Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, December 29, 1859, Image 1

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< r <sl)fonklc -^pMutL by w. S. JONES. CHRONICLE & SENTiNEL PUBLISHED TRI-WKEKLY AND WEKmXV, BY WILLIAM. P JONES tebms, , J I Y PAPKR— Published Hording rid Evening.— f.ix Dollars per annum. TM ■-WEEKLY FATER-FOCR Dollars per annum V KF.KLY PAPER— (A namnwUi sheet)— Two Doi. i *hs per annum. ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. * [i : rmn~i7ur Fr K,.:u>n of yc'Urday. J l)i„rlo-ure- Amlelpaled. The subjoined notice of the proceedings »n a Democratic caucus at ’.7a hingtou, afford ome that the public may soon enticipate K'me rich disclosures in refetenee to the corruptions at the Capitol: The epcech of Mr. Farnsworth to-day was made in opposition to a written request of hie party mends. Sixtv Republicans signed the paper re i.iin to hold his tongue, yet speak he would to iti .i infinite annoyance. A proposition was !..ade that the Republicans thouid leave the hall in a body if he alt. mpted to speak, and ILpb rtu- he L vanity uud violalLa of the Republican policy to \i te vote, vote. Many dul leave, and Thadoeus .s ..-veus de< iartd that Farnsworth’s speech had lost them the organization. The Senatorial Democratic caucus met today, auu the nomination of Gen. Bowman was insisted upon by the friends of the I’iesident, as a vindica tion fre-m the charges made against him by Mr. Wendell. Kiueiecu Senators thereupon voted tor Lioi, but Senators Brow n, Clay, Chesuut, (Jling man. Iverson. Johns .n of Tennessee, Pugh, and To mbs left the c aucus, refusing to be bound by it* actions, and saying that they would ut ; » on this question w ith the twenty-six Opposition 1 a tors lather than submit to the appointment. is siid tuat ; he friends of Senator Hunter complain that unfair advantage has been taken in this matter by the Pret-idt ut a ft iencs. Last night Mr. Buchanan had resolved to send hie iies.-a. •» to the Senate and House to-day, but bis . in. oalied on him and remonstrated until he yielded, buck aslep would have made any fusion wi b the Ant: Leconip:on men and South Americans impossible. The Herald correspondent says : Tt.-debate u the fseua'e ocucus elicited many n-w facte in , t gara to ike uudu * opt tunit of eou c.. .mg an org in which are not known to tue nu nifiated. it .vas proved auu auuiit ed that the t oustiralioc p. per was a losing institution to the tx ji/oi of -»gb ecu :ho'.:ean«i tlollaie per year over a: J above its receipts, andl that it was absolutely c sutiplto give i ! the public printing in order to #Uetain it. i tie debate was participated in by a large number of s-enaters. Gen Bowman and his - tper were hancied la rather a rough manner by ,enators Toombs, ClingmHu, Brown and Clay. It became evident to these gentlemen that the caucus were determined to force Mr. Bowman upon t' in, *:id they gate Senator* notice that they won r)- -ail him in open Senate, end lay bare the v ,oie , rrupt transaction, with a'l the myeterits and i. ruble rigging connected with this newspaper. Betorea ballot was hsd the above named Sena tor-. together w tih others, left the caucra. A bal >t was then bad, B 'winau receiving twenty votes, and fi or scattering. [:lkm will be s ms rich scenes when they go into aa eec'ion lorprsnler, es these Sena* .rs declare openly tcey intend to ventilate the whole matter. It ie the prevaiuug impresdon that Bowman will taii to pass the ordeal. i'-e Domination of Bowman, notwithstanding the chargee id Mr. Wecdeii’e letter, excites the surprise of every ont-. It ie understood that Senators To rub/, Brown, l‘ugb, Johnson of Tennessee. Pearce of Mary'and, Clmgman, Green, Clay and Be uglas—if the latter is preaent— wili vote against £ iwin&n in the Senate. If the Republicans are united clast Bowman he is defeated. The MrLw>Ucaoi|to Treaty. D c oemb€r 14, 1859. 