Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, February 28, 1857, Image 3

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NOTICE to voters. ri M»t lor the Krctotraitonef Voters will ‘ ~ :n ir! v office on MONDAY nextaud will be until 3 o'clock, P. M.. on the FOURTH MON Mi roll next. All voter* will take notice that 11, petered according to the Act of the Lcgia , r .,\nl on the loth of February, 1856, they can , t , a , (hi- ai-preachingX'barter Election. S. SI CHI MP, Clerk Council, i. |e.77. jant-tf yjOTOGR AFHB ! PHOTOGRAPHS ! ! •i|r. I. Tucker would announce to the public acain associated himself in businoas with Mr ■K.! NS. who has bestowed hi* entire attention , ich of the art during the three year* of hi* fr- m Augusta. , \, ry fa< lily the world afford* for the pro v-.. i PHOTOGRAPHS, either Plain or an he shown in any portion of our country, Vie feel assured that this is a style of Pic ■ :and-unrivalled in the world of art, and it u ;,g ibe plai <• of every other method portraiture o durability of the oil painting, the correctness dag'inrreotype, and the color of life. ar ,., r • ... •! with our mammoth Camera,to portray .... mber on canvas* or paper, the sire of life, and •„ -i -i! 1.-st Daguerreotype* of deceased person* . ~f picture can be taken, enlarged to any size i as* Photograph is an entirely new applies recently invented and patented by Mr. • M s This process we have secured for our ~ s cay. ... • n f it mate in securing the service* of one • Photographic Colorists iu America; whose i- works of ait are unsurpassed in any see r entry; they speak for themselves, and the tfuily invited to call at onr Gallery and . if .TYPES taken as usual, in various styles, and , <i- png from 1 to sili. >. . - \rt ' oipplie.l with instrument*and materials <,rk prices, with freight added. ‘TUCKER A PERKINS • Notice to Trustee*,—Your attention is called tv mg Act of the General Assembly of Georgia, .. i February v*. l&io. FOSTER BLODGET, JR., Ordinary. H ’ enacted, Ac., '2 hat from and after the ! * Ad. any Trustee may be allowed to make | - j m hit act mgs and doings as Trustee, to the Court irv f the county in which he may reside, and . turn when so made, shall have the same force t as return* made in said Court by AiUuinistra ».•enters and Guardians. H> t enacted, That it shall be the duty of al win.in three mouths after the Trust property • ; p-.sse- ion, to return to the Court of Or ■ e county where they reside, an inventory of i.t property in the.r hand* received by them, r. < ofled under the same regulations as Adinmisirators and Executors. . l-ii.-.v t j t lotliitig mid 11..1N nt Kerliicerl Frier*.— s HhiNON a CO . will from this date (Feb 3, 1877,) mck <f Winter CLOTHING and HATS at fetid 1 FRESH SHAD. RECEIVED DAILY ; ' > , w th a reliable and extensive denier ! tj s .iu. ar- conipl'-ted, and 1 will receive . . the Expire-* Trains from Savannah, tine - i.\D a 1a ; . otjei th m for ah- in the market u. 1 at my store on Broad-street during j T- u - .iv"» as possible, and orders from the j ■ V attended to W. T. PAGE. , ...-ABLE SAND HILLS LOTS FOR SALE iM .ft... il.ut beautiful and much admired Lot, 1 : „ about 7j acre* enclosed, fronting on’the . j.. ..- -c the residence of C Baker, Esq. ...ith of the. one juat mentioned, and ad t i. McKiune, and containing about cI. . are supplied with plenty of water •*t '.Veils on the Hill. Several othei j n I’odding purposes, are also offered, < ■ well a- -.f the two first describe-:, may I Ic> sun- in w ant of the most beau- i ..g ’ itfons to he found in Summerville, on ] . iiud it to their interest to g ve us a call. dIIKAItDKY. WHYTE A CO L. D LALLERSTEDT, i I'OliNl \ \T I,A\Y, Augusta, Ga Office in I \ 1. fell'd.) ;, FOR SALE, i * i I it.. accomplished Cooks, Wa.shi r and j • .>;- n the country—without children— : very in elligent. and of good dispose 'Wlc - ' u Apply to ■'"vt <. IKaKDKY, WHYTE AyCO. F. I.ASKI STABLES ARE NOW OPEN. * j i Ixt.l A WILSON would Inform their II ; ub c.that their Fire-proof ST A i' .ucd and that they are prepared t beu' former customers ami as many 1 location them Toonr Hiring i -a;, that we have as good stick as ■h new Buggies and equipments We <• tines; fan.ages that could lie pro vt... n will he kept expressly for fami n’ ii of 11 -rscs. , nishi d for Funeral ocea .. ves to use en ry exer i febjt) PALACE STABLES. ! ' "ILSKS AND MULES, i 1 ' i i. a Drove of HOUSESnud MULES. I* ALSO, j ’ s .-r of tine Northern HORSES, in pairs ' ILn.- - _ f-l.li-.Uw ! j ’ | ; E til ,s, Ficsti Th * unast ou LI E, just received ; CHAS KS I KS. ! - : -i.i>H ( tl.\L—Fur sain from wharf at $8 per I LEWD* A ALLEN. || • ‘ «l hi L . vV«*. — ; .u..... - Terine see C.iKN ; Fi.-st! Ground CtihN MEAL; “ puiiiio Seed Has k OATsf; WHEAT Blta.N ; . “ 1 INE FEED ; k. Mliijt.LINGS ; - IU lit s 11AY. LEWIS A ALLEN, Warren Block. i ' oA I t til ijk I t,tit it. —A very choice ar- I I - •’ t irtn te Mills, iresh ground from *e- j • T * W heat. For sale by LEWIS U LRN. . i itra 1 aimly J • -' u-t icfeived mid for sale by WM. 11 HOWARD. Commission Mercli a fit if on.— " 1 ' II - cho.-e Tennessee BACON SIDES; " “ HAMS; “ . “ SHOULDERS. - ved afid ■ r .-ale by WM. 11. HOWARD. f K t.VriNt; POT.VT OF**.—so bids. Yellow Plant- i ’ M I 1 ' -Kn. inst if-c t iv<*fj ai dfi r * 4it- by ii \.\ >. WILCOX Jr CO. j j. ! Kmiit .( o.v-~ •i k- i i.ttf’R, Extra ; Super.ine-, ' • I ll icon SiDES, Tennessee; ~ " HAM •>. well cured. ".vdl ~n consignment, and f.«r t-aie by j WM. II HO\VAIU\ - | ' re. prime new RICE, which lam it ■>-ell ,ow to cio- e cote igntnent. M vv WOODRUFF |j '’ ■ c r ivrug 10-mui row, 7U hale* prime M W WOODRUFF l 1 — 1 ' d in- receding to morrow, on lOn.ogn »t of that choice Family Home i i run instructed to sell. I M W WOODRUFF |i| “ *•! :, F ills-, TUItF in fsouth Carolina. rib Carolina Jockey Club. For sale by I ThOS RICHARDS A- SON I wanted to hire, ■y 1 ’ODCiiuk. W aS'JEH and IRONER. Apply L P- GIRAHDEY’S Confectionary. HV• *. if. _ ' “ 1 ■ ' ; h ' Refined SUGAR ; ■ s, •"•-hd*. Muwovndo “ c I t v ! y hand, wilcox a co. n . '■ ' ' ‘ I,, P llui,.ißM «; —lfo hhdj. New Crop KB ”01,ASSES, fur sale low by >-■sl a'ND.(WILCOX Ar CO. ■ i ■ + K thtfice Planting POTATOES , HB Mercer I I lA.MtNG, CLEMRNCE & CO. ■ (tR •. *, , _ r — tel ■ hbls. HAVANA ORANGES just ■H 1 *a.l for sale by ■ 1.. 'V It How ard, Com. Merchant H . 1 i» : ,Y ' '’bis Dean's celebrated brand pi " iHSKF.Y. just received on c«n*ign ■ • n-f'lou by WM, H HOWARD, ■ 1( ,, - Commission Merchant, 5 I NUIt.sEltY POWDER.