Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, May 06, 1857, Image 1

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fcJrtilii : Cl) row id c vS? Ocutiud. I; y \\ . S. JONKS. > \i i I, K iV- SE S 11 *\i Ij L. I’i. HMMIKIi § , T «l-U I I'HI-V AVI) WEEKLY, z/n-T./AM. 8. JONES. '! EBMS t>; :* i> ii). . . Morning and Evening.— ■ i . hoi a it#perannum, p»j»- . j- |... , i ..Tit * - \\ ■’ THHFIr. MOV i'h« *>> Mi< m:v» s [hill i■ •in ■ v.- J rn> i «">rw « Eight Dollars. . ' i r.i: .1 i! !/ t i - per annum ,i :• Os delayed THUF.f. MOMHS . H'.’h sheet; —TWO DOL ■ . « -A *!'*■>- J ’Oi.tAHh if ■ ;p.’ 1II|;U MONTH"-. ■rr r iOF ADVERTISING. ; ): F fiv (>•»!- j.-TKijii»r»(tenlinea I i ,•< gilt Cent# for the i■ ii i■ ■ . ti.• nb -equent . -if .. .<• <>«>*; SEMI . i 111 ether paper) On® Do!. ■ VV.. On, Debar per square. , ■ under In ee l of Special r ' i - 1 ' \ uni-, not cxeoedmgsix If ~•••'* -‘N line#, pru rata ! I to promote priv ate or . , - . „> Ia- a.lv. rtLenn-nts. \.! - . any cirotimsintice-, ■ Obituary •>.. . Fnaet.ii Notiet »U 9 : ; ADVERTISEMENTS. ■ jt4 ..ill a iteration $ 6 . out- - ' 12 irterly I* . . - r ’..nn tb'. above rate*. # more t’:.. i the above rates. i- n.-itt . -M il*-.#d®d,doublethcae •• iot -ks t the numberofinser . 11 - * ii ;• r.r—. t by the insertion. i'l .tiio-s. contracts will ■ ■ re imuble let . ic '.<• to the mercantile busi • 1 ■ • ilcr Iv.-rti .criicnt of the firm . i- -.\ ii b® charged separately. For ii i. t be allow.-d, midcr a con i' •!• ' • iti-e-i rvauls - -i" r. ; - Ac Ar r !... ' .<• or ii. in amounts within sis -■ I. . for ollht than contract advor : ' ic i-cciit. will be inaile, if paid SR M STONE MAN UF AO TORY. • : re- pei tfuliy informs the pnblicthat • I ~ Manufactory of Fr nch BURN - i,o @roa t street, one square above llie !! l-c. H - h # So#: remmed from France . * ' -i -if the be t Stones to br t. i i, n i'v prepared to it'! all or it A* reasonable prioe* '•! try lie has been sot 1 - and pledges hirasel tiied fn ida hall lx- ®xe< ofed ii Wlbt.lAM HUENNER ' 7 • [ALL, J. F , i ... t;.' T., till: e t hi- re- Pence on Greece _ • i • i li t . ■ street. , will be .b - »•--I’ *. * - nMe<l in him. i ! .Saturday in every month. P O . TNERSHIP. " i< >v», r \t; 11 \ Dl ’t laSw as this day dm vt i o iation. The business of tin ett Jliyc ilii-i' "ft!., nndersighed. a WM (I. HOWARD, LEON P DIG AS. | i ' tende -hi tbank -to the citizens o I ".*-* ci i - rfi pi- - c rally, for the tiln ■* cv r■ -1-1 ■' :• c! the tirn. -• •> - d idnma. and strict a> ■ .i iii a- id'their patronage. WVI li HOWARD I ’I 1. Is-7 i—l'l WM. H. BOW A' D, - ' "G ' MERCHANT, n A I' UiKhb. \l. i 1 i" iNEUR. ’■ ’ all u- I.ion I street. Cas‘ ' I'in , 1 .j. nVr, ;lv". i- • ’ jan IT It HI-? Ci. COI FIN. T “•iMtOitNAM.;:, i ALI’AISTEI " -. J.. -..n cict.r two dooi • a- •- E-inblishmi nt. Ail or tilt y, •- -1 . -i I to. ■s. • ij-uc hand a .took of Paints nr.trU SihiNf TRADE-1857. tTJV,M ; !! : B 1 klinjr, Broat I .s tie- ■ . ntion Met 1 'y t>-b.-In-• i-i - .ncfil,y sclcctet CAPS, IF/NNFTs. V .STRAW GOODS, 3 • I'MERELAN, Ac. c.-:!.‘ !i<- . and v.-hiehhe tv - • 1 cep. r. .- - low a- can l-c bong! FOR SALE, *i 1 v, v . It fronts ii 0 feet J - West Bom dr v street, with -1 !f.lig. i -r c-ttiifort. end all in-w. ’ft a-r- - under good fence: 1 no t ■ tn e. Siia hi-.-li stall “ b.date e i »i - ' : .i 1 red w -b woo.- .y . i - w ati ris ext ellent f- ett,-:- i,.-after Ist May. -k-'-vk.R it i I-.7 v- ■- d or The Pathway 'of>afi • ’ • 1 li V, eutiilod ('am; By It E ! ar 1. of Mi -ov-u. 1 M.:ii.\u«»S A JiON. . : i. » o "blAI„- '- 1 "I- -t a' e ctipp v .-[• this justly ’> ' r pi-MiiT. i n'- u,a-ot ita; D< '■'< f M'l-cn’ar e n -ra-v, Getura •t ‘il N iioii insiders H \h. wo. wist ry CO. : ATEHMEL ON SLED. »' jr- n " Lawson" WATER ,li at ! and J ! j-. ntjs each. If p ! ‘ o.v tic s --it r-1 <- ver postage.* Ad . MR & LK I 1 NER, Vn r .a.. :i, Ga. > ID.I, I BY WHITE, iind a vanctk 1 »'?:• -I s t, he b-.d nt fit v. \s DM G STORE. i - j ; : - Ir c Ranee 'is '.lt; ii t.-• dio-e n iptirun ' •!' > l’t Ml pic nv.ted to ml' a ■ - : «np Iv ■ .- 1 ■ a; 26 ' > ' 111 ■ < 11A I. *. it »i,S.S.—T». I • i i«ie -rt •• 1-of e. v received a CHEW'S DRUG STORE, y - Tut io - Iron Rang® - 1 - l OB.s tXIO of various bran: .* y CHARLES ESTES. j v o T A ACKE-KEL ; ! Vo., 1 and •• N- -1. and i M VCKEREL ; t - Mesa Vo I a- ,i > Vrsi “ ” ' ‘ H and for sale-low by ' OH \S ESTFS , ii Os SKIKTb. t\ l.» \ vMil'K & CO. have just " v p - f(t I stlpp'y of . :l .f; VVha , bone SKIRTS ; Steel Spring ( , r ,. . p. ALSO ■ 'it red SK UTS, in great variety. ii ' i{ ‘- i• d, Til 1 Ihiv, 5 firkins f.-es s i . 1.1 TER; I a -on’s SparVUi'.c Edinburgh A f •’ " 1 ' t- -pci .or Oar® 0.1. sq-r t >b'e use G. T. DORTIC. j.‘ 5 ■ ib'jt. i’()HiO|>,— !(k) bbta Yellow ‘*oT VI IKS; 2. tbU Choice Fating d. k" Ap 'y to JOHN CASHIS, 1 mtission Merchant, No, -t Warrett Block I', ‘ l>ll ’• F-. :li wno bavn ejici.cil caiutili u a si\ that we liar® just received * o ti i*. \I nT oi!,. w'ji,.'i i» in every respect V _• • Ob t T a I I.i dtof Paint-ng exeep -bin' half ;i:at Linseed does. I* , . * tb I' .d w i ll a tine gloss. WM tl TT’TT M-V DEI 1:A and SHERRY, very choice, f ’ Me. the \ hung® „f |s 18, ielit and 1824 r . - Cal i ict l'alc and Cabinet Amontillado, I. \ ”KT \Y INKS, of the loliowinff brands: Chamcau Maigaux ; Mottton ; Leovi le ; “ St Lambert; rv„ -Tn-gacx = «« ' - • itt r.,TT-o-vv A- e-R-TX-V'U'W h 1— V? .. . ' ■ > i.