Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, November 27, 1860, Image 1

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ry IV. S. JONES. itKOMCLE 6c sentinel. PUBLISHED X>/JXY and weekly, nr w.s. jones. TERMS. i'APKfi —Published Moraing and Er#a _-:i Doli .l as peranatHß. i PAPER—{A mammoth sheet)—Two LiLi.23 per annum. AIWATS IN ADVANCE. Rates for Advertising. -ra - -r stl Terr, '.Ana in the CONSTITUTION ’TTRONICUK A SENTINEL have been eata^- rroprietors: .'■ Ail i Al>’ ERTISEM2NTS. pub listed in the , aur, • Sue. for the irat insertion, and two r t a mus . f each subsequent insertion. AS acTertae • and is uriirir.g dve dies or more. - In ‘.r one month #B.-TP Li-'ies iHiily oaeniocth s.i3 !. > 1 ‘TIC S3, Five Cents per rine of soils Nonpareil, . *. t>ret esnts f-.~ eacn rabsequest insertion in A rtiai3axta to be counted as m-ikiagfiye lines nr , •I- !>_ .j not month. #T.. L-re* lAt one month 4.00 -A. S.b‘ Ab* --.RTIr EAt E!S TS. J 7 Cents per line *f - “ earn- -usertioa in Dally. at advertise - *■; u o c- Acted is five lines cr more. LV> - Daily one met • *IO.SO t re lias* DaLy one month *.OO - - <cta continued for months, in either class, wSlbs * ‘•_- monthly rates. for each subsequent m- ath. for ’ utbs. and wte-/ortA for each succeeding month. TRIAGES. DEATHS and FUNERAL NOTICES, Fif- ! • one each. OBITL ARIES. Ten Cents per line. Rate* fw Weekly A^rmfseinuu. < 1-DENARY ADVERTISEMENTS,pubIished once a week. _ or Weekly, Se-tn. and a hoi j Cents per line, for each ’ ~£( ;AL NOTICEr, Tn Cents per line, for the first laser t- ■ r-i Cents rer llr.e f-reachsubsequentinsertion. DISPLAY ED AD VEKTLS EMENTS* Tea C*M per iin f- . c • . cr t. a. 1 ‘■A fr. ELANTS and BUSIN ESS MEN whose advertisements are c* will be allowed a discount #f tveenty-riveper cent. I r— *• e rates, when their —His amount to Stfty Dollars, in I a i corns, ts puld in ten days liter presentation. WM. S. JONES. Proprietor Chronic!* A Sentinel. ! JAMES GARDNER. f Proprietor Const! rationalist. j From our Evening Edition of yesterday. Correspondence of the Chronicle db Ser.tinel. GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. Millsdgktilla, Not. 24th. sinatb. A resolution waa adopted that ia future the i t rocdedings of political meetings be referred with- j out a reading. For the last three weeks, it has been the custom of Senators to introduce the pro ceedings of meetings held in their counties and to move that they be read. A great deal of time Las been consumed by this proeeednre. and hence, the introduction of the above resolution. New Matter.—Dr. Hood, of Merriwether : A bill to prevent the sale of poisonous drugs to ne groes. This bitl imposes a heavy penalty upon 1 the transgressor. This is certainly a good law, : and it is strange that no legislation has ever been had on this subject. A bill to authorize justices of the Inferior Court ‘and Just ces of the Peace to issue os toe under certain circumstances. By Mr. Gartrell. of Cobb, to add an additional vtctioa to the penal code of this State, imposing a heavy penalty open any person convicted of ?-ding any negro any weapon, offensive or defen sive. j By Mr. Wallace, of Taylor : To be entitled an act to compel Guardians, Administrators or exe cutors to pay into Court from time to time such portions of the income of Ctstu q-ue trusts as shall be necessary to carry on litigation and to support such ctstu que tr’iets pending litigation. Mr. Seward, of Thomas, introduced a resolution requesting his Excellency the Governor to enter : into negotiations with the authorities of Florida, as to bring about a speedy adjustment of our difficulties about the boundary line between the two States. Mr. King, ot Glynn . A bill to authorize the Governor to arm those military companies in the State who may not yet be uniformed. Mr Harris, of Worth, presented a resolution requesting the Governor to intercede with the au- i then ties of Honduras, through the President of ; the United States, for the release of yonr fellow- j townsman and compatriot of the unfortunate Geu. , Walker, Col. Rudler. The regular order was then called, which was the reading of bills a third time. But few were j read and they were of a purely locaL character and unimportant to any one save the parties in- 1 terested. On motion, the Senate then adjourned until 10 i o'clock Monday morning. i HOC? 1. : A resolution that no new matter be introduced after the 25th inst. was taken up, and after some discussion, was lost. Senate bill to amend an act to change the time i of election of county ofikers, Judges of the Sape r;or Courts, Attornies and Solicitors General ex cept Ordinaries . Passed. Third Read!**? or Horss Bans.