Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, November 02, 1860, Image 1

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BY W. S. JONES. CHRONICLE &. SENTINEL. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, BY W. S. JONES. * TERMS. ‘■ATLY PAPER—Published Morning and Even • —Six Dollars per annum. : .I V PAPER—(A mammoth sheet) —Two lla as per annum. ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. it airs for Ad-ertiwioe. e rates f: - advertising in the CONSTITUTION ’ ■ ntKO.MCLE k SENTINEL have been estah !’ . : riit'-r-: X \!.v Al> V EKTISEMEN TS, published In the .< a. ry, > - r . forth- first Insertion, and two an a a tout t • ;Vr each subsequent insertion. All at.vertise ’ recited as.?making five lines or more. ? ; ■ e month *5.00 Ti.iiy one month..., 3.00 - ‘.I Vl iii’ E>, Five Cents per line of solid Nonpareil, ‘■ thrt c iit* for each subsequent insertion In ’ . A ; . ..tb jtin--::itntato be courted as making five lines or y; ‘ Dajlrorie montn $7.00 - It., y one month 4.00 ■ ‘ YKD ,\ LufERTISEMENTS, Free Cento per line of - f--r • .ch Insertion In Daily. All advertise c- it ted as five lints or more. , “ Lit.* s 1 > Throne mouth SIO.OO l ints Dally or,e month 6.00 i t- • tinued for months, in either class, will be L ;r , t ■!■’>* rates, for each subsequent month, for R and “nr-J<jurlh for each succeeding mouth. R : ‘GEs. DEATHS and FUNERAL NOTICES, Fif t.,..* e-.:h. 081 1U A KIES, Ten Cents per line. 1 Hc.'i'u for Weekly Advertisements. *'. ! ViN” A iIY A D VERTISEMENTS, published once a week, E • t.kjy, Seven and a halj Cents per line, for each f NOTICES, Ten Cents per line, for the first inser ■ Cents per line for each subsequent insertion. ‘PLAYED ADVERTISEMENTS, Ten Cents per lin ‘insertion. ‘•i' : ‘HAN f.” and BUSINESS MEN whose advertisements ■-!, wU. be allowed a discount of twentu-riveper cent. 4 t'.*s rates, when their -dlls amount to Fifty Dollars,in irordhs, if raid in ten days after presentation. I WM. S. JONES, Proprietor Chronicle k Sentinel. JAMES GARDNER, Proprietor Constitutionalist. | Iran our Evening Edition of yesterday. rtlfnear No. i*, on the Savannah, Albany k Gulf Railroad on Wednesday morning last, 6y which v* regret to learn that Mr. \\ m. Godfrey, a virthy young man of this city and engineer of ti down passenger train, lost his life. It appears tiit a loaded lumber train had been left on the taick by the hand%cmployed at the saw mill, and tie morning being very foggy the obstruction was not observed by those on the engine until it Tas too late to avoid a collision. After calling and vn the brakes and reversing the action of the ei _rine, Mr. Godfrey and the fireman jumped to sr.re themselves. The latter escaped unhurt, w ile Mr. Godfrey struck in such a manner as to bi ’ak his spine and cause other injuries, from which he died the same evening. He was convey ed to the residence of Mr. P. C. Pendleton, where lie received every attention until death relieved him from his sufferings. The body was brought to the city yesterday morning, and was buried v itb military honors*by the Oglethorpe Light In f< dry, of which corps he was a member. His funeral was also attended by the employees of the Savannah, Albany and Gulf and Central Rail roads, by whom as well as by all who knew him, he was bighlv respected. —Savannah Xewt, Id, ii.d. Depreciation’ of Slave Value.— A correspon. dent of the Charleston Courier, from Washington, says: There is a considerable degree of alarm and commotion among slaveholders in Virginia, found ed upon a sensible depreciation of the market value of slaves. A Virginia member of Congress, who was here a day or two ago, says that the de preciation amounts already to a hundred dollars a bead, on an average. The cause of this deprecia tion, and also of the stringency of money matters o Virgiuia, is variously explained. It is referred • m l only to the probable success of the Black Re publican party, but the fear that the cotton States will, next wiuter, enact laws prohibiting the emi gration of slaves from Virginia into those States, and thus force Virginia to remain a slaveholding State. It has been suggested that, in case of the election of Lincoln and the establishment of Re publican ascendancy in the Federal Government, Virginia and other border slaveholding States would be gradually abolitionized, and get rid of their slave* by transferring them to the South. Controverting legislation, on the part of the Cot ton States, is seriously apprehended. There is not so much sensation on the subject in Maryland as in Virginia. Hon*. Herschel V. Johnson* in Richmond.— Hon. Herschel V. Johnson addressed a large meeting of all parties at Richmond on Saturday night, at the Club House. He * denounced the Breckinridge men in the severest terms, as disor ganizers, bolters and disunionists, and said that if Lincoln was elected, he might thank them for his election. He said that South Caroliua, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi would then secede, and there would be a dissolution of the Union. He thanked God that he was for the Union and on the right side. He declared himself for the rights of the States, and for the Constitution and the Union. He spoke for two hours and a half, gave great satisfaction to his hearers, and was loudly applauded. Stephens in Savannah.