Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, May 07, 1857, Image 2

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UttKift'llttiE A: MSiS ilAfcL ’ DAILY, TUI WEEKLY, AND WEEKLY, BY W. B. JONES , = ■ ■ i - : Is: . V -'I Pmm\ the ltnlt-tin.it A"' r i i tin. LA ih*t. The lt»i«r«nd Htrike. (tJ _ j Th* ambtig the freight hnvdtol g sH t m.re and i KRiiriw?, no f. a# ( *, a ,,- i section, t«Hw«.-i» Baltimore *;»**! W "';'[[ [[..usat'd < CMif-rH-d.jeoiitiiiue-. f r 7’’ ! " ~ro«m< and i •li.--inH.tf aftpeet. at <1 <•«! * f, ' rth , (ls „{, r citizen#. e ■•Ay-lir <Lmm Htr>.n ui -A L , fwJ <mt SatUt- . T roe mil! try cmp-mw* |? . (>M bb , rn d«v »|* Hid U lijo-Hpf**;' * ‘ |(t . ,„ >ur *y kumilwuicd fi outbreak ~U»e « |.h., e :i „,» s ed with D"*” J" J J • , lii pro* 1 ufiiiti n. E':Ki«t*V W Hd ol the pro . f ( !, i * ' U*p® ,!V d<-T‘ veil, and blot*! hh< <1 |.o it‘V 'Yo resume <nt accounts on tl ,v• »# ' Jie iinU-r in i» lik ii tbev U I>,o<-lnnl'>"m\of tfu 0 v-o-.f Li ~ l-avtilg arrived in the c s n on Sn'.u:d<>y worn „,.* io* in jl the |V»> -Mont Hud Director# “I ti." Bal timore ftn*j Oiii'i Railroad (jk»|r»pa:iy to li ni at B> roam's,] wh'-re, aft* r cmisuitat too is •<> went In i ■ ssary jin »!c,i|w in the 1-In- I'g.'ir'y, tin!! t*'*’ 1 ' | pn-ssioii* fj a <l"b ruin Tu>o on * •- J ,-rin.r lo <*iii '.in <i» r qai-ifton the military tin- Slut- * rw«*H rnrv, for the snppres-ion ot the »n --sti- •u..«ii h.* 1 *;-<i H' ' •>!!< •'* l’ r ' ' i .. j,,,) .>,,<* anil Mistaken WUewto iiwnwi'i ' ! J J 1 1" . v Oftin- .<»««« iiKvo imhupptly na i. -t» n h ~ to ,i.U..rb »l..*|.Mbln* - ( >Y « riotmi# . , ~ .) h/,nf■ *ii <ii.-r«*tfar*l ot, *lia *hwi«. 7 <inn nor ,\f the Staff ,>) M rtj /, /f ’/ i, v inv I'n ( I \MA'i ms, war •a I « othorji inn M»<’ civil or iojliiary au'iKuritii-.i, and , |,j t-l l.v i!i. ,mi the nmiiit■■!).*-!(•«• «f pub 11.. .i . : r ti* ki*«-n -ivvay tr*i;n t'm iinitflilntrbiHMl ot a, itiwM:* Ti, *»!»■*- rvii.ttf thin pr.-nau' ,i ' ■ .' v urmn t,* tlu-l, own pol*<lo« . a i .pininit* ,i n «<--_*••*■ *•> the rein : ' ' ' " " " ' f ,he ’j' *“ | ‘ f'tliv l -' * ? ( t fit - i” iiinuHi!;u of »ii^ V' ■ U, Witt I*‘* Jlfo :‘ " '■ ’■ ; H I •;|„• • ,-n I, o v -!■ . !! ;•> who limy qe ,*i ln ..M*.l i.no.or . Bnoiw 4*-euton v isl do w. 'l o Iloi ridi i f!> U I|i* ir prei'fin-o ftt <» neH of li i mil di-o Her nav h« nicitnn *d •- i u , *|<*ft iiit* thou, to the daiitf-.r of auHortiitf i-quuiiy with the u y *»I v I • . . Ah ! 1.1! forffi'T exli .If a!i tfoo ! ftfid loya! eifizena t,f :,1 > »ii« f«» lid 111 the IWlllilteimnCl* <d <hc law-, ard in 'injuiig to puiiLliindnt tf,o*e eiitfntfi*,i in 1.. <n (oil. ,p‘ <d t f <-< mhl hority. I entreat t! int 1,'.) vgiii nf ii pi *i* rvino j. nee. mid in Hin tmnintf tlnf civil itntjim i.' ien. Tie ilisceutdermiHie I,V u ell li; po dc if im 111 the U lawful proleed ■ , wit .j -i- o on- *1 if.- - pro- • iiintiflii, may do : ~;osi >j.v - <ie m lint.iiwiiitfot.-.iler, a <1 otferawin# th** Mpoit i if iimif'iordc • - - : i sijd to riot to I* fu ,nt d* to their dutjr an qui , .|j-p *d a for!< .- lovi.i - (•]'!/.■ us . tttid to dea-ist i: ■ e. j:■ . hid t: U avoid lii-.11 , . ■ I I ' .l■ ■i J. .1 •,!!!• id thill will be visited up i lie! 1 yi _ ■ ■inty ne cuue.-rned ni' : ia mbiiitf the peaee, •.!' Jiie .Stlfte. j e. ji , v ivt ereof l havaber* unto subscribed ■ T. Watkins Lioo.v. i*V* - - I 'IV. IT ; , , N a 11> VII I<'• t, Tel,ary of Stale, f • fe -I inuiiitj was ie-oied in- a baiidbiil and i ;, 1 o ' |» 'o :n’h. ai. nity of Mouiut Clare ~t ■■■< - . a vs, h.w ever, aoi'ii torn down. !> on, . '* -7 y. 'I t oil .v flo elta-.k the train cot • * I •• All i . the ill',:ed guard of the i j’l iy cl Vi ;,0 i ..-ole, wdh iiia p -..H,* of gpje i il po'ii-i led the ttamden B'ltUon iu a train of **ai]B, eiw’hed Mount ( lase, wheti th' • tv, idol im|uß were prepar -1 to i tart, copaiqt ■Z -A. ):' . .tji I), u-e ituia If was dote’loiiurd to •" ■ ’ ijiie I tone trains t’o/ether, and iuterspurßC li eiiliraijv no feu ard lietw-een tliein, bo that the p i.’ei-ii .|j| be eijiia! to all, and tliidjifan lit !• ''• ,-t iii idfM . tup laeni, the '.vlioli force Cpuld r. >r. tin- Aiierapt * % d - '. 1 < <VW ts iv, :he itfintl fr- o u ting, and ;c S ilt-pH-) foutl oVdoek all was in nintiou, fonning It'll" t ,*|.J.osii|a .It, aoi one that We le.je* never i* nii *,• a e ooiia,-i,«u tui w ithin tlie timilH of Haiti* more city ' .1 ’ i - / -ft tit J-ick- -i li’i —As :-ooli as tin; til in Ijad pa. Os.-d Gwyijii s I ill--, v, . h divide/ 1!. .'i'v !ij uithy oiii ty, s-ii di pm*: ot m, n c .n!d b a i eCiiAWMially *>ii idle nmds.de, penerahy • ■ i -h drill, ol- li.'ivi'i* r-; ' !'/ foi'.v.'nii towaids d ie! - i,'/j bridge, tint, itna-i w;.,* no iudihatiou* of Opp ' 11 . ill I ■ . uin.il the Lend of the train eauie in .sitflht if the bridge, ilver wiiich the Washington, turnpike croßseH, the rd'lioad passing under it, it being p -douthetop of the’ hsg'.i cHittHuklMo.o!, mu li sb than pliirty feet above tie- tied ot tin; foad. Tie la idge being a covered -Inid ■'*, and sonsc-what (ii !»<<UfM.I, ill HU ilv aid." ,l> eoi-Bi,!, , ab’c body of men v. re <ti ) ,v, rod to i.,-< ..lie ai. d it, an*l at eacti etelj . „.i t *«•*• w ndowr ntl'i'-invere ob V *|-\-.. iu' In- (ill tile, lookout. Word Vs , I e(»use • qm-ntly iiven Ihroityliotit th** ti in to psi oaie to re is, i.ny uMaVk t• a* m c'i't be in-<lmvl‘in the m ee.ii.iij- li.e lieml of lins 11 <<ic eotnineueed to pass uii,b ! rihe| bridge. A -In; or el tiri* krt gav* *!..* t rs* not>.-e oftli<> iu (< -ition ,«f the rioters to ri new the attack. Tl'tese r-it tte-I I'HUill* -!v oil the Hit ot the,-arc the distance from which they w*-re thrown preventing anv se lll u damage Almost iu iiis iliateiy a sharp firing of pistols mtTjti guns ein i i lu-tvi ironi the bridge and along the brow of Ihe hill. A parly was Been near the inou'|t *.f the bridge with a small swivel, and Iron, a ptdf of smoke that arose it was' cfiojeetured they Hit tnpfed to di-charge it a! the t.ioii but that i* mis-e«l tire., The fire wasbri-kty re!uined from the military guar.is on the locomotive* and from the , C'oAipaiii s anpeil guard in th< i<-ar of tha train It Jf-as the i|itentinn t(> tiave stopped on the li-st atta, k and to dii ponds tl..* m iiary in pursuit of dr* rioters. Inn tr.iin|s >ine iiußuiiderstunding or want of pnmtp tiiud -on the pirt of the engineers, the t,«in swept on and Boon lefg tiie locai i,y m the rear. Tim col -1-c ion of liersi-ms M.t the hr ig was uuunli smaller tJuiii on t.i„* prrviouV< day, but th-s wan probably (llts. d 1> tin- knO'vledgo i:< tt UUV aft it* k \v- >uld be in me taiely xjplied to l.v a volley of ntu.sk-try, w liicb kept speetMlurs <tf end hi'i the rioter# io tf,-niseis b. It is BOttt-d thaM wo swivel# were at a tinned at the bridge s. I j; ii„. purpose of lit ing used ■ list t|ie niilftaiy if they n t mpteil to mount the hill. A'lrr |i,i g U,i# iaunt there was a few moment# luh. w i.