—To amend the I Penal Code so as to make hog stealing a felonv. Lost. To call a Convention of the people to reduce the number of the General Assemby. The Judi ciary Committee, to whom this “bill was referred, | offered a substitute, referring the matter to the ! Convention which is to assemble on the lfilh day of next Januarv. There was a long debate upon the propriety of mixing the two matters —that is, to give the Convention two matters to decide upon. The House refused to adopt the substitute—ayes *b>, n:ivs -'l. The bill was then lost by a vote of 52 in favor to 70 against. The Senate Bank bill was read a second time and engrossed for a third reading. A bill from the Senate to amend the peddling act of 1 ;oso as to allow all citixens of Georgia to peddle certain articles without license, after ‘ o “ -*g amended, was passed. t _ r -mpt negroes employed bv contractors on Railroads fr ® iut T- Amended and passed. To .authorize achange of Ti'tistees under certain circumstances. Postponed indefinitely. The bill to pass the new Code was made the special order for Thursday next. To protect the citizens of Camden from the landing of negro seamen. Ac. Amended so as to include Glynn county and passed. The House then adjourned until 10 o’clock Monday morning. My report of the extent of the injuries sustain ed by the Cadets who were injured by the explo- ! sion of a cannon on Thursday afternoon was founded on rumor, and, as usual, was exaggerat ed. They are both doing well. I thougnt this explanation necessary, as one of them, Mr. Os borne, is a native of your city and has relatives residing there. So soon as Gov. Brown heard of the accident, he aopoiated Lieut. Hardee, Col. A. R. Lawton, and Caps. Anderson, of this city, a committee to investigate the matter, and hare is their report: The Board carefully examined the piece by which the accident occurred; they find the vent •cry much worn, and from constant use forced w o the bore. But from the want of proper in lDl nents for examining the gun, they are unable stra. whether the detects are sufficient to ac to sta, T accident which occurred. They find count so a . a r was well closed, but they are not as ■ that the v 4 that the sponging was well execut well satisfit not appear that in the first instance ed. It does troperly spoegod, but in the latter the.gun was t -, B y shows that proper care was case the testim* xwge w#s wet; experience has observed. The s* <>4of extinguishing the fire ; abolished to is meth birred. Th? gun is unques the dry sponge is pn. Board would recom tionably detective, au entire bat mead that not only .a* /kmet^ef hatterv terv should b . >n#ht to its of in improved pattern be **- *° pl ~- Ml LLEDGEVILLE RAILROAD. 4 T * meeting of the Beard of PhWtow the ‘lfby afrertfcwwnr, so ww m Action ha : dTr ha auth rized to make a rail Stockholders of me MBkdgwme Railroad CopT avmentofthefcLio wing Instalment- uponlheir S-iooc, m theS per cent- wp*** the time of subecnpUon, ■” ner cent, on the LOth of October, I m. V'OjJnntr cent. “ Mth of Severn her. ls 0. F.h;een percent. W*. . “ iiithofJanuary. ISI. * **• e-oai the JBautea of the B-srd. Tioe extra*, vwi WTT n OLIS sec’y sa d Xreae. , M Reae lotion above, the Stockholderso I* pntsuanre,J- { t ’ omp4CT are requested to pay the ran Millwfitwtfi* “ gSSuta*. at tha oce .fid Instalments• g HEARD, President. bacon. 25 RIBBED SIDES ; 35 iu SHOULDERS ; 10 casks SHOULDERS, !•. *; 25 auks CheUw HAMS. Fat mim low. Stovall, McLaughlin & Cos. Ms 14d4*wlt BY TELEGRAPH. LATER FROM EUROPE. | ARRIVAL OF TH£ STEAMER ABiGO,’ j * iPB Race, Not. i'*-!.—The steamship Arago , was boarded off this Cape last evening by the steam yacht belonging to the Associated Press, j iie ‘ ira ?° brings Southampton dates to the 14tn Commercial News. Liveepool Cotton M a rust. — The sales of cot ton on Monday and Tuesday (12th and 13th were I2 ; 0, ” } ’ of which speculators and exporters took I.uOO bales. The market closed dull and nomi j na V r unchanged, but quotations were barelv ! maintained. * _ ;>TATE 0? Trade.—Advices from the manufactu ring districts were unfavorable. Livkrpool General Market. —Breadstuff's I were generally lower and Provisions quiet. Rice had advanced and was firm. Sugar and Coffee were steady, and Naval Stores dull London Monet Market.—The Bank of England j k* 4 advanced its rates of discount to five per j Consols closed at jq(<? 23 for money and at ?3;k. for account. Paris Monet Market.— The Bank of France j advanced its rates of discount to 4’ j per cent. Liverpool, Nov. 14.—Flour closed dull at and. decline. Wheat was quiet, and the lower quali ties were easier, but quotations were unchanged. • i born was dull at a slight decline. Beef was hea- | I vy. Pork quiet. Bacon steady and Lard firm. Nugar and Coffee were steady. Rice was firm. J Rosin and Turpentine were dull. T General News. Late news nad been received from China. The i of negotiations in China had been de } laved by money difficulties. The allied army was marching on Pekin and Lord Elgin follows it. The British government had received dispatches j stating that peace had been concluded, j Prince of Wales had not arrived in Eag j land. The steamships New York and City of Man chester arrived out on the lith inst. Latest from Mexlro. Xew Orleans, Nov. — The steamship Ten nessee has arrived, with Vera Cruz dates to the ! 