Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, November 22, 1860, Image 1

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! Y VV S. JONES. : ukoMCLK & sentinel. PUBLISHED daily and WEEKLY, BY W. S. JONES. TERMS. X ‘} V . A ‘LR—Published Morning and Even Six Dollars per annum. Y PAPER —(A mammoth sheet) —Two : i !i, • s per annum. ■ 7 * v - l - ” w f ,P v A iyc!g Kriu-d !er_ Advertising. - V- : -lv< .-rising In the CONSTITUTION friMCLE SENTINEL have been eats’ • AD E.t'i i :EMENTS, published In the a.iy, * , ‘ r the i, t itL-._rtkm, and two ar v ncuj . .r subsequ*at insertion. All auvertise . i ■ : • . inai: g rive Uvea or more. •I* : one month 45.00 i . Li:.'.-1 .!y one month ’... 8.00 : . L.* i• ii £B, live (eras pair une of solid Nonpareil, • ■ ‘ and (/. •< etui- ft. each rnb-eq.lent insertion in •. A. Averti.-:'. ‘ . ,-c counted as making five lines or i■’ 1 lily or.■_* it*, ran 17.00 ■ ■ ■ - 1 I .y one tn 4.00 . . ■AI v’ £1 .71S RM E3flß. FV-c Vents per lineof • and N •*-’. ■ i tu.-ortAon In llaily. All advertise *: ‘■> bo . v. •e. ...3 f.-. e ’.Lie* or more. . T<*i. j s Dally one i. ‘ nth fIO.OO 1 iv Lv.es Lal y one month 6.00 ’ ■ • • i .-r.t< ocr.rinued for months, in either class, will be ..f i be in’ v.'.hiy rate*, for each subsequent month, for -• mi ru.-nths, and • me-jourth for each succeeding month. • •. ‘.lAflsA i'VA'l -ul VUN EIiAL NOTICES, Fif v ( enie each. OBITUARIES, Ten Cents per line. Hales for Weekly Advertisement*. riUDiNAKY ADVERTlSEMENTS,publishedcnceaweek, •; Da v or Weekly, Seven and a hall Ccnte per line, for each b s,'l l n. SPECIAL ’NOTICES, Ten Cents per line, for the first inser l io r.—F iht (>i,ts hue for each subsequent Insertion, • 1 1 - I“LA Y kl> ADVEItTIS EM ENTS, Ten Cents per lln fore.id Insertion. MEROHAN IS and BUSINESS MEN whose advertisements s-e el. a , . , will !>• allowed a discount pi tu-enta-h e per cent. tro. tii-e Kites;, when their j:Ills amount to fifty Dollars, in i.-x mouths, if paid i.s ter. dayster presentation. WM. X. JONES, Proprietor Chronicle * Sentinel. JAMES GARDNER, Pro--’ -nrCon t: nttnnalist. from our Evening Edition of yesterday. BY TELEGRAPH. 5,/uEi FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER GLASGOW. Nbw-York, Nor. 20.—Tha steamship Glasgow has arrived with Liverpool dates to Nov. 8. Commercial News, Liverpool Cotton Market. —Sales of cottou for the past two days 20,000 bales, (this includes sales of Thursday, the Bth,) of which speculators and exporters took 6,000 bales. The market closed steadily at Friday’s quotations. London Money Market. —Consols closed at ‘'3% “ The Rank of England has advanced its rates of discount to 4>fj. Virginia Banks. Richmond, Ya., Nov. 20.—The Farmers’Bank of \ irgirna has suspended specie payment. Toey resolved to pursue a course of policy so as to pre pare for an early resumption. The other Banks wili follow as a prudential measure during the present pressure. Kausas Troubles. Washington Nov. 20.- Rumors from Kansas state that large bodies of armed pro-slavervites and free soilers, have assembled in the Southern pai t of Kansas near Fort Scott, and that bloody doings were shortly expected. A serious out break was anticipated about the time of the land sales at Leavenworth, if not sooner. New York Finances. New York, Nov. 20.—About seven hundred thousand dollars in sterliug bills were taken by the Bank Committee, at prices ranging from 104 1 1) 106. There were large discounts made on pa per by the banks. The stock markst varied but closed lower. Virginia’s at 79 ; Government s’s at 75. New York News. New York, Nov. 20.—The returns of the vote of the State on negro sutler age was nearly com plete. The majority against was nearly one hun dred and twelve thousand. Market*. New York, Not. 20.—The cotton iuarket was irregular and unquotable. The sales were 1500 bales. Flour heavy—sales ot 9500 bids. South ern at 55 20y<£$5 SO. Wheat heavy—sales of 56,000 bushels. Coin lower—sales7B,ooo bushels. Mixed at Spirits of Terpentine dull at 37(it,39c. Resin heavy at $1 35. Rice dull.— Freights drooping, cotton to Liverpool *£d. New Orleans, Nov. 20. —Sales of cotton to-day 7,600 bales—Middling three days 12,500 bales and receipts iu same time 41,000 bales against 42,000 bales ; decrease at all ports 145,000 bales. Sterling Exchange S3 to par. Sight on New York preai. Freights on cotton to Liverpool Hon. E. Y. Hill.—We deeply regret to learn from a letter to a gentleman in this city, says the Atlanta American, that Hon. Edw. Y. Iliil was stricken with paralysis while addressing a meet ing of the people of Troup county, at ”Lu Grange, ou Friday last, and that fears are entertained that he cannot survive the shock. COMMERCIAL. Aujtiutn Markt't. Weojtdsdat, t P. M. * OTTON.—The Cotton market continues dull and depressed. ‘t runs-ictloiis to-day, thus far, arc exceedingly limited. AVA N ■%’ A It, Nov. 20 [Republican.] —Cotton —No sales to report. Flua clal matters are gottiug no better, ami the strin gency la affecting the moat solvct.t. ! Book binding. The Chronicle &. Sentinel’ j BOOK BINDERY | Is now in full operation, with recent additions of new materials and conveniences of all kin ds, i All BOOK'S, rAMPIILETS ; MUSIC, &.