Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, November 20, 1860, Image 1

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tfailti fClironidc <ss Sentinel. RV W.S. JONES. UIHIOMCLE A SENTINEL. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, m w. S. JONES. TERMS. DAILY i YPEB—Pabi shed Morning and Even g—rix Dou-Aaa per annum. a tKixLY’ PAPER —<A mammoth sheet) —Two per annum. ALWAYS IN AO VANCE. Hare* tor Advertising. - - . *. .■£ rates f -r advertising in the CONSTITUTION > 1,1'” i” CHRONICLE A SENTINEL have been estaC .! |.aKY ADVERT IS EMENTs, published In the a.iy, - . r \*r !'h, f r the- first Insertion, and two ar < a nmj ... per ;’.r, :.r each <•- ee-.uent insertion. Ail auvertiae ... <• . ‘ counted as makir g five lt.es or more. .u I. s Pail Tone HW&ti .'....♦8.00 f ,v Lines Daiiy pee month 3.00 SL’F- lAL V .TlCt!?, Five Cents ptine ofsolid Nonpareil, ■ ;ii *. --r, and C—v efits f r ea-h subsequentlnsertion in : •■ v Ai’ advnrUsemects to be counted as making five lines or , i • I Lise*Daily one monta fT.OO in, Line* Doily one month 4.00 M>?La* ’b ADv’EIiTIriEiiEINTS. PiteCr/Jlitper iiaeof - : -i J..: vCr earii insertion in Dally. All advertise- ! ... .. *> e connt.-Ml a* five liner or mere. i Uses Daily one month #13.00 five Lines Da. y one month 6.00 .1 t. it r tir tied for months, in either class, will be i • h .{ ti e Ci-.'Cthly rates, for each subseviueat month, for I > u rr.-i-.ths, sed •?..for each succeeding month. . lARRTAGES. DEATHS and FUNERAL NOTICES. Fif- • s4 i en!& each. OBIT U ARIES, Ten Cents per line. Bate* f:r Weekly Advertisements. ORDINARY’ ADVERTISE M ENTS, published once a week, in Dady or ‘Y* eekiy, Sr tn and a hot/ Cents per line, for each insert < n. # SP E< TAL N <>TIC ES, T-’n C-mt* per line, for the first Inser tion— Eight rent.* per line for each subseaueat insertion. DISPLAYED ADVERTISEMENTS, Tin Cent; per ‘ln for eaen insertion. i MERCHANTSand BUSINESS MEN whone advertisements j a-e change- 1, w 1!! be allowed a discount tistntu-jiveper cent. 1 trotti these rates, when their as ilia amount to Fifty Ik-liars, in til months, if paid in ten days after presentation. YVM. S. JONES, Proprietor Chronicle * Sentinel. I JAMES GARDNER, i Proprietor Const; :nt;onai>t. From our Evening Edition of yesterday. Ci■rrerpondence of the Chronicle d‘ Sentinel. GEORG! I LEGISLATURE. Ga., Nov. IT. sssate. Leave of absence was granted several Senators. The unfinished business of yesterday was taken up. At the time of adjournment, the bill prevent ing the running of locomotives on the Sabbath day was under discussion. Sir. Jones, of Newton, opposed the bill, believ ag, as he did, that a great inconvenience would arise, and that persons detained in cities by the passage of this law, would spend the Sabbath in a manner much worse than traveling on rail roads. Mr. Fulton, of Columbia, thought differently; ti* was of the opinion that rail road corporations had no more right to violate the Sabbath day than other persons. Mr. Cooke ooposed the bill, tuking the same ground as Mr. Jones. Mr. Wallace, of Taylor, favored it A message was received from his Excellency, the Governor, announcing that he had signed a bill to change the time of holding the Superior Court of Bryan county. The ayea and nays were called on a motion to i postpone the ‘‘Sabbath day Locomotive Bill” in definitely, and resulted in its postponement. — j Ayes, twenty-seven ; nays, eighty-three. Mr. Harris, of Glynn, suborned the report of the special committee on our federal relations. This report recommends the call of a rotate Convention—the election for members of the Con vention to be heldon thenrst Wednesday in Janua ry, ISSI. The election to be held in the same manner as the election for members of the Legis lature. Those counties entitled to three members to iae allowed three in the Convention—the ap portionment to be the same as now in the election for members of the Legislature. The bill as amended passed unanimously. New Matter.—Mr. Fulton, of Columbia, intro- : duced a bill providing for the appointment of three commissioners to select a suitable situation for the establishment of an Armory in this State. Mr. Hyde : A bill to protect the owners of stock ; in this Ntate. Mr. McLeod, of Emanuel, introduced a bill to ; abolish imprisonment for debt under certain cir • instances. To lay out anew acuity from the counties of Halt and Gwinnett. Mr. Printup, of Floyd : A bill to appoint a Mili tary Board tor the State of Georgia. Mr. Ssmitb, of Talbot A bill to amend the penal code. Mr. Wellborn, of Warren ; To incorporate the MeDnflße Rifles. EOCSS. Mr. Strickland, of Madison, moved to reconsider the aetiou of the House in the passage of a bill to appropriate |i*.yXX) to the Oglethorpe Medical College, of Savannah. A iengthy discussion ensued between Messra. Strickland of Madison, Andrews of Wilkes, Ta tum of Dade, and Greece of Houston, and the motion to