Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, November 28, 1860, Image 1

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Bsl)rcmidc - e fctttmd. BY W. S. JONES. V HKOMCLE & SENTINEL. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, BY W. S. JONES, terms. .*A!I.Y PAPER—Published Morning and Even ! '--g —Six Dollaes per annum. * M.aLX PAPER—(A mammoth sheet) Two “tUM per annum. ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. Kates for Advertising. £r S’ ‘ rate * advertising in the CONSTITUTION .> . .'1 and CHRONICLE & SEXTIN EL have been estah - i .tr ;■ Proprietors: COv “ ’ : ‘ /’ A, -\ A P) ERTISKM ENTS, published In the . a.iy, “ ,i? I'r line, for the first insertion, and two an Ia natj >’- r -• *•*. for eac_ subsequent insertion. All aovertise ; 1 ’ counted as making five Uses or more. ’ • Lines I'*9‘Jr one month *5 00 V ;ve Lines Daily one month ‘*.* s.’oo iAI. NOTH ’ ES, Five Cents per line of solid Nonpareil. .. : r (! tnrer emit for earh subsequent insertion in 1 A advertiKimenta to be counted as tutting five linee or . ,'i Lines Daily one montn #7.00 1 Lines Daiiy one month ’ 4*oo .‘i.'i LA V ED ADVERTISEMENTS,fit* Cents per line of iv r. aj -u, i r each insertion in Daily. Ail advertise a •i'.-- u* be counted as five lines or more. i- r 1 •c s Dally one month #lO 00 F. •- Lines I >aily one month *.oo /•’ ’ continued for months, in either class, will b ‘'’ - e*J t; e monthly rates, for each subsequent month, for ’ 1 V.Y 1 ,. one-fourth for each succeeding month. M.il.ltiAGEs, DEATHS and FUNERAL NOTICES, Fif. tv U. 9 ts each. OBITUARIES, Ten Cents per lint 1 Hcl'n for Weekly Advertisements. ORDIN AKY ADVERTISEMENTS, published once a week, li Day or \a eekiy, Se ven and a half Cents per line, for each iLSR ~t < n. M’ECiAL NOTICES, Ten Cents per line, for the first 1 riser - tic-n —right Cents per line for each subsequent insertion. DISPLAYED ADVERTISEMENTS, Ten Cents per lin for each insertion. M EKCHANTS and BUSIN ESS MEN whose advertisements a e changed, whl be allowed a discount sitwer.tv-Jiveper cent. pom the*- rates, when their .n ills amount to fifty Dollars, In six months, If paid in ten days after presentation. WM. 8. JONES, Proprietor Chronicle A Sentinel. JAMES GARDNER, Proprietor Const! rationalist. from our Evening Edition of yesterday. Correspondence of the Chronicle dr Sentinel. GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. Milleugbtille, Ga., Nov. 26. 9ENATB. Mr. Hart, of Bryan, moved to reconsider a res olution that the General Assembly adjourn sine die on the Bth of December. Lost. Mr. Wynn, of Coweta, presented the resolu tions of a meeting held in Coweta county. The proceedings of other meetings were intro duced. The resolutions were read and referred. The bill to protect the rights of the people of Georgia having been made the special order for to-day, on motion, was taken up, and on motion of Mr. King, of Glynn, was laid on the table. Mr. Paine, of Teltair, Chairman of tha Com mittee appointed to select some distinguished Di vine to deliver an appropriate sermon on the 28th inst., the day set apart by his Excellency the Governor, as a day of thanksoiving and prayer, reported that they had selected Rev. Dr. A. A. Lipscomb, and that he would be present. Bills ox their Third Reading.—A bill to re quire the Ordinaries of the several counties of this State to distribute the Educational Fund to the different school districts. A bill to require the J udges of the Superior Courts of thi3 State to give their charges to juries in willing in every case where the attorney for eith er party may desire it. Mr. Gartrell, of Cobb, opposed the passage of this bill. Too much time would be taken up. In his opiuion, twice as much time would be requir ed, it this bill passed, as is now necessary to hoid the sessions of Courts. Mr. Jones, ot Newton, did not agree with the gentleman from Cobb. The Judge of the Circuit where he lived always delivered his charges in writing;, and they usually got along as fast as oth er peopje. .Mr. Bartlett, of Jasper, favored the bill, and spoke at some length. The bill was recommitted. A bill for the relief of married persons whose husband or wife voluntarily deserted them for a period of seven years. Laid on the table. Mr. Felton, ot Columbia, reported a bill for the establishment of an Armory in this State. This bill proposes that the General Assembly shall elect three commissioners, whose duty it shall be to select a place for the establishing of the Armory. * Also : That three hundred thousand dollars of the million appropriated for the common defence of Georgia be set apart to defray the expenses necessary to the erection of the proposed armory. One hundred and fifty copies of the above bill were ordered to be printed tor the use of the Sen ate. The bill to allow Guardians, Ac., of free persons of color to make settlements with Ordinaries. — Fassed. A bill to suppress gambling in this State, espe cially Crack-100. Amended so as to apply to Pickens county only, the Senator from which introduced the bill, and passed. A bill providing for the defence of the State* — This bill provides for the defence of the State, by a thorough organization of the military force. One hundred and fifty copies ordered printed for tne use of the Senate. A