— The Savannah Repub lican gives a brief synopsis of Mr. Stephens’ speech at Savannah, which that paper says, was listened to bv a densely packed audience—the largest assembly ever sees in Savannah. Mr. Stephens, although extremely feeble, spoke for two hours and three quarters—gathering strength from excitement. It was an argument in favor ot the Douglas doctrine of popular sovereignty. Mr. Stephens announced in the conclusion of his speech, that be did not regard the election of Lincoln as a just cause of disunion, and should oppose such a movement with all the power at his command, let it come from whom it might. He should wait for an act of aggression, and would then summon his countrymen and exert them to resistance. ‘•Mi rder will Git.”—We learn that the citi zens of Hernando County, Florida, on Saturday la*t, hung Hamp. a slave belonging to the estate of Albert Clarke, for being the immediate cause of the death of his master. The negro confess ed that he was promised two hundred dollars by James Boyd ( a step-son of the deceased i and Mrs. Clarke decedent’s wife) —$100 respectively,—as a compensation for taking the life of his master, and that he committed the murder ias stated last week accordingly. The Tampa Peninsular savs Boyd and Mrs. Clarke are now in charge of the people, closely guarded ; and, it is to be hoped, evidence will be found sufficient to convict them by law as accessories; the conviction of their guilt, with the people is already a fixed fact. IM~ Watts—Conversions. -The Hon. Thos. H. Watts seems to be doing his party immense good wher ever he goes. He has driven four families in Au tauga county from the support of disunion, and has made over a hundred good union men in the county of Butler. The Breckinridge orators seem to be a little afraid of him. Ask his friends what happened at Greenville tne other day, when Col. Sanford attempted to tear unionism into splinters? Don’t forget to do this. —Montgomery Confedera tion. The Executive Committees of the four political parties are closing up their business at W ashing ton City having ceased to issue auy more printed material. It is estimated that tbe aggregate num ber of documents circulated by them since the Presidential canvass is between six and seven millioßs. Nearly all of them were folded at the Capital. ’ la? hall Pox in Brooks Cocntt. —We are inform ed that the patients are all rapidly recovering, and that the nurses have been discharged. [ Thomaeville Rnterpriee, 31 sf. The First Railroad in Tirket.—A railway about thirty miles in length will shortly be opened from Smyrna to Turball, which is nearly due east ‘ of the former place. This work, the first of its kind in Turkey, was undertaken some years since by a number of Englishmen, but has experienced more than the usual share of delay arising from obstacles on the part of both the government and the people. It was expected to be completed early in the present month, and the Sultan and bis ministers were to attend the opening. Ccre fob Bchss. —The “Gazette Medicale” of France says that, by an accident, charcoal has been discovered to be a cure for burns. By laying a piece of cold charcoal upon a born, the pain sub sides immediately. By leaving the charcoal on one hour, the wound is healed, as has been demon strated on several occasions. The remedy is cheap and simple, and certainly deserves a trial. Young America. — The following delicate speci men of juvenile bravado is too good to be lost: One night Freddy had been put to bed, and mother and Johnny were in an adjoining room. Presently Johnny cut up some caper, on which l|is mother threatened to “ take him into the other room and whip him.” “ Mother,” said Freddy’s voice under the bed clothes, “ I know where I’d take him.” “ Where t” said the mother, whose curiosity iraa exciited. “ I’d take him under the left ear! ;Cl)rouidc <Bs BY TELEGRAPH. LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER BOHEMIAN. Farther Poixt, Nov. 1. —The steamship Bohe mian, which left Liverpool on the 13th inst., pass ed this point this morning, en route for Quebec. * . Commercial News. Liverpool Cotton* Market. —The sales of Cot ton for the week were 78,000 bales. The market was buoyant, and an advance of is reported on all qualities, caused by the steamer’s news from America. Liverpool General Markets.— Breadsuffs were buoyant and advancing. Provisions were steady. London Monet Market. —Consols were quoted at <&%. _ COMMERCIAL. Augusta Market. Thursday, 1 P. M. COTTON—The market s inactive today, but few sales be. tag reported. No change to note in prices. MONTGOMERY, Oct. “o.—[Mail.!