Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, September 09, 1859, Image 4

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patent medicines PHAMMEOTICAI Dr. Little’s Anodyne Cough Drops A new and oertain cure for Coaghs, Colds, Asthma, Pain in the Breast ; also. Croup, Whooping Coughs, Colds, etc., amongst Children, This is a pleasant remedy to take, producing immedi ate relief, and in nine out of ten cases a prompt cure. It exercises the most controlling influence over Coughs and Irritation of the Lungs of any remedy known —often stopping the most violent in a few hours, or at most in a day or two. Many cases thought to be decidedly con sumptive, have been promptly cured by using a few bottles, and the wearing Little’s Strengthening Plasters on the Chest. As an anodyne expectorant, without as tringing the bowels, it stands paramount to all cough mixtures. DOLLAR VERMIFUGE Prepared and put up in bottles and vials only by W. G. tittle. In using, nothing else is required to relieve children of worms; and, besides being one of the best and cheapest ever offered to the public, its frequent use in families will save much trouble and expense, as well as the lives of many children; for eight out ot ten ot every ten cases generally require it. DR. LITTLE’S FRENCH MIXTURE. This is prepared from a French Recipe (in the forms of Nos. 1 and 2; the first for the acute, and No. 2 for the chronic stage,) that has been much improved upon in this country; and from its unexampled success is likely to supersede every other remedy for the cure of the dis eases of the K idneys and Bladder, Gonorrheal, Blennor heal, and Lucorrheal or Fluor Albus Affections. This extensive compound combines properties totally diffe rent in taste and character from anything to be found in the United States Pharmacopea or in private practice ; and in point ot safety and efficiency is not rivaled in America. Dfl. LITTLE’S RINGWORM AND TETTER OINTMENT. Hundreds of cases of Chronic Tetters, Scald Head, and diseases of the skin generally, have been cured by this remedy, and since the introduction of the No. 2 pre paration (being stronger) scarcely a case has been found that it will not effectually eradicate in a short time. For the cure of Cancerous Sores and Ulcers, it is applied in the form of Plasters, and is almost infallible. Physicians are referred to the 13th page of Dr. Little's pamphlet, to the catalogues of medicine of the Materia Medica, that he uses in compunding his different reme dies, and asked to say if they are not the chief reliance of the profession, as he himself has practised medicine extensively for more than tea years, before retiring to the drug business. In more than two hundred places in Georgia, and in all the Southern States, they are to be had; and as there are scamps about who are counterfeiting his reme dies by palming off their own or something else, by using the same or similar names, (for no patent is wanted or secured amid the absurd patents of the day,) let all be cautioned to look well for the signature of tne proprietor, and also his name blown into the glass of each bottle. N. B. All orders and letters on business are to be sent in future to Macon, Georgia, instead of Philadelphia Wholesale Agent, Dr. P. M. Cohen A Co., Charleston, S. C., McKesson A Robens, New-York. Sold by LITTLE A BRO., Wholesale Druggists, Ma con, Ga. For sale by PLUMB A LEITNER and WM. H. TUTT, Augusta, and by Druggists aud Merchants generally throughout the State. my26-swAwly if yon have Dyspepsia, Use the Colombian Bitters. If yon have Headache, Use the Columbian Bitters. If you have Giddiness of the Head, Use the Columbian Bitters. If you have Depressed Spirits, Use the Columbian Bitters. If you have Piles, Use the Columbian Bitters. If you have no Appetite, Use the Columbian Bitters. If you have Pain in the Side and Back, Use the Columbian Bitters. If yon have a Sick Stomach, Use the Columbian Bitters. f yon have Jaundice, Use the Columbian Bitters If your Liver is Diseased, Use the Columbian Bitters. If you are subject