bill to farther protect the rights of minors. This bill prohibits any Administrator, Guardian, or Executor, becoming the Guardian ot all the minors of the estate administered on. The Senate then adjourned until three o’clock P. M. Afternoon Session. —The afternoon _ session was spent in reading House bills first time and Senate bills a second time. HOUSE. Mr Elv, of Dougherty, moved to reconsider so much of'the Journal of Saturday as referred to the ordering of the Senate Bank bill to be en grossed for a third reading. Mr. Ely was in favor of the bill, or its general provisions, but he wished some amendments to it. Mr. Hartridge, of Chat ham, opposed the motion to reconsider, on the ground that if the Legislature wished to relieve Banks it must be done immediately, or they would be ruined. Mr. Ely withdrew his motion, with the understanding, lie said, that the bill now be brought up. The rules, on motion, were sus- the bill was taken up and recommit ted. iti*Mr. Deloney, of Clarke, moved to strike out Ist of December and insert Ist of June, 1861. The entire morning was consumed iu discussing the bill. As lam not very familiar with commer cial matters, I will not attempt to reoort their speeches. Ido not understand the bill. It has been so amended that there is little left of the T refused, however, to amend the third section. . , The fourth section was then read, and after an amendment the bill passed, by a vote of ayes 93, navs 27. . ... The bill was then, on motion, immediately trans mitted to the Senate. The ayes and nays were called on this motion, and the vote stood 52 in fa vor to 28 against. ... x A _ Th haste in transmitting it was to cut on a re consideration of the bill to-morrow. The House adjourned until S o clock, P. M. afternoon session. Vkw Matter. —Mr. Allan, of Banks: To incor porate the Bank of Homer, in the town of Homer, H Mr ‘ \nderson, of Bibb : To authorize the Mayor and Citv Council of Macon to subscribe for stock in organized Railroad Companies. Mr Richards, of Carroll: To increase the salary of ofiicers of the Penitentiary. Mr. Greene, of Cobb : To regulate the rates .of freight on the W. A A. R. R* Mr. Alexander, of Floyd : To exempt physicians from professional tax. . , . . Mr Elv of Dougherty : To authorize Adminis trators, guardians, Executors, Ac., to sell negroes belonging to the estates represented by them or their wards in certain cases. Mr. Strickland, of Madison To repeal the school act of 1858, and revert to tbe old school ’ Mr. Gibson, of Richmond : To amend the usury laws of this State. . . , A resolution was introduced and passed, tende ring the use of the Hall of Representatives to Rev C W. Howard to-morrow evening, to deliv er a lecture on Agriculture, and on Thursday next to deliver a lecture on “Oglethorpe.” Mr. Fain, of Union: To remedy defects in deeds ‘"nrHortMT,’ of Wilcox : To allow Clerks of Sunerior and Inferior Courts in this State to practice law in any of the Courts of this State except those of which they are Clerks. Ad- BACO3XT. 25 woks RIBBED SIDES ; 35 aka SHOULDERS ; 10 task* SHOULDERS, 2; 25 casks Ch*l* HAMB. Far sale low. Stovall, McLaughlin & Cos. novl4-d4ftwlt by telegraph! Mintgsipp! Legislature. Jacksox, Miss., Nov. 26.-The Legislature mere y organised to-day. The Governor’s Message was read in both Houses, its tone was uncompro mising. The members appear unanimous for se cession. The McMinnville New Era savs the brick dwel ling of Mr. Gideon Hughes, near McMinnville, lenn. was destroyed by fire on the 20th inst. Most of the furniture and clothing of the familv was saved. * The Jackson Whig learns that the post office and nearly all the business houses in the thriving ‘mage of Denmark, in Madison countv, Tenn., were destroyed by fire, on Wednesdav night, 81st mst. J & bookbinding; The Chronicle &. Sentinel BOOK BINDERY Is now in full operation, with recent additions of new materials and conveniences of all kinds. AH BOOK?, PAMPHLETS, MUSIC, Ac., can be BOUND IN ANY STYLE, from the plainest to the most ornamental, on moderate terms, and with punctuality and dispatch. BLANK BOOKS For District Officers, Sheriffs, Clerks, Tax Col. ectors, Ac., as well as for Counting Houses, and for any other purpose, will be manufactured to order, in the most substantial and superior style Terms moderate, and promptness observed. W. S. JONES. MILLEDGEVILLE RAILROAD. Office of the hilleikizvii.l* Rairoad C 0.,) . September 8, 1860. > AT a meeting of the Board of Directors this day held, the X*. following Resolutions were passed by the Board : Resolved, That the Chief Engineer be instructed to employ such additional assistance as may be necessary to finish the lo cation of the line of Road bv the” first of November nest, to be let by Sections after advertisement, so soon as each Section has been reported to the Board. Resolved, That the President be authorized to make a call upon the Stockholders of the Milledgeville Railroad Company for payment of the following Instalments upon their Stock, in addition to the 5 per cent, required at the time of subscription. to wit: Five per cent, on the 10th of October, 1860. Fifteen per cent. “ 10th of November, 1860. Five “ “ 10th of December, 1860. Five “ “ 10th of Januarv, IS6I. True extract from the Minutes of the Board. NY. MILO OLIN, Sec'y and Treas. In pursuance of the 2d Resolution above, the Stockholders o the Milledgeville Railroad Company are requested to pay the Instalments asset forth in said Resolution, at the office of said Company in Augusta. 