reconsider was lost by yeas ‘id—nays I". Mr. Svltnaa of Walton, offered a sm of resolu- I tiocs appointing a joint cotxmiiuee of both Houses j to go to Savannah and Augusta, examine the ] xaiiits of the Banks in the same, and report to the ! Legislature the true condition of the Banks, pre paratory to permitting the same to go into sus pension. Mr. Fannin, of Morgan, said that he offered ‘ these resolutions, on the ground that this Legis- j iature has no power to ask the Banks to open j iheir vaults to the r Committee, unless by special s atute. The Legislature could as well ass any cit! jen to open his coffers and display his busi ness, as to ask the Banks. They are corporations by our act, and as corporations have the privileges ct* individuals. The resolutions were then referred to the Com- j mit tee on Banks. A great deal of time was here expended in de bating the passage of a bill to appropriate SB,OOO I to build a bridge in Irwin County. The bill was referred to tue Committee on Agriculture and In ternal Improvements. Mr. Mintz, of Jackson, called up bis bill to con fer certain powers on the Inferior Courts of this State. The bill allows them to change County Lines. On motion the same was referred to the Judi ciary Committee. This bill, if passed, will save the State #20,000 annually. A bill to appoint three Commissioners to take charge of the Institution for Deaf and Dumb.— Passed, and transmitted forthwith to the Senate. The report of the Committee who have had un der consideration the Special Message of the Go vernor, together with all Resolutions, Bii.s, Ac., Defore the House, was made the special order for Monday next. The bill to ea'l a Convention of the people, the election to be held on the first Wednesday in Jan uary, 1881, the Convention to meet- on the 18th s Jay"of January, 1881, was received from the Sen ate and read the first time. JUST RECEIVED AT Grav&Turley’s, 9/ t ‘ FINE BLACK VELVET CLOAKS: ! FINE BLACK CLOTB CLOAKS; LACE SETTS, iu groat variety ; MI SLIN SETTS; MI'SLIN COLLARS and SLEEVES ; L tub'll Liam HANDKERCHIEFS ; Foulard SILKS, very liandsouir; Mourning SILKS a BOMBAZINES ; Alexander's KID 6LOIES ; Silk and Wool GLOVES, large as sortment ; Wool, Silk and Cotton HOSIERY. BOvld BY TELEGRAPH. LATER FROM EUROPE, ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER VANDERBILT. New-York, Nov. 18. — The steamship Vanderbilt has arrived with Liverpool dates to Nov. 7. Liverpool, Nov. 7.—The sales of cottah for the past three days, including Wednesday, were 28,- ! 000 bales, of which 2,000 bales were taken by speculators and exporters. The market had lost its immediately previous advance of and closed steady at Friday's quotations, as follows : Fair Orleans 7? 4 d. Mid. Orleans 7d. - Mobiles j “ Mobiles 6T<d. hpiands J “ Uplands B%d. BreadstuSs and provisions closed quiet. London Monet Market. —Consols closed at I 23(g93>£. General News. The steamship .Etna had arrived out. The Sardinians had dispersed the Bonrbo* army, and taken 10,000 prisoners. Hurst has been declared the winner of the prize fight with Paddock. Admiral Sir Chas. Napier is dead. [second despatch.] Nsw-York, Nov. la.—Victor Emanuel’s forees had totally routed the Neapolitans, and had taken a vast amount of military stores and wagons and 11,000 prisoners. Anarchy prevailed at Villerbo ?) in the Papal dominions. At Liverpool Flour was reported easier and un | changed. Wheat was very dull at Id. to 2d. de | chne. Corn had declined 3d. Sugar was steady. Rice firm. Coffee quiet. Spirits of Turpentine was steady at S4s. fid. to Sss. Rosin was dull at ss. 4d. to ss. 5cL on the spot, to arrive. At London the demand for money was full. Nfoney Nlattera in New York, New York, Nov. 17.—Storks were lower. New York Centrals closed at 72'j’ and Virginia i sis at i3, which is a decline of 0 since vesterdav. Several Banks have proposed to discount one million dollars, of sixty day bills, for Brown Brothers A Cos., for the purchase of sterling bills’ drawn against produce, but now useless for the want of purchasers of the sterling bills. Forced sales of sterling to-day were made at lolts 102 premium. The money market is unsettled, but relief is ex pected from the anticipated negotiations of Brown, Brothers and others. Money now commands 12 per cent, for the best double paper, or “gilt-edge” endorsers, and from 1- to cl per cent, lor good single names. Col. LeVfat’a Grape Shot Revolver. Columbia, 8. Nov. 17. — C01. LeMat’s Grape Shot Revolver took a prize medal at our State Fair. It attracted great attention, close obser vation, and was universally admired, for its effi ■ cieney as a complete and destructive weapon.— The pistol or revolver has nine chambers to the ! cylinder, and the one on exhibition has a barrel capable of carrying an ounce ball or fifteen buck shot. The Nfobile Register for Secession, Mobile, Ala., Nov. 1-.—The Mobile Register John Forsyth’s paper, and the leading Douglas or can in Alabama in the late canvas, - has de clared for secession, and says that the large sec tional vote both North and South, proves that a common government is impossible, and all efforts to *are the L’nion fruitless. He appeals to the conservative men of all portions of the Union to i take the movement in their own hands, as the on’ v means of avoiding the worst consequences which may result from the inevitable revolution. Ho a. John Slidell for Secession.! New Orleans, Nov. 17. — The Hon. John Slidell warmlv espouses the cause of secession. Virginia Gone for Bell. Richmond, Y a., Nov. 17. —The majority in Vir gin!?. for John Bell over John C. Breckinridge, for President, is about 400 certain. Latest from Mexico. New Orleans, Not. 17. — The schr. Red Fox, from Tampico, with dates to the 10th int,, has arrived. |4‘X .000 of the money seized from tho Mexican conducta reached Tampico on the Ist inst. The affair caused much excitement. Anotcrer report has reached Tampico that Gua i dalajara has finally been captured, and Marquez I taken prisoner and shot. Ylarkete. New Y'oes, N’ov. 17. —Sales of Cotton to-day, | 1200 bales, with a heavy market. Flour—sales of ’ iXOO barrels, at a decline of cents per bbl. i Southern #5 40 af 5 55. Wheat 2 to 4 cents low er, with sales of 40,000 bushels. Corn declining Sales 42,000 bushels ; Mixed 68 cts. Navals dull- Rice steady. Freights firmer; on Cotton to Liv erpool, ip d2d, on Floor 3s 9d to 4s, on Grain 14d ! to 15d. Charleston, Nov. 17.—Sales of cotton to-day 1100 bales, at prices ranging from 10 to The market is unchanged. COMMERCIAL. Augusta Market. Mojtdat, 1 P. M. COTTON. —The market is dull and drooping. We hear of no transactions. The scarcity of money restricts business. KOOK BINDING. ‘I he Chronicle ii Sentinel BOOK BINDERY Is now in full operation, with recent additions of new materials and conveniences of all kinds. All BOOK.*, PAMPHLETS, MUSIC, Ac., can be B*UND IN ANY STYLE, from the plainest to the most ornamental, on moderate terms, and with punctuality and dispatch. BLANK BOOKS For District Officers, Sheriffs, Clerks, Tax Col. ectors, Ac., as well as for Counting Houses, and for any other purpose, will be manufactured to order, in the most substantial and superior style i Terms moderate, and promptness observed. W. S. JONES. ORGAN MIMJ MCTOM, CHARLESTON, S. C. acdemUmedis now fully prepared to Build Church JL or Farkv- ORGAN S, of anv size, from AsOO up to SIO.dOO. Having had twenty-five years’ experience In Organ Budding. I am prepared to produce as ggod an instrument a- anv in the Cnited States I have all materials on hand, of the beet quality —and pro, e-lv seasoned wood, Ac. I can p du ethe heat testimonials as to capability and faith y fu!a> sa. Urg in* enclosed in anv style of case desired, or to suit the architecture of the building or room. AU orders protcptlv and faithfully executed, ami, all my work WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Address JOHN BAKER, auJS-itlm* Organ Builder. Charleston, S. C. ON CONSIGNMENT, 50 hhds. choice BACON SIDES ; 20 tierces choice HAMS; m 0 tierces Sugar-Cured Canvassed SHOULDERS; *> jm•) bbla. superior LEAF LARD ; 1000 sacks Pecnsvlvania Black Seed OATS ; 10 boxes low price TOBACCO. S hhds CLEAR SIDES, j For sal* ai low rales by J. C. DAWSON, i tegiMf No. fi Warren Block. SUPERIOR DI TCH iLBS: TF§T received by and earners Same assortment of the choicest O Ditch BULBS, such as Hyacinths, Tulips, Crocuses. etc, etc,, which cave been imported direct by ourselves. Also, H X ACINTH GL ASSES, of new patterns, and all colors. Ths i above Bulba are the choicest ever offered In this city. Ordsn Ilf* with T. LATA STE, wld he promptly attended to. P. J. PERCKMA.VS, oW3-dtf Fruit land Nursery, Augusta, da. AUGUSTA, GA., TUESDAY’ MORNING, NOVEMBER 20, 1860. METROPOLITAN FIRE L\m\CE COMPANY, New York. CAPITAL *300,000. CASH SURPLUS 100 000. j Is prepared to take risks on ail Insurable Property In the city of Augusta, and throughout the State of Georgia, at fair rates. Oen. JAMES LORIMER GRAHAM, Pres t. EDWARD A. STANSBURY, ber’y. J. C. DAWSON, Agent, iep6-lv So. S Warren Block, Augasta. INCORPORATED 1819. Charter Perpetual. LTMIVSIRIVCE t'OMPIW. CAPITAL 11,500,000. SURPLUS 500’000. ASSETS 2,194,i)00. This Company is well known in this city, and throughout the U nion, as the leading Fire Insurance Com pan v. It has earned a reputation for prompt attention to business, and an honorable, liberal and equitable performance of its obligations, unequalled by any other Companv. B. fl. BRODNAX, Agent, for Augusta and vicinity, MARKET FIRE I\SIRI\(E COMPiW, NEW-YOEK. Capital $200,000, & Large Surplus. INSURES ON MERCHANDISE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, BUILDINGS, and th BETTER CLASS OF RISKS OESERALLY, on the most Favorable Terms. The Company is now doing business on the “ PARTICIPATION PLAN,” by which SEVENTY-FIVE PER CENTofthenet Profits U divided annually iln Scrip bearing interest) to the parties In sured, and the Fund represented by the Scrip is securely in vested and held by the Company as a guaranty for its policy, thereby greotiy increasing tnesecuritv. and diminishing the expense s ’of Insurance, with .ut any Liability whatever on the part ot the assured. Fir t Division of Profits, July, IsOO. THIRTY-THREE-ANB-A THiRD PEF. CENT in Scrip* on the Premiums on Policies written with the Participation Provision, and marked off during the year ended June f). ASHER TAYLOK, President. J. E. MARSHALL, Agent. oct4-dlm €ARF EtraO, FLOOR CLOTHS ! CARPETING, CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST, CAN BE FOCND AT J. & A. J. SEIZES.! ALSU, CLOAKS! CLOAKS! STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, or all Styles and 3?att: rn*.! A JIO* COMPLETE STOCK O IST HI -A. IST ID AND RECEIVING WEEKLY, Whteh will n* Sold at a SMALL ADVANCE! We wbi Snow our Goods to on, and ad, deeming it no trouU. —rather a pleasure—to display them. J. & A. J. SETZE. oct-rdtr W. H. SALISBUM & CO., dealers; in \ rw-t—jr ; ‘I t . STOVES, GRATES, Pt A.3STGES, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, &c., Gas Fixtures, VfETALIC ROOFING, GAS FITTING AND PLUMBING, FORCE AND LIFTING PUMPS, DEEP WELL PUMPS, {FOB AXT DfiPTH WBLL TO OXB HCNDRID FBST, Which a e guarantee to g.ve entire ratiafaction ’) Lead, Block Tin, and Galvanised Iron, Pipe, Ac. \ Tin Plate, Sheet Lead, Copper, and Sheet Iron. By arrangements lately made, we are the OLE AGENTS for ths sale of GHIL SON’S ELEVATED DOUBLE OVEN RANGE, The most economical and quick operating Range ever invented. Housekeepers and others are invited to examine this Range before purchasing. Its real advantages cannot be detailed ; but suffice it to sav, that for quick, even and beautiful Baking, and moderate consumption of Fuel, It must supercede every other similar apparatus. These Ranges can be fitted with Water Backs, and fixtures for heating additional rooms ; and are sold ‘ust as low .as any good Cooking Stove. We are also Agents for CHILSONS PATENT FURNACE, FOR HEATING Dwellings, Churches, hote ls, And other public buildings. Th s apparatus, having been sub leetea to the most rigid test by the first Scientific men of the age. nas been pronounced Incapable of farther improvement. W# are also Agents for the sale of ths WEST CASTLEBORO’ Imitation Marble Slate MANTLES. The imitation is so perfect as to challenge the ewsest scrutiny. They retain their polish longer than Marble, and. In appearance, are much superior. They .cannot be Injured by smoke, coal gas. or acid; and are soli at a great deal less price than Marble of the same style. Bv prompt and close application to cur business, we hope to merit the patronage of our friends and the public generally. octlfi-dlm NOTICE. ALL perse-s having claims sgairst the firm of L. C -BEIN’- Am A CO “or f KIN’XER i Mri.t.iKgT, wfft plsega render their a- souat* at Hlobe Hotel. oefi-dtf AUSTIN MFLLAEKT. W. J. HAMILL. Wholesale Dealer in FLOUR. CORN MEAL, MILL FEED, CORN, OATS, HAY, STRAW, *C. NO. 50 S. FREDERICK STREET, BALTIMORE. jyld-dSm NED BUNTLINE'S NEW BOOKS. New-York Mercury Stories. FULL Ot ILLUSTRATIONS TITBT published and for sale at retail or whotemle. at the cheap Book Store of FRLDERIC a. BRADY, it Ann Street, New York. Price 23 cent, each, or any five lor on dollar, or the whole eleven for two dollars. I THE WHITE WIZARD: or. The Great Prophet of the Seminole Indians. By Ned BunUine. Price 2Sc. SEA WAIF : or. The Terror of the Coast. A Taie of Pri vateering in 1776. By Ned Buntliae. Price J6c. 111. SAUL SABBERDAY : or. The Idiot Spv. A Taie of the Men and Deeds of 1776. By Ned Buntiine. ‘ Price 15c. IV. ELFSIDA : or. The Red Rover s Daughter. A New Mya tery of New York. By Ned Bunt hue. Price 23c. V. THE MAND’ WAR'S GRUDGE. A Romance of th S Revolution. By Ned Buntiine. Price Jsc. Vi. OUR MESS . or. The Pirate Hunters of the Gulf. A Taie j of Naval Hem ism and Wild Adventures in tho Tropics. By Ned Buntiine. Price 25c. VI f. LCONA PRESCOTT : or. Ti* Curse Puifiiied. A Taleot the American Revolution. Bv Neu Buntiine. Price 25c. THAYENDANFGEA, THE SCOURGE : or. The War Eagle of the Mohawks. A Tab* of My sterv. Ruth and Wrong. By Ned Butiir.e. Price 25c. L*’ STELLA DELORME: or. The Camanche’s Dream. A Wild and Fanciful Story of Savage Chivalry. Bv Ned Eunt line. Price 25c. : X. THE RIFT AND THE SPRAY. A Taie of the Smug I giers in the Ecg.iah Chancel. BeaatifuEv Illustrated. By Malcolm J. Errvm. Price 25c. PAT-IAWaY : or. The MountaL Outlaws. A Taie < fthe Northern Trapping Grounds. Bt Dr. J. H. Robinson. Price | 25c. Ailofthe above Bocks are foil of beautiful Illustrative Ea gravings by Dariey, Booksellers, News Agents, and ki others will please sei . : c their orders at once. CopieeoZanv or ail of the above works will ba sent wee a ; postage, per mail to any one. on receipt of price. Call or send, or address all orders to FREDERIC A. BRABY, seaT .13m 24 Ann Street, New York, LIME! LIME! 2000 bbis. Prime New ROCK LA AD LIRE, IN STOKE AND ARRIVING FROM MANUFACTORIES DIRECT FOR SAL* I.OW BY R. J.BOWE & CO. octß-Im iMTi:il STATES liOTKL* MOSHER II ROSAMOND, Proprietors, BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. THIS large ard iomr-establiahed Hotel, having been thor .ughlv re-fitted and re-turti-hed this Summer, is cow pro pared to satisfy ail the want, of the traveling communitv at the mort reasonable term.. Frees its central position, ‘in the heaithii-a^ part of the city, the CNITED STATES has a. wavs j enjoyed a.arge share ofthe public patronage, and the Prnprie- ! tors are determined to spare neither pains nor expense fully to ; sustain its ancient reputation as a first-ciase Hotel. au!s i PHUIXUII FIR. O ISA THE SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN. We otter this new Guano to the Planters of Georgia, in the great- 1 est confidence that it is the best, and cheapest Fertilizer yet dis covered. It is a NATURAL GUANO, imported in bulk and sold in its j natural state, without Grinding or Manipnlation, which is the best guarantee that Planters can hart that it is PURE \ UNADULTERATED, j Although it is essentially a Phos- s pbatic Guano, it has, in addition to a large amonnt of Phosphate of Lime—which renders it a perma nent Fertilizer—a sufficient pro portion of the Sulphates of Ammo nia, Potash and Soda, and organic matter rich in Nitrogen, to secure for it prompt and efficient action npon the first crop. We obtained enough of it last Spring to have it thoroughly tested by some of the best Planters in the State. The certificates of these Planters, together with the analy ses of Prof. Jones, Chemist to the Cotton Planters’Association; Prof. Shepherd, of the Charleston Medi cal College, and Prof. Darby, of Alabama, furnish convincing evi dence of its decided superiority to any Fertilizer yet introduced into this country. These evidences are printed in Pamphlet form, and will be furnished gratis on appli cation to onr Agents, or to ns. THIS GfKA&O IS FREE FROM HARD LIMPS. The importers of this Guano are bound to us under heavy oe nalties to furnish us with Guano of fully as good quality as the cargo analyzed by Profs. Jones, Shepherd and Darby, and we pledge ourselves that each cargo shall be critically analyzed upon arrival, and unless found to be essentially identical with those already received, we will either reject them or sell them at a correspondingly less price. This Guano is put up in barrels of about 300 lbs., and the price will be uniform, as follows: S4O per ton of 2000 lbs., CASH, or $45 credit until Ist Nov,, 1861. without interest, in Savannah. The price at interior points will be the same, with necessary ex penses added. When sold on credit, city ac ceptances will be required, DA2FL 11. WILCOX & CO. Aagiuta. Jhw.li, IMA avlT.AA w * A FULL STOCK. ** We have invoices of the fol lowing list of Goods, many of which are in Store, and all to arrive in a few days, on con signment, which we offer to the trade as low as the same Goods can be imported by any house in the city: 30 hhds. prime Clear SIDES ; 40 hhda. prime Ribbed SIDES ; 45 hhds. prime new paeked SHOUT. DEitS ; 1 120 barrels prime Leaf LARD : 00 half bbia. prime Leaf LA R D ; O 0 keg? prime Leaf LARD ; 130 kegs and tubs prime Goshen BUTTER; 400 btls.. half bbis. and quarter bbls. MACKEREL, of different grades—t’s, Ys and S’t 100 sacks prime RYE; i hble. prime Peach Blow POTATO Hi ; 80 bbls. prime Winter AFPLBS : 30 bbis. Red ONIONS : 00 boxes M. R. RAISINS ; J.O half boxes M. R. RAISIN* : 25 quar. boxes M. R. RA IfciN a 1 Ltd. FIGS. Si Drums : 5 bbis. DRIED CURRAN IS ; 15 xegs DRIED PRUNBfc O boxes Smoked HALIBUT 20 bbis. PickisU HERRINGS; 10 bbia. WHITE FlfeH ; 15 haifbbU. WHITE FISH ; 200 boxes Scaled HERRINGS ; 200 boxes No. 1 HERRINGS, Smoked : 20 b3Xes (TOO each) prime large Dry CODFISH : 1 > half bbis. Pickled CODFISH ; 20 kits Pickled SALMON ; 100 boxes A>.iA*antina CANDLE* : 100 boxesStertac CANDLES ; 30 boxes SUOAP. CRACKERS; 10 bbis. Boston CRACKERS. —Alt.: for Sale— -000 bales Prime Eastern and Northern HAT —A LSO— LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTEK.i Always on hand, in quantities to meet tie demands of the ; somaa unity. R. J. ROU E & CO.. GENERAL COM. MERCHANTS. ?87 BROAD-STREET. ! |*j have adriess of a eargo of CORN and OATS, to arrive In about tan days; also, a prime lot of BUCKWHEAT FLOUR a sacks [novlldiwim] R. J. 80YYE dfc CO Geo. W. Williams & Cos., No, 1 AND 3 HAYNE-STREET CHARLESTON, S. C., OFFER FOR SALE, AT LOWEST MARKET RALES T nAa BAGS Rio. Java, and LaguvraCOFFEß; XUU IP 850 hhds. Porto Rico and Cuba SUGARS ; 700 bbls. Clarified. Crushed and Loaf SOO hhds. Cuba and Muscovado MOLASSES : 300 bbls.dtew Orleans MoLaSSES and Syrup; 800 bales Gunny BAGGING; 2000 cods Bale ROPE and TWINE; ISOO boxes CANDLES and SOAP ; 1300 kegs 5 AIL, assorted : 7000 sacks Liverpool SALT ; 100 casks fresh RICE: POWDER, LEAJA SOAP, _CON, Ac. j Charleston. 8. C-, Oct. 15, 1330. octli-dly Fire Insurance SECURITY AN D ECONOMY. ■ -O PER CEYT OP NETT PROFITS DIVIDED AWT ALLY IA SCRIP TO POLICY HOLDERS. - o THE ELMOBE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF CHARLESTON', S. C. CASH CAPITAL ... $250,000. ! THE INSURED PARTICIPATE IM THE PROFITS, WITHOUT ANY LIABILITY WHATEVER. DIRECTORS: WILLIAM M. MARTIN', president. J. Legate Yates. A. S. Jobaktou, Geo. VV. Williams, A R. Taft, William C. Be*. r-enry Buut. S. N’. Hart. J. Reid Boylsfou, John B. Lafl'te, Hugh R. Banks, Wan. C. Courtney, j E. L. Adams, Edw. Sebri-jj:, ; C. V. Chamberlain, JOSEPH WHILDEN, Sec’y * Treas. The *ul--criber having been appointed Agent for this citv, will take risks as low as other equally responsible Companies A. M. JACKSON, Agent, noeS-Sm 213 Broad Street. PENMANSHIP FOR LADIES AND CARD WRITING. \riSSAWA BROWN', respectfutiv informs the Ladies „vl. or Augusta and vicinity, that she will open Classen in Bold, Commercial and Ladies’ Epistolary PEN MANSHIP, at 142 Greene street,nearly opposite the Bell Tower. Persona can commence at any time, as each pupil receives individual Instructions. Tmuaa—Five Dollars for Twelve Lessons, and Ten Dollars for Twenty Four Lessons, including Stationary—invariably in advance. VISITING. WEDDING, ADDRESS and BUSINESS CARDS, neatly written toorder. Forwarded by mall to any address. Specimens of MISS BROWN’S Penmanship mav be seen at Plumb A Leitner's, and the best of city references furnished. octlS-swlm DR. D’ANTIGNAC, OFFERS hi* professional services to the citizens of Au gusta. Office over Barry A Batty’s store. aovl4-dtf INSURANCE AGENCY. Office at Geo. A. Oates* Book Store. CONTINENTAL Y RESOLUTE 1 Insurance Companies GOODHUE 1 of MARKET I New York. SECURITY 1 ATLANTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Broeklyn. [oct4-dlm] JOS. E. MARSHALL, Agent. ST EAM E\ til A ES. ON hand, ready to be put to work. Portable and Stationary STEAM ENGINES, 4 to 20 ho se power, best sort and no mistake. Applv to COOPER’S FOUNDRY, next to Gas Work*. octSgtf S2O REWARD S T> AN A WAY from the subscriber, on or about the 10th of JX July last, a Negro Man named CLINTON. He la of black complexion, and his height about feet; will weigh 138 or 140 li. At the time es leaving had on dark clothes and black hat. Wears a moustache and goatee. He ia supposed to be loitering either about the city or in the vicinity of Athena Ga. J. N. FREEMAN. Ex’r, 311 Broad street, nearly opposite Planter#’ Hotel. VT Piapatch copy. octll NOTICE. THE ereditors of O DONOHOE A WRAY, by <:'.’> at my Dwelling, over the store formerly occupied by them. iy D.* W.) on tne 10* !m*„ at from 9to M, and from t tot o dot.:, will receive a Dividend on their claim* •erloAt ORRTN T. TERRY, Aseigr.ee. WAREHOUSES. ~ PHLNIZi & CLAYTON, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERC HAI^nTS, Comer of Reynolds and Campbell Street, Augusta, Geo. IIAVLNG made extensive additions to otir Warehoua JLA dunng the summer, St s now one of the Tioet commodiou I in the Sonthem country. We are better prepared than ever fb the tranaactioa of the Commission Business in every depart ment. On ail consignments of Produce from our customers, heir interest will be fhithfu’ly regarded. T. PHINIZY, E. P. CLAYTON. . Augusta, Sept. 1,1560, sepfiditw3m M. P. STOVALL, “ W arehouse & Commission Merchant, AUGUSTA, GA, X'O.ATINTICS the business in all its branches. :n his Urge Vy and commodious Fire-Proof Warehouse, on Jackson street. near the Gk-be Hotel Orders for Plantation aad Family Supplies promptly and carefully filled. The usuai CASH facilities afforded customers. aufil-dAw6m DOUGHTY,BEALL&CO, COTTON.FACTORS ’ AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AU9USTA GEO.. , f iOYTl.YTESbusiness at theiroid stand (Fire-Proof Build- V. mgs.) on J ackson Street, and renew the tender of their aer : vices to their oid friends and customers, i Advances as heretofore. E. W. DOUGHTY, W. A. BEALL. C. W. DOUGHTY. Augusta, Augusta. August 80, 1860. au22-d2wAw6m P. li. MORKOW, Warrhouse and Commission MERCHANT, At the Fire-Proof Warehouse of Phindsy it Clayton, AUGUSTA, GA., Office on the Corner us Reynolds it Campbell Sts., I P STAIRS, \V ILL devote his personal attention to the sale and storage v r of Cotton, and all other Produce. Orders for Family and Plantation Supplies, filled at the low. est market prices. Cash Advances made on Produce in store. Charges cus tomary. Augusta, Oa„ August. 1360. auls-dAwSm ~\r” )L¥aTITBEALLr WAKEHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. V\yE will continue the Warehouse and Commission Busi vt ness at the same stand, in Metcalfs FL-e-pnxl Ware bouse. #on Reynolds’, between Jackaon and Mclntosh streets, Metcalf ? Range,) in the centre of the city and convenient to the Hotels. Being amply provided with good and safe storage for Cotton. Grain, and Produce generally, we respectfully solicit a contin uance of the patronage heretofore so liberally extended, and that of Mte public generally, pledging the strictest persona, at tention to all business entrusted to our care. Ail consignments to B. A will have our prompt attention. The usual (lash Advances mane on Produce in Store. •Orders for Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies promptly filled. WM. M. EE ALL, A. A. BEALL. Augusta, Ga_ July 9.1860. jylß-d3Jtw6m HEARD & SIMPSON, Warehouse and Commission MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA, VU'E “will contin . a the Warehouse and Commission Bust- V v nese. at our oid stand, where we solicit a continuance of I the patronage of our oid friends and the public generally. auJ-dwwtfE HEARD Jk SIMPSON. HARPER C. BRYSON, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, FI RE-1* ROOF WAREHOUSE, AUGUSTA, GEO. Wkei a his personal attention will be given to the Storage and Sale of Cotton and other Produce. Orders for Family Supplies promptly attended to. Cash advanced oa Produce in Store. or Sales Room and Office on Reynold, between Jackson j and Mclntosh streets, aua-tlldrwim J. C. DAWSON, W arehonse k Commission Merchant, NO. 2 WARREN BLOCK. AUCJUSTA, GEORGIA, Jy2S-6m HEARD & CLARKE, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE. ON REYNOLD STREET, (.Year South Caroline Railroad Depot,) AUGUSTA, QA.-, \VILL devote their personal attention to the Sale and V V storage of Cotton and all other Pro uce ; also, to re ceiving and forwarding Goods. Orders for Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies promptly at tended to. Liberal Ca&h Advances made at ail times on Produce ia store. ISAAC T. HEARD. iyM-dAwtf HENRY E.CLAREk JAMES A. JONES, Warehouse & Commission Merchant, NO. 6 MCINTOSH STREET, AUGUSTA, C3-.A._, YVILI. continue the Commission business in ail its branches. 17 Personal attention givento the sole and storage of COT TON, and ail other produce consigned to him. Thankful for the liberal patrcnageof his friend# In icnner vears, he would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same, and that of the pubuc generaiiv. Orders for Bagging, Rope andFamUy Supplies, carefullv fill ed at the lowest market price. Liberal cash advances made on Produce In store. J. A. JONES. Au,ruata, July A IcBO. iyS-dJtwfim ANTOINE POULLALY, COTTON FACTOR, Warehouse Jackson Street, AUGUSTA, GEO. TH E usual Cash facilities required, wfri he extended to my friends and customers, and the sale of all Cotton consigned to me shall have my personal attention. au9-d&w<im D’Antignae, Evans & Cos., WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, C3-A~ \V r E continue the above business at our commodioua Ware- V v house on Reynold street, near the Uni*.d States HoteL where we may always be found to attend to the mteiest of our customers. Ordeiss for Plantation and Family Supplies promptly filled, and ail the usual facilities granted to our friends. Cash Advances made on'produce in store. WM. M. D’ANTIGN'AC, GEO. W. EVANS, tyE-dAwfim WM. E. EVANS. GARDINER & MOORE, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCH^TSTTS, (Warehouse formerly occupied by Sim peon A Gardiner.) McINTOSH STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., YtTILL give their personal attention to the selling of Cotton, ” or such other produce as may be sent to them by their friend* and the planting public. Orders for Bugging, Rope, and Family Supplies, filled to th beet advantage. Cash Advance# made upon Produce in Store, when required JAMES T. GARDINER, formerly Simpson A Gardiner. yfofim ST. JOHN MOORE. DEVEREUX & KLAPP, No. 23 Mclntosh Street, I MPORTERS Direct) cf Fin# WINES, BRANDIES JL and GINS. <>n hand, a superior artlels or Mon- ngaheia, Bya. Cabinet and Wheat WHISK ETA ®etai-dw VOL. XXIV. NO. 274 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. EDW. F. kTangsTROTH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUGUSTA, GA. PARTICULAR attention given t* collection of CUtK** and drawing up of legal instrument*. Office ton- * Washington and EBis streets. wse* of WILLIAM H. WHEELER, ATTORNEY AT LAW AUGUSTA, GEO., OFFICE CORNER BROAD A WASHINGTON STREETS, IS COMMISSIONER for New Tort, Connecticut, Miseissiwi. Rhode Island. Florida, Tennessee.’ Vermont, a iahm octT-d6m EDWIN H. POWERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW AN D SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, ATCITSTA, GA. A the pale of hi* profe*i.-m, m, <U * CLf * cd wtdjg*£v<- THOMAS W. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUGUSTA, GA. WILL practice in the counties of Richmond, Burke and be timnd tor the present at the office of M. H. Talent, Esq, nearly oppose the Umted States Hutri. Same entrance as to the office of the late Arm of Millet ... JacJMOn - febM it WRIGHT A GIBSON • rTOBNEYS AT LAW, AUGUSTA, GA. \\ i.L practice in ail the counties of the Middle Clrew*', ▼ t and W.trreo and Lincoln of the Northern. Office w id street, m LaFavette Hail building. A ;K- WM. GIBSON. JNO. P. C. WHITEHEAD, Jr, ATTORNEY AT LAW, i NFFICE over Poulialn, Jennings A Co.’S new Warehouse, V/ - ws.-on Street. o^l4 JOHN MILLEDGE, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILL practice in the counties of the Middle Circuit. Office N0. 3 Warren Block. Octli) F. L. R, THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LAFAYETTE,'GA. Je2o THBODORB C. CO2TE, SAAO L. TOO i & CONE A- TOOLE. ATTORNEYS .A.T la_A*W AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, Ofict First Door below the Mechanics 9 ife*K Augusta, Ga. IHA VE associated with me in the Practice of Law, IS A. A’ J L. TOOLE. Esq. We will practice in the following tour ; tie*: Columbia, Washington. Emanuel. Striven, Burke. Rich mond, Jefferson and Warren; in the Supreme Court of <re.,t - gia. in the U. S. Court for the District of G rgix and by special contracts in South Carolina. *ll business entrusted ti us will be faithfully and punctually discharged. N. B. I will regularly attend the Courts mentioned above jea-dJkwtf THEODORE C. CONE. FRANK H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUGUSTA, GA. w ILL practice in all the counties ot the Midc.e Circuit. an t 1 I in the Circuit Court of the United States. COMMISSIONER FOR New York. North Caro lisa, Illinois. Massachusetts, South Carolina, Kratucay Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Mississippi, California. (Office in the rear room over Sherman, Jessup A Co.’s Star * opposite the United States Hotel. feb9d-ddrwly A^ATiLr FRA Nik H. MILLER, Attorney at Law has fernowl his office to the front room over Conley, Force A Cos 4 Store, opposite the Insurance Bank. cctS-diwim. JOHN K JACKSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, AUGUSTA, GA. \Y r ILL Practice in F. hmoed, Columbia, and Burke Com ties, in Georgia, and in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Districts ot’ Georgia. Commissioner for t * States of Alabama, Tennessee acdTetaa. Office over the store of Sherman, Jessup * Cos, next afcote the City Bank. febSS-dAwi v LOFTON & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LEXINGTON, GA. WILL practice in the Counties at Oglethorpe, Madie V v Hart. Elbert, Lincoln, W ilkes. Taliaferro, Warren, Ha. cock and Giasaccar. JOHN T. LOFTON. _ WM. H SMITH febfil-dAwly* JOHN WHIT’ THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, cithbebt, ga., W ILL practics in the eouctie# es Randolph. Stewart. Quit v T man, Olay, Early, Terrell and Calhoun. Codectioua and Land C Laima promptly attended to. my*> T. WALKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW ATHENS, GA. W'ILL practice in the counties of Jackson. Clark, Waiioa, i* Gwinnett, Hail. Rabun, White, Habersham, Franki-a and Banks, of the W extern Circuit. janls'Bo-ly JONES, RODGERS & ROBERTS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. THE firm of Berrten, Jones A Cos., having been dissolved by the death of Mr. Berrien, the undersigned will practice In Copartnership, except iu Criminal Practice, In the Court# or the Middle District, in the Supreme Conn, and In the ClrrD.i, Court of the United States tor the District of Georgia. OFFICE IN WAYNESBORO’, BURKE CO., GA XAL.DOLX D. JONSS. ALPYXCS X. BOOXBS, WILLIAM X. BOItXBTS. JelT-dAwly DENTAL CARD. I*. BEVINS. OFFICE on Broad Street, over Messrs. D’Andgnae A Weems, opposite Measrs. Bones A Brown’#. Cafl and flee .pecimans of v.ft—especially the Continuous Gum—they are perfectly beautiful, and all that could be desired ia a Plata. r,HO-4.ywiT FRESH Garden Seeds! WARRANTED GENUINE. CROP 1860. t\’ E expect to receive our stock of GARDEN SEEDS v T this season, much earuer tnan usual. The asaortmec’ will be more extensive and more comp lete than formerly, having added several new and choice varieties to our already Catalogue. Our Seeds are raised by someof the most reliable Bead Grow ers in the country, from selected stock, and our customers may have Implicit confidence in what we send them, as being t>er fectly FRESH and PURE, as we keep no old Seed whatever frotn one season to another. For the eoavenience of Merchants, we have almost every #ott in papers ; and for Planters and Gardeners, in bulk. PLUMB £ LEIINER, Druggists, NEW FALL AND WINTER Dry Goods! WM. H. CRANE __ Has received his supply of FALL and WINTER GOODS, consisting of the latest styles of Dress Goods, such as CLOAKS, SHAWLS, Ac., to gether with a large assortment of DOMESTIC GOODS. These Goods hare been bought low, and will be sold at prices to suit the time*. He respectfully invites an examination of the assort* ment by the public. Tae prices, he is convinced, will compare favor* bly with those of any other heuse, and b* will satiafv all of the fact who may favor him with a eali. owKMAwet