'itsis treaty concede* to the L’cited N'ates, oi to ei' Tet..* there. !, the right of «ay, in perpetuity, i for three great U ui:«it routed hi roes the Mexican Republic: J. The . ight of way, ii. perp*-- ...ty, for a railroad •* Cfc. n>* I ,tl u/ I'. au&ntepee, from c jean to ocean. * j. The light of way, in perpetuity, for & railroad i from some point ou the Rso Grande, aero ithe States of Tamauiipae, Ccahulia and New Leon, Dorengo and Smaioa. to the port ol Siazatlau, ou the Ft iiiic. 3. The right of way, in perpetuity, lor a railroad from the Territory of Arizona, rest s ' eS'rteof Sonora to the po.t of Guaym&s on the Go sos Califoi nia. 4. The right to erect warehouses at the t.rmica tion of all these transit rom- 1, and freely f > navi gate the waters with which th y comnauuu .' >. 5. The right ♦otrarspertg och and merchandise, deeigned for Arizona or Ua.i*o< jia, or tLenee br -k to the other of the Unit ad S' itee, tree ot duty by es -'b end all« f the routes acre 3 toe Republic, whatever maybe their description or of what country. 6 This article provides that these gooc’-. may at any t.me be entered at the Transit wr "ehous a, for sale and consumption in Mexico, on payment of the duties, or may at any time i>e withdrawn and shipped to any other rounti j than Mexico, free of duty, the warehouse regu.atuma to allow no charges on the goods but those ot cm.age and store 'e. 7. This article provides that a large list oi goods and merchandise, bein ' the n: .. ara 1 or mhuuiactr •- ed product of the United htaf , ehaii be c Imit* d ■utj Mexico at the various te'mir* of the Trr "it routes on the teimaof perfect re iprocity, * e Congress of the Unit -d Sta 1 3 * > determine whe i er they shall be admitted free or at a lixed rate of duty. This list embraces manu: tures in ccttcn and leather of every description. 8. lne treaty gran's, moreover, the rights to transport the troops, mill* try stores, and munitions of war of the Uaited States across the Republic, by the Tehuantepec and Sonora trausi' j, on the same terms as tLces of Mexico. 9. It concedes to the United S .tea the r'jLt, with or without the consent and co-operation of Mexico, to protect, by force of arms if e 3esea j all these transit routes, eir property, end righ* of way. 10. It guarantees religious freedom to citizens of the United States in Mexico, od the light tj worship in churches or private dwellings, accordin' to the dictates ot their own conscience. Jl. Noforwd loan, whatever be its nature, shall be levied on citizens of the United States, resident in Mexico, on any pretence whatever. Citizens of the United States, moreover, shall be tree to pursue whatever business or profession may seem to them fit, without restraint or restriction whatever. StiePLEM ENT AC CONVERTION. To the treaty is also attached a special sup] . meutary ooaventioa between the United Statesi i Mexico, which concedes : 1. The right of the United States to intervene, by force of arms, if neceeeery, ro protect citizens and proper*y of the United States in Mexico, and to enforce tt s» same treaty e’lpulaions 2. In com easation tot the cutiee, above men tioned as re ;&t ed on goedr passing through the Republic and tor consumption therein, the United States stipulate to pay to Alexieo tour millions of dollars, two mill’ ns ot which are to be reserved for ft* payment 01 «iaaua against Mexico.