Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, November 07, 1860, Image 1

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c3ffttltt fClironidc r &? ‘ Sentinel. BY W. S. JONES. I CHRONICLE & SENTINEL. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, IIY W. S. JONES. TERMS. |j|pklLY PAPER — Published Morning and Even —Six Dollars per annum. WEEKLY PAPER—(A mammoth sheet) —Two ’ f Dollars per annum. ALWAYS IN ADVANCE, nates tor Advertising. . ‘i The following rites for ad vcrtising.in the CONSTITUTION AI.IST am! CHRONICLE ft SENTINEL have been estah iSflferi 1•• • 1 t,. OJID 1 AKY ADV EKTISEMENTS, published in the ..a.iy, iierliue, for the flrst insertion, and two and a naif •#**■ per line, for each subsequent insertion. All advertise "SWhts to lie counted as making live lines or more. K Ten Lines Daily one month ;...t5.00 ;M|, Five Lines Daily one month 8.00 tSfcpJECIAJ. NOTICES, Five Cents per line of solid Nonpareil, ltW’jttn f rat, and three cents for each subsequent insertion In ritsjjßy. All advertisements to be counted as making five lines or |K Ten Lines Daily one inontn $7.00 K five Lines Daily one month 4.00 ADVERTISEMENTS, Five Cents per line of Jolid Nonpareil, for each insertion in Daily. All advertlse taHMpS to be counted as five lines or more. jp Ten Linos [Lilly one month SIO.OO Hi Five Lines Daily one month 6.00 . Akdviu tiMiimnts continued for months, in either class, will be <jw(,ratal half the monthly rates, for each subsequent month, for si* months, and one-fourth for each succeeding month. eSMBIKKIAGES. DEATHS and FUNERAL NOTICES, Fif each. OBITUARIES, Ten Cents per line. Rates for Weekly Advertisements. JjfU UNARY ADVERTISEMENTS, published once a week, Fapady or Weekly, Seven and a half Cents per line, for each /fNHrtinn. SPECIAL NOTICES, Ten Cents per line, for the flrst lnser mm—Eight Cents per line for each sul*equent insertion. DISPLAYED ADVERTISEMENTS, Ten Cents per lin for each insertion. M EROHANTS and BUSINESS-MEN whose advertisements arßeliuiigfcLaojej.be allowed a discount es twenty-fiveper cent. ,TT,;.n‘hil r amount to Fifty Dollars, in si:£ inouths. If paid in ten Xuys JONES Proprietor Chronfcn*,v Sentinel. | JAMES GARDNER, v J Proprietor Constitutionalist: t HBHHIL I From our Evening Edition of yesterday. BY TELEGRAPH. LATER FROM EUROPE, ARRIVAL OF TIIE STEAMER PERSIA. Cape Race, Nov. s.—The steamship Persia was tKawded oft’ this point on Saturday night, at nine o clock by the news steam Yacht belonging to the-Associated Press. The Persia brings dates llfifei Liverpool to the 27th October. Commercial News. Hhve spool Cotton Market.— The sales of cotton for the week was 53,000 bales, of which specula tors and exporters took 6,000 and exporters 6,500 bales. The market was unchanged except for the !|pod staples, which were firm at fullprices. The Bales on hriday were 5,000 bales, of which specu lators and exporters tools 2,000 bales. The mar ket closing quiet. w General Markets.— At Liverpool, Breadstuff's Were quiet. Wheat had slightly declined. Pro visions were steady. London Money Market.—Consols were quoted at 92%@03 for money and account. I Latest— By telegraph to Queenstown , Sunday , Oct. 28.—Liverpool, Saturday, Oct. 27.—Sales of cotton 8,000 bales, of which speculators and ex porters took 2,000. The trade closed quiet and steady. Havre Market. —The cotton market is qniet, With sales during the week of 6,500 bales. Or igins Tres Ordinare 96 trancs, and Bas 88 francs. Ireadstaffs and Provisions were quiet. ’ oNDofc -Sj.vnDAi JJh fi.si.Nv*, Oct. 27.—Consols closed at 92%@92% for money and account. General Newt, An imperial decree raises the price of Tobacco in France. The Bullion in the Bank of England has de creased £149,000. Money was generally unchanged and there was less demand. It was reported that Austria had proposed a mediation with fi ance for a pacific solution of the Italian question. SECOND DISPATCH. The following were the authorized quotations : Fair Orleans 7>£d. Mid. Orleans B%d. “ Mobiles 1/id- “ Mobiles 9)^d. “ Uplands The stock of Cotton at Liverpool was 727,000 bales, of which 559,000 bales were American. Liverpool General Markets.— Flour steady; some circulars say that quotations were barely maintained. Wheat declined ld.@2d. sinee Tues day. Corn quiet; advance checked business. Sugar buoyant. Coffee quiet. Rice firm ; hold ers demand an advance. Rosin steady, at ss. 4d. @SB. 6d. Spirits of Turpentine firm at 335. 6d.@ 345. 6d. Tea firm and advancing. Smoke from Gas Lights.—lt is pretty general ly supposed that the smoking of ceilings is occa sioned by impurity in the gas; whereas, in this case, there is no connection between the deposi tion of soot and the quality of the gas. The evil arises either from the flame being raised so high that some of its forked points give out smoke, or more frequently from a careless mode of lighting. If, when lighting the lamps, the stop cqg’ opened suddenly, aud a burst of gas be pppitteu 4 * to escape before the match be applied-right it, then a strong puff’ follow*db” !fitting of each burner, and a cld of smoke rises to the ceiling. This, in manyhouses and shops, is repeated daily, and thunevitable consequence is a blacken ed ceiling, m some houses, the glasses are ta ken every day, and before they are tut bi again the match* la applied to the tip of the un.tr, and the stop-cofk cautiously opened, so tbai io more gas escaped than is sufficient to make a rinj of blue flame; th# glasses being then put on qu.‘e straight, the stoj-cocks are gently turned, until tie flames stand out at three inches high.— When his mode bf management is pursued, few chimneyglasses will be broken, ana the ceilings will not le blackened for years. “Let Lek Rip.”—Capi Kilmer, of the ship Othello, tdls a goo i stcHkof the time when he was going to California with a gentleman crew, at the time (f the gold fivifr. It appears that his crew was eouposed mostly,of students from some college in theintermr of NeW York- all intelligent young meD, aid of wealthy fanrilie.