8. D. HEARD, President. Augusta, Sept. 4. 1860. seps-tjalo ORliffliliCW, CHARLESTON, S. C. rnHE undersigned is now fully prepared to Build Church JL or Parlor ORGANS, of any size, from #'soo upto #IO,OOO. Having had twenty-five years’ experience in Organ Building, lam prepared to produce as go-'d an instrument as any in the United States I have all materials on hand of the best qualitv —and properly seasoned wood. Ac. I can produce the best testimonials as to capability ami faith fulness. Organs enclosed in anv style of case desired, or to suit the architecture of the building or room All orders promptly and faithfully executed, am! all av work WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Address JOHN BAKER, au2B-dSm* Organ Builder. Charleston, S. C. £N OTICE. THE business hitherto carried on bv the undersigned, under the firm of W. E. ARCHER A* Cl)., will be discontinued after this date. The books and accounts will be found with W. E. ARCHER, who is duly authorised to settle the business of the firm. All person? indebted to W. E. ARCHER A- CO., will please make prompt settlement, and save cost. •v . E. ARCHER, JAB. S. DILL, Augusta, June 26th,1860. THOB. B. ARCHER. VOCAL musTTI Cl IS. MALLETTE’B Classes In VOCAL MUSIC,wiII /% commence at Ids Academy, (over Mr. Hener’s Store.) as follows : Juvenile t'la?s, October 3d, at 4 o’clock I’. M. Days of Tui tion Wednesday and Saturdays. Ladies’ t ‘lass, October &lh, at 4 o’clock P. M. Days of Tui tion, Tuesdays and Fridays. Ladies and Gentlemen's Class, Oct ot -er 10th at, 8 o’clock P. M . Tuition on Mondays and Wednesdays. Each C.ass w 111 commence at the first"principle* f Musical Notation. TERMS: Juren ! Class #3—24 Lessons. l.sdies’ Class 5—16 Ladies and Gentlemen’s Class £—IS. ** sep26-dtf ON CONSIGNMENT, 50 hhds. choice BACON SIDES ; 20 tierces choice HAMS; 20 tierces Sugar-Cured Canvassed SHOULDERS; bbls. superior LEAF LARD ; 1000 sacas Peansvivania Black Seed OATS : 10 boxes low price TOBACCO. 8 hhds CLEAR SIDES. For sale at low rates by J. C. DAWSON, sep6-tf No. 2 Warren Block. TV3C T 3 FIB y SOIL-LIFTING PLOW! \YHE.\’ a surface Plow is run at a depth of twelve inches, it and a two-horse Soil-Lifting Plow follows, which is ca pable of disintegrating to a depth of fifteen inches more, theie is a total disintegrated depth of twenty-seven inches, and t hose who so practice will find that thev have another farm beneath that represented on their map. “A smaller size of this Plow, (one horse) thinner In the sole and more dart-like in its figure, is an admirable implement for cultivating crops, and will do the work of more than forty men with hoes. With the corn crop, this tool may run dose alongside the corn, and to the full depth of twelve inches when the com is cut three Inches high, anil before the roots occupy the space between the rows ; this will lift the soil, move every com plant with the soil, and for so slight a distance as not to separate the particles from the roots, yet so completely loosening the mass that the plant mav l>e picked up with tne fingers. This Is more thorough cultivation than can be obtained by one hundred hoeing?, leaving the soil in better tilth and cutting of no roots. More than twenty thousand of these Plows were sold last year. PRICES : One Horse „ so Two Horse 12 50 “ “ with Cutter 14 uO Three Horse 34 00 “ “ with Cutter 15 50 For sale by J. A. QUIMBY, oct,lß-dlawtf No. 8 Warren Block. Augusta, Ga. G&RPITIWG, FLOOR CLOTHS ! CARPETING, CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST, CAN BE FOUND AT J. k A. J. SETZE’S. ALSO, ‘ CLOAKS! CLOAKS! STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, •F ALL Styles and A MOS COMPLETE STOCK O 3ST HAND AND RECEIVING WEEKLY, Whik will be Sold at a SMALL ADVANCE! We will Shew ear Goods to one and all, deeming it so trouble —rather a pleasure—to display them. J. & A. J. SETZE. AUGUSTA, GA., WEDNESDAY .MORNING, NOVEMBER 28, 1860. METROPOLITAN | FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, New York. CAPITAL ~..5300,000. ; CASH SURPLUS 100,000. Is prepared to take risks on all Insurable Property 1b the city of Augusta, and throughout the State of Georgia, at fair rates. Gen. JAMES L© RIMER GRAHAM, Pres t. EDWARD A. STANSBURY, Sec’y. J. C. DAWSON, Agent, sep6-ly No. 2 Warren Block, Augasta. INCORPORATED 1819. Charter Perpetual. (ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL $1,50C.00G. SURPLUS 500,: JO. ASSETS 2,194,000. This Company is well known In this city, and throughout the L’nion. as the leading Fire Insurance Company.