-vn just received thefol - -J 1 e no VPS for Shaving: ' r ° >tt Si Fowler's Military Cake; w? ' * American Barber*’ IB tr; uar n rivallai “ Ins- * n ' 4 Military Cake; tou ' rele,)r *ted Creme de Ambrotle, dee. PLUMB Si LEITNER. TO THE PUBLIC. III.AVR appointed JAMES M DAY Coramisaioner of and Cola. OAKLAND A. SNEAD and JOHN D KKILLY, Commiaaionera of Finance for the Republic of Nicaragua, in and for the city of Augus j t* and county of Richmond, State of Georgia. All persons de-lrousof emigrating to that couutry, will make at plnatl n to JAMES M. DAY ; and.-uchas may feel disposed to contribute funds for the relief of their ! bre'hren in Central America, will please form the ac quaintance ~f (be Finance Commissioners. E J C KEWEN, Cotumi ns inner General of the Repubii j of Nicatagtia. HO.' POS NICARAGUA! FREE FARMS AJ)D FREE PASSAGE! A>' opportunity i- now presented to all persona -who arede irons of emigrating to the fertile reg ou of the tropics, aueb as is seldom met with in the experience of a 1 fetirne. Population is ail that is requisite to make Nica ragua the most desirable country on earth : and as an inducement to emigration, the government of that coun try offer# a free passage from Char estoo, and two hun dred and fit'-v acre# of the uuom excellent quality of tlla tile laud. The soil of Nicaragua exceeds i* richness and fertility, that of any other portion of the globe, and in vif lug the development of American industry, it promises a recompense proportionate to its great and unquestion ®d superiority. The climate is the delicious tempera ture of the tropics, free from indigenous elements of sick ness, ados unvarying uniformity. Now is the favora Ice time to secure a magnitice t home without cost, and w ith acces# to iti at the expense of the government pro- Viidinar it. All particulars may be had by inquiring of the under signed, in the Masonic Hall Building, up stairs. JAMEB M. DAY, Commissioner of Emigration - an!7 for the Republic of Nicaragua SAND HILL RPSXDENCE FOR SALE. '"I'll K House contain# 5 rooms oil the floor a..d 2 garret 1 roams; bas a good. Cellar under the house, a first rate Well of wafer in the yard. Kitchen, Negro and Sta ble Houses Vegetable Garden, Vineyard of the Catais ba Grape, and a young Orchard. The whole handsome ly situated, and containing T> acres of Land. Possession can be had immediately. Apply to W. A. SCHIRMF.R, apll-drf or at this office. M~ AtKKKKL.— 100 bbls No. 3 MACKEREL, 1857 ; fO half bbU No. 3 30 bbls. No. l “ “ 30 hall bids No; 1 “ For sale by ZIMMERMAN & STOVALL. i SUMMER UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS. »p!>» WM. O. PRICE A CO. SOAP. —50 boxes fine t-amily SOAP, in bars, 75 “ extra No. 1 family SOAP, * 75 “ No i “ 23 “ Colgate's Toilette “ for sale by BAKER, WRIGHT A CO. au3 MAttFKIt'S .IIAIIA/.I Ml, for Ma , trimmed ALSO, HARPER’S STORY BOOK, No. 30. Orkney, the Peacemaker. For sa eby THO.S. RICHARDS & SON. C Ai’ AM) STAItf ll *7 1(H) boxes assorted brands SOAP ; 25 ’’ Pearl STARCH On consignment and for sale by WM. H. HOWARD, a P~I Commission >;erchant. THE LADIES \l r I 1.1. lind a tine stock of imported FANS, the new- I T est and rarest patterns, at HBNnY J OSBORNE S, aplS Broad street, under U. S Hotel. DR. CH. PALMEDO’S 1 \FFICK at thestoreof FRED VONKAMPACO. ' / Br. .ad-street, opposite the Bridge Batik Building. D v.MA.N’tT Vh I’ a.mTi.Hn,- V 10b boxes best quality Adamantine CANDLES ; “ “ '* in fancy cases For sale low by CHARLES ESTES. rhi diw MEBCHANTS AND CLE6K* find something new in the PEN line at »r HENRVJ OSBORNE'S, on Monday next The ‘■'t Fen and Holderiu the World, without any excep llin - a p 18 I'D I.OVER** oT ’l’tll DH til tis irNOw' KHLL ha*received a splendid aswrtaicnt of Dra ■atic. Play-, which he will sell cheap. Ca'l soon, aj’lr Store opposite I?. R. Hotel. BA« ON —'iihi.cco lb- Choice IS ACC tiT, well eured, and the ham- finely 1 rimmed, for -a i- by J<l«3 MAKER, WRIGHT A CO. I >EAS.—4dO bushels of COW PEA- and WHITE L FEAS. jtt t received and for sale, by »r>U\ m W WOODRUFF hall lamps i V WHEAT Variety of HALL I AMPS, at E MUST IN A SON. apt 1 ~Tlas s jahs7 I [ 1 DO/.. Half-Gallon JAlta lor sale low. by • S. C. MUSTIN. V \ | ()l,.l#*i;s.-hhds prune Cuba Moi,ASßw>, Tl tot sale by WILCOX, HAND A ANSLEY. ftti.T . DOTH ilt{l'w#i Kn Very superior article of k English TOOTH BRUSHES, received at CHEW'S DRUG STORE, *P~36 Turpin’- Rang®. FLOUR ! FLOUR! I IST received from A. F. Moser # Mills, Tennessee, I 150 sacks Extra Family FLOUR, which has been renounced by competent judges to be superior to Kiam Smith s ALSO, 5000 lbs. BACON Hog Round. rj)2f)—lw W B. GRIFFIN A CO. i JOYS’ Cloth Tippei Cong:ess GAITERS ; l ) “ Pat. Leather F- tied " “ " Calf “ “ “ Youth’s Butt wed GAITERS ; " Clot h .Congress " “ Calf Sewed BROGANS. Received a id for sale by ap32 CLARKE A ROYAL • tIIILDUEN’S Bronze and Black Ankle TlE^, '_y small »ixe# ; ( hildreu # Kid Ankle TIES, V-ery fine, small sizea. KOl eived and fur sale by ap’-H | ~ CMBKE A ROYAL NEW NOVELS. —Harold Tracy: or Phases of Life. By J K: Smith. Esq., auth ir of Henry de ia •ur, Woman and her Master, Fred Vernon, Gus How rd. A •*. * - John; or A Cousin in the Hand is worth two in the »u*h By-Miss Em li® CaileD. ’’'•r I’ll’hr |apt^l TH< >S RICH A'BDS A SON L’-a'.ik l .-,0 bbl*. Nashville City Mills Ex Super. FLOUR ; 75 sacks Etttra Tennessee FLOUR J "st received and for sale by WM. H. HOWARD, ap'2l Commission Merchant. O lObhis Porto Rico SUGAR; It) bbis. Clat ified C “ 5“ B “ Ou consignment and for sale by WM H. HOWARD, ap2l Commission Mk-rehant. fTT-i u ts.