-, and treated very kindly ,y the captain and his officers. While olYCapeaor >, on herpassag s out, the ship encountered avert heavy gale, accompanied by hail and snow ; aid after’lyigg to h r many hours under but close-iecfi and maia top sail, it ‘became necessary to take m even that sail. All the “bovs” were safely stowe below in the forecastle, when the mate went forvKird and sung out, “Come on deck, all of you, au lfu 1 this main-topsoil.” Sur prised, after the lapj*> of a few minutes, in not seeing the crew conn up, the mate again went forward and said, “If you don’t come on deck soon the topsail will blow away.” “All right, Mr. Sherman,” wr-t the reply, “please tell the Captain that we have concluded to let the topsail blow away, and we’ll pay for it.” The Battle op Lake Erie. —Bancroft is writing for the New York Ledger an account of “Oliver Hazard Ferry and the Battle of Lake Erie.” The number for this week recounts the events of the contest previous to Perry’s leaving the Lawrence, when “the shrieks of the wounded and the crash ( ‘•gif timbers shattered by cannon balls, were stiJJ he&c4; bpt its own fire grew ftfnter anTTlaiut er • one gun after another was dismounted. Death had the mastery; the carnage was un oaralleled in naval warfare; more than four-fifths of the effective officers and men on hoard were killed or disabled by wounds; the deck, in spite of the layer of sand, was slippery with blood, which ran down the sides of the ship: the wound ed and the dead lay thickly strewn everywhere around. To fire the last gun, Perry himself as sisted. At last every gun in the ship’s battery on the enemy’s side was dismounted, every brace and bow line was shot away ; the vessel became un manageable, in spite of the zeal of the commander and the great exertions of the Sailing Master. And still Terry did not despair, but had an eye which could look throughjthe cloud.” A Garrulous and Witty Woman.— A very lo quacious lady offered to bet her husband SSO that she would not speak a word for a week. “Done,” cried the delighted husband, instantly tabling the money, which the lady as soon grabbed and put in her pocket, observing very navely that she would secure it until the bet was decided. “Why l ” Md the husband, “I have won it al ready ” and required her to fork over. “Not at Wll ’’said the lady, “you are mistaken in the time V-i mean the week after I am buried.” The lady Vent a “shopping” that same afternoon. COMMERCIAL. Augusta Market. Tnamxv, 1 P. M. COTTON.—The market continues dull and depressed. There is no change to note in NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 2.—[Prices Current.]— Cotton — Arrived sincct the 30th ult., of Louisiana and Mississippi2B,32l bales, Tennessee and North Alabama 762-2, Arkansas 1998, Mobile 1769, Florida 168. Texas 810 ; together, 40,183 bales. Total re ceipts of the week 70,267 hales. Cleared since the 30th ult, for Liverpool 24,049 bales, Fleetwood 3440, Havre 6996, Barcelona 1206, Vera Crux 366, Bremen 3966, New York 422; together, 39,444 bales. Total exports of the week 70,145 bales. Stock In gresots and on shipboard not cleared on the 2d inst., 244,721 ales. I Wednesday the market opened with a fair demand, and al though factors were rather stringent the sales comprised about 12,000 bales, mostly at steady prices. Thursday the demand was less active, and the market exhibited but little movement, tlie business not exceeding 7500 bales, while at the same time, under the depressing influences of a tight money market and difficulty in negotiating exchange, the advantage, if any, was on the side of the buyer. Yesterday there appeared to be more disposition among factors to realize, even at some concessions, but the demand was interrupted not so much from any indispo sition on the part of buyers to operate, as on account of the still more formidable and increasing obstacles in the way of passing exchange. The sales only amounted to sOOO bales, aud tne mar ket closed at irregular rates, though under alt the circumstances we do not feel warranted In making any change In our previous quotations. The demand has throughout, been of a tolerably general character asregards qualities, and the business of the three days amounts to 23,500 bales, making a total for the week of 52,500 bales. Buyers for England, France, &c., and for the markets at the North, have all participated in the business, though those purchasing home account have been the most ac ive operators. NEW ORLEANS CLASSIFICATION. (Assimilated to that of Liverpool.) Ordinary 7X ® Bj* Good Ordinary 9)* @ 10 Low Middling., lo>s @ 10 % Middling \\% ® 11J£ Good Middling 12)4 @ 12 W Middling Fair @ Note.—lt should be borne in mind that the classification to which our quotations are intended to apply, is an assimilation to that of Liverpool, and for Cotton free from dust and sand. The classifications of France, the Continental ports, Spain, the North, &c., call for higher grades, and these command prices an cent above our outside figures. STATEMENT OF COTTON. Stock an hand Sept. 1, 1860 bales. 78,984 Arrived past three days 40,183 Arrived previously 878,143 418,829 492,260 Exported past t hree days 39,444 Exported previously. 208,095 247,539 Stock on hand and on shipboard 214,721 Sugar—Louis ana— ln our semi-weekly report we noticed lliales of about 1010 hhds during the first three days of the week lit lower prices, glowing a decline of )4@lc from the ruling Yates at the close of last week. Since then the receipts have 1-ontinued fair, aid holders have been compelled to submit to submit to furtbei concessions, to the extent of about - nferior cully Fair 6'4®''A ; Prime to Choice k'Jfi cents. TMiJlasscs— With more liberal receipts and a moderate demand he decline of ata.ut 2c in the early part of the week, noticed in >ur semi-weekly review, has been followed by a further falling off of 3®4e V gallon. We now quote for Inflrior and Ordinary t(i@34, Prime to Choice 35@39 in bbls, and half-bbla 39@40c. vVealso notice some sales of half-bblsat prices ranging from 39 ®43><c, the ruling rates yesterday being 39®40c. Coffee— There has been a good demand for Coffee during the cast week. We quote for Ordinary 12*4®13, Low Fair to Fair 13%®14, Good Fair to Prime at 14X@14Sfc fr. A cargo of 4200 bags lias arrived from Rio de .Janeiro direct, making Uie imports since the Ist Sept. 45,996 bags again it 45,568 to the one date last year. Exchange.