—A very • "■ Ust received by WM H. TIITT. ■ Ki «7i H i. n Mess MACKEREL ; Ife. * ■v ii * “ a superior article ■ > 4 ,v DAWSON A SKINNER. I few barrels Mexican and pe ■ cANO, ou consignment and for sale by ■ I V, ,; M. W. WOODRUFF. I : ii it* •G—77 half barrels Extra Family ; I I"* 1 ,111 Muali-.y to Hiram Kmi'V*. For ■ jfliV—L 1 "*"'’! CHAS. ESTES. - y F r ‘tue RICE, just received and for ■ '7* WM. H. HOWARD, ■ (Tni,, O mmiMlon Merchant. ■ bfl ««=» Adamantine CANDLES, ju« ■ I tor sale by I WM. H. HOWARD, Commission Merchant. , I NE W’ AUVEKTISKMENTS. ’ HALL J WITRDA Y EVENING, KKB. IH, The jierfonuance will commence with the plav of th* „ KK'IIAKI) 111. it ' b, ‘ r,l 111 .Mr. K AMES Queen ...... MU* CAPPELL - ■ -Miss PARTINGTON To conclude with A FAVORITE FAHt E. . In Rehearsal, “ The Children of Cypres*,’ and “Tim dewens.” Door*open at 7 o'clock; PerfotULance to commence at half past 7. cents ; Chtldreu and .>ervants halt price. feb2B " 4-- k . - RAFFLE• RAFFLE! WILL be Raffled TO-NIGHT, at Schneider's, a Hue Northern HORSE, valued at siibt>—4>o chancec at #lO a chance. A few chances not yet paid for. The Horse 1* given up by judges to be one of the finest Horses eicr in the city. Hu can be seen at the "Palaee Stable*." j feti&i 11’ - FRUIT. Xi r K have on the way, lltk) Assorted PEACH Tt TREES, taken from the ground since the frost. They »re put up in bundles of 100 each They are very choice Trees. Already 30<! are eugaged. A list of them can be roan at our ator’e, Broad street . E. MUSTIN & SON. A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEfi PROFITABLE AND HONORABLE EMPLOYMENT. r p HE subscriber is desirous of haviugan AGENT in X in each county and town of the Union. A capital of from 7 to #lO only will be required, and anything like an efficient, energetic man can make from three to live dol lars per day Every information will he given by ad dressing, with a stamp to pay return letter, WM. A KINSLER, Box l’-'J? Philadelphia, Pa., Post Office fel.'J* w2t.* I ~1 —T - 1 IIAY J 2<A) bales Johnson s celebrat' d Eastern HAY , ’* North River HAY. For sale by CARMICHAEL A CO., tebaH-3t No 3 Warren Block. Received th ii* day— -17 bbls. Fresh Ground Hiram Huiith's FLOUR ; 7 bids. Fresh BUCKWHEAT ; 3 V New-York Fulton Market Pig HA Mtj , “ “ “ Buioked BEEF ; obtixes Pine Apple CHEESE ; It) " very Mild CHEESE; 10 flrkin* Goshen BUTTER; 23 tfoz. California MUSTARD, a new article, extra string. For sale by j feb'Je] G T DORTIC. KEY.NOLDr*’ BPEL'iJtCI.-—For Gout aud Rheu matism. A supply received by I f-l-28 _ WM. H. TUTT* I I AIK DYES.—Christadbras, Ptialon’s, Eatche -1 lor’s, Ballard's, llauel s, and the Tricoba)ihe. are I'fNalo by (febv*) WM. H. TUTT. lADIE*’ I'OKT-.>lONAIM—VVitli Chains attach J ed, a beautiful assortment, just receive'l i>\ I feb'-.’e WM 11. TUTT. nASIf .VIIIIKOKS—Of all sir.es, for -ale by fehffs WM. H. TUTT. I'APSI'I.EW—Of Cubeba tnd Copaiba, of Copaiba ami Uhatauy, ol Copaiba aad Ctt ate of Iron. Ac. A supply just received by felt'.’* WM H. TUTT. II MIN’S I’D.HADE—A supply recen ed l>v feb’-lt" WM. II T UTT. / VUKkTAIN’-* ayimrosi al shaving * I CHtEA.H. —This delightful Shaving compound is for ija'e by lfeb’A>j WM. H. TL'TT. SI.I.AK. —17 bhis. C SUGAR, just received ou eon Sigtimont and lor sale tiy WM. H. HOWARD, f«‘t>2B Commission Men bant Jr (k HH L». Refined SUGAR,"a, B and C, Cru.T ♦ M * ed and Powdered, receiv *<l *• v fc1.28 M CORD, HOR I ON A M ALTON. BE<;a !£!*• —HK),OtO, some of line and well known brands <d Havana, sn.-h as Coustante, Pauetele, Ac., to wh'.ch we invite the atteutiun of our mend* fit.* M’OORD. HORTON A WALTON. I >HArH HKANDY —T a tine article, for .--aic j I hv M CORD, HORTON A WALTON. l'i-bllp! * j» 11KT E It. -11• ia. k * Byw'ixindoii FORTEuTjmd ceiv ijil by |fel.->) CHAS. ESTES. 1 DHINISTIfATKIX’S MALE.—WiII be sold it ijn the first Tuesday in May next at the place of pub'ii -ales in the county of Ca**, agreeable to an older nt the Court of Ordinary of Richmond county. Lot No. 1071. (till district, and 2d «ecfi>>n of originally Cherokee now (t'as ■ county. Said lot belonging to the estate of Emnm I>. Hartford deeeasi d February 187 b ELIZA O COLLINS, Adm'x. SPRING TRADE 1857. (4 HO. \V. I'KHK Y, Ma- oulc llall Building, Broad X vitreet, Augusta, Ga., invites the attention of Mer chant! vi-ittng the rity to hi* large and carefully selected stock of II ATS, 1 CAPS, BONNETS, » STRAW GOODS, UMBRELLAS, Ai Received direct from manufactories, and which lie will *ell sos cadi or approved paper, a* low a* can bo bought any wljer* south of New York. feb-Jti SPRING GOODS. ~ NO W RECEIVING i WM O. PRICK & CO. DRAPERS AND TAILORS. i fel|2t; . ' COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE, I ’l’ll F. undersigned have entetu'd this day into a Co- ' 1 pajrtiienjhip in tin' DRUG and CHEMICAL i>USI NKSSj under the litm ami styie et 1 RED. VON KA.MP 1 A. CO They are prepared to sell every art de in llii- ’ live a* Cheap a* anv other bUKiue** li UcC. Orders re -i'.Actfully solicited. FRED VON KAMI’, 1 Lulte Chemist at Messrs. Plumb A Leilner'*. Cll. PALMEDO, M. D. ' Augij-ta. Feb 24. lr-77. feb'Jd .lrn' i ~T7r chTpalmedo's / VFFii CE at the store of FRED. VON K AMP A CO., * / limnd'-ireut, opposite the Bridge Bsuk Building. febL’d 3lu NOTICE. rI’() suit thf; public, PRESCRIPTIONS will be ■ are- -1 1 tui iy prepared, uot only during the day, but al-o at I auy tint,* of t|ie night. fob !*: 3mj r FRED. VON KAMP A CO. II Alll’t KS’ MAGAZINE, for March, received 1 this day, leaves cut. H. D. NORRELI.. feb 1) ' _ MOiili MOOKr*. — Aurora Leigh. By Elizabeth B, Bi’ovvuing. Ivors; By the author of Auiy Herbert, Ar* Atiotht r .-lii pfv of— Violet: or The Cross and the Crown. By M. J Mr liit< .-h ! Arcij Explorations. By Dr Kan*. Ju-t l ect-ivpd and tor -ale by 7 btei H. D NORRELL. i i ]I AIU’ERS’ MAGAZINE, for March, trimmed. I ALSO, Harper* Story Book. For sale by febyd ‘ THOS.'RICH ARDS A SON. Alf PK S» MAGAZINE, for March, h** just tejen rnja.ved, leaves cut. ALSO. The Story Book, and Godey'a Book, tor March, tbbk ‘ GKO. A. OATES V'aics.-- 't 1 v lb'H) l.egs Old Dominion NAILS t7OO " Wyoming ' *• rc anil for sale low bv HAND, WILCOX A CO I I ST KKCEIYEDON CONSIGNMENT— *i 150 hlitis, choice New BACON 10 “ " Old IMtbbis. FLOUR. For f ib' by BEERS A TERRY, feicio oppo-ite Planters' Hotel. I A N |>s WASTED.— A fair price will be given for J low{cuntitry lamls or lauds in any part of South Westcrp Geoj gia. Apply at the Georgia Land Office, A tV— f DAMSON. GIRARDKV. WHYTE A Co. I 1 W\ IIIILS. notified WHISREY received on J U/ll consignment aud for sale by jan 13 GiRARDEY. WHYTE A CO. ORANGES. —15 bbls. Sweet Havana ORANGES, on consignment and for sale this day from Depot WM H. HOWARD, fell 10 Commission Merchant. /MOMplt*.—A beautiful assortment of Horn, Shell V) Ivory and India Rubber Fill* Tooth and Dressing COMBS Givc us a call. D. B. PLUMB A QO - \T7'lh—lo,(loo sacks SALT for *alc by rtl.ip BAKER. WRIGHT A CO. Klilt LV E ( lIFNTB —Of all sixes, tor sale lev "feblfi WM. 11. TUTf. X7EVV IIAUGN.