21st. The capture of Guadalajara is confirmed. Seven thousand men are expected to join the Liberal army in its march on the City of Mexico. Considerable excitement was created through- j out the country in consequence of the robberv of j a million ot dollars belonging to British Bond j holders. j New Orleans. Nov. lc. —Au immense meeting, j I irrespective of party, was held at Odd Fellows’ I | Hall on Saturday night. A number ot speeches j were delivered. An association was formed called j j the Southern Rights Association of Louisiana. | . The object is to promote concert of action among ! the r>outhern States, as well as to form Minute j | Volunteer Companies throughout the .^tate. * vshington. Not, —Tom Corwin has ar- j rived, and in his conversations indicates that i Linco.n s cabinet will be highlv conservative. Washington, Nov. u-i.— Telegraph advices from ‘ San Francisco to the 14th, are at hand. Nothing definite is known as to the result of the election in California. • From Oregon, all the counties bat three have been heard from. I.incolr vs ±.y> ahead. Cotton Facto.* Failed. New Orleans, Nov. 24.—Walter, Cox A Cos., and Fellowes A Cos., Cotton Factors, failed yester day. Heavy Froot at New Orleans. New Orleans, Nov. ug. — There was a heaw frost here this morning. Hariveti). Mobile, Nov. 24.—Sales of cotton to-dar 2,-av bales. Middlings 10 cents. Therejivas a fair de- I mand. New Orleans, Nov. 24.—The market was i steady to-day, with sales of ?,}■ “) bales. Middlings f cents. Sterling Exchange 101-h 10l premium. Exchange on New \orkparto quar ter premium - There was less pre vsure to-dav. Correction. In the telegraphic rep< rt of the last weekly j New Orleans report, the dispatch stated that the I receipts of the week were T-v ■ >0 against ) On an examinatiou of the Prices Current of the j corresponding week last year the receipts were 74,<>' , <U BOOK BINDING. The Chronicle 4 Sentinel BOOK BINDERY Is now in full operation, with recent additions of new materials and conveniences of ail kinds. All BOOKS, PAMPHLET?, MUSIC, Ac., can be BOUND IN ANA’ STYLE, from the plainest to the most ornamental, on moderate terms, and with ponctaaliiv and dispatch. BLANK BOOKS For District Officers, Sheriffs, Clerks, Tax Col. , ectors, Ac., as well as for Counting Houses, and ; for anv other purpose, will be manufactured to | I order, in the most substantial and superior style Terms moderate, and promptness observed. W. S. JONES. GAHPSTMGj FLOOR CLOTHS ! ! CARPETING, CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. VAN BS FOUND AT J. & A. J. SEIZES. ALSO, i CLOAKS! CLOAKS! ITIFLE A \ D FANCY ; DRY GOODS. •F ALL Stvles and Patterns, i X MOS COMPLETE STOCK O ITT m _A_ ILT HD AND RECEIVING WEEKLY, Wawk will be Sola at a SMALL ADVANCE! Wa wffl Skew onr O-vreU M oat and ail, deeming a ao waabie —miser a pleasure—t* display them J. & A, J, SETZE. AUGUSTA, GA, TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER ->T, IrfW METROPOLITAN FIRE I:\SFRi\fE COMPANY, New NTorli, - • - • fcsoo.o#). cash surplus 100,000. Is prepared to take risks n all loanable PrcpertT la the city of Augusta, acd thrmefeaßt the state of Georzia. at iiir rates. Gen. JAMES L<*RIM£R GRAHAM, Prest. EDWARD A. STANSBURT, J. C. DAWSON, Agent, svto-lv No. 2 W;arrec Block. Augasta. INCORPORA.TED 1819. Cliai-tei* P*ei*petTxaU LVSntIVCE COMPIW. CAP IT AL $ 1,500,000. SURPLUS 300,000. ASSETS 2,194,000. Thia Companyia rred known ia this city, and tinghct the j IJnioa, as the ‘.eadtag Fhre Insnrance Company. It has earned ! 1 reputation f:r pP'tnpt atteatam u- husint-ae. and an honorable, j u.:-enl and perforaanee of its rdgatiocs, caequaiied j by any other Companv. B. fl, BRODNAX, Agent, for jotd Tianirr. jyfl-dlr eppoalte jiriaige bAak \ MARKET FIRE I.\SI Rl.\( E 10MP1.W. ISTEAV-YORK. CapUal and Surplus. 1 INSURES ON MERCHANDISE. hoc>lhol'd fcrnitcre, BUILDINGS, and the BETTER CLASS OF RISES GEXEEaLLT, i •a tn most Favorabi* T-rma. Tiie Ccmpanv is now buslne** on the “PARTICIPATION PLAN,” bvwhi ii SEVENTY-FIVE PER C ENT•'f ttenet Fri'S:.s is civ I'lieti an anally lie Senp enr.r.g Interest to tbe pan'ee in inr;--i. and the Fuad rtprasent&l by the Scrip is wcureiv ia v-ST-r-d anti held tv the Company aa a giairar.tv for its p)Hcv. I tuerebv greotly Icereadna tae securicv. and ~d,m;ai-hiEE tee i expense of Insurance, without any liability whatever on the I part of the assured. Fir t Division of Profits, July, lsfio. THIRTY-THREE-AND-A THiBD PER CENT in Scrip J ■>n the Premiums on Policies wrlrrea with the Particination j Provision, and marked oft during the year ended June 30. ASHER TAYLOR, President, j J. E. MARSHALL, Agent, i oct4- “tlm j J. U. DAVSOS'S I Guano Depot, XO. 2 WARREN BLOCK, .A. 121. g 121- sta. I There is to be found in this establishment a ‘ greater variety, and a larger stock of pure and genuine Nature!, Mixed and Manipulated FER TILIZER:?, than m any other South of Baltimore, and the Planters of Georgia, South Carolina and Alabama, are requested to call and examine th* stock before buying elsewhere—they will do well to do so. The most satisfactory certificates from reliable Planters in Georgia and South Carolina, are daily coming in, testifying to the virtue of these Ma nures, and will be. after Ist of