-Abe Exchange market lias been characterized by icreased heaviness since our report of last Wednesday morn ig. For sterling clear bills the range is now from 6;4®7J4 per cut premium, any transact ions, above the outside rate being of n exception!*] diameter. Bills with shipping documents at iclied are dqwn to 55f®6Y, a majority of the sales being at 6® K per cent luvraiuin. Francs are difficult of tale, and the niar et is also a little lower. We give the range at 5f.23jk®6f.32)<:, le former rate for small amount, direct on Paris, ‘nine draft's n the North are now quite heavy of sale at 2@2¥ per cent dis tunt for 60 day bills on New York, Boston, &c, For sight hecks the Bank rat s are >6® K per cent discount, and out-doo s le range is generally from per cent discount, with less etlvlty in the demand than previously. Freights. There hasnor. been much business shown in the luronean Freight market since our review of last Wednesday mi ning in the way of engagements to Liverpool and Havre, ‘here is still a kind of stand-off between shippers and masters f vessels. The latter are not willing to take less than 9-l Gd. for ‘ofton to Liverpool and 1)6 cent tollavie, for consignment, chile the former refuse to come freely up to these terms. The lltingAip rate are 17-82d. to Liverpool and 11-16 cent. We no tice two Amerieau ships taken for Liverpool at 9-16d. and two ireincn ships for the same port at 17-32(1. A ship for Havie at. % and one for Genoa at IS4 cent. Coastwise, there is very Tit le freight going to New York, but for Boston there is conside able cotton offering- We notice two ships taken lor Boston a -16 cent for cotton. NASHVILLE, Nov. 3, P. M.—[American.]— Flour and Groin—The market, continues well supplied with Flour, but the demand is confined mostly to home consumers. We quote Supe tine at $6 ami Extra at $6.50 hbl, and in sacks at s3®3 25 ft 100 tbs. The demand for seed Wheat being prett y well sup plied, we hear of but little doing in the article, and quote prime Red and White at $1 25®1 30 per bushel. Corn continues in fair request at 75® 30c per bushel, sacks included. As yet we hear of .nothing doing doing in New Corn, except in a limit ed way. Provisions— Bacon is selling in a limited way at 12X@12Yc for Riblied BidcsJi3®i:i)4 for Clear Sides, 10)4 for Shoulders, and 18Wj@14c forFjiams. Lard is sidling in a retail way only, and we quote barrel at 14 and keg at 14)4® 15c. Dried Fru it— ye report a better demand for Dried Fruit at an advance In the prices of all descriptions. We quote Apples, peeled 60c ; Peaches, unpeeled $1 25® L 60, and peeled $2 25® 2 50, and Pears, Reeled $2 60 per bushel. 1 L-i^gg—B tffILLEIjGEVILLE RAILROAD. OFFlig of THE MILLEDOEVILLS RaIROAD C 0.,) „ j September 3, 1860. S AX a meetm.irjf the Board of Directors this day held, the following resolutions were passed by the Board : Resolved, TUt the Chief Engineer be instructed to employ such additional Assistance as may be. necessary to finish the lo cation of the in if Road by the first of November next, to be let by Sections -*r advertisement, so soon as each Section has been reported i Board. Resolved, Th Hie President, he authorized to make a call upon the Stock liders of the Milledgeville Railroad Company for payment of t%following Instalments upon tlielr Stock, in addition to the o jer cent, required at the time of subscription, to wit: t Five per est. on the 10th of October, 1860. Fifteen pi fcnt. “ 10th of November, 1860. Five “ 10th of December, 1860. Five f•• 10th of .January, 1861. True extract frW, the Minutes of the Board. W. MILO OLIN, Sec’y and Treas. In pursuance fthe 2d Resolution above, the Stockholders o tlie Miltedgevi .Railroad ('oinpany are requested to pay the Instalments as ‘.forth in raid Resolution, at the office of said Company in A vsta. S. D. HEARD, President. Augusta, Scj.t.|, isfto. sepo-tJalO mEIDER’B Restaurant K£-oie\i:i ? Where ill the Good Things OH THE SEASON WILL BE KEPT CONSTANTLY SCP2I ~ - iflow m STORE AND OFFERING AT SMALL PROFITS! 5 bbls. liiEROSINE OIL : 10 bbls. CASTOR OIL 200 ouHces QUININE ; 100 boxes PEARL STARCH ; 50 kegs 81-Carb. SODA ; O casks .SAL SODA; 5 bbls. Saceaboy SNUFF, (bulk ;) 1 bbl. NUTMEGS; 10 bbls. EPSOM SALTS; &c., Ac., With all the LEADING ARTICLES in our line, aud daily accessions to the same. B. F. TUTT, Druggist, octs-dAwlm 180 Broad Street. AUGUSTA TIN & SHEET IRON WORKS, GAS PITTING & PLUMBING, Water Pipes, <fcc., <fcc. WE beg to remind our numerous friends that we are still prepared, with GREATLY INCREASED FACILI TIES, to execute at short, notice, every description of TIN and SHEET IRON WORK, GAS FITTING, PLUMBING, WATER PIPES, 4c., Ac. As heretofore, all orders left with us will receive prompi and careful attention. We have a full and efficient force of First Class Workmen ; and when to tills is added the fact, that our senior associate brines to his aid over THIRTY YEARS OF CLOSE PRACTICAL EXPERI ENCE in this liraqph of our trade, we feel assured that we can rely confidently on retaining the leading position In this depart ment that has been accorded us for the past eight years, beyond all controversy. PRICES ANIMAL ! ALWAYS EQLUTAB£?f REASONABLE. S. S. JONES & CO., ectSd v> 102 BROAD STREET. CALCINED PLASTER 300 bbls. prime new FINE AND SUPERFINE CALCINED PLSr ER, FOR SALE BY R. J. HOWE & €O. ocGSlm FEATHERS. OiWk/l LBS. GEESE FEATHERS, for sale bv AIUUU <x*l9-d#4wlt CHARLES BAKER. AUGUSTA, GA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 7, 1860. METROPOLITAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, IVew York. CAPITAL $300,000. CASH SURPLUS 100,000. Is prepared to take risks on all Insurable Property In the city of Augusta, and throughout the State of Georgia, at fair rates. Gen. JAMES L®RIMER GRAHAM, Pres t. EDWARD A. STANSBURY, Sec’y. J. C. DAWSON, Agent, sep6-ly No. 2 Warren Block, Augasta. INCORPORATED 1819. Charter Perpetual. fTNA INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL $1,500,000. SURPLUS 500,000. ASSETS. 