— Picayune. Vu.lL4.kC* COMMITTEES—Oar readers wjll per ceive by lire following, that our much taked of Vigilance associations are working on the fea:s of some ot our Northern bretheru among ua. Oa the down train the other afternoon at Millen, was a gentlemao hailing from North of Mason & Dixon’s line, and who had heard, a few stations above, a very determined expression of opinion as to what should be done with the entire North. Stepping up to the landlord, our stranger inqr : red the fare to Augusta, Uncle Hob being a hit's dmf _ tan hie hand into hie bosom to draw forth hid Ear i > <<mpet, when the gentleman thinking he intended drawing a pistol, and that death was staring him iu t he face, cried out; don’t shoot Mr. for God sake don t shoo ! I'm going to leave on the very next tiain. Uncle Bob was astonished; the ger aman 'as soon as Uncle B. had drawn his pistol and applied it) saw bis ini«'ake vanished amid the roars Os the by-eraudere Waynesboro Newt 27/A. Disaster on the Central Railroad. The mail train due here yesterday morning did not ar ro e, owing to the recent disaster on the Central Railroad, until 11 o’clock last night.. We learn from a pa«enger that in the collision one negro woman was killed instantly, and a negro men, in the employ of the company, died from, the tfleets of hie injuries in about an hour after. No white person was killed. Five or six negroes Were severely injured, some of them it is supposed seriously, by the concussion and by the upsetting es the stove upon them. They were taken t > Ma con for _ medical treatmen’. The engineers nud E*® 1 n j• lln P e d off in time to stve themselves.— I*6 baggage master had hia head cut, one of his nands severely m>’ -Led, and an arm bruised. The aud fi,e ba KK^ e cars were literally - ~ !6Q to atoms. The accident oecurt ed at a bend No ld r ° & c xno. X'j.—6arA Rep , 2fi/A. tellin 8 that a doj was shot for ** Hitt suTfi ™ <° sl0 « : * 11V TELEGRAPH. (tongresMionnl. Washington. Dec. 27th.—In the Senate to*Jay the President’s Message was received and read.— The Senate then adjourned till Friday. In the House Mr. Smith concluded his speech of yesterday. The House then proceeded to ballot for Speaker, 105 votes being necessary for a choice. John Sherman of Ohio 101 Charles L. Scott of California 17 T. S. Bocock of Virgiuia 11 The rest were scattering votes. Arrival of the Overlnm! Mail. St. Louis, Dec. 27.—The Overland Mail from Mrl'oy’6 station, has ariived with San Francisco dates to the sth iust. The news was generally un important. Later from Mexico. New Orleans, ( via Acre York.) Dec. 27. —The steamship Tennessee from Vera Cruz has arrived- Her news is unimportant. A large portion of the cargo of small arms for the Liberals had arrived. Gen. Degolado had arrived at Vera Cruz. Tam pico was quiet, and an attack unapprehended. Large Eire. New Orleans, Dec. 27 —The Jewelry estab lishment of Messrs. Hyde &. Goodwich was burnt last night. The less is estimated at SIOO,OOO. Latest from Mexico. New Orleans. Dec. 27.—We have received dates from the City of Mexico to the 19th iust. Miramon's government have protested against the McLane treaty. Miramou was at Guadalajara on the Bth, and he had restored f 100,000 of the $600,000 that Marquesa bad trken from the coudueta. Miramon had for warded it to Tepie. There is only about $200,000 now missing. Ship New*. New Orleans, Dec. 27 —The bark Dorretto, from Bremenhaven, reports having picked up a boat on the 19tb, with five women and four meu, from the wreck of the ship Silas Holmes, which sunk on the 16th met., five daye after leaving Gar den Island Key. where she had been aground. Thirty two of the crew and pa@?eDgers are sup posed to have been lost. The bark Taliyho, from New-York, was lost, and the bark James Andrews, was stranded at the moutn ol the Coatzacoalcos river. The crews of both the barks were saved. The ships Johannee'berg and C. W. White, from Loudon; the Glad Tidings from New York; the barks Sachem, from Boston, the Germantown and the Gem of the Sea, from Rio, arrived here to-day- Charleston, Dec. 28.—Tie British schooner British Queen, from Nassau, reporta the loaa of the schooner Susan, from Philadelphia tound to Gal. veaton, at Stirrup Cay, Berry Islands. The Susan’* cargo was eaved in a damaged condition. The steamship Karnak, from New York, arrived at Nassau ou the 14th inst. Market*. Charleston, Dec. 28, L P. M.