Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, January 04, 1860, Image 1

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by w. s. .tones. CHgNICLE & SENTINEL! PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, ni W. S. JONES. TERMS. t DAILY PAPER I üblished Morning and Even ing-Sir Dollars per annum. WEEKLY PAPER—tA mammoth sheet)—Two Dollars per annunV. ALWAYS IN ADVANfK. BalM for Advertising. £ Tlx 1 tollflwhur nates lor advertising In the t'O NSTITT TION , ALIST and UUKONICLK A SENTINEL have’ been eetab * lished by the Proprietors: i ORDINARY ADVERTISEMENTS, published In the Daily Mine Cents per Une, for the first Insertion, ami two and a half • f ciiih per line, for each subsequent insertion. All advertise , incuts to be counted M making ti\e Hues or more. Ten Lines Dally one month $5 00 Five Lines Dally onemouth !oo SPECIAL NOTICES, Fiat Ce.nfs per line of solid Nonpareil, tor the flrst, and three cent* for each subsequent Insertion In Dully. AU advertisement ato be counted as making rive lines or more. Ten Lines Dally one month $7.00 Five Lines Dally one month 4.00 DISPLAYED ADVERTISEMENTS. Fife Cent* per lineof •olid Nonpareil, fur each insertion In Duilv. All advertise meat* to be counted as rive lines or more. Ten Lines Dally one month SIO.OO Five Linen Daily one month C.oo Advertisements continued for months. In either class, w 111 be ! charged half the monthly rates, lor each subsequent month, for the tirst six months, and one fourth for each succeeding month MARRIAGES, DEATHS and FUNERAL NOTICES, Fit- L Cents each. OBITUARIES, Ten Cents per line. ! Rates for Weekly Advertisements. J ORDINARY ADVERTISEMENTS, publishedor.eea Week, t -u Dally or Weekly, Seven and a half Cents per line, for each Insertion. SPECIAL NOTICES, Tea Cents per line, for the flrst Inser tion— Eight Cents per line for each subsequent Insertion. DISPLAYED ADVERTISEMENTS’ Ten Cents per line, flu each Insertion. MERCHANTS and BUSINESS MEN whose advertisements are changed, will l>e allowed a discount of twenty rice per cent. from these rates, when their bills amount to Fifty Dollars, in si* moot lis, if paid in ten days after presentat ion. WM. S. JONES, Proprietor Chronic! ’ A Sentinel. JAMES GARDNER, # Proprietor Const ItntfonalUt. j Thlrtjr-Sixth Cougrew—First Session. Washkotos, Dec, 29.—The Senate is not in ses sion to day. HOUSE. Mr Morris, of Illinios, resumed hi* remarks j from yestefflay. He said the great doctrine of : popular sovereignty was in peril. The Democrat ic party was divided on the subject. The ultra j representatives from the slaveholding States have \ abandoned it. It was cot disputed that the Cin- ] cinnati platform recognizes it, bui this, it seems, inake9 no difference; The President and the ultra ! Democrats have torn up the planks and interpola ted new ones, and drove the political car fearfully to the precipice. This was inaugurated last ses- ; sion with the infamous Lecomptou swindle. The President pursued those who opposed it, i especially from Illinois, with personal ma lignity while he was bidding for the nomination of tbs Cnar’ston Conventon. Judge Douglas is the only ma* North who has succeeded in a general eleetior since the crusade was commenced; and he foi mt hand to hand with the cohorts ot Lin coln auu the hungry President’s pack, cheered on by Attorney General Black. Good Democrats had been removed from office in Illinois and abolition ists put in their places. He remarked that Mr. Cook, the postmaster at Chicago, who wa% the manager for the President, had issued an address with a view to send dele gates to Charleston This man could not spell a sentence in the English language correctly, and /understood better the mixing of mint juleps. He gave notice that the Democracy of the West would, at Charleston, submit to* new tests, and would recognise as Democrats only those who would fight for the Union inside of the Union. Mr. Scott condemned the speech of the gentle man, saying that it, coming trom a friend of Judge Douglas, would be quoted against the Democracy, j He*gave notice that he should at a future time, reftly to such part of the speech as refers to Cali tcrifca; in the meantime Ire characterhed as infa mously false the charge which had been frequent ly made, that there was a conspirrc v against the late Senator Broderick. Mr. Morris said that he was not to be diverted from his position. Messrs- Burch and Scot! further explained the merit!* of the California election, in connection with the Lecompton question. Mr. Scott said that though he differed from Judge Douglas on the territorial question, he would vote for him to de feat a Black Republican candidate for the Pre*i dency. Mr. Grow responded to the remarks delivered bv Mr. Bianch the other day. In defending his action of last session, in connection with the de feat of the Post office Appropriation bill. He said that Mi . Branch had violated all pailiainentary and gentlemanly courtesy in impeaching his mo tives. • Mr. Branch—l ask whether the gentleman means to impute to me any conduct unbecoming a gentleman * Mr. Grow—l would ask the gentleman to refer to his own language. Mr. Branch—l again a-sk whether you impute to me conduct unbecoming a gentleman V Mr. Grow —The gentleman said the other day that I wished the defeat of the Post-office Appro priation bill to compel the President to tall un j extra sea-non. 1 hu\ thi* imputation was not gen tlemanly. Mr. Branch—Do you design imputing to me any conduct becoming a gentleman V Mr. Grow—Wliat I said was plain English. There it stands. The gentleman impugned mv action on the Post Office Appropriation bill, which everywhere is thought to be an infringement of parliamentary law. j Mr Branch—The gentleman not responding to the inquiry, I shall take a failure to respond as an atgrmative answer. Mr- Grow—You can do as you please. The Bentleman8 entleman sqid my object was to kill the bill that 4e President might be compelled to call an extra He took back nothing he had sftid j Mr. Vallandigham gave the reasons for his course on the Post Office Appropriation bill, saying that he was willing to assume the responsibility of his action, and that Mr. Glow ought to be willing t-o do likewise, without trying to hold the Democ ra*v responsible for the defeat of that bill. Mr. Pryor replied to the remarks which had fireviously been delivered by members in opposi ipu to the Democratic party. The South were fijlly acquainted with the designs of the Republi cans, and prepared to meet them. He defended fbe South from the charges that bhe hud violated any compact* or compromises. Sir. Maynard gaid re regarded the support given *him yesterday as an evidence that gentleman were SsUliug to forget past political differences for a nSW and unite for high and patriotic purposes, than as a personal compliment. He dared zt theY nf° re > appropriate their action to himself, it tne object of his thanks; k ndim tni*J ft further use of his name would fail - 1 ncentrfttF a sufficient number to organize the on a national and conservative basis, ?fv witharew bit* name, C English^ miaatert r - cott , bf .California, a candidat<vvho ought to be satisfactory to proceeded to vote for Speaker: se.ry <* ■ Mr. Slwnimn re- lOa/ Mr. 6.3; Mr. Gilmer 14; scatter- House then adjoined. Special Pupate?* to the Hal timer i Son. Washington, Dec. 29.—1 tis understood that Mr.’ Scott, of California, was supported for the ‘Speakership at the instance of Jicrthwestern dem ocrat#. who held a caucus on the subject. The jepubiicans, more than others, objected to a se load bUot to-day, s things ippeared to be look ing somewhat to a fusion of elements against speech of Mr. Pryor was a triumphant ,es forV” He Was tolerant of differences dt opmton among democrats upon the territorial question, and was mo9t rapturously, appluaded when he mt?d that the Southern people for di*- inion, but would maintain their constitutional fights within the Union, and that in the struggle millions of the North would co-operate with the gouth to crush out sectionalism. It is not doubted that Mr. Branch will challenge Mr- Grow. A - Sinking of a Steamer. —The United States mail Granada, freih tfew ih tans, Deoemoer I fiOth and Havana on the 23d, arrived fit New Ydrk on Wednesday nights Whilst proceeding up* the Bay, when opposite Governor’s Island, she was cut through bv the ice. The pumps were put in operation, but the water gamed rapidly, and on reaching her deck she sank until her. keel touched in‘number, along with the mails, reached the shore in safety.- Ttre cargo, conv-isting chiefly of cotton, proved nearly a total io3a. Dilative to Rifled Cannon —The Stfaf ffepurtmem bay received die report of the port'd of-ordnanc? ana aVtillery officeri convened recently at Fort Monroe’for the purpose of trying ffiflererit projectiles for rifled cannon. Affer making thorough trials of some dozen or more afferent projectiles offered, they have come to the L&ci.usiob ihat tbe plan# piopoied b> Mf it 3f. Lonis/Uj’- Beed, of Alabi.ma, add Captaiu Vy*t, of ’ the army, possess fiuihoisnt merit to Warrant more extensive triah to determine which bfthem possess the greatest advantages for a mthtarv weapoß. They recommend the appoint ment of a permanent board, to whom all matters Relating to rifled eannon shall be referred. QnUii (Cljrotiidc -Gfctitiud To the Planters of Georgia. Kettlewell’s MAIMED GUANO, OR Peruvian and Phospliatlc tiaano i As Imported lr.tn the Islands cf Chiccha and Nevaea — Combined and closely Integrated by Machinery. No. 1 Warranted to contain 8 per cent. Ammonia, No. 3 \\ arraiited to contain 5 per cent. Ammonia, M to BO per cent. !Tiophute Lime. 15 to 50 per cent.’ Piitmphatc Lime. LMU’ AL to Peruvian Guano In production of Crop, and J J Bonis Dust in Improvement of Land. My MANIPULATED GUANO having become the rc ; cepteif and successful ilv.il of Peruvian Guano, 1 trust I shall he pardoned for putting upon public record what is so universally known in Baltimore, that I am solely and exclusively the oriel natur of this article by the use of Machinery.”—American f3L mere 1557. W e sold this valuable Fertilizer last season upon well authen ticated reports, received from other States, and, so far as we learn, the experiment has been eminently successful. The sales in our .State show air increase of over 500 per. cent on sales of previous yean—an increase unprecedented in the sale of Fer tilizers. which we think strong evidence of tlx- great value of this Guano, containing the elements neeessarv for the growth of crop and improvements of Land, in rational proportions. It cannot fail to render satisfaction as long asthe article is kept up to its present standard. Asa guarantee for this, we can fullv vouch, having ascertained thoroughly the character and stand ing of Mr. John Kettleweil of Baltimore, the proprietor of this article, of which we have additional assurance cy u letter of the Hon. Howell Cobb, In which he says that he is a dersotsal friend of Mr. Kettleweil, of many years’ standing ; and that he can commend him In every respect as a gmitleman worthy of regard and confldeucer On Cotton, {lorn, W heat. Oats, Root drops, Ac., it has produced the greatest results | increasing the product to a very great extent, This Manure Is not a manufactured preparation, liable to changes from one season to another ; but, as will l>e perceived from the heading of this advertisement, Is imported Guano of the choicest kinds, and has decided advan tages over the Peruvian Guano. First, tn price; 2d, in con taining double the Phosphate of Lime—the element to make crop and improve Land—with an abundance of Ammonia ; and. thirdly, the flue and dry condition—making It ready for home diate vise. Mi. Kettle well'd enterprise ha-i been so successful that many imitations arc now forced upon the public ; some ! mere mixtures of doubtful Guano, hand and shovel, claiming to j be Manipulated Guano ; other Guano with but little Phosphate j of Lime, and no Ammonia. And we think It would be well for Planters to use proper discrimination. Certificates regarding j the use of this Guano, ffom prominent Planters of our State, • could be added ; but w e deem it entirely unnecessary, referring 1 to pamphlets on hand and In circulation forther information, and j letters at our ortleo As the harbor 01 Baltimore is frequently closed by Ice ob I structing navigation. It would be well’ for our patrons and i Planters to send in their ordeisat once. We arc expecting a ! supply from Baltimore at an early day, and will sell at per j ton for No. 1 ; s'l perton for No. 2. It Is put up In handsome | •acts. The mode of application Is very simple—sow n broadcast | in hill or drill, In quantity os Peruvian Guano—say from 100 to 1 300 dounds pier acre. The mote laterally it Is applied, the bet- | ter for ciop and land. Terms cadi, or equivalent. D’Antignac, Evans & Cos., SOLE AGENTS, AUGUSTA, GA. ■ MAXI PILATE ID GUANO. No. E3 Ssogkd Srwtrr, 4 BALTIMORE. January id, kid. y itiiPUR f OF AV\ LI sis ROBINSON'S MANIPULATED GUANO, for FRANCIS ROBINSON, ESQ., BALTIMORE CITY, i A sample of the above, w hich was lakcn at ymir*MtU; was found, upon analysts, to be capable of producing of Ammonia’ ajJl per ccdt And to contain of P.one Phosphate of LUiiP J3a;2 per cftfct Tlte above proportion of Ammonia and Bone Phosphate i • Lime is known to be most proper for concentrated Manures. Both theoretical reasoning and the result-}ot nutneraus practical , experiments, have approved ofit. An application of 200 Its. of ; this article per acie, will supply more of Bone Phosphate of : I-lme than 13 required by any crop—thus leaving a considerable surplus of this valuable nutriment incorporated with the soil after cropping and will furnish a sufficient quantity of Ammo nia to act a- * nutriment and stimulant. ( HAS BTOKELL. Ph. i>. REPORT ON SI AN I PUL A TF. D GUANO, FOR FRA.i'JCis noKiisrsoisr. The sample analyzed was taken by myself from the lag*, in the mill where the Guinn wav manipulated, it Contained of Ammonia .* \ 8.24 percent PhoMihotie Add —SLjte Equivalent to . <- Bone Phospimte of Lime 17.09 per cent It U therefore an excellent Manipulated Guano, containing ; enough Ammonia to produce a rapid arid vigorous growth, and a sutfli ieni quant it v of Phosphate* to prevent exhaust ion of tjie soil. A. .SNOWDEN PIGGOT, SI. D., Aualythal and Consul! lug Chemist. Foi sale by J. A. ANSLEY & COm Agents NO. 800 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, OA. : deelfi dlmAwtf AMERICAN CFTTA_NO, -'IMPORTED FROM Baker’s and Jarvis’ Islands. THI valuable FERTILIZER, equal In all respect 1 to the U-st Peruvian Guano, and sold at about ONE THIRD LESS PRICE. For sale, and pamphlets with analvsis and testimonial* fur nlshed, by inovt) d&wtf [ ft. F. UMU HABT. NEW DISCOVERY of GrTJ ANO. J. C. DAWSON, Sole Agent for Georgia & South Carolina riqik unde 1 signed has in afore a cargo Os 100 tons of GUANO, X. From nn bland Just discovered, and from which no Uuano hus ever been Imported until this season, anu be b destrous that all Ftimeis should give it- a fair and Impartial tihd, and report i results. This Manure L found in caves 200 feet a).ove the sea, conse qnently 1= from sand and coral, rich in Phosphates, and contain Ing sufficient Ammonia to give a quick giowth to any plant. The analyses bv one of the best chemists In this country, is as 1 follow s : si 85-100 per cent ot Bone Phosphate of Lime, less than 1 per cent of sand, with 17 to 18 per cent of Sulphuric Acid, and no Carbonate of Lime. It is dry, flnc-ly pulverized, free from lumps, and contains enough Ammonia to stimulate the plant without any admixture of other Manures. It D not a Mineral Guano, like tin Sombrero or .Navassa. but the pure excrement of birds, and all the {Tioephotio Acid It contains is in combination with Lime. Price *p> pet ton. AIiSQ, SQ3L/E3 AOENT FOR THSS A A BROWN MEXICAN GUANO, Held to be veiy fine. Price fd pet ton. , oci2B-dJwH r J. C. DAWSON. RHODES’ SUPERPHOSPHATE! • ‘ I : ! PL VX'TERS seeking Maimrea, will rec.->lut-i that RHODES’ ; SUPER I’HOSFHATE la tfle only Manure the tot a nent sr.alvtlra! Cher*. Ist. Professor c-f kiaryfeba, f.w- I ; nouncafl Standard ! and which has keen con&nnea i-7 evny sf. tlon into vrlJ. it this Manure he* hserAntioduceti. ThU U UI unfiei-a legal guarantee at Purity and Freedom PROMALL ADULTERATION! I from the eminent PottoAEWb { under whn4f p®r?onai supervision KuODES c-K-rllCjS I‘HATE Is r; ar l^^ft■.rturec^. , This ilanure has btn us?d In South ’ Uarfltinit fuYUsverai! yekVs i.tysf, with grir.t su<-caa in the culture s ot Cotton and Corn, and U now thoroughly wtabiuhed for these Important staples. Do not iei the preient season pars without the experiment. , .. . t Rpnd the annexed letter* from gentlemen who ha. e Died it ’ the part season. J. A. Ansley &> Cos., 3 m BROAD $ l\, AUGUSTA, GA. • | ATHENS, GA., Nor. 20, loM. Dear Sir - Rhode*’ Suner-Phoephate hf} i eep Bppnwl by me ! tvJirL* on a flitali scafend toti Cifnand Cotton. Th result IxceedeS lowexliVtatioß. -although the experiments, for many S w nit, Ind could not be conducted with due caution; vet I an entirely satisfied, that the growth of weed, in both In sranceTand thefiuit in corn, and In the numoer of bolls of cot tMwerefuily donhle the vdeld in the portions umnanuied. and £ZJS >“> SUiVaMMOXT'. UNION roTNT, (O. B. B A Nov. 23 JbM wishes m* to nut his name to this cljo. xoura tn great hast#, > PRINTUF AUGUSTA, GA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 4, 1800. ! SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME, Man h fad’d by W, Whitelock & Cos,, 1 j ’ Baltimore, Md. j l| VYING taken the Agency sos the sale of this valuable , T L Fertilizer, we licg leav eto our planting friends for every i variety of crop. In presenting this article to your notice, we , are authorized by the ticst chemical tests of the country In sav , ug that it is the Highest standard of .-Super-Phosphate of Lime known to the country, combining upwards of two per cent of 1 Ammonia, and particularly adapted to the production of cotton and grain of every variety. ‘ The Charleston’ Mercury, of the 80th of November, save:— j *” The report of Prof. Shepard of this city, is a full guarantee for Us general use.” • This is the only Super-Phosphate ever endorsed l>y the cele brated chemist. Dr. Bickeri, of Baltimore City, to contain, as shown by analysis, FIFTY PER CENT more of soluble Bl- Phosphate of Lime than any other’ .Super- Phosphate analyzed by him. These are published facts, to which we invite your attention. Pamphlets, with certificates, and full directions for Its use, j will be furnished on application. Call earlv for supplies. REES & LINTON, s*OLE AGENTS FOR AUGUSTA, GA. dec22-(l&w3ni Guano, Guano! J. C. DAWSON, Agent, Jarvis & Baker’s Island ! GUANO, i _ 7 From, the South Pacific Ocean, IMPORTED BY THE AMERICAN GUANO COMPANY, N. Y. j This Guano, far (mperior to anv other Fertilizer known, and ’ ot PERMANENT’ VALUE to the soil Is sold at THIRTY UEK CENT less than Peruvian Uuano. Its peculiar natural combination of the Phosphates and Sulphates of Lime, enables U t° restore to the soil the properties lost by constant cropping, and the Planter wIU tie enabled not merely to reap from its use a present crop, but And Iris land at the end of the season, irealthier and stronger, requiring a less amount of Uuauo for the next planting. This Uuano feeds, hut does not stimulate to excess, the roots or plants, and they are thereby enabled to withstand the edicts j of drouth to a greater degree than by the use of any other fertli her known. The universal objection to the use of Peruvian 1 Guano, from its fatal results during a dry season, is obviated by the use of the American Guano. The- a).plication of this Uuano, 75 to 100 pounds per acre, will fnsure wonderfid crops of Cotton, Corn, Wheat, Rye, Tobacco, ; V egctables, Ac. For fuU information and reports of successful experiments i with this Uuano, together with pamphlets for distribution, ap Ply to J. C. DAWSON, Agent, _ Augusta, Ga. Pamphlets will be sent gratis to alt persons desiring them. HE IS ALSO AGENT j FOR THE COLUMBIAN PHOSPHATE GUANO j AND THE BROWN MEXICAN A A . GUANO. J. C DAWSON, Fur full particulars of there FERTILIZERS, together with pamphlets, containing Analysis and Certificates, apply to .YU. 3 WARREN BLOCK, oct-yi (Uwtf Augusta, Ga. AUGUSTA ENGRAVING OFFICE WEDDING, INVITATION, VISITING, PROFES t! SIGNAL AND BUSINESS CARDS, Engraved and Printed In the most approved style. Inscriptions and Initials Engraved on Jewelry and Silver Ware. Notarial and Society Seals, Door and Coffin Plates, Dog Col- j la is. Canes, Ac., engraved In u superior manner, and with dU- , patch. Cards printed from old plates, and old plates re-cut. • Orders by :m*ii promptly attended to.^ ENGRAVER AND I’KlNTk'r, 210 firtmtf Si/tef, tip opposite Hunk, mvJOV.iHv AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. f M. 0. NORM. (SUCCESSOR TO BROOM 4. MORRELL,) Would respectfully call Attention j TO HIS LARGE, RICH, AMD ELEGANT STOCK i O IP Fall&Winter s : * j DM GOODS NOW OPENING, OP THE LATEST mil ; AND IMPORTATIONS, Which wiU be Sold AT THIS ! Lowest Prices! | LARGE SALES WITH SMALL PROFITS, (S OVR MOTTO. Am! all are Cordially ißvited TO CALL AND SEE ROW TRE SYSTEM WORKS. WM O. NORRELL, 218 BROA D-STREE'f, CEO. MACHINE CRACKER BAKERY. THE subscriber, haring added several improvements to bis Bakery, Is now prepared to famish the com- i ! manity with any and everything in the Bakery line at the lowest prices. Op Hppd, Made Every Day, VAM \L Y BREAD. lIISOIITS- TRACKERS Soda, Bosh"*, Extra BuHer, S toe. Water, Ik, Fancy, Seed, Ginger, Sugar. Lemon. Pilot Bread. Fine GARBS and PIE*, FRESH EVERT DAT, of all kinds. JAMBS BOWEN, • Ho- 341,8r0ad street, cov§-3m Oa X ! WAREHOUSES. J. J. PEARCE, Warehouse & Commission Merchant, AUGUSTA, GA. fIIHAXKFUL for the liberal patronage extended to him for A a series of vears, in the Storage and sale of Colton would inthrm his friends and the public that he will continue at his j same well known Brick Warehouse on Campbell street, near 1 Bones, Brown & Co.’s Hardware Store, where by strict personal i a( tent ion to all business entruMed to hi.-- care, he hopes he will : receive a share of t lx- pul die patronage. j Cash Advances, Bagging, ttope and Family Supplies will be forwarded to Customers as heretofore, when desired. J. J. PFARCE. He also ki ejwon hand for sale, as Agent for Samuel Sands, of Baltimore, Excelsior Manipulated Guano, No. 1. Augusta, Uu., August Ist, 1859. auos-w6m J. G DAWSON, Produce & Coiuniission Merchant, AUGUSTA, GEO. THE undersigned respwttally informs his frieuds and the i public, that he has taken the large and commodious liuild- j j Ing, >o. 2 Warren Block, opposite Pouliain, Jennings A Co.’s j Warehouse, where he will he prepared on the Ist dav of Sep- • ! temher next, to receive consignments of COTTON, RICE, Ti>- ; BACOO. BAGGING, ROPE, HAY, SALT, CORN, RYE. i WHEAT, oats, FLOUR. FEATHERS, BACON ami i LARD —hi short, any and everything, from any and every por- 1 ! t ion of the U nlted .Slates t hat will pay 1 lie sJUpper a profit in t his i ‘ market. Having had experience la the Warehouse and Commission ; business, my planting friends may rely upon my test eril'orts to 1 obtain the highest market rate foi- their Cotton,'ami the exercise of mv best judgment in the purchase of Bagging, Rope, Ac. Liberal advances will tie made on Product- in store, if desired. My charges will lie (listomarv. J. C. DAWSON. ‘ aulu-il&wtf JAMES A. JONES, Warehoiise & Commission Merchant, ifIeINTOSH STREET, AUGUSTA, WILL attend personally to the sale and at**rage of COTTi>N • n BACON, CJKAIX, andnll other produce to Mm ; nleo, to the receiving and forwarding of Goods, personal attention given to the filling of all order* tor lagging, Hope and ; Family .Supplies. Llhml advances made on Fioduu? in store, i aultidJfcwtfm W. M&K. G. BEALL, ; ffAEEHOUSB AP COMMISSION IEBCWIB afkTT C3-TJ Is TJN., C3--A.. W E liave this day entered Into Co-nwtnershin, for tiie turns V? action of a GENERAL WAREHOUSE AND COM MISSION BUSINESS, under the name and style ot WM. M. dr R. G. BEALL, in Metcalf’s Fire proof Warehouse, on Ri-\ nold,a between Jackson and Mclntosh streets, Metcalf Range, adjoining the one recently occupied by the late firm of Heard A Derry, in the centra of the city, the vicinity ot the principal 1 Warehouses, and convenient to the hotel.-.. Being amply provided with good and safe storage for Cotton, Grain, I tour, Baeon, and Produce generally, we respectfully so licit the pat louage of out- friends and the public generally, pledg ing the strictest personal attention t.. all business entrusted to our care. Orders for Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies, promptly si tended to. ‘ Oar charges will conform to the custom of the city. The u itul cash advances made on Produce in store, WM. M. BEALL. R. GREEN BF.aLI. July 13.1839. jyl4-dawsm HEARD & SIMPSON, Warehouse &(!ommiss’n Merchants, STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, WILL occupy the Fire-proof buildings formerly occupied it by Simpson * G.ir.lliiep and S, 1). Heard. Our Sides Room and Office are in the house occupied by s. D. IL-ans, where we ofter our Ik>-i energies for the interests of our patrons. Orders for Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies promptly at tended to, S, I>. llEAltD,’ auSl ts J. R. SIMPSON. D’Aiitiiiimc, Evans & Cos., Warehouse &Coiuniission Merchants AUaUSTA, <3-^.- Tuie undersigned continue iho alinve business in ell its branches, and f.-r the greater convenience of thems.-lves and ciistomers, have taken a very commodious -FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE on Revuuids Ireet, in the ver) centre of tlx- Gotton range, and near t'l)V-fiotels ami Banks, where they will be pleased to wait upon their friends and customers, and receive their eonrignmenls of Got ton and other Produce. Urdus for Plantation and Family Supplies will in- promptly executed, and Cash advances made on Uotlon in store. All the usual facllll lex will he extended to our friends ami cor respondents. . WM M. D’ANTIGNAC, WKlfivW. EVANB, aul2-w6m WM. E. EVANS. M. r. STOVALL, Warehouse & Commission Merchant, AUGUSTA, GA., f lOft'TlAiUßt* the liuslnees in all its branch. -., in his large V.. andcointuodlons Fiie-ITmjf Warehouse, on Ja. koon-street near the Globe Hotel. irders for Plantation amt Family Supplies promptly and care fully tilled. The usual CASH facilities afliirdeil customers. August 24,1x59. mi 24 twswOni j BUSINESS (’AKI)S. THOS. C. BENNETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, rOGLrVIHIA COUNTY', GA. deevfl-.’lai G. W. AUSTIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CA.ULUIOIaTOISr, GEO., \\riLL attenti.zn to nil proms.-,.mm business en- i 1* trusted folds npinagnmant—part lcuDrh thecolleltlon of claims. _____ __ fe1.16’59 1 JOHN WHIT THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, \\ T ILL practice In the counties of Randolph, Stewart, 11 Quitman, Claj', Early, Terrell und Calhoun. Gollcclions and Land Claims promptU’attended to. nirV’ - j J. D. MATHEWS, ATTORNEY AT LAW LEXINGTQ^T, WILL pireti. cin jli? . Oglethorpe, Hart, Elbert, 11 \\ likes, TalSafcnd, Wurvon, Haneix-k and Ureene. tehlf lyY.y JNO. P. C. WHITEHEAD, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, AFFH’E over Pouliain, Jennings A Cc-.'s new Wurehouse, V” Jackson Street. not 14 T. W. WALKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATHENS, GEO, j TAT ILL practice In the counties of Jackson, Clark, Walton, i t” Gwinnett, Hull, Rabun, White, Habersham, Franklin and Banks of the Western Circuit. .lanlOVth’y Jackson Street j FOUNDRY ! aA.isriD Machine Shop, ! CORNER JACKSON J.Vjl CAj ftOUN STS, AUGUSTA, GA. ‘ Thu undersigned, having ,fe.uovd from his old , stand, on the corner of and Watkins streets | to hi* ue?v Shops f,id Foundry, adjoining the Augusta , Gaa Works, isuowuirepared With inorr-astd facilitie?lft . furnish ail kinds ts | Iron & Brass Castings, | For Gold Mines, Merchants 8* w or nttoi Mills, Bridges, aud Railroads. SCHRADER’S COTTON PRESS, AND ILL mm OF MACHINERY. He alao manufactures the latest approved style of PORTABLE AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, AND EVERY SORT OF FURNISHING Executed with KBATNK&S AND DESPATCH. GEORGE COOPER. |y27tsm COPARTNERSHIP. . 1 fT)HE undersigned have this dav entered into a Cnpsriuwshlß ; A ior the practice of LAW, under the name of J. A J. IF 1 CCMMING. TheJr prompt attention will be given to aU Pro fossional busir.ees .ntriuted to ifxtm In Court* of the Middle Districts. JULIEN CUMMING. JOS. B. CUMMING.’ Oetobsr, liw. .t4-ly PATENT M EDIC IN GS THK LIVER ixyia o r a t it PREPARED BY DU. SANFORD. Compounded entirely from Rums, IS one of the host purgative-, and Liver Mc-Jicinesno .v the puUic, that acts as ft Uathartic, easier, nJld. i-, and more i eitectuuJ than any other medicine known, it is not only a Ua thartle, but a Liver remedy, art ini; tin t on the Liver to eject its 1 morbid matter, then on the stomneii and tmwels to earn- oil'that matter, thus ueeranplishiug two j.unmst-s vfloetunlly, without any of the painful feelings experienced in the operations of most 1 Cathartics. It strengthens the systeS at the .same, lime that it purges it; and when token daily iii moderate doses, will strength en and build it up with lumsal rapidity. Tiie LIVER 1- one of lire man body : and when it per powers of the system are fullv almost entirely rie[K-iid<*nt oil er for the proper performance’ tiiaeli is at fault, the imwvls] system sutlers in eonsequenoe’ iiie Ceased to do Its dut y. F- -r of'the proprietors has made it than twentv years, to find counteract the mauv derange To prove that this remedy troubled wit h Liver Complaint try a bottle, and conviction is’ Those Gums remove all nn-r, system, supplying in Invigorating t iie stomadi, can’ fying the blood, giving tone t ebliiery, removing the cause, leal cure. One dose after eating is sits anil prevent the food from ri Only one dose taken be fore _ Only one dose taken at night 1 cures costiv ene.ss. One dose taken after eaeli” CTf One dose of two tea Sick Headache. One bottle taken tor female of the disease, and makes a* Only one dose Immediately One dose oft.ui repeated is a” and u preventive of Uholera. One dose taken often will, ious Attacks, while it relieves; IpyOnly one bottle is, system the efleets of medlelne* One. bottle taken for Jaun, unnatural color from the skin.” One d.se taken a short time, the appetite, and makes food- One dose often repeated; worst forms, while Hummer’ almost to the first dose, - One or two doses cures at* for worms in children, there is edv in the world, a-, it never j.y/ ~ A few bottles cures! sorbents. We take pleasure in recommending this medicine as preven tative for Fever-ami Ague, I'liill Fever, and all Fevers of a ifil ious Type. It operates with certainty, and thousands are wil ling to testify to its w onderful \ irtui-s. All who use It are giving their unanimous testimony in Its fa vor. B3F“ Mix water in the mouth with the Invlgorator and -wal low both together. THE LIVER IXVIGORATOR i a scientific Ec-dlcal dis cover., and is dally woiking cures, almost foo great to believe. It cures as if by magic, even the first dose giving relief, and sel dom more than one bottle is required to cure any kind of Liver Complaint, tram the woist Jaundice or Dyspepsia tog c.-mmon Htadu. be, all of which are the result of a diseased 1 iver. FRICK ONF DOLLAR PER BOTTI E. DR. SANFORD, Proprietor, K--5 Broadway, New Ycsk. Sold bv HAVII.AND. sTEVEVSON & 1 t)., SIMON RUFF A CO.; J. ASHHCRST, Charleston. PLUMB A LEfTNER, W, It. TT l r , Augusta, SI -OVTI.A- MEAD. J \\ RIGHT A CO., Nev. Oilt-an . Retailed by all Druggists, mys's9 lUwl y HR. LITTLE’S VERMIFUGE. Jn LARGE Bottles and Vials. Nothing else is required to relieve children of Worms ; and besides being one of the cheapest and Dest Vermifuges ever offered to the public. Its fre qneut use In families will eave much trouble and ixpense, as well aa the lives of many children—for eight out of every ten cases generally require it, LITTLE’S ANODYNE COUGH DROPS. A certain cure for Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pain in the Breast; also Croup, IVhooping Coughs, dr., Ac., amongst Children. This Is a pleasant medicine to take, producing im mediate relief, and in nine out of ten cases* prompt cure. It exercises the most controlling Influence over Uonghg aud Irritation of the Lungs of any re medy known, often stopping the most violent in a few hours, or at most in a day or two. Many cases thought to be decidedly consumptive, have been promptly cured by using a few bottles. As anodyne expectorant, without astringing the bowels, It stands paramount to all coaglx mixture*. LITTLE’S FRENCH MIXTURE. This is prepared from a French Recipe (In the forms of No. 1 and 2; the first for the acute, and No. 2 tor the chronic stage,) and from Its unexampled success is likely to supersede every other remedy fur the cure of diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Gonorrhoeal, Biennorrhoeal, and Leucliorrhcual or Fluor Alims affections. This extensive compound combines properties totally different in taste and character from any thing to b 9 found in the United States Pharmacopoeia ; and in point of safety aud effi ciency is not rivalled in America. LITTLE’S RINGWORM & TETTER OINTMENT. FORTIS, No. . Hundreds of cases of Chronic Tetters, Scald Heads, and disease* of the ekin generally, have been cured by this remedy; and since the introduction of the No. 2 preparation (being stronger) scarcely a cn.a has been found that it will not effectually eradicate In a short time. For the enre cu Cancerous Sores and Ulcers it is applied in tire form of plasters, and Is almost infallible. In. more than tv,-o hundred places In Georgia, and !$ the Southern States, they are to he had ; and as there are scamps about who are counterfeiting his remedies, hy palming off their own or something else, by using the same or similar names (for no pa tent is wanted or secured amid the absurd patents of the day,) let all.be cautioned to look well for •tguatureof the Proprietor, thus.” anil also Li* name blown into the glass of each bottle. *r AU cr.leva and letters to be addressed to LITTLE & 880., Wholesale Drnggists, Macon, Ga Fold by LITTLE A IRO., Wholesale Druggists, Macon, (,'a For sale by I’i.UMli A LKITNkU and WM. H. TV TT, Augusta, nml by Druggists and Merchants generally throughout tin-State. myiCiO-swAwly Dll. BH(FYHUV ’c.vins been -o far reduced by Consump tion as u, he Considered beyond all hope of recovery by the r.,i<st emiftent'of the medical profe.w-.lon, and also by himself—a Aguiar physician of twenty years standing—as a resort; con ceived the idea of analyslng'the blood; anil au'dr',.*. tne -übjeet of physiology to tlie more immediate iu. ‘ctViii, and efleet of the state of the blood upon th: anh and svsrem. Tiie result has beta) tiie produ'-tko of the “ BLOOD FOOD,” from the tree of which ffi . .sa'onsriii was restored to perfect health. Within i ■;W month* after its lntroiluction, over two thousand eon-vinqi | fives were etfK-tunlly cured by it. If you have ay.y uanpi&int’ of a consumptive tendency —Cough, Cold, Headache, Palpita tion of the Heart, Loss of Appetite, id Pain in the Side, lose no lime inprocuring n bolt’e ‘•>. tiro I, BLOOD FOOD.” If you are snfl.-iing fw*'", Neruids Debilltv, or your sleep” is broken or disturbed, If your Spirits are Depressed, or vour Relax cm youAvill find In this an unfailing remedy, by commencing with ten drops. If your Liver is torpid, ra diseased in anv man ner whatever, onie or two wifl'be sure to Invigorate, and (.ring it into lively and Uerdthfid aelion. In the most inveterate i ease* of the’ pationt can here find the most efficient j and grafvfiti rest.-t, A benefit U ahvavsexperienced Wtirtaklrtg j mdy one bottle. In male m female Complalttt* and’ weakness, 1 tiie Buffi-rer, after trying other reme-Ufi ui vain, may rest as 1 Biired.that a certain cure will r<-;.,jt from the u-.e on wo or three 1 I Kittles. Tire “BI.OOp, FOOD” is pffbetual in all eases of Eruption. Sal*, i.heum’ Serol'uias and other like corapimnts.— Pal-- gud emaciated chlldreuand adults are eminently beiS-tiu, and by its use. It gives strength to th. iw.dy (d.d oujor and beautv to the skin. Physicians or all setmyls a.V using ij with wondei ful success. For full direct’.i-b-'i > -'e circulars**. Price *i per istfile. n presenting h>u “ith DR. EATON’S INFENTILt COR ‘TALr, we desire to state its superiority over every nostrum that nurse or quack has heretofore offered you. First—lt is tiie preparation of a regular physician, who is well qualified from much experience in infantile complaints topre scribe for them. Secondly—lt is entirely, free from paragorie or opiate of any kind, and consequently relieves by reruovbig the suffering of vour child, instead of deadening its sensibilities. — Thlrdlv—lt is put up with great care, as a cum ptui soil of it with any other article for infantile complaints will show; the very roots from which it is distilled being dug from the forest under ! the direction of Dr. Eaton, many of t hem by liis own hand*, i Fourthly—ls is perfectly iiariuless. 3ud cannot Injure the most delicate ‘lnfant, and is a certain cure and relief in all the following cases, which is its chief merit over cverv otlier preparation, i ft-: FOR ALL COMPLAINT* ATTENDING TEETHIiW*, such as DYSENTERY, FOLIC,. Ac.; also, for tfMienlttg the : gums and relieving pain. For regulating the bowels It Is une- : quailed. For Cold fn the Hcad.it is sura relief. For CROUP, the most fatal and trying of diseases, it cau tie relied ou with perfect confidence; ami being a powerful anti spasmodic in all cai -es of couvusion or fils, we earnestly recoinmetid you to lose ! no time in procuring it. Lastly—lt costs so much more thru i other preparations of the kind, that we cannot afford e.Uch long < advert-ieemente aa can those whose whole expehfit is their ad • vcrtUcinenta; for the same reanin, if cvtnm'TiOß iteclf as the ruoet reliable to all mothers. In alien-'-* the directions wrapped around each bottle, must, t** strictly followed. Price 2d ventj • pci bottle. Hoklby COUnCII & DUPONT, Dniggisfcs No, FA MaMcn ’ Lane, New Y ork. HAYILAND, CIIICIILSTKU Jc OO m Njle Agents fur Au- I g\yt:i. novii DRESS MAKING. j Hi 8. UOLLf\US\VURTH tenders!™ ferrites i J.YJL to the Ladles gl Augusta and vicinity, iu FITTING and I MAKING DRESSES. Shi* may t-e found flt 190 Reynolds i street, opposite Wrn. M. Goodrich’s new ratine of buddings, [ sepir-dtf ‘principal regulators of tire hu ■f.irnis its fuiK-tious well, the 1 developed; The stomach is the healthv aetic.n of the Liv nf Us functions when the sto are at fault, and the whole of one organ—the Liver—hav- ! , the diseases of that organ, one i ids study, in a practice of more I some remedy wherewith to meats to which it is liable, is at last found, anv persons i in any of its forms, ius but to certain, bid or bad matter from the place a healthy (low of bile, : sing food to digest well, ptiri a:ul In litli to the whole, inn- i of the disease—effecting a rad- j tieient to relieve the stomach eitijt and souring, ret tring prevent s night mare, loosens tiie Ikiw .-Is gently, and ; meal will cure Dyspepsia, spoonfuls will always relieve obstruction removes the cause j perfect cure, relieves ("liolte, while Mire cure for Cholera Morbus, j prevent the reeurrence of T.il- I all painful feelings. weeded to throw out of the after a long sickness. dice removes all yellowness or liefove tiding gives vigor to digest, well. cures Chronic Diarrh* in its and Bowel Complaints yield tack* caused by worms, while in ’ surer, safer or speedier rem lalH. Dropsy, by exciting the at> S A N F (Hi I ) M L IV K K 1 N V 1 G 0 K A T O ii. HAV WOOD’S 1111111 IIP SAVANNAH! FuR | Cleansing, Beautifying THE HAIE. IN presenting the RAI.M OF SAVANNAH to the publ>, ; .L the proprietor doe- so w ithout any of the hesitation attend mg the liitroduclioii if anew amt untried article, for it lias now | Veil fifteen years before the public, and each year has added to its popularity. The demand for it having increased so far hevond my previous facilities for manufacture, the proprietor tin's re eciitlv completed arrangements for producing it on a more ex tensive scale, am! at the same time adding to Its former excellence, bv the result of a long practical experience in its use. Tiie following vouchers are gentlemen well known and can l.e attested: SvVAXXAII, August •!. Isis. J. M. Haywood, Agent—Dear Sir: l cheerfully eontplv with my promise, to give you my opiniou of the merits of \ our Balm and Savannah. ‘After using it for some two years I am prepareti to siioak from experienct 1 , and do not hesitate to pro nounce it the best preparation for the hair that 1 Imve ever used. E\>r several years 1 liad .sutU-ivd from dandruff, which, at times, I csjierkdly during bad litallli, threatened to destroy my half. 1 tried many remedies, which had been recommended to me, J without ! site fit, until I made a trial of your Balm, which not only removed the dandruff!'but kept tnv'head free from it, at the’same time stimulating the growth of the hair ami imparting to it a healthv appearance. 