2,194,000. This Company is well known in this city, and throughout the Union, as the leading Fire Insurance Company. It lias earned a reputation for prompt attention to business, and an honorable, liberal and equitable performance of its obligations, unequalled by any other Company. B. B. BRODNAX, Agent, for Augusta and vicinity, Jy2l-dly opposite Bridge Bank Building. MARKET FIRE MB norm, NEW-YORK. Capital $200,000, & Large Surplus. INSURES ON mEROHANDISE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, BUILDINGS, and the BETTER CLASS OF RISKS GENERALLY , on the most Favorable Terms. The Company is now doing business on the “ PARTICIPATION PLAN,” by which SEVENTY-FIVE PER CENT of the net Profits is divided annually (hi Scrip bearing interest) to the parties in sured, and the Fund represented by the Scrip is securely in vested and held by the Company as a guaranty for its policy, thereby greotly increasing tlie security, and diminishing tlie expense of Insurance, without any liability whatever on the part ot the assured. Fir t Division of Profits, July, 1860. THIRTY-THREE-AND-A-THIRDPER CENT to Scrip on tlie Premiums on Policies written with the Participation Provision, and marked off during the year ended June 30. ASHER TAYLOR, President. J. E. MARSHALL, Agent. oct4-dlm RICH Fall Dry Goods! (.RAY & TURLEY, RESPECTFULLY INFORM THE PUBLIC, THAT THEY ARE NOW RECEIVING A VERY LARGE And Elegant Stock: OF FALL DRY GOODS, Amtng xvhich will be Found : Very Elegant Colored SILKS, entirely new; Ricn Foulard SILKs, very cheap ; Rich Brocade and Plain Black SILKS ; Very Rich White SILKS, for Evening or Bridal Dresses; Rich Cliene SILKS, entirely new styles: Rich Paris Printed MERINOS and DELAINES ; Lupin's Best MERINOS, in very handsome colors ; Rich Brocade and Plain POPLINS ; Very Fine French DEBASES, in small figures; Low Priced Muslin DELAINES, great variety ; Lupin’s Best BOMBAZINES, extremely cheap ; BOMBAZINE De TE, a New and Beautitul article for Deep Mourning; Black All Wool DELAINES, fine quality; Fine Black ALPACA, very cheap ; French, EngiUh and American PRINTS ; Black andCqered GINGHAMS : Bleached aiurßrown HOMESPUNS ; Linen and Cotton SHEETINGS and PILLOW GOODS ; TOWELING, in great variety, very cheap ; Fine Ail Wool and Silk Warp Very Heavy All Wool Red FLANNELS, cheap ; HOSIERY, in great variety, for Ladies, Gents, Misses and Youths; PLANTATION GOODS, Good and Cheap ; WITH A GREAT VARIETY OF OTHER ARTICLES, TO WHICH WE WOULD Respectfully Invite the Attention OF THE PUBLIC. \ Gray & Turley. oet7 W. H. SALISBURY & CO., DEALERS IN STOVES, GRATES, RA3STQES, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, &c., Gas Fixtures, METALIC ROOFING, GAS FITTING AND PLUMBING, FORCE AND LIFTING PUMPS, DEEP WELL PUMPS, (for any depth well to one hundred feet, Which we guarantee to give entire satisfaction!) . Lead, Block Tin, and Ga’vaniaed IroD, Pipe, &c.; Tin Plate, Sheet Lead, Copper, and Sheet Iron. By arrangements lately made, we are the SOLE AGENTS for the sale of GHILSONF’S ELEVATED DOUBLE OVEN EANGE, The most economical and quick operating Range ever invented. Housekeepers and others are invited to examine thiß Range before purchasing. Its real advantages cannot he detailed; but suffice It to say, that for quick, even and beaut iful Baking, and moderate consumption of Fuel, it must supercede every other similar apparatus. These Ranges can be fitted with Water Backs, aud fixtures for heating additional rooms ; and are sold lust as low as any good Cooking Stove. We are also Agents for CHILSON’S PATENT FURNACE, FOR HEATING Dwellings, Churches, HOTELS, And other public buildings. This apparatus, having been sub jected to the meat rigid test by the first Scientific men of the ft, has been pronounced Incapable of farther improvement, e are also Agents for the sale of the WEST CASTLEBORO’ Imitation Marble Slate MANTLES. The imitation is so perfect as to challenge the closest scrutiny. They retain their polish longerthan Marble, and, in appearance, are much superior. They cannot be injured by smoke, coal gas, or acid; and are sold at a great deal less price than Marble of the same style. By prompt and close application to cur business, we hope to merit the patronage of our friends and the public generally, octie-dlm WAREHOUSES. ~ PHINIZY & CLAYTON, WAREHOUSE ft COMMISSION MERC HANTS, Corner of Reynolds and Campbell Streets, Augusta, Geo. TT AVIXB made extensive additions to our Warehous CL during the summer, it is now one of the most conunodiou in the Southern country. We are better prepared than ever so the transaction of the Commission Business in every depart ment. On all consignments of Produce from our customers, heir interest will be faithfully regarded. F. PHINIZY, E. P. CLAYTON. Augusta, Sept. 1, 1860. sep2-dftw3m M. P. STOVALL, Warehonse& Commission Merchant, AUGUSTA, GA., CONTINUES the business in all its branches, in his large and commodious Fire-Proof Warehouse, on Jackson street, near the Globe Hotel. Orders for Plantation and Family Supplies promptly and carefully filled. v The usual CASH facilities afforded customers. au2l-d&w6in DOUGHTY, BEALL&CO., COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GUO, /CONTINUES business at their old stand (Fire-Proof Build- Ij ings.) on Jackson Street, and renew the tender of their ser vices to their old friends and customers. Advances as heretofore. E. W. DOUGHTY, W. A. BEALL, C. W. DOUGHTY. Augusta, Augusta, August 20, 1860. au22-d2wftw6m “ P. G. MORROW, Warehouse and Commission MERCHANT, At the F'ire-Proof Warehouse of Phiniey tfi Clayton, AUGUSTA, GA., Office on the Corner us Reynolds dk Campbell Sts., UP STAIRS, WILL devote his personal attention to the sale and storage of Cotton, and all other Produce. Orders for Family aud Plantation Supplies, filled at the low. est market “prices. Cash Advances made on Produce In store. Charges cus tomary. Augusta, Ga., August. 