* It has earned a reputation for prompt attention to business, and an honorable, liberal and equitable performance of its obligations, unequaJM by any other Compan y. B. H. BRODXAX, Agent, . for Augusta and vicinity, MARKET FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. NEW-YORK. Capital $200,000, & Large Surplus. INSURES ON MERCHANDISE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, BUILDINGS, and the BETTER CLASS OF RISKS GEXERALLY , on the most Favorable Terms. The Company is now doing business on the “ PARTICIPATION PLAN,” by which SEVENTY FIVE PER CENT of the net Profile w divided annually (In Scrip bearing Interest) to the parties in sured. and the Fund represented by the Scrip is securely in vested and held by the Company as a guaranty for Its policy, thereby greotly increasing tne security, and diminishing th expense of Insurance, without any liability whatever on the part of the assured. Fir t Division of Profits, July, 1860. THIRTY-THKEE-AND-A-THIRD PER CENT in Scrip on the Premiums on Policies written with the Participation Provision, and marked ofl during the year ended June 80. ASHER"TAYLOR, President. J. E. MARSHALL, Agent. oct 4-dlm J. 0. DAWSON’S Guano Depot, NO. 2 WARREN BLOCK, A. ugusta. There is to be found in this establishment a greater variety, and a larger- stock of pure and genuine Natural, Mixed and Manipulated FER TILIZERS, than in anv other South of Baltimore, and the Planters of Georgia, South Carolina and Alabama, are requested to call and examine tha stock before buying elsewhere —they will do well to do so. The most satisfactory certificates from reliable Planters in Georgia and South Carolina, are daily coming in, testifying to the virtue of these Ma nures, and will he, after Ist of November, for warded in pamphlet form to any who may wish to sco them. The AMERICAN GUANO, notwithstanding the unfavorable season, has won a reputation through out Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina, (where it has been extensively used,) that sets aside all cavil as to its position antoug the best Fertilizers yet discovered. It stands side by side with Peru vian. It is true there have been somefailures—always will be—so there has been with Stable Manure and Peruvian, indeed, every kind this season, but that does not prove that American Guano will not pay a large per centage, In almost every case, where there has been what is called a failure, it has been owing either to the manner in which it was applied, the cultivation or the quantity used. Some put it too far from the seed—some lose half by the wind blowing it away—others by mixing it with Stable Manure, or by using nothalf enough to the acre ; but take it as it was used, by the in experienced as well as the experienced Planter, and so far as we have been able to learn the truth, in nine cases out es teu the Guanoed Cotton, Corn, Wheat, Oats, Barkey, Itye, Turnips, and all Gar den Vegetables, have yielded nearly twice as much as the unguanoed land —so it pays even in the dryest seasons. You make but little this year —poor crops —but if you had used no Fertilizer, you would have made next to nothing. If the seasons had continued throughout July and Au gust as thev did up to the loth of June, the old worn-out hills of Georgia and Carolina would have groaned under the weight of the most over whelming crops that were ever gathered. So don’t be discouraged, but follow the example of the Dicksons, Thos. Whaley, T. J. Smith, of Han cock ; Judge Roberts, of Warren ; Dr. Mims, T. G. Lamar, and the Ransford3, of Edgefield, S. C.; who return annually to their land from $4 to $6 worth of Fertilizers per acre, and your suc cess will he like theirs, au overwhelming income for the money invested, to say nothing of the per manent improvement of your lands. Among the varieties I offer to the public, are j the following; JARVIS’ ISLAND, at $44; BA- \ KF.R’S ISLAND, $49 per ton of 2,000 pouriitj| cash, or $5 on each for city acceptance, payable Ist November, 1861, without interest, (which are the Savannah prices, expenses added.) These two Fertilizers will be delivered at these prices, and on these terms, anywhere on the Central and the Augusta k Savannah Railroads. The balance of the list will be sold for cash only, or its equivalent, at the following prices, viz : PERUVIAN, S6B; SWAN ISLAND, $46; CO LUMBIAN, S4O; MONK’S ISLAND, S4O ; A A MEXICAN, $35 ; B MEXICAN, S3O ; RUFFIN’S PHOSPHO, iwhich is one-halt Peruvian,) $56; SANDS’ EXCELSIOR, $54; J. J. k F. TUR NER’S EXCELSIGR, i containing 700 pounds Pe ruvian to the ton, i $54 ; HOYT'S SUPER-PHOS PHATE, $4-5, for five tons —less quantitv, SSO; LONGETT’S SUPER PHOSPHATE, $45; BONE DUST,S3.SO per bhl.; Pure LAND PLASTER, in large bbls., $2.50 per bbl. All these Manures are pulverised and ready for immediate use. All orders will receive prompt attention. J.C. DAWS©A, General Agent. sepl3-d6m w nov24 T H E WASHING C A T A R A C sa WASHING done entirely by action of tbe Water, without scrubbing and without wear. THE ONLY MACHINE THAT STANDS THE TEST OF USE. SIMPLE! CH£aP ! DURABLE! EFFECTIVE! PRICES, sl2, sl4, $lB. Boxing and Shipping, One Dollar Extra. MACHINES IN OPERATION AT THE SALESROOM, 494 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Where the Public are invited to make a FULL AND FAIR TRIAL FOR THEMSELVES. SULLIVAN ft HYATT, Wholesale Office, 64 Beekman Street, New York. SEND FOR CIRCULAR WITH TESTIMONIALS senß-w2m* NOTICE. A LLT eroa s having claime against the firm of L. C. BKIN- A NER ft COm or SKINNER ft MULLARKY, will please render theiraxwma at Globe Hotel. octSS-dtf AUSTIN MULLARKT. AV. J. HAMILL. Wholesale Dealer in FLOUR. CORN MEAL, HILL FEED, CORN, OATS, HAY, STRAW, £C. NO. SO S. FREDERICK STREET, BALTDIORE, Jyli-dto NED BUNTLINE’S NEW BOOKS. New-York Mercury