November, for -1 warded In pamphlet form to any who may wish to see them. The AMERICAN GUANO, notwithstanding the unfavorable season, has won a reputation through out Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina, where it has been extensively used,’ that sets aside all cavil as to its position among the best Fertilizers yet discovered. It stands side by side with Peru vian. It is true there have been some failures—always j wili be—sphere has been w ; th Stable Manure ! and Peruvian, indeed, every kind this season, but that does not prove that American Guano will not pay a large per centage. In almost every case, where there has been what is called a failure, it has been owing either to the manner in which it was applied, tlie cultivation or the quantity used, j Some put it too far from the seed—some lose half | by the wind blowing it away —others by mixing j it with Stable Manure, or by using not half enough ! to the acre ; but take it as it was used, by the in experienced as well as the experienced Planter, ; and so far as we have been able to learn the truth, j in nine cases out es ten the Guanoed Cotton, Com, Wheat, Oars, Barley, Rye, Turnips, and all Gar den Vegetables, have yielded nearly twice as j much as the unguanoed land —so it pays even in ! the dryest seasons. You make but little this year j —poof crops—but if you had used no Fertilizer, j you would have made next to nothing. If the j seasons had continued throughout July and Au j gust as thev did up to the loth of June, the old i worn-out hills of Georgia and Carolina would ■ have groaned under the weight of the most over ! whelming crops that were ever gathered. So don’t be discouraged, but follow the example of the Dicksons, Thus. Whaley. T. J. Smith, of Han cock ; Judge Roberts, of Warren; Dr. Mims, T. G. Lamar, and the Ransfords, of Edgefield, S. C.; who return annually to their land from #4 to worth of Fertilizers per acre, and your suc cess will be like theirs, an overwhelming income I for the money invested, to say nothing ot the per t manent improvement of your lands. Among the varieties I offer to the public, are | the following; JARVIS’ ISLAND, at |44; BA | KER’S ISLAND, #4 ,’ per ton of 2,000 pounds, cash, or #•> on each for city acceptance, payable Ist November, Isßl, without interest, c whicU are the Savannah prices, expenses added. > These I two Fertilizers will be delivered at these prices, J and on these terms, anywhere on the Central and the Augusta A Savannah Railroads. The balance of the list will be sold for cash only, or its equivalent, at the following prices, viz ; I PERUVIAN, : SWAN ISLAND, #4*s; CO LUMBIAN. *4O; MONK’S ISLAND, *4O: A A I MEXICAN, *3-5 ; B MEXICAN. *,O ; RUFFIN'S PHOSPHO. which is one-half Peruvian. #.5*5 ; j SANDS’ EXCELSIOR, #54; J. J. A F. TUB ! NEB’S EXCELSIGR, < containing 7<’ pounds Pe nman to the ton. *.54; HOYTxfSCrER-PHOS PHATE, #4-5. for five tons—less quantity, *.50 ; LOXGETT’SSUPER-PHOSPHATE. $45 • BONE j DUST,#3.SO per bbl. ; Pure LAND PLASTER, in lanze bbls.. #.."0 per bbL AU these Manures are pulverised and ready for immediate use. All orders will receive prompt j attention. J.C. DAWSON, General Agent. seplA'ifim ncr24 T H E WASHING C A T A R A C T WASHING done entirely by Mttor. of the YV*ir, wltticnt semijbiag and without wear. THE ONLY MACHINE THAT STANDS THE TEST OF USE. SIMPLE! CHEAP! DURABLE! EFFECTIVE! } PRICES. #l2. #l4. #l4 Boxing and Shippiag, One Dollar Extra, j MACHINES IN OPERATION AT THE SALESROOM, 434 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Where the Put;lie are Invited to make a FULL AND FAIR TRIAL FOR THEMSELt ES. SULLIVAN k HYATT. Wholesale Office, 34 Beekmaa Street. New York. SEND FOR CIRCULAR WITH TESTIMONIALS, seng-wfim* NOTICE. 4 LL persons haviag claims against the fir* <rf L. €. SKIN : A NEB * CO., cr SKINNER k MULLARKY. will i -Tease reader ‘.auWM*ta at tcbe Hotel AUSTIN MULLARKY. AV. J. HAMILL Wholesale Dealer in FLOrR. CORN MEAL, MILL FEED, CORN, G&TS, HAY, STRAW, *C. NO. 59 8. FREDERICK STREET, BALTIMORE. jyld-jte NED BINTLINE'S NEW BOOKS. New-York Merciry Stories. FULL OF ILL CSTEA TIOXS. 1 UST published and for sale at refcad or wholesale, at the eJ cneap"B*>ikrt.;reef FREDERIC A. BRAI'Y, ii An Street, New York, rtnee is cents each, or anv ive tor on f dollar, or the whole eleven for two dollar}. THE WHITE WIZARD: or. Tie Great Freshet f the Setnincie Indians. By Ned B .nt.-ne. Price 2Se. U. SEA WATF : or. The Terror of th* Coast. A Tale es Pri rateenng in ITT*. By Ned BunLnie. Price 25c. 111. o SAUL SABBERDAT: or. The idiot Spy. A Tale ot the I Men and Deeds of 1775. By Ned B totiiae. Price 2Sc. XV. ELFRIDA : er. The Red Rover’s Danjftiter. A New Mrs wry of New York. By Ned Btcias, fmue 25c. V. THE MAND'-WaR’S GRUDGE. A tenet ot th j : Rev.'lutioc. By Ned Buntiine. Price 25c. VI. OUR MESS, or. The Pirate M oaten es the Gulf. A Tale : i of Niva. Heroism and WEd ACventaaea in the Tmpics. By ! Ned Buntiine. Price SSc. TH. LHONA PF.E&TOTT : er, Th-: Cnie Pul£le.l. A Tale of 1 the American Revolution. Fii Yni noilTTm Price 25c. i VIU. ! THATSNDANEGEA. THE SCOURGE : or. Tne War ! of the M hawits. A TaDof My*erv. Rath and Wrong. ■ j By Ned Butane. Price 25c. Li i STELLA DELORME: or. The Ckmanehe’s Dre&n-.. A : Wild and Fanciful awry of Savage Chiral.:-. . By Ned East I i line. Price 25c. X. THE F.IFT AND THE SPRAY. A Tale of the Seri* ’ fers in the English Channel. Sewifc'-iilv Illustrated. B* I Malcolm J. Errrtn. Price iSc. j PAT HA Wa Y : or. The Meuntai- Ojtlaws. A TA? i fthe I Northern Trapping Grounds. Bv Dr. J. H. Robinson, r-.ee 1 ®sc. | Aiiofthe active Books are full of .eautlfii Illustrative En j zravino by Darley. Booksellers. News Amenta, and ail ethers will please sei.ee their >rdere at once. I Copies }f any or ail of the abore works w:2 be sent nee • j postage, per mil!, to any one, on receipt of price. ■ Call or send, or address ail oniera to FREDERIC A. BRAjhT, sea* ‘l3m 24 Ana Street. New Yark Li me! Time ! 2000 bbls. Prime New KOCKL4\D LIME, IN STORE AND ARRIVING PROM MANTJFACTORLES DIRECT FOR SALE LOW BY R. J.BOWE & CO. cetHm I MTED STATES liOTKL. MOSHER a ROSAMOND, Proprietors* BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. T'Hli .urge and lone-eatabiiahed Hotel, haring ’oero thnr odghly rs-tilted and rt-fimiahed this Summer, is low pre pared to satlsfv all the wants of the traveiine comm unity as'the most reasonable terms. Frara its centm position. ’Lb the ; healthiest park t> fthe city, the UNITED STATES has ai wavs | enjoyed a large scare of the public patronage, sad the Proorie- j tors are determined to ipare neither pains aoe expense fuiiy to j sustain its ancient reputation as a drat-class Hotel. mi a J mm sun FROM THE SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN. We ofl’er this new Guano to the Planters of Georgia, in the great est confidence that it is the best and cheapest Fertilizer yet dis covered. It is a NITIRIL GUANO, imported in bulk and sold in its natural state, without Grinding or Manipulation, which is the best guarantee that Planters can hare that it is PORE 4 UNADULTERATED Although it is essentially a Phos phatic Guano, it has, in addition to a large amount of Phosphate of Lime—which renders it a perma nent Fertilizer—a sufficient pro portion of the Sulphates of Ammo nia, Potash and Soda, and organic matter rich in Nitrosren. to secure for it prompt and efficient action upon the first crop. We obtained enough of it last Spring to have it thoroughly tested by some of the best Planters in the State. The certificates of these Planters, together with the analy ses of Prof. Jones, Chemist to the Cotton Planters'Association; Prof. Shepherd, of the Charleston Medi cal College, and Prof. Darby, of Alabama, furnish conrincing evi dence of its decided superiority to any Fertilizer yet introduced into this country. These evidences are printed in Pamphlet form, and will be furni>hed gratis on appli cation to our Agents, or to ns. THIS GUAiSTO IS FREE FROM HARD LIMPS. The importers of this Guano are bound to us under heavy oe nalties to furnish us with Guano of fully as good quality as the cargo analyzed by Profs. Jones, Shepherd and Darby, and we pledge ourselves that each cargo shall be critically analyzed upon arrival, and unless found to be essentially identical with those already received, we will either reject them or sell them at a corresDondingly less price. This Guano is put up in barrels of about 300 lbs., and the price will be uniform, as follows: S4O per ton of 2000 lbs., CASH, or $45 credit until Ist Nov., 186 L without interest, in Savannah. The price at interior points will be the same, with necessary ex penses added. When sold on credit, city ac ceptances will be required. DAN’L H. WILCOX & CO. AuXv,l3. J wonJt* *m Ia full stock.; We have invoices of the fol lowing list of Goods, many of which are in Store, and all to arrive in a few days, on con signment, which we offer to the trade as low as the same Goods can be imported by any house in the city: 30 hh4a. prime Clear SIDES ; 40 fchds. prtxe Sifcbeii SIP ES ; 4:) aids, prime mew packed SHOULDERS : 120 barrels prime Leaf LARD : GO half ibis, prim* Leaf LARD ; 50 kegs prime Leaf LARD : 130 kegs lad tuba prime Gesaea BWTT ER; 400 obis*, half bbls. ihid quarter bbis. XACE2&EL# 9f 1 difft?rfnt grades—l*4. l' sand 100 sacks prime RT E ; 12 •) bbls. prime Peadt POTATOES ; 0 b : Is. prime Wirs.tr APPLE* : 30 bbis. Red ONIONS ; GO boxes M. R, ; _>) pah’ taxes M. K, RAISINS . 2*) -, .ar. t<sx*i M. R. RAliiNa; 1 khd. FIGS, ia Drams ; O ’Obis. DRIED CURRAN CS : lo kegs DRIED PRUNES; f) bexee Smoked HALIBU T ; 20 Vets. Pickled HERRINfIS ; 10 bbls. WHITE FISR : 1.) ‘WHITE ? ~ii 1 •200 boxes Scaleand 200 boxes No. I RERRINud, Soioksd ; 20 bo.ea I .hit ,ii 1 K 1 ) half a t*. Pickled CODFISH ; 20 kita Ftckied SALMOIK ; 100 boxea A'iamar.'iß* I*l-L* ; 100 boxes Sterine CAN DLE* ; 30 bjx*B SUGAR <IRA'KERS; 10 bbls. &■ o CRACKERS. —Also for Sale— COO bales P.