1860, aul6-dftw6m ANTOINE POULLAIX COTTON FACTOR, Warehouse Jackson Street, AUGUSTA, GEO. THE usual Cash facilities required, will be extended to my friends and customers, aud the sale of all Cotton consigned to me shall have my personal attention. au9-dftw6m HEARD & SIMPSON, Warehouse and Commission MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. WE will continue the Warehouse and Commission Busi ness, at our old stand, where we solicit a continuance of the patronage of our old friends and the public generally. aus-dww6m HEARD ft SIMPSON. HARPER C. BRYSON, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE, geo. Wheiehis personal attention will be given to the Storage and Sale of Cotton and other Produce. Orders for Family Supplies promptly attended to. Cash advanced or Produce in Store. XW Sales Room and Office on Reynold, between Jackson and Mclntosh streets. au2-dl&w3m J. C. DAWSON, Warehouse & Commission Merchant, NO. 2 WARREN BLOCK. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, jy2B-6m HEARD & CLARKE, WAREHOUSE ft COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE. ON REYNOLD STREET, {Near South Caroline Railroad Depot ,) AUGUSTA, GA., TRriLL devote their personal attention to the Sale and It Storage of Cotton and all other Pro uce ; also, to re ceiving and forwarding Goods. Orders for Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies promptly at tended to. Liberal Cash Advances made at all times on Produce in store. ISAAC T. HEARD, 1y24-d&wtf IIEN RYE, CLARKE. JAMES A. JONES, Warehonse & Commission Merchant, no. 6 mcintosh street, AUGUSTA, WILL continue the Commission business in all its branches. Personal attention giventothesale and storage of COT TON, and all other produce consigned to him. Thankful for the liberal patronage of his friends in lormer years, he would respeotfuUy solicit a continuance of the same, and that of the public generally. Orders for Bagging, Rope andFamlly Supplies, carefully fill ed at the lowest market price. Liberal cash advances made on Produce in store. J. A. JONES. Augusta, July 4.1860. Iy6-d*w6m D’Antignac, Evans & Cos., warehouse and commission MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, \JLT E continue the above business at our commodious Ware- IT house on Reynold slrcet, near the United States Hotel, where we may always be found to attend to the inteiest of our customers. Orders for Plantation and Family Supplies promptly filled, and all the usual facilities granted to our friends. Cash Advances made on produce in store. WM. M. D’ANTIGNAO, GEO. W. EVANS, Jy22-d*wfim WM. E. EVANS. GARDINER & MOORE, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, (Warehouse formerly occupied by Simpson ft Gardiner,) MoINTOSH STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., VET ILL give their personal attention to the selling of Cotton, ft or such other produce as may be sent to them by their friends and the planting public. Orders for Bagging, Rope, and Family Supplies, filled to th* best advantage. Cash Advances made upon Produce in Store, when required. JAMES T. GARDINER, formerly Simpson ft Gardiner. y3“6m ST. JOHN MOORE. ¥. M. & A. A. BEALL, WAREHOUSE 4 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. WE will continue the Warehouse and Commission Busi ness at the same stand, in Metcalf’s Fire-prool Ware house, son Reynolds’, between Jackson and Mclntosh streets, Metcalfs Range,) in the centre of the city and convenient to the Hotels. Being amply provided with good aud safe storage for Cotton, Grain, and Produce generally, we respectfully solicit a contin uance of the patronage heretofore so liberally extended, and that of the public generally, pledging the strictest personal at tention to all business entrusted to our care. All consignments to B. 4 8., will have our prompt attention. The usual Cash Advances made on Produce tn Store. Orders for Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies promptly filled. WM. M. BEALL, A. A. BEALL. Augusta, Ga., July 9,180. jylß-d34w#m SITUATION WANTED. A SOUTHERN YOUNG MAN, a Graduate of the Philadelphia Medical College, who has paid particular attention to the Drug business, is desirous of obtaining, at this time, employment ia that line. Undoubted testimonials can be given. Apply to the Editor of the Chronicle 4 Sentinel, j PROP. I. MILLER'S HAIR IKYIGORATOR. AN EFFECTIVE, SAFE AND ECONOMICAL COMPOUND, FOR RESTORING GREY HAIR to its original color, without dying, and preventing the Hair from turning grey. FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, and curing it when there is the least particle of vitality for re cuperative energy remaining. FOR REMOVING SCURF &DANDUFF and all Cutaneous Affectionr jf the Scalp. FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR, mparting to it an unequalled gloss and brilliancy, making it soft and silky ip its texture, and causing it to curl readily. The great celebrity and the increasing demand for this une qualled preparation, convinces the proprietor that one trial is only necessary to satisfy a discerning public ofitssuperiorquali tles over any other preparation at present in use. It cleanses the head aud scalp from dandruff and other cutaneous diseases; causesthe hair to grow luxuriantly, and gives it a rich, soft, glossy and flexible appearance ; aud also where the hair is loosening and thinning, it will give strength and vigor to the roots, and restore the growth to those parts which Lave become bald, causing tto yield a fresh covering of hair. There are hundreds of Ladles and Gentlemen in i/w York who have had their hair restored by the use of the Invigorator, when all other preparations had failed. L. M. bas in las pos session letters innumerable testifying to the above facts, from persons of the highest respectability. It will effectually pre vent the hair from turning grey until the latest period of life; and in cases where tfie hair lias already changed its color, the use of the Invigorator will certainly restore it to its original hue, giving it a dark, glossy appearance. Asa perfume for the toilet and a Hair Restorative, it is peculiarly recommended, having an agreeable fragrance ; and the great facilities it affords in dressing the hair, which, when moist with the Invigorator can be dressed in any required form so as to preserve its placo, wliether plain or in curls—hence the great demand for it by the laches as a standard toilet article which none ought to be with out, as the price places it within the reach of all, being ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS per bottle, to be had at all respectable druggists’ and perfumers. L. MILLER would call the attention of Parents and Guar dians to the use of liis Invigorator, in cases where the childrens’ Hair inclines to b* weak. The use of it lays the foundation for a good head of Hair, as it removes any impurities that may have become connected with the scalp, tne removal ot which is necessary, both for the health of the child and the future ap pearance of its Hair. CAUTION—None genuine without the tac simile LOUIS MILLER being on the outer wrapper ; also, L. MILLER’S HAIR INVIGORATOR, N. Y., blown in the glass. Wholesale Depot, 56 Dey (Street, and sold by all the principal Merchants and Druggists throughout the world. Liberal discount to purchasers by the quantity. I also desire to present to the American public my New andlmproved Instant us LIQUID HAIR DYE, which, after years of scientific experimenting, I have brought to perfection. It dyes Black or Brown instantly, without injury Cos the Hair or fckin—warranted the best article of the kind in eXiBtCUC PRICE, ONLY 50 CENTS Depot, 56 Dey Street, New-York. au7-wly _ HELMBOLD’S GENUINE PREPARATION. HELMBOLD’S BUOHU for the Bladder. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for the Kidneys. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for the Gravel. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Nervousness. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Dropsy. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Loss of Memory. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Dimness of Vision. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Difficult Breathing. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Weak Nerves. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for General Debility. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Universal Lassitude. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Horror of Disease. HELM BOLD'S BUCHU for Night Sweats. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Wakefulness. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Drynessof the Skin. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Eruptions. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Pain in the Back. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Heaviness of the Eyelid, with Temporary Suffusin and Loss of Sight. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Mobility and Restlessness, with Want of Attention, Horror of Society. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Obstructions. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Excesses arising from Indiscre tion, and all Diseases of the Sexual Organs, existing in either sex, and from whatever cause originated, and no matter of how long standing. These symptoms, in part, are experienced often by sufferers with diseases of tne Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel and Dropsy, and Invariably by the injudicious or nervous and debilitated. It is a fact, long since established, that any disease of these organs affects the mind more than any and all others, and if allowed to go on—which this medicine invariably removes —soon follows Loss of Power, Fatuity and Epileptic Fits—in one of which the Satient may expire. Who can say that these excesses are not •equently followed by these direful diseases. Insanity and Con sumption ? The record of the Insane Asylums and the melan choly deaths by Consumption, bear ample witness to the truth of these assertions. In Lunatic Asylums the most melancholy exhibition appears. The countenance is actually sullen and quite destitute—neither mirth nor grief ever visits it. Should a sound of the voice occur, it is rarefy articulate. “ With woeful measures, wan Despair, Low, sullen sounds, his grief beguiled.” Debility is most terrible, aud has brought thousands upon thousands to untimely graves ; thus blasting the ambition of many noble youths. It can be cured by the use of this infallible remedy. The mass of voluntary testimony in possession of the proprie tor, vouching for its virtues and its curative powers, is immense, embracing names well kuowu to science and fame. Certificates of cures, from one month to twenty years’ standing, and of the most reliable and respectable character, are open for inspection from Governors of States, Judges, eminent Physicians, asd dis tinguished Clergymen. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU is prepared directly according to the rules of Pharmacy aud Chemistry, with the Keatest accuracy and chemical knowledge and care devoted in i combination. See Prof. Dewees’ valuable works on the Practice of Physic, aud most of the late Standard Works of Medicine. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU is safe and pleasant in taste and’ odor but immediate In its action. Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist, who, being duly sworn, does say, that his preparatim contains no Narcotic, Mercury, or injurious Drug, but are purely Vegetable, H. T. HELMBOLD, Sole Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before me, this -23d day of November, 1854. Wm. P. Hibbard, Alderman. Price #1 per bottle, or six for #5, delivered to any address. One thing certain, a trial costs but a Dollar—try it, and be convinced of its efficacy. And it is accompanied by reliable and responsible certificates from Professors of Medical Colleges, Clergymen and others. Prepared by H. X. HELMBOLD, Philadelphia. Beware of Counterfeits. Ask for HELMBOLD’S—take no other. Cures guarantied. For sale by PLUMB & LEITNER. mh24-dftwly HAY! HAY! HAY! HAY! WE HAVE MADE EXTENSIVE ARRANGEMENTS FOR A FULL SUPPLY OF PRIME EASTERN AND NORTHERN H A. Y, THE COMING SEASON. HAYING MADE OUR PURCHASES From the Producer, WE CAN SELL AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN THE CITY. WE HAVE NOW ARRIVING, .A. Grood Stock *of PRIME EASTERN, aSTE'W CROP. R. J. BOWE & CO. oct6-lm TWO DIFFICULTIES OUT OF THE WAY ! TIN & SHEET IRON WORKS. BMISTER & DERRY HAVE the pleasure of advising their customers and the public, that they have completed arrangements to obviate two objections that have operated against their receiving so full a i hare of patronage as they might otherwise have done. The first, that of being too far down town ; the second, that of having a fUlly competent and practical man at the head of our mechanical department. The first has been cancelled, by our fitting up at No. 62 Jackson street, opposite the warehouse of M. P. Stovall, and near the Bell Tower, a large and convenient Workshop. The second, by securing the services of Mr. E. E. SCOFIELD, who will have charge of the mechanical depart ment of the business. We are thus prepared, from the central position of our Shop on Jackson street, and the one in the rear of our Store on Broad street, to accommodate both up and downtown. We have a large additional force of workmen, and shall be prepared to execute any style of work known In our line, with promptness, and at moderate prices. We most respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. BUOKMABTER A DERRY. N. B We are not ambitious of occupying a “ leading posi tlon” in the trade of this city, and do not propose to put forth any “ new effort,” or trick of legerdemain to gain It, or to oust ot hers from it, but shall try the old-fashioned way of getting a living by doing good work, at as cheap a rate as we can afford it; and though we can’t claim much practical knowledge of the business in behalf of our “ senior,” we do think we have the right to claim with emphasis in behalf of our junior—he having had 33 years of constant practical experience—2B of them in this city, and not subject to a discount of 11 years spent in the cotton market. We are not disposed to boast of our “facilities” to get goods so cheap as to make it Impossible to be “ under sold :’’ yet we feel very sure that If others sell cheaper, It will hardly be “possible” that they will receive “ fair remunerative prices.” As “ hope springs eternal in the human breast,” and as we are also stimulated by the lines learned in our school days, “ Tall oaks from little acorns grow,” Ac., Ac., we shall indulge the hope that at some future day we may approximate so near “ a leading position” in the trade of our city as to make it a question not entirely “ beyond controversy” whether it shall be retained and monopolised by those who so confident ly appropriate its exclusive occupancy to themselves. We trust our friends will pardon us for entertaining such ambitious k °Pe- octlS-dtf €A R PIT INF 0 FLOOR CLOTHS! CARPETING, CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST, CAN BE.FOUND AT J. & A. J. SETZE’S. > • ALSO,/ CLOAKS! CLOAKS! STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, OF ALL Styles and Patterns. A NOS COMPLETE STOCK O ILsT ZEE .A. IT ID AND KECEIVING WEEKLY, Which will be Sold at a SMALL ADVANCE! We will Show our Goods to one and all, deeming It no trouble —rather a pleasure—to display them. J. & A. J. SETZE. oct27-dtf BELTING! LEATHER BELTING, BEST QUALITY, ALL WIDTHS, 1 to 18 Inches, With Underwood’s Patent RIVET FASTENINGS. RUBBER BELTiDG, ALL WIDTHS, SUPERIOR QUALITY, ALWAYS ON HAND, AT SHERMAN, JESSUP & CO.’S, 225 BROAD-STREET, .A-TTGrTTST-A., GKEO. sep29-dßm 1860 _ NEW GOODS FALL AND WINTER. WRIGHT & ALEXANDER, Wf OULD respectfully inform their customers and the vT public, that they are now prepared to exhibit their usually large and carefully selected stock of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, Os which they invite an examination, and challenge a compar ison of price with any house in Augusta. We CAN, and WILL sell Goods as CHEAP as any house, and GUARANTEE them as represented. We have 811 Kri and DRESS GOODS, in great variety ; MEKINOES, BOM BAZINES, DELAINES; American, English and French PRINTS ; HANDKERCHIEFS, EM BROIDERIES, LACE GOODS, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY and GLOVES. Supr. Irish ana Pillow Case LINENS, DIAPERS and TOWELS, of all kinds ; AmericanllShaker and Welsh FL AN NELS. of all qualities; TICKINGS, LINSEYS, SHEET INGS and SHIRTINGS, of all widths and styles. CLOAKS and SHAWLS, a large assortment; Kentucky JEANS, SATINETS, CASSIMERES ad TWEEDS, Schley’s Richmond Factory PLAINS, and other makes ; OS NABURGS, STRIPES, and a full stock of Goods for Servants’ Wear; NEGRO BLANKETS, of all sizes and kinds, at Very Low Prices ; BED BLANKETS, Ac., Ac. ; all f which we offer on accommodating terms, and invite examination. sep27-dftw2m MOST PLEASANT ROUTE ClMSlfiS! rTSHROUGH TICKETS from! New Orleans to New JL York, via Mobile. Montgomery j Augusta and Columbia, thence by CENTRAL LINE, FROM COLUMBIA TO CHARLOTTE, AND RALEIGH TO WELDON, N. C., * Connectingat Weldon with lines for Baltimore. Philadelphia and New York, via Petersburg. Richmond and Washington, oi by Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad to Portsmouth and Bay Steamers to Baltimore. TICKETS GOOD BY THIS ROUTT UNTIL USED. Fare and Time the same as by any other Railroad Route. This Route passes through the Capitals of North and Sr nth Carolina ; and that portion from Columbia to Weldon is al most entlreiy free from dust, swamps and trestle work, passing through an elevated and healthy country. BConnections are made at Now York by this line to Sara* toga, Niagara Falla, Boston, White Mountains, Canada, Ac* Southerners traveling with their servants, by taking this line, will be relieved from the annoyances to which they are sub jected on other routes. Those holding Through Tickets, are conveyed between De pots FREE OF CHARGE. BE CAREFUL TO BUY YOUK TICKETS Via Columbia, S.C. XW Baggage Checked from Montgomery to Augusta via West Peint and Atlanta, or via Columbus and Macon to Au gusta, thence to Weldon, N. C., thence to Baltimore by Bay Line, or to Washington via Riahraond, Baggage Masters ac companying it all the way. For further particulars and Through Tickets, see small cards, or inquire, in New Orleans, of P.. GEDDES, 90 Gravier street in Mobile, at COX, BRATNAKD A CO.’S Office; In Mont gomery, of A. POPE, GcneralTicket Agent M, A W p R ortt „ LEWIS LEVY, ‘ * Passenger Agent, Augusta, Ga. u . ln ~ C. If. HOYDEN, J? 10 