•„ can be j BOUND IN ANY STYLE, from the plainest to 1 the most ornamental, on moderate terms, and with punctuality and dispatch. BLANK BOORS For District Officers, Sheriffs, Clerks, Tax Col. ectors, &c., a3 well as for Counting Houses, and for any other purpose, will be manufactured to order, in the most substantial and superior style Terms moderate, and promptness observed. IV. S. JONES. ORiiAN MAMIFACTORy, CHARLESTON, S. C. mi!E undendxced U now fully prepare ! to Build Church ! J or Parlor OKU ANS, of an > size, from ♦3 X) up to SIO,OOO. ) Having had twenty vve years’ experience in Organ Building, lam prepared to produce a good an instrument as any in ’he United States l have all materials on hand of the best quality —and properly seasoned wood, a-c. 1 can pr'du ,e t lie buet testimonial- as to capability and faith fulntss. Orsruiseuclosid In any style o’ ease desired, or to suit the archil” ture ofthe building or room All orders prompt‘v and aithfuilv executed, ate I all mv work WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Address JOHN BAKER, auisi-dSin* Organ Builder. Chari ston, S. C. ON CONSIGNMENT, 50 hhds. choice BACON SIDES ; 20 tlercee choice HAMS; 20 tierces Sugar-Cured Canvassod SHOULDERS; 2*V hills, superior LEAF LARD; 1000 sacks Pennsylvania Black Seed OATS ; 10 boxes low price TOBACCO. 8 hhds CLEAR SIDES. For sale at low rates bv J. C. DAWSON, f No. 2 Warren Block. CO RN. 1 KAA BUBUELB Stock CORN, aou*d. hist arrived JLOtMF for STOVALL, MuLAUOhLIN & CO. iiovl4-(H£wK Correspondence of the Chronicledb Sentinel. GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. Milledgeville, Ga., Nov. 20th, 1300. SENATE. New Matter.—Mr. King, of Glynn : To facili tate the building of the Macon & Brunswick Rail road. Mr. Johnson, of Clayton : To suspend the col lection of debts in this State. Mr. Uary, of Glascock : To allow parties against whom divorces have been obtained to marry again. .Mr. Printup, of Floyd: To incorporate “the Georgia A Alabama R. 11. Cos. Mr. \Y ells, ol \\ ashington : To add the county of \v ashington to the Ocmulgee Circuit. Mr. Tracy, of Bibb : To amend the charter of the South-Western li. R. Cos. Mr. Roberts, of Miller : A resolution that the Legislature adjourn on the 28d inst., and meet again on the 2sth of January. - ,^ r ,* K ! rb - V Chattooga : To amend the 3d and i tb Sections of the Ist Article of the Constitution of this State. Mr. Tarvey, of Jeflersou : To alter the oath which is taken by Tax Pavers. Mr. Moore, of Whitfield : To add an additional section to the 10th Division of the Penal Code of State. Mr. Lawton, of Chatham : To allow Executors, Administrators, Ac., in Chutham co., to invest in the capital stock of the Banks in the city of Sa vannah. Mr. McLeod, of Emanuel: To regulate the measurement of timber in the city of Darien. Mr. Jordan, of Pulaski: To abolish the Usury law in certain cases. Mr. Jones, of Newton : To lay out anew coun ty from the counties of Newton and Gwinnett. Mr. Collier, of Fulton: To amend the law of Levy and Sale. 1 he Special Message of the Governor, (the same as that reported in the House* proceedings) was read and referred to the Committee ou the State of the Republic. Senate Bills on Third Reading.—To simplify Practice and Pleading in the State. Passed. To repeal certain portion of the Peddler’s Act of 1859. Passed. To prescribe the manner of controverting an swers to certiorari. Passed. _ To simplify and curtail pleadings in Law in this htate. Passed. The Senate then adjourned until 3 o’clock, p. m. 3 O’clock, P. M. 1 he Senate met and spent the evening in read ing bills the third time. uocse. Mr. Harris, of Glynn, reported a senes of reso lutions from his constituents expressive of their sentiments on the political questions of the day which were referred. J Mr. Hopkins, of Mclntosh, said : Mr. Speaker, I am sorry to see that by these resolutions my friend from Glynn has lost his seat on this floor. Glynn county has seceded from the Union, i ap plause] and 1 would ask you, Mr. Speaker, to de cide whether my friend Harris is entitled to a scat. [lmmense applause.] Mr. Harris, of Glyhn, said that he hoped his friend from Mclntosh would let the House of Re presentatives remain as it is, to act as special am bassadors to arrange terms. [Laughter, j .Mr. Green, of Cobb, offered a seiies of resolu tions passed at a meeting in Marietta, which, on motion, were referred. Mr. Ector, of Meriwether, offered a resolution j instructing the Clerk to spread upon the Journal the proceedings of the various meetings of the people in this State. On motion of Mr.’ Colvard, of Columbia, the Clerk was instructed to annex to the Journal, in the shape of an appendix, the pro ceedings. The bill of the Senate, passed on Saturday last, calling a Convention of the people on the 13th | Gay of January next, was taken up. Mr. David, of Forsyth, called for the yeas and nays on the passage of the bill. The yeas were 147, uuys none ! So the bill passed unanimously. On motion, ail School kills were made the spe cial older for Thursday next. Third Reading of House Bills.—To compen sate T. R. li. Cobb for certain copies of llepoits of Supreme Cou tto the State. I’assed. To allow Executors, Administrators, Ac., of oilier States, to bring action in this State. Passed. To change the 14th section of the 13th division of Penal Code of this State. Passed. Mr. Hartridge, of Chatham, introduced a reso lution that this Legislature adjourn on the Ist of December, to meet ou the 23d of January next. The fallowing Message was received from his Excellency Governor Brown : Executive Department, ) Milledgeville, Nov. 20, 1800. J To the General Assembly :—The official returns of the election for Electors to cast the vote of this State for President and Yice President of the United States, held ou the sixth day of this month, have been received at this office from all the counties of the State except the county of Tattnall, whose vote could not change the result. I have caused these returns to be consolidated and added together, and find that no one of the tickets nor any individual upon any one of the tickets, have received a majority of all the votes cast at said election. The act of 23d December, 1343, provides, in such case, that the General Assembly shall proceed, by joint ballot, to the election of Electors for President and Yice Presi dent of the United States. It is now ascertained that the Black Republi cans have triumphed over us and have elected their aendidate for President and Vice President. The vote of Georgia cannot, therefore, change .or effect the final result. In this crisis, unanimity of sentiment among the people of this State is great ly to be desired, and bitterness of party strife is greatly to be deprecated. It is a question, there fore, worth the consideration of the General As sembly, whether harmony would not be promoted and party slide allayed, by a refusal on the part of the General Assembly to enter into au election which can have no practical effect, or in any way promote the interest of this State. I am informed that the Hon. Charles J. McDo nald, one of the persons voted for as Elector, who received the highest vote of any’ person in the State, is so feeble that he could not attend and cast the vote if elected. I am requested, there fore, in case an election is held, to say to the Gen eral Assembly that he does not desire his name used. When I express my deep regret that the hand of aflliction should have fallen upon Governor McDonald, the noble citizen, the tried patriot and the able Statesman, who has served Georgia so long . lid so faithfully, I doubt not the sentiment meets a w. rm 1 espouse in the bosom of every pa triotic son of Georgia. Joseph E. Bbown. i Accompanying the message was a tally sheet, showing he condensed return lor all of the coun ties Tattnall, which return, when received, will add 200 majority to Breckinridge. Below 1 send the returns : BRECKINRIDGE TICKET. C. J. McDonald 51,623 11. R. Jackson 51,854 Peter Cone 51,707 N. M. Slaughter 51,810 C. C. Gibson 51,811 H. Buchanan 51,772 L. Tumlin 51,763 11. Strickland 51,725 W. A. Lofton 51,521 W. M. Mclntosh 51,728 DOUGLAS TICKET. A. 11. Stephens 11,530 A. R. Wright 11,558 J. L. Seward 11,448 B. Y. Martin 11,533 Nathan Bass 11,633 Hiram Warner 11,552 J. W. Harris ll’ogtf Jas. P. Simmons 11,547 J. S. Hook 1R532 Julieu Camming n 041 BELL TICKET. Wdliani Law 42,855 l L. 11. Ilill 40 S. B. Spencer.. 4^BBl Marcel I us Douglas 42,b73 L. T. Doyal . .V.42’,788 W F. Wright 42:763 J. R. Parrott 42 886 H. P. Bell 42J75 Ira E. Deupree 12,854 L Lamar 42353 The speech of Hon. 11. L. Benning will be pub lished in a few days. He advocated Secession as the only remedy under existing circumstances. • Cadets of the Georgia Military Institute ar rived this morning, and will give an exhibition parade to-morrow, I understand. Prof. Cook, of the Georgia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, gives an exhibition of the pro ficiency of some of his pupils in this llall to-night. A. AIILLEDGEVILLE RAILROAD. Onric* or ttik billedoxvillb Kaiboad C 0.,) - September 3, 1860. t AT ft meeting of the Board of Directors this day held, the following Resolutions were passed by the Board : Waived, 1 hat the Chief Engineer be instructed to employ such additional assistance as may be necessarv to finish the lo cation of the Hue of Hoad by the first of November next to be *t by Sections after advertisement, so soon as each Section has been reported to the Board. Resolved, That the President tie authorized to make a call upon the [stockholders ofthe MiUedgevilk Railroad Company for payment of the following Instalments upon their Stock in addition to thes per cent, required at tiie time of subscription. Five per c ut, on the 10th of October, IS6O Fifteen per cent. “ loth of November, 13C0. Five “ “ 10th of December, 1860. Five “ “ blh of January, 1861. True extract from the Minutes ofthe Board. W. MILO OLIN, Sec’y and Treas. 1 n ,P.-J yspntice Gs 1 1 1 e 2d Resolution above, the Stockholders 0 the M’liedgevule Railroad C ompany are requested to pay the Instalments as set forth In said Resolution, at the office of sa'd Company in Augusta. 8. D. HEARD, President. Augusta, Sept, i, 1860, sepO-tJalO AUGUSTA, GA., THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 22, 1860. METROPOLITAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, New York. CAPITAL &300 000 CASH SURPLUS *10o|ooo! , p P, P , arfd . t 0 tak .r bks f n all Insurable Property In the rates fA aad throughout the btute of Georgia, at fair J. C. DAWSON, Agent, scp6-ly No. 2 Warren Block, Augasta. mCORPOR ITEDIBI9 Charter Pei*pei ual. CAPITAL $1,500,000. SURPLUS nOojlOO. ASSETS 2,194,000. This Company is well known in this city, and throughout the t mon, as the leading Fire Insurance Company. It has eurned a reputation for prompt attention to business, and an honorable, liberal and equitable performance of its obligations, unequalled by any other Company. B. 11. BRODNAX, Agent, for Augusta and vicinity, jy2l-dly opposite Bridge Bank Building. MARKET FIRE Emm COMPANY, NEW-YORK. Capital $200,000, & Large Surplus. INSURES ON MERCHANDISE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, IH ILBI.XGh, and tT.sc BETTER CLASS OF RISE'S GENERALLY, on the most Favorable Terms. The Company is now doing business ou the “PARTICIPATION PLAN,” by which SEVENTY-FIVE PER CENT of the net Profits is divided annually (in Scrip bearing interest) to the parties in sun and, and the Fund represented by the Scrip is securely 1 li ven# ed and held by the t’ottpany as guaranty for its policy, thereby greotly increasing thesecurilv, and'diminishing the expanse of Insurance, without any liability whatever on the part ot the assured. Fir t Division of F ofifi , July, 1800. TiIIRTY-TIIIIEE-AND-A-TH IRD PER CENT In Scrip on the Premiums on Policies written with the Participation Provision, and marked oii during the year ended June 30. ASiiEikTAYh.UK, President. J. E. MARSHALL, Agent. oct4-dlm “floor cloths I : CARPETING, CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST, CAN BE FOUND AT J. & A . J. SETZE’S. A LSO, CIO AMS! CLOAKS !| ST A PLE AND FAN© Y DRY GOODS, OF A hi. Styles and IPatt-rns. A MOS COMPLETE STOCK o nsr .G3i _a_ isr jd AND RECEIVING WEEKLY, Which will t* gold at a SMALL ADVANCE! We will Show our Goods to one find all, deeming't no trouble —rather a pleasure—to display them. J. & A. J. SETZE. oct-27-dtf W. ii.~ SALISBURY & CO., I)EALE R F l N STOVES. U RATES, RANGES, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. &c., I Gps Fixtures*, META Lit’ ROOFING, GAS FITTING AND PLUMBING, FORCE AND LIFTING PUMPS, DEEP WELL PUMPS, (for ant depth well to one hundred fhet, Which we guarantee to give entire satisfaction!) Lead, Sleek Tin, and Gi vanieed Iron, Pipe, &c.; Tin Plate, Sliest Lead, Copper, and Sheet Iron. By arrangements lately made, we are the SOLE AUBNTS | for the sale of CHILSOJf’S ELEVATED DOUBLE OVEN RANGE, The most economical and quick operating Range ever invented. Housekeepers aud others are invited to examine this Range before purchasing. Its real advantages cannot tie detailed; but suffice it to say, that for quick, even and beautiful Baking, and ciodenve consumption of Fuel, it must supercede every other similar apparatus. These Ranges can Le fitted with Water F.acxs, and fixtures I for heating additional rooms : and are sold just as low .as any i good Cooking Store. We are also Agents for CHILSON’S PATENT FURNACE, FOB HEATING Dwellings, Churches, HOTELS, And other public buildings. This apparatus* having been sub jcctea to the in’ st rigid te.-t bv the first Scientific men of the age, lias been pronounced incapable of farther improvement. We are also Agents for the sale ofthe IYEST CASTLEBORO’ Imitation Marble Slate MANTLES. The Imitation is so perfect as to challenge the closest scrutiny. They retain t heir polish longertlian Marble, and, iuapT eanir.ee, are much superior. They cannot be injured by smoke, coal gas, or acid; and are sold at a great deal less priae than Marble ofthe same style. By prompt and close application to cur business, we hope to merit thetiatronuge of our friends and the public generally. NOTICE. 4 LL persons having claims agal st the firm of L. (’■ ftKIN- A NEK & CO., ir SKINNER <fc ’.ULLAKKT, will please render their accounts at (Robe Hotel. AUSTIN MULLARKY. W. J. HAMILL. Wholesale Dealer in FLOUR. CORN |EAL, MILL FEED, COP!?, OUTS, BAY, STRAW, £C. NO. 50 S. FREDERICK STREET, BALTIMORE. jylA-dfim , NED BUNTLIYE’S NEW BOOKS. Nciv-York Mercury Stories. FULL Ol ILLUSTRATIONS. irST published and for sa'e :;V retail or vtholesaie, at the ♦ I cheap Book.storcof FItP.DEKIC A. BKADY’, 24 Ann Street, New York. Price 23 cents each, or any five lor on dollar, or the whole eleven fir iwo dollars. i THE WHITE XVIZ A RD: <r. The Great. Prophet of the Seminole Indians. By Ned Bunt fine. Price 2oc. ’li. SEA WAIF: or. The Terror of the Coast. A Tale of Pri vateering in 177 G By Ned Ilpn'.hne. Price 25c. 111. SAUL SABBERDAY : or. The Idiot Spv. A Tale oi the Men and Deedsof 1776. By Ned L .ntline. ‘ Price 2oe. ELFRIDA : or. The Red P.over s Daughter. A New Mys tery of New York. By Ned Bunthne. Price 25c. V. THE MAN-O'-WAR’S GRUDGE. A Romance Os th Revolution. By Ned Buntiine. J’lice 25c. VI. OUR MESS, or. The Pirate Hunters of the Gulf. A Tale of Naval Heroism and Wild Adventures in the Tropics. By Ned Buntiine. Price 25c. VII. LUONA PRESCOTT ; or, The Curse Fulfilled. A Ta’e ot the American Revolution. By Ntu Buntiine. Price 25c. THAYENDANKOEA. THE SCOURGE : or. The War Eagle of rhe Mohawks. A Tap of Mystery. Ruth and Wrong. BvNed Butliue. Price 25c. 1-5* ‘"TELLA DELORME: or. The Camanche's Dream. A ■Wild and Fanciful Story of Savage Chivalry. Py Ned Bunt line. Price 25c. X. THE RIFT AND THE SPRAY. A Tale of the Smug gb-rs in the English Cliaar.G. Beautifully Illust-ated. Bv Malculm J. Errym. Price nC* 1 . PAT 1A WA Y : or. The Moun’a! ■ OuUaws. A Tale < Ithe Northern Trapping Grounds. By Dr. J. 11. Itobinso:,. i >-iee 25c. Atl of the rbove Books are full of beautiful Illustrative En gravings by Harley. Booksellers, News Agents, and all others will please ser.q on their orders at once. Copies nf any or all of the above works will be sent nes o postage, per mail, to any one. on receipt of price. Cali or send, or address all ok-dersto FREDERIC A. BRADY, _ Bf P7 d3m 24 Ann Street, New York, LIME! LIME! 2000 bbls. Prime New ROCK LI It D LIME, IN STORE AND ARRIVING FROM MANUFACTORIES DIRECT FOR SALE LOW BY R. J.BOWE & CO. octC-lm, INlffl) mm hotel, MOSUL B & ROSA ROND, Proprietors, BIiOAU STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. rpiifS large r.- and long-established Hotel, having tem thor ! J. ougi.ly re-fitted atid re-flin ished this Summer, Is now pre pared to satisfy all the v. unt., of the traveling community at the r.:-.at r":iSon;tble “ Freon its ctn:t!l i<.tion, in tier bc-althh-at part oftne i. . the UNITED STATES has always ctij’-yeda 1 rg - slutic o: tne public patronage, and the Proprie tors ar- uetnriuiii'-d t. spur..- neither pain., nor expense fuliy to sur.taln its ancient reputation as a first-chtss Ilotcl. auls 1 ; %*?■? P. V? Pi t’Ri ■■ lii |l|l li j|il| llt!u p.A . tjuciviy. T'JHOlsfL THE SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN. We offer ibis new Guano *o (be Planters of Georgia, in the great est confidence that it is the best and cheapest Fertilizer yet dis- I covered. ‘ It is a NATURAL GUANO, j imported in bulk end sob! in its natural state, without Grinding or Manipulation, which is the best j guarantee that Planters can have that ii is PURE & UNADULTERATED,; Although it is essentially a Phos-; phatic Guano, it has, in addition to : a large amount of Phosphate of Lime—which renders ii a perma nent Fertilizer—a sufficient pro portion ofthe Sulphates of ammo nia, Potash and Soda, and organic I matter rich in Nitrogen, to secure for it prompt and efficient action upon the first crop, We obtained enough of it last ! Spring to have it thoroughly tested ; by some ofthe best Planters in the State. The certificates of these Planters, together with the analy ses of Prof. Jones, Chemist to the Cotton Planters’Association; Prof. Shepherd, of the Charleston Medi cal College, and Prof. Darby, of Alabama, furnish convincing evi dence of its decided superiority to any Fertilizer yet introduced into this country. These evidences are printed in Pamphlet form,and | will be furnished gratis on appli cation to our Agents, or to us. THIS GrUASTO IS FREE MOM HIRB IMS. The importers of this Guano are bound to us under heavy oe naities to furnish us with ; ?uano of fully as good qualify as the i cargo analyzed by Profs. Jones, ; Skepht rd and Darby, and we pledge ourselves that each cargo ; shall be critically analyzed upon arrivil, and unless found to be essentially identical with those already received, we will either reject them or sell them at a corresnondingly less price. This Guano is put up in barrels of about 300 lbs., and the price will be uniform, as follows: S4O pe * ton of 2000 lbs., OA H, or $45 credit until Ist Nov , 1861 without interest, in Savannah, j The price at interior points will be the same, with necessary ex penses added. When sold on credit, city ac ceptances will be required DAN’L 11. WILCOX k CO. AoailifU, Nov.il ISM, B*vJT.fi& 4ra A FULL STOCK. We have invoices of the fol lowing list of Goods, many of which are in Store, and all to arrive in a f w days, on con signment, which we offer to tho trade as low as the same Goods can be imported by any house in the city: 30 hhds. prime Clear SIDES ; 40 hhds. prime Ribbed SIDES ; 4> hhds. prime new j acked SHOI'LRERS ; 120 ‘arrels prime Leaf LARD : GO alf bbls. prime Leaf LARD ; 50 keg? prime Leaf LARD ; 130 regs and tubs prime Goshen BUTTER ; 400 bbls., half bbls. and quarter bbls. MACKEREL, of different grades—l’s, 2’s and I'? 100 sacks prime RYE; 1 bbls. prime Peach Biw POTATOES ; 80 bbls. prime Winter APPLES : :io bbls. Red ONIONS ; GO boxes M. R. RAISINS ; 25 half boxes M. R. RAISINS ; tj quar. boxes M. R. RAISINS; 1 hint. FIGS, in Drums ; t) bbls. DRIED CURRANTS : If) kegs DRIED PRUNES: ) boxes Smoked HALIBUT : 20 bbls. Pickled HERRINGS ; 10 bbls. WHITE FISH ; 15 half bbls. WHITE FISH; 200 boxes Sealed HERRINGS ; 200 boxes No.l HERRINGS, Smoked; 20 boxes (100 lbs. each) prime large Dry CODFISH : j o half bbls. Pickled COD FISH; t kits Pickled SALMON ; 100 boxes Adamantine CANDLE# ; 100 boxes Sterlne CANDLES ; 30 boxes SUGAR CRACKERS; 10 bbls. Boston CRACKERS. — Also for Sale— GOO bales Prime Eastern and Northern HAT. -ALSO LIME, CEXEjKT AND I’LASTEK.s Aiwaya ou band, in quantities to meet the demands of the community. b. j. bowe & re.. GENERAL COM. MERCHANTS. 287 BHOAD-STRKKT. f*lWe hate advices of a cargo of CORN and OATS, to arrive in about ten days; also, a prime lot of BUCKWHEAT FLOUR n racks. . [novl4-d&wlm] R. J. BOWK At CO Csfo. W. Williams &€, ITo. 1 3 KAYiv E-STREET 5 CHA ’tLMETON, OFFER FOR SALE, AT LOWEST MARKET RATES t /YiW\BAGS Klo, Java, ar.d LaguyraCOFFEE; JLvHM? 350 lib Ja. Porto Rico and On ha SUGARS : TOC bids. Clarified, Cru.-Oicd and Loaf i'JO hints. Cuba and Muscov.-tdo MOLASSES : bids. New Orleans Mot ASSES and Syrup: 830 bales Gunny H AGO IF |t 20D0 coilb Bale KCFK and I i>,E; is.*) boxes C ANDLES and SOAR ; ’ 1908 kegs IS AIL, assorted : 7000 sacks Liverpool SALT ; It.® casksfreeh RICE: POWDER, LEAD. SOAP, 1} CON. Ac. Char'i st/.n. S. 0., Oct. 16, 1350. oetl6-dly Fire Insurance | SECURITY AND ECONOMY. 75 PER CEXT OP NETT PROFITS DIVIDED ANNUALLY IN SCRIP TO POLICY HOLDERS. 0 THE ELMORE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF CHARLESTON, S. C. CASH CAPITAL - - - $250,000. THE INSURED PARTICIPATE IN THE PROFITS WITHOUT ANY LIABILITY WHATEVER. DIRECTORS: WILLIAM M. MARTIN, President, J. Ltgare Yates, I A. S. Johnston, G eo. VV. Williams, | A R. Taft, William C. Bee, | ■ ctiry Buis'. S. N. Hart. | .T. Ken! Bovls’on, .I"hn B. l.afltte, | Hugo R. Banks, Ww. 0. Courtney, I E. T. Adams, Edw. Kebri g, j O.V. Chamberlain, JOSEPH WHILDEN, See'; A Treas. The subscriber having been appointed Agent, for this city, will take risks a* low as other equally responsible Companies A. M. JACKSON, Ag jut, nov3-3m „ 243 Broad Street. Ten mansh i p for ladies AND CARD WRITING. M 188 ANN A DROWN, respectfully Informs the Ladies o’ Augusta ami vicinity, that she will open Classes in Bold, Commercial and Ladies’ Epistolary PENMANSHIP, at 142 Greene street, nearly opposite the Beil Tower. Persons can commenco at any time, as i ach pupil receives individual instructions. Terms—Five Dollars for Twelve Lessons, and Ten Dollars for Tweuty Four Lessons, including Stationary—invariably in advance. VISITING. WEDDING, ADDRESS and BUSINESS CARDS, neatly written toorder. Forwarded by mad to any address. Specimens rs MISS BROWN’S PenmmsMp mar be seeu at Plumb &, I.eltner’s, auu the best of city references furnished. octlß-swlm DR. D’ANriGNAC, OFFERS Ms professional se. vices to the citizens of Au- | tusta. Ofhoe oyer Barry & Batty's store. novl4-dtf INSURANCE AGENCY. Office at Geo. A. Oates’ Book Store. CONTINENTAL 1 RESOLUTE Insurance Companies GOODHUE !■ of MARKET | New York. SECURITY j ATLANTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, ol Brooklyn. [ocW-dlmj JOS. E. MARSHALL, Agent. steamTemkimes. OX hand, ready to be put to work. Portable and Stationary STEAM ENGINES, 4 to 20 ho se power, best sort and no mistake. Apply to COOPER’S FOUNDRY, next to Gas Works, octiotf B*2o REWARD ! U ANA WAY from the subscriber, ou or about the 10th of July last, a Negro .Man named CLINTON. He is of i&r22f he tf M I* 0 ?* W fwt *. will weigh liVo w nr At th t n:e °\ having had ou dark clothes and black hat . \\ ears a moustache and goatee. He is sunnostd to be loitering either about the city or in the vicinity of Athens ° a ’ . . J. N. FREEMAN, Ex’r, -a — ... Broad street, nearly opposite Planters’ Hotel. lt*c- Ilinpat eh copy. oct ! j NOTICK. rjIHE oredltors of O DONOHOE * WRAY, bv calling at -A. ni j’ Dwelling, over tlie store, formerly occupied by them, (O D. & W.) oa trie 10th Inst., at from 9 to 12, and from 2 to & o CiOewill receive a Dividend cn their claims. novlo-Jt ORION T. TERRY, Assignee, WAREHOUSES. ITIi.MZY k CLAVTOJi, WAREHOUSE & COMAIISSION AIERCHALISrTS, Corner erf Re-jtiolde and Campbell Streets, Augusta, Geo. H\ vug made extensive additions to otir Warehotts during the summer, it snow one of ihe nost ccmmodiou in tlie So-tthcm country. We a-e her er prepared than ever so the transaction of the Commission Business in every depart ment. On all eon-igmrents of Produce from our customers, heir iuterest will be faithfully regarded. F. PHINIZY, • E. P. i'ljA YTON. Augusta, Sept. I,ISSO. sep2-d.vw2m M, Y. (STOVALL, Warehouse & Commission Merchant, AUGUSTA, GA., ( lOATIIVUES the business in all its branches. In las large J commodious Fire-Proof Warehouse, on Jackson street, neartl*Glo! Hotel. Orders for Plantation and Family Supplies promptly and carefully filled. The usual CASH facilities afforded customers. au2l-dJcw6m ik)U(;htt,(ieall&co7 COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUatTSTA, OEO., CIOXTI YTES ’ 'll inc- sati’ lr obiend (Fire-Proof Build ) mgs,) ini Jacks m Sired, and renew the tender of their ser vices to their old friends and c'i3tomers. Advances as heretofore. E. W. DOUGHTY, W. A. BEALL. C. W. IK)UGiITY. Augusts. Augusta, August *2O, IS6O. auF2-d2w&w6m P U. MORRO W, Warrliouae and Commission MERCHANT, At the Fire-Proof Warehouseof Fhinizy e& Clayton , AUGUSTA, GA., Office on the Corner urf Reynolds & Campbell Sis., UP STAIUS, WTILL devote).is personal attention to the sale and storage 1 of Cotton, and all other Produce. Orders so- Family and Plantation Supplies, filled at the low est market prices. Cash Advances ma>’e ou Produce in store. Charges cus tomary. Augusta, Ga.. August,lß6o. au!s-d&wSm WV m. & A A BEALL, ~ WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGI! STA, .A. \V T I*7 will continue H e Warehouse and Commission Duel- V f ness at the same stand, in Metcalfs Fise-proof Ware house, (on Reynold?*, between Jackson and Mclntosh streets, ‘letcalrs Rar ga,) In the- centre of the city and convenient to ‘he Hot els. Being amply provided with good and safe storage for Cotton, Grain, and produce generally, we r -sue otfullv soil’ it a contin uance of the tmtrenagc heretofore ?•> liberally extended, and that of the public generally, pledging the strictest personal at lent ion to ad business - tit lasted t>. our care. Aril consignments to B. & 8.. will have our prompt attention. The usual Cash Advances made on Produce in Store. Orders for Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies promptly filled. WM. M. BEALL, A. A BEALL. Augusta, Ga., July 9, 1860. Jyl3-dS.V w6m HEARD & SIMPSONr Warehouse and Coro mission AUGUSTA, GA. VV K will continue the Warehouse and Commission Bus!- Vi : ess, at our o:d stand, where we solicit a continuance of the patronage of our old friends and the pub ic gem rally. aaS-dwwflm HEARD A SxMPBON. HARPER H BIIYSON, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, FI ltK-PROOF IVA UMOt SE, AUGUSTA, GEO. Whei r his personal attention will I , .-svon to the Stor&go i.:.d Sale of Cotton and other Produce. Orders for Family Supplies promptly attended to. Cash advanced on Produce in Stoic. |W Sale-* Room and Office on Reynold, between Jackson and Mclntosh si reels. ‘ auS-dlitw.ui J. C. DAWSON, W arehonse & i ’onunissioisMerchant, NO. 2 WARREN BLOCK. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, ,Iy2S-6m ~ HEARD & CLARKE, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE, ON REYNOLD STREET, {Sear South Caroline Railroad Depot,) AUGUSTA, 0^.., \\T ILL devote their personal attention to the Sale and > T Storage of Cotton and ail other I‘ro uce ; a so, to re ceiving and forwarding Goods. Orders for Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies promptly at tended to. Liberal Cash Advances made at ail times on Produce in store. ISAAC T. HEARD, 1y24-dAwtf __ HENRY E,CLARKE. JAMES A.'JONES, Warehouse k Commission Merchant, no. g Mclntosh street, AUGUSTA, Gc -A. VC ILL continue the Commission business ir. ali Its brmu! s. * Persona! attention giventothesale and storage of COT TON. and all other produce consigned to him. Thankful for the liberal patronage of his ft-ie.uds in tormer years, lie would respectfully .solicit a continuance of the same, and that of the public generally. Orders for Bagging, Rope andFamily Supplies, carefully fil ed at the lowest market price. Liberal cash advances made on Produce in store. J. A. JONES. Augusta, Julv 4,1860. ivfi-d&v Cm ANTOLN E POIJLL A IN, COTTON FACTOR, Warehouse Jackson street, AUGUSTA, GEO. fTtHIS usual Cash facilities required, will be extended to my i friend* and cujtomwra, and the sale of all Cotton consigned tome shall have my personal attention. aut-d&wfim D’Antigiiac Evans & Cos., WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, -A. XT QTTSTA, GKA.. lirß continue the above business at our commodious -■* arc- II house on Reynold ah-cet, near the United Stales .1 where wemav always be found to attend to the inteiest of our custom’ ■ . Orders for Plants'ton and Family Supp-ies promptly tilled, am “■ he usual foci - ■ to < C -h Advances nia v i."produce in store. WM. M. D’ANTIGNAO, GEO. W. EVANS, GARDINER & MOORE, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, (Warehouse formerly occupied by Simpson & Gardiner,) McINTOSH STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., \YT ILL give their personal attention to the seliiug of Cotton, or such other pro luce as may be scut to them by their friend* and the planting public. Orders for Bagging, Rope, and Family Supplies, filled to the best advantage. Cash Advances made upon Produce in Store, when required JAMES T. GARDINER, formerly Simpson & Gardiner, __y3-f.ni ST. JOHN MOORE. DEVEREOX & KLAPP, No. 23 Mclntosh Street, JMFORTKRB (Direct) of Fine WINES, BRANDIES . and GINS. On hand, a superior article of M. aongaiiela, ye, Cabinet aid Wheat ootSl d2w* VOL. XXIV. NO. 216 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WILLIAM H. WHEELER, ATTORNEY AT LAW AUGUSTA, GEO., OFFICE CORNER BROAD A WASHINGTON STREET % is coiamssiONEß for New York, Connecticut, Mississippi, Rhode Island, Florida, Tennessee, Vermont-, Alabama. oct7-d6m EDW .N H. POWERS, ATTORNEY’ AT LAW AN I> SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, AUGrSTA, GA. 4 LL business coming withM the pale of his profession, ef xa. trusted to his care, will be discharged with fideiltv. ii nee over No. 4 \Varren Block. augf-dA w! v THOMAS W. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUGUSTA, GA. WILL practice in the counties of Richmond, Burke so -a. iT°ir I Vt , a ’ 5, n< * nia Y h found for the present at the of e ot At. 11. Talbot, Esq., nearly oppositethe United Stat**- li- . hame entrance as to the office of lU Lte firm of Miih . Jackson. WRIGHT A: GIBSON TTORNBUS AT LAW, AUGUSTA, GA. S'..’ i.lj practice in all the counties of the Middle Ctr • and v\ arren and Lincoln oftiie Northern. UUi • -• nd street, in I,aPayette Hall building. VnSffg"’ _ “' M - C1B8 " V JNO, P. C. WHITEHEAD, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, / YFFILE over Foullain, Jennings A Co.'s new Warek A / JacKson Street. ck-H JOHN MTtI.EDGE, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, \Y r ILL practice In the counties of the Middle Girev . if Office o. 3 Warren Block. octio F. L. R. THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, _ LAFAYETTE, GA. _ jeiiT’ * TIIEOPOEK C. CONE, ISAAC L. TOOI.E, CONE & TOOLE. ATTORNEYS j&. T XaA.^r AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, Office First Door btlow the Mechanics’ Jiat-.1, Augusta, Ga. lIIAVE associated with me in the Practice of Law, ISAAt ’ L. ToOLE, Esq. We will practice In the following coup ties: Columbia, Washington, EmunaeL, Scrivcn, Burke, Rich mond, Jelle: son and YV arren; in the Supreme Court of Geoi gia, in the U. S. Court for the District of Georgia, and by special contacts in South Carolina. All basing entrusted to us will be faithfully and punctually diseharg N. B. 1 will regularly attend the’Courts nlentloned above. .U-S-.iAwif 111 EOIKtKE C. CONE. FR&NK 11. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUGUSTA, GA. WILL practice in all the counties ot the Middle Circuit, a id It in the Circuit Court of the United States. CO.H3IISSIONEK FOR New York, North Carolina, Illinois, Massachusetts, South Carolina, Kentucky Pennsylvania, I lorida. Ohio, ’ Virginia, Mississippi, California. Office in the rear room over Sherman, Jessup & Cos ‘a Store -■. mms* 3BMOVAL. UIIAIVK 11. MILLER, Attorney at Law, has removed I his Otiice to the front room over Conley, Force ACo s Store, opposite the Insurance Lank. octfi-dAwlm. JOHN K. JACKSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, AUGUSTA, GA. WILL Practice in Richmond, Columbia, and Burke'Coun ty ti.a, in Georgia, and iu the Circuit Court of the United ■liif- for t e Durncu of Georgia. Commissioner fbr t 1 States ol .iknuima, Tennessee ana Texas. ~ o^J. 0e o’ er the store of Shcnnan, Jessup & Cos., next altov-e tlic City U>a.iia. fet26-dfcw 1 y LOFTON SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LEXINGTON, GA. \\TILL practice in the Counties of Oglethorpe, MadU -, ’ * Hart- Libert, Lincoln, Wilkes, Talialerro, Warren, Ha - cock and Glasscock. J OHN T. LOT TON. WM. H. SMITH. feb2l-dAwly* JOHN WHIT THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CITHBERT, GA., \\ T ILL practice in the counties of Randolph, Stewart, Quit - 11 man. Clay, Early, Terrell and Calhoun. Collections and Land Claims promptly attended to. mv -jy walkerT ATTORNEY AT LAW ATHENS, GA. \%T ILL practice in the counties of Jackson, Clark, Whiten, l Gwinnett, Halt, Rabun, White, Habersham, Franklin and Banks, of the Western Circuit. janl&’Od-ly JONES, RODGERS & ROBERTS, ATTORNEV3 AT LAW. r SYHK firm o r Berrien. Jones & Cos., Laving been dissolved by JL the death of Mr. Berrien, the undersigned will practice a. Copartnership, except in Criminal 1 ractice, in the Courts o’ the Middle District, in the Supreme Court, and in the Cm u. Court of tire United States for the District of Georgia. OFFICE IN WAYNESBORO’, BURKE CO., GA. MALPOUM D. JOSKS, ALPHXUB H. lUIDGEUS, WILLIAJi K. nOBEUTS. je27-d&wly DENTAL CARD 7 T_ IE3I OFFICE on Broad Street, over Movra. D’Anliguac A Weems, cppo6ite Mcsais. Bunts & lirown'e. Cali arc eca specimens ol work—especially the Continuous Gum—they are perfectly beautiful, and all that could be desired in a Plate. wl v FALL AND WINTER BONNETS. M!BS MATTHEWS has returned from New York, a;.d will ou THURSDAY, October 2Mh, open a rich stro-k of French and Amcritan BONNETS, CAPS, and HUAI)- DRb.SSES. On hand, a large lot of CLOAKS, which will be sold at a freat reduction. Also, a variety of other Goods, such as EM IROIDERIES, LACES, DRESS TRIMMINGS. HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS, GLOVES, HOSIERY. FURS. WOK STEH GoODS, &c. WM. MATTHEWS. 0c24-l~i FEEBH Garden Seeds! WARRANTED GENUINE. CROP 1860. \\ T E expect to receive our stock of GARDEN SHEDS v ” this season, much earder than usual. The assortment wiil be more extensive and more complete than former,y. lm leg auded several new and choice varieties to our already large Catalogue. Our Seeds are raised by some of the most reliable Seed Grow ers in the country, from selected stock, and our customers mav have imjlicit confidence in what we send them, as being per i'eetly FKt>H and PURE, as we keep no old Seed whatever irotn one season to another. I or the convenience of Merchants, we l ave almost every sort n papers ; and for Planters and Gardeners, in bu.k. PM M & LEITNKR, Draughts, Augusta, 13th October, 1860, 212 Br<?ad &treet lagaS &jt NEW FALL AND WINTER Dry Goods! WM. H. Has received his supply of FALL and V\ ia i pH GOODS, coDsistiui; ol the latest styles of Dress Goods, such as CIA)AKS, SHAWLS, &c., to gether with a large assortment of DOMESTIC GOODS. These Goods hav* been bought low, and will be sold at prices to suit the times. Ht> respectfully invites nn examination of tfco a3sort meut by the public. The prices, he is convinced, will corn pa re. hivora blv with those of auy other huse, uud he ’ Hi satisfy all of the fact who tay favor him w ith a cud, ouUO-dAwU