Stories. FULL Os ILLUSTRATIOXS. JUST published and for sale at retail or wholesale, at the eheap Book Store of fRKDERIC A. BRADY, 24 Ann Street, York. Price 88 cents each, or any five tor on dollar, or the whole eleven for two dollars. I THE WHITE WIZARD: or. The Great Prophet es the Semicole Indians. By NOB Buntline. Price 58c. 11. SEA WAIP: er. The Terror of the Coast. A Tale of Pri vateering in ITT#. By Ned Bun'line. Price i6e. m. SAUL SABBERDAY : or. The Idiot Spy. A Tale es the Men and Deeds of 1776. By Ned Bcntline. Price 28c. IV. ELFRIDA : or, The Red Rover's Daughter. A New Mys tery of New Yoric. By Ned Buutlme. Priue 15e. THE MAX-O'-WARtI GRUDGE. A Reraanee of th Revolution. By Ned Price 28e. OUR MESS, or, The Pirate Hunters of the Gulf. A Tale of Naval Heroism and Wild Adventures in the Tropics. By Ned Buntline. Price 58c. VII. LUONA PRESCOTT : er. The Curee Fulfilled. A Tale of the American Revolution. By Nen Buntline. Price 25c. \ ill. THAYENDANEGEA, THE SCOURGE : or. The War Eagle of the Mohawks. A Tale of il> stery. Ruth and Wrong. ByTKed Butline. Price SBc. lA STELLA DELORME: or. The Camanehe’e Dream. A Wild and Fanciful Story of Savage Chivalry. By Ned Eunt line. Price 25c. X. THE RIFT AND THE SPRAY. A Tale es the Smug glers in the English Channel. Beautifully Illustiated. Bj Malcolm J. Errvrn. Price 25c. PATdAWAY : or. The Mountal-’ Outlaws. A Tiie < fthe Northern Trapping Grounds. By Dr. J. H. Robinson, i’rice 25c. Ail of the above Books are full of beaatiful Illustrative En gravings by Darley. Booksellers. News Agents, and all ethers will please serei on their orders at once. Copies of any or all of the above works will be sent nee • postage, per mail, to any one, on receipt of price. Call or send, or address all orders to FREDERIC A. BRAUF, sep7-d3m 34 Ann Street, New Yerk LIME! LIME! 2000 bbls. Prime New ROCKLAND LIRE, IN STORE AND ARRIVING FROM MANUFACTORIES DIRECT FOR SALE LOW BY R. J.BOWE & CO. oct6-lm U.MTEI) STATES HOTEL. MOSHER & ROSAMOND, Proprietors, BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. fITHIS isrge and long-established Hotel, having been thor I oughlv re fitted and re-furnished this Summer, is now pre pared to satisfy all the wants of the traveling community at the most reasonable terms. Frem its central position. In the healthiest part of the citv, the UNITED STATES has aiwavs enjoyed a large share of the public patronage, and the I’roprfe tors are determined to spare neither pains nor expense fully to sustain its ancient reputation as a first-class Hotel. anls PHENH Mm FROM THE SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN. We osier this Dew Guano to the Planters of Georgia', in the great est confidence that it is the best and cheapest Fertilizer yet dis covered. It is a NATURAL GUANO, imported in bulk and sold in its natural state, without Grinding or Manipulation, which is the best guarantee that Planters can hare that it is PURE & UNADULTERATED Although it is essentially a Phos phatic Guano, it has, in addition to a large amount of Phosphate of Lime—which renders it a perma nent Fertilizer—a snflicient pro portion of the Sulphates cf Ammo nia, Potash and Soda, and organic matter rich in Nitrogen, to secure for it prompt and efficient action upon the first crop. f We obtained enough of it last Spring to hare it thoroughly tested by some of the best Planters in the State. The certificates of these Planters, together with the analy ses of Prof. Jones, Chemist to the Cotton Planters 9 Association; Prof. Shepherd, of the Charleston Medi cal College, and Prof. Darby, of Alabama, furnish convincing evi dence of its decided superiority to any Fertilizer yet introduced into this country. These evidences are printed in Pamphlet form, and will be famished gratis on appli cation to our Agents, or to us. THIS GVANO IS FREE FROM HARD LIMPS. The importers of this Guano are bound to us under heavy oe nalties to furnish us with Guano of fully as good quality as the cargo analyzed by Profs. Jones, herd and Darby, and we 3e ourselves that each cargo be critically analyzed upon arrival, and unless found to be essentially identical with those already received, we will either reject them or sell them at a correspondingly less price. This Guano is put up in barrels of about 300 lbs., and the price will be uniform, as follows: S4O per ton of 2000 lbs., CABH, or $45 credit until Ist Nov., 1861. without interest, in Savannah. The price at interior points will be the same, with necessary ex penses added. When sold on credit, city ac ceptances will be required. DAN’L H. WILCOX & CO. Augusta, Nev.U, 1860. mv!7 Ak 4m IA FULL STOCK. We have invoices of the fol lowing list of Goods, many of which are in Store, and all to arrive in a few days, on con signment, which we offer to the trade as low as the same Goods can be imported by any house in the city: 30 hhds. prime Clear SIDES ; 40 hhds. prime Ribbed SIDES ; 4e> hhds. priiaenew packed SHOULDERS ; 120 barrels prime Leaf LARD : (>0 LalfLbU. prime Leaf LARD ; 50 keg? prime Leaf LARD ; 130 kegs and tubs prime Goshen BU TTER 400 bbl*., half bbl*. and quarter bbls. MACKEREL, of I different grades—l's, 2'? and fi'e 100 sacks prime RYE; 125 bbls. prime Peach Bl.w POTATOES ; 80 bbls. prime Winter APPLES ; 30 bbls. Red ONIONS ; GO boxes M. K. RAISINS ; 20 half boxes M. U. RAISINS ; ST emir) quar. boxes M. R. RAISINS: 1 hhtl. FIGS, in Drums ; > bbls. DRIED CURRANTS ; 15 kegs DRIED PRUNES; O boxes Smoked HALIBUT ; 20 bbls. Pickled HERRINGS; 10 bbls. WHITE FISH ; If) half bbls. WHITE FISH ; 200 boxes Scaled HERRINGS ; 200 boxes No. 1 HERRINGS, Smoked ; 20 boxes CIOO lb*, eaeh) prime large Dry CODFISH ; 1) half bbls. Pickled CODF ISH ; 20 kits Pickled SALMON ; 100 boxes Adamantine CANDLES ; 100 boxes Sterine CANDLE* ; 30 boxes SUGAR CRACKERS; 10 bbls. Boston CRACKERS. —Also for Sale— GOO bales Prime Eastern and Northern HAY. -ALSO LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTER,9 Always ob hand, !u quantities to meet the demands of the community. It. J. BO WE & tO.. GENERAL COM. MERCHANTS, 287 BROAD-STREET. !