—There is a mod erats demaud to-day. Good Middling 11 to 11 io Sales 700 baiee. Mobile, Dec. 27. —Sa’ts of Cotton to-dsy 4,000 bales—Middlings at 10J cents. Sales three days 17,000 bales. Receipts three days 19,94 > bales.— Freight on Cotton to Liverpool 17 32i. ©9 lGd.; to Havre 1 3 16f. New Orleans, Dec. 27.—Sales of Cotton 13-day 15,500 baiee—Midd ; ngs 1U alO i cen* 5 . Sales three day 527,500 bales. Receipts three days 45,500 against 10,009 beles last year. Receipts ahead 206,000 bales; all ports aheal 840,000 la ! es.— Freight on Cotton to Liverpool 9-1 Gd.- New Yolk, Dec. 27.—Sales of Cotton to day ;,ow Daiee. ice maraei was nnu. r our quiet > sales of 6,000 barrels, at $5.40 u $5.75. W'heat quiet; sales of 8,000 bushels; there was no Southern offering. Corn heavy, sales of 32,000 bushels; new at 82 <sßs cent":. Sugar wa3 firm and active. Spirits cf Turpentine steady at 41 <s4s cents. Rosin da iatsl6o %> 310 16 1. Rice steady- Freight on Cotton to Liverpool quiet at Id. The Mount Vkknon Fund.— Misß Cunning ham, the Regent of the Mount Vernon Aeeocia" tion, makes the following statement: You are already aware that SIB,OOO wea paid on the 6tb of April, 1858, when the contract for Mount Vernon was signed by the contracting parties. The first bond ot $67,000, due on the first January, 1860, was paid on the 2d of December, 1868. The pay uient of the second bond of $ 11 066 00, due on the ‘22a February, 1800, was anticipated on 22d Febru a.y, 18611. The third bond of $ 11,060 60, due 22d February, 1861, was anticipated on the 23d March, 1859, leaving to be cancelled only the fourth bond of $11,066 66, due ~2d February, 1862. On this, $35,000 bra been already advanced, leaving a bal anceof indebtedness of $0,060 60, with interest on the bond from O h April, 1868. Thus, $193 333.33 hr*' been paid towc-de the iquidation of the debt of $200,t J, t-Burned by the Association. The inte rial on ’he *hree bonds amounted to $6,001.19, making the whole amount paid over to Mr Wash ington. including p.mcipaiand interest $199,924 51. Mr. Geo. VV. B-gge, our Tret urer, to whom the Aucciation is deeply indebted for the Zealand devotion wit t which he hr a rendered his voluntary services, repor’~ invtstmen’ i of $5,000 in United StaUa Tret ury notes ; $10,00(1 in State of Virginia bonds : 13 shares of stock of C. R. tt. and Banking Company of Georgia ; 4 shares of stock of Farm ers’ Bank of Virginia, and crsh in hand, $2,023,79; amounting to sl9 323 79, to which must be added sums on deposit, yielding interest, in various States to the amount of $8 917 78, besides some SI,OOO reported rs cdlejted, but not paid in. Thus the whole emi unt collected over and above expendi tures, necessarily incurred for repairs now going on at Mt Vernon, and in the management of so vast »n enterprise, is $232 200 08. The Association is indebted to the untiring exertions of the noble Everett for more than one-fourth, $09,004 77, of this larga sum, es follows : Amount received from Oration $60,042 48 From New York Ledger and connection- 12,094 51 From Donations 1,690 18 From Ladies •• 20 00 Increaee of Interest... 5,157 60 $69,004 77 The Regeu further states that it is necessary yet to rake the sum $120,000 in order to provide a per manent fund the interest of which will be expended ! ia keeping the estate in repair, and In providing a j force sufficient to protect and preserve the and grounds iu security, enforce order, &c. GEORGIA RAILROAD. ~ CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Leave Augusta, 0.45 a. M. I Arrive Atlanta, 9.45 A. M. “ “ 235 P.M. I •’ “ 11.50 p.M Leave Atlanta, 8.45 P. M. j Arrive Angmta, 5.42 A. M “ “ 10.00 A.M. I “ r ‘ 6.45 P.M IONS. CONNKCT WITH SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. Arri ve Augusta, 11.15 p. M. j Leave Augusta, 10.00 a. M “ “ 1.15 P.M. J “ “ 8.05 P.M. With Western and Atlantic Railroad. Arrive Atlanta, 5.03 A. M. J Leave Atlanta, 10.30 a. M “ “ 6.33 P. M. I “ “ 8.40 p. M With Atlanta and Lagrange Road. Arrive Atlanta, 8.33 a. m. | Leave Atlanta, 0.55 «• “ 7.51 P. M. I “ “ 10.15 A. M With Athena Branch. Leave Augusta 12.45 Night,; Laave Atlanta at 8.40 at Night; Arrive at Athens 8.30 a. m. ; Leave Athena 11.00 A. M., Arrive at Augusta 6.45 p, M., Arrive, at Atlanta at 11.45 P. M. With Washington Branch. Leave Wagh!Bgton‘2.ooP M., Arrive Augusta 6.45 P. Mil and Atlanta 8.40 Night; Leave Augusta 2.45 P. M., and Atlanta 10 a. m., Arrive Washington 7.20 P. M. With Warrenton Branch. Leave Warrenton 3,00 p. m., Arrive Augusta 6.45 P. M., and Atlanta 8.40 Night* Leave Augusta. 