-ime East res ar.i! Nurthera HAY. —ALSO— LIME, (THEM AN!) PLASfhE.i Always os hand, is -iaasriiles to meet tin rfrr—if< nf the il.J. BOM £ & 111.. GENERAL COM. MERC HANTS. BBOAD-eTREE T. ©We have advices sfa ear* of CORN and OITS. to arrive in about too says; aba. a prime lot of BUCKWHEAT FLOUR a sacks. [nwrtSHAwlm] K. J. BOWS A. O. Geo. W. Will jams & Cos, No. 1 AND 3 HAYNE-STRHET CHARLESTON, S. C , OFFER FOR SALE. AT LOWEST MARKET RATES 1 ( WlO BAGS Rio, Java.xxd Lasrivra' , OFFES; JL “ * * * * “ 900 hide. Port) R.ot) and Cuba SUGARS ; TOO bbia. Clarified, Crushed and L, if 280 hhds. Cabaaad Mnseovmi’ MOLASSES: 300 bbA New Oritana MOL ASSEs aad syrup; W ba.es Gur.nr B AGGIT B | ae.f coiia Bale ROPE and T ii>£; ISW boxes CANDLES and si)AP ; ISOO kegs NAIL, assorted: TWO sacks Liverpool SALT ; 100 casks ?-esh RICE: Powder, lead. soap. >4 con, a*. Übar!estcc, S. C„ Oct. 15, 1330. octlkdly Fire Insurance o SECURITY AND ECONOMY. o 7 PER CENT OP NETT PROFITS DIVIDED ANNUALLY IN sMRIP TO POLICY HOLDERS. o TIKE ELMORE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF CHARLESTON, S. C. CASH CAPITAL - - - $250,000. THE INSURED PARTICIPATE IN THE PROFITS. WITHOUT ANY LIABILITY WHATEVER. DIRECTORS: WILLIAM M. MARTIN, President, J. Leg-ire Ystes, I A. S. Johnston, Ge>. W. Williams. A R. Taft. William C. Bee. } her.ry Baiaf. a. N. Hart. ; J. Keid U..v!.^teß. John B. LaUrte. j Hngii R. Banks, Wm. C. Courtney, j E. L. Ad:wns. Edw. Sebri k, j C. V.l'hamberUia, JOSEPH WHILMn. See'y k Treaa. The subscriber having: been appelated Azerri for this eitv, wiU take risks as low as other equally responsible Companies A. M. JACKSON, Agent, novS-’m 243 Broad Street. PENMANSHIP FOR LAWES AND CARD WRITING. MISS. ANN A BROWN, respectfully informs the Ladies of Augusta and Tidnity. that she wit! open Chime* in Bout. Commerciai and Ladies’ Epistolary PEN MAXSHIP, at | 142 Greene street, nearly opposite the Beil Tower. Person* can commence at any time, a*. each pupil receives individual instructions. Tsxms—Five D)llare for Twelve Lessors, and Tea Dollars for Twenty Four Lessons, including Stationary—invariably in advance. VISITING. WEI DIN A. ADDRESS and BUSINESS ; CARDS, neatly writt nto order. Forwarded by maii to any address. Specimens cf MISS BROWN'S Penmanship car be sees at ; Plumb A Leitner'a, ana the best Os city references fitntohed. octl3-*wlm DR. D’INTIGNAC, OFFERS bis professional services to the citizens f Au gusta. tXß.re over Barrv A Battv's store. novl4dtf INSURANCE A3ENCY. Office at Geo. A. Oates’ Book Store. CONTINENTAL j RESOLUTE Insurance Ceapanie* GOk>DHCE of MARKET New York. SECURITY J ATLANTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, es | Broeklyn. [octt-dlm] JOS. E. MARSHALL, A^ent. STEAM ENGINES. ON hand, realty to be put to work. Portable and Statl narv STEAM ENGINES, 4 to 2D ko ne power, best *ort and no wMftke* Apply to COOPER'S IWSDRY. next to G*jb W :*rka. .ictakf S2O REWARD ! RASA WAT from the subscriber, on or about the 10th of July last, a Negro Man named CLINTON. He is of black complexion, and aia height about feet; will weigh 155 or I*s 2a. At the time of Tearing hid oo dark Hithes and teak hat. Wear* a moustache and goatee. He Is s;.pp.,rtd tr be loitering either about the eity or m the vicinity of Atherj G*. J. I. FREEMAN. Ex’r. 313 Broad street, nearly opposite Planters’ Hotel, tr Dispatch copy. octll NOTICE. fT3HE ereditora of O DONOHOE k WRAY, by eaiiiaf at JL ®y Dwelling, over the more formerly occupied by them, (OT). i W.> eg tae Wth inst., at from 9to 12. amt from 2to t e’eloe r, mil recaive a Wvideed on their tiaima. •WA ORRIN F. YSRRY, Asnjte*. |_ WAREHOUSES. J. C. DAWSON, W arehonse 4c Commission Merchan!, NO. 2 WARREN BLOCS. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. jy2S-4m HEARD & CLARKE, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, i FERE-PROOF WAREHOUSE, ON REYNGLD STREET. | (Xear S>uth Caroline Railroad Doped,) AUGUSTA, C3-A.., WILL devote their peraccai attenfka to theSa’eand T storage of Cotton and ail other Fra ace; aD*\ to re- ‘ cerring and torwaniing Goods. Orders for Bagging. Rope and Family Supplies prompGy at- ! ! tetdedto. r r 1 Liberal Cash Ad rancej ade at all times cr. Produce ia i | *-. .. ~ , ISAAC T. HEARD, ; irHdAwtf HENRY E.CLARKE. GARDINER & MOORE, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION AIE RCHAXTS, (Wttdumae formerly occupleii by i Gardiner.) McOTOoH STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., WILL give their personalaitenfica to the selling es Cotton, or such other prodace a* may be sect to tnem by their j Mead* and the p-j.iir.mg pabiic. I Orders for Bagging, Rope, and Family Sup pile*, filled to th* ! tost advantage. Cadi Advances made accn PrrHiace in Store, when reanired. JAMES T. GARD’ NEB. formeriv Simpoon a Gardiner. I rfrdra ST. JOHN MOORE. DOITHTY,BEALL c J) COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AtJOTJSTA. GEO. CKWTHTEs csir.eai at their old stand (Tire-Proof Bofid . mgs. jn Jacitji.