Passenger Agent, Montgomery, Ala. N OTICE. THE business hitherto carried on by the undersigned, under A the firm of W. E. ARCHER A CO., will be discontinued after this date. The books and accounts will be found with W. E. ARCHER, who is duly authorised to settle the business of the firm All persons indebted to W. E. ARCHER A CO_ will please make prompt settlement, and save cost. W. E. ARCHER, JAB. S. DILL, Augusta, June 26th,1860. THOS. B. ARCHER. A VOL. XXIV. NO. 263 W.J.HAMILL. Wholesale Dealer in FLOUR. CORN MEAL, MILL FEED, CORN, OATS, KAY, STRAW, &C. NO. 50 S. FREDERICK STREET, BALTIMORE. jyll-<l6m _____ THOMAS WOOD & CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS 87 MAIDEN LANE, NEW JOEK. ■’* ™“ vi Reference—FLEMlNG & ROWLAND, Aueueta. Ga auS-dSm DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. partnership heretofore existing between the uud<r X signed under the firm of JAMES D. LEHMEK A OU is this day dissolved by mutual consent . Either party is au thonzed to use the name of the firm in settling the business JAS. D. LEHMEU.’ Cincinnati. July 3d X3W. “' tISA - Rcrxrs A. Joins, r Os. ate firm of J. D. Lehmer * Cos, I _ .. James F. Cummings j Qehwal I artnere. i.at eof Tennessee'. ( J as. D. Lehmek, Special Partner. CUMMINGS & JONES, (Successors to las. D. Lehmer <fc C 0.,) General Commission & Forwarding 11ERCHANT8 Nos. 81 and 83 West Second Street, CINCINNATI, O. AS successors to the long established firm of Jas. D. Lehmet A Cos., we beg leave to call attention to the above card, and respectfully offer our seivices as GENERAL COMMIS SION MERCHANTS, for the purchase and sale of all kinds ot Produce and Manufactures, more especially Provisions and F’lour. Having ample cash means and facilities for conducting a Com mission Business in all its various branches, we hope by striu attention to our duties, to receive a liberal share of patronage. CUMMINGS A JONES. Cincinnati, July 2d, 1860. HAVING impaired my health by constant application to business for the past fifteen years, I have found It neces sary to transfer the active management to others. In doing so. I can, with great confidence, recommend my successors. Messrs! CUMMINGS & JONES, to my fiiends aud patrons. J. D. LEHMER. Cincinnati, July 2d. 1860. Referto Josiah Sibley A Sous, Augusta, Geo. jy2s-dßm NED BUNTLINE’S NEW BOOKS. New-York Mercury Stories. FULL OJf ILLUSTRATIONS. ‘ JUST published and for sale at retail or wholesale, at the cheap Book Store of FREDERIC A. BRADY, 24 Ann Street, New York. Price 25 cents each, or any five tor on dollar, or the whole eleven for two dollars. I THE WHITE WIZARD: or, The Great Prophet of the Seminole Indians. By Ned BuntPne. Price 25c. 11. SEA WAIF : or. The Terror of the Coast. A Tale of Pri vateering in 1776. ByNedßunUiue. Price 25c. 111. SAUL SABBERDAY : or. The idiot Spy. A Tale of the Men and Deeds of 1776. By Ned B lit line. Price 25c. IV. ELFRIDA ; or, The Red Rover s Daughter. A New Mys tery of New York. By Ned Buutliue. Price 25c. THE MAN-O’ WAR’S GRUDGE. A Romance oPth Revolution. By Ned Buntline. Price 25c. VI. OUR MESS, or, The Pirate Hunters of the Gulf. A Tale of Naval Heroism and Wild Adventures in the Tropics. Bv Ned Buntline. Price 25c. VI I. LUONA PRESCOTT : or. The Curse Fulfilled. A Tale ot the American Revolution. Bv Net. Buntline. Price 26c. THAYENDANEGEA. THE SCOURGE : or, The War Eagle of the Mohawks. A Tale of My stery. Ruth and Wrong. By Ned Butline. Price 25c. IX’ STELLA DELORME: or. The Camanche’s Dream. A Wild and Fanciful Story of Savage Chivalry. By Ned Euut line. Price 26c. X. THE RIFT AND THE SPRAY. A Tale of the Smug glers in the English Channel. Beautifully lilustiated. Bv Malcolm J. Errym. Price 25c. I'AT cl AWA Y : or, The Mountain Outlaws. A Tale t fthe Northern Trapping Grounds. By Dr. J. H. Robinson. I rice 26c. Ail of the above Books are full of beautiful Illustrative En graviugs by Darley. Booksellers. News Agents, and all others will please ser.o on their orders at oace. Copies of any or all of the above works will be sent nee o postage, per mail, to any one, on receipt of price. Call or send, or address all orders to FREDERIC A. BRADY, FANCY GOODS! FANCY GOODS! CYRUS J. LAWRENCE, No. 29 Chambers Street, NEW-YORK, ‘W'liolesale Dealer in SMALL WARES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Such as COMBS. BRUSHES, BUTTONS, PINS, NEE DLES. THREADS, PORTMON AIES, STATIONARY, PERFUMERY, JEWELRY, WATCHES, MUSIC Al! WARES. WOOD and WILLOW WARE Ac. Ac. SPECIALITIES. Lawrence’s Grooveless Perfect Eyed NEEDLES; Lawrence’s Oriental COLOGNE ; Lawrence’s SOUTHERN FAVORITE ; Lawrence’s GOLD PENS, warranted ; Lawrence’s STEEL PENS, the Planters, and others; Lawrence’s LEAD PENCILS, all styles ; Lawrence’s Osnaburg SEWING THREAD—a superior quality, put up in large and small Balls, and on Spools. All Goods warranted as represented. Neat and convenient Catalogues, with blanks for memorials, supplied to purchasers on application. dec9-dAwly TOMES, m & MELVAIN, No. 6 Maiden Lane, NEW YOEK, INVITE DEALERS IN GUNS, AND SPORTING ARTICLES, JEWELERS, DRUGGISTS, STATIONERS, AND FANCY GOODS JOBBERS, TO EXAMINE THEIR STOCK OF GOODS, Consisting of GUNS, RIFLES and PISTOLS, of all de scriptions; ELEY’SCAPS, WADDING and CARTRIDGES POWDER FLASKS, Shot POUCHES, Dram FLASKS, Ac., Ac. ; PLATED WARE and JEW ELRY, both Foreign and Domestic; DRUGGISTS’ ARTICLES, viz: Lubin’s EX TRACTS; Lowe’s Brown Windsor and other SOAPS; Fine Shell and other Dressing COMBS; Hair, Tooth and Slaving BRUSHES ; Medicine CASES ; Tooth POWDER; Shaving CREAM, Ac., Ac. STATIONERS’ ARTICLES; DESKS, INKSTANDS and CUTLERY, of allmproved makers. Fine French aW English FANCY GOODS, BRONZES, GILT ARTICLES; PORTEMONNAIES; Leather TRAV ELING BAGS, Ac., Ac. D T B vnIo A SP. TS f t f WESTLEY RICHARD’S FOWLING AMM UNITION. Heiffor’s ffi.yad Model” RAZORS; Adam’s Revolving PISTOLS ON CONSIGNMENT, 50 hhds. choice BACON SIDES ; 20 tierces choice HAMS; 20 tierces Sugar-Cured Canvassed SHOULDERS; 25 bbls. superior LEAF LARD ; 1000 lacks Pennsylvania Black Seed OATS ; 10 boxes low price TOBACCO. Q o hhds CLEAR SIDES. For sale at low rates by J. c. DAWSON, sep6-tf No. 3 Wamsu Block,