—3O hhds. of choice NEW BA CON .f in st *re aud tor sale by BEERS A TERRY, f e l,l. opposite Planters' Hotch MOll E NEW HAt ON.— lam this day receiving »u ixmslgliment a ltd for sale a few hhds. lteautli.il Teiiliessi'cßAL’ON. Give me a call. feti-JO M W WOODRUF F. N IGHT LIGHTS WITHOUT WIUIISi-A new article, better than alt others" on account of their cleanliness, duirability and brilliancy One light will last three months. F’or sale by WM. H. TUTT. feblH OUGAin-IIOUSE SYItl’P. —17 bbls. prime Sugai or sale by WM. H. HOWARD fel»lh CommUaion Merchant. X f AiLS.—.X) keg* NAILS, ass irted, iu store ami for j\ sale by WM. U. HOWARD, j-h' 3 Commission Merchaut. DUtiAR- V> ns libU. Refined C SUGAR; 13 “ i “ M Just l ecelved and for sale bv W'M. H. HOWARD, feblfi Coaiisiiiou Merchant. COAPi 15 E. R. Jackson's Just received and for sale by , WM H. HOWARD, febl# j Commission Merchant. Shoe lahth.pegs and calfskins— -2000 BHOB LASTS: 100 barrels SHOE PEGS ; 150 doc French, German and American CALFSKINS. For sale low by CONLEY, FORCE A CO. febll | COMMERCIAL. SAV ANNAH. Feb. ‘lt. — Cotton. —Arrived since the ‘ Jffth instant, 8,7.7.*ba1e* Upland, (7101 bales iier Raiiruad; !<Ki7 from Augusta aud landing* <>n the river. 420 from , the Gcmuigee) and 17*«2 do. Sea Island-*. I'be «xjK)it.t for the same period au ouut to *145 bales Upland, and 784 bales Sea island, viz To Liverpool 535*2 bite* Up land and 123 do. Bea Island to Boston'3s7 bales Upland : to New York 1130 bales Upland, and 41bdo. 8e» Island: to Baltimore 553 hairs I pland . to Charleston 12» baia* Upland, and 23 do. Flea island -,—b-a\ iog on hand aud on shiplmard not cleared a stock of 47.804 ba'e* Upland and 7377 do. Sea 1-iaud, against 01.531 bale* i pland and 50711 bale* Sea Island* at the same time la-t v jr Oui last circular <|uotid Inferior Jo a II ; Ordinary to Good Ordinary 12//TJ;; Uow Middling !)■ . Middling 12i <b 1.2 jc ; Strict MiddUtig Ig, ; G<«al Middiiug 13« 13, . Middling Fair and Fair, nominal On Friday and Saturday , of the prcsenl week, there was no ini|sirtant change m prices, though the market 'va* firm. Monday an advance took place which has been sustained during the balance of the week. The transaction- have been light,a- ' uyt i- have bieuretu tint so purchase at the inercaseii rates. The offering stock being small, has liada.i iutiuence to curtail opera tiou. I’ht market yesterday w*» quiet, aud sale; exc<-ed mglv small. We offer the following quotations »-the ruling prtcesjiij. to the close of business qt.'OTA rtov-. Inferior.. 10 nil Ordinary to Good Ordinary 12J a 12* Low Middling 12j « 12, Middling.. 13 a 13j • Btricl Jliildiing. . 13iS13j Good Middling 13 % a 134 Middling F'air nominal. Fair nominal. The sales of the week foot up 2b 13 bale - at the follow ing particulars, viz. . 17 at 10, 11 at 10 , 2at lit,at, 11*,’ 11 at lii, 29t> at 12, 58-at 121, 14 at 12jj, 80 at 12 j, 82 at 12f, 451 at 121, (71 at 12., 571 at 13, 420 at .131, 354 at 131, tiff al 13 5 lfi, 5b at 13; t'22 at 13 ~ aud 15 bales a( 13? cents. *>o Islands. —The demand tor Long Staple during the week has been good, especially for the common grajde e We report sale* of 1187 bah *«t price* ranging from 17 zF.tO ceuis, the priac’pal sales i»en g made at .25 cent* Hite. —There have been an active demand for this at ti ttle and prices firm. 1 fie sale* foot up 320 ca-ks at 3 it •Salt— We have uo cat go sales ot this article to report. It is retailing at 85ccut* Oats. — I here i* a good demand and they are selling freely at 80 cents from store. Corn. —The stock ot l .oru i* light, aud the demand is brisk. It readily sells for s.l from store. Haif. —There have been no receipt* of Hav this week Eastern from store #1.75; Northern $4..38. Hour. —The stock of Flour la light, aud the demand good. Prices arc firm, aud are higher thau last week.— Y\ e quote Georgia Superfine *O.OO ; Extra #3 70. -'Y—S>ai< of Gunny Bagg ng ha ,e been made at 14 cent . Sugar —The market b exceedingly bare of all descrip tions of Sugai Hid'* — There is a slight iucrea.ie in Hide*, since- our la*t, aud the demand continues good. We quote Dry Flint at 11* a i'Ji ; Dry Salted lbj d 17. Coffer —Nothing of importance has trausph ed iu this article during the week under review Molaeete —The stock of Molasse is light aud the de mand moderate. We quote at lb. J'o'nhji —a cargo of Potatoes has arrived aud they aie being -old from the w half at ®1 25. Jt'i'an. —The stock of Bacon i - light and holders finu in their prices. We quote Ham - 12] al4 . Shoulder* a Iff* . clear Side* —•d 12, , Ribbed Sides all c. £xfh*j>ge. —Stcrllug Exrbauge ■ rather <duil. We quote at . : «7 j. Sight Exchange on New York is n mon demand, and oui de trail-actions have been made at better rate*. We renew our quotation, of la » i count, the funner being the rate at which most <>f the transactions were made. Tn-j banks are purchasing ox change on better term thau last \\ cek. ’1 hey have con ceded about jjv cl. on 15 and ti) day bill.*. We otter the follow log as the current bank rates for pui chasing : sto 1,0 day bill.* ! per cent, di* ; 33 day hills .u ~ B cent. di*. , 47 day hill, 1 I n U. di:. , GOday itili 1 t. It | v , cent, di J-'ieis(hte.--We quote to Liverpool on Cotton old a I Id. m British .hip*, »d. iu Amcra a i slnps, and at on round bales. To New York by steamship.- 7-ltid for square and J for round bales ; to Boston cent on < otton to I’hiadelpliia aud Baltimore, by .-ail ve.-.*t i - / In. by teamei Je. < n cotton CHARLESTON, Ft !>. 27. Cotton —There was quite an active demand for this artiele, running through the whole of the pievion* week, -which stimulated pricer, and-wlien wc closed our inquiries nil qualities had im- , ‘proved I « *c.; Good Middling, as wilt be recollected, had advanced t > 13;, and Middling Fair i<« 13 c. Tip tlcmajid, how ever, in a great *mea* uro closed with the week , aud the market during the period under rovitvy ha.- been iu a languid aud drooping eoutlition, particular ly so far a* the lower grades were concerned *o much so indeed that recent transactions have developed an ir regulitt decline of an la ie., on the opening rate*, while the better descriptions, on the other hand, may lie - aid to have held the position they occupied when we .made up out previous report. The heavy operation*, however, for sotjuo time bark have put the generality i f our hold er* in a comparatively easy position, f. r tlie present at least, imd they have consequently refused to submit to this concession, pre-fet r ng m ,-iwalt tbo ce*ult ol lalei advices from abroad. We ton ad the market yc de bay very unsettled, and the trade seemed to, come to a tacit understanding to d -ag.rea to the **xtent of the d« -line. •Such being the ease we Itave thought it advisable under pie eijt cireumstauce* to renew our quotations of ttie 20th, but would refer to them a- being altogether nomi nal. The receipt,- since our last reach 9828 bales and the ' sales in the same time, may be classed as follow* viz Friday ib)so bale* . Saturday n.v> Monday 1242, Tur* day 554 ; Wednesday 758; and Thursday 3. 4 —making < in tin ct'grega! 101 i bab .at tile -e'd.eiir-l pri ■ 2<n ‘ at lii; blat !j . I; 1 1 at 12, 3". nt 12. ITI at I: 203 at ! 12; 02 at 129-lti; kt"> at 12 4<>t at 124: 74 at i sc) at -13; 172 s’ 13.; 535 at 13'. 2-.0 at 132. lb at 13 7-Jfi; 1«1 at 13]; 230 *t 13»; aud 14 bale at 131e. We quote Infe re rto Ordinary 11. • 12 , Low to Strict Middling ! ' 131; Good Middling 13.. Middling F' lir I3 1 : and Fair J■, a F3,c. All de-eriptirn* of leu,. Cotton euiitinue in an live deniupd at gradually liarde.rug price We mal t » no change in ©ur quotation-, ai which, however bnyei i enuuot operate with the same fardi’y ofeboiee a . 1-a ben tofore diaractorizud the operation*. TU’ sales reach < fully 1000 bales. llicc. —There ha* been a very rood demand for tbi» c* l Cttletit during the week just dosed. The receipts w lreli comprise 3813 have chan ■ d baud* at Elite. 4 3 lo'ti*. but the bull; ot the ale have been with, i the ] range of 83i a-4 i.lfith Corn —The receipts dining lie week have been limit ed ,to 5200 bu-1; . ,North C..i * ai d .''.do btt*h«'U by Railroad. The f taier was -:d, we iearu at 78e aud the latter ha- oeen selling out In lots to *tiil purcha ser*. atgT to Hie. U bushel, sack include 1. t Oat *—The market continue veiybaieof th Some 2(k) bushels receive i '. ia ik i .more bi oughi I . bushel. ( Wheat —The transaction*, *o far as tDI market is con t corned seem to have been brought to a clo- e, and vve 1 have erased ait quotations i jie leceipts since our last i have been limited to 350 tuish; j-. ,//«•/— The market ha* been i. a languid and dept c.*s«d 1 state throughout the week. Jhe transactions comprise small lots, priueipallyat felt i y 100 ibs. Flour —The tian’actioiis luive i>e.tu principally at 8s to SB. in bbl*.,and hi in bags .Some 200 band But timore have been : old at #7 : a-$7? pei barrel. L ite I arrival- since our lust reach about f (XKj barrels, by Rail- > road. ! Bacon —There hail been some little n tail dem nd tor I Stdea, which ha. e been selling at it ;<• i Lard —Tenne. et is worth 12 to 13t , according to the t package. 1 Salt —The receipts nice our last, which comprise < about 14,030 sacks, have reached a maike; \ try largely supplied, a* them cauuot be 1- thau 80,ti00d iCti,o 0 sacks on hand <-t present. Begging —Theie ha. been omelittle niquby for Gnu uv cloth this week, and upwaitL ot ICO bale.* have been . •old, iu small lots, at )4c. Sugar* —The recijpu- since m;ria.-t comprise rotur 317 hlidfl. 52 tes and 3t> box"* B'ngai - About 270 hhds with the ticrcea and box *-. b.v- beau sold, the hulk prior to-a rival, on term* not transpired. Wo havo* however, heard of sale*, at 10 to Idle, for common, end II tt U ic for the better qualities Cnffco —Nome b7 bag* Foito Rico, received since otjr last, were sold at 13c., while tiie dcuisna ter lii , wh .ch ha* been limiled ha*been supp'.ied. at ;0 to 1(2, Molcast.-- The receipts-iue, our last h*ve been limit ed to 100 hhds. Cub i7wh!-;li had n <t been £old w ben we closed our report. 'i'he.*ale., of the previous week for tli sdescription wcu at .2 to 10‘e for hud*, ano 401 for tierces. New Gileac* has been selling tin *mie at . 4 to 7t»<i p r gallon. Frchiingfs —Sterling ha* declined dur r,g the week, aud litc market closed el* c.dcdly low»-r. The: c has been a good dgai of Northern Exchauge olleritg during the week, and prices are also e i it r. Freights —Wo quote to Liv erpool. Cotton in equaro bags I I2)2dffs-ldtha in Br tisb and *c in American ves sels; aud toiiav r■ »l jc. Tim co stwise i.rtesii’e as follows, Vi/.:—To New York by *tea ier Colton 5 16/7 1 yc ; aud iu sailing vessel* 5 Hie tor the loiuicr; to F>os tou, Cotton nominal at 7Hi . A steamer n load ng for Baltimore at 4c. for Cotton. l rv lIBLS. Fresh BURNING FLUID ju t received L for sale by the banel or gallon. tt-bJ? ' S O. MUSTIN. (f EN’l’a. fine Li, ill tipp'd Congress GAITERS, f. i ~f Spring, very fine and made to order. For *ale bv CLARKE A ROYAL, feb27 opposite Masonic Hall. / 1 ENTst. Kid-tipped t’ongre - GAITERS, very fine VJT made bv Bcnkcit, i’hiiadeipbia, expressly tor our Spring trade. ' LARKE A ROYAL, fcb;.7 opposite Masonic Hall. lALDUU. —85 bbl* Extra Superfine and Extra lam: J. ly FLOUR, Nashville Cly Mills. .lu*t received aud for sale by WM. H HOWARD, feb27 Cotnmi iou Mercliant. H E, I'uOITi7«AC'OX A.MM ANDi L’-- 3511 sacks line Tcnnc *ee t LOUR ; 7otH) lb.*.Tenne:--.ee BACON SIDES, clear ; VJvX) •• *• HAMS; Cdtotf " ‘ 4 ‘ SUOULDER.S 75 boxes Mitchell's Adamantine CANDLES , 3> ' Excelsior 10 “ Cosgdou “ ' “ 10 t<. . pro >3 savaura't and Ulutrle ton RICE. Just received and for sale, on consignment, by WM. H. HOWARD, feb2ti Commission Merchant. I>OKTO ttH'OSFUAHS, —30 hhds. prime F’orto Rico SUGARS. For sale low by feb27 WILCOX, 11 AND A ANSLKY. si i~\r\ UHLS, A, B and C Clarified SUGARS ; AaUU 35 " Cru. hrd SUGAR ; 10 boxes LOAF SUGAR. For sale by WILCOX, HAND &. ANSLEY teI .27 MOKE OATS. —500 bushels Georgia raised Seed OATS, ntiv rt reiving ou consignment, and for sale bv M. W. WOODRUFF, fel>2o CoVccr Reynold A .Mclntosh Street*. OStLekToaRkTaGE DRIVER, AO. 11l A\ K lor sale a likely mulatto MAN. about 30 years old, a first rat e Ostler 'and Carriage Driver, and ex cellent House Servant, of first rate character. Sound aud healthy. Apply to WM. H. HOWARD, febl7-dlt Commission Merchant. COFFEE.— 300 bags prime Rio COFFEE; 50 “ Java “ Ju*t received aud for sale by foblO KOLB St PHINIZT. JAYNES’ EXPECTORANT, HAIR TONIC( VERMIFUGE, ALTERATIVE, SANATIXE PILLS, HAIR DYE, Ac. A supply ju*t from the pro prietor. For sale by [feblSj YVM. H. TUTT. 4 s LANDS! LANDS!! I OAA Ann ACRE?* of LAND for Mile *1 . I,LUU«UUU t!h: Georgia LandOffi- em Auyu • iymg in ill** following counties, *u • Wayne 111 i l-o*.', Appling 'Mti, Baker Ilf, Decatur SB, .Early HA, •’fcwong Low ode hiti, iitwia I£B Lee IS, R*m*i • gb I 12, gu-wurt 4, Sumter 7, Houston Dooly IK*. Mu -yo gee SSt, Mer.w-ther 3 . Wilkinson, Montgomery, Lnu and Telfair 66; Carrol in, Paulding Sit, Oe*s Floyd. ’14. CUtt oga p. Walker and D*d< 08. Murray lb, Gilmer 32, Cherokee 40, Cobh si). Union 24, LnmpkfnpO, f Forsyth 30, Rabun .is, Habersham 36, Hal! 13. I Among the Lauds are some valuable Mineral, Copper i Gold, Stiver Lead tun. Iron 'specimen* ' f which can l>o •Pen at. our office. The Soctliw extern Lands van be sold in bodies of .from SiSO to 10,(100 acre ■ well adapted to the ruituin u Long and Short Staple Cotton, Sugar. Uice Spani- h in. banco, and Provision- Also come valuable bodieot ship building and ranging limber lands, lying on fbe A; t a mafia. St. 111a. and St- Mary > river.