— Cotton —The Cotton market opened quiet the first of last week : Middling* nomi nally 10c. The same dull and languid state prevailed until Thursday, when a better demand “sprang up for the better grades. Middlings selling freely at 10c. The market continued lively the balance of the week. Yesterday the market opened With a good deal of animation, and about 1200 bales changed hands at full prices. This morning the upward tendenev in prices were checked, owing to advance in freight. The receipts of the past week • are 43t>j bales, against 78?1 corresponding week last year. The total teceipts of the season 27.379 bales, against 39,374 same time last year, a decrease of 12,495 bales. Stock on hand Oct. 29th. 1960 22.561 Stock same time last year 30 31*3 M e quote Middlings 10, strict Middlings'idM®lojjc.’ There is very little Cotton in market classing above Strict Middlings. The quality of this crop is the poorest we have had for years. SA V ANXAH, Oct. 31 .—[RepublicanColton—The demand was Banted to-day, and sales foot 734 bales. Holders are firm in their prices, but buyers are not paying former quotations so willingly. \\ e continue our quotations, however, as follows: Middlings IRS—Strict Middlings ; Good Midiiinga : Middling Fair 11 V@—c. Jr reights —There is a sort of nominal holding out for Wd on cotton to Liverpool, but we hear of engagements at 7-lOd being made. To Boston, a vessel was taken up at 9-16 c for cotton yesterday, and another to-day on private terms To New York by steam Xc, by sab 7 16c. BELL & E VERETT ! Election Tickets. We are prepared to furnish Tick ets for the Presidential Election in any quantity, at Three Dollars per thousand. The cash must accompa ny the order in all cases. I| is im portant that the counties should all oe supplied early, and we hope com mittees and clubs will look lo this in time to save trouble. Persons ordering will please state whether their packages are to be sent by mail or Express—if by mail, six cents additional must accompany the order, to pay postage. ORNAM &NTAL Hair Work. H. A. BAROUCU, QAI7 BROAD STREET, under the Planters’ Hotel, O” i offers his services to the citizens of Augusta, in the manufacture of ORNAMENTAL HAIR WORK -A-ISTID JEWELRY. Any patterns or design made to order, in the neatest style of the art. Call and examine specimens. ALSO, WATCHES, JEWELRY & CLOCKS, Carefully Repaired and Warranted. AU orders faithfully and promptly executed, and on moderate terms. octll-dSm Tmilledgeville railroadT Omci or THE MILLEDGEVILI.E RAIBOAD C 0.,) September 3, 1860. ) AT a meeting of the Board of Directors this day held, the following Resolutions were passed by the Boanl: Re foiled. That the Chief Engineer be instructed to employ such additional assistance as may be necessary to finish the lo cation of the line of Road by the first of November next, to be let by Sections after advertisement, so soon as each Section has been reported to tbe Board. Reeotvcd, That the President be authorized to make a call upon the Stockholders of the Milledgeville Railroad CompOn* for payment of the following Instalments upon their Stock, in addition to the 6 per cent, required at the time of subscription, to wit: Five per cent, on the 10th of October, 1860. cept. “ 10th of November, 1860. Five “ “ 10th of December, 1860. Five “ ** 10th of January. 1861. True extract from the Minutes of the Board. W. MILO OLIN, Sec’y and Treas. In Pursuance of the 9$ Resolution above, the Stockholders o the Milledgeville Railroad Company are requested to pav the Instalments as set forth in said Resolution, at the office of said Company in Augusta. S. D. HEARD, President. Augusta. Sept. 4. 1860. sei.s-t.lalO LIME! LIME! 2000 bbls. Prime New ROCKLAND LIME, IN STORE AND ARRIVING PROM MANUFACTORIES DIRECT FOR SALE LOW BY R. J .BO WE & CO. oct6-lm GLOAMING NURSERY, CLARKSVILLE, GA. 1860.’ VIX ES of the most desirable varieties of Grapes, which will be disposed of on liberal terms to customers. Our stock of AP PLE and PEACH TREES is of of unusual excellence and variety. Catalogues of varieties and prices will be sent to all appli cants gratis. [oct-50-dA wim *] J. VAX BUREN. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. 6ffick of the Geobgia Westers Railroad Cos,) ATLANTA, Oct. 4. 1860, { SEALED PROPOSAL*! will be received at this office un til the let day of Decemtier nest, for executing tne Grading an>! Masonry on fifty miles of the Georgia Western Railroad, commencing at Atlanta and extending into Haralson countv. Profiles and plans, with approximate estimates of quantities, will be exhibited at this office on and after the 15th ot Novem ber. Payments made monthly, in cash. The work is in a salubrious and healthy locality, and pro sents superior advantages to contractors in obtaining supplies By order of the Board of Directors. L. P. GRANT, octT-dtDl Chief Engineer. SCHNEIDER’S Restaurant RE-OPENED! Where all the Good Things OF THE SEASON WILL BE KEPT CONSTANTLY OJST I&X A2STD l •epSl AUGUSTA, GA, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2, 1860. METROPOLITAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, New York. CAPITAL $300,000. cash surplus 100,000. Is prepared to take risks on ail Insurable Property In the city of Augusta, and throughout the State of Georgia, at fair Riled. Gen. JAMES LGRIMEK GRAHAM, Pres t. EDWARD A. STAXSBURY, Ser’v. J. C. DAWSON, Agent, sepfi-ly X 0.2 Warren Block, Augasta. INCORPORATED 1819. Charter Perpetual. JETM INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL $1,500,00-.. SU R PLUS 500,000. ASSETS 2,184,000. This Company is well known in this city, and throughout the Union, as the leading Fire Insurance Company. It has earned a reputation for prompt attention to business, and an honorable, liberal and equitable performance of its obligations, unequalled by any other Company. B. H. BRODNAX, Agent, for Augusta and vicinity, iyiTi-dly opposite Bridge Bank Building. MARKET FIRE INSURANCE COMPINY, NEW-YORK. Capital §200,000, k Large Surplus. INSURES ON MERCHANDISE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, BUILDINGS, and the BETTER CLASS OF RISKS GESE RALLY, on the most Favorable Terms. The Company is now doing business on the “ PARTICIPATION PLAN,” by which SEVENTY-FIVE PER CENT of the net Profits is divided annually (in Scrip bearing: interest) to the parties in sured. and the Fund represented by the Scrip is securely in vested and held by the Company as a guaranty for its policy, thereby greotly increasing thesecuritv. and diminishing the expense of Insurance, without any liability whatever on the part of the assured. Fir t Division of Profits, July, 1860. THIRTY-THREE-AXD-A-THIKD PEP. CENT in Scrip on the Premiums on Policies written with the Participation Provision, ami marked ofi during the year ended June •?*>. ASHER TAYLOR, President. J. E. MARSHALL, Agent. oct 4-dlm _ 0 CARP&Tnv'G, FLOOR CLOTHS ! CARPETING, CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST, CAN BE FOUND AT J. & A. J. SETZE’S. ALSO, CLOAKS! CLOAKS! STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, OF ALL Styles and Patterns. A AIOS COMPLETE STOCK OIST ZEI .A. ZEST id AND RECEIVING WEEKLY, Which will be Soid at a SMALL ADVANCE! We will Show our Goods to one and all, deeming it no trouble —rather a pleasure—to display them. J. & A. J. SETZE. oct27-dt f RICH Fall Dry Goods! CRAY & TURLEY, RESPECTFULLY INFORM THE PUBLIC, THAT THEY ARE NOAV RECEIVING A VERY LARGE And Elegant Htoelu OF FALL DRY GOODS, Ameng which will be Fonud : Very Elegant Colored SILKS, entirely new; Rich Fousard SILK', very cheap : Rich Brocade and Plain Black SILKS ; Very Rich White SILKS, for Evening or Bridal Dresses; Rich Chene SILKS, entirely new styles: Rich Paris Printed MERINOS and DELAINES ; Lupin's Best MERINOS, in very handsome colors ; Rich Brocade and Plain POPLINS ; , 1 Very Fine French DEBASES, in small figures; Low Priced Muslin DELAINES, great variety ; Lupin's Bern; BOMBAZINES, extremelv cheap ; BOMBAZINE X*E TE. a New and Beautiful article for Deep Mourning; Black Ali Wool DELAINES, fine quality ; Fine Black ALPACA, very cheap; French, English and American PRINTS ; Black and Colored GINGHAMS : Bleached and Brown HOMESPUNS ; Linen and Cotton SHEETINGS and PILLOW GOODS ; TOWELING, in great variety, very cheap ; Fine AII Wool and Silk Warp FLANNELS ; Very Heavy All Wool Red FLANNELS, cheap • HOSIERY, in great variety, for Ladies, Gents, Mieses and Youths; PLANTATION GOODS, Good and Cheap ; WITH A GREAT YARIETY OF OTHER ARTICLES, TO WHICH WE WOULD Bespertfally invite the Attention OF THE PUBLIC. Gray & Turley. octT W HYDRAULIC CEMENT! 1000 bbls. Prime New ROSENDALE HYDRAULIC CEHEVT, FOR SALE LOW BY R. J. BOWE & CO. WAREHOUSES. j I ~ PHWiZY & claytonT~ ! WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERC H-AiSTTS, j Corner of Reynolds and Campbell Streets, Augusta, Geo. HAVING made extensive additions to our Warehous during the summer, it s now one of the most commodiou in the Southern country. We are better prepared than ever so the transaction of the Commission Business in every depart ment. On all consignments of Produce from our customers, heir interest will be faithfully regarded. F. PHIXIZY. E. P. CLAYTON. Augusta, Sept. 1, 1960. sepfi-ti&wgm ’ M. P. STOVALL, Warehouse & Commission Merchant, AUGUSTA, GA., CtOYTIXI E*. the business in all its branches, in his large / and commodious Fire-Proof Warehouse, on Jackson street, near the Globe Hotel. Order* for Plantation and Family Supplies promptly and carefully filled. The uimai CASH facilities afforded customers. nu2l-dAw6m DOUGHTY, BEALL&COT COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GEO, CIONTI.VUEB business at their old stand (Fire-Proof Build / ings.)on Jackson Street, and renew the tender oftheir ser v:<*s to their old friend* and customers. Advances as heretofore. E. AV. DOUGHTY, W. A. BEALL, ’ C. W. DOUGHTY. Augusta, Augusta. August 20.1860. au22-dJv-*w6m P. 0. MORROW, Warrhouse and Commission MERCHANT, At the Fire-Proof Warehouseof Phtnisy Jr Clayton, AUGUSTA, GA., Office on the Corner us Reynolds cf* Carnvbtll Sts., TP STAIRS, “\Y r ILL devote his personal attention to the sale and storage it of Cotton, and ail other Produce. Orders for Family and Plantation Supplies, Siied at the low est market price*. Cash Advances made on Produce in store. Charges cus tomary. Augusta. Ga.. August. 1860, auls-dAw6m ANTOINE POTJLLAIN, COTTON FACTOR, Warehouse Jackson Street, AUGUSTA, GEO. THE usual Cash facilities required, will be extended to my friends and customers, and the sale of all Cotton consigned to me shall have my personal attention. au?-d&w6m “HEARD & SIMPSON, Warehouse and Commission MERCHAN TS, AUGUSTA, GA. IVE will continue the Warehouse and Commission Busl- V V ness, at our old stand, where we solicit a continuance of the patronage of our old friends and the public generailv. aus-dww6m HEARD k SIMPSON. HARPER G BRYSON, WAREHOUSE.AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE, AUGUSTA, GEO. WLei e his persona! attention will be given to the Storage and Sale of Cotton and other Produce. Orders for Family Supplies promptly attended to. Cash advanced on Produce in Store. Sale* Koom and Office on Reynold, between Jackson and Mclntosh streets. au2-dl4w3m J. C. DAWSON, Warehouse & Commission Merchant, | NO. 2 WARKEN BLOCK. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Jy23-6m ‘ IIEARD& CLARKE, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE. ON REYNOLD STREET, {Near South Caroline Railroad Depot,) AUGUSTA, 0-^-3 W ,LL devote their personal attention to the Sale and 1 Storage of Cotton and ali other Pro uee ; also, to re ceiving and forwarding Goods. Orders for Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies promptly at tended to. *- Liberal Cash Advances made at all times on Produce in store. ISAAC T. HEARD. iy-M-d&wtf HENRY E.CLARKE, JAMES A. JONES, i Warehouse & Commission Merchant, no. 0 Mclntosh street, AUGUSTA, C3--A.., \U | f,I, cor'* uethe Commission business in all its branches. m Personal attention giveutothesaie and storage of COT TON, and all other produce consigned to him. Thankful for the liberal patronage of his friends in torraef years, he would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same, and that of the public generally. Orders for Bagging. Rope andFamily Supplies, carefully fill ed at the lowest market price. Liberal cash advances made on Produce in store. ’ J. A. JONES. Augusta. July 4. 1860. iy6-diw6m D’Antigiiac,. Evans & Cos., WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, aVgUSTA, GA. \V*E continue the above business at our commodious Ware- Tv house on Reynold slre-et, near the United States HoteL where we niav always be found to attend to the inteiest of our customers. Orden> for Plantation and Family Supplies promptly filled, and all the usual facilities granted to our friends. Cash Advances made on produce in store. WM. M. D'ANTIGNAC, GEO. W. EVANS, jyS2-dAw6m WM. E. EVANS. ( GARDINER & MOORE, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION (Warehouse formerly occupied by Simpson A Gardiner,) MoENTOSH STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., WILL give their personal attention to the selling of Cotton, or such other produce as may be sent to them by their Mends and the planting public. Orders for Bagging. Rope, and Family Supplies, filled to the beat advantage. Cash Advances made upon Produce In Store, when required. james r. gardiner! formerly Simpson & Gardiner. yS-6m ST.JOHN MOORE, W. 31. & A. A. BEALL, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. WB will continue the Warehouse and Commission Busi ness at the same stand, in Metcalfs Fire-prool Ware house, (on Reynolds’, between Jackson and Mclntosh streets, Metcalfs Range.) in the centre of the city and convenient to the Hotels. Being amply provided with good and safe storage for Cotton. Grain, and Produce generally, we respectfully solicit a contin uance of the patronage heretofore so liberally extended, and that of the public generally, pledging the strictest personal at tention to all business entrusted to our care. AU consignments to B. A 8., will have our prompt attention. The usual Cash Advances made on Produce u Store. for Bagging, Rope and FamUy^^ppUes^|_romi>tly * A. AJ BXALL. Augusta, Ga., July 9,1860. JylW3Aw6m SITUATION WANTED. Amm SOUTHERN YOUNG MAY, a Graduate of the Philadelphia Medical College, who has paid particular attention to tne Drug buMneaa, is desirous of obtaining, at this time, employment in that line. U ndoubted testimonials can be given. Apply to the Editor rtf the Chronicle A SentineL j PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WILLIAM H. WHEELER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUGUSTA, GEO., OFFICE CORNER BROAD k WASHINGTON STREETS, IS COMMISSIONER FOR New York, Connecticut, Mississippi, Rhode Island, Florida, Tennessee, Vermont, Alabama. oct7-d6m EDWIN H. POWERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, AUGUSTA, GA. ALL iiU-sinesß coining within the pale of his profession, en trusted to his care, will be discharged with fidelity. Of fice over No. 4 Warren Block. aug4-dAwly THOMAS W. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUGUSTA, GA. VUILL practice in the counties of Richmond, Burke and V T Columbia, and may be found for the present at the office of M. H, Talbot, Esq., nearly opposite the United States Hotel. Same entrance as to the office of the late firm of Millers <fc Jackson. feb26-ly WRIGHT A GIBSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AUGUSTA, GA. VI T ILL practice in all the counties of the Middle Circuit, Vs and Warren and Lincoln of the Northern. Office on Broad street, in LaFavette Hall building. A. R. WRIGHT. WM. GIBSON. febll-diwly JNO. P. C. WHITJ2HEAD, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE over Fouliain, Jennings A Co.’s new Warehouse, Jackson Street. oc!4 ” JOHN MILLEDGE, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILL practice in the counties of the Middle Circuit. Office No. 3 Warren Block. octlO F. L. R. THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LAFAYETTE, GA. THEODOR* C. COST!, ISAAC L. TOOLE. CONE & TOOLE. ATTORNEYS A.T X.AA'W AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, Office Fird Door below the Mechanics? Bank, Augusta, Ga. I HAVE associated with me in the Practice of Law, ISAAC L. TOOLE. Esq. JV'e will practice in the following coun j ties: Columbia, Washington. EmanueL Striven, Burke, Rich mond, Jefferson and Warren ; in the Supreme Court of Geor gia, in the U. S. Court for the District of Georgia, and by special contracts in South Carolina. All business entrusted to us will be falthfulrir and punctually discharged. N. B. I will regularly attend the'Courts mentioned above. jec-dAwtf THEODORE C. CONE. FRANK H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUGUSTA, GA. \V ILL practice in all the countiesot the Middle Circuit, and 1 1 in the Circuit Court of the United States. COJIJIISSIONER FOR New York, North Carolina, Illinois, Massachusetts, South Carolina, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio. Virginia, Mississippi, California. Office in the rear room over Sherman, Jessup A Co.'s Store, opposite the United States Hotel. feb26-dAwljr REMOVAL. FRANK H. MILLER, Attorney at Law, has removed his office to the front room over Conley, Force A Co.’s Store, opposite the Insurance Bank. oettMMcwlm. JACKSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, AUGUSTA, GA. \\ r ILL Practice in Richmond, Columbia, and Burke Coun States for the Districts of Georgia. Commissioner for the States of Alabama, Tennessee ana Texas. Office over the store of Sherman, Jessup Sc Cos., next above the City Bank. feb36-dAwly LOFTON & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LEXINGTON, GA. WILL practice in the Counties of Oglethorpe, Madison, ft liar', Elbert, Lincoln, Wilkes, Taliaferro, Warren, Han cock and Glasscoej. . JOHN T. LOFTON. WM. H. SMITH, febil-diwly* JOHN WHIT THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, cuthbebt, ga., TV ILL practice in the counties of Randolph, Stewart, Quit s f man. Clay, Early, Terrell and Calhoun. Collections and Land Claims promptly attended to. my2s T. WALKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATHENS, GA. WILL practice in the counties of Jackson, Clark, Walton, 11 Gwinnett, Halt, Rabun, White, Habersham, Franklin and Banks, of the Western Circuit. janls’6o-ly JONES, RODGERS & ROBERTS, ATTORNEY3 AT LAW. rrtHE firm of Berrien, Jones A Oo_ having been dissolved by X the death of Mr. Berrien, the undersigned will practice In Copartnership, except in Criminal Practice, in the Courts of the Middle District, in the Supreme Court, and in the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Georgia. OFFICE IN WAYNESBORO*, BURKE CO., GA. MJLLDOLX D. JONES, AI.PUEC3 St. RODGERS, WILLIAM R. ROBERTS. JeST-dAwiy DENTAL CARD. T. XX- BEVENS. OFFICE on Broad Street, over Messrs. D’Antignac A Weems, opposite Messrs. Bones * Brown's. Cal! ana see specimens of work—especially the Continuous Gum —they are perfectly beautiful, ana all that could be desired in a Plate. eepJO-dAwly j Jacob’s Lime. I A NEW AND PRIME ARTICLE OF XbX-A-IXTE LXIS/EE, FOR SALE BY R. J. BOWE & CO. octd lm TWO DIFFICULTIES OUT OF THE WAY! TIN k sheetTrlFworks. MUSTEK & DERRY Hv\ K the pleasure of advising their customers and the | public, that thev hare completed amusements to obviate two objection* that hare operated agnir.st their receiving so fall a share of patronage as they might otherwise have done. The first, that of teing too far down town ; the second, that of having a fully competent and practical man at the head of our mechanical department. The first has been cancelled, by our fitting up at No. 52 Jackson street, opposite the warehouse of M. K Stovall, and near the Bell Tower, a large and convenient Workshop. The second, by securing the services of Mr. E. E. SCOFIELD, who will have charge of the mechanical depart ment of the business. We are thus prepared, from the central position of our Shop on Jackson street, and the one in the rear of our Store on Broad street, to accommodate both up and downtown. We have a large additional force of workmen, and shall be prepared to execute any style of work known in our line, with promptness, and at moderate prices. We most respectfully solicit a sh.ire of public patronage. BUCKMASTER A DERRY. X. B.—We are not ambitious of occupying a “ leading posi tion” in the trade of this city, and do not propose to pnt forth an v “ new effort.” or trick of legerdemain to gain it, or to oust others from it, but shall try the old-fashioners way of getting a living by doing good work, at as cheap a rate as we can afford it; and though we can't claim much practical knowledge of the business in behalf of oar “sealer,” we do think we have the right to claim with emphasis in behalf of our junior—he having had 3S years of constant practical experience—26 of them in this city, and not subject to a discount of 11 years spent in the cotton market. We are not disposed to boast of our “facilities” to get goods so cheap as to make it impossible to be “under sold fyet we feelvery sure that if others sell cheaper, it will hardly be “possible” that they will receive “ fiur remunerative prices.” As “ hope springs eternal In the human breast,” and as we are also stimulated by the lines learned in our school days. Tall oaks from little acorns grow,” 4c., 4c., we shall indulge the hope that at some future day we may approximate so near “ a leading position” in the trade of our city as to make it a questions* entirely “ beyond controversy” whether it shall be retained aad monopolised by those who so confident ly appropriate its exclusive occupancy to themselves. We trust our friends will pardon us for entertaining such ambitious bopw, PCUWtf BELTING! LEATHERg BELTING, V” BEST QUALITY, ALL WIDTHS, 1 to 18 Indies, With Underwood’s Patent RIVET FASTENINGS. RUBBER BELTIBG, ALL WIDTHS, SUPERIOR QUALITY, ALWAYS ON HAND, AT SHERMAN, JESSUP & CO.’S, 225 BROAD-STREET, AUGUSTA, GEO. 9ep29-d3m CALCINED PLASTER 300 bblgs. prime new FINE AND SUPERFINE CALCINED PLST ER, FOR SALE BY H. J. It OWE & CO. oct film WTH. SALISBURY & CO., DEALERS IN STOVES, CRATES, K, A.2STO-KS, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, &c., Ges Fixtures, METALIC: ROOFIXG, GAS FITTING AND PLUMBING, FORCE AND LIFTING PUMPS, DEEP WELL PUMPS, (for ant depth well to one hundred feet, Which we guarantee to give entire satisfaction!) Lead, Block Tin, and Ga’vaniaed Iron, Pipe, &c.; Tin Plate, Sheet Lead, Copper, and Sheet Iron. By arrangements lately made, we are the SOLE AGENTS for the sale of GHIL SON’S ELEVATED DOUBLE OVEN RANGE, The most economical and quick operating Range ever invented. Housekeepers and others are invited to examine this Range before purchasing. Its real advantages cannot be detailed ; but <uSßce it to say, that for quick, even and beautiful Baking, and moderate consumption_of Fuel, it must supercede every other similar apparatus. These Ranges can be fitted with Water Backs, and fixtures for heating additional rooms ; and are sold just as low as any good Cooking Stove. We are also Agents for CBILSON’S PATENT FURNACE, FOR HEATING Dwellings, Churches, hotels, And other public buildings. This apparatus, having been sub jected to the vjf st rigid teat by the first Scientific men of the age, has been pronounced incapable of farther improvement. We are also Agents for the sale of the WEST CASTLEBORO’ m Imitation Marble Slate MANTLES. • The imitation is so perfect as to challenge the closest scrutiny. They retain their polish longerthan Marbie.and, in appearance, are much superior. They cannot be injured by smoke, coal gas, or acid; and are sold at a great deal less price than Marble of the same style. By prompt and close application to cur business, we hope to merit the patron ige of our friendsand the public generally, octlfi-alm Ml! HAY! HAY! HAY! WE HAVE MADE EXTENSIVE ARRANGEMENTS FOR A FULL SUPPLY OF PRIME EASTERN AND NORTHERN H A. Y, THE COMING SEASON. HAVING MADE OUR PURCHASES From the JPx*oclneer, WE CAN SELL AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN THE CITY. WE HAVE NOW ARRIVING, .A. flood Stock."of PRIME EASTERN, 3STEW CEOF. R. J. BO WE & CO. octfi-lm NOW IN STORE AND OFFERING AT SMALL PROFITS! 5 bbls. KEROSINE OIL ; 10 bbls. CASTOR OIL 200 ounces QUININE ; 100 boxes PEARL STARCH ; 50 kegsßlCarb. SODA; ) casks SAL SODA; 5 bbls. Maceaboy SNUFF, (bulk J J. bbl. NUTMEGS; 10 bids. EPSOM SALTS ; Ac, 4c„ With all the LEADING ARTICLES in our line, and daily accessions to the same. B. F. TUTT, Druggist, octi-dAwlm 180 Broad Street. VOL. XXIV. NO. 259 W. J. HAMILL. Wholesale Dealer in FLOUR. CORN MEAL, HILL FEED, CORN, OATS, HAY, STRAW, &C. NO. SO S. FREDERICK STREET, BALTIMORE. jyld-dCm THOMAS WOOD & CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS 81 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK, siTWIvISv 1 *? iU<>t to PURCHASES of PROV. oIUN©, CORN,4c- Ac., on Commission. Refere^— FLEMING A ROWLAND, AugnaU, Ga DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHiI*. f|f HE partnership heretofore existing between the uLder- A. signed undex the firm of JAM L.-’ D. LEHMEK A Ou is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Either party is au thorized to use the name of the firm in settling the bnrineta. JAS. D. LEHMER, rufus a. Jones Cincinnati, July 2d 1360. Kerrs A. Jokes, r Os. ate firm of J. D. Lehmer A Cos, ~ a . _ James F. Cchhixos ) Oneral Partners. l ate of Tennessee-. ( J as. l>. Lehmer, Special Partner. CUMMINGS & JONES, * (Successors to -Jos. D. Lehmer <t C 0.,) General Commission & Forwarding I MERCHANTS, Nos. 81 and S3 West Second Street, CINCINNATI, O. a 8 successors to the long established firm of Jas. D. Lehme: jiX A Cos, we beg leave to call attention to the above card and respectfully offer our services as GENERAL COMMIS SION MERCHANTS, fortiie purchase and sate of all kinds <>t Produce and Manufactures, more especially Provisions and Flour. Having ample cash means and faculties for conducting a Com njssic-n Business in all its various branches, we hope, by stria attention to oar duties, to receive r liberal share of patronage. CUMMINGS AJONES. Cincinnati, July 3d, 1860. HA VING impaired my health by constant application to business for the past fifteen years, I have found It neces sary to transfer the active management to others. In doing so. I can. with great confidence, recommend my successors. Messrs. CUMMINGS & JONES, to my friends and natrons. J. D. LEHMER. Cincinnati, July 2d, 1860. tW~ Refer to JoeUh Sibley A Sons, Augusta, Geo. jySS-dSm NED BUNTLINE’S NEW BOOKS. New-lork Mercury Stories. FULL Ol ILLUSTRATIONS. JUST publh-hed and for sale at retail or wholesale, at the cheap Book Store of FREDERIC A. BRADY, 24 Ann Street, New York. Price 25 cents each, or anv five tor on dollar, or the whole eleven for two dollars. 1 THE WHITE WIZARD: or. The Great Prophet of the Seminole Indians. By Ned Buctl-ne. Price 25c. SEA WAIF: or. The Terror of the Coast. A Tale of Pri vateering in 1776., By Ned BunUiue. Price 25c. SAUL SABBERDAY : or. The Idiot Spy. A Tale of ths Men and Deeds of 1776. By Ned Bsntiine. Price 25c. IV. ELFRIDA ; or. The Red Rover's Daughter. A New Mys tery of New York. By Ned BunUiue. Price Me. V. THE MAN-O’-WAR’S GRUDGE. A Romance of th Revolution. By Ned Buntline. Price 25c. VI. OUR MESS, or. The Pirate Hunters of the Gulf. A Tale of Naval Heroism and Wild Adventures in the Tropics. By Ned Buntline. Price 25c. vir. LUONA PRESCOTT ; or. The Curse Fulfilled. A Tale ot the American Revolution. By Neu Buntline. Price 25c. V ill. THAYENDANEGEA, THE SCOURGE : or. The War Eagle of the Mohawks. A Tale of Mj atery. Ruth and Wrong By Ned Butiine. Price 25c. IX STELLA DELORME: or. The Camanche’s Dream. A Wild and Fanciful Story of Savage Chivalry. By Ned Eunv line. Price 25c. X. THE RIFT AND THE SPRAY. A Tale of the Smug glers in .the English Channel. Beautifully Illustrated. Bv Malcolm J. Ermu. Price 25c. PAT tIA WAY : or. The Mountain Outlaws. A Tale ( tthe Northern Trapping Grounds. By Dr. J. H. Robinson. I‘rice 25c. Ail of the above Books are fall of beautiful Illustrative En gravings by Dariey. Booksellers, News Agents, and all others will please set .<1 on their orders at once. . Copies of any or all of the above works will be sent tree of postage, per mail, to any one, on receipt of price. Call or send, or address all orders to ’ FREDERIC A. BRADY, sep7-d3m 24 Ann Street, New York, TOMES, SON & MELFM, No. 6 Maiden Lane, NEW YORK, INVITE DEALERS IN GUNS, AND SPORTING ARTICLES, JKWELEBS, DRUGGISTS, STATIONERS, AND FANCY GOODS JOBBERS, TO EXAMINE THEIR STOCK OF GOODS, Consisting of GUNS, RIFLES and PISTOLB, of all de scriptions: ELEY’SCAPS, WADDING and CARTRIDGES POWDER FLASKS, Shot POUCHES, Dram FLASKS, Ac_ Ac.; PLATED WAKE and JEWELRY, both Foreign and Domestic; DRUGGISTS’ ARTICLES, vU: Lubta’s EX TRACTS; Lowe’s Brown Windsor and other SOAPS; Fine Shell and other Dressing COMBS; Hair, Tooth and Shaving BRUSHES ; Medicine CASES ; Tooth POWDER; Shaving CREAM, Ac„ Ac. STATIONERS’ ARTICLES; DESKS. INKSTANDS and CUTLERY, of all approved makers. Fine French and English FANCY GOODS, BRONZES. GILT ARTICLES; PORTEMONNAIKS: Leather TRAV ELING BAGS, Ac, Ac. BOLE AGENTS for WESTLEY RICHARD’S FOWLING PI EC ES; Eiey * celebrated Sporting AM M UNIT ION. Heiffbr’a •• Armjj” and “Mode!” RAZORS; Adam’s Revolving PISTOLS FANCY GOODS! FANCY GOODS! % - - CYRUS J. LAWRENCE, No. 29 Chambers Street, NEW-YORK, VNTholesale Dealer in SMALL WARES, OF ETERI DESCRIPTION, •Such a* COMBS, BRUSHES, BUTTONB, PINS, NEE DLES, THREADS, PORTMONAIEB, STATIONARY, PERFUMERY, JEWELRY. WATCHES, MUSICAL WARES. WOOD and WILLOW WARE 4c? Ac. SPECIALITIES. Lawrence's Groovefcee Perfect Eyed NEEDLES ; Lawrence’s Oriental COLOGN E : Lawrence’s SOUTHERN FAVORITE; Lawrence's GOLD PENS, warranted ; Lawrence's STEEL PENS, the Planters, and ethers; Lawrence’s LEAD PENCILS, all Myles ; Lawrence's Oanaburg SEWING THREAD—a superior quality, put up in large and small BaDa, and oa Spools. All Goods warranted as represented. Neat and convenient Catalogues, with blanks for memorials, supplied to purchasers on applies t,toe, decS-dAwly ON CONSIGNMENT, 50 hhda. choice BACON SIDES; 20 tierces choice HAMS; 20 tierces Sugar-Cured Canvassed SHOULDERS; 25 bbls. superior LEAF LARD; 1000 sacks Pennsylvania B’ack Seed OATS i 10 boxes low price TOBACCO. 8 hhds. CLEAR SIDES. For sale at tow rates by * J. C. DAWSON, septtf HO. S WaMMlSlMks