-n Street, and renew the tender of their *er- I 1 vice# to their old friend* and customers. Advances a* heretofore. E. W. DOUGHTY, *W. A. BEALL. C. W. DOUGHTY. _Augusra. Augusta, August 20.1SHQ. itrhMdwAvim i P. G. MORROW, WarrhoiiiO and Commission MERCHANT, At Lie Fire-Proof Warehouse of Phinizy db Clayton, | AUGUSTA, GA., ! Office on the Comer ‘tf Reynolds db Campbell Sts., [ UP STAIRS, VT ILL devote his per* nal attention to the sale and ttorage ” if I ott.on. and ail other Produce. Orders ‘ r Family and Plantation Supplies, Hied at the lew- , est market prices. Cash Advances made on Produce in store. Charges cus- ] ternary. Augusta, Ga- August. IS<O. vil.s-iAwnm. PBINIZf k CLAYTON, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERC HANTS, 1 Corner of Reynolds and Campbell Streets, Augusta, Geo. HAIIAG made extorsive additions to otrr Warehoue curing the summer, it s now .me o fthe most coazKidi.u u the >• •;thern ecuntry. We are borter prepared than ever so the tranaacti. nos the t’amairifin Business in every depart ment. On ail ewtiaigninents of Produce from our cost, .mers, heir mterest will (hithfuliy regarded. F. PHINIZY. E. P. CLAYTON. Augusta, >ept. L I3fo. sep2-;Aw:;nj M P STOVAJLL, Warehouse k l.’oy mission Merehasl, AUGUSTA, GA, Co\ l'L\t BS the in all its oranches, in isa large j and cwoiiaodious Fire-Proof Wa*eh*.use,m Jacsjua street, n.-ar the llkdie Hotel. Orij.-rsfor Plantation and Family Supplies promptly and I rare fuiiy diled. The usual CASH facilities ass. nied customers. atrJJ-dJkwera JAMES A. “JUNES, Vi’ari'hoDse k Commission Mertbai NO. 6 JIfINTOSH STREET, AUGUSTA, G- JE IT ILL coctinuie the Commiselm basfeew in ai! Its brar.che*. v v Personal attonsior. gjveato the .she ami st. cage of CUT FON, and ail other pn:uee eonagne ! to hlru. Tcankfal tae theEneral patrucage of his friends ia termer years, he would reepectiullv solicit a continuance of the same, and that of the pur.de generadv. Orders for Bagging, Rope an tFamily Supplies, carefeßr 33- ed at the lowest market prices Liberal cash advances’ made on Produce tn stc-r’ J. A. JONES. _ July A MR iyVdAwkrr ANTOINE POELLAIN, COTTON FACTOR, Warehouse Jackson Street, AUGUSTA, GEO. THE usual Cash CscSities required, win b# extended to my j friends and cu?tcmrs and the smeof ad C*kton consigned to me thail have my pegocai attention. auj-dAw4m D’Antignac, Evans & Cos., WABIBOISE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, O-JA -IVB continue the above tomtneaaat oureomm'-ilkia* Ware i T hooM on Reynold ilreet, near the C uited >tates KoteL vherewemav ala ays be found to attend to the mte. e*C of ■inr cusrr mere. Onto* for Plantation and Family Supplies promptly ailed, *nd all the usua. f.ieillties granted to our friend*. Canh A.lvancea made oc . produce in ■•tore. WH. M. P-AN'TIG.NAC. GEU. W. EVANS, _ irSdAwte WM. E. EVANS. ” W. M. &A. A. BEALL, J WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. YTE -viLi continue the Warehouse and Commission Bust- i • i nes* at the some stand, in Metcalfs Fire-proot Ware- I bouse. (on Reynold*’, between Jackson and Mclntosh street*, Metcalfs Range.; ia the centre of the dty and convenient to •he Hotels. Being imply nrovided with mod and aaft storage for Cotton. Sraln. and Produce gereraily. we respectfuliv solicit a ct nttn lanceof the patronage hereto, fore so liberai'v extended, and that of the public genera.ly, pledging the strictest personal at tention to ad husiaesa entrusted to our care. Ail consignments B. 48, will have our prompt attention. The usual Oa*h Advances made on Produce m Store. Ordess for Bagging. Rope and Family Supplies eromotiy Jded. ‘ WM". M. BEALL. A. A.- BEALL. Augusta. Gi.. Julv *, TSfS). fyLVdSAwte HEARD & SIMPSONr Warehouse and Commission MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. XT’ E win continue the Warehouse and Commission Bust y T ness, at our old stand, where we aoSeR a continuanee of Ac catsmage of our oid friend* and the pul.lie generally. aaJ-dwwfai HEARD k aiMPSON HARPER 0. BRYSON, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, FIRE-PROOF WABEHOrSE, AUGUSTA, GEO. Wild a his personal attention will be given to the Storage and Sale of Cotton and other Produce. Orders for Family Supplies promptly attended to. Cash advanced oa Produce in Store. IW~ Sales Room and Office on Reynold, between Jackson and Mclntosh street*. aoi-UAwlm DEYEMJX ¥ KLAPP, No. *23 Mclntosh Street, I %IPORTERS Dire of Fine WINER BRANDIES JL and GINS. Chi hand, a mpare-i- aniele at MoavogaaeJa, a ye. Cabinet aa.l Wheat WKI.Sk.ES *. oeOl-ASw* VOL. XXIV. NO. 280. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WILLIAM e. WHEELER. ATTORNEY AT LAW AUGUSTA, GEO., OFFICE CORNER BROAD* WASHINGTON STREETS IS COMfIISSIOMEK FOR New Tori. 4>snect3eut, Mttwkwi ypi. Rhode Island. Florida, Tennessee, Vermont, Alabama. octT-dfm EDWIN H. POWERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, ircrsTi, Gi. A Ll* business •'orr.lng within the pale of his rmresaion. e- - 1 jf*. treated to haetra. wSI be discharged with Ideiitv. * - ape over No. 4 Wa mm Bi.xk. Mjl ill T THOMAS W. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUGUSTA, GA. WILL practice is. the counties cf RlckzoioasL Barke ai. f?, I?* 1 ma F 5® ttmXki *he present at the e® * or M. H. laiuet, nearly oppewtetlse United States R.-f . Same entrance ad to the odlce cf the bte 2na of Miller- .4 lackaoc. _____ _ feb2S-U Wright & g i bson - rrORNEYS AT LAW, AUGUSTA, GA. V\ i-L practice in aC the count :-s of the M dele tire* • anti Ntarren and Linorfn f tuf N-Mthern >*•- , 1 - street, in LaFavette Han bai.