— kv' 3 1 boxes .1 E. Congdon's Adamantine CANDLES; 10 “ Excelsior “ “ On consignment and for sale by W it. 11. HOWARD, a >2l Commission Mo-chant f Glt-.LKE.— tailboxes Mites iSou# CHEESE, lust UZ received by DAWSON A SKINNER. ianlU J | AKFEKS’ AiAGA/INE, for May, has just been li received. ALSO, Oodey’# Lady’s Book, and Graham’s Magazine, for am® month. • |ap2s] GEO. A. OAJES A BRO. UTI! I"KEY.- -20 obis Extra Out tteser Wills Vi KEY, on consignment and tor sale low, by WM. IL HOWARD, and C«w,mis#’on Merchant. HVl’tllXti KI XTl’KEf*. — Piunge, Ilip, Hand and Shower BATHING TUBS, for sale by S S. JONES A CO , aplt) optvk#it® Angnsta Hotel. / \N f ONt»H»N.>IENT.—A few thousand pouud.- * * prime new Tennessee BACON, Hog Round. 6)r ale by fobs M W. WOODRUFF WA NT EI •—Georgia Railroad A Banking Compa ny's STOCK. Apply to WM. H. HOWARD, ia~’4 Commission Merchant. I’O' IC IT Pis.— Another supply of the celeb ated yUASSIA TONIC GUPS, just received. These tips are the roost convent" m way of taking a tonie that has yet been discovered, and Quassia bas long been con idered one of the very best bitter tonics. apli PLUMB A LEITNER. a It BKI Choice article of Rosewood and Ivorv Hair BRUSHES, received at CHEW’S DRUG STORE, ap26 Tnrpin’s Iron Range. ,»Cougrtss Heel <*AiTEKS very fin-; j “ “ French Kid “ “ “ “ Rosette “ “ SLIPPERS, very fine, deceived and for sale by ap22 CLARKE A ROYAL. FLOWER JARS. A FEW dozen assorted size*. Just received by nihl7 v. wttrtjv «. «nv h.EP CiiOli.-WATfck COOLERS, Ice Cream FREEZERS, REFRIGERATORS, ICE PICKS and MALLETS, for sale by S. S A CO., •plO opposite Augusta Hotel. CARD, —A few mn(re cans just received on »a eat by [ap22] ML W. WOODRUTF. AUGUSTA, GA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY C, 1857. IMPORTANT TO TRAVELLERS GOxJNG NOKIH BY THE BAY LINE. SEABOARD AND ROANOKE RAILROAD, in connection with the STEAM PACKETS on Ches apeake Bay, firming a daily line unsurpassed for com fort, speed and safety, between Weldon. N. C, and Bal timore, Md. 1 The elegant Steam PackeD, LOUSIANA, Capt RUS SELL, and NORTH CAROLINA, Capt. CANNON, new boat*, beautifully iittod up with, cominoiUoua state rooms, are now running daily ou the old and favorite Bay Line, which, in connection w ith the Roads south of Weldon, presents the following unsurpassed Schedule 1 Leave Augusta, Geo,, 9.30 A. M.; “ Brauchville, S. C., LSOP. M.; “ Kingsville, “ 5.00 ** " Wilmington, N. 0., fi.OO A. M.; “ Weldon, N C., 2P. M j ‘ “ Norfolk. Va., 6P. M.; Arrive at Baltimore Md,7 A.M.; In time for the early morning trains for Philadelphia and New-York. Through Tickets to Wilmington, $9 ; thence to Balti more ®l2. Through Tickets may also be purchased in Wilming ton for Philadelphia 6"H, and for New York at $15.50, of S. D. WALLACE, Ticket Agent; or at Weldon for Bal timore #e, Philadelphia $lO, Now-York sl2, of E. N. PETERSON, Agent S. A R. R. O, Baggage checked through from Augusta to Weldon, thence to Baltimore. Through from Wilmington to New-York in 3ti hours without loss of sleep. For further particulars, apply to C. D. BOYDEN, Agent Inland Rome, sep2o-tf Globe Hotel, Augusta, Ga. MAKE YOUR TAX RETURNS. I WILL be at the following placer at the time > -tated, for the purpose of receiving the State Tax Returns for the county of Richmond : At the Lower Market House, in the Ist Ward, on Tuesdays, the 7th of April and sth of .May, tsale days :) at Tho*. K. Rhodes’ store, in the 2d Ward, Wednesday# Bth ot April and tith of May; at the United States Hotel, in the ltd Ward, on Thursdays 9'h April and 7th May; at J. Reed's store, in the 4th Ward, Fridays 10th April and Bth May; and at the Court Grounds of the country districts on their re spective Court Days until the Ist July. I sUal endea vor to call upon all who have permanent places of busi ne -w in Augusta, for their returns, and hope that I shall not be ask i.i to do so more than once. To enable me to have the digest ready by the time it is due, (Ist of Au gust,)! shall certainly close on the Ist of July, and re turn as defaulters, and double tax, all whohavenot made their returns by that time. ap2 duaye JOHN A. BOHIIER, R. T. R. R C. / \\ < ON**IGN tiK>T— V/ 100 bbis Rectified WHISKEY, various brands; 70 bliD. Old Mouongahela ” 30 “ Old Rye '• 20 11 Neciar 10 1 ca-k# Cognac BRANDY ; 90 J “ “ 2 1 “ “ old and line, 10 boxe-y.SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS , 20 box. s Cog- ae B ’.AN D V ; 50 M. SEG ARS, various brands, from common to very fine; 10 cases BOOTS and .SHOES, fresh and well assorted ; 33 b ds. White Wine and f;ider VINEGAR ; £0 boxes Assorted PICKLES, Ac ; And a variety of other articles, all of which will be sold at very iow prices to close various consignments turned over to us by the late tlrtn of Girardey, Whyte A Co. W. B. GRIFFIN A GO. Ancusta, April 14, 1857. apls THE FAST TROTTING STALLION, ST. LAWUEM E, will stand the present season, I 011 Mondays, Tue days and Wednesdays, at Mr. C A. Reid’s plantation, on the Navanna’u road, four miles from this eitv ; and Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at Heckre & Wilson's stable#, in Augusta. He wisl be let to mares at Twenty-five Dollars the sea-on, or Forty to insure. For pai ticuUrs, gee Biuall Bills. Pastures gratis.— Sea#on eXpir-s First of July. C. A. RED. «p!2 j SAUCES, f I'ST If FUEIVED, a large assortmen* of the most • I celebrated Fish and Meat S A UGEH ami CATST'I’B Also, fresh SALMON MACKEREL, LOBSTERS and H ADDOCK, in sealed cans, Ate. mh£!j 1. P GTRARDFY: 4 TJl{.v uD E Y Hllir TE "die" 1t o. h ave placed thi ir j Kook# and Ace# tints in the hands of Dr E.OJRAR OF.Y, who is authorized to act as their Attorney in set tlement of all claims, either owing to or due by said firm, lb-r-ons having claim# w ill present them for payment on the Ist Jitiv; those indebted are requested to make prompt payment. OIRARDEY, WHYTE & CO. Augusta, A vri! 21. 1857 »p 24 WATER COOLERS! DOME Choice WATER COOLjERS, Philadelphia O Manjufai tore, for gale by apll K. MUSTIN A RON. NEW FiHM. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. HENRY .1. OSBORNE will keep a full and com jii.-te assoi trt ent of ail articles in the HORoLOUt- OAL, JEWELRY aid OPTICAL LINE, at the old -land of d)-thorn® & Whitlock. Hr.ving in employ a first rate Watlch maker and Repairer of Jewelry, ail work will be promptly executed in the n-n btst. manner, liv mriet jwrdoiiti! aiu,ifio to the want-and Interests of his customers,be hopes'to retain his old friends, and make many Hew,>Hf* HENRVJ OSBORNE, No 25.-;, under the United St. tc# Hotel. AnvusK G« . M .-.b |f> 18.77 mb 12 TC i HENT\ \ DWELLING on Watkin's street, oppoait,e parade gi..ipid, contain dig 7 lo.uiis, piazza front and hack, with Kiti hen with 4 roon - Flowei ajnd Vegetable Gar den, with slab!® and Other out houses, Ac Rent mod erate to jan approved tenant. Poise#sion given 15th April. Apply to Thomas Com tenay at tin Young Men's Library 45., cisth u near post tlflicie. 1 iuh2l* 'DESIRABLE-REAL estate! I HAVE for sale, a two Story BRICK HOUSE, situ ated oh the south side of Broad 'street, three doors above the tipper Market. The Lot fronts 27} feet on Broad street and runs through to E|tis, with all neees ary out-houses. Apply to tan 23 WM H. HOWARD. H,l * j Llit- D ! A 3 ti'e of Bacon's Rebellion. By . Lt; George Tucker, and Violet, or the Cross and tee Urowjn, by M. J. Mclntosh lor sale by an 12 THUS RICHARDS A SON. MOIt I. HOOK"*. t>ern>auy, it# Universities, Theology and Religion, by Philip Schatf, D. D., and Wythe’s Pocket Dose Book. sale by apl2 THUS RICHARDS A KON. Wf (Rl|l) WAKE, TUBS, CHURNS, I’IGGINS, ? | Batrel < 'OVERS, and a great x ariety of other arti c.Ci> of Wood Ware,! for sale by S. 8. JONES A CO,, aplO 210 Broad-street. TUMBLERS! TUMBLERS!! ,lAA DOZ. niarard Table TUMBLERS for sale „* I V * at from lf> to 50 cents perdoz. ap7 (S. C. MUSTIN. VTAll.>ps— rA 1000 kegs Old Dominion NAILS ; 500 “ Wyoming “ In store aud for -ale low by feb’Aj HAND, WILCOX A C©. IH HD CAGES. —I is our firm conviction that we I > Lavi 1 a greater variety and a larger stork of Canary und Mocking Bird OAG ES than all Other dealers ia the city -combined. Call and look, to remove all doubt on this point. 8. 8. JONES A CO.. apK! 210 Broad-street. •# A BAG * good to prime Rio COFFEE ; 30 mat ~ ») I ) Gov’t. Java COFFEE. ndi io FLEMING, CLEMF.NCE A CO. V#E STAVE STILL ON HAND, AAA CHOICE PEACHTRF.ES—it is not thought xLI *V/ too late to pia t them. We will sell at 812.50 p< r hundred )apl7| E MUSTIN A SON. ON CONSIGN .KNT -20 bbis. Tennessee Extra Fawly FL .UR, for sale by ap 7 BKF.R.S A TERRY. LE.HONS. —10 boxes Sicily E’ MONS, in fine order, on consignment, and tor sale by WM. II HOWARD, apld { Commission Merchant. 1> l SSELL’.-S.MAG AZINE FoU APIIIL.—An. V otbG supply "U»t received by ap ! 9 THOS RICHARDS A SON. WRAPPING PAPER.—A large assortment of WRAPPING PAPER, from Pioneer Paper Mills, for sale #>4 consignment by BEHRB A TERRY', apl7 opposite Planters Hotel. OKAM.ke AND I.E.HONS*.—Just retetveu, 30 boxes Sweet ORANGEf*, 10 “ LEMONS, at ap!7 I. P. GIRARDEY’B. IIJIE. —200 bbis. fresh Thomas ton LIME, just re- J eeived at S mtb Carolina Railroad Depot on consign ment, and for sale by JOHN CASHIN Gen’t Commission Merchant, No. 4 Warren Block. apliO OAHA CORN SACKS or sale. ZUUU mli 15 FLEMING. CLEMENCE A CO. 1 )INE \ PPL ES. —3 tes. West India PINE APPLES, JL in store and for sale by WM. H. HOWARD, apOl Commission Merchant. Ctlf It’r. Ot.D t.miOuS.—We have mat re / eeived the following brands of as choice LIQUORB as there is to be tound, viz ; 10 doz. Heunessy BRANDY, vintage 1842 ; 10 “ Otard, Dupny ACo BRANDY, vintage 1840; 7 Rynbended L >ueu Schiedam (JIN: sdoz. J J YriarteJ. R. O , H. B. R. Brown SHERRY, vintage 1625. ap2l SWEET POTATOEBE —A few bushels on consign ment aifitable for Eating or Planting, for sale by ap2l M. W WOODRUFF. L'XTHA FLOU R.—75 half barrels Extra Family LJ FLOUR, equal in quality to Hiram Smith’s. For sale by fehSl | CHAB, EBTEB VVEET POTATOES*—50 bushel* choice SWEET POTATOES, jttst received on consignment and for sale by . JOHN CaSHIN, Gen’l Commission Merchant, No. 4 Warren Block. ap22 BNNBSSKK BACON. —50,000 fta chotoaTai nessee BACON, for sale by mh3l-wtf CSIAS. ESTES- dfiOKOIA RAILROAD. rassrseaK trains. lEAVE Augusta daily at 6.00 A. M. and 5 P. M. J Arrive “ *" 3.22 A. M. and b ” Leave Atlanta daily at 8.43 A. M and 6 P M. Arrive at “ ,r 3.00 “ 3.30 P. M Connecting with Athens Branch Tram. Arriving at Union Point daily, Sundays exeepied, 9.50 A. M. and leaving at 2.25 P. M With Washington Branch. Arriving at Cnmmiug daily, Sundays excepted, a SSO A. M.„ Rnd leaving at 3.20 P. M With South Carolina Railroad. Leaving Augusta daily at 3.20 A. M-, and 9.50 P. M. Arriving at Augusta dally at 3 o’clock A M. aud 4.30 P. M. With Atlanta and Lagrange Road. Lesve Atlanta daily at 3.30 A. M. and 4.45 P. M Arrive at Atlanta at 6.00 A. M. andS.3s P. M With Western and Atlantic Railroad. Leaving Atlanta daily at 9 A. M. aud 8.55 P. M. Arriving at Atlanta daily at 3. !0 A. M and 4.05 P. M. GEO. YONGE, Gen’l Sup t. Sept. 9, 1855. # ep lo FOR PHILADELPHIA, I 1 UK Splendid Bide-Wheel Steamship*, KEYSTONE STATE, 1500 tons. R. Hxkdik, Commander, STATE OF GEORGIA, 1500 tona, J. J. Garvin, Jr, Cotumande.r. The former Ship leaving Savannah on SATURDAY, May 24th, and the tatter leaving Charleston on SATUR DAY, May 31st, and every two weeks thereafter; thus forming a weekly line. These ship# are only two nights at sen, and have vt‘ 100 utiles of River Navigation. Passengers will be landed, if desired, at New Castle, Del., from which place Cars start three times daily lor Baltimore, Washington City, aud other Southern point#. C. A. GREINER, Agent, Savannah. T. 8. A T. G. BITDD, Agents, Charleston. Passengers taking Friday Nights’Train will be in time far the steamers. D. DAVIS, Traveling Agent, Augusta, Ga. Savannah, May 20,1850. my2s-iy CABIN PASSAGE TO N. YORK, $25 SEMI-WEEKLY U. S. MAIL LINE. New and splendid Side-wheel Steamship#— X AUGUSTA 1,500 tons... Capt. M. S. WoodhulL FLORIDA 1,300 “ ..Cant.lsaac Crowell. ALABAMA.. .1,300 “ ..Capt. G. H. Sehenck. Will llavk savannah lvjlry SATFRDA Y. These chips are among the largest on the coa#!, unsur passed In speed, safety and comfort, making th- ir pas sages in fifty to sixty hours, and are commanded by skill ful, careful and polite officers. Having elegant state room accommodations, they orfer a most desirable con; veyauce to New-York. Cabin Passage to New-York $25 Steerage Passage to New-York 8 PADELFORD, FAY &CO . Savannah. SAM’L L. MITCHELL, 13 Broadway, |anlß New-York. AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. COJniKMTNG ON WEDNESDAY 3D SEP TEMBER, 185 b : Leave Augusta M. and 4 P. M. ; Arrive at Milieu 8.15 A. M. aud ti.so P. M., connecting with Trains or Savannah and Macon. Leave Millen 12.45 A. M. and 5.45 P M.; Arrive at Augusta 3.30 A. Maud b. 45 P. M. sepl4 ts C. A. BROWN, Agent. NOTICE. HAVING purchased the stock of Goods of SCRAN TON, KOLB A CO., we will do a General GRO CERY AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, at their old place of business, No. 2 Warren Block. KOI.B A PHINIZY. CHAS. M. KOI.B. | JANES H. I’HINIZY. Augusta, November 25, 1856. WE have sold our stock of Goods to Messr-s. KOLB A PHINIZY, and take pleasure in recommending them toonr patrons. SERANTON, KOLB A CO. Augusta, November 25, 18S)ii nov-29 NEW FALL AND WINT £fi GOODS T' CLOTHS, CASSIMEREB AND VESTINGS. WHI. O. Pltlt’E A CO. are now prepared to ex hibit to their friends and customers an attractive, elegant and complete assortment of Fall and Winter GOODS, adapted to the wants of this section of the country. Among which may be found all that is new and usefttl for Gentlemen’s wear. Particular attention is requeued to their extensive as sortment of HOSIERY, GLOVES, and NECK DRESS ING. octl FANCY GOODS. (ALARK & CO. Poet Office Coiner. J October 1,1856. * oct3 NOTICE. 11l EIfE B Y forewarn all persons from trading for any Notes or Memorandum.# given to Tinsley A Ia ram, E. O. Tinsley or Thos. J. Ingram. ar> the;, have been fraudulently kept out of my posse -:on, aud 1 will not pay any of them unless compelled l>> law. January 22,1637 J VS. P FLEMING. NOTICE. 170 suit the public, PRESCRIPTIONS will be care fully prepared, not only during the day, bn* «!.-■' at Any time of the night. feb’Jfi3nx FRED. VON KAMI* A CO. ROOMS TO RENT, IN a central part of the city, suitable for a small fami ly, or a few si’-glo Gentlemen, with or without Board Terms moderate. Inquire at this office. feb2s-tf IEECHES. —We shall try to supply our cn- tomera J with best Swedish LEECHES, from this time out A small supply received today. octal D B. PLUMB A CO. NEW COHN SHELLF.R. SMITH PATENT. "XKT E call the attention of those iu w nt of a CORN T \ SHELLER, t~examine the above pat. nt. It las no eqnal fur the amount of work it can aecmapii-.h, and for durability. For sale by octlfi LEWIS A ALI F\. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. r |7 HE partnership heretofore ex;.-tlrg in thi city ba- X tween the undersigned in the Genera! Grocery Bu f-iness, under the name and style of BELCHER A H<>L LINGBWOUTH, is this day dissolved bv mutual eon sent. J.M BELCHER, J 11. HOLLINGSWORTH. Augusta, 19th Feb.. 1857. feb2o DRESS MAKING. MRS. A. MOON has removed to the south s ide of Green street, next door to the Methodist Parson ge, where she is prepared to execute all order:, which may pe reeeived. Thankful for the patronage heretofore conferred, a con tinuance of the same is respectfully sidieiteu. oot9 J. M. NEWBY A CO., HAVE now on hand, and willrecive weekly, the newest and most elegant styles of Good# known to the trade. Strangers visitiug Augusta, wdl get posted by calling in aud examining our stock. Aisoonhand, a arge lot of Youths’ and Bovs' CLOTH ING-SHIRTS, DRAWERS, STOCKS, GLOVES, Ac. oetlC IfRO.II the Ist January next the DWELLING on Reynold street, directly in the rear of my residence. dec3o YV. H COOPER. SHIRT FRONTS. JUST received, another lot of those cheap Woven BOSOMS, at 37* cent#, worth 75 -, acct warranted to wear longer than the best Linen go id#. At HERSEY’S, ja29 opposite U. S Hotel. All J £ have now in use, at thi) Hotel, one of the ”E X TV CELSIOR STEAM WASHING MACHINES,' and have been using it daily for tlic last #ix mouths, and cheerfully recommend it as being superior to any thing we havepver used, and recommend it to all who wish to save labor aud fuel. W V STARR, ELIZA C. SI’ARR. Augusta Hotel, Augusta, Ga, October 31, 1850. novldtf SI’AH CANDLES.—SOO boxes Shelluo CANDLES Ju.#t received and for sale low, by mhlO HAND, WILCOX A CO. tOL'.sTKV 1' LOI U.—lo bbis tupe.line t Lul'K, / on consignment. mhlO HAND. WILCOX A CO NAILS. —UIOO kegs N-iILS, assorted size#, for sale. febl9 BAKER WRIGHT A CO Kt YMH.Ds’ SPtt'l Kll'. —For Gout and Rhen mutism. A supply received by fob 26 YVM H TUTT. UKKI) Oats —On consignment and for sale, a tew kj hundred bushels SB r-D OATS, B.ai-k and White. feh,3 M YV WOODRUFF. QAA KAtis* Prime Kto COFFEE ; o*_*\ ' 100 boxes Adamantine CANDLES ; 50 boxes Sperm CANDLES ; 50 “ Pearl STARCH Just received by D.AYVSON A SKINNER. feb4 L'MH K AND It if'O.Y — X 300 sacks FLOUR, Extra: 150 “ “ Superfine; 10 casks old Bason SIDES, Tennessee, 5 “ new “ HAMS, well cured. Just received on consignment, and for sale by feb>2 WM H. HOWARD. SWANfSDOYVN NL HSKUY I’OWDEK.—A very fine article, jnst received by WII. H. TUTT. dec2 ALT.—S,OOO sacks SALT for sale low from the bT wharf by [Jan7] HAND, WILCOX A CO. IALOIK 200 bags choice Family FLOUR; 300 “ Superfine “ For s*le by |mhl] BAKER, WRIGHT A CO. UIBKEV. —SO bbis Dean's celebrated brand rectified WHISKEY, just received on consign" ment, and for sale low by WM. H. HOWARD, feb@ Commission Merchant. (fA HEWS NAILS, assorted sizes ; 4 DU 500 boxes Adamantine CANDLES. For sale by ZIMMERMAN A STOVALL. ap2 DENTAL NOTICES. DENTISTRY. DR. JAB. T. PATERSON, DENTIST, [Lute of Boston, Mums ,) HAYING located permanently in this city, offers his professional services to the citizen# of Angnsta and vicinity. He Js prepared to do all kinds of Plate Work, but would recommend special attention to his mode of inserting the ATMOSPHERIC PLATE. Dr P ha* had seven years’ experience in the United 8t .tesand Ltirope. Will attend t* operations on the Mouth lm gu'arity of the Teeth. Hare Lip, Ac . and will insert the Artificial OBTURATOR, or PALATE. ce au ' l residence in Col Clanton's Buildings, on YV asiiington-street, a few doors from Broad street, mb2B-d3m s. w. harker, m. d., RESIDENT DENTIST. OFFIC’K on Broad-street, one door above Post Of fice corner. 3 Dr 11. is prepared to do Allen’s Patent and Iluuter's Continuous Gum work, and all recent improvements in the art *,,?! 1 I REMOVAL. DR* CHASE has removed his office to the North fcide of Broad-street, over Mrs. Hall’s Millinery store, opposite the United States Hotel: where he is now ready to see those desiring his Professional services, novx DESTINED TO SUPERSEDE ALL OTHER EDITIONS! library iscomp’ete without a copy ! The Original 1 * Text of Hhakspeare Restored 1 Jewett’s Collier’s Edition of the Complete Works of William SHakspeve, including his Life, Plays and Poems, embellished with a splendid Steel Portrait, and Forty New and Original Designs. “ Straws will show which way the wind blows!” INCONTROVERTIBLE EVIDENCE OKDfcRS RECEIVED. New ORl.Ea.vs, La. To Geo. F. Cooledge : The 25 copies of Shakespeare sent us, have vanished! You will plea.,e sendso copies more by steamer, a pro portion in Cloth and Sheep binding. * * * Richmond, Va. To Mr. Geo. F Cooledge : The Shak#peare sent are all sold you will pleas® send me a case eon ainmg 75 or 100 copies assorted, in Cloth and in Sheep binding. * * ... „ Adrian, Mich. To Mr. Geo F. Cooledge Y’our edition of Shakespeare sells first rate ! I sold in a short time ail that you sent me Send me another case assorted, in Cloth and in Sheep binding by Ra iroad Columbus, Ga. To Geo. F. Cooledge : Send me, to come by steamer With my order upon Far mer, Bruce A Co , 25 copies of your Shakespeare, assort ed, in cloth a id sheep binding. ' * * For sale by ’4. RICHARDS A SON, Augusta, a p.’l LUMBER AND WOOD FOR SALE f 1 AAA FEET LUMBER, assorted, 100 Cord# DVJjvJv/U Green and Dry Dak WOOD. All or ders 1 r Lumber filled at short notice. Apply to our Agent. R. H. COKER, at Augusta and Savannah Rail road Depot. WALKER A DICKINSON, jaull dly Xu HIRE. A NEGRO GIRL, by the month, a very fine Cook A YVasheraudltoner, without children. Inquire at this office. mh-26 dtf 1857. VEW and choice GOODS, reeeived this yearto make IN up to ord.-r. YVM. O. PRICE A CO., a4 Drapers and Tai’ors I SALON, ilAt ON.— J > 5 hhds. clear BACON Sides, 4 ’• prime ", Shoulders, Just received and for sale by ] YVM H HOWARD, fel>9 Colum n Merchant. MEdiCINE t!UKs'r».-8u ISO.* tor ramities, Physicians and Plantations. For sale low bv «I>7 YV VI II TUTT CtIIOICKFA.MIL Y HUTTEK.—lofirkmscoshen > BUTTER for sale, on consignment, by CIIAS. P. McCALLA, m h3 corner Jackson and Ellis streets lilfANOY—7 casks, a tine article, for sale by Jf CORD, HORTON A waltou. fct.2B IfAt ON I ) 25casks choice Tennessee HAMS ; 25 “ “ “ SIDES ; 25 “ “ “ SHOULDERS. For sale by ZIMMERMAN A STOVALL. a P'2 HA NANAS.—-Jt.erce* BANANAS, just received and for sale by |n_h2s] WM H HOWARD. FLOUR, jnst received aud for sale by WM. H HOWARD, foh‘22 Commission Merchant. {.UNDEISI! LINSEED OIL,— sliu gallons rec-tv- J ®:t by fmhl.3] WM. H. ’TTT. I A Hl*.—A few bbis. LEAF LARD, just recived ! J and n r sale by ZIMMERMAN A STOVALL. ..;--- ____ —The best ait.ele extant 1 for Cleaning and imparting a beautiful gloss to all j kinds of Varnished aud Polished Furuituie, Oil Paint- i log, Ac, Price 25 cents For sale by apß H A VILA ND. RISLEY * CO. | Fta; wfiiTE i,e.\d— ii ,tMJ lb# ot very *upe- j rior quality, in kegs of 500 lbs each, dow n to 25 tbs. This Lead we guarantee equal to any ever brought to this market. For sale by YVM H. TUTT. apll kl lDlt A*o JIOnASSIiS.--60 hhds. CUBA O MOLASSES. 30 hhds. Porto Rico Sugar ' 20 Muscovado Sugar. Just received, and for t>a.e, at No. 2 Warren Block, by KOLB A PHINIZY. anl2 C 1 AND 1.1.55.—400 boxes ADA CANDLES / 60 boxes Sperm Caudles. Just received aud for sale by _apl2 KOI.B A PHINIZY’. OKING EXTRACT?—Of the best quality, and richest flavors, on hand and for sale by apll PLUMB & LEITNER. JIEIIEK7H BCHIEDA;>I KCIIINAPFM—The J only pure article of the kind, to be had at ap£l CHEW S DRUG STORE. / kXYGENATED 111 I’TEKs*. — l’hose desiring a * f Bitter free- from alcohol, are recommended to try these. For sale at CHEWS DRUG STORE, apl4 Turpin's Iron Rang®. Cto sV ill DEM—Wanted immediately, too h*avy t but dry COW HIDES, lor which I will pay the highest cas.a prices. M. YV. WOODRUFF, aplfi BEAUTIFUL GOODS. GOLD Band French CHINA, in Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets. Person# desiring to replenish their set#, can be accommodated with any piece they may wish, at 234 Broad street. E MUSTIN A SON. mh!7 . Misses* buskins, slippers, and chjl DRENS ANKLE TIES—IOO pair Mis*e# Kid BUSKINS; KX) pair Misses* Kid SLIPPERS ; 200 pair Children’s Blue and Green ANKLE TIES. Ju ;t received from D. B. King, Philadelphia, and so sale by' (uih2t«] CLARKE A KOVAL. MUbASbh#. bu hbds. new crop MUhsbSh.v tur sale- IfeblOl BAKER, WUIgHT A CO. ON CONSIGNMENT— -100 Cans New LARD, 10 kegs do. 5 Bbis. do. 500 Bbis. FLOUR Extra Family and Superfine brands, for sale by J. A. ANSLEY. SHOE LASTS, PEGS AND CALFSKINS. 2000 SHOE LASTS ; 100 barrels SHOE PEGS ; 150 doz French, German and American CALFSKINS. For sale low by CONLEY’, FORCE A CO. febll r / | till ll*. prime • üba MOLASnES, for sale iow by t>U mh)B WILLOX, HAND A ANSLEY. BURKING FLUID ! ON Consignment, 10 barrels best BURNING FLUID, for .sam at lower price thau at any o.her H >uso in the City, by the barrel. 'K C. MUSTIN. *P7 CJOFKKE.— 500 bags prime KIO CoFFeE, jost re- J eeived, and tor saie by KOLB A PHINIZY. apl2 i lANDLES. Vy 29u boxes Adamantine CANDLES 00 “ Sperm “ 20 “ Patent Sperm “ For sale by (mb26) DAWSON A SKINNER 1~;RK .CHKOSE WATKK.—AloiotF.esfcilO e . YV’ATER, jnst received. PLUMB A LEITNER. lIJII'. ANI) lIAIK J 100 bbis Fresh Thomas ton LIME; 5000 tbs. Plasterer’s HAIR. Jusi rec lived by ap's CIIAS. ESTES. l>Kb?TO.\ A .HLItK.I i.L’H kKAMT fOW JL DEKB.—IOO dozen for sale by ap7 WM. H TUTT. LI.NnKKD OIL. —A supply on low, by (apll] WM. U. TL rT. InDoW GLAMS.—AII sizes, from 56 by’ «! to 6 by 10, for Bale iow by WM. H. TLIT. apll ... APANNKD WAIIK.-We have this article in all iu variety, at wholesale or U out of tiie Question. LitslNo FLL4D. —A good supply ot Stan’s o. *»*•"«*«» '*» OHM t oa OBIDLITZ POWDEKM.—Prej ared exprsuly tor IS our retail trade, and warranted rail weight. > YVM. H. TUTT. VOL. XXL NO. 108. THE QHANITE MILLS UA \ IN'Ci undergone * thorough repairing, are NOW la tUdy operation, and we offer for sale EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, from New Selected White Wheat, in barrel*, half an quarter sack.*. *™”NE PDOUTL Frist, Ground from New Red tv teal, in barrels, ball and quarter sack*. rlo?wtWa EAL ’ er ° Un ‘ l,r, ' m White Corn-a very wp*. Together with BRAN, SHORTS AND GRITS LKWIS * ALLEN. JyIP No i Warre.i Block. CYRUS J. LA Atr ENCE ‘3 IMPOKTKR AND WHOLESALE sis AI.EK IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC ,, FANCY «*W»OD*<, COMBS, BRUSHES, BUTTONS, THREADS tti'UToEE iil ES, FAN', STATIONERY Ml Sit AL INSTRUMENTS. PORTE MON ATLm j „ SO. » CHAMBERS ITRKET, jan.ii finio NEW YORK. cheap gas". ~ informs she public that he 1* Sole Ai,uk r ltul L Ve « d J r ,ui, '*f tn operation, the Gas Aj paratuHqf the Maryland Portable Gas Company. .«!,ri!m U si trild tM . l “" te'Odence in the country, can coundeutly a,„ert that it ut the cheapent. most brilliant Tici mo 00 **' I '' llgh V U ' atia P r<,<la «*A The public, is so ', ' ' l ” examine the Kami- now in successful operation ** V?!*”^ < eoft, ‘e Chronicle A. Sentinel and at Clara * Hallj ot Messrs. Lain back At Cooper, in this city Pamphlets, giving full description of the apparatus price, Ac. can be had gratis, at the office* of the Chr< ni cie Ai Sentinel anrt Constitutionali«t, or on application to the undersigned, who is prepared with competent ma chiulsts, to put them up at any residence, at short no tice, in town or country. WILLIAM SCHLEY, Jr., Augusta, May 13, 1836. Sole Agent. giyldtf • * PICTURE FRAMES, CIII AS. f ATU,N has constantly on hand a large J stock of Gilt and Rosewood MOULDING, which he will furnish in *izes to suit customers at short notice Also, Fancy Frame*, for Photographs, of all sizes. Augusta. Jan U, 1857 j a j THE PULASKI STABLES ARE NOW OPEN, nM'Kt.K A.-. WILSON would inform their frte d* and the public, that their Fire proof STA PLES are nearly completed, and that they are prepared to Accommodate ail their former customers and a h many morejas may be pleaded to rail on them To our Hiring customers, we would say that we have as good -t.. ck as auy in the City, w ith new Buggies and equipments We ha>e purchased the tines! Carriages that could be pro cured in the city, which will lie kept expressly for fami lies, with tine gentle pairs of Horses. Ady number of Carriages furnished for Funeral occa sions, Give us a trial, we pledge ourselves to use every exer tiou to please. febJO THE AUGUST A HOTEL. r l’llE undersigned takes pleasure in informing her 1 friends and the travelling public that she has re leased the well and favorably kn >vn AUGUST A HO TEL, and will be prepared to strve her patrons with the same degree of attention and good things as she ha* heretofore. E. C STARR, Formerly E. U WENT. OCtJa ts * Pro-. r ,o,ress It | > 111 —\V earcprtq ;u c./tounany tiling that uiay offer in the way of Rind ng, such a* Peri odicals, Pamphlets or old Book that rt-'iuire binding if sent In soon. THUS. RICHARDS A SON. rfih-Jl IIUo lS AN D PA I KN 1 Li. A 1 nr.K Genu tine Stich bottom BOOTS, “ “ Square edge “ “ Patent Leather Oxford TIES ; " “ Calf Strap SHOES ; “ “ Patent Leather Dancing PUMPS; Boys’and Youth's Calf Dancing “ Just received from Beukert, Philadelphia, and mad* expressly for our retail trade. CLARKE A ROYAL, Q*' l -!! opposite Masonic Hall. SI iEit*l AN ’> Till k>h*.—The sub-crib r take* plea-ure in mi or min g the public that he has supplied h.mseif with a stock of these sup-rior TRUSeES, so highly recommended hy our physicians, and that they will be turmshed at reasonable prices. H’h-l WM. H. TUTT. Hf AM l f. D—Georgia Seven per Cent State BONDS. 1|.,.|), tn vr at. 11. IIIIWAKD, ‘“-•'T Commission Merchant. f 1 ' Hi; I-ADI AS arc respe.iiuily n vited to call and 1 S'"*.»' my stock of am v CHIN A, VAN ES, TOI LET SETTS, J BWKL BOXES,PU r F BOX ES.COL* >G NES Ac.. Ac Store few doors above the Augusta Hotel. “‘ItIT S C. MUST IN. Kt-t hit l.ll— l> A IctINS in w bole, hart end quarter • boxes. MCCORD, HORTON A WALTON. Nk. •• L. TV i I itr.ll ll.xt t».\, —i.,,i U>s. BA CON—Hog round—of very superior quality, lor b .V jfeb‘ ; J A, A NsLKY. I'Ulltl'f'U, —IvO boxes common to ilnnce TOHAC CO for sale hy DAWSON A SKINNER. tiih-Jo ILIISI.VS. —till boxes Layer and Hunch hAJSINS, k wholes, halve* and quarters. Just received by 1C DAWSON A SKINNER ClttOlt L V L.NI>fl.N,—800 m*. choice Venison J HAMS. Just received oncon-ig- ment, by JOHN CAMIIN, !I ‘ ar |{ Commission Merchant KANKIN’s. HALF YEA HI. V A IIM'K.VtT, I root July to December. For sale by “■M* TUGS, RICHARDS A SON. O w 1111 11*8. choice Porto Rico SLOARS ; • *« * 30 “ good Muscovado “ For sale iow by WILCOX, HAND A ANs’LEY. mb ‘8 |>iE FtttlT. Incases PiE "HII I' assorted, . • J ceived on consign ant a> d for sale by mhojl GIRARDFY.WIIVTE- A 00. I iHnIN CAN.*',—3o rails choice uew LAItD, tor X J *a‘e by |m!ilsJ CHAS EhTKS. I>tCOF. WOOD’S tl A(K Uli-'T OHATI tE . A supply ju*t received by WM. 11. TUtT' wh7 (’ ITiltl.Vl.N'' A.M iH(l»*l As, Nil A * IXI X CREAM.—This delightful Shaving compound is or sa’e by |feb2e| WM. H TUTT —6 bbls. Fresh JBtius, ust received on con Xu jsi.mment, by JOHN CASHIN, marl 3 Gnmmiss on Merchant. CUM.* JllP.A(b'ks.~3u hints uew MOLASSES, J landing and tor sale low, by «nh 10 HAND, WILCOX A CO I’Llll.’H, —25 this aud IhO sacks choice Family FLOOR, from the L<*>k Out Mills, Chattanooga, just received on consignment aud for sale by* * JOHN CASHIN, mhS Commission Merchant. No. Warren Biock- OSNABURGS AND YARNS. " Y\ r E kre Agent* for the sale of these Good*, in qn* * : ff ties to suit purchasers MCCORD, HORTON A WALTON Augusta, June 16, 1856. je!7 tl Al.-sJ>> A \ I> ( ANI) V 25 boxes Layer RAISINS; SO “ Assorted CANDY. For sale low by HAND, WILCOX A CO. ,ian7 IhO iof Jayne's Family M K DICIN'En, and an as sorted lot of fresh Garden NEED. (Landreth’«) will be sold at SberitF* sale, on Tuesday next. febl VI- W I, Alt ll,—On consignment and for sate, 25 i.A car.* choice, uew, Family EAKD. feb3 M W WOODRUFF. / * K\TB. tine Cloth tipp< d Congress tiAHKioi, f, r VT Spring, very tine and made to order. For sale by CLARKE A ROYAL, fcM>7 opposite Masonic Hall. i*U i <ll 11, **. —o,*i b d*. Prime Planting POTA TOES, for sale n w by l»n20 W L !OX HAND A ANREEY. Ci4MILbB, —50 boxen Adauiauunc Ca.Nhhbs, jm / received and tor vale by WM H HOWARD, febl.'l Commission Me-chant. YK» I.»iPt'KTATION *• F NthiattN,- i A 15.000 CA BARG A, London size ; S (SSI I'llVvTA VTC o o 7.000 DIEGO T Kl EBAYCA, London slxe. 10 (MX) CAZADDRES; JACKSON Ju*t received by DAWSON A SKINNER. fe1.12 - r |'l' MAKE,—HaIt TIN WaKfc; aso Ja, aimed X CAKE BOXES, FOOT TUBS, DRESSING CA NFS, SPICE BOXES. NURSERY LOUNGE*, SUGAR TRUNKS, WATERING PoTS, Tea an 1 Coffee CAD DIES, SpiTTOONS, CUPS, Ac., for -a.eat W H. 4 F. HI KNET'S, apd opposite Planters Hotel. 0011 AMI MlhhOH ttAitK —A Urge a* sortment just received and for sale at W. U. A F MURNET S, apb opjsMl's Planters’ HoteL (IA.MH.EB, —500 boxes Geo. Shiiilto s CANDLES, j for sa'e by (inh2.*>l 11 AND. W ILi'flX ACO A.MtET*. —We have a large stock of Ladies’ Traveling BASKETS, and a variety of ether kind*. s. s Junes a 00,, aplO opposite Augusta Hotel 1 A UDL-.N E.tlilNES,—A supple tect-iveo this day r by S. b. JONES A C*h, ■ P*d SIP B oad street W AUEA I WhOI.KSALt,—A large stock X of every thing in the line of oar own manufacture at low. st rates. • S. 8 JONES A CO., *Pl° opposite Augusta Ho el Ul’bAK,—2o hhd«. Porto Rico SUGAR, on consign k} ment, and for sale by KOLB A PHLNIZY, mnls £T | | MALLS' hcav-« Ouuny BAGGING; 2UU coll* OU ROPE. For«ale fcy mhis flaming clemencb a co. ’I'MaI.N OIL.—A very sujM-nor artiele to be had at ± B. F. Chew s drugstore, ap Tnrp’n’a Iron Ranga. StHIKM CANS, Queen*ware. Cane and Glaa* JAM for preying Fruit, formal* «- ; p po.Jf Planter.’ Metal