to Costiveness, Use the Columbian Bitters. For sale by all respectable Druggists throughout the South. Hav-land, Chichester & Co., Plumb & Leitner, William H. Tutt, Augusta, Ga, apl7-dAwtf THE LIVER lIVVIGORATOR PREPARED BY DR. SANFORD. Compounded entirely from Bums, IS one of the best purgatives and Liver Medicines now before the public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It is not on'y a Cathartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid matter, then on the stomach and bowels to carry off that matter, thus accomplishing two purposes effectually, without any of the painfal feelings experienced in the operations of most Cathartics. It strengthens the system at the same time that it purges it; and when taken daily in moder ate doses, will strengthen and build it up with unusual rapidity. The LIVER is of the 'principal regulators of the human body; and when it Hr performs its functions well the powers of the system H"1 are fully developed. The stomach is almost entirely O, dependen ton the healthy action of the Liver for the proper performance of its functions when the stom r. aeh is at fault, the bowels are at fault, and the whole system suffers in conse quence of one organ—the i Liver—having ceased to do its duty. For the diseas es of that organ, one of the proprietors has made it i his study, in a practice of more than twenty years, Hf to find some remedywhere with to counteract the many derangements to which it is liable. To preve that thig re W medy is at last found, any persons troubled with Liv »• Wer complaint in any of its forms,has bat to try a and conviction is certain. i. These Gums remove morbid or bad matter from the system, supplying in their place a healthy flow of bile, invigorating the causing food to digest well, purifying the blood, giving tone and health to the whole ma /, ehinery, removing the cause of the disease—es rH fecting a radical cure. One dose after eating is sufficient to relieve the stomach and prevtnt the food from rising and sour ing. Only one dose taken Hf. before retiring prevents nightmare. Only one dose taken at rjt night loosens the bowels gently, and cures costiv r-m ness Onedosetaken after each [ meal will cure Dyspepsia. BpOnedose of two tea spoonfuls will always re lieve Sick Headache. r One bottle taken for fe H male obstruction removes the cause of the disease, "s and makes a perfect cure. Only cne dose immedi |-J ately relievesCbo!ie,whiie One dose often repeated is a sure cure foi Chol era Morbus, and a pre ft) ventive of Cholera. One dose taken often will prevent the recurence of Bilious Attacks while sm. it relieves all painful feel ings. [ | BP”Only one bottle is needed to throw oot of the system the effects of medi Hr. cine after a long sickness. One bottle taken removes all yellowness or unnatural color from the skin. One dose taken a short time before eating gives vigor to the appetite and r_ makes food digest well. One dose often repeated cures Chronic Diarrhse in its worst forms, while l_ Summer and bowjl com plaints yield al most to the drst dose One or two doses cures rH attacks caused by warms, while for worms in child ren, there is no surer, saf er or speedier remedy in the world, as It never fails ETA few bottles cures Dropsy, by exciting the I absorbents. (JJ We take pleasure in recommending this medicine as a preventative for Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, and all Fevers of a Billons Type. It operates with certainty, and thousands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. All who use it are giving their nnanimous testimony n its favor. ** Mixwa’er in the mouth with the Invigorator, and swallow both together. THE LIVER IVIGORATOR is a scientific Medical discovery, and is daily working cures, almost too great to believe It cures as if by magic, even the first dose giving relief, and seldom more than one bottle is re quired to cure any kind of Liver Complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dyspepsia to a common Headache, ail of which are the result of a diseased Liver. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. DR. SANFORD, Proprietor 335 Broadway, New York. Sold by HAVTLAND, STEVENSON, A CO., SIMON RUFF A CO.; J. ASHHURST, Charl4sten PLUMB A LEITNER, W. H. TUTT, Augusta; SCOVIL A MEAD, J. WRIGHT A CO., New Orleans. Retailed by all Druggists. mys ’s9-dAwiy THE BLANCEVILLE Slate Quarry, VAN WERT, POLK COUNTY. BA. r F HR subscriber now has his SLATE QUARRY fully A opened, and is provided with a sufficient number of workmen to fill orders to any part of the South. The quality of the Slate has been fully tested, and its beauty I , c ? l * ecc ® can k* **«® n by an examination of seve ral buildings in Rome, covered with Slate from this ; T . h< ’ ®?bscriber proposes to furnish the Slate Alabama or Tennessee, and lay Tffi roofing* * lane * PeMe not exceedi “K the cost of Tin roofing. Contracts can be made with JOHN R. frffman I °S I HAYWOOD’S BALM f SAVANNAH I FOR Cleansing, Nourishing & Beautifying the iia ie. IN presenting the BALM OF SAVANNAH to the public, the proprietor does so without any of the hesitation attending the introduction of a new and un tried article, for it has now been fifteen years before the public, and each year has added to its popularity The demand for it having increased so far beyond my pre vious facilities for its manufacture, the proprietor has re cently completed arrangements for producing it on a more extensive scale, and at the same time adding to Its former excellence, by the result of a long practical ex perience in its use. The following vouchers are gentlemen well known, and can be attested : Savannah, August 3,1858. J. M. Haywood, Agent—Dear Sir: I cheerfully comply with my promise, to give you my opinion ol the tnerits of your Balm of Bavannah. Alter using it for some two years, I am prepared to speak from experience, and do not hesitate to pronounce it the best prepara tion for the hair that I have ever used. For several years I had suffered from dandruff, which, at times, ea pecia ily during bad health, threatened to destroy my hair. I tried many remedies, which had been recom mended to me, without benefit, until I made a trial of your Balm, which not only removed the dandruff, but kept my head free from it, at the same time stimulating the growth of the hair and imparting to it a healthy ap pearance. I have recommended it to my friends, simi larly afflicted, who, in every instance, experienced simi for benefits from its use. I esteem it a pleasant and convenient article for dressing the hair, possessing most la the virtues claimed for the popular cosmetics of the day, with none of their deleterious qualities. I feel con fident that it only needs to be known to the public to become universally popular. Very respectfully yours, W. T Thompson, Editor of Savannah Morning News. To ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCERN : The object of this is to state that I have, for some months, used Mr. Haywood’s Hair Tonic —known as the Balm of Savannah—and have found it incomparably superior to any other article of the kind. Its use twice a week is quite sufficient, not only to disengage the dandruff, Ac., from the hair, bat to prevent its formation in any applicable quantity. It maintains the hair too, in that moist and pleasant condition, which so many other specifics pretend to do, but almost always fail—in so far as my experience goe9. J. L. Locke, Late Editor of the Savannah Republican. Mat 26, 1858. Mr. J. M Haywood, Agent : It gives me pleasure to certify to the unequalled qualities of your Balm of Sa vannah. It is the best tonic for the hair, as well as the most effectual exterminator of dandruff I have ever tried. My hair has been inclined t j fallout sirce my attack of Yellow Fever in 1854, and among all the preventives I have tried, the Balm of Savannah has been the most successful. This much I say most cheerfully. Yours, Ac., P. W. Alexander, Late Editor of the Savannah Republican. For sale by J. M. HAYWOOD, Agent, Manufacturer and Proprietor, Savannah, Ga., and by WM. H. TUTT, jyl Augusta, Oa. SIOOO rewardT I \R. FRANCK’S Celebrated SPECIFIC, for the cure JIJ of Gonorrhea, Strictures, Gleet, Leucorrbea and analagous csmplaints of the organs of generation, both male and female. Os all the remedies yet discovered, this is the most certain. It makes a permanent and speedy care, without re striction es diet, drink, exposure, or change In applica tion to business. It is perfectly harmless. It is not unpleasant to take, and contains no mercury. It is put up, with full directions, so that persons can core themselves, without resorting to doctors for advice. It is approved and recommend d by the Royal Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons, London. It is prepared by Dr. Robert Franck, No. 40 Strand, London. None other Is genuine. It will invigorate the system, and completely renovate and restore the genital organs to their original healthy condition, even in persons vho have past the meridian of life. In ordinary cases es Gonorrhea, or Leucorrbea, one bottle is sufficient to perform a perfect cure. Price #l. In Oleets or Strictures, of long standing, its continual use will always cure ; and in all diseases of the genital organs, it will afford relief. The Agent for the sale of this preparation, is WM. 11. TUTT, Druggist, 180 Broad street, jel7’s9-d3mAwly Augusta, Ga. 1859. 1860. GUNS AND GUNSMITHING, HAVING received our Fall and Winter Stock of GUNS from the English Manufacturers, and made to ordtr for us, expressly for this market, we are con fident we can suit any one in want of a good GUN. Our Stock is unusnally large, and imbraces every varie ty of size and finish—and are we think the best ever offered in this market. ALBO Fine POCKET and PEN KNIVES ; POWDER FLASKS, and SHOT BAGS, all kinds , COLTS anfi other Varieties of PISTOLS ; PERCUSSION CAPS and WADS, all varieties ; POWDER, and SHOT- BLOWING HORNs ; Ac., Ac. Reparing of all kinds done promptly, and RIFLES made to order with'all the modern improvements, equal to any made in the United States. 245 Broad Street, next door below State Bank. an23-4m ROGERS A BOWEN. MADISON SPRINGS; Madison County, Ga. I’’ HI 8 well known Watering Place, will be opened . on Ist day of JUNE next, tor the reception and ac commodation of visiters, and in fact, it is always ready, as the proprietors both live on the premises. It is use less to say anything about the Madison Spring, it is so well known throughout the State, and favorably known, that we deem it a waste of time ; but as this notice may strike the eye of some one not acquainted with the beauties, climate, waters, pure and bracing air, variety, scenery and the society, we will say it has advantages over any other Watering place in the Southern country, and we would most cordially invite your attention this way. For most all the diseases which the human fami ly are subject to, these waters have a most happy effect. We have a Band of Music, inferior to none, Sacred, Parlor and MartiaL Now, what more can we say,but ask you this way, And if we do you no good, we'll charge you no pay. Two lines es Stages will be in readiness at the Depot, in Athens, on the arrival es the cars, to take passengers immediately on to the Springs. Persons leaving Augus ta or Atlanta in the night trains, will reach the Springs the same day to dinner. BCOTT A TYNER. je3-dAwtf AUDUBON’S BIRDS OF NORTH AMERICA. THE undersigned is publishing by subscription this celebrated work of his late father, J. J. Audubon, F.R. SS. L. A E.. Ac , from the original copper-plates, transferred to stone. This edition, Id softness, finish and correctness of col oring, will be equ.»l to the first; every plate being col ored from the original drawings still in the possession of the family. The entire work, containing all the plates and textot the original work, will be comprised in forty-four numbers each, containing ten plates, printed on seven sheets of double-eb phant paper, of the beat quali ty for the purpose, 27 x 41 inches ; and will be delivered to subscribers monthly, free of extra charges, at TEN DOLLARS PER NUMBER ; the total cost of the en tire work, including the seven volumes of letter-press, being only one-half the cost of the first edition. as there are many persons who only know the above work by reputation, the first number will be sent as a specimen to those who wish it, on the receipt of eleven dollars. Express and other charges w ill be paid by the publishers. Also, now complete, octavo editions of A-UDITBON’S BIRDS AND QIiADBIiPEDS OF AMERICA. BIRDS, 7 volumes, 500 plates, colored by band, with text, $120; QUADRUPEDS, 3 volumes, 155 plates, with text, S4O. These editions are uniform, snited to the Library, or Drawing Room; bound in full morocco antique J. W. AUDUBON. ROE, LOCKWOOD tcSON, mh4-dAw 311 Broadway, N. Y. HOWE’S IMPROVED SCALES! Strong & Ross’ Patent. THESE superior PLATFORM SCALES, which have taken the premium over all other Scales, are offered for sale at manufacturers’ prices—uo expenses added—by the Agents, CARMICHAEL & BEAN, Augusta, Ga. We are also Agents for Stearnes A Marvin’s celebra ted FIRE-PROOF SALAMANDER SAFES ; Hoe A Co.'s CIRCULAR SAWS ; Boston Belting Company’s RUBBER GOOD 8; IRON RAILING ; SUGAR MILLS and KETTLES, Ac., all of which are offered for sale low, in connection with our general stock of HARD WARE, CUTLERY and AGRICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS. 1e23-dAw3m “HENRY J. OSBORNE, FINE WATCHES, UNDER UNITED STATES HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA. mb 'HENRY J. OSBORNE" Repairs Fine Watches and Jewel) UNDER U. 8. HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GEO, mh!s 1859. 1859. THE SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR, A MONTHLY JOURNAL, Devoted exclusively to the Improvement of Southern Agricul ture, Horticulture, Stock Breeding, Poultry, Bees, General Farm Economy, &c., &c. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. p. REDMOND and C. W. HOWARD, Editors. The Seventeenth Volume, much ENLARGED and IMPROVED, com menced on the Ist of January, 1859. Th.e Cultivator Is a large octavo of thirty-two pages, forming a Volume of three hun dred and eighty-four pages in a year. It contains a much greater amount of reading matter than any Agricultural Journal of the South—embracing, in addition to all the current Agricultural topics of the day, VALUABLE ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTIONS From many of the most INTELLIGENT’ and PRACFICAL Planters, Farmers and Horticulturists in every section ofthe South and Southwest. TERMS : 1 Copy One Year $l! 25 Copies One Year, S2O 6 Copies “ 51100 “ “ 75 The Cash System Will be rigidly adhered to, and in no instance will the paper he sent unless the money accompanies the order. The Bills of all specie-paying Banks, and Postage Stamps, received at par. All money remitted by mail, will he at the risk of the Publisher. Advertisements Inserted at ONE DOLLAR per square, of twelve lines, for each in sertion ; One Square, per annum, TEN DOLLARS. Address WM. 8. JO MS. Augusta, Ua. TAKE NOTICE.—In ordering a paper, be certain to write the name ofthe Postoflice, State and County, at tiie head of the letter, and he sure to write the subscriber’s name plain and distinct. TO THE PLANTERS! ALL WOOL! We have now on hand, and are having manufactured, a WHITE WOOL PLAINS, far superior to any other Plains we have ever before offered for sale. We guarantee the filling to be ALL WOOL, and wider than any other manufactory. THE PRICE BEING NO HIGHER than less desirable Goods, we feel confident in giving satisfaction. Come and see them ! Orders promptly attended to. DEMING & DAY, Corner under Globe Hotel. BUSINESS CARDS. J. L. BLALOCK. I 3 - w - JONES BLALOCK & JONES, ATTORNIES AT LAW, FAYETTEVILLE, GA., WILL, practice In the counties of Fayette, Coweta Campbell, Meriwether, Pike, Spalding, Henry, Clayton and Fulton ; also in the U. 8. District Court at Special attention given to the Collection and Securing of Claims. je!2 dbm E. RICHARDS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUGUSTA, GA. |y Office over the City Bank. JOHN WHIT THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CUTHBERT, RANDOLPH COUNTY, GA., WILL practice in the counties of Randolph, Stew art, Quitman, Clay, Early, Terrell and Calhoun. Collections and Land Claims promptly attended to. my2s GEORGE ¥. ANDERSON ATTORNEY AT LAW, PINE BLUFF, ARK. Refers Hon. R. Toombs and Andrews Andrews, Washington, Ga., and Thos. R. R. Cobb, Esq., Athens, q, ap6-w:im* J. D. MATHEWS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, XiEXiisra-TOisr, geo., it ILL practice in the counties of Oglethorpe, Har iV Elbert. Wilkes, Taliaferro, Warren, Hancoc d Greene? feblS-ly’s9 G. W. AUSTIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CARROXTON, OEO-, WILL give strict attention to all professional busi ness entrusted to his management—particularly the collection of claims. feb!s- -’>•» T. W. WALKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATHENS, GEO., WILL practice in the counties of Jackson, Clark, Walton, Gwinnett. Hall, Rabun, White, Haber sham, Franklin and Banks, of the Western Circuit. janir.'s9-dly M. H. TALBOT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILL practice in the counties es Richmond, Burke Jefferson and Colum b ia, of the Middle Circuit and Warren, Wilkes and Lincoln, oi the Northern Cir CUit. Office in Constitutionalist Range, Augusta, Ga. oct9’sß ly JOHN MILLEDGE, JOHN MILLEDGE, JT MILLEDGE & MILLEDGE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Augusta, Ga., WILL attend with despatch and fidelity to all busi ness entrusted to their care in the counties of the Middle Circuit. . , , ear Office on Broad street, three doors below the State Bank. sep22’sß M. C. JONES, ATTORNEY AT LAW PALMETTO, GEORGIA, Will give strict attention to the Collection of Claims all kinds. sepll'6B-ly LATEST I1IPR0V1M1T! GROVER&BiKER’S NOISLESS SEWING MACHINES PRICE $55 TO $l3O. HEMMERS $5 EXTRA. IT is no longer qnest oned that these Machines are the best in use for family sewing. They hem, fell and stitch in a superior manner, and are the only Machines in the market which are so well and simply made that they may be sent into families with no other instructions than are contained in a circular which accompanies each machine, and from which a child of ten years may readily learn how to use and keep them in order. We refer to the testimonial below, of Senator Hammond, of South Carolina: Washington, D. C , 11th December, 1858. Dear Sir : In reply to your letter asking my opinion of Grover & Baker's Sewing Machine, I take pleasure in saying that they have more than sustained my expec tations. After trying and returning others, I have three of them in operation on my different places, and after four years’ trial have no fault to find. Respectfully, (Signed) J. H. Hammond. Agents wanted in every county in Georgia. Sales Room No. 155 Broad street, Augusta, Geo. STOVALL & GARTRELL. Augusta, Jan. 27, 1859. jan£ THE BEST SEWING MACHINES MADE! WE have just received a supply of Ladd, Webster & Co.’s celebrated MACHINES, which, for durabil Ity and simplicity oi construction, are unsurpassed by any machine now manufactured. Any fabric, from the finest Cambric to the coarsest Keisey may be sewed with equal facility on the same machine. We ask those in want to examine our stock before purchasing else where. We refer to parties in the city having the ma chine in use. We fully warrant every machine sold by us. Call and see them. W. H. SALISBURY A Co., my27-tf 257 Broad street. moil AID BRASS FOUNDRY MACHINE AND GENERAL MANUFAC'G SHOP. L. HOPKINS & CO., Proprietors’ AUGUSTA, GEO. HAVING the most extensive facilities with Shop Tools and Patterns in the country, we are now ready, and will be thankful, tor all orders for GOLD MINEB, MILLS, GIN GEARING, STEAMBOATS STAVE and SHINGLE MACHINES, HORSE POW ERS, THRESHERS, FANS ; Cook, Parlor and Box STOVES. TIN WORK; in fact, any article in Iron Brass or Wood. J. E. WACMURPHY, Sup’t. ap3-d6m _ _ ■ CROP OF 1859. RECEIVED this day, 29th June, a fine lot of Ruta Baga, Yellow Russian, Flat Dutch, Red Top, Large Globe and Large Norfolk TURNIP SEEDS. Just received and for sale low, by je3o PLUMB & LEITNER. BUSINESS STAND. It HE subscriber offers for sale or to rent, a large STORE HOUSE and DWELLING combined, with Kitchen, Stables, &.C., in the thriving village of Law renceville, Gwinnett county, Ga., said to be the best stand for business in the village. ALSO, About sixty acres of LAND near the said village,* few acres of which is under cultivation, and the remain der in woodland. The whole of which will be sold low for cash, or upon a reasonable credit. Apply to MADISON L. LENOIB, “ •ep-oawd&wtf Clarksville, Ga J. KAUFFEB, GREAT REDUCTION SUMMER^GOODS BELOW NEW-YORK COST The undersigned, being desirous to make room for Fall and "Winter Groods and not to carry anv Summer Stock over for next year, has GREATLY REDUCED the above Groods to such LOW PRICES, not considering a SMALL FOSS that will certainly effect an ENTIRE CLEARING OUT. Out of the many articles reduced, I would only mention a few, as Summer SILKS, good quality, 20 per ct. cheaper than before • Foulard SILKS, at 50c. formerly sold at 75c.; Silk LAWNS, at 50c. formerly sold at 75c. ; Foulard ROBES, at $7, formerly sold at sl2 ; LAWNS, at 6 l-4c., formerly sold at 12 l-2c.; LAWNS, at 10c., formerly sold at 18 3-4 c.; Superfine LAWNS, at 12 i-2c., formerly sold at 25c.; Real French LAWNS and ORGANDIES at 25c. formely sold at 50 cents Real French CHINTZ, Col’d, at 12 l-2c., formerly sold at 25c. • Lawn ROBES, at $1.50, formerly sold at $3 ; Lawn ROBES, Double Skirts, $3 and $4, formerly sold at $5 and $6 Pine Apple CLOTH, at 18 3-ic., formerly sold at 37 l-2c. • Pine Apple ROBES, at $2, formerly sold at $5 ; Figured BAREGES, at 25c., formerly sold at 50c.; Barege ROBES, at $3 and $4, formerly sold at $5 and $6; Barege ROBES, Double Skirts, 7 and SB, formerly sold at 12and sis BAYADERE DUCAL, at 12 l-2c., formerly sold at 25c. • BAREGE DELAINE, at 12 l-2c., formerly sold at 25c. * MANTILLAS, at $7, formerly sold at sl2 ; MANTILLAS, at $6.50, formerly sold at $lO ; MANTILLAS, at $6, formerly sold at $9 ; AND ALL THE LOWER PRICED ONES IN PROPORTION 1 Pantaloon Stuffs, reduced 20 per ct., &c. &c. JUST R.ECBIVEX) ■ LADIES' EXTENSION HOOP SKIRTS, 15 Springe, at $1 ; a very fine LINEN CAMBRIC HAND KERCHIEF, at $1.50 per dozen, worth $5 ; HEMSTITCHED Ha.N oKERCHIEFS at $2 50 per dozen ; ANEW hOT OF iHOSE SWISS BaNDa, at 25 t outs, worth 75 cents and sl. Ladies will Hml it to their advantage to make an earl) call, as Goods will be sold FAR 11ELOW filElK VALUE. ONE PRICE ONLY! J. KAUFFEB. jel9 UNDER TOE AUGUSTA HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA. SELLING OFF! GREAT INDUCEMENTS!! A $50,000 STOCK OF DRY GOODS, AT NEW-YORK COST, FOR CASH. As I am compelled to vacate the Store which I now occupy, on the first day of October next, in consequence of its having been rented from that date by other parties, without my knowledge, and not having any definite place in which to locate by that time, I will from this day offer all of my large stock of DRY GOODS WITHOUT ANY RESERVE, AT New-York Cost for Cash To persons in need of any article in the line, this is a rare opportunity, as the stock must positively be closed out by that day. THUS. PHIBBS. Augusta, Ga., June 13th, 1859 J jel2 1859. 1859- I»LUMI8 & LEITH lilt, DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, AUGUSTA, GA. WE WOULD RESPECTFULLY INVITE ATTENTION TO OUR STOCK ©FCIIOiUR UNADULTERATED DRUGS, CHEMICALS, MEDICINES, AND ALL OTHER ARTICLES IN OUR LINE. WE FEEL ASSURED THAT NO HOUSE IN THE SOUTH CAN OFFER A STOCK SUPERIOR TO OUR" IN GENUINENESS AND PURITY, AH officinal preparations being made in strict accordance with the formularies of the United State* Pharmacopoeia. < >nr Stock of DENTAL AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, tali, and we have unequalled arrangements in procuring additional supplies at the shortest notir* A CHOICE SELECTION OK| Garden, Grass, and Field- Seeds, MAY ALWAYS BE FOUND IN OUR STOCK, TOGETHER WITH A FULL SUPPLY OF PAINTS, OILS, CLASS, PUTTY, Ac., Ac. mh3 PLUMB Sl LEITNER, near Posl Oflic. Corn«r.