1 have recommended it to mv : friends, similarly afflicted, w in*, in every instance, experienced similar benefit* from its uie. I esteem it a pleasant and con , vcnicUi article for dressing tiie hair, possessing most in the i virtues claimed for the fiopular cosmetics of the dav, withnom- I of tlicit- deleterious qualities. I feel confident thal It oidv needs to !*■ known to the public to become universally popular. Very re-pert fully yours, W. T. Tuompsox, Editor of Savauuah Morning News. I To AI.I. WHOM IT MAY COXOKItN ! [ The oj’jeet of tills i- to state timt I have, for some months, used Mr. Hav wood's Hair Tonic—known as the Balm of : Savannah—trail have found it eomparalily superior to any other ! artU-lc of the kind. Its use twice u week is quite suffleient, not ! only to disengage the dandruff Ac., from the hair, but to prevent j its formation in any applicable quantity. It maintains the hair j too, in that moist aiul pleasant condition, which so ninny other I specifies pretend tit do, but almost always fail—in so far as my I experience goes, ’ J, L. I.ockv, Late Editor of the Savannah RepuMiean. Mat 26,13-W. Mr. J. M. Haywood, Agent: It gives me pleasure to certify to the unequalled qualities of your Balm of Savannah. It is tiie best tonic tor the Lair, us well as the most effectual exterminator of dandruff I have ever tried. My hair lias been inclined to fall out since my attack of Yellow Fever in 1854, and among all the preventative* I have triad, the Balm of .Savannah ius been the sio-t successful. Tins much I >ay eheerfuHv. Ymtrs, Ac., ‘ P. VY. Ai.EXvtrnxE. Late Editor of the .Savannah Republican. For sale by J. M. HAYWOOD, Agent, Manufacturer add Proprietor, Savannah, Ga., and to WM H. TUTT, July 1,1859. Augusta, G:q SEND FOR IT! A NEW SOUTHERN HOOK ! THE EADYE LILLIAN, AND OTHER POEMS. By E. YOUNG. Copies of the above will be sent, postage IVee. on receipt cJ ON h Itt.H.LAR. Addie s E, YOUNG, Lexington, Ga, 2S” Editors (riving the above an inrertlon, or calling atten tion to it iii their edit..rial c.lumus, and . t-n.iiog a p..per cou “iaiiiiog it, addie. e<t us above, will receive a e.-q.vi f th> Work, portage free. Fi r ,de at the P.oc.k Stort-s in Augusta, Ga. dif TUB BIiANCEVILLE Slate Quarry, VAN WERT, POLK UOUNTY, t!A. rnHKsulnciUiCr lias hi* SLyTK QUARRY fu'lr |ionpd, J. and is provided with a ‘office, id number workmen to fill orders to auv purl of the Souili. The quality of the .Slate Iqu- Uien fully tested, and its l aut i and cxeelleni e can be seen bv an examination of several buildings in Rome! efirered with State from the Quarry. The Miliseriiier to funiil. the Slate at anv point in Georgia, Alabama or Tennessee, and lay it on the roof at an expense in.t exceeding the edst ill’ fin r. .oriiig, t “oniraits can lie made with JOHN B. FREEMAN, Agent at IP.me, or S. W, BLA Nt'E, General agent, Van V\ ert, I’olk county, Ga. invb:-e,vwtf. S4O JP*A.MXXj7Sr SCOVILL & GOODELL’S PATENT. SEWING WITH TWO THREADS, DOUBIIF LOCK STITCH! 1000 STITCHES PER MUTE. THE ONLY LOW PRICED SEWIICi MA€IIIW£ YET OFFERED SKWINfi Wift’ TWO THREADS I For sale at the SEWING MACHINE DEPOT, bonier Broad nml Jackson Sis., Opposite Globa Hotel, ATJGIJSTAi GEO. CLARKE, ANSLEY & CO Jyls’s9-wly HI MIsT SEWING MACHINES. WE HAVM JUST RECEIVED AHOTHEE 3LO r P OF mi WEBSTER CO’S CELEBRATED MACHINES. AND INVITE TIIE ATTENTION OF THOSE JN WANT OF A GOOD MACHINE, i ’ TO TH* RUNV AOVAN ’JtGES THEY POSSESS EVERY MACHINE ‘Warranted TO OIVE SATISFACTION ! CALL AND SEE THEM AT \Y. E SALISBURY & CO.’S, *A3T BRUAD^TKEET. 1-dtf Tk Greatest Reduction Ever Made IN STANDARD |SEWING MACHINES! After this date I will sell the IMPROVED BARTHOEF FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, AT A REDUCTION OF | S2O FROM FORMER PRICES! P. S.—The New S freight NEEDLE MACHINE it now o A LEYDEN, t QOUV-w Oeuerel Agent. VOL. XXIV. NO, 2 loss*. i j Falll Winter CLOTHING. . mw & mm, AltE NOW RECEIVING, AVERYLAUGE AND WLL SELECTED STOCK OF Men & Boys 9 CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, 3E3 ,<S; CARPET BAGS, SzC., ALSO, A First-rate Assortment OF SHIRTS, DRAWERS, COLLARS, Stocks, CIS A VATS, CLOVES, SUSPENDERS, AND OTHER FURNISHING GOODS, IN GREAT VARIETIES. We are prepa ed to srl! on the mast *acj commodating terms, and invite >ur fiiends and cuatomeis genera)if to call and examine om jitoc). at om Oid Stand, NO. 17:5 BROAD-STREET, Under Augusta, Hotel. CLAYTON & KENNADY* 11.3 m CARPETS, IN. NEW DESIGNS! •Fas. Cl. ltailie &, Bro., Have just received another Invoice of John Crosley& Sons’ VELVET AND BRRBLELS CARPETINGS! AMONG WHICH ARE MANY BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS, All of which will he sold at very LOW PRICES. ALSO, Receiving Every Week, Additional supp’as of the newest Pattern es T Trl R R R RR AT * Ingrain, AND VENETIAN CARPETS, Manufactured, Wool Dutch, all Word List CARPETS. . ALSO, Avery large stork of ALL WOOL heavy English DRUGGETS, BY THE YARD AND ;IN PATTERN}. Stair CARPETING, Stair ROD Oil Olotlis in “rent Variety. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS Os tha best make and thoroughly seasoned in 19; IS and 24 feet wide. These goods will be cot to tit any t-ize or shaped Hal:, Room, or 3<ai > auj laid if required, intbe City or for W. thres miles around. ALSO, Just Received a Large Invoice of Embracing .<.O different Patterns of GOLD SHADES. Tae'e have been tastefully get up, and embrace the newest Patterns and styles of UHAuES manu ifttctoi ed. With tqese will he famished Bailey's n>.w .Attaint SHADE PiXTURKS, if deuired. Also jast i.ieelved, a large supply of LACE AND MUSLIN CURTAIN'S, Lace Curtains, IN UREAT VARIETV, AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. c ornices, IN GREAT VARIETY, EMBRACING MANY NEW PATTERNS AND BKSittNB.