2.45 P. M., and Atlanta at 10 A. M. Arrive Warrenton 6.30 P. M. $3gT On Sundays no Trains run on the Branches. GEO.YONGE, Oen’lSupt. Augusta, September 14, 1859 M, Y. STOVALL, AVarelionse & Commission Merchant, AUGUSTA, GA„ CONTINUES tbe business in all itsbramhes, ia his large and commodious Fire Proof Wa, ehouse on Jackson-street, near the Globe Hotel. Orders tor Plantation and Family Supplies prom >tlv and carefully filled. The usual CASH facilities afforded cust< nnrs. Augnst 24,1859. *u2Hw& w« a AUGUSTA GA , THURSDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 29, 1859. COMMERCIAL. Augusta Marker. Wednesday, 2 P. M. COTTON.—There is a fair demand to-day, at steady prices for the qualities classed Middling and upwards, but the lower grades ere dul l , and stained Cottons de pressed and a’ujoit unsaleable. SAVANNAH, Dec. 27—(Republican ] — Cotton —We have no change to notice in the quiet state of the market reported on Saturday. Yesterday being observ Jas a Christmas holiday, no business was done. To t’ y the sales looted 1,182 bales, at the following particulars : 5 at 91, Uiat9}, 79 at 10, 50 at 10J, 106 at 10g, 100 at 10 7-16, 106 at iOi, 47 at 10J, 38i at 10}, 211 at 101, and 81 bales at 11 cents Middlings 101 ®II S, Strict Middlings 1 }, Good Middlings 10j tell, Middling Fair 1J J d 1 1 1 cents. EXPORTS. SAVANNAH, Dec. 27.—For Barcelona, brig Vilasar —460 bales Uottou. IMPORTS. From Glasgow, ship Shandou— 400 tons Pig Iren, and 153 tons coal i ntkll ig e^oeT SAVANNAH. Dec. 84.—Aimed, steamship City o 1 Norfolk, Baltimore; ships Shandou, Glasgow; Crimea- Cardiff; Granite State, Boston; Br bark British Em pire, Canhagena; brigs John Bald, Havana; Two Boys, St. Thomas; schr Plandome,New York. Cleared, steamship State of Georgia, Philadelphia; Sp brig Vi’asar, Barcelona. TAKE NOTICE J. N. Freeman, DEALER IN FIRST QUALITY WATCHES, Jewelry, SOLID SILVER GOODS, PLATED WAKE, Spectacles, <ScC_, «scO_, <3cC_ STILL CONTINUES BUSINESS AT TUB OLD LOCATION, SIS BIR-O^ID-S'-T., NEARLY OPPOSITE PLASTERS HOTEL i, Where atl who are wanting articles of this kind can SAVE SOMETHING IN THE PRICE, ZB"Y CALLIISTO- 1 Everything new and desirabie in my lice, will be added to the stock throughout the Season. Special Attention given to REPAIRING WATGHESAND JEWELRY, as coats but experienced worxinen are employed. YOllt PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED. octi) dAwHtn 1859. 1860. GUNS AND GUNSiII [THING, HAVING received otir Fall and Winter Stock ol GUNS frum the English Manufacturers, and made t-> ord r for ua, expresay*for this market, we are con fident we can suit any one in want of a good GUN. Our Stock is unusnaiiy large, and imbraeea every varie ty of size and finish —ami are we think the best ever offered in this market. ALSO Fine POCKET and PEN KNIVES ; POWDER FLASKS, and SHOT BAGS, all kinds ; COLTS ami other Varieties of PISTOLS ; PERCUSSION CAPS and WADS, all varieties ; POWDER, and SHOT - BLOWING HORN-. ; Ac., Ac. Rt-paring of all kinds done promptly, and RIFLES made to order with all the modern improvements, equal tOAny made in the United State*. 24 5 Broad Street, next door below State Bank, airii-im ROGERS A BOWEN. _ WTll. & II (j. BEALL, - (CAEMOI'SS AS!) COMMISSION MERCHANTS -A.-U* GUJSTA, C3-A. \\ T E have this day entered lute Co artnerahip, (o' TT the transaction of a GENERAL WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, under the name and style of WM. M. <fc R. O. BEALL, in Metcalfs Fire proof Warehouse, on Reynold, between Jackson and Melnt ish streets, Metcalf Range, adjoining tne one re cently occupied by the late firm of Heard <fc Derry, iu tbe centre of the city, the vicinity of the principal Ware houses, and convenient to the. Hotels. Being amply provided with good and safe storage for Cotton, Grain, Fiour, Bacon, and Produce generally, we respectfully solicit the patronage of our friends and the public generally, pledging the strie’eat personal atten tion to all business entrusted to our care Orders for Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies, promptly attended to. Our charges will conform to the custom of tbe city. The usual cash advances made on produce in store. WM M. BEALL, K. GREEN BEALL. Augusta. July 13,1859. jyi I-dAwtim ' HEARD A iSlMl’iitLX, ~ Warehouse & Commissn Merchants, MrINTOSU STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, W ILL occupy the Fire-Proof Buildings formerly occupied by Simpson <fc Gardiner and S. D Heard. Our Sales Room and Office, are in the bouse occupied by S. D. Heard, where we offer our best ener gies tor the interests of our patrons. Orders f.-.r Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies, promptly attended to. 8. D. HEARD, au3l-tf J R. SIMPSON. D’Antignac, Evans & Co,, Warehouse Merchants .A.TJ G-TJSTA, O-A. riIHE undersigned continue the above business in all X its branches, and for the greater convenience of themselves and customers, have taken a very commo dious FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE on Reynolds street, in the very centre of the Cotton range, and near he Hotels aud Banks, where they wiil be pleased to wait upon their friends and customers, and receive their cons gnment of Cotton and other Produce. Orders for Plantation acd Family Supplies will be promptly exe cuted, and ca3h advaoc s made on Cotton In store. All the usual facilities will be extended to our friends and correspondents. WM. M. D’ANTIGNAO, GEO. W. EVANS, aul‘2 wfim WM. E EVANS. HENRY J. O.SROR.SE. IMPROVED SILVER PLATED PORCELAIN LINED WATER COOLERS & PITCHERS, UNDER U. S. HOTEL, Or XT ST C - mhls [slack jack wood. IWILL deliver in Augusta, BLACK JACK WOOD, lately cut, by the car load, at Four Dollars per cord. As I have no Agent in the city, the delivery will be complete on its arrival there, aud immediate'y subject to the coutrol of the purchasers. All orders filled according to their dates and supply of cars ALSO, 50 cords o’ PINE, from fallen trees, of fair ligktwood, at the sam price. JAMES H. MARTIN, tlaw‘2t Berzelia, Ga, ffl. e. HELL, (SUCCESSOR TO BROOM <L NORRELL,) Would respectful Ij call Attention TO UrLIS LARGE, RICH, AND ELEGANT STOCK OF Fall& Winter DM GOODS NOW OPENING, OF Till LATEST STYLES AND IMPORTATIONS, Which will be Sold AT THE Lowest Prices! LARGE SALES WITH SMALL PROFITS, IS OUR MOTTO, Ami all are Cordially Invited TO CALL AIND SEE MOW THE SYSTEM WORKS. WM O. NORRELL, 218 BROAD-STREET, AUGUSTA, CEO. Bep'23 Utli Annual Announcement. CONTINUED SUCCESS OF THE COSMOPOLITAN -A. IRj T ASSOCIATION, 17 ROM all soctionsof the country subscribers to this popular Art Institution, tnow tx the 6th year,) are being received in a ratio unparalleled with that of any previous year. Any person cen become a member by substring S 3, which will entitle him to Ist—The beautilul Steel Engraving “SHAKBPEAR AND HIS FRIENDS.” 2d.