^’ Z ‘• JNO. P. C. WHITEHEAD, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFIC E otw PetiHain, Jcmin*# ± Co.’s aew Want -u JOHN MILLEDGE, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW. \Y*y* ™ the count'es of the Middle Circuit. ’ “ ’-’thee No. iAt arren KacL octl’’ F. LT r. THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, >2O LAFAYETTE, GA. r th*ld.jm c. com, niaac t_ Toot-e. CONE A- TOOLE. I AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, OjfSce f'irzt Jjoo>r below tie Mtchttnies’ Htui, AiiofiisLa, Ga. lIIAV E Associated with me in the Practice of Law-. I>AA • L. Li[.£. £<.[. We will practice in the toll* 3*.. tie,: Columbia. M aaiiiagtna. Ennirati. r-cnvgn. Burte. t .„- Bfiui, Jeflereon and Warren : in the Supreme Court of *.- . ■ &l. in the U. S. Cost for the District a .t spechii contracts is S'Uth tlarrihßL All business entnietetl t > a.i will SefiutfcfuflT and punctually dlscaaripd. N. B. I will regUiarty attend the'Court* mentioned shew-@ jer-ilAwtl THEODORE C. CONE. FEANS H. MULLS, ATTORNEY AT LAW AUGUSTA, GA. W ILL practice In all the counties at the if diSe Circa!l, a I M in the Circuit Corn* of the United states. Eli FOR N Yocfc. North Carolina. IQmoia, Rtss>4wed<i South Carolina, Keatnclty Pen My. vania, Florida. Ohio. A fflrinia, Mississippi, . lahfomia. Offlce In the rear room -vnt Sherman. Jessup 4 opposite thC nited States HoteL febiS-da wiy BEMOVAL. FR V.VR H. NiILLER. Attorney at Law. ha, rem-'” cia ‘ nact: to the frijnt room. oTer Conlev. Fierce A t ■> >ti re. .>pp -site the Insurance Bank. octS-djrwlm. JOHN K JACKSON, ATTORNEY AT LAM’ ax i) SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, AUG l ST A, GA. \\ ILL Practice La Richmond. Columbia, anti Burk* * - ’ ht Georgia, and in the Circuit Court of tne r, t’ * statci tor the Distrirta of Cotntaiaiii ner h,r r 1 Stakes or AMhama. Tennessee and Texiß. dHi e <wer the jaore <if seermaa, Jessnp A Cu.. next *b>v tae City Bana. leWQ-dAw., LOFTON \ SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LEXINGTON, GA. W l hh. S % Okie-horse. J1 a . : ..., citSjSSS!: Ha J °s^J*££ Toy - w * H - 3MITH JOHN whit thomas; ATTORNEY AT LAW, ucthbekt, ga., \Y ILL procties in the counties of Randolph. Stewart, Q *” mac. Chiy. Early, Terreii and Calhoun. CVihectiotwi a i Land Claims p- mpt.y attendei to. my^ T. WALKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW ATHENS, GA. wILL practice ?n the co-rntiex of Jackaen, nnrfc Walt IT Gwinnett, iluii. Ra.ua. White, fiahersham. anil Banka, of the Yf astern c ireuit. .;aaiJ'So-iT JONES, RODGERS it ROBERTS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. TH E arm of Berrien. Jones *Co_ haring beer dissolved Sv | the death of Mr. Berrien, the underagned wiii practice in. Copartnership, except in Criminal Practice, to. the Court, the Miitlie District, in the Supreme Court, an<l in tne Cinv-..- Court of the U nited States for the District of Georgia. OFFICE HI WATXESBOKD’, BURKE CO, G*. MAI-DOLX z>. jossk ALeascs u. biMias, wrtixuf *. soezxxs. j2?dAwly BENTAL CARD. T. Yi- BEVELS. OFFICE on Street, creer Messrs. r>* s v r , A Weeats. opp.;sre Messrs. Bones A Brown s. < aii of week—especially she Commas* Gum—the, ai-e perfectly be*ttiruL and ail that aatai be ih-ired in a Plate. C.>-dAwly FALL AND WINTER BONNETS. Mls*i M ATT HE We; *• retnrneii fem New York, and wii. on TH C RitDaY. *>etoher 25th. opes a rich stock . French and American BONNETS, CAPS, and HEAD DRESSES. , On hand, a large tot of CLOAKS, which will be Add at a great retiucrion. Aiao, a variety of other Gooca. such as El!. BKOEDEKTiS. DkES> TRIM3IINg< HO 1* SKIRTS. CORSETS. GLOVES, HtiSIERY. FT'P.s Wid . ST£i> GX>DS. Ac. Wit. MATTIiEU'.-u or2*-lm. FRESH Garden Seeds! WARRANTED GENUINE. CHOP 1860. WE expect to receive our stock of GARDEN SEEL 8 this sea*,o. much earner snxa usual. The aio.irtni*-r. • will be more “iteusrveaad morecomplete than former.v bar \ added several new and dauicc Tar.etiea to txrr already iar - Cataloane. ‘Jur Seede arr raised by some of the most reiiabie Seed Grow ere in the country, from selected stock, and our customers rv • nave impiteit confidence i* what we send them, as being aer fectly FRESrf and PL RE. as we keep bo old Seod whatevee from one season to another. For the coavecieoee of JUrefcaEtt, we have ahuost every *m? in papers ; and for Planters and Gardeners. La bnT PU'MtS ft LEIINER. Druggixts Airou m oae. *"'■ x^,;r NEW FILL AND WINTER Dry Goods! WM. H. CRAKE Has received bia supply of FALL and WIN i r-R. GOODS, c->nsistrT!g of the .atest sty lea of Dress Goods, tuch as CLOAKS, SHAWLS, Ac., to irether with a large assortment of DOMESTIC GOODS. These Goods have been bought low, and will be sold at prices to suit the times. H ‘ reap ictfiilly invites an examination of the aasott men by the public. Tae prices, he is convinced, will compare favors bly wuh those of any othar hnuae, and he wdt aaii-ifv all of the fact who usaf favor iutawAhacail. I aiMilftßft