§We have advices *f a cargo of CORN and OATS, to arrive in about ten daya ; also, a prime lot of BUCKWHEAT FLOUR n sacks. (novU-dAwlm] R. J. BOR E &i C’O. Geo. W. Williams &€©., No. 1 AND 3 HAYNE-STREET CHARLESTON, S. C., OFFER FOR SALE. AT LOWEST MARKET RATES T OAA BAGS Rio, Java, and Laguyra COFFEE ; A v""x_r 850 hhds. Porto Rico and Cuba SUGARS; 700 bbls. Clarified, Crushed and Loaf “ 900 hhds. Cubaand Muscovado MOLASSES; 800 bbla. New Orleans MOLASSES and byrup; 800 bales Gunny BAGGIN 61 2000 coils Bale RCPE and T>’ IKE; 1800 boxes CANDLES and SOAP ; 1800 kegs NAIL, assorted; 7000 sacks Liverpool SALT ; 10C casks fresh RICE: POWDER. LEAD; SOAP, RACON, Ac. Charleston. S. C., Oct. 15, 1850. octl6-dly Fire Insurance o SECURITY AND ECONOMY. 0 75 PER CE.\T OP XETT PROFITS DIVIDED AWIALLT I\ SCRIP TO POLICY HOLDERS. O THE ELMORE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF CHARLESTON, S. C. CASH CAPITAL ... $-150,000. THE INSURED PARTICIPATE IN THE PROFITS, WITHOUT ANY LIABILITY WHATEVER. DIRECTORS: WILLIAM M. MARTIN, President. J. Legare Yates, | A. S. Johnston, Geo. W. Williams, > A- R. Taft, William C. Bee, Henry Bulat. S. N. Hart j J. Held Boylston, John B. Lafitte, , Hugh K. Banks, Wm. C. Courtney, I E.L. Adams, Edw. Sebrb g, j C. V. Chamberlain, JOSEPH WHILDEN, Sec’y & Treas. The subscriber having been appointed Agent for this etty. will take risks as low as other equally responsible Companies A. M. JACKSON. Agent, noVB-8m 24S Broad Street. PENMANSHIP FOR LADIES AND CARD WRITING. MIBB ANNA BROWN, respectfully informs the Ladies < f Augusta and vicinity, that she will open Classes in Bold, Commercial and Ladies’ Epistolary PENMANSHIP, at 142 Greene street, nearly opposite the Bell Tower. Persons can commence at any time, as each pup”. receives individual instructions. Tfbmk—Five Dollars for Twelve Leseons, and Ten Dollars for Twenty-Four Lessons, Including Stationary—lnvariably in advance. VISITING, WEDDING, ADDRESS and BUSINESS CA RDS, neatly writtea to order. Forwarded by mail to any address. Specimens of MISS BROWN’S Penmanship may be seen at Plumb & Leitner's, and the heat of city references furnished. octlß-swlm DR. D’ANTIGNAC, /AFFERB his professional services to the citizens of Au v/ gusta. Office over Barry Sc Batty’s store. novl4-dtf INSURANCE AGENCY. Office at Geo. A. Oates’ Book Store. CONTINENTAL I RESOLUTE j Insurance Companies GOODHUE \ of MARKET | New York. SECURITY j ATLANTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Brooklyn. [oct4-dlm] JOS. E. MARSHALL, Agent. STEAM ENGINES.^ OX hand, ready to be put to work. Portable and Stationary STEAM ENGINES, 4 to 20 ho se power, best sort and no mistake. Apply to COOPER’S FOUNDRY, nert to Gas Works. oct36tf S2O reward! - “O ANA WAV from the subscriber, on or about the 10th of JA. July last, a Negro Man named CLINTON. He Is of black complexion, Mid his height about &K feet; will weigh w At the tlm i of leaving had on dark clothes and black hat. Wears a moustache and goatee. He is sunnowd to be loitering either about the city or in the vicinity of ithens ... „ . . . J- >'• FREEMAN’. Ex’r, w- Btreet - nearly opposite Planters’ Hotel. IDispatch copy. octll M NOTICE. trvn*! ore formerly occupied by them. s££v* °® “ e toth inst, at from 9to U, and from 2to 5 o deck, wifi reoeire a Dividend on their elaims. nevlOA ORRIN T. TERRY, Assignee. WAREHOUSES. J. C. DAWSON, Wari’lionse & Commission Merchant, NO. 2 WARREN BLOCK. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, lyiS-gm I HEARD & CLARKE, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE. ON REYNOLD STREET, (Near South Caroline Railroad Depot,) AUGUSTA, C3-A-, WILL devote their personal attention to theSa' and ? V Murage of Cutton at.d all other Pro uce ; also, to re cemng and forwarding Goods. Order? for Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies promptly al ter, ded to. * 1 1 Liberal Cash Advances made at all times on Produce in . ISAAC T. HEARD, iyTM-d&wtf HENRY e.clakkY. GARDINER & MOORE, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, (Warehouse formerly occupied by Simpson A Gardiner,) Mclntosh street, AUGUSTA, GA., WILL give their personal attention to the selling of Cotton. ” v or guch other produce as may be sent to them by their friends and the planting public. Orders for Baling, Rope, and Family Supplies, filled to the best advantage. Cash Advances made upon Produce In Store, when required JAMES T. GARDINER, formerly Simpson A Gardiner. y3<m ST. JOHN MOORE. DOUGHTY.BEALLt!), COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GEO, Clo.