-S* v. sdevoted to r,* i aming the dli-eharge in <k< is I <> . ijmi ;n.: i to ti e deep cub. uettf the Jour in’l * * ] hi -Use, the -ioieis were again observed in con-iderwbh tolice. The les delef tlliued sioOll tiaek Iroiu the ('ms- ot he hid ntui threw Stones, which reined'iip oa-dy but h<umloß#’v down on the ears.— Them. :-, desperate w.re observed lying on the gr* u id wgli pistol# and guns protruded over the lu nv ot toe t.ilt; troio wlitch position ill. y fired wili, little da 1 ;<-r to in-ms, Ives a* those on (fib train Olliers rail tn.iil iree t** tr*-e. seeki gan aim at the men mi the erigSoes On,* fellow, more determined tlian t tie others j stood boldly up 'and prepared to disc oi' g* his pistol *,t t!,e hirst ‘ncnmoUve. Uefore he whs piep.p.-d r-. tire ,r got out of range. Mi l he then turn -d and waited f r the second 1-.>-■-omotive, at w.hiet, :iv tiled lour times m lapi.l Uetfes-ioii.— 'J woof tie military gttirc# im i ,-diafely returned the fire. At liie se,.,,ed dwefiarge f bc wai seen to ck'p ii s Ij.md i<i his ! reast n.< d reel backward. The tme . eceiving and ret - i ,• fir,* ~f the ri .teis win, w*ie i s, * !>e'‘ along Hie .-ui/putt o' thee,,' Att:-r passing Uii.» point no other parties were seeij. ■ > uyinfti*' till tr io had pa.-ced this piiut word was bro the olount t lar • depot and thence t«l> graph(*d totjie Camden S'.-ifioti that ope of the rioters, mimed Rleury Dowser, had b* en shot from the train 4ud w,<s <1 aid, .M r (% unsehnan, wimia in the Comijimy'# . niploy at. Mourn (hare, and was related to the utdo:. unate man some l one filter pro cured a Wagon and started to the scene. VYlicu he airived there it v*-as aiter d>k and the rioters had d.s.ipp, irud, but from a German living iu the neigh borhood in- finally ascertained w w ,. tin- body was lying It w.ts f.iuini iu it h: re the mm hid fallen on tin* br.jw ot tlm hiit. his ,- •mpauiou# having to all &pp?afaii,fe liiiidh n >ei!'..rt to remove it. ]f e h H(! r-eived two wounds, either of which waft mortal Uue ball tad struck.between the ey» s. pawing en tir ly rn,< ugh tlie bea.t and tearing out the ba< k TV ," ‘ V ybeotner h-*r struck i u the !ef.. breast, )U ftt below the neck. From the place where til, O.M. Ha- t dm i,a..u the nature ot rue [wounds there is lujtle doqhr that llowserwas the person »•!,, fired at the guards ,m ihe #re„ d locomotive and received |iu turn the bubs from both th*- inu*ket# at ftifii. Hi« wus si*vi r* aiid t--*** rible, bur hertaioly tutly merited Hows, r wins aton, tune in thhempl y of the Company, aud haj a bro tiler who ift one tit the “strikers” now. Ihteiitiffn — Ari’idenl—Arrival at Eilicok's. At terpassii g 11„ Relay House th< train m ved onslow ly, a silM-p lookout being kept at i*ll the most avail- It c p'limy for an attack, but there was no indie.-t tion of nity further mtentiou to obs‘ruct the bugi ’ ‘V At ".Ter sra-iou, however, had «*eu4e«tl* K I eott’j Mills, -,u accideti coir,yelled a ' ast “ r " ,J "t»nd freiglit train, which a piece of rock from the"l' I ''”*. #o u. k agnins, ibe. n-,«ij te,M“ b t 7 lk n< “ w|jl, ,J , in fr gm.jnts, crushing two f u ” rui "« ; ug g.-a, mg the engine and ears off v Ud ,lir, ’ w was also fonsidernbly damag-d bm 1,,e ** n «l ,! * ' jured. The Fuck was lo .s, „ed by the d,e,T,‘‘v » n though fnoin the fact of it having V corny df the attack made on tlm tramt, m'" ,h ’ vmus day it was supposed by some to hair el!?*' the wo?kjitfrhe r «>r t rs. e The dejteotion of .he three traies at this point on account of the accident v.as over three hours, thev not r-actiirg Edic-t, #M il# until afier 9 a night. The imhtary and shentr po 8 «, left tu, train# befe, and they pr ceeded „i,,a;tei gome d.*l«.. by the Company, reaching Martinsburg at 9 o'clock ' mudy morning without the Bhghteet interrup * rart/c obstructed—Train thrown t'Jf. —The train# c-o gregatied at Ei icott g Mills hao ar iveo ‘- r in the day, but had been delayed in oi uer that the luibuir y and sheriff 8 po##e should, ac tm mow rvtuiln Atom. •**~e», > in readme*, the return train ( II k s b X f ori.gtessmg ivt slow rate Os gmrtvd for 'b f,* h l. ru , tion# on the track. All meetly *" d -t.-Hdiiy untii they reached on Ut idgik, nbont half past K ~i Bunday tnonnug, «ben there was a sharp i.H.it Old kept for a renewal of the as-au't of the at t. ritoori T(ic guard stationed on each of the si mo.-#* reported the hiH» clear, and not ft *oul to be »en on embankment or aide of the I «Jbe vicinity of the bridge. Tl,e br.dge a!so l l to be (ieserted. Being now almost on t«« bo mdary of the citv without any interi uptmn a higher tale oi i tM . ana a mile Bad scarcely been run when The Whom mrnemw train au me to a sudden -"ft liar that brought; every one to f heir feet. ' ( , ,o Pi, g iout'to (Imcove. the cause of the sudden C ;a -ia scene of desnmtioii presented itself at the } j* <- u?aic, whicii Lvive nut new exc«3le<l “ | ;: ,f , ccurr- nc- S for a lob# tune, though for lv the car- (I, troyed were not fi led with lm- V1„ . Ihe precuatinn of the officers of the r.’.ad in pihomg freight car# immediately in connem b ,foremast engine doubtless prevented -’"ions Y « of he- The kamnlotive was thrown off .V ’ . ;i- a, d considerably damaged, the tender «,•** broken to pieces, and four freight car# com p e*,-lv (' U bed aud broken up, and their content# scattered over the road. ... , . \V. regret to add, however, that fhudoes not sum u . to,* eut'-r amount of damage. On the foremost . there was stationed ii squad composed of n-of tlm twocoim eniek under Lieut. Parks •if th*- City Guard When tM train was thrown ofl’ this party wa# throw ti violently iu every direction. Private Ha h"* the 'ndepefidept Greys, was much ttrais d iiooct the head an i neck, aud Private John p,the City Guard. Md his . left leg broken :i the knee and ankle, arid hi# r'ght badly dit Dr. James Stewart, Surgeon to the U -g'irient, intended ' 1 the ll ' buns and did every* tiling that, uu- J..., th,- eirem i stances, Could be done for their relief. 'l'm* sm.. ic.ftHqiph’iiice# were somewhat scarce and ’from the windows were used for ,plit fs, and n site If wa# broken down and used ta hf. -. Mr. Evans, of Cui.-mouut, very kindly g-iv« t ’.■ us.*, ol liis hon es and;spring wagon tor the c uveyanee of the injured rneh to to wn The wagon, „ c..!,ipaoie<t by some welt armed men. came in the W'.shiugtAui road and the companies marched into | the coy. preferring not t„ wait for the car# wt ich weft b' ti'jg pi epal. dto bring tin m in With the ejcep'iou of the two named till,* pnr'y escaped v-ith a f> w -light scratches and bruises, although some of them escaped almost, miraculpusiy. The foremost locomotive; Wa# driven diagonally ai roßa the back, the sudden j.-rk throwing all of those on the house of the engine violently to the ground, thedistanoe being about nine fecit Private I f ill wa# throwu about ten leer from the Pngine and pitci.ed on to his head, being Insensible when taken up, but soon r* co' -red after being removed into one ot the cars Private Kimrs was also thrown from the locomotive, but fell hear the track. Lieut. Parks wa# pitched,over the. railing of th“ loeotuo 11\ e, but tin- chain otn heavy cavalry etvord he w .re caught and h ■ d : im suspended for a moment, thus tin (iking the f rce of hi# fall. At li.e time tin; men were thrown off several of lle ir muskets were uisciiat-ged, ami the reports caused the occupants ot the (tin s nt the other end of the train to suppose that an rtttnok had beenmade, l i e men imnn dnitely t oured out of the car#, fixing bayonets as they c niie, and taking their places woh-'ut a word b.-ingheard save the orders from the offiems Aitogether Hi exhibition of spirit was cre ditable to the cit self soldiery. Mr. B..liman, to so m as the wounded men were aarried into the cars, and properly cared for, started for Mount Clare station, in the hope of being able to obtain an eng dte and a couple of cars ao as to tiling m the military and the wounded. Therebe itig it, Ira us to go out on Sunday morning, Mnmt Clare w*s abandoned, except by the watchmen, aud alter some lime spent in fruitless efl'.rt# be started f,.r Camden station in hopes of eb-ainiugan engine the! e This, kowevef, was a ititti uit matter to accomplish at two o’clock iu the morning, but lie finally m-e.-eded, with tin- aid of Mr. Sni h. A*sis t nit Master of Transportation, and (several of the pass, ngei" (-onduetors, in starting* a train. When, however, Mr Bo lmnn arrived at the scene of disaster, he found that, the limitary had pro cured a wagon in the vicinity, and making ns can tort abb* a tied as possible with cushion# taken from iin; ( ;irs, had placed their wounded companion# therein, and escorted them tej the city,a detachment remaining on guard to prole t the cars from any at temp: 1., cause further destruction of tlie property of tiie company An twiiiii: atiou of the road to discover what j mean# ! ad been itged tiy the rioters to tkiow Hie j car off tic- track disclosed a piece of rascality that ; i-oeid scarcely have t>.-en devised by an one inex pi rieiiccl iu railroading. It oceurred at a point ! near the Spence property, halt way between Gwynu's Fall# and the Jackson bridge, where a j comity load crosSe#the track. An <>id rail similar ; t-i tho.-e used many years back on the] Washing'on ! br m ch, wit ti mimed ends, had been driven in close to the ii’i ide of the rad, ntsd spiked down. The j tlangc • i i n- win el striking agniu t the mitred end of ' n- mil a* t«*d ns a w.-'ge to throw the engine off i the ti aek and accomplished its purpose no doubt to ti.e entire satisfaction «*f the villain# who placed it i J iii. ituo an orOlimty rail Witn 11 square elm liecu u-ed the -hill tvotilo, in all probability, have ! uioiuit c <lje tad and pars, a over it without dam I «g* T.’.oil' «dij cf was to tiv an obst-uction that 11 < ntd not.be hi-covered by the < ngiueer, and if the , vvo-k iiopsoi' the compauy had been ransacked it wm-.i'l I ttve been diffii ult to have'found anything j more etiVotnal. The wreck shows a most singular disarrangement of tin- engine ana cars. The engine, after leaving the truck, ran about two hundred yards and parted from the train, turned lit a right angle with tile ; a k, down a low ba k, the jwheel# being imbedded iti the soft eaith The j( inter fell over on its right ’ side, and .-t»me four or five ehrs. filled with tobacco, ] stav s, Aiv., passed over it and beyond it, being ] snipped of th"ir tru* k n#'hev p•-->#ed, and.finally rested oil the Ira"' k on which they had been travel 1 ling. Ai ar tilled with ling- ran up on the pile form ed of the brokeu teuder and car trucks, aud there remain-d, one end on the track, the oilier about, ten f.-et above it. Both tracks it this spot are much - torn up aid displaced by ithe accident; that on which the train was, much lefts than the other. The burthen car • that wetjo bn ken up were for tunately not loaded with article# that could be easi ly damaged, even by such rough handling as t tn-y r«-c> iced Tl;* tiistca, was lorded with hogsheads ot toh,moo. The sec ,ud and third wi' h oak staves, and tic fourth with locust piha: for ship bunders.— rim damage to the tour cais wa# about $1 tl each, audio the tender and locomotive al> ut ma king the total damage a* out The Jocomo live wh nut. mac damaged. A force of men were set at work yesterday m .ruing to remove the wreck aud clear tu« truck, which was aceomphsued n time to pei mil the passage of Hie dvimUig train for Wash mgtoii cny. lhe morning itrain for Washington ■ uld not be sent out in c< urequence of the obetruc ti n, end tin inssengers were c tnpell.-d to lay over. It- .\Hack at L- r s Water Station. — We gave an a "Count on Saturday morning <> r the attack made on tl e burthen train# at Lee’s Water Station, by a p iri-y of eiime sixteen rf-tes who had left this nty iu an. oirmibus, and the ai rest of oil" of them who gave hi# name n* Kobert Smiley. They were pur u- ,1 by theguaid on the train, and a uuh.ber of stiois.--,'changed, several of tlie attacking par, v hav ing bin, it w , thought, wounded. We learned on Saturday n> Elltcott'# Mill that three of th- m were wound.-d, as f*»r ns ascertained, though from the fact. f but five ot the sixteen who went out in the omnibus having return, d in it, others probably shared the same fate On Saturday moruiug otie of them wh , had ruu so fir in the woods that he could not find Lis way back I>> tlie Mills in Hie dark came in to Illchester with iesann in a sling, saying tliat lie had been s.-rot, but icfu.nng to say w:.ere or h.»w it was dune. Twootheiß, who wo re brought into tiie city iu the omnibus,'were severely woun’d -d, and it w<h tin,light dangejrous’y. One of iheni was struck wish a t,all on the right ahou'der, which made a couipiete circle of the back ..f Ins in ok, un der t ln fl sh, c tiling cut. at tlie left shoulder, carry ing a strip of Ins sh it entirely! through the wound. The other received a buliet in h # side, from be hind, which passed out in front, and three buck-shot in his bark. With regard to the omnibus u-ed for the occasion, we learn fioiu the proprietor of the line that it was. engaged to a ' Maying party," to go into the coun try, two female# being in it at the time it started, and no arms tliat could be discovered. The fe m J, s, however, left it, and their [daces were takeu bt men some distauce from the stables. K >bert Smiley, who was arrested and committed to jail at E bcott’s Miilsou Friday, was Drought to tlie city aud committed to jail on Saturday. lie has never been in the employ of the Company, and de clares that he did not know what was the object of the parly until they readied Hue scene of the attack; and that he was a mere spectator He had no arum in hi* posse sion when aircßtfid, though tft* was lly mg with them. He evidently knows the names ot alt the party, and will pmbabjy be induced to be cotne State’s evidei cc. He Ipid been but lour days out ot jail prior to his ancst, on the charge of beat tug hi# wife, and declared that he wa# about start ing for Philadelphia when he was persuaded to go #>, wimt ho; supposed to be a “Maying party.” ()• •curse no credit is given to h s story, as he was un doubtedly one of the attacking party. H liilftf confined in jail at Elltcott’# Mills on Sat urday morning a bait dozen strange men called to see him. and evinced a determination to get him out by force if n cossary, and it was therefore thought best to have him transferred to more #e cure quarters. The events of Sunday —During the entire dav yesierday the Camden station was thronged with persons convet's.n.; about the d< iugs of the rioters, whilst at Mount Clare, and the vicinity of tbe wreck-d t am, as weii as at the battleground, (Jack s«in‘s bridge,) th re was an immense concourse oi spectators among whom wa? to be observed large crowd# of railroad men, including rnogt of tbc riot ers and their sympathizers. The excitement among tae latter seemed to not have abated iu the least, and several persons c tune ted or supi osed to be wit . h 1,1,5 Company were chased from the k j no .fnitber vi ilem e wa# attempted half miLh trmn, being but little more thau a visited b> destruction sehlomwitc^He^'^ 1 ' a . BC6Ue ° f eneed in railroading. The * ft°- it betug ttoeiueuiiWiriMry to loiia oat «u wtutu guard on yesfetday (Sunday) afternoon to coiive' into the city *®e burthen trains from the We* which bad arrived at the Relay House, the ringi neent and bands on which desired protection, a re qaieition was issued on the Law Grays, Capt Bow ers, who promptly respond d in full force, and re paired to the Camden Btation, at 5 otclock A ear was in readinete for them attached to the t rairi which was about to leave for Washington, and they imme diately toon their departure. J They found a goodly number of persons collected at Mount Clare but beyond G wynn’s Kalis then was not more than three hundred persons scattered along the hue of the »oad. There was not t lie slight eet demonstration of a hostile character evinced by any one towards the train as it passed. Ou reach ing the Relay House the car oontaiuipg the miHta ry was dropped and arrangements made for con nectiug it with the burthen trams. About halt past 6 o clock, everything being in readiness, the trains with their armed qouvoe, started for the city and proceeded slowly arriving at Mount Clare aboui half-past i o clock, when the military were tm.uglu to the Camden Station. On the return trip the road was entirely clear, the raiu falling steadily though there were a few small gatherings at Mount Clare. It is to be hoped that the disturbance may now be considered as at au end. It has, as all such outrages usually do, resulted in disaster to the vio laters of law and older, both present and prospec The Strike al the \V> stern Station*. —At Wheel ing the meu hive adhered to their first resolve oi awaiting ttie action of the Board on their remon etraoee to the ation, and have refused to join in the strike. J A Ketterman, Captain Brown has put down all opposition, and the regular arrival and departure ot the trains '8 not interfered with. The citizens of Fettermau opposed all violence on the part of the s'rihers, and most of them, for want of sympathy have resumed their posts, and there is now no trou bie or detention in the freight business At Piedmont all has been quiet since Friday Captain Davis having succeeded, with the aid of the Nker ft’, in quelling the rioters. Many of the old hands who took no part in the violence, have gone to work again, but those that took part in the d s. turbauc.es have been discharged lrotn the Compa ny's service. * At Martinsburg all the beet conductors and brakes men have gone to work again, and all has been quiet since Friday evening. The men, however, lear outrage and violence on the part of the mob in the city, and an armed force wilt be daily sent out f r their protection. Preparation eok Suppressing the Riot.—rAt the office of the company yesterday morning, a large number ol our most promineut and respected citizens were assembled, to urge on the President and Directors, the most prompt and energetic measures to arrest and punish the perpetrators of these series of outrages, offering their services in any manner that may be required to accomplish the object They advised the adoption of ail the means placed at their disposal by the Governor of the State and the Sheriff of Baltimore county— not merely to return the fire of the assailants, hut) to pursue and capture them it possible, and if necessary shoot them down. The measures to be adopted this afternoon if any renewal of the outrages are attempted, are of i character that must put au immediate stop to them. A large military force will be in readiness, and other plans are being perfected, which it is not deemed advisable! to make publ e at present, but which will be developed in the course of the day. A reward of SI,OOO is offered for the arrest and conviction of the party or parties who placed ob structions on the track on Saturday night ; and the eauie reward will be paid for the arrest and convic tion of any os* who may hereafter wilfu ly place any obstruction on the line of the road. A reward of ssou is also offered to any one whose information may lead to the arrest and conviction of each and every person who may threw stones or other mis siles, or shoot tire arms at any of the trains, either in motion or standing ou the line of the road. Chronicle & Sentinel. THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 7, 1857. SEE EliiST PAGE. Ihe Northen Mail failed yesterday afternoon he) end Richmond, Va. Two mails are also due i this morning from Mobile and New Orleans, the | delay prob tbly beiug occasioned by the terrific btoim at Mobile and along the Gulf coast, a limited statement, of which will be found in another column. Knbbnth-Scliool Celebriitiou. The children of the various Sabbath-schools con j nected with the Methodist churches of this city, yes f : terday held their annual excursion and picnic. The t ! scholars, to the number of over six hundred, formed t j in prnwminii >1 Ho Ct. MptLvUiot obureh, l i and from thence marched to Saultz’s Hill, where j the exercises were opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr Crcmlkv after which a number of speeches were made by the scholars, varied with singing, and - j an occasional dialogue. Many invited guests were present, and the number of children scattered [ through the woods must have been upwards of a j thousand. We have seldom seen a more beautiful eight. The woods seemed tilled with fairy forms, t hiding about like elfin sprites, now here, now there, trying to be everywhere at the same time, and r tiding the air with joyous shouts and merry laughter. A sumptuous feast was prepared, and all regaled themselves with good things to their , heart’s content. The morning was mild and beau i ful, but a rain-storm arose about two o'clock, and j hurried the little folks to their homes ; but not before they had passed several hours in the Innocent plea sures of the day. The Punorarutt ol ibe Arctic Expeditions. This exk bilion i emains in Augusta but two days longer. Its merits have been duly set before the public, and all who to see it speak of it in the highest terms of praise. The scenes are true to life, and vivid and startling in their representation of the reality. There will be a special exhibition this alteruooa for the children oi the various schools in the city, commencing at 3 o’clock, and the usual opening to-night at 8 o'clock. Religious Revival.— Upwards of one hundred persons have attached themselves to the Methodist Church in Macon during the progress of a .recent protracted meeting. Southern Medical and Surgical Journal. i’he May number of this standard work is prompt ly on our table, oontaiuing its usual variety of original and miscellaneous matter, we have so re peatedly called attention to the merits of this work, that we at present deem it ouly necessary to say that it is edited by Professor 11. F. Campbell and Robert Campbell, M D., ami published in thij city at $3 per annum in advance. Death ok Gen. Williamson.—We regret to learn, sa)s the Atlanta American, of Tuesday, the oth inst., that J. N. Williamson, au old citizen and prominent lawyer, died at his residence in Coving ton on yesterday morning. A Scene.—The sentence of Sullivan, in the Ellen Desmond rape case, Boston, on Thursday, resulted in a “scene." When the verdict, imprisonment for life, fell from the lips of the foreman the prisoner was overcome with grief. He cried most bitterly, causing a sensation in the business of the Court and from the inmoet depth of his heart he called up on God, in piteous tones, to attest his innocence. The Law ok Evidence.—The New York Ex press says : —“A bill has passed both Houses of the Legislature and has become a law, which provides that parties to legal proceedings in Courts of this State, may hereafter be examined as witnesses in their own behalf, on giving ten days notice to the opposite side of their intention to be so examined Tliir radical change in the common laws of evidence has long been advocated by legal reformers. Operations ok the U. 8. Mint —The tions of the Philadelphia Mint, for the month of April, show a total deposit of gold of only $400,850 and of silver of only $137,840 —giving a total of de posits of $338,000. The gold coinage for the same time was $637,000 in double eagles, aad $104,014 iu gold dollars, being only $643,044 in all. Os silver, the coinage was $78,000 in quarter dollar pieces, and $245,000 in dimes—in all $323,000. The whole num ber of pieces coited during the month was 2 892 994 of the value of $960,044. Carelessness in Business.— The Philadelphia Ledger states that a gentleman in that city, on Thursday last, posted a letter, containing a draft for $12,000. The letter not arriving at New York a telegraphic despatch was sent to the gentleman who, upon repairing to fbe post office, found that bis letter was detained, because he had neglected to pre-pay the postage. Pennsylvania Banks.— The Pennsylvania Leg islature has so far passed thirty-two bank bills, with to aggregate oapital of $8,559,000. “Stand from under.” STO&n in Mobile—Men Drowned in the Streets. —The Montgomery Mail of Monday even log says:—We learn this morning that a tremennous dorm commenced last Thursday, flooding Mobile with water. No I acts seem attainable, excejrt that ' the damage Is very great, and that two ot three ‘ persons were drowned in the streets. The clerk of the St. Nicholas, we hear, states that the storm was raging when the steamer left The telegraph line, between this and Mobile, has been down for several days. The water, from the bay and the clouds, as we learn, went through the steamer Coosa Belle, as through a sieve; and the splendid steamer St. Nicholas, now at our wharf, which had never leak ed before, had the water forced through her hurri cane deck —so heavy was the rain. There was no market in Mobile, on Friday or Sat urday. Since the above was in typa a friend has furnished us with the following : Commenced raining about 12 o'clock— flooded the streets—three or four feet of water—washed away the gas works, bridges, Ate.—several persons drowned m attempting to cross the bridges. There was no wind. Pennsylvania Legislature. —The majority of the select committee of the Senate on the resolu tions in the Dred Scot, case have made a long re port, accompanied with resolutions declaring that the opinion of the Supreme Court announces prin ciples in palpable opposition tothe judiciuland legis lative history of the Union, and in violation of the plain provisions < f the Constitution of the United States; that the opinion, except on the question of jurisdiction, being delivered ou a case over which the court admitted it had no jurisdiction, may be justly regarded as obiter dicta non judico and inoperative as law; that the five judges who on concurred in the opinion made a wanton attack on the sovereignty of the free States, and an impo tent attempt to nullify the established laws of the country, and by extra judicial action caused uune cessary excitement in the public mind iu regard to the subject of slavery, and thereby forfeited the con fideuce and respect due to their exalted station. A St. Lotus University—St. Louis has estab lished the so-called Waekington University, just in augurated by an address from Edward Everett, and which is intended to be equal to the beat in the Uui ted States. Among the gifts for the partment is land worth $60,000 by Col. John O’Fal lou. and $20,000 in money by other fri.-vgls. John Horn, of St. Louis, also has offered $30,000 addition al to jiurchase land, and Mr. O’Fallan $27,000 to wards completing the institution. Govkrsokok Minnesota. —The St. Paul Pioneer states that the new Governor, Sam. Medry, arrived in that city on the 2'2d of April, and was qua! fled I on the following day, and has accordingly enten d I upon his office. There was no Inaugural Address— only some half a dozen gentlemen being present to I witness the ceremony. [ COMUNICATED J Ruilrouil Medina iu .Madison. ! Ma d t son , May 5,1857. , j Pursuant to a previous notice, a number of the citizens of Morgan County met at the Court House, to consider the propriety of sending delegates to the Georgia Railroad Convention at. Augusta, to eo-ope rate with the Counties of Putnam and Baldwin iu their efforts to obtain aid from the Georgia Railroad in making a connection between the Eatontou ■ and Gordon Road and* the Georgia Railroad at Madison. ! Col. Joshua Hill was called to the Chair, and , M. P. Wingfield requested to act as Secretary. , The Chair explained the -object of the meeting . and briefly reviewed the advantages to be derived [ from the construction of the road under question.— Ou motion— Resolved, That twelve delegates be appointed, to which the name of the Chairman lie added : The following gentlemen were named:—Major Wrn. Wood, Col. I. S. Fannin, lion. N G. Foster, s Gen. George R. Jessup, E. W. Harris, Col J. A. 1 Billups, S. l». Robson, J. 11. Porter, Rev. Win. V > liuruey, carter febepherd, James S. Reid, and Col. J Joshua Hill. On motion, it was ordered that the proceedings i of this meeting be published in the Augusta, Sa j vannak and Mad son papers. The meeting then adjourned, subject to ca'l of i the Chair, after the Meeting iu Augusta. 1 Joshua Hill, Chairman. i M. P. \Y iNGFiELD, Secretary. * A Merited Tribute.—The students of Howard > , College, Alabama, have erected a very handsome shaft of marble, leu feet high, over the grave of a j colored man, whose epitaph, inscribed thereon, ex -1 plains itself: HARRY, 1 Servant of H Taibird, D. D , President of r Howard College, who lost his life from ii juries received while rousing the students at the buruingof the College buildings ' on the night of the 15th of October, 1851, aged 23 ) years. Sad Case —A nad case was developed in Chi cago, last Ttuirsday—the old story. Abeloni Hann, a young German girl, daughter of poor, but respec table p rents, was wooed, iu her native land by a i wealthy young man named Philip Willig, who un der promise ot marriage, seduced her, and then cast 1 her iff Her parents thereupon turned h*-r torth up 1 on the world; she came to Chicago, < b aitied work ; i and a few nights since was turned out of the house j because of the discovery of her condition. After wandering wre chedly about the city, and applying ! in vain for relief at the hands of the Sisters of Mer i cy. she was taken into the watchhouse and there her child was born. Unable to speak a word ot Engbsh—a stranger in a strange laud —young and beautiful I What a lesson! Singular Law Suit.—L uis C. Ott resides at 128 Ninth avenue, New Yt rk. To recover a debt owing by Mrs. Sophia Murphy, hepublisked the fob lowing placard : ‘“$100 Reward.—Any person who can bring proof that Mrs-. Sophia Murphy, (late S -phia Mills,) wife of Mr. James Murphy, journeyman saddler, boarding at No. 16 East Broadway, and sister of A, F. Mills,plumber, has paid for her Wedding Dress and Under-Garments ! will receive the above re ward, by calling at Louis C.'Ott s, “No. 128 Ninth Av-nue.’’ The husband of Mrs S phia Murphy, not liking this sort of fin exp se, goes before Justice Flan dreau, and has Mr. Ott arrested. He was held to bail in the sum of $2090. He will be tried next month. The Hon. Elisha Whittlesey agreeably to his let ter of resignation tendered nmt le time ago, retired on Friday last from the responsible office of C- inp trollerof the Treasury—a post which he has filled uuder three consecutive Administrations, the last of which being that of a Democratic President, who evinced a regard for the public interest superior to his respect for the d< ctrine of rotation or rewards, by retaining a faithful officer though a political adver sary Mr. Wh'ttlesey retires to private life, from a long carer of public service, with a reputation uot only unblemished, but conspieious for inflexible in tegrity, for devotion to his official duties, aid for their conscientious discharge. ’ Mr. Wediil, as our readers remember, has been appointed to succeed Mr. Whittlesey, and was by the latter introduced into office ou "the Ist iust.— Nat. Intel., 4th in at. Heavy Damages.— Richard P Morgau, a con tractor for building fbty oue miles of the Peoria (111.) and Oqiiampka road, has recovered sl7 4300 f the company for breaking his contract and giving the work to other parties. Example to be Followed —Ninety eight young 1 lady contributors and two of their teachers of Hun's villa (Ala) Female College, and the Huutsville Fe 1 male Seminary, send to the Washington National i Monument fifty cents each—sso —and five dollars ( in gold to pay contingent expenses. The Secretary promntly returned a letter of acknowledgment, and seut to each of the young ladies a lithographed plate ; of the monument. I Mails to New Mexico.— Postmaster General '' Brown has ordered an additional monthly trip, ma king the service semi monthly, over the entire route 1 from Independence, Mo., to Santa Fe, in New Mex « ico, a distance of 820 miles. This will not only don t ble the mail facilities in a business point of view, but bring the enterprising people of that far-off country into a closer communication with the seat of the general government. Supposed Suicide.—A negro man crossing the s Chattahoochee Railroad Bridge, on yesterday morn iug discovered a bundle of clothes, a mau » apparel, in which was a note to tbe finder, and signed, ‘ Thomas M. Evans,” requesting that the clothes should be conveyed to his family and that no search should be made for his body, as he wished it to re main where he had deposed it. Mr Evans was a well known citizen of this place in the employ, we believe, of the Georgia Railroad’ It is presumed that he has committed suicide by drowning himself in the Chattahoochee. No cause has been assigned for the act further thaD, that on the night previous he was somewhat intoxicated, in which condition he came home, where, after re mainlng a short time, he- suddenly left without an nouncing a design, since when nothing has been * seen of him. The river will probably be searched.— tl Atlanta Intelligencer. BY TELEGRAPH. Further by the Fnr»p«. Lower grade* of CotUm declined i<i Id. Mid dling declined I-I6d. FiWr Orleans *i«i. Middling 7 II liid.. Fair Upland ?|d., Middling 7‘d, Stock 575,000 bales, inoluding lit), lino American. Corn quiet at 6d advance. Baltimore Floor 28 >i 29*. Red Wheat 7s Ukjt aßs id. White Bs. Hd.— Rosin Is. 9d. it, be. Spirits Turpentine unchanged.— Rice declined (id. Money stringent. Bullion in the Bank increased £500,000 An association has been formed at Manchester to to promote the growth of Cotton throughout the world, and especially iu the British Colonies. The Chinese at Borneo had risen and murdered all Europeans. They had subs, qaeutly been de feated by the English and 2000 killed. The Spanish troops destined for Cuba were to leave Cadiz at the end of April. Extraordinary Case—The most remarkable case of longevity under privation ot food of wtrich we have ever heard is that of Mr. John Ellis, of Henrietta, the unfortunate gentleman who made nu ! attempt on his life on the first of ths present month, , by cutting his throat in his orchard, while laboring < under n fit of temporary insanity. The nature of Mr E lis' injuries is such that from that time to the present, a period of twenty-ieven days, be has not been able to t“ke a particle of nourishment into the stomach, and he now lie* in bed aprarently without suft'-ring much pain, and with but very little dimin ution of strength, from day to day, so far as his at tendants are able to discover Os course he grows more and more feeble, but so gradually that it is scarcely noticed by those who are constantly about him He is perfectly sensible of his condition, and is able to communicate with his family by means of a slate and pencil. He preserves a wonderful de gree as cheerfulness; his month occasionally be comes dry and parched, and requires to b« moisten ed with wute', but no attempt is made to supply him with food, nor does he appear to crave it. On two or three occasiona. when ins mouth was being moistened lie has thought that a small qua li ty of (lie water used for that purpose, has found Th way to his stomach; but beyond that nothing in tic shape of food or drink has been received into his system. Os course this cannot go on always. Nature will give out in time ;bn t the cn a e appears to us a very remarkable one We had not supposed i' possible for a man to live tor anything like the* length of time Mr. Ellis has iu his condition. —Roehetler Ame rican. Elect ion ee iu ng Schemes. —The Mari'ta Demo crat, in an article under the ahnv - caption, com plains that circulars are secre'ly sent topr tninerit ’individuals in d’fferent counties, urging the supe rior claims of certain democra'ic aspirants for nouii nation to the office of Governor. The editor says : “Sending citculare to a few iudividua’a pri vat el and secretly, is say ing to lie in, your intelligence is superior to the people, and y u must enl’ghten iheni. Wo know* of one circular, and if the name recommended in it is required, wo will reluctuutly give it.’’ We sincerely hope the editor will disclose the name, as thi - is certaiuly an unheard of procedure iu political tactics —Macon M> .<x. Manueactuhinu i.n the; South.—A letter from one ot the upper couutics of Georgia gives a most Hattering account of the cotton manufacturing in that Slate. .Many of these factories were establish ed some years siuc.e, and even at the present high prices of the staple, are paying the stockholders handsome dividends, eeldom, if ever, falling below twenty per cent. The yarns and nsna burgs arc of the first quality, and a better description.of Cotton being used in their manufacture, they find a more ready sale in Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston, than similar products of Eastern mills, A Mormon Elder’s Boast.— President Kimball boasting ot "wlmt the Lord hail done for him,’’ iu an exhortation, said ho had 23 boys living, 10 dead, and lots of girls. OBITUARY. Hied, at Clay Hill, Lincoln County, G \ on the morn iuigof tne Ist in-1 , in the thirtieth year of her me. after a very -Ii rt but panful -illness, Sirs PALITI »H E. PAM \L. wue of Mr Jeremta i Pascal and youngest ehild of the lute Tuoma- Dooley, Esq, of Columbia county. The deceased was married in November IH-fi!, and soon after was happily converted and from that tme to her death was a bright luminary of the M K. t Lurch. She was often heard to shout a. a t the praise of God,,from a feeling sense of his grace m her heart, and from a k ow ltdge of ail her sins being forgiven. she was a kind and devoted wife, an-affectionate mothe , and an indulg nt mistress, bile ha-1 ft a di-iouwoia'e husband, five mo therless children, a sister an i bro.hur, and numeious relatives and fri nds, to monrn their irreparable loss.— The remains of woof her children lie entombed by her side, who had preceded their mother to the calms ot bhss. a Friend. SPECIAL IMH R L> l xf~ < Inieh Hitt s. Attention!—Appear at your Drill Room THIS (Thursday) EVENIN'*.. at ? o clock, in fatigue dress for Drill. By order of Capt. Piatt. bOI.SCL.AIU O. S. Every member is expected to be present, and joe pared to pay bis dues. my7 Beat uii il Cheapest Furnishing. WM. O. PRICE & CO., my7 V Drapers and Tailors. White Te.-th, Pcr/uiiicd Breath and liei-iitifnl Complexion can be acquired by using the "BALM OF A THOUSAND FLOWERS." What lady er g utleman would remain under the corse of a disagreeable breath, w hen by ns ; ng the “ B thn of a Thousand Flowers,” as a Dentifrice, would not onlv rendor.it sweet, but leave their teeth w hite as alaba-u r- MBny persons do not kn w their breath is had and the subject is so delicate their friends will-never mention it Beware of counterfeits Be sure each bottle is -good L KTRIDOL A CO , Proprietors of the “ Bairn of a Thousand Flowers.” For sale by all druggists. HAYILAND, KISLET & CO, aphhm Augusta, Agents. O'* The New and Elegant Steamship t o liimbin, C]apt. Berry]commander, will leave Adger's Wharf, Char.es ton, for New York, on SATURDAY At I LKNOON, May !’ h, at 5 o'clock precisely* Passengers by Friday nights train from Augusta, wih be in time for the) steamer HENRY MISROON, A ent, Chariest u. ISAAC LEVY, “Y® Travelling Agent, Augusta. X n? - AluyorN Office, City Hull, Augusta. May 5, 1,-oi - T he Lot Inspectors wilt lie ca’led into servi<-e on the 1 ltli day of this month. I respectfully cal! the attention of the people to the following sections of t e Genera! Ordinance : t*h< .11. It shall be the duty of all owners or occu pants of cellars in the c yv es Augusta, to have the -ante thoroughly cleansed and whit -wa-hed. under the direc t on of the Lot Inspector, at least once a y ar between the Fi r st Day of May and the First Day of July.” *' Any i«* iipaut of a to*, who shall throw, or d-« charge, or permit to he thn w» or discharged, from h.s or her premises, as much water or wet wi* stance a- may put any part of the streets or alleys in bad order, shah I be lined not exceeding Fif y Dollars for every day such nuisance shall exist.” “ Itshall not be lawful for the keepers of hotels and boarding houses, bakers or brewers in the City of Au gusta, to throw greasy or dirty water into the drab sol , the city ; hut they “hall be required to keep a barrel or < hogshead to contain the same, and shall cause the same i to be removed every twenty-four hours.” SKf. K“ N : perm or persona shall threw, r r cause to be thrown any broken glass, tin cuuings. waste or loose paper, or crockery ware, in any of the streets of ( this c ity.'’ J r “ No person shall deposit in any street or public alleys any shavings, brick bats, or other refuse ot building materia's, aud permit them to remain for a longer period than twelve hours.” Sec. 3d. ‘‘No person Shall throw trash and filth into the streets from their 'ots or lands at any other time than between Daylight and Fine o’clock, A. M., nor on the Sabbath.” These Ordinances, together with such othe-s as have for their object the health of the city and toe cleanliness of the streets and alleys thereof, will be str city en forced. B. CONLEY, Mayor C. A. myO dl w-twlm CST" Havnna Se«ai M.—A full and select Stock of the above in store and now landing from to day's steamer—among them the follow in; noted brands : Rio Hondo, Ist and 21. Chinehnrreta, Montezuma, Florencis, Palmetto, Estoy en Regia, Constant®, Cabarga, Haidee, La Marina, Neptuno, Regalias, Media*, Paneteias, Trabncoe. For sale by F. C. &. S. C. BLACK. No. II Exchange street, » p3O-2t Charleaton, S. C. Oil Photograph*.— Those who desire thl style of Pictnre, will oblige ns by taking their sittings as soon as convenient, as Mr. ROSTRON, our Colorist for this season, will leave ns in a few weeks. TUCKER & PERKINS. FHOTOaiPAPHsT PaOTOOH/irux • - * HF Hr. 1. Tucker would nnnonir*.i . hat b« baa again a*» > >aic«l b in-* if n i W. BERK INK. who has bestowed hi pon this branch of the art during the ii, r ~ , abner.ee Irom A ugn-t rt, W* have every facility the world ;. . dnetlon of as good PIfOTOUttA PH s, , Colored, as can be shown in any *. or in Europe. We feel a »nre Itb,• y, lure that standp unrivalled in the wr - ,> iow taking thejplaccof every ot; -r • It has the durability of the oil palm in,*, of the daguerreotype, and l ln-i rot We are oil,-idled with our mamm he image, either on can. a-- or pay. mm the smallest Daguerre. , ,e, ,j this style of picture can bo tithun, „ , Jos’red. The Can vast. Photograph ir an cu;,. tion of the art, recently invented and' i . Tatum. Os Mi-js. Thm process we have use in tins cityl We haveheifi; forumv<- in ofthobestPhitograot.it- 1 a- U; prodtietions at w orks of art are ai ir; tion of the country ; they peak forth public are respectfully iuv .tod to u, examine them: AMBROTVPEB taken as u ta!, ; kV > , , at prices ranging from 1 to jus. N. B. —« iietsMtj.j.iieii w i*l, m r at New-York |»rice.-, w al. t ft .. i use i A i i i Ki-;:t ,v i ; v UP* Bliss’ Dyspepite K, Dyspepsia, "I. ver D s.-a- ' ,t ,• t | having their origin in dieer-vd ■; equal. Altliolngh it ha-hi-en bvi. re shape of a patent' but •* few in i . very far ex etd-the supply It Dyspepsia anil ‘l.n*: I>—a *-, u - eloaely followed. F -v febl CL -• t: K. Wilis (ST New »u<i I- 1 • -ii tom !- ccipt of New And Fi * I. 1.0 )D- ~ new and d«- dcable stv'-. -- f all k...... : ine of businejs, from tie.* Jo J. A. VAX W! p Augu.-'a, March :i le'.f {5P* 4. I*, llignon A Co. u u d : ea'l tlus attention’of the-r fri.- I t-pring and Si.nim* r-!■ i- «>t . :•! \, . THING and HATS, for n u h They have j,jrd niiit-sniil ear,- - to the gettiegj tip their stock. Havi ; ; good* thonHghly #/i'r/**ol, and te-itvi - Clothing, a 1 they o tin y !'• i w ■ them to their bu-turners a- m i t. a '* . an<l ea i n'atl-d to pl-a c them 111 ’■ Broad-street, nearly opjiostte the , where we vvi*l b- pn osi dto r* \* • Augusta, May 1, ItCT. We have. I- u* : ol « Cure • being a*ad<- by 1’ D *. OIL It seams to act on r e d markable effect and in a <h > t *i . gains its.sway. It can I>e had of ih - . 1 advertisement in-an **l.er colunm. (teoeuiu Hinii-0.-ul end Ihm pntiv. At (41 -TA. May 1. of *be Stockholders of this Conijirny. the r Banking Haw in th ci*y. • n '1 i l*dth instant. ,1. MILL! .AN i : May 1 lit f'jjj l ’ Is lliel-«* nut u-ic i>.:i h I) er Disease, and ha* not ivie.,l BLISS* DYSPEPTIC Rf ! , if so, let them buy. way 2 pad i : ..., according to thedu ee-tiou-, an i ti. ■ show them that every w nd ti. - ■ i concerning it is aw inn i, tin* be- k■ i < ■ It is for wale by febl CLARK. WEI !s A ! , ; ’ Dr. Slimnan's Truss, been wearing a Truss tlia* h-: .- i nt ■ and at the same time has no* re fa ineo so, call at «me ou Dr SSIIFR - United Sratei 11 -tel n o- y, ■ 1 March lr th,jjand j > ure >:■<'■ TRUSSES. Thev efoi * the nand, ai|d will rt fain t!.<- m with perfect 4a-«c. The* fo:l> winge* ;• for :ts< f: ‘* Having epeaedtu d the Trm- *■!■., by Dr S J Hhfjrman. we do im! ! • ' opinion that if con dructi n of Inguinal Hernia. “ The taei jty vv’th which by a- ; pad may be a-lju t-d ovi r i obviate of t»ie ditfi*-n” v omj. I Truss accurately. We th. ref.;. . i, . tihe subjects of that disva e. 1! H - pi. 1! S *-tl ■ ) Certificatesfr un th* follow gi be seen by abp'y ■ *<> Dr. *N- ..n. It bell. M. D. : L. A. Dugas, M. D. , G- M D. I)r. Sherman has appoint*-.! T. P 1 ■ Vi: : V Agent, from whom thewe T r,. mlrdltf fi?* The An' riMtti lira— and > - GEO. WIEGAND, Leader, aajr*- | MUSIC for riroers . n-, Pot * , Sen ,> souable term* AppH afton to, the 1.. , SPA Eli! wall nice; w ,th jiromp: i ' . mhltt dm — .# Gnorght liuil. o:m, >nj,ei inf* in'* n ‘ fi*-e —At il'T-TA Mav2 Is . —S. I families (whit-h'w i'l be tu-u children andineee- ary serv.e.t e . household) wjh i,e c nveyed to Ann ;, i f by passenger t aius, on the 1’ th and 1. M. within ten d i s of a 1 tin n.. ■ f • holder- are r**qu dc i t - ,-uj s \ t’ * from the Statjion Agents In . i- t *• Mav2 Id, hit! \ Nt.i - fir V Valuable Jl.-.li u . D week, no less than x t u:• • 1,,. duced to try Prof. Dt *P \!H - i . l If. > Rheumatism, in conse joei •. t tion adverti-ed in onre -i-n.-t. . stale the re tilt of their >:x, .t . : i-' . sure us that tjieir Rh 'ti sat'c j».vn- l> >- > * cured by a few appl . .»• • • D- • 1 arid they re<-<iintae:i ! ii-uw t v.! • . ■ any of the diseases wh ch it i- dt • U--.1 t Aile. It can be lia*l of he Ag nts L. S e 1 i ! an thcr cofumn For sale by PLUMB A LUITNI-R. F! K A- SPEARS, knd Ha VI LAN *. I;i>! ! A ta, Charlesto|n and New-York. a..,i . i> Merchants genersily HleeiliiiK 1.1110- stale by the o-e of *' Burm*t - i* prepared by .Hp--r- JuHEPH isl it Tremont -treH, 80-t- u. It <o i . ns in a ecmeeutra’i- If :■ . f - astringent and hta ;ti pr.q,. :t t•. At 50 routs:per bottle. HAViI.AND, RISI.EV May2-lm A. . A Bank of I 'til on. n wanted, at oae qnarier ot >ne ; r •. Gold,qr at prir for exchange oiijN*- . Y*.i ' • rate, by F. C BAIiRi.P. Exebat ye h-*k--r. 3ilay2-3t Mii s ’ rir Dr. ( BEN! ) CESS sn Lxttselutg T<- U. w!i«-n removed tor the purpose of prepat .nlj t plate-i. CF* Th«* Toiler of Be ni>. ! j. beauty, even in the 111 --t heautom »-• her toilet. There the u-e of lit; t: ,N H i i s h TON, or Orient Wate- i - indi pen . e; it 1 ; 1 > all unsightly objects, sti h :.s ta fr< - ..- .1 and gives tue Complexion a eienr a ,il • ante. Prepared by Joß*:t ll Hi i:m 11 A t •■'l • mout-«trect, Boston. PBteSUc. and *1 p r’• ; - 11AVILAND, UG ? VAC*. May'dlm At 1 - A u -.- January Ist, is J. M. ' en* by Ac I'o. have now on hand, ,i.,d »\ i !■ room or Spring Goo is. ati ■« stock of Pa an 11 COATS; fine Black Frock COATS ; Bn, a;. I F.. 1 Casßimere PANTS; Black and fancy > k and • ! vests, Ac. Alsoamrge lot of fin-shirts, i* ' Stocks, Gloves, jce. For c l bio ;:i is, i.v.i . ' 1 jail 2 nr AagßDta, .llsrrbilil, Is.l7,—Look O.t.— A. P BIGNON St CO will soon be in receipt of a V w and Fashionable stock of READY-MADE CLOTH INC and HATS, tor Men’s, Boys and Children's wear. I 215 Broad-t-e. t, mh6-tf opposite Postotlicc Gorier. EF* Dedlnatrd to the l.ndics —PLUMB’S EAU OE TOILETTE n> a compound of rare and due Essences, to united as to torm a most extjuisite Perfume tor the Toilet or Handkerchief. Prepared and sold by MpH PLUMB A LEITNa». Late D, 8. Plumb * Co.