—A copy of the Elegantly Illustrated ART JOUR NAL, one year. 3d—A Free Siason Admission to the Galleries, 546 Broadway, New York. In addition to which, several hundred valuable works of Art are given to subscribers as Premiums, comprising choice l’jint ugs, Sculptures, Outlines, Ac., by the first American and Foreign Artists, The Superb Engiav.ng, which every subscriber will receive immediately on receipt of su .aeription, entitled “SHAKSPEAR AND HIS FRIENDS,” is of a character to give unqualified pleamre and satis faction. No work of equal value was evor before placed within reach of the people at such a price The En graving is of very large size, being printed on heavy plate paper, 30 by 38 inches, making a most superb or n&tnent suitable for the walls of either the library, par lor or office It can be sent to any part of ihe country, by mail, with saiety being packed in a cylinder, postage pre-pa id. Think of it! Such a work, delivered tree of charge, and the ART JOURNAL. One year, for $3. Subscriptions will be received until the Kveniogof Tuesday, the 31st of January, 1860, at which time the books will close aud the Premiums be given to sub scribers. No p<*-Bou is restricted to a single subscription. Those remitting sls are entitled to six memberships. Subscriptions from California, the Canadas, and all Foreign Piovinces, must be $3.50 instead of $3, in order to defray extra postag.- A c. Persons wishing to form clubs will apply for a circu lar o' terms, A c. The beautifully Illustrated ART JOURNAL, giving full particulars, willle sent on reseipt of 18 cents, in stamps or coin. Address. €. 1,. DERBY. Actuary C. A. A., 546 and 548 Broad way, New York. Subscriptions alss received by THUS. HANKINSON, Hou. Sec , nov22 for Augusta and vicinity. A. Frederick, Wholesale & Retail Dealer in CONFECTIONARIES Candies, Fruits, CHOICE WINKS, LIQUORS, SUGARS, AND ALL KINDS OF Toys and Fireworks, Suitable for the Christmas Holidays, Begs to call the attention of his friends and the public to THE LARGE M) FRESH STOCK Os articles which he has just received and opened, all of which will be sold at LOW PRICES! Orders from the country promptly attended to. A. FREDERICK, nov29 dim Opposite Augusta Hotel. A.TJGTTSTA. ENGRAVING OFFICE WEDDING, INVITATION, VISITING, PRO FESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS, En graved and Printed in the most approved style. Inscriptions and Initials Engraved on Jewelry and Silver Ware. Notarial and Society Seals, Door and Coffin Plates, Dog Collars, Canes, Sec., engraved in a superior man ner, and with dispatch. Cards printed from old plates and old plates re cut. Orders by maii promptly attended to. H. HUGHES, ENGRAVER AND PRINTER, 210 Broad Street, up Stairs opposite Augusta Bank, AUGUSTA GEORGIA. my 26 ’59 ly GAS FIXTURES. CHANDELIERS, PENDANTS, BRACKETS DROP LIGHTS, Glass and Paper SHADES, &c on hand and for sale by |W. H SALISBURY Sc CO., mhl 257 Broad-street, DRY GOODS! WHOLESALE & RETAIL. In returning thanks to his numerous friends and customers for their past liberal patronage, would also inform them that he is now opening at the New Dry Goods Store, No. 272 Broad Street, OPPOSITE THE AUGUSTA INSURANCE BANK, A Large and Magnificent Stock ‘FALL AND Wlixiß GOODS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. All'of which having been purchased late in the season, and consequently at prices unusually low, he can confidently say, he is now enabled to offer at greater inducements than at any previous time. THE STOCK COMPRISES A SPLENDTD ASSORTMENT OF Plain Black and Brocade SILKS ; Rich Bayadere do,, in Black and Colors ; French and English MERINOS ; ALPACAS, BOMBAZINES ; WOOL PLAIDS, POPLINS, DELAINES, &c., &c., &c, A large stock of CLOAKS, TALMAS, SHAWLS, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, GLOVES, HOSIERY, RIBBONS, &c., &c. Bleached and Brown SHIRTINGS and SHEETINGS. LINEN DAMASKS, TABLE CLOTHS, Scotch DIAPERS ; TOWELINGS, CRASHES, NAPKINS, DOYLIES, &c., &c. GfOOnS: BLANKETS, KERSEYS, PLAINS, OSNABURGS, DRILLINGS, CHECKS TICKINGS, LINSEYS, RED AND WHITE FLANNELS, SATINETTS, KENTUCKY JEANS, &c„ &c. Particular Attention Paid to Orders. DON’T FORGET THE NUMBER, 27* BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. iT. PHIBBS. 1859. 