\Tl>l"Es business at their old stand (Fire-Proof Huili i mgs, ) on Jackson Street, and renew the tender of their ser vices to their old friends and customer?. Advances as heretofore. E. W. DOUGHTY, W. A. BEALL, C. W. DOUGHTY. Augusta, Augusta, August 20, 1860. au22-d2wA wfim P. G. MORROW, WarrhousQ and Commission MERCHANT, At the Fire-Proof Warehouse of Fhinizy de Clayton , AUGUSTA, GA., Office on the Corner us Reynolds dr Campbell Sts., IP STAIRS, VT ILL devote his personal attention to the sale and storage V 1 of Cotton, and all other Produce. Order? for Family and Plantation Supplies, filled at the low. est market prices. Cash Advances made on Produce In store. Charges cus tomary. Augusta, Ga.. August, 1860. auls-diw6m MMzy & claytonT” WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERC BxYXTS, Corner of Reynolds and Campbell Streets, Augusta, Geo. HAVING made extensive additions to our Warehous during the summer, it s now one of the most commodiou in the Southern country. We are better prepared than ever so the transaction of the Commission Business in every depart ment. On ali con-ignn.ents of Produce from our customers, heir interest wili be faithfully regarded. F. PHINIZY. £. P. CLAYTON. Augusta, Sept. 1, 1860. sepS-diwdm M. P. STOVALL, Warehoused Commission Merchant, AUGUSTA, GA., CfOATIAI'Ets the business In all its tiranches, in his large / and commodious Fire-Proof Warehouse, on Jackson street, near the Globe Hotel. Orders for Plantation and Family Supplies promptly and carefully filled. The usual CASH facilities afforded customers. au2l-dAwSm JAMES A. JONES, Warehouse k Commission Merchant, NO. 6 JIoINTOSH STREET, AUGUSTA, Gr -A. WILL eontinuethe Commission business in ail its branches. V# Persona! attention givento the sale and storage of COT TON. and all other produce consigned to him. Thankful for the libera! patronage of hU friends in termer years, he would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same, and that of the public eeneraliv. Orders for Bagging, Rope aiidFamily Supplies, carefully fill ed at the lowest market price. Liberal cash advances made on Produce in store. J. A. JONES, Augusta, July 4. iB6O. }y6-dAxv6in ANTOINE POULLAIN, COTTON FACTOR, Warehouse Jackson Street, AUGUSTA, GEO. ffIHK usual Cash facilities required, will be extended to my JL friends and customers, and the sale of all Cotton consigned to me shall have my personal attention. aub-dJrwtirn D’Antigrmc, Evans & Cos., WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GE-A.. WTE continue tb above business at our commodious Ware- TV bouse on Reynold ainvt, near the United Slate? Hotel, where we may always be found to attend to the lute.eat of our customers. , , Orders for Plantation and Familv Supplies promptly filled, and all the usual facilities granted to our friends. Cash Advances made on produce in store. WM. M. D’ANTIGNAC, GEO. W. EVANS, iv22-dAw6m WM. E. EVANS. W. M. & A. A. BEALL, WAREHOUSED COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. WE will continue the Warehouse and Commission Bud- D ness at the same stand, in Met calls Fire-proof Ware house, lon Reynolds’, between Jackson and Mclntosh streets, Metcalf's Range,) in the centre of the city and convenient to the Hotels. Being amply provided with good and safe storage for Cot ton. Grain, and Produce generally, we respectfully solicit a contin uance of the patronage heretofore so liberally extended, and thsz of the public generally, pledging the strictest personal at tention to all business entrusted to our care. AUconsignments to B. & B_, will have our prompt attention. The usual Cash Advances made on Produce in Store. Orders for Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies promptly siiaS IVM. M. BEALL, A. A. BEALL. Augusta. 0.i.. Jnly 9. 1860. jylS-d&fcwrm __ HEART) & SIMPSON, Warehous© and Commission MERCHAN TS, AUGUSTA, GA. WE will continue the Warehouse and Commission Busi ness. at our old stand, where we solicit a continuance of the patronage of our old friends and thepu jlic generally. aus-dww6ni HEARD A SIMPSON, HARPER C. BRYSON, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, FIRC-PROOr RIREHOIBE, AUGUSTA, GEO. Whei e his personal attention will be given to the Storage and Sale of Cotton and other Produce. Orders for Family Supplies promptly attended to. Cash advanced on Produce In Store. nr Sales Room and Office on Reynold, between Jackson and Mclntosh streets. _ _ au2-dlAw3ro DEYEREUI & KLAPP, No. 23 Mclntosh Street, I MPORTERS fDiract) of Fi TTIXES, BRANDIES A andGlNoT On hand, a superior article of Moinrtgaheia. Rye, Cabinet rfnd Wheat WHiSICEY S. e*M-**W VOL. XXIV. NO. 281 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WILLIAM H. WHEELER, ATTORNEY AT LAW AUGUSTA, GEO., OFFICE CORNER BROAD A WASHINGTON STREETS, IS COMMISSIONER FOR New York, Connecticut, Missifaipm, Rhode Island, Florida, Tennessee, Vermont, Alabama. oet7-dfm EDWIN H. POWERS,’ ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, AC7GVSTA,* GA. ALL Pu<;ne*s coming within the pale of bis profession, e v trusted to his care, will be discharged with lidelitv. nee over No. 4 At arren Block. augl-JAwlv THOMAS W. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATGCSTA, GA. \\ r ILL practice in the counties of Riebmond, Burke an jpd Ela y be 1 s ui.a for the i>: esent at the oft i or M. H. Talbot, Esq., nearly opposite the United States Ho’ . ?*** entrance as to the office of the late firm of Miiier. t Jackson. febS6-D WRKIIIT A d IBSON - TTOKNEYS AT LAW, AUGUSTA, GA. Y\ I,L practice in all the counties of the Middle Clrcv *, TT and W arren and Lincoln of the Northern. Office . t nd street, in LaFavette Ha>: building. _ WM.cinso*. JNO. P. C. WHITEHEAD, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, f A FFI( E over Poullaia, Jennings A Co.'s new Warehouse, v / Jackson Street, ocl4 JOHN MILLEDGE, JrT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILL practice in the counties of the Middle Circuit. Y ▼ Office No. 3 W arren Block. octlo F. L. RT THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LAFAYETTE, GA. . Je THB.OORK C. COSE, ISAAC L. TOOI.K. CONE & TOOLE. ATTORNEYS A.T TLuA.'W’ AND SOLICITOUS IN EQUITY, OJice First Door below the Mechanics’ Banlc > Augusta, Grti.* IHAYE associated with me in the Practice cf Law, ISAAC L. TOOLE, Esq. We will practice in the following coun ties: Columbia, Washington, EntanueL Seriven, Burke, Rich mond. Jeflerson and War.-'a ; in the Supreme Court of G.-*t gia, in the U. S. Court for the District of Georgia, and :>v special contracts in South Carolina. All busmen entrusted to us will be faithfully and punciuallv discharged. N. B. I will regularly attend the Courts mentioned above. jeS-dAwtf THEODORE C. CONE. FRANK H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW AUGUSTA, GA. \Y ILL practice in all the counties ot the Middle Circuit, nl M in the Circuit Court of the United States. COMMISSIONER FOR New York, North Carolina, Illinois. < Massachusetts, South Carolina, Kentucky Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio. Virginia, Mississippi, California. Office in the rear room over Sherman, Jessup A Co.’s Store opposite the United States Hotel. feb2S-dwl> H. MILLER, Attorney at Law, has removed Lis Office to the front room over Conley, Force & Co.’s Store, opposite the Insurance Bank. oct6-uAwlm. JOHN K. JACKSON~~ ATTORNEY AT LAW AXD SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, AUGUSTA, GA. YY ILL Practice in Richmond, Columbia, and Burke Coun ’ ‘ tics, in Georgia and in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Dist nets of Georgia. Commissioner for the States ol Alabama, Tennessee and Texas. Office over the store of Sherman, Jessup A Co_ next above the City Bank. fefc2fi-dAwly LOFTON & SMITH,” ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LEXINGTON, GA. WILL practice in the Counties of Oglethorpe, Madison, v v Hart. Elbert, Lincoln, Wilkes, Taliaferro, Warren, Han cock and Glasscocs. JOHN T. LOFTON. WM. H. SMITH. ffcbil-ddrwly* JOHN WHIT THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, tI'THRERT, CA., VV’ ILL practice in the counties pf Randolph, Stewart, Quit- V v man. Clay, Early, Terre!! and Calhoun. Collections and Land Claims promptly attended to. my2i T. WALKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW ATIIENN, GA. \\ T ILL practice in the counties of Jackson, Clark, Walton, V v Gwinnett. Hall, Rabun, White, Habersham, Frank! u and Banks, of the W esterri Circuit. janls’6&-ly JONES, RODGERS & ROBERTS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. riAHE firm of Berrien. Jones A Co M having been dissolved by 1 the death of Mr. Berrien, the undersigned will practice in Copartnership, except in Criminal Practice, in the Courts o* the Middle District, in the Supreme Court, and in the Circu.. Court of the United States for the District of Georgia. OFFICE IN WAYNESBORO’, BURKE CO„ GA. XALPOLM D. JOSTS, AJ-PHIUS M. BODGIftS, WfLLIAH K. CUBEETS. JeST-d&wly DENTAL CARD. T. BEY7-E3STS. OFFICE on Broad Street, over Messrs. D’Antignac A Weems, opposite Messrs. Bones A Brown’s. Cai> ami sea specimens of work—especially the Continuous Gum —they are perfectly beautiful, and all that could be desired In a Plate. sepaO-dAwly FALL AND WINTER BONNETS. MIBB MATTHEWS has returned from New York, ai.-d will on THURSDAY, October 25th, open a rich stock ot French and American BONNETS, CAPS, and HEAD DRESSES. | On hand, a large lot of CLOAKS, which will be sold at a great reduction. Also, a variety of other Goods, such as EM BROIDERIES, DRESS TRIMMINGS, HOOP SKIRTS,CORSETS, GLOVES, HOSIERY. FURS. WOK ST£I>G<A)DS, Ac. WM. MATTHEWS. 0c24-!m FRESH Garden Seeds! WARRANTED GENUINE. CROP 1860. \\TE expect to receive our stock of GARDEN SEEDS VT this season, much earner than usual. The aasortm.-nt will be more extensive and more complete than formerly, having added several new and choice varieties to our already large Catalogue. Our Seeds are raised by some of the most reliable Seed Grow ers In the country, from selected stock, and our customers may have Implicit confidence in what we send them, as being per fectly FRESH and PC RE, as we keep no old Seed whatever from one season to another. For the convenience of Merchants, we have almost every sort in papers ; and for Planters and Gardeners, in bulk. PLUMB & LEITNER, Druggists, 212 Broad street Augusta, Ga. Augusta, 12th October, 1860. oct!2 NEW ♦FALL AND WINTER Dry Goods! WM. H. CRAKE Has received his supply of FALL and “I NT LK GