Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, September 09, 1859, Image 3

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r 't t iii-. V ■ J. . AY U3t Fi.iO.tti iSOil '>l 'l3 r. v h o p a. H trivix, is. fi., Sep'..7.— I The sfis&mslHp Eor»‘pa * trite" Sc ’ sjwht tviut Liverpool date* to S'.nmHy Aup.rAlSril;. Ln : ur os Cottos Market.—Sales of the week, •iU.C-00 < 3 which t peculators took -.•■i* and • , - j Interior qualities ware dull, ,Mt,| ,j ?■>!. ’;■ }■ : stouiina!. Holders offered t- i. ... ctit’-'n to prt-M aalt-e. The h«: VS « v’ s o x M nr >««,.• >l* wort* quoted V -4 *ft•OSDrusr AYCH. ; . Cotton M*a'vcr.—l; jiton wa-dull 1.. ef.rter, mid v iotatkin* uacba iged idr clean ir/ ft - Si - on Friday fi.ooo balee—of which : coultdi : ... i oip r’-r# took 100 balee. Tbefol lowing were t! quotations ; l-'mv Orleai - 8d j N d. Mobiles 6|d Mid »» hv. - ... 7d | K.tir Uplands '< jd Kai.- .......«Jd i Id id. Upland*..7 111 lfid Tiie slock fio-IbOO bale? of which 583 OPO /.m u. Sr-i.-o Ciu’r.lara raport ail quali -1.. »tligblly «ieofin*>d, eay from I Id to Si ii i < i Vuu»i -Macitbeater advices were . v -D . end Yai'ua f->cl * y firmer, t. • ** ! -’nvv Market.—The Bullion in the i I- fti&lKl !*•..i d . creased jCLM.WM*. Money W4SS i ;i-' y and atnnrdant. ij A v . i un b u-.kxi.—Oiiraua Tree o:di j.. •„at • 1 L i.iid lias tn 1116/. The j»to: k l? ' 'Hi bales. (. .( Nrw*. I‘. • ,-*ii now: - ».> lids arrival is not very im * gd. r 1 iiic.oi'fl from K’tich report some pro fit <V.e ('onfrvr-.abd the probability of its .mi :. t. :• . l i c.mi'ii;.-ion early in Septem* > 1 !•;-> i i - » ; auetde, evei: conditionally, to , h i itiOO ni the Duchies, witliout consulting ■ . . - . ■ 1. t’.larly France. . j. . >-..v: &:n a iii at attitude in regard to i hide net''nal ttiuependanoe. i; e i ■■ v - \ >.,> almost completed, i■ o stuan.cra O «n <v teen and Persia had i. ,■?. .t ! Vi- , ct.l 'rifi* ith'LMiir Treuiy. \.u \Nj, Sep*, a—Authentic information M-?cn rrr-.-,:\. ' I, :• y i-iritea that Coneul M.'J/mo did ?. t ec c:o«:-- the t'.eaty; and that; the matt -v it - nowu rl >t. Oluiktt-. Bavan.' mi s. n- .>ilea ol Goth n to-day 'IOO h-J . ia.t-i vt t < wofclt I>7o bal.e. Kweipti of she work J.h")o L : e?, agaiuat ;</•£»'•) bales same | •»« lasi yea;. Stock tM2O bates. Cn - !.! 1 -i. ' . Sept. H.—fcalee of Cotton I.bOO j bak Ki ‘.Lc v.;t k, » iioai to 1 ueat. deciice.— ! 1 wt k c’ost-s utit C. od Midd.ing at 11J<? lljo. Fail to Fdr lljj 12c. ■ v. Y. • k Sept, d —rjnios vi" cotton to-day 700 lie i •.•’ v.«s viiy u iii. Fl.-ur liiiu, ealea . . ti, eO tr.;i. -Si '•‘Lorn fi 80i?T» 00. Wheat ■ h .. ti.-. •• ;• i '»u Uf‘l . ealeaof Id.oiHi bushels k ... htH: \ \ kite ft -1 1 .VJ Com «!«<*», suiaj) 1 1: -iV >*»d -ogs >3. tipitite of Toipea- j ;u . ar l r *e s it- It tin dud a? ft i*) It <■«) | * l.• .* =•-•*/ C .i iii iit-l iii U1& I'iilkkUtti* | i:I i> ■■■>} f.• UiibtKiiuii, cn the Uni- ] , < «.• ?■ ip iV,r-.. iUis. a't*r eayinsr tha' C n^Ui Uam« < • vie.; tot ike up official residence by j also be there | », •; . h <* •n. - we «:a!!fd upon J Mv <iar: t..d, aa «« uai, u/uud him oveiitawing i ,(h ' d u : u and r.r.w’.i.>;“. Among other i •. -.at 1 1.-= :ha! i d h L-avn.g Simula, | * . rn *J that i • Cov*-; ment had cauaed to be | * •' oacon -x■ «; > i ihe e.eg* ,-j Ssfi.-s- i ..a m i"iv ho u. ! . .msim wm. And i - ni. ihi ' ov- t hr ■» a-u . ..d plate., of the \ • r• ai ! i ti.-Ti ?.* i .Vu.l and con* I ! puh!;-!'!!>? ‘■:vera*. ffit -ns of 'he work, j i : -o; ; . , whidt • i anck • ; r r- »-ji i J h■ f • -hra■?.»•>', I* , , and ;h'i • r.-v - . .h. • - > .» i. b; I.f I e . \r» war <• i. i.iifiifii.»Hl in .i-.i i • i w«- acrioas, hr. cmcmanced, ‘‘to have p. s« j ii’ie of iwtcJi ; a- fir 4oa the C"1 of Febm- j y. ■* ».d bruached - t tot!; Governor of ' rr 'ln tha IJci ‘■•d .. at<-p,‘ 1 we always \ e r> that c-iy, an if it h pv-ibls. I r.-m'dlike I ■ . .-.:v?ut< Jo ike ,'Wj: thiuo here. —can you not i -.o': ; favor to cead ertn© gone into the eonrt- ! ,v\ : ;ny hnuc, and fire i; fir me ‘Gertsiniy *’ j !. -• 'f;at roust let ice pay the cn : of : ,!, f ti-i led. i i . I e objected. •Then I can’t j -nt th.' a c,' 1 ..d ‘Tiicu you • rail pay «»r 1 . .t, p ou cooc-ao fie at last coeasnted .fn- tat j Prkir •/! * :.-•!•• ••'.inde hi? ap- j I was s itirg t: •, (? n r;, r to give me a saiate i ••a the '. . i i 1..-. S tucm.li, d he' — 'Ob' inter •pv u ti.« ' it » We.Plibigtaii’e birthday. A \ »y : (-■ * i-; .. i'-,e g u*'. f’hink.iu the world. We know him very well in Japan.” fiy the writer : flow did it happen that open e: rival of Mr. I far;'. : .u Japan, ae iouud ti.«na i rs Uy a: home as to the character, &c., <>i {}■ iicra! George Wauhingtoo / A i \L J\<)TK!KS. BOOK BINDING. H<- -i wi‘i, v&i-?. iU:ik« <ll iinnie ' it! ». l:- i ran K at SHOUT NO r. can ij* a< h nimoda't-tl \>y Applying at the « dir* til ft.r- ( . ItRON !( IK iV Sf'MIM i.. f'jjf" 5 Notice. A regu ar meeting of So I *--I*re ! will bel *-;<! THIS < Friday) EVEN By r.i.-i a 111- w. M. 0. D WELLE, Sec’y. vpimint meats of t!?e stls District. pe JnUn I. - iil flddif-*-) file p,-, a t <:}_ ■; • cci*. O'ji.son. ; I. Scr-.in.at LouNville, Sept, 13>h 1U Lr.iorfl. &l Augusts, (as r ignt, > 15th. t ; v .vH;H i i, irvi! p d i<» the above ap ;■ r.ti i. itnl-d&wtd rt“ !‘i. ( Ititaewil! tie ntMent from the t'iry •i»i‘ e-Wetinu* in ficptemiif.i Dr. DAT will remain at > : IM.*» hi • r-.bicwre, and will attend to the set lUioftii -..i tt«l ail other business-connected • "hf- . __ JyJKS-tf JJ* fleet *li» Jlailrooil*- Aunt;Si A, July 25th J-"On ami afu • *VEI>:.BKI)AV, 27th ni.tact, the Night Tisfo irons .Atlanta wilt arrive i*t Augusta at -i. , ...A. .*»!. [ ;y-hj 060. YOhttll, .Sup’t. NOTICE TOSKIPPkuS. Angiiftta & Mavanunb Railraud.—Avails t- An • ' v.\ If'"* -Fro';'it for sluti. n'.a ;>n this Road, itr-aco i <or Ws - Freight Train,) of Monday and Thurs c. s.vast l>o ■■-nt t i tl.e Dep.--t before 3.80 I*. M. oa \% r.GNESDAY a,id SATURDAY. ANDREW VO.NOE, Supt. COTTON REDUCTION, • (Trolln:t Rniirond Company.— ! <';••. May •;!, 1830. On mid after Monday, ' nv,TO I, • imn’fi'! * l from Augusta and l ‘' : t * :.:..;i,for 81 ■ > V CENTS per Bale, •' s * :rn lf . „h, JOHN U lARLKY, Agent. UtMli-MufiT < M>TlllNfl ! , ' ve if selling of! the remainder of 0 DOTH TNG a a cheap, IF NOT A ! ' I v ' TTOU.-K IN THE TRADE. ■ d end v eil male Clothing ••under • ' I •S ewe are • etermlned not to .. ’ ■’ r “■ 1 ar.‘ it*- iri.ii:; of closing out ~ ,e 2m * V.'jNKLE & bHACKBLPOKD 10 A VTT T a 7%,T r- 1 TT Tr t MAEA VILLA. ■• w.,u %-rini preparation known ! Git r#r,‘iTROYINO DANDRUFF; CURING BAt.DNE.SB; RDLI UYUNO SICK. HEADACHE; , :>L -VI INC T£ir. If AIK FROM FALLING OUT ITODUCiNQ ‘ftliOSSY CURLS. .ra.licype-:;at-!e Druggist .1 av.-1 Fanry floods ■* e-a. an., oy Ihrevroprietort, Price 60cent • 98 jLfiilcii last-, |f. V '* *• “'compUsb ail that is claimed for If. and no ‘ ' * ,>r *■* urn the oss of hair if they will ut Uaravtlla.” j m BRADBTREET, ie? a:Jm 257 Broadway. N. Y j \MV AU V lTk ; i ’ 16jk AiTTsTr OH’lClisii DHAWIJ Gb pa r s if r# »! »• m * htiici; vs ': "r ig f n Tim foilowin ; an, fhelnswu Kua*et r Cr*ita ■\;;aSei»ay Clm s 4t>e. Kxlra, c;rr,- 11 at A ; .r,n ->‘ Ua., Sept. «**!». : •U Cl ok 15 as 6',‘ 12 SI fctf o7 86 ~ 2 45; The toi'wwing are tiie Drawn Nunibu ■ i the Pparta Acadeia*. Lottery, O’ass 47y. drawn Sept. Bth. 185 : 7.1 49 .>7 if-28 88 12 58 58 5ti8131 68 73. J '.C. BARB I E, f L P. OUGAB, i ComuißSionc . Situation; \\T AMT PD, a tirsi-c’as.s BOOK KEErt'.R. to ■( » Vl into »!i•• oou.lry, to r horn a very liberal na ary will le ga d. Apply to sppi>d4t THUS. V. STO\'ALL A CO. I HORE & BUGGY FOR SALE. i CAPITAL Bogey HOBSF,, jcua;-, round and J\. <t'ntle —a p; 0.1 traveller A so, a HUfiGY to stilt, by lsep9«l4"l G. H. BicLAV IHIIN. W ANTE dT ON or before the Ist o i October:! servants, aa cjccc'- lmt OO >K. a good WASHER and IRONER,and a boy from 12 to 14 > err.--, to wait in the house; afpl? at this ctli.e rr to No. 81 It oa -sleet below the lower tcarfeet. | sept! dtf. m, wjwjab & ca, CHARLESTON, S. (A, Are Bccelvlng, and have in Store, 1500 lags Rio, Java and Lag’s 3 ra COFFEE ; :>OO Lhds. Pm-to Ri o and Cuba SUGARS ; i 00 bbls. Clarified, Crushed and Loaf SUGARS; 200 hhds. Sweet Cuba MOLASSES ; :’»oo bblfi.Ncw Orleans MOLASSES • 300 bale* GUNNY BAGGING ; 1000 coil* BALE ROPE and TWINE : 100 hltd*. SIDES, SHOULDERS tub II AMS ; j 1O 00 bote- Aitaaantin.. d bp: rt, CANI.LBS ; 100 casks Fresh RICE ; 1200 bags SHOT; LEAD, POWDER, SOAP, SALT, tc. FOR SALE LOT . Charleston, S. C., Sept., 1829. scpll-wlJin I'HKNCI I WHITE ZINC PAINT, FROM TOF VI LILLE MONTAGM C..’<h>l!*A.M , OF PARIS. tJUII!* PAINT it adapted to all purpesrs !<■ which 1 the beat White Lead i» applicable. F dues not turn yellow, as lead invariably doe*, and w ill acquire the hardness and smoothness of Coach pateling w ithont the aid of varnish, and is easily washed. Colors with a JCmc basis 1 etaiu their freshness and brilliancy of c.s r. 2CUpounds wit: cover a* much aurtace, with the same body, a, 220 pounds of lead —showing great economy a - as beauty. iu order that parties may depend upon getting the ar tide strictly pure, they should bay ot none but the most respectable houses. The Company ship but two ties, known a* "No. I’ and “Snow White Dky''—Rod and Green Seal. The No. lor Red Seal, is the article most used for painting purposes ; the Snow Waite or ■irsioa t-cal, being only Used for the most expensive SYOI r. . order*addressed to either . f the following heu-.e , will be filled at the new reduced tariff of prices : HALL & CORNELL, 183 Maiden Lane Kew-York. PLCMiS & LEtCNER, set !* dIOAw It Augusta, Ga. BOOTS ifc SHOES \T \\ IIOLESALK. R. H. i’RINULK & CO., Ml. IB EAST BAY, Clmvlot-Goii. S. ( '. i' > Y the first of Neptemh 1 next, we w ill have :u tore, > a large stock of ev ry variet yof Go ,1- usually kept inourl ne, got up particular y to suit the RETAIL TRADF to which we invite the attention and patron ace r.f prompt-payingpnrcba;ers I’o CA.BII hi YEttS, we will sell a* low a* the same quantity tan be bought from, the Cikr.nfaeturer*. ROBERT H PRINGLE, CHARLES A. B-iRRY. Cbarle*L,n. August 8,1839. sui4-dA * t.w MALE AMI FEMALE SCHOOL. Ttll ii undersigned wiU open their SOHOOD FOR i BOYS AN l> GIRLS, on the 2d MONDAY (I‘lihi of SEPTEMBER, at their old stand, ort Ellis, below Centre street. Thankful for former patronage, they solicit the attention of Parents to their School With the close attention they will give to his'.ruction, and the constant co-operation es Parents, THOROUGH, if not rapid progress, will be attained. O.ve us a trial length of tjaarter, as usual, 11 wr.Ai. Tuition, SB, 810, oldaud #iti per Q tarter. J. T. LIN, A. M., Principal, sep2-dtols MissS L. LIN, Assi taot DISSOLUTION. ri'HE frin id JEFFERS A COTHRANS was dis -1 solved <>n the Ist of August u! ~ bj mutual consent. Either member of the li'-m is hereby authori/cd to sign the uauie of the firm in lk)nidation. H. 1, JEFFERS, W. S. COTHRAN, JOHN COTHRAN. Charleston, Sept. 4. CO-PARTNERSHIP. COTHRAN, JEFFERS & CO., SUCCESSORS TO JEFFERS Ai COTiIRAiN. r pHE undersigned have formed a Copartuership for 1 the purpo.e of continuing ibe FATORAC4E AND COMMISSION Hi SINESN. *1 li -y will be pleanedto sen their old customer*, and frieudn, and as many new once as may iiud it to tl.ei interest to cftil ou them at their old stand. Centra 1 Wharf. WADE S. CO lIIKAN, Borne, Gx. HENRY L JEFFERS, )... , , ~ WM H JEFFERS, f Charleston, S. U Charieslon, Sept. 4. A CARD. IN retiring from the firm of Jeffera & Cothran, 1 tug . leave to return iny thanks to my friends for their liberal support. Having been for four years *. gaged in business with the members of the firm of Cotl.x , Jef ers &, Co, I am enabled to commend them ■■ my friends as prompt and efficient business men, «nd -oMhit fi>r tbuna liberal pat-ouage. JOHN COTHRAN. Charleston, Hept. 4 sep4-lw "XtjctttstX EKGRAVIIVCi ROOM. T¥7 EDOINfI, INVITATION, VISITING, PKO f T FESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS, Eu graved an 1 Printed in the most approved style. Inscriptions and India's Engraved oa Jewelry and Silver Ware. Notarial and Society Seals, Door and Coffin Plates, Dog Collars, Canes, Arc., engraved in a superior man ner, and with dispatch. Cards printed from old plates and old plates re cut. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 11. IIUtaiEM, ENGRAVER AND PRINTER, 210 Broad Strut, up Stairs opposUv Augusta Bank, AUGUSTA GEORGIA. toy tit) T>9 ly BURKE HOUSE, CORNER OF BROAD A WASHINGTDN-STS. ff'llK Proprietor of this well-known HOUSE, tfiank- I fal for past favors, lakes this mode of it. for an tg Ids friends and the public, that he has re leased the same, besides making an alditionof twenty large and commodious sleeping apartments, and hopes that by strict persona'attention, to make this second to none tn lire city. au7-2m H. D. BELT , Proprietor. LOMBARD & €O., COM MISSION MERCHANTS, Boston, Mass. BEFEIt BY PKRIHIBSION TO Meters. John W. Caldweli & Son, Charleston, S. C.; Messrs. Octavius Cohen A Co., Savaunah Ga. LIBERAL) ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGN MENTSOF COTTON AND OTHER PRODUCE. ansi d.!m FOR SALE ONTonSIHNMENX pt r BBL 9. prime LARD ; i o 'SJO sacks White CORN S3pj-3t COOMBS <if MeKENNEY. COMMERCIAL, 1 a =•■ Vi HflrU' *,/. , ... . ” ia i ; .oai, r. f* COTTON. I :• issO 'li: y ■ w I . v.d! M ,'.Uaugp in.pri-«... EXFOB'-JS. CTT ARLES'!OK, Inept T—-For New V„;k alt-a . .?■ Columbia— s talas Ui-la '1 co't< ?i To; steamship Ratit , ;o—i-„ ? l bales l plant! cottar.. s ini»i * Fngl KtelL igJnctk HAVAaX. .•. i*:. li.—Ar;-Ufc-,t, t &l ..«.a .i» j. i Affbanis, feehtncf, New Vwi M«HBtnS«tty>. Ureanc Balt;*LO;c>. ' CH A LLLf i (,N, top*. ~-~A Uei M Keys! ne fetal \ Mau-hnum, Bhujidelptiis • sb*p Ha-ty VN a 5 Li -■ i^t u, l m&u, X-ivei;;coi ; brig ts i:ihaiii?i, Laud, B»> time re; c’ar K\V o'rro, As :w>. ,B . :o>. Choired, l! 8 1H, : ; - -ui. hip Co I’mb ji Ror; r, N w York; sttavislru Patspsco, Ramsay, UalMuvne (' 1 iattalloocliec Plantation KOU SALE. | >EI Aii unable to f ive my individct.'... tb-v-floa to ir.•>• i > plant mg interest, ) have determin'd to sell uiy valuable PLANTATION, situated on th Chattahoo chee rner, in Russell county, Alabama, 4 miles t orn Co.umbus, Ga. it contains about 1 licit acres, of winch l,liOO acres are bottom ami bluffiand, equal to aey on the river, 7;,0 of which are e i aiml Tat re 4 re two sets oi negro house.; , giu house, sea, w, vuy large baa and > tables ; In fact, everything th»t emild bo required in the way of bu tain:;*. '1 li rough the centre of the Band rues a small but never-failing creek, onwli-h j h.-.ve, hi the centre of the Plantation, a .Saw and GKiy T MILL f,r my own use, both in good true.-. My I>, el mg Ileus i i, on a high, healthy trill, ju t Hi mi cs from Cu ambus, containing 1J rooms. 'iY.erecio nLo.iugro heu .es, aim all other n ceseary ouiliov ;o», all oi “which are in comp.etc re, air ; oreh; :ds k‘,:d ,>i fruit trees, a splendid ilowt raiid vegetable garden, with sn abundance of pure, good water < a every part of the land; in I'-.et, everything tlm could be desired it ■ ! j way of comfi rt. Persons des ripg further information v ill ples.se w rite tome, and direct their.h-tte> s to Columbus. Ga. s- p7-wt!t JAXK.S Alil-iiUjßOtalirC, Sr. Trees! Trees!! Trees!!! GENEVA NURSERY, GENEVA, JV. V. fjHHT i rti -intoi's of thin old ostab!l-hcd Nursery, I have the pksrure of aa; ounciiig as usual, jh»ir fine stock of FRUIT and ORNAMENTAL TREES, sunuas, roses :-uu grlkn house plan ts, which has m-ver been (gpvd)ed in extent or surpassed in vigor or beauty . being grown on a grave*}'loam of <1; v up land ptoduciug .-troag, batdy p'a.as, tv Ah pnaity of liorou.? roots, uiunring their w< od hi early autumn for transplanting. Oar Nursery already tmb.f.thkS ove> •;?) acresot givnuJ, eut'ueiy unvote i :■ the -p- 'vice of Trees, £ru:ts, Green Hot.;, Plants, A No paitia have beer, spared to ensure x'.-ei: racy in the growing ot such va: ieiies a: are best adapted to ti c w Puts io t tions. Our orrieis fron. the Sou: ~>rn Si. .i av le.u increasing every year, and pout the j-eue/al .-tatift'ttiWbn wit,eh our Tree have given, has ifltju* ctßs to p aht largely of such Finite as dr weR there.' V. >.• wish it dis tinctly understood tb.-.t our selection f fruits are n d con dried to Northern v 2 net io t, i.r, as hoi .*■ r 1 1 ■ it. Northern Fruits. Although we Jjhv. j r ..u., i r.t ,a> new sorts that atc a greatai«, lisition to mi I> t, still we can': ot fay ela.-m to oil,; -a aiye port on of the cl: ice verbs ies arid dt tier.-at pe-tit, • Put it, ae c, A-on h frit Eutopt&u,c.]i - i icic.crf-, ,o a lull, *,l i choice Tears, Ayricota, Plums Heart and B'gert.ar Cherries, Nee tat in (T t, O : h. rm s Car rants, ami" even App.ea to joint extent, ate natives or Europe,andmany t<l them ere en.tiyated by the best liorttcnotiurue m-A Nurserymen in the South with entire sat..-factum. It i, not to be supposed that ad varietic -> w ii; succeed ecjuahy welt, 1 hia w the experience of all. To be suect’, :vtn, in growln-j fc'aoit, depentis upon a judicious selection or tue h» t sort?, whie.: have been :: u uijldy tested bj experienced persons ; having tLL expert, ace, we c..n»i •idntty bf iievc our ..election will bo "sati fat lory. T r kad.ng articles of our stud may t e emune .sttu s f.1.0v.:,: Standard and Dwarf PE AES; Standard and Ewart CHERRIES ; Standard and lHv.;r AI’PLi-iS; PLUMS, APKIOuTS Nr.C I’AKINT.S OUiNCES, GOOSEBERRIES, KihPßfiHiti >is • S f K AW BERRIES, CUAKaN TS ; ORNAMENTAL T REES, vane v; R »BES, over tOJ varieties ; It WEEN HOUSE I'hAisiTh; bulbuls 'icois no t., a ; SUKliliiSfi STOCKS, lor E u .erynii a, of .\ Cherry, Finn,. Pear A»t c i *r <*'t!n<-■ ■' •••' Stall; SCIONS, of all kind?. GUAi'TMI) TKUEs, o- «maU aisttfui c > thud eh: up. Oriel's -> ut tom by mail, or given toohr Apcau-, v.i; be prompt y attended to, ana packed Tithe best tiauir ~ W. »v E SMITE Geneva N. rt-.: v*. * cp7 w2t Gen -vs, N. V. J. C. DAWSON, Produce k CoiHiiiissiou Mmiiuiii, AUGUSTA, GEO. Tils unde .dgi ed renpoctfuiiy inT r. ■ In f Tut-fc 1 an-J the public, Chat he. ha ken tbc !nr, c an-, .-m- Bfodio .< Luitding, No ~ Warren Iho, :r. t pposi'e Pool aia, JeiMongs A Ou.*s Warehou/e, where he v iil be prepared ou the !rt day of Septeinbfr next, to rere'.ve ronsiginaeiii j cl'c'iTTON. KITE TOIiTUCO, UAt<* HIN i,R»?PH, HAY, SALT, OuRN, Wliß.iT, 11VK, OAIS 1 . aUK, 1 EATHKKS, BACON: cd LAUD-- la abort, any and every thl; g, from any ai d every por tioa of the llaste > States, thr.t will pay the shipper a proht in tills market. Having had lon* experien e in the Warehouse and Commission busifte s, my planliag frio_d i, ay uiy upon iny best efforts to obtain tie highest market rate tor their Cotton, a.id t’>e exercise of my b • .ulgment in the p-irchaso of Ifapglng, R ipe To. ’ Liberal advances will be mrc’a on Produce in more. If desired. If: y charge w til be customary. anW-d&wtf J. C. DAv.-.soN HEARD k iSIMI’iSOX, W iti'ehoiise k Couuniss'n MiTrlianls. mcintosh street, ALGIJSTA, (iEORCJ A, WILL occupy the Fir.-. Proof Buildings formerly occupied by Bintpson A: Gartliner 3rd S li Heard. Our gaiea Hoorn aadOfdce, are n the bouse occupied by 6. 1> Heard where we ofife"our best ener gies tor ti;e interests of our patrons Ordui h for Bagging, Hope and Family Supplies, promptly attended to. N. D. HEARD, auiil-tf J R HfMPSON, (IE!HF) & OLiUiKE, WAREHOUSE AMI COMMISSION MEUCIIAKIS. u u t-3 'j: , o-^\.. J f AVI Nil leased for a term of years that weii known li 11RE PROOF WAREHOUSE, ou Reynold, street, near the Sou'll Carolina l?ailro*d Depot, and Laving associated ourselves in tbe fibrve line cl' busi ness, we earnestly solicit the patronage of our mutual fi ieutls, and the citizens of Georgia and Carolina gene rally, pledging ourseivts to devote . ur undivided per sona attenti n to the promotioii of their interest. Our Sales Room and Ofliee will be on Mclntosh-strcct. All orders tor Bagging, Rope, aud Family Supplies, : Gall be prcmpSly ulli d. As we lave close aud capacr ub stores, we would solicit con;dgr,intats of Produce generally and of Goods t i be forviardt il ail of which shall have prompt aitou tiou. Ca li Advances at a 1 time, made ou Produce in store. IsAAC T. HSAuD, HENRY E. 01.ARKE. Augnsta, da, August, 185:'. aus-l(*n M .R’STOVALL,' WiirelioHse&romniission Merrliaiil, AUGUSTA, GA. f / 'IONTI Ml£X tie busineas iu all its branches, ia Lis VT large and commodious Fire, Proof WareLoiue, cn Jackson-street, nearthe <jl:,hc Hotel. Orders tor pimtatipp a:,d Family Supplies promptly and c&re'udy flilei. The usual CASH facilities affordid ci; 'tomj-rr. August 24. 18’9. an 24 tw&wfim _ JAMES A. .IONKS, Wardioiisc k Coimuission Mercliaul, itIeINTOSII STUKKT. J\.TT Q-U'STA, Q A , TiriU attend personally to tlia sale and storage c ! YY COTTON, BACON, GRAIN, and a t . ther pro duce consigned to hiui ; aim, to the receiving aud for warding < f Goods. Perroual attention given to the ll'.i iug of all orders lor ajgiug, Ropeaud Family .Supplier. Liberal advance*; made on Produce in store. auHi dfe» fim n "fliß gjbeallT WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MEECRAITS AUGUSTA., -\\TE have this day entered iato Co artnersLip, so YY the transaction cf a GENERAL WAREIIOUS S AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, under ttc came and style of WM.M &. R. G BEALL, in Metcalfs Fire proof 'vVareLouse, on Reynold, between Jackson and Mclnt-sh streets. Metcalf Range, adjoining the one re cently occupied by the iat-e firm of Heard & Derry, in the c utre of the city, the vicinity of the principal Ware houses, and convenient to the Hotels. Being amply provided with good and safe storage for Cotton, Grain, Flour, Bacon, and Produce gen* rally, we respectfully solicit the patronage of our frieuds ami the public generally, pledging the strie’est personal atten tion to all busines.; entrusted to our case Orders for Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies, promptly attended to. Our charges will conform to the custom of the city. The usual cash advances made on produce iu store. VVM M BEALL, K GREEN BEALL. Augusta. July 13,1459. jyll-dLwfu 2STEW |r* ! £\ .jr£3k . -3 (TBS 3J555 fe~;E Ls i ■ Wn,I,TAM'-feKK •• ( I I A 45 b.7 tho'R tid ■ r : -r f-MN»w.tor\_ * $ y'• '>' i'k'-.: Id, l; ! . i . "e - ’];• •.'■•'uro, -t; :< .\ 1 • ‘LJf.V- and j f,; • **-'• -■ . ( ~ t iVn V.H. | ilel6 H»W U/» riis <<br£--V-' • rj ;'!es j- cgi.’bc lßf • eir. •> *IW <’•’; fWjwid.-ffr.kbljy TfeVh?h-1 1’..; id EC viETWr.s ; Wltli a Vifiet d 1 : do* ; • irp f <«■«■to w hich the : n i tic p biit i. r.:\ ev fully invite;!. • Atigt:.;’a Sep* d, if". . t>- ; - w [Dry Goods! —... V.E ti"j aL-s l " ■) j j -a! ‘d*. U Wil. if. CRANE IS NOW S:iM,LING- OFF IIIS. Emis STOCK OS' i>li Y (i OO,D b. All who 'i to B?eprQUnfgiiics, cdtai ciil soon, ar therein e many WIMRABIrE feOOBS lalbe Stock, and rhvy wIP h« offered at prices that cannot fid to efta;: .. Si f EDI' vi.S.i AIK-.,- OJT ! Eepl-Jlw&v. sft Notice to N^lianics. CLMISCS OPFICI3 IKFKRIUiI *;v:jxi'fV ? ftiTOif i j SE.UihO nivpo.'.alg wt'.i be receivi-il uiite li. o’clock A M on THURSbAYi tbel?'!i d’d' «,f SEPTEM BER next, tor Bull ing a h iUC J\li, in i.made.-sviile, according to the rUmeuai na, p'r.o ‘ j.e ill .u on in th ; eHlf-, il -im by E. W. Brown, Arehiiet t, oi the city oi Align tn The term.; will be kvo* a on that day. aw-ft t-1 HA\ WOOD BROOi- Ulfe, C erk BAVANItAK MEDICAL COLLEGE. M bI’IIJF: .Sewenth AnSttAl Ccurae of licctu:e* in this In- I 'tuitut on; w *•* f'r; -irpt-non the m coud V(»NDAY lb i !•!., of NO'-. EM'!.' >( * .iv imiitury L-n'ur.H w.Tt nijim fnca r-n the first t •■foverat-rt- R. I>. AJRMOIiD, M Pi. Xbrrewor of Tb-. 7 end P*t< ■' <f F 1 1 ; ’ , Vrof ■.r f-b m:*--«• and W.G.m !A !, .1 • .1.1. > of. Surgery. J ii. - „ id, iVJ. d,. ivo* ;«u : i oa. i .•c ia r\ n .K.-ir*, n, : i-, : >i. A. PRATT. M. IJ.. Vi'j:' i hem. 'tv. VE R, V, Aif!s\t«, -li. D.» V o . s. . ..icy. J. K. G( -il, i-yMi 1 , ■ ■ - dr. tar of Alifttomy, C iiic, l L rj. feiionuau Upapitai, :ni'*b. wrt-lc, byJJ ; Arro'f r d jitil’dch on thei respH-ttv p l>:» :<-bt-i. '1 lo- if arc in, .-ipy t it deal lectiir. 3di ■1 ! t at the Hoapitfelf >r'! et, u. of Nfudects Agi e- a'.-ly 10* be roedition' 0: the, mit }d. nr ti >n. orte ! indent froi't t r h »: tngre- i-u.-v tti tr rt r-‘fi be fatten free of charge, Appliisatiot:. witbincee-ifiary voticliiirs *-,»» bo made t.> the f> art. IV.e ter entire CeOr-to of iA’et drr" V* Mat icniati n 'i'p-kot ..paid Oa-.t-j... n«rte»n:dr«tor’i Tiidjet.,. lu Graduating Fee... Tit) For farther particular.*, ep; iy to anil 1 w j v, .vi.' :. nußOGorr. i>mu. \ V i- Oivo. oitc 1 era Iffv.i;,-: ol thr > Vt Gt ’. latiifv.' ;..,waiat v-r.dj-, which w- ffc (• , • .04 W l.i’i . 1-1 - ii. ''( hil J t&i R'/'i: ~T ■ .1 . i.. :i 7 jV'qaes - id . Cj. SnUt).;: a • o> • • JAH Lr ti. II At LIE & I'll 0.. _ ± ~ btv-M'h.-V:. TO EE^fT, | \ M j H T.:> *iv«i iU V; \‘ t . u*? u orii cr ai fen?; " * CaititDu!' st*'€■■>■ - \, v bchooiTfo*” Tmels7‘ 'l’ltK ur- :'fh::cltv:tU'J •f 1 A hbSl fjrTli ... tii» Aa fair/.' it expt'i - cites :.. . ■■■ . Ter T to> J • ty.it ,-i .. <•. i, y .'. „ land,and at “oat en: n . . .. . n- lion pracfc.d .a th sot ••■titrlc -• >t m i- **««,:. .’..sure pof also he given. - > 1 k Tll i i Isaiil I * r ' sp.r.3-d tw r.t i,-i. ;; r. FROSSSsk’S PATS*I I»AR-Wil-L D SF IRON BOILER TUBES* Y article reewsary to Vi. U>L THE THBB n PL A, Rj and BET THK T JUf-S ; u tin be i manner. Tube CLEANERS, Steel Wire aud Wh. one BROSHES Tubes fer ART HSIAN WELLS, Ac , -:iwcl to gather tnihss h >i • -Idas, or with'Conr> ! ipg.ie-u <-r on.- . . e oric-iie. TtiOS. FRO -.feßft lejil d.f.ri- ‘.*B P'att street. New rk. N< )'l lt;i :. isAßonc p < ira m;r ii». i. u ,:uij- .... L i o’-nte . my At: / :sy, to fake that,;cy>f«jud j .tic f. c All pefsiics having bu ..ue-..s wUh .• u’.d estate are re. ipie-ti'd to cab uptm hni. i-HAZA > GIRA RDEY, Adnfx. Augufia, Ftp*, tl. Itfst* gep3 t;,v MOTICV- A liL porcoa itd.bted to Ldr. arc utr» ctey. ;*.t« of il Riohut -ndcounty, -.u,i ed,r‘*‘- ••op*»s«wt l *makc itfjuiodia’e pt.} taoi.l :o try ait -tircy, JssA«f>Kß V. GI KABBL V ; and those imvhig doaianda again'.,t ta:d utcea.'vJ, are hereby rciit.l . d t>- pres eat th. m, duly au.hoatk-aUid. ith>a the Uute tribe 1 ! by law. u '/,■< hi. UT-.xEh, Alim x. A fu !’a, Bent, b, if.'.s ii I A I) I 8 O .N rEMALE COLLEGE. TflffE FALL KEsblONoi thii luolitutiof- will cota 1. trc-c n cn the Fourth MONDAY of AUGUST. ~2d) ti: !r: ihe direction ot t fail Uo'rd .. f dr. truci-ion. hitndr > i -doliate -will meet rte cx> n :■ of a Bor.f i Jg. ‘>up;i, pursuing the regu'ar Ou'bjg. Course it. f French and Latin lAtngtragcs, atvfVdcai M« ie. ate includi d in the je, ular e'.ti'se, aud a ght wilhou: ex tra chorgo Fer further particulars at'ply to uMi t-.viSlO ‘ J. L. PIERCE, Ft . Jackson Street FOUNDRY _ffkTSTXD CORNER JACKSON AKl> CAUJOrN STS, Tbe rr.«!- i,.-wt ( b«v : n-r removed frun hid old sia., -, cu Hu., .. . . t * » 'ml v. j:rins sfre-,.ta, tih - tie hops aaa Arttji y. « < iri the Anguste. Ga; sv. x, . u>w. .. . . x.wc: .. tic- n furntih a-1 kinds of Xron&Brass Castings, For Gold Mine.}, Merchar.tr, Krr or other Will*, B* idg.M. and Ral'road.v St iII!AUER'S COTTON PRESS, AND lif also manufactures the latest approved atylo of PORTABLE AND STATIONARY iSTEAM ENGINES. SHAFTING, PULLEYS, AND EVERY SORT OF FURNISHING Executed with NEATNESS AND DESPATCH. GEORGE COOPER. jyk’7.t >im mm mmt »lre« tpuiLKisiiriPiiism iiiiwSi;, ¥ » -V r<7 % ATP- » 1’ li A M Ha- V JC hi <S r.-tp” ■* ««>MF.b. Ho. lad 187 Srot i-i treat. AiV-TiON PI! I O.lf »■**’**?<).*“' -UXTS’* v. r ORr.’rr... r, o, IVi IXroad-Rtr*-ct. r.u'i.E subbsi. GIfJRQn W. WIMTRR. f;c. init Rroad-itwet. Hff-OTS n a sasp. l' v ESU ; ■ •:. 6o< tP> •', jg . •JSu>. SfW ikoar’.-HrCdt, Past-i lVi:c Curner, 110YAD A EIATOH, Ho, SYI Rroad-streef. C r HUEY, FORC'D & CO., Ho, ills’- Bread-street J. Ts. BERCn, Ho. HO .iii oad- trect, O’BFJKH & r.TRKE, I*o ITS Broad-street, opposite Augusta Hotel. CAiUPfoVS, iilis CJLOTUB, (jyklAiNd, «c. JAS. G BAil.lK & BRO., No. 803 Broad street. CAVIE-VT E, UE «Oi.STEii IN(J C. A. PLAT! ar CO., No. 214 Broad-strooh C-’USMA, GlsAf-8 AHD JEAIiTKEIS IVAKE. ■E. MUSTIH & SON, No. fSU Broad-street, HOLMAN & TURPIN, No. 28ii Broad street, Also, Southern Porcelain kffaxmfactaring Comp’y’s do oils for Sale, (i/miiNii. RAMSEY A LABAWT No. .‘5(;8 Broad street, nearly opposite I*!cliters' Hotel. HORA. WJtm & CO., (Stiocetisc-rs to J. M. Kevrby &. C 0.,) K 0.234 Bioart-stif*;*, Under U f>. Hotel. J, M. NEWBY, 23S Broad-atreet. VAN WINKLE & SHACKLEFORD, No. LI j Broad-street-. JiAXGH Sr ANDREWS, No, 9?0 Broad street, opposite Angu-ta Bank. CdfiFKCTIOXEUS & FAMILY CftOTERS. ’ lamback isTcoot’Eß, No. Si-?. Braad- -.t.-eet. DKI «GI‘*TH—WirOLJISALB & MjKTASL. m. j. jonkV m. d;;^“ No. i7i Broad-atroaii Under the Augu-U Iletel. VA 11. 1 UTT, No. 180 Bf-xa'i truet. BARRY A BATTY. No. SOD Broa d-«t reet. SPEARS’* TffGIIT, No. !U3 B road-6 tree . I)H V (;;;Q»s--tt'OOL UaALE. JACKSON, MILLER & VBRDKRY, No. 248 Broad-street. IIUYGOODS-’W!IOT.Ert\r,B AND RETAIL. THOMA3~ raißilT^ No. 278 Bead stree*. T. S, CUMMINGS & GO , No. 322 Broad-Street opposite Planters' Hotel. HICKMAN, HILLS * CRESS. No. 242 Bn ad-s'reet. WBJGHT S ALEXANDER, No. 250 Braidstreet. ULMiNG &, DAY, No. 254 BroaA-.>treet, Co nernnch r the Globe Hotel. J. KAUFFKR, No. 175 Bread-street. JAMES HEKEY, No. 199 Broad street, Next to Bank of Augusta. P. & Jf. GALLAHEB, No. 186 Broad-street, opposite Adams’ Exprers. DCi>rjM,LASn, BLINDS AZJi MGULDINGN, ■MnJe t rrdir. Northern SASH, BLINDS and * DORS, £-.: actly on baud —LOW FOR CASH. WM. I?. GOORRiril, K EYNOI/D- STREET tB.-tween Campbell and McCartan.) JkXl DANCE BROKERS. W- CD LDL Y Si Ci *, No. ITS Broad-street, Under Augusta Hotel. t.HOI KUy~WHOI.hr ALL. M, ’GORTON* WALTON, No. 291 Broivi-street. POBEETN, CeiKESY A CO., No 286 Broad-street. CHAFLKK FAKER. Fo 2C7 cni2C9, Br«ad-s‘reet DANIEL 11. Wit.GOX. bio. 24i Broad-street. WILKINSON A FARGO, No. 332 Bread-street. WILCOX, HAND &. ANSLEY, , No. 238 Broad-street. JOS! AH SIBLEY &■ SONS, No. 6 Warren Block. BAKER k CASWELL. No, 2W5 Broad’stroct. VTM. it. GOODRICH. (Reprcseited by C. XcLa< ou.) No. 271 Broad-street BALDWIN &■ REED, No. 295 liroad-street. GR-OCEItS—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. SIBLEY, BLGG.j S. CCt, No, £6O Broad-street. G. T. DOETIC, No. 178 Broad-strtet. iiATD, CAPS, BONNETS, UMBItEI-LAS. GEORGS W. FERRY, 1.0. 241 Broad-rtreat, Under Masonic Ha ? Building. MOUSE FURNISH!N4« MOODS. S. S. .TONES Ai CO , Dealers in Stoves, Grates, T io Piate,Sheet iron, Wire, &e , 192 Broad street. BITCKMASTER & DERRY. Dealers iu Steves, Grab s. Tin Plate, Sheet Ir-u, Wire, &c., &e, 151 Broad street. ItOUSE and parlor furniture. BEL JAM! N & GOOD RIG U, No. 261 Broad-street. C A. PLATT &. CO., Mo. 214 Broad ntreot. HOTELS. _ FLANTKRS’ HOTEL. S. ii ROBBINS, Proprietor. AUGUSTA HOTEL, W >. E. WIIEELOCK, Propriesov. INSI RANGE. FIRE, MARTNEIVTvEIt AND LIFE INSURANCE. 'l'he Augusta Insurance * Bank leg Uompat'-y. Liverpool a d London F r > A Life Insurance Coiup&ry. The LorilL.rd Fire lauirance Gompxny. The Pbtnmx lueurauee Company, of Hanford, Conn. CAPITAL REPRKSJES7'EQ, SIX MU.I.IONS. Wm. M. D’Antionac, Fres. | G. F. McOay, Sec y JEWELRY. CLARK & CO., Corner Broad aad Mclntosh streets, Opposite Rail re id Bank. HENRY J. OSBORNE No. 237 Broad street, Under United States Hotel. J. N. FREEMAN, Ko. 312 Broad-street, nea.iy opp silo Flutters'Hotel. MUSIC. charl’s Gatlin, Dealer in Piano Forte- Music, Guitars, Vio'ius, Bar jes, Flutes, Aceordeona, Instruction Books, Ac. No. 221 Broad-street, opposite Ufiited States Hotel. iMIOTOSRAPHIi; GALLERY OF ART. TUCKER & PERKINS, Opposite Adams’ Eatress Company. Dealers In Phot graphic aud Ambrotype Chemicaus at Nt>. it Y.o; k prices. MIIiLINEHY GOOD#. Miss M. MATHEWS, No 269 s Broad street. "'HADDLErtY,’harness AND TKrNHsI sHE RM AIf.TisSUP & Co' ’ No. 225 Br jad-street. JULIUS HARROW, No. Brity|g||a^. Jpeb-sy Wicßr Hotel. »; SALES. Bx et w-»*. a. howaud' 'r A. PABiUIK, AirCTfOXKKi:. liuiTjiuaT fj.r U) h a:,r St ,v r,V—:'r }.;• .Iv, n ill preu* mz ~ . **»*••" and Bt lev Bn-Mingt. sii.aud o~Mosn.n*nl 3 treef r bnwrn, , t . urf>Oo.*t: t. ity ball Yen'; 9 «■«>*. liuilctnr t, . ;u ,\i ii w.iliiil 3.') dry.-. ' *' -• y truer U win,-i> <t. Uef t Catri-n;', BY WM. H. HOWAB.D, G. A. PAiiKKr. AOCTtOjj&lKi;. City to! NWs | t Rr-DA'S , IJth m frost of >.* -1 ... v .4 win l*o so US, i-u.‘ K,i .y.-J oa Ta-. 1- s r. r- 1 , re; t. * ' ' h ' 1 ' Jiy £/'il*r Chairman Ootacilt ce on (1 a : Tj7 I > ICHiHONI) MMKHI FK*« SAi.E.. •••• t\< at the Lower Market lionet) tu theeity of y, the hrat T«w<dey in •( CTO&EU i„V .S.L’l tha legal hoars of sale, the follow ,ng £,-•■■■. i , peny, to wit: a’l that tract or , .!•••« i ~i 3 . the improvement* (her can, vi;nsfc, lying ... .1 t, , the couo yo: Richmond ar.d State u . ... r tween the village of Harrisburg and the city of A. ; la, containing one-third cf rn a-.iv. more 'or 1,- ooundvdon the-north by Washington rm d, on « ,■... .nl 50n,.., by (fu;.; 3ot J i H. Comßilng) and <*n tin- r Bottcr : levied i.n tu the propoar <■; . s “ -xamey. to fui.oly tr, o fi. fa*. ; ose h ~00 , 0... ; he or Court of .aid e< only h> tav.r ol .1. J ‘ >Ua MeEionev. a: d the oV 1 Irom the Justice** Otofcrt 119th Din. <3. M. in 1 ,j ThomaaHeckle A. Wr.»onnndA>. .v IWv, :•«>. h-uoey. Levy tua:!,- and KenrmO tome by ' , t,. . fc.uruy constable. Levi** severally iyw.ee h'ul .mi » ■ ». hobsrt homi^£ u A K^wuib^T^r^ er M*rfc '»w‘ Tu “ da - V i; ' GCTOBSR next. •*.!. ifeo |,. w m the city <f Anjptsta, t. tv-; a U.e Jr n *?*’ 2 VJttt<} vs «* t of the Ooert ol Ordlna.j, < t Richmond county, three twoloU oi'Lnci i . ‘ f A“eU,to on Ca houu B'reef. between 1„ toflh ard Joekeoa streets (renting' f-rfy f«. H , , fe°p;. 8 h sd , r " hack cipb'y-eght bet -c mor 4 iUi ls la, P mve ' i ft 1 ood t or e, P '-leynhaSo 'S OUJS- , f ‘° ld ,h " Property Os the 'X.aia xiiaw.as.'',, ' AUGUSTA BffIESS ScTORi. r.-Jt FACTORIih. AM, Fai'iiinb Mim-s. W. M. HIGH i s ““ iOUUUKY AND MACHINE SHOP AhiD RAILROAD a All FACTOR \ Oo Georgia Railroad near Oott. n i'„ SK«ARM AND ToßAt’rO. Cr. VOLGEK, P* J - Broad-.-.troyt. ftd’OTlfi;.. AU ICTSOUS iooti. fi ; to theßMr'-ef V X ;, . 'j* o - Uptoa, iateofOoininDlaConoty, il ui~*epay mt-«t wdlua the time pn crioed by i aA -1 , t e uadenigned, acd aU penon* having Calma .‘-Tr the laao v. i 1 ?,resent the m f, r oavn: enr. ga!,K ' L its ' i; JEK‘-.Mt.tl| I'PYOK, kIV ( V » U£o.~v.'t- '. , V I*. *»* i> •» =»« {., v ■«. ’or Letter i. * {:• - . Mn Ci,_iip -‘ jr thv persons and property ,:i Loatra "« 5 . —J. Mo cley, and Joseph Bm- ... ‘f a - a «f J«**i u asoiciey, lit v* a , 1 : ’’ ’ 1 ue.-e are therefore to cite, saom-u and admm kiieii £beW* r ’ t a e kindred;;:.,; otto t „.,ona £2X%‘ Z v an « “IT> at a:my oflLe, within the Cmeprt wr.be, b}- law, to Bh w cfiu <*.. f any they have, why - ters ct Guardianship abonid not be granted J Ottrcn du er my s.&mi at office, ihi-.vh ,; iv 0 f Ber.t IB ',f , ~. ULNLV BiUTAIX, *>r.i:narJ ' Sept, to, 18dy. 1 * I' H O artOfiTiis after dire "appiu-ino „-U X made to the Court of Ordinary . i Oglu ho-c, county for leave to stjl&l the Lauds auu Negrcea t, loading to the estate of Mary C iena, late of ».r j, ty deceased WJd GLENN, Jn. AdaVr September 6, IS 3O. X'VVo MO.VfUt» after u&te, application will !• : ibctiQ to the Court of Ordinaly of Oglethorpe con,* ty, i r leave to if 1 ail she Lord and Kcgi.-es belong in.r >o the estate of Atm A. Wright late of'.aid countv deceased. TVM. it, WH.UUT, Es r ' Sept to iS;fh l"’ * W N**°-: Vrfi *t ai .’ t daw * T1 . „ 9 “*® Court o: (srdtnary of Ogh.ihorpe county u r itave to fell ail tfco ileal i.-stato b.-htntiiag to tli ts.ate o, Moses Wright, dec ran .1. „ . c „„ WM. K. WEIGHT, Adm a pi. b itj.yt. -:c boa is non of salt deed r l' v *’ y , JMiA'THS after date application willberoa-.i'e X. to the Court 0 f Ordinary of Oglethorpe county C>; icave toE?i. i, pon>un vs the Lard tied Vr. "oc*i . ing to the aMaietf George W. fcsv--. (afoof-ddeo-- ty, deceased. MAftTH lTf Mixt y *, , . Sept tj, iB6O. VTOTltifil.—All persona Indebted lo~th.. e,ta*a 01 &•' Mani-a Hadcen, l*i- of Jefferson eout.-*- .(.• eea.ied, are requested to make immediate ra, n' „ *n«* those having demands again t said r-,,arencii ts«*i to present thecidulyanttieuticated v?if |.; t > *;, pro bribed by law. FKANUid M. KELLBv rX, ‘ Sept. 7, it-59. I*VO > iivriisi after deia appiirrtton wi* i.a , J!,ad ® to t’.-A Court of Ordinary , f Jeffet .on couoty, ‘-a-.e u> ell the Laaiu aodMcgreea belonging to the «« Benjamin iiadoen, dee* aaed FuAWOW M KBLL-BY, Adm r Rrptember 7, Ir.jii. ' I'Wu .dOM'HS after date, appiteaVlcn wiiTbe ma.ii X to tee Court of Oid-nary of Js dVrson conn- *• ; ■ ieeve u sidt a Negro Man. and the had inter*.;'. «» House and Let ia the town of Louisvi Is, brkugiu ■ * the Estate of Henry Jordan, lr.; of •* .1 com *, t- ”d“ •,. August sh 1 -J ) JOHN JOKDAts, Adm’i. T. & K. A, I'LKM s f-r H'AEtIIOUSS AN# C-tIJiIISSIDN 1 AUGUSTA, C3-A.. rr HE firm cf F. & J. L. FLEMING, will be ,p • , JL on the Ist ot September next, altrr which time -b - ns:nes3 wll ! be conducted in the name of P. \ v , FLEMING, at the old stand; and we hope hv strict at” tuition to business, la every particular, to" inert tie liberal patronage be stowed on the old firm. Our charges will conform to those oi other commi, honv-s. extent for seiUng, which will be twrutv to eeuts per c)al(>, ' Orders for Bagging, Hope, and Family Sup pile;, an., * at the lowest market prices. I> FLEMINO . , , K. A. FLEMING Augusta, August I, 1b59. anJ Jmo TO TEACHEIiS 011 CLABii, the BUILDING and LOF "D us ty h nmalu Academy phone -j. v situated n tee town of Ihoiuastoa, I'm.. J c- For particulars a. ply to the under-irm-i • sep7.* it Pnncipalapj Proprlo.or "W JLjsi ted7~ I *> CiOClf Dining Room WAITERS. Ay,:- a t 1 aj Globe Hotel. stj*. *■ ' ' IMPOMTATION DIRECTT J CST rece'vcd, another Jot of DR. FRANCK’S fW bated SPECiFiC, forth; cure of Sexual Dicresos fail soon. See advertisement. WM. H TUTT, ac > lf> ltd Bread-street. TO UK.NG’, A CiJUI FOItTAKJ.E two story L WEI LING XV situated corner of Lincoln and fjreono strxt.il pply next d or below. Hp ,,l FALL OF 1858 HENRY J. OSBOKNE, At 23G Broad Street, Under V. B. Hotel / ILOCTKH, WATCHES, JEWELRY, Hiiv *■ a, ( V Flated WARE; SPECTACLES. GoW. Silver a*’ l Steel; Optica! and Surveying INSTRUMLNTiii jv*. Chauical TOYS, for children; CABLE CHAKMES Cable Walking CANES, and a large and beautiful w rlety ot GOODS, of most recent styles, on sale a t |..v,. est prices. AR work promptly and efficiently done. Loth lathe Watch and Jewelry line, as heretofore. Boaineaa per soualiy attended to. Goods will be weekly arriving of the newest patterns. A flair Bc,aro of patronage, proportionate to aa ample Stock of eve ythiug in his line, is respoctfally aoltvlted _.. , , , HENRY J. OSBORNE, \V:;tch, Optical and Jewelry Establishment, M3B Broad Street, under the U. S. ifotel, and opposite the City itauk, Augusta, G«, aep2o tt iiiiFQRTMT ARRANGEMENT For Planters Purcliiisiiin Mamirrs. RHODES’ BIRPHOSPHATE. THE Standard Manure For Cotton, Wheat, Corn and Tobacco Culture; BESIDES ALL ROOT CROPS i rriiSS Celebrated end Standard MANURE, which ia X fu'ly Warranted, and soul under a legal guarant.-.- can be had cf 2.1. A. ANSLEY & CO., 1 Ageu- for Manufacturers, at No. :>uo Broad-st., ~ Augtuta, 0* .)., Who wIJ ;:e l at Msnufacturers’ prises—Forty live dollars per Tou.vsUh shipping expenses a ded. auto fito.&'wtf j OLB DOMINION COFFEEPOT OLD DOMINI IN COTTER P IT ! «>Ll> DOMINION COFFEE POT • OLD DOAffNHiN OOFPEE POT ! ForaMnly >Wli SALISBURY &. GO £67 Bipad*straet, Augusta.