1859. FALL AMD WHITER TRADE. \ WM k SHACKELFORD HAVE ALWAYS ON HAND A SPLENDID STOCK OF CSotlis, (asshiiers and Testings Which will he made to Measure in the most FASHIONABLE AND ELEGANT STYLES. We also have on hand a fine and large Stock of Ready Made Clothi -n g- ANI) FURNISHING GOODS. WE PURCHASE, THE FINEST GOODS IN THE MARKET AND WILL SELL THEM AT THE RIGHT PRICES 1 VANWINKLE & SHACKELFORD. ’AUGUSTA, Sept. J 5. FALL. OCTOBER. FALL DEMING & DAY, ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR SECOND SUPPLY OF Ladies’ Dress Goods, Cloaks, Shawls, Embroideries, cfcc., EMBRACING Rich Dress Silks ; Rich Dress Delaines ; Rich Velvet Cloaks; Rich Cloth Cloaks ; Rich Shawls EMBROIDERIES OF ALL KINDS ALSO, Every other New and Desirable DRESS GOODS found in the market. CORNER UNDER GLOBE HOTEL, octlß AUGUSTA, GEO. DISSOLUTION. firm oiDIOKEY Sc PHIBBS, is this day dis F solved by mutual consent. The business of the firm will be carried on as usual by THOMAS PHIBBS, who is alone authorised to use the name of the firm in liquidation. SAMUEL DICKEY, January 1, 1859. _ THOMAS PHIBBS. I WOULD return my sincere thanks to my friends for their liberal patronage bestowed upon the late firm of Dickey Sc Pbibbs, and would solicit a continu ance ot the same to my successor. SAMUEL DICKEY. January 1,1859. febli-tf _______ I HAVE this day sold my stock of Groceries and Liquors to the new firmof O’DONOHUE Sc. WRAY, and solicit for them a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed on me. W. BRIDWELL. COPARTNERSHIP. WE have this day formed a Copartnership under the name and style of O’DONOHUE Sc WRAY, for the transact! n of a GENERAL GROCERY AND PROVISION BUSINESS, and hope by strict attention to merit a liberal Bhare of patronage. JAMES O’DONOHNE, SAMUEL WRAY. Augusta, July Ist, 1859. jy2 AY BOARD A FEW gentlemen can be accommodated with Day Board, at Mrs. S. A. Rice’s No. 190, Reynold street, opposite Mr. Wm. 11. Goodrich’s new range of build’ngs For further particulars apply at this office, or at No. 81, North side Broad street, below Lowe Market scpl7-dtf DRESS MAKING. MRS. 8. B. HOLLINGSWORTH ten ure her services to the Ladies of Augusta and vicinity, in fitting and making Dresses. She may be found at No. 196, Reynolds street, opposite Wm Goodrich’s new nge of buildings. aeptlTdtf VOL. XXIII. NO. 308. NOTICE. THE undersigned, having purchased the stock T^9°. T^ <lnd SaoES of the Arm of JOHN D. a * 00., begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally, that he will carry on the business at the same oid stand, on terms as accommodating as those of any other house in the city. FOSTER BLGDGET, JR. Augusta, July 1,1859. this day sola our stock of BOOTS and SHOES to FOSTER BLODGET, JR., we take p ensure in recommending him to our friends and cus tomers generally. JOHN D. SMITH Sc CO. Augusta, July 1, 1859. jy6-dtf NOTICE. [IIAVE this day sold to Mr. J. E. MUNGER, my en tire stock es WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Ac., and it is a pleasure to irtroduce to my customers so oopular a Watch Maker. In retiring from business, I feel grateful to those friends and customers for the very liberal patronage they have bestowed on me, and solicit its continuance with my successor, at the old stand. E. TWEEDY. Augusta, Feb. 1859. A CARD. IT is the intention of the subscriber to keep a well se lected stock of CLOCKS, WATCHES. JEWEL RY and FANCY GOODS, and dispose of then, at the lowest prices; an t will keep efficient Workmen to as sist him in the prou pt execution of all work left for re pairs. He invites all the old patrons of this house and his £riends, to call and satisfy themselves. a . „ . , J- E. MUNGER. Augusta, Feb. 1,1859. feb3 DENTAL CARD; T. 3HC- BEVEITS. OFFICE on Broad street, over Messrs. D’Antlgnae Sc Weems, opposite Messrs. Bones Sc Brown. Call and see specimens of Plate Work, especially the Gon inuous Gum—they are perfectfully i eautitul, and as hat could be desired in a Plate. sep3o-d&wly