-, on wbi< h are I. Oak, Black Cypress, and the dm -t Yellow Pine >u tt.o world. Many of the e Land.- an- finely adapted tor '1 ur peutinc Orchards. Person# wishing to purchase any of the above Lai • or to have Laud- sold, or the ewnei -of Lands hunt 'd u,i in any part gs Georgia, wen Id do w ell to give u- a call Several finely improved Grain Farm* aod Coti-.n Plantation* now in our office for sale. DAVISON. GIRARDEY, VIIYTE A CO A tigu.-ta. Feb. 9, I-37. feblO dtwAwlm. RICHMOND filiEHlPF’.** SALE.—WiII he on the first Tuesday iu MAY next, at the L->wer Market House in the city of Augusta, within the leg.l hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Jerry, a negro slave of black complexion, aged do years Lev i* d on as the property of John A. Moore, to satisfy a ti f. on foreclosure of mortgage issued from the lnterioi Coflrt of Richmond county iu iavor of Janie li. Ham moM against John A. MootV. The afoie. aid property described in said mortgage ti. fa., and levied on this l.'th day of February, 1857. WILLIAM DOYLE, Sheriff R. L February 136, 1857. STATE OF GEORGIA, WAKKLN < Oi VJ'Y. —Petition for Titles to Land Nathaniel S. Eaves vs. Joseph Watsdeu, aduiiuLiraior on the estate of A. U Mcr.,hon. dtecasi d. It appearing to the Court of Ordinary by the petition ot Nathaniel S Eaves, that Atdeu R. M -r-hen, ol ~.id I county, now deceased, did in his lifetime execute to -a,U Nathaniel S. Eaves his bond, conditioned to Ott< ato titles iu fee simple to said Nathaniel S. Eaves to a certain , lot in the town of Warreutou, eontainiiig tour acres, more or le*s, bounded by Mis. .Nance, Aaron Engli-h. the Georgia Railroad, and the said A. It. Mershoh; and it further appealing that the .>aid At den it Mershon (it ! parted this life Without executing title to said ltd, or iu l any way providing therefor and it appearing that aid 1 Nathaniels. Eaves has paid the lull amount of the pm chase price of said lot of land, and sa d Nathaniel S. Eaves having petit oned thi*U art to direct Joseph W den, administran ron the estate of -aid Arden it Mn i shou, deceased, to execute to him titles to aid lot of 1 Laud, in c mformity with sa.d bond, It is therefore hereby ordered. That notice b< giv'u.-.t three or more public place* in said countv and in the Chronicle A Sentinel, of such application, that all pn sons concerned may tile objection, iu the Ordinal y ■ ot lice, if any they hat e. on or before the fir t Monday- in June next, why said Joseph Warden, administrator a* aforesaid, should nos execute titles to -aid lot ot land ,n , conformity with said bond. Given ttndct my hand at office in Wamm'.-ei Keb 24th, i 857. JOHN J. PILCHER. Hep. OH y February z7, 1837. CTATE OF GEORGIA, WARREN t Ol NT V. —Petition tor Titles to Land. Wiley K. Robertson v.,. Uei. y McKinney, aJurim. tra tor with the will annexed tin the estate ol KUteben Mi Kinney, deceased. It Appearing to the. Court of Ordinary, by the petition I of YV iiey K. Robert ,on, that Kinchen McKinney, late of tbecihiiily of Maiden, in said State, now docoa c l. did in | hi lifetime exi cute to said Wi ey K. Rober,. on hi bond, conditioned to execute tillc's in fee .tuple to .-aid Wiley K. Robertson to .lu; south half of lot cd' laud numb ' > r eighty, in the (4th) fourth district of oUgtua’.y Mn-i. . now Mar .on county ; and it further appe ling that ■ out | Kinchen Me Kidney departed tills fc without exccuti: g | title to said parcel of laud, or in any way providing tin r for, and it appealing that aid Wile, fc Kobe.. b.i I paid the full amount ol he pun ha c t .i i. • ... . aid pan a - Land, and said Wiley K Robertson having petitio’M .1 this Court to direct Henry McKinney, aduiinisirat! ; w ,• o the will annexed upon the estate .1 ..aid Kir- ’:eu M. K.ant v, derta :id, tocxeciiteto him title t > aid pan el ; of land, in conformity with saidi. -i d . It i' therefore hereby ordered. I'hat not., ebe g.\ca at three or inure public places iu .aid county, and in the 'Chronicle A Sentinel of su.thapplies tion, that ail pci. concerned may file objection-m tic ODium y • dice any they hhi o, on oi before the find Mom.av in Jon, . next, why -id lleury MKum; a liuiim ti atoi ■ >.!< . said, should not txe. -Jte title to ,-aid p»l . 1 . !, m conformity with -aid Rond. Given under my baud at oi’ti-c in WaiTetitoi: if. I',-b 2l«h, 1*57. ' JOHN J PILCHER, D<q Oedy. Februaiy ••?, I $57 I KFFEHwO.N < Ol NTY, U\. W J *t Wray, Administrator on the estate of John 'A'ray. deceased, applies to me for Letter; ft Dismission These are therefore to cite and admonish all and ingu lar the kindred and creditor* of -aid deceased to Ke aic appear at my, office on or before the first Monday m Sep teinber next, to show a.use, if any they have, why ah; letters shotwlD. t be granted Given under-niv hand at office in l.nuev ill**. Feb. f«, NICHOLAS DIEHL Old v Jefferson county, g When Jordan and Edmund Clark applies to me foi Ltit’.e . of Administration on the estate of Matthew Jordan, late of said county, deceased : These are therefore to ci'e and admonish, all and sin gular the kindred and creditor ; of -aid do cased to be and appear at' my office within the tune P'> ril ed by law t. show raute, if any they have, why- let tern should n.>t be granted Given tinder mv hand at office in Lett. \ die NICHOLAS DIEHL. Ordinary. j February i'7, lfd>7 \\ r VRREN COUNTY, < 1 Hitl.l \. it James s Jones, AdmiuUirutoi on tin- e-tate ot . Tnl.itlia Will .in-, laie of paid county, dec. i-r-.1, appli. to me for Letlc** of iti-uo.--ion ‘ These are thgrefure to cite and admon It. all amt pin- f gular. the kiiidiji (iiaad'en .lit", of sa'id dueeit.-e.l to be 1 and Appear at office, within the time pro*, rlbed l.v i law. to *h<nv cdu.se, if any they have, why said letters ! -ho.uhl not be grant' d, Given unde lev .‘iHll'l ' Offi"- ill \V i-,. iitou. till' Fobriia. v t!5, is i. JOHN J PILCHER, Deputy. Ordinary, j February -J7, ls4o «/ ARu‘EN COUNTY. GEORGI A. Whuva- Yf James S. Joues amt L. 0 Pel*, adm'-ai'h <rtor; • the estate of Henry A June.-. late ot t county, do I ceased, applies to cue i i Lettei Di:i These are, thesrefore, to cite andaimoni !( a 0 and n | gtiiar, the kindred and creditor., of said deceased, i > ‘ , i and appear at toy office, within the t'rno pi. ■. i»t.> by j law, toshow canine, if any they have, why .1 ic-tpw should not be granted. Given uader roy hard at office iu Wanvnl' i. Feb j.. | 1867. JOHN J. PI LG HER, V Ord y. February S7, 1.857. “ NOTICE CTATE OF GEORGIA, DADE l Ol .M A . - Jo f O each and all of niv creditors : Yon are ife:. «. tied that 1 shall apply to the honorable Judge ,i •: . u penor Court on the second Mondry iu JI.U nc <t. t> 1 ujakc a rule or ordei. apd assign a day in -id rule or < i dtr, that 1 may tm brought bes. re Court f h j. • pe aOf taking the oath p-rcwn!.••(.', so» r a in. ol\ent uebi i r, and to be discharged. DAVID PA I TER OS. Darle county, (la . Keb. 5. 1867. feb£7 \v It SIXTY DA VS after date, at ~ ovation will be 'um Je i tc the Couit of Oidiuary o; -R ehmouJ county, lor i leave to sell the Real Restate belonging to Robert Fleur- | tag, late of -aid count v, deceased. niOS. VV KLF.MINt., I , . PORTER FLEMING. ) 1 i Fobi uary 27, 1857 LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS, AND TAN- I NEKS TOOLS N'OAA' receiving, Oak and Homtork Sole LEATHER ! Picker La -0 and Roller Karnes, Britllo, Skit ting." ad Hand LE V TILER . Patent Skirting Collar, Da. h and Enameled LtlA j TIIF.R; and Black Upper LEATHER , KIP SKINS, Frttueb, German and American CALK SKINS French Patent Calf, Kid Calf, and Opera SKIN ' , Guat and Kid Morocco SKINS ; Lining, Topping am) Binding SKINS , Buck, Chamoisi and Sheep “ ALSO, Shoe Pegu, L.iat*, Solu-Catter*. Heel-Cntter>, Ktdlitog Mulj. Peg Jack*, f’eg Breaks, Pug Cutter* B<Kd Tree*, Chimps, Clamp*, Urunners. Shoe Knives, Splitting Kuive.*, Rub St.ues, Bn ties, Eyelets and Pun "hi , Awl Blades Iron and Wood patent i*eg Awl llaft*. Copper Rivet* and Bum, •-ace i a Iron Z ue and Copper Sparables, S/e Sticks. Jtea.-unng Tape Shoe Thread, Fitting Thread, Silk Galloon, Boot Cord. Silk Tw ijd, Boot Web Ac. . ALSO, Currying Knives, Fleahers, Finger steel.*, Beam Faces, Slickei - Bru»he.*, Rub Stout*, Clearing Stour... ,ve For *aie low by SHERMAN, JESStiP A CO, No 341 Broad Street. febP'-dAttw-J.u Second door above Augusta Bank, CYRUS J. LAWRENCE, DfroiU’fcH ANU WHOLI-hl.h lIUU.H IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FANCY GOODS, COMBS, BRUSHES, BUTTON'S, THREADS NEEDLES, FAN'S, STATIONERY, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, PORTE MON All , M> 29 ( HA.Mf.KU* *iitt l I. jali3l-(>mo NEW YORK. | j CLAYTON & KENNADY, (STORE UNDER AUGUSTA HOTEL . KEEP all kladaof READY made cuitjhng, HAT S, CAPS. TRUNKS, AEPET-B \i. - SHIRTS, COLLARS, CRAVATS, DRAWERS. HALF HOSE, STOCKS. GLOVES, *«r. ALSO. A large stock of BOYS AND CHILDREN S l'ht)T!( ING. They are now receiving their Spring and E.'ul mer GOODS, and hope to merit tins patronage of tueijr friends, heretofore solibctal.y be-towed. Augusta, Feb. 111, 1837. feb2o IEAJONS, LEMON*. -l'» Bose* tine S - H i LEMONS, receiv ed on consigmurmt. and for »a*e *4 . feb-o WM H. HOWARD, Com. Mcrch t. I>OTATOES, POTATOES --30 l.bU FoTA'ft 'ES in good order, received tlri day. and for sale b\ feb'lQ WM. 11. HOWARD, Corn M.rch't, (TOFF££, COFFEE^ —400sack* prime and un dium J tptalltv Rio COFFEE, on cousiginm-nt and for sale f-v feb-'O W, U. liQWARD. Com Mer. Uh BACON, BACON.—s,ooollb*. Hog Round new Ten nescee BACON, just received and for sale by fob3o W. H, HOWAKi , Com Me ch t. 1 A AAA LBS. City Smoked BACON ; lUaUUU 10,000 tb». Hog Round “ 7 130 sacks Superfine FLOU R; 150 “ Extra Family • 1090 bushels Whitk CORN; 500 « Mixed 500 « SEED OATS; SCO »B. Fr«h Temnun.ee BUTTER , 300 • FBATHEPS. For tale by G. L. ANDERSON. fetoO lotteries. Sw A N & CO .’ S LOTTERIES! CAPITAL PRIZE 950.000 ' Owing to the great favor with which our Single Num ber l/(>tteries liar e been received by the publ < . and the large demand fur Tickets, the Manager*. S Sw.* \,t Ct», w ill have a drawing each Saturday throughout th. year. The following Scheme will be draw n in ea< h of iheir Lotterie-fm- March, lei". ( I.AsS 28, To be drawn in the City of Atlanta. Ge<trgia in public on SA i URDAY, MAIA H .. 1807 tins* 27, i.) be drawn in the City of Atlanta, G- '.-g.a, in public, on SATURDAY, MARCH 11,1837 GLASS JN, To be drawn tn the City of Atlanta, Georgia iu public, oil SATURDAY, MARCH 21, ISM. * CLASS •.»*>, To be drawn in the CRy of Atlanta, Georgia in public, en SATURDAY, MARCH 28, DM, on the Plan of SINGLE NUMBERS ! I‘RI/ks. Moie than 1 Prize to every 10 Tickets ! 30,000 TICKK I n. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME ! 1 Prize of $.>0,000 i* 5 :0,000 1 “ 20,000 is '. 20,000 1 ... 10,000 b 10,000 i “ is. t»,t)0o 1 “ 8,000 is 8,000 I ' 7,000 is 7 00(1 i “ ■ fi.ooo i» .1 *:,i»yrt 1 5,000 U 3 Dr l I “ .. 4,000 is 1,000 1. “ 3,000 is.. (.000 j i ; 2,000 i* • 2 u'jf) - I i.. I,iKK) ig 1.0.0 | i 1(0 Pi iy.esof UX) are 10,0(10 ! I l'Xl “ 30 are 3,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES, i 4 pri/csot 8250 approximating 50,000 Prize, mi >• 81,000 i 4 “ 200 “ 20.000 “ 800 I 4 “ 100 ■' 10 000 ** > 100 1 *• 80 “ I*ooo “ 3*o i 4 “ b.) “ 8,000 “ 200 1 “ ti<) “ 7,(XX) “ *iO 4 “ 55 “ ti.KX) “ 2:0 | 4 “ 50 “ 5,000 “ 2(0: 4 “ 43 “ U4X) " a DO i i 4 “ 40 “ 3,000 “ li.O j f 30 “ 2, C O “ 120 i I 4 ‘ 25 ' 1,000 “ 100 ' 3000 “ 20 are 00,000 | 3,2f>0 Prizes amounting to. $204,000 Whole T ickets, $lO, Halves, $5; Quarters, $250. PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. The numbers from 1 to 30,000, corresponding with i thoxe numbersou the Tickets, printed on separate slips of paper, are encircled with small tin tubes, and placed in one wheel. The first 212 Prizes, -imiiarly printed and encircled, j ai e placed in another wheel. The wheels are then re- , v. li ed, and a Number is drawn from the wheel of Num b< rs, and at the same time a Prize is drawn from the oilier wheel The Number and Prize drawn out are opened and exhibited to the audience, and registered by the Comm.. .sioat i .*. the Prize being placed against the Number drawn. Tins op* ration i* repeated until all the Prizes are drawn out. .Approximation Prizes.—The two preceding and the two succeeding Numbers to those draw ing t(K- fir*t 12 Prizes will be entitled to the 48 Approxifuation Prizes, according to the Scheme. 3 he 3,(XXJ Prizes of S2O will be determined by the la. t : fi/ure of tlie number that draws tiie $.50,000 prize. For • vample, if the number drawing the $30,000 Prize *> ,ds with No. I, thou all the Ticket • where the number ends iu 1 will be entitled to S2O. If the number ends with 2, ! P. u ai! the Ticket, whore the number end* in 2 w ill be | entitled to .ttlO and soon to 0. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the following r.t : ,v. hic.h i* the risk : te ol Package oflO Whole Tickets SBO “ 10 Half “ 40; 10Quarter “ 20 ! IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES Enclose the money to eur address for the ’Pickets ..r dered, on receipt of which they will fie forwarded by tiiv t mad. Purchasers can lir.ve Ticket, ending iu ar figure they may designate. The H t o. Drawn and Prizes will be > iit to pufcln diately after the drawing. i will plea re writ** their signatures i n, and give their Post Office, County arid State. r fcdtr ’ R-miembt r that every Prize i* draw n, and paya ble iu full without deduction. Ail Prize.* of SIOOO and under paid inimedi'itcly ; after she drawing-—other Prizes at the usual time ot l • th rt\ days. All communications strictly confidential Prize Tickets ca bed or renewed m other Tickets at j r * her office. Addrt's- order.* for Tickets or Certificate* either ro S. SWAN A U<) , Atlanta, (ia , S SWAN, Montgomery. Ala., j cr F, U BARBER, Augusta, Ga. i feli27 SOUTHERN LOTTERY! SAVANNAH, GA.. ON THE HAVANA FLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS LOWEST PlilZE KoKTY” DOLLARS. J ’SIM H 401 NTY ACADEMY LOTTEKY! | A ■ 'Jwrizi Jby th> State, of Georgia. CLASS H," DRAWN MARCH lb, 1857, AT SAVANNAH. Under the sworn superintendence of Major W P ! Bowen and W R. Symons, Esq. Saturday Scheme j w ill b. drawn every Saturday at Macon, Ga. Monthly • Large Scheme w ill be draw nat Savannah about the 15th j of ev y month Neatly J Prize to Every 9 Tickets ! 15,000 TICKETS’!" i: 12 rRI/.ES • PRIZES PAYABLE VnTHOUT 'DEDUCTION ! This Lottery has only Fifteen Thousand Number j —lc: s than any Lottery in the World! BRILLIANT SCHEME 1 prize of i SIS;tXXJ 1•• S,(XX) 1 ‘j 2,000 1 “ 1,000 is . 4,000 “ 500 is 3,500 -,0 “ 100 is 8,000 15-. MI *• 40 is tx),000 APPROXISJATION PRIZES. 20 Approximations of SI!W $2,000 ,51 “ 50 2,300 ■0 “ 20..., 1,000 1.P2 Pt tict amounting t 0.... $102,000 Tickets $10; Halves $3 , Quarters s‘3 50. Purchase T“u Tickets ending with the consecutive j Numbers, I. 2,3, 15,b, 7, i, 9,0, and yon will draw Iwi k f -r.t temlt. .f the .amount paid for the Tickets, bo the . hah. ea of obtaining Capital*. Patton* will ■ find :t to their interest to b**y Certificate* of Ten Ticket*, ead.ng ror.*ecutive!y with !, 2 3, i. 5, 0,7, 8, y, 0 By tl - plan they fotfeit the Ptize ending w ith the came ' iruberas the Capital, and get four more chance* in every to i to fain the Capitals. Ceitideate* of Packages of Ten Tickets, are sold at the follow mg rate*, w bich is the risk : 10 Whole Tickets s*>(* 1C Half “ i- 30 10 Quarter “ 10 p.ank Note* of sound Banks taken at par. Che cks oil N< a York rent' t*d to Prizet-. Ad ire s Orders for l .tketsj or Certificate* of Package .4 i ivketo to JAS. F WINTER. Manager, Macon, or Savannah. Ga. AV r . C. BARBER, Agent, Augusta, Ga l'eb 11 KETTLEWELL’S MANURES. <■* 'HE .'.it t. rsigeed, having been apeointed Agent for I the -at. i f KETTLEWELLB COMPOUNDS of PERUVIAN GUANO AND RENOVATOR, OR CHEMIUA.L SALTS, have now on hand, ‘i hi..* NS i 1 alf Peruvian Uit<um half Reno\,.;<T 35 bill*. No. 8, one third Peruvian Guano two third* Renovator , •>-> t.ht. No 3, one fourth Peruvian Uuauo three ftrirths Renovator : 25 bhl* Renovator or t hemical Sa’t*. ALS(>, MANIPULATED GUANO which w ill !.« order* d in ouaulities aa w anted, at Baltimore prices, freight added SIBLEY A USHER. Hamburg, S. t , Feb 17, 1867. K*blßwst NOTICE. , 1 EFT the city for a w eek, and going it a: the Mill j Behind me two faithful representatives, \N 11,LIAM . If HIGH arid THOMAS DUNIGAN, to attend te Wood and Brick Work If needed on estimates, will be sent ! . Addrc Box 50. J AMES L COLEMAN. feb3d , ROOMS TO RENT, IN t central part of ttie city, xuiUible for a -mall Umi t Jy, ora few *t: gle Gentlemen, with or without Board. Ti Gas moderate. Inquire at thi- office. feb-23 ts ’ NOTICE TO PARENTS. 1 vU.lt. C. Ui.ACK offers his professional services t * GRATUITOUSLY, iu Diseases of Children, to pa rents who are tumble to pay a Physician. Ucaideucc. o i Broad near Canipbell s'.rect. Offi. e on (jampbeli-itfeet, next Bones & Brown’s. jtuilo <1 iy • GARDEN HAND PLOWS. f|'HEs»E well known and most useful little PLOW’S, 1 worked by hand, with six different working iron.* t > suit such work a* may w ant to be done, attached to each at pleasure. Will tie touud at all the Hardware So rt itt the efty, by wholesale, or retail. B. PIC’QI hi. Drawing of those Pktws Can be seen in the Cultivator aud Evening Dispatch. febl7 d3m VUE YOU TROUBLED WITH A COUGH t Get a Bottle of PECTORAL ELIXIR, and if will cure you. It may be had of WM. H. TUTT. fob 18 ~~HATS ! HATS T FOB 1857. tj'IIE Spring styles of Gentlemen’s HATS are now JL received, amongst which are Gents. Fatah. New Orleans IIATS ; 1 Becbe’k “ Moleskin “ “ Young Men’s “ Gent*. “ Stiff Brim Soft ‘‘ “ Soft “ w “ ° fg fobU“ <ty ° f Sh * l,n '* Cd N. NICHOLS. OUGAII iloV SE txY HI P.—35 bbls. Sugar-House «YRUP, in store and »o^^ iLCOX CQ BOOTS AND PATENT LEATHER SHOES, r Gents fine Sticb-bottom BOOTS ; ** « Square edge *• “ Patent Leather Oxford TIES ; *• ** Calf Strap SHOES ** “ Patent Leather Dancing PUMPS; Boys’aud Youth’s Calf Dancing “ just received from Beakert, Philadelphia, and made expressly for our retail trade. CLARKE St ROYAL, feb2l opposite Masonic Hal). NEW BACON.—A small lot of Tennessee BACON for sale, by HAND, WILCOK A CO. feb’Jl AUCTION SALES. ! BT GERARDE Y, WHYTEACa .» SATI HDA A t “tli March, in front of .tore, will be «oM, t > close out consignment of Segar* -I of the follow-ing brand* •' * * £o,iN*i I'uioti Jack.*—German; . )(MW Benjamin franklin , Hoary C ay, opera tier ( f 5. i**o Londrcs i 30,01)0 El Mercftrio; iW.OOO El Bnor. Filial; ;tiUJOO La Cur iosiilaii; 10.000 La Victoria, 10.*iUi>La Vcnua; 50,000 Opera. i l>nn»—All sums under #2ut)ca»h, over 2Uoand under **__*'**. '>ll ilmy- , over #4OO. 90 dav.-r. fet>2B by GIRAHDEY~ WHYTE & CO Stilr of K i,t!partin’», jßickly Framed. MO>l» \ A night, m »t..re, at 7} o'clock, will lie .old, to close out the 1..t, the remaining portion of thoa* handsome (.Ut Fiamed Engravings, etubracinga highly ilmrable van, ty of subject* Term* cash febSK BY GIRARJDEY, WHYTE A CO* Snrht Sn/rof 11 ’ airhr a, Jrwrlrj, +r. MO.NOAV uiglit, at ? .Tciock, w ill he -dd, . variety ot Jewelry, Watches, Fancy Article*, Dry Oooda Clothing. Ac Terms cash. febuai^ B Y GIRARJDEY, WHYTE ft CO. AI" KDNKSDA A, in frunt of store, will be sold for T T and on account of all concerned, the remnaut of a -luck, of Drug-, damaged by tire. ALSO, A .cnt-tal n-sortneut of Second hand Furniture, con ic.-ting of Chairs, 'i'atdes, Bedsteads, Carpets, Wash stiiuds, Mahogany Sates, Hail bottom Cha rs, Ac. Tenn* o*f»> febi’B BY GIRARDEY~ WHYTE & GO VV I’IINESHAV • 4th March, in front of store, will be 7 bbls. Old Peach Brandy -, i : casks Uraudy, Cognac ; 1 t “ Malaga Wine; 2 bids. Holland Gin ; Iri Boilers ; 18 Tea Kettles ; •> bids W hiskey, to close out consignment. Terms cash febi!B BY BY WM. H. HjWAHD. G A PARKER* AUCTIONEBR. A Likely tier ran! (riri for Sale. I r IM ESI*A Y..‘Jd March, at the Lower Market House, I will be sold, a likely Nc .ro <sir , aged about 17 ! ytjars, a. . unturned to house work, wa-biug and ironing ; I has al'.i some experience In cooking. Warranted sound, I arid tin titles indisputable. Sold because the owner la ) opposed to hiring her out, and has no u*e for her. Term* j cnj»ii. Purchaser to pay us for papers. feb27 BY WM H HOWARD. (■ A PARKER, AUCTIONEER. Desirable Kesuleuce. ' I 'l ESDA A', :M March, at the Lower Market Ilouae, 1. will be said, within the legal hours of sale, AH that desirable House and Lot situated on the south side of Ellls-stroct. throe doors above the Palace Stables, at .present occupied by Mr. J C Dawson. The Lot has a front on Eli is street of about ,H feet, and runs half way through to Greene. The House is a very comfortable one, with ali necessary out houses and conveniently lo cated for a business man. Terms made know u oa day of sale. fob 22 ~~ BY WM H HOWARD" G. A. PAUKEkTaIrCTIO.NKKR. 'l*! ESIi.IV, Id March, at the' LowerMarketllou.se, J w lit lie sold, between the usual hours of sale, A Ni.nro Woman about-40yean oi*l, good Cook, Wash ei jiiidJronor Terms cash. feb22 BY W. WARD G A. PAkKEI:*AI’CTIoNEKR. VI) H INI >T HA TO It’S SA LK. —Will be sold on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, at the Lower Maike- House v ni tin! city of Augusta, in accordance ' *' itli an order obtained from the Court of Ordinary of | H’ljimnnd county. a> tin Real and Personal estate of Franc. Spear', late of Richmond county, deceased, the I • • up'-u winch li.*- resided at the time of lii.s death, which ! will be .old in two pan els, as hereinafter described, > ua’iciy- ,t Lot having a front on Broad street of 52 feel : ti inblu-s, in ire or It", w hick includes one-half of Hutler'a ■ Alley. which bounds ft on the west, and canning back i I.• i I et, more or less, also, the Lot on Eilis street, bav mg a 1 ror.f ot 52 feet "i inches, more or Jess on Ellis * strej-t, am! running back towards Broad street from the i pn . t lire of feneo in front of the house, 1 l.'i feet, more ''} The depth l*f this Lot may not he more tliau 107 rect i I pon the Lot, as divided, fronting npon Broad treijt i« a line Bru k Stun-, &••., which has long been known is a good -ta;id f-r the grocery business, with a com( -i i b'.e Dwelling overhead of good tiuish. Upon •o- L i on Bill' strc-i t, is a double tenement Dwelling ! of wood, with out-houses. 1 i;»■ widow ul ll> 1 deceased lias bad her dower assign | i l l I her out of thi- property, but her right to dower ap- I pliejonly t > the Dwelling over the Brick store on Broad-street. Kitchen, &c. A LSO, At the same time and place, will be sold, the following i Slaves, namely: Mary, aged about 25 years, a cook, j washer, and ironer; Horace, aged about 18 years, a ! hoiisg boy; N'a Q<‘y. HO yt*nr*, a washer tod imm# . family ago«i übonf I anil Henry about 5 year*. Thu laid jiroperty -id for the purpose of making distri hntioti among the heirs of the said Franc's .Spears Per -or wi Mug to pun ii.i e will plea*e examine the pre in • as they will lie permitted to do so at any time up. on nppli' stion to liie undersigned. Terms raidi. T. W. MILLER, Adn, r. Augusta Fell. 25. 1857 N E\V YOUK ADVr.BTISBMENT. 18 5 7. UNRI7ALLED STOCK OF RICH SILX GOODS, ’.DAPTKti TO Tilt VV ANT S 'Of THt EN l IRE UNION. EDWARD LAMBERT ft CO., ARE NOW PREPARED TO OFFER THEIR SPRING IMPORTATION OF FOREIGN FANIT DRY (1001)8, EMBRACING VARIETY, STYLE, AND EXTENT, Thai will b< found to be unsurpassed, if equalled, in this . or any other market. ThcsiaUeution of cash or approved eredit buyers for Bank paper, also par.-age buyer*, is respectfully in vited feb.i dw TO THE LADIES. L'sii C. J Lavvrknc k's Nkkiii.ks. l.s>, q. J LawtiKNo: s Nkkiii.ks. t -t; C. J. LavVrk.sck's Nkkiii.ks. I -K C. J. Lau hk.sck'* NfclCiJl.Es. Thk Bfcsr M AI»K. The Btsi MAUb. The: Best Made. The Best Maije. .s.-j.ii ai Ai t, the Stores.. Soi.u at ai.l the Stores. , Soi.u at ai t. the Store*. Snt i) it ai.i. the Stores. lit V THEM AN • TKV THEM. Bt Y IHE W AN If TRV THEM, lli r rHEM AND Till THEM. Bt v tHKM ami Thy them N. H None genuine unless labelled “ antorrUst yer fut t'jfed Seedltn, every SeedU warranted. ' janl?l lmo ESTABLISHED IN 1823. HAVTLAND, RISLEY & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AUGUSTA, GEO , 11 y Ol 1.1) call the attention of Mcrnbants visit ng T Y P' is city, thi, Spring, to their large stock of DRUG*, MEDICINES, PAINTS. OILS, WINDOW GLASS, BRUSHES, FANCY GOODS, SOAPS. Having had lung experience, and being possessed of every Meitity for buying Goods low, we are determined to sell low , and would ask all to come and price our Good* ii sure buying elsewhere. Aiignsta. Ga Feb I 1857. dec 1-t iltWAw ""notice. I JKRtSONS indebted to the late firm of BELCHER A HOLLINGSWORTH, arc hereby notified that the notes and accounts due to that Him, are now in the hand* of Mir undersigned, who are authorized t>< settle the same and give i t celpts. MILLERS Sc J ACKSON, AngntiU Feb. 20, 1857 i Attorneys at Law, fetillglA tw lw* wlm TIEATHER MACHINE BELTING AND FACTORY FINDINGS, IJATENT Riveted, Stretched and Cemented Leather BELTING, Single and Double, all widths, 1 to 24 inches, Itjurried and stretched by ourselves. Quality guaranteed. A large -took always on hand. ALSO, Coppar RIVETS and HERRS, WASHERS, RING TRAVELLER* PICKERS, ROLLER BRUSHES, ROLLER CLOTH. STRIPPER CARDS, LAG SCREWS LAG LEATHER, and a variety of FAC TORY FINDINGS. For nale on accommodating teraa, by SHERMAN. JESSUP 4 CO., So. Ml Broad street, feblU rWfctw-hn Second door above Augusta Bank SADDLERY, HARNESS, TRUNKS, «tc. STRING TRADE ItJ57. QIIFHAIAN, JKSNh'P iV C’O., No. 341 Broad-at., O two door* a ove the Hank of Angu*ta, have now on hand their «.*u*l large and well tec led assortment of SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, WHIPS, CAR PET BAGS, T KUNKS, VA I,ICES, and every deaerip tion of Goods adapted to the trade, manufactured by themself eo ‘xprto.iiy for Ibis market ALSO. A heavy ,-tock of SADDLERY HARDWARE, COACH MATERIALS, SPRINGS, ANLKS, MAL LEABLE CASTINGS and BANDS, including a very full assortment of Goods in the line, which are offered to Manufacturer* and Dealers at low prices. febl9 d&tw2m T A DIE’S hue heel GAITERS and heel Morrocce 1-2 BOQTB- lianlßl CLARKE A- ROVAL. CtJDKK. —5 obis. New-Jeiaey CIDER, rt ceived thla / day and for .ale by WM. H. HOWARD. feblO ■ | ■ N CONMIGNMKNT A few thousand pounds prime new Teunesa f e BACON, ■«%*£%s** OLANMK!*.—2O bhda. new crop Cub* MOLAS SSS for sale by feb3 McCORD, HORTON ft WALTON. ■ iLANTING POTATOES.-50 bbu. choice Plant -1 ing POTATOES for *ala by janll HAND, WILCOX ft 00