HAR NESS, BRIDLES, TRUNKS, VALISES and OAR. PET BAGS, all of which we offer lew, and we feel satis fied with our increased facility for Manufacturing, that weean compete in style, price anl workmanship, with anything sold in this market. Oar stock is carefully se lected, and nothing but the beet matet a's need through out. Sole, Harass* and all other L nds of LEATHER, usually kept in car basin' s always on hand. Knmbel’s Patent MACHINE STRETCHED, BELTING, OAK and HEMLOCK, of *'i widths, always on hand at theod stand of A. Batch, now HATCH A BEG Biff, under the Aagnsta Hotel. seßo-dA»lm STORAGE THH undersigned having token the Fire-Proof Ware house on Reyc old street, formerly occupied by Mr. J. J. Pearce, will rent the whole or any portions of the same, or will take Cotton or other Produce on Storage. LOUIS DELAIGLE. N. B.—Besides the Cotton Tiers, there are commodious etoeed Store Rooms, and an excellent Cellar. sep97 ci’HH subscribers, thanxfnl for the patronage hitherto JL extended their house, would call the attention of Merchants, Planters, and the co a try generally, to-the stock of DRUGd, MEDICINES, PAINTS and OIL, recently laid in. Po sensing facilities for bnsinese second to none in the trad*, they are enabled to offer articles In their line as low as any similar establishment south. Call and j ndge for yourselves. We are also Agests for the various PATENT MEDI CINES now so much in vogue. W. H. AJ. TURPIN. «epS» FOR SALE, AYKRY desirable SUMMER RESIDENCE. 8* or i miles from town, and near the Geo. Railroad, contain ing 15 acres, with some new improvements, excellent wa ter, Ao. Also, a very likely, active yonug Negro man, shoot 88 years of age. Titles iadispntable. The above property will be cold on reasonable terms. Enquire at this office. augll PIANO FORTE - RBCBIVBD this day from the celebrated Manufac tory of J. Ohickering A Sons, Boston, 6, 6*,ft*, and 7 Octave PUN O FORTES, and for sale at O. GATLINS, Piano and Mosio Store on dor the United States Hotel. •eptSfi TP RENT, FROM the let of October, the DWELLING HOUBE on Broad atraß, two doors helow Lincoln, at present oc - copied by 8. D. Heard. Also, a large vacant LOT attached to it. Apply on the premise* to sepSft ts g. D. HEARD. BRITISH LUSTRB— For polishing stoves, Ac., for »aie by [sepMj WM. H. Tu¥r. MULES WANTED. WB wUh to purchase fsrty old MULES, suitable for Garts, to fill *n order. Send in year old Mold from your Plantations, and make room for youig ones to fit Itheir places. Apply at our Livery Stables. M WILSON A ALFORD, «epM in rear cf U. 8. Hotel. N W GOODS. WARD, BURCHARD * CO. are bow opening their Fall and Wfotev Stock, comprising all the latest styles in FOREIGN FABRICS, as well aa a fall sup ply of Domeatie and Plantation GOODS. Wc shall offer our Goed* at very low prises H cash and prompt-paying customers. sepia ORTHBKN APPLBB.—S bbls. choice Northern APPLES, Just reoeived per express, and lor sale by ■aplS 8.0. GRENVILLE A 00: BURNING FLUID AMD LINE BHD OIL, arrived at last, and for sale la tots to suit. sepß9 W. H. A J. TUBFUL IrOTTKRIKS. SOUTHERN MILITANT ACADEMY LOTTERY. A»ii (J2y autErrity of the State oj Alabama) l. / . CgU OONOVUTXO ON TUB HAVANA PLAN. LkJ Hflß NOW IS YOUR CHANCE) UNPARALLELED SCHEME FOR NOVEMBER. Claes W, |« be Drawn Nov. G, 1*55, in the City „f I^l4# ni ff When Priee* amounting to SBII,OOO, milt be distributed according to the following Magnificent Schmne ! *3F“ If iou draw the lowest Prise you get the cost ol y ur Ticket without deduction, and Remember every Prise a*, each drawing, and paid When due without dsdco- I F’jneof fß<Xloo J . 54-tO } " So<o 10 ‘‘ 8500 6000 J® “ WBO 2200 * ‘ tm *soo Jfr*. * B '’ 4000 “ *BO 4000 680 ** *1" 6800 1000 prices in all, amounting to ...|W,OOO „ ONLY TtN THOUSAND NUMBERS. Tickets $10; Halves ss.<o; Quarters $2.50. Bills oa all solvent Banks at par. Ailcommunicaticns strictly confidential. Owing to the prevalence of Yellow Fever in Montgome ry, I am compelled to dispense with the drawfDg of Cla-s Von the 9tn inst. lam Kit alone; all my Clerks sud one of the Commissioners having gone from town, and the other Commissioner confined by sickness in bis family. Holders of Tickets in Class V. by returning their 'l.ck eta to any dealer, or to this Office, can re-inve.. in Clus W, to be drawn November Stb. This brilliant and unparalleled Scheme, with Cne Thousand Pr ises, and only Ten Thousand Tickets, with a Capital Prise of $20,000, commends itself to tie specula tive public, as offering inducements before unheard of in the annals of Lotteries 8. SWAN, Agent and Manager, Bign of the Bronae Lions. Montgomery, Ala., Oct. 1, 1555. octS-tJ GREENE Sl PULASKI MONUMENT I.OTTRItIH*. Managed, Prawn and I’nt tpavfby the wtUknoun and retponeii ? firm cj GREGORY A MAURY SALES OLOSE EACH DAY AT 2 O’CLOCK Drawn Numbers Extra C' *s 30,1 y Delaware 226, Oct. ft • 1 51 61 88 25 21 75 48 87 45 est 18 5. Also, Drawn Numbers Ciass 240, at Savannah, October 8: 47 49 28 15 1 55 54 18 6ft 81 18 63 1 14. CLASS 242—to.be ( rawn at Savannah, on Wednesday, Oc tober 10. Splendid Scheme. $15,000! 6 prises of SB,SST ; 10 of SI,OOO, Ac., Ac., Ac. Tickets $4 —Shares in proportion. Risk on a package of 2ft quar ters $14.95. CLASS 943—t0 be drawn at Savannah Thursday, Oct. 11. Brilliant Scheme. $8,259! 2 prises of SB,OOO ; 2 of $1,000; V ofs' ,COO, Ac., Ac., Ac. Tickets $2 —Shares in proportion. Risk on a trackage of 25 quarters, $7.88. JOHN A. MILLEN, Agent. On Jackscn-street, next the Globe Hotel. Allordersfrom the city or country, strictly confi dential. 00 HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY! {By Authority qj the State of Georgia.] MACON, UKORUIA. This lottbry is conducted on the plan of the I Royal Lottery of Havana, of single numbers—and drawo at Concert Hall,Macon (Ja , under the sworn su perintendence of OoL.George M. Logan and Jas. A. Nts )lt, Esq. CLASS <i. GRAND SCHEME FOR NOVEMBER 15ih, 1855. When Prises amounting to $60,000! Will be distributed as follows; —CAPITALS— -1 prise of 18,<X><) 1►« 5,000 i «i 8,000 i •• ; 8,000 •• 1,500 i »« I,ioo ! « 1,100 6 .. ‘I.”. 1,000 io « ! !!! aoo io « ia .. 120 ao >■ ico go «• 60 25$ •• Y.Y.Y. *s 28 Approximation Prises of.. bou 408 Prises amounting to $50,000 ONLY TEN TUOUSAf ,r * NUMBERS. Every Prize is drawn at each dr. -tog and paid when due in full without any deduction. Criers strictly confi dential. Drawings sent to orders. Registered letter* at my -l«k. Bibs cu all aolveni U.inks at par. Whole Tickets IS; Halves S4.CO; Quarters $2.00. Address JAMES F. WINTER, ge p23 bian*ger,Maoon,(ia. FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY ! By authority ts the Slate ts Georgia. BEAUTIFUL SCHEME FOR OCTOBER. 4; LA 8 H H. To be draxon Oct. 34th, 1555, ifs th City ts Atlanta, Georgia, when Priee* amounting to G3U.0410 1 Will be distributed in arcordvnee with the following Mat:hlers Scheme! 1 prize of. 410,000 2 “ $2,000 4,000 8 •• 600 1,500 11 “ 260 2,T00 10 “ 110 iioo 17 •• 75 1,875 48 “ 50 2,160 88 “ 25 8,075 SOO “ 10 8 000 680 ” 5 8,150 1000 Prises in ail amounting to .SBO,OOO ONE THOUSAND PRIZEB ! ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS. Tickets $6; Halves $2.50; Quarters $1.25. ONB PRIZE TO EVERY TEN TICKETS! pr Bill* on all a ilvent Banks at par. All communi cations strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, M p 36 Atlanta, Georgia. YOB EDGEFIELD C. H. AND 96 DEPOT. AFTER September 18,1855, the Stage /HFwa-K-- will leave Augusta for EdgefieldflASSHtiapfcst 0. H. daily (Sundays excepted) at 8 A. M. “ and return same evening. For 96 Depot, Abbeville, Anderson, Greenville, and all places on line of Greenville and Columbia Railroad on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS, at 8 A. M. Office ia Augusta at the Globe Hotel, kept by L.B. MORRIS. N. B.—Pre-psy all Fre ghts, or it will remain In the office. (sepl9-lmj DOUGLASS AJIIPLEY. THE PHILOTOKEN OR FEMALE’S FRIEND. IH a medicine that commends itself to heads of families and females in all conditions. Unlike most of the oes trums for the cure of ail diseases, which are forced upen the notice and credulity of the suffering, this is a female remedy exclusively; and one that can be relied on for the cure and relief of most of the complaints peculiar to fe males. It ■ web known to Physicians that munh of the r suffering aa j ill-health may be traced to irregularity in their peculiar seasons, and that false delicacy often de ters them from seeking relief. The Philotoken is infallible in the cure of painful menstruation,)and consequent ste rility,) and for the immediate relief ofsympathetic nervous affections, sleepiness, anxiety, hysteria, Ac. It is per fectly sale in all caaes, and is wa* .anted to secure the ap probation and commendation o: a’’ who will exercise suffi cient confidence to give it a trial. Full directions accompany it Price $1 a bottle. Sold by Druggists and country merchants generally, and at wholesale by HAVILAND, RISLEY A CO., Augusta, HAVILAND, HA RRAL A CO., Charleston. dl-dtw*wlyt THEM HORBKS AND MULES HAVE ARRIVED! UMCLBBBN ROBIHON, of Lexington, Kv., JjV__ has inst arrived with seventy as fine MULES acd HORSES as ever was effered In this market, consist ing office single HORSES and pairs, and No. 1 Saddle HORSES. Apply at WILSON A ALFORD’S Stables, in rear of U. 8. Hotel. _ _ octs MACKENZIE k LAWSON, ATTORNEY* AT LAW, Waynetboio’, Burke county, Ga-, will practice in Burke, 8c iven, Jeffer son, Emanuel, Washington, TatnaH, Montgomery aad Richmond counties. Alsxxxobb Maoxxsznr I Jobs Y. Lawsoh. CARPETING, OF Scotch and American Fabric, Uctudieg the lowest and finest grades of INGRAIN and THREE-PLY, to gether with Plain and Figured BAIZRB, DRUGGETS, RUGS, Door MATS, BINDING, he., can be had at mod erate prices, from [r*ct4J J. P. BETZE. H AMS.—-Choice Canvassed HAMS, for sale oy rct2 ESTES A RICHMOND. LIMB, ORMINT, 04LCINED PLAbTKR, and PLAS TERING HAIR, jus; rec ved bv octa E3TEB A RIQHMOND. HARPBU*’ MAUAXINB, for October, trimmed. Also, No. 11 Harpers’ Story Books—Franklin, the Apprentice boy. For sale by oct2 THOB. RICHARDS A SON. HARPER’S M AHA KIN B, and Godey’s Lady’s Book, lor October, has been received at OCt9 GBO. A.OATES A BRO. SCHOOL. VfR. D. F. ORIFFIN will re-openhis Bchonl.cnthe iU corner of Ellis and Mclntosh streets, on MONDAY, Department will Be conducted, as hereto far. h* Mrs. D F. GRIFFIN. At the rrauest of several friends, a Primary School for mmii boys and girl* will be opened at the same place, un der the special eharg* of a faithfal and competent teacher, who will devote her whole time Io that department. ba» or tcttios ran qcatna of 11 wans Primary Department—Reading, Spelling, Writing. Primary Geography and Arithmetic $7 00 Common English Branches 10 00 Higher English do. 18 00 Language* 1* 00 sepao-tf EXTRA FAX ILT FLOUR JUST rec ved from the Granite Mills a choice article; of Extra FLOUR for F.milyuse from Fore .Yhlto Wheat. For sale by LEWIS A ALL’ N. sept3o Jfo.l Warren Block. MOLABBBB.— 100 hhdtOubTMOLASSBB; 100 bbls. Prime New Orleans ; 50 bbls. Stuart’s 8. H. SUYROP. For sale tow by [anß«] WILCOX, HAND A ANBLEY. NDKR SHIRT* AND DKAWBHB.—A LARGE ASSORTMENT of all the newest kinds. o 5 WM. O. PRICE A 00. / V KNUIN B FUBNC'H rAP*ULB*—A Vi esivsd bjf [»ep96J WM.H.tWt. AUCTION SALES. _ BY sT a BRKNVILI.K ft (XX to-Moa-tow, Till K*MAY, in fro at > f •(*>?», at tf-# e'e'ook, WS will sell our usual attoiimct t <f (irweeri-s, I losers £*ncy and Staple Dry Goo !*, New pq t Second land Furniture, Ac. Term* cash o‘i > BTcTE. GiKAKOBV & CO. Important Sale of Fime biquvrt. 1 . TO MJRBOW, l ni U ‘" r' n lroDt of Store, at lu# o’clock, 4.H will bo *ilO without reserve, a choice lot of U (non and WTnei.to wit «qr cock* Holland (<ki; 4 eighth cask* Otari Brandy; 8 or c»,ks do; 4'i baskets Chtmpagne Wine, he.dslck. Also, tu boxes superior i each Cordial, (Sta ble for bar rooms, 90,0(0 Began. , ortol br.nde, Ao. The atteationcf t'-e tr. d e i, the ealewi.l be p &itive and without r«* rv*. Term* cash. oc'ld BY C K. UIRARDEY & CO" Sf'Undid tecond-hand I‘iano. TO-MORROW, Till KMDAY, will be told at 11# o’clock, In non I Os Store, a rpleolii scven-octa<e, Rev wood Pboo original cost in New York, |6PO. Toe ir.*tro<nent it No. 1 one, and will he sold to the highest bidder, Ttrmeciah BY S C. GREA VILLE &Ctt ~ JC-iylod: l'/unnitr U,M—htrq« and ftJ-tmMr* fkd Os and Kitchen t'urnuare, WliOkKbU\l , UiP Itlih October, at»# o’clock, rl be uol-l rod continue from day today ontil'ali it* Id the entire content* of that elegant and commodioue bu t iug known ia the bugle k Phu-oix Hotel, Co naming In n irt of Soft* buttaus, fidcboarde, Wardrobe-*, Divans, W: ft* stands, lining, Uard, Pier, Marble Top and Centre TaUan. bedsteads Cha<n> Matrasses. Peat her beds, Bolster sad Pillows, Carpets, Hear h Rugs, 0. ckery-ware, C< aki >g* Stove, Knives and Porks, blankets, Sheets, Oomfo it, Spreai, Basins and Ewers, Kitchen Ware. ALSO, 2 Nc. 1, ixtra Milch Cows. oct9 BY S. C. GRENVILLE & CO. THURSDAY, llth i aat ..To front of store, at 18 o’c’.vik, wII be sold, a No. 1 Family Horse, kind aod gentle. 9 years cIJ, cohr deep bay. Warranted eound, and >ad fir no fault. The above Horse may be treated for at |<t«« rate sale until Wedarsday. Term cash. ALSO, 1 Llsht Waggon ; 1 Drey and Harness. (-ts BY C. K. LIRA RDEY & Ca Fine Oil Faintinji at Auc'itn. \\T K takf pletsu e t o inform cur friends and thept * Ha v f gene: ally, that on WEDNESDAY neat,at 11 o'cl< ok A. M.,wu will tell, in Irmt of store, 18 Fine OIL PAIN T. IN GS, in beautiful Gilt Frames, bt ng sub l ets from : lie grea t Masttrsef the Epan'sh and Italian School. Terns cash. o? BY C. E. GIRARDEY &~C(JL fIUKBDAY in front of Store at 10# o’clock A. M. V/t 1 will sell our usual assortment of Uroctries, Provisions, Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing, 800 s and Sho"*, bo gars, Fancy Articles, New and Second Hand Furmtui j. Also, Buggy and Harness. Terms Oath. cct7 BY S. C. GRENVILLE & CO. Dertral/le tiemdmoe for tsaU. Til AT pleasant and desirable residence formerly eel'll* pied by Mr. A. Gardene aituated on Kills street ia the Central i art of the City, between Centre and Wash* ing’on streets, can now be purchased low and on accora* modsting terms at private sale. II not previously di*. posed of it will be sold at the Lower Market on TUEHDA Y the 3d of October next at 18 o’clcck. The lot has 61 'ret 3 inches front on Ellis s'-eet, and runs back tewarla Greene s'retta 134 feet 6inches. The lot has all necessr iy cut build n.-s, Ac., in good repair, with a One garden cod* taining choice Grape vines, Fruit trees, k<\ Apply to JOSEPH BIGNON, or S. C. G. k CO. eeptl9 AH ORDINANCE, TO PRESCRIBE AN OATH TO B 8 TAKEN BY A' u CITY OFFICE! ' S NOTION IST.—Be it ordaioe Iby the CityC.uiiJ ot Aug rata, and it is hereby ordained by the aulhot • ty of the same, That all Police OHi era and Watchmen ot the City shall take toe oath before the Mayor i r a Member of Council or the Cierk, before entering up i th e discharge of their duties : 1 do solemn I r sweir (ar affi. .n, as the case ms-/ be.) that 1 will, well an 1 truly, to the bistof knowledge, sk i and ability, do, perfomi and d'seharge ail the dutM required of me ia my office under i* • - nance* of the . City Courc’l of Augua a th-t! wT make* prompt at 1 due report of all violatiO: -of ft C ty Ordinal*- -s, wh» i •hall' omev.nhin my per oaal knowledge, or of which 1 msy be informed u; o < r-iable information from other?*, ard tliat l w 11 yield a prompt, cheerful and wDUng obe dience te a’l tbc law D-l orders ot uiy superior cfficers: hi h* Ip me d, 1-fcC. 3m>. Be it far her ordained. That ah officers of th* City,other th n tho<m sp-cifl .d in the Brat Section <>l th t Ordinance, shall in like maor-r ta'te the following oath: I dost t.anlyiwe. ■ (or allli m, at the case ma l be,) that t will 'fry and truly, to the b rt of ray knowl edge, rklll, and ab. ; v, do, («rfarm aud di thargeallt) .: duties required of m" ia my office, under the Ordinance < f the City Council of Aug sta, aud that I will make t\ prompt aaddU'-rei rt ■ a’l iolatiorsof the City Ord • nr_jes touching or relati g to the subject matter o* n-c office and duti ?, which shad come within my pet lonvl knowledge, or of w’ ch 1 may be informed upen rtliabl» information ..cm . herr, and that 1 will yield a promp'. cheerful, end villi.’ - obedience to all the lawful order* of my superior officers : So help me God. Seotio* 3d. —Beil further Orda'ned, that all Ordlnsn • cr* »nd parts of Ordinances conll'ct ng with the prov'*- ions of th s Ordinance le and the tame are hereby rc* pealed. WM. E. HEARING, Mayor C. A. Attest : 8.11. Car up, Clerk. oct9-3t AN ORDIHANCE TO PROHIBIT CITY OFHOKP3 FROM BECOMING 8t ' CUBIT Y' DPON BON Di. SHCTIOA ItiT.—Be it ordained by ihe City Oounc t of Augusta, and it is hereby ordained by th : authon• ty of the same, that no officer of the City Council shall bn a’lowcd to become security u on any ha 1 bond, or appes’ bond,or appearance bond in any proceedings Before tb-» Mayer cr the City Council, nor upon anyb-nd required to be given by the City Or< inance. WM. E. DEAR'NG, Me/or 0. A. Attest: 8. H. Crump, Olerk. oct9-d3t TO GROCXBYjKEBCHANTd AND OIHKR3. Til AT (XATMK of ihe 4Ji!i section of the Gene's! Ordinance of the Oi y of Augusta, wh ch relates h sjlli' g spirituone or intoxicating liciu -re in qusniiti a of onega ion or Icsb, will be strictly enforced for the fbture.— Persons who sell by the gallon or less, must uke out Lt cen«e No. 3, or they will bs liable to the p-nalty contained in the 45th sect on of t. e General Ordinance By order of the Oity Cooncil. ' oct9-*ll( t WM. K. DEARING, Mayor C. A. WAWTFD, SIX able-bodi;d HANI t and Two OARPENTERB. Apply to i< 9-3tl N. 0. TROWBRIDGi. L D, IALLKRSTXDT | I AH received a arge assortment of Ri h Moire An l L tlque and Velvet OLOAKB ; new and elegant styles of alk and Cioth CLOAHe. Also, splendid Moire Ant qc 8InK8; R.ch Flounced ROBL8; Watered, Fi. ored anti Plain Black BILKB, to which he invite* attention. pc 9 LEATHER MACHINE BELTING AND FACTORY FINDINGS. T)AThNT Riveted, Stretched and Cemented Leather I Machine BELY ING, single and double, all widths, 1 to 34 inches, curried and stretched by ourselves, quality guarantied. A large stock always on hand. ALSO, Steam Packing, Ocpper Rivet* and Burrs, Ring Travel lers, Roller Brushes, Roller Cloth, Stripper Cards, Pickers, Lag Screws, Lag Leather, and a variety of Factory Find ings. For sale on accommodating terms by BHERMAN, JESSUP A 00., No. 841 Broad st., 3d door west of Bank ol Augusta. au3l-dAtwßm BUILDING. THK undersign jd having located permanently in tb • cityl is now prepared to ijinish DESIGNS, SPECI FICATIONS, 4c., of all kinds of BUILDINGS, togeth r with Superintending contract! of same, for those in want of his services, at a moderate fee. All kinds of BUILDING MATERIA!’- kept on hand, or ordered at short notic*, such as DOORS, SASd and BLINDS, all tisea, Northern Pine; NAILS, all *i*e*. a good article; Providence LIMF, in large barrel*: Gimlet pointed SCREWS. WM. H. BAULBBURY, cct9 #w O nstitutloDfclist Rang*. WANTED. TU HIRE or PURCHASE, a first rate Oarria<rc-driv*r. Apply to [ofi] WILCOX, HAN 0 A ANSLKY. BOOTS, SHOES AND TBUHKB - subscriber ha* just received at his store, .» ne trly opposite J. k T. Bone’s Hardware CM] Store, his fall supp y of BOOTS, SHOES and fll Plantation BROGANS. His stock comprises a * Ha complete as*ortmen t of Ihe very latest style*—price* rea sonable, call and see them. JAB. W. b 1 ROM, oC-dAwHm At the old eland of H. R. Qlarke. COPABTNEBSH IP NOTICE. TUB undersigned have ent«red Into a Copartnership for the purpose of transacting a General GROCERY AND PROVISION BUSINESS in all its branches, on tbs north side of Brosd street, two doors above the Planters* Ho'el, and respectfully solicit the patronage ot their friends and the public generally. JERRY REED. Augusta,O.L 1, ISSfi. JA*. O’DONoHOF. octß-3m MECHANICS’ BANK, ) Acocbta, Ga., Oct. 1,1806. | NO. 43.—A Semi-Annual Dividend of FIVE DOL LARS per share iri ibe paid to the Stockholdere on demand. ,foctß-10t] M. HATCH, Cashier. TO PLANTERS WR are ageuta for the Marietta Steam Tannery and Shoe Manufactory, und will keep on hand a Speci men of their superior Plantation SHOES to which we invite the attention es Planters and Merchants before making their Fall purchases. By leaving the measures for Shoe* at oar Store,we can bavd them made at short notice and delivered honed, at the Manefact xrers prices. sep’fi-dSm THOS. P. BTAVALL A CO. SEPTEMBER 28, ' 06, CLARK dk CO. have reoeived the greater part of their Fall * tiy of G rods, comprising WATCHER of all kind.SILVER a d PLATED WARE of every dsssrip tion, JEWELRY, GUNS, PISTOLS, CUTLERY, FANCY WARES, Ac. The stock of Watches and Silver Wars is very fell, and will be cold at small advance. ssptT • QOTTONsm: 1 AAA ■»•*>«!• Prolihc Pomegranate, very r= r «. ** lUUv Fifty Cent* a bushel at my Gin. or forwarded to cash order* i a sseke, for Twenty-five cents per each ex tra. Also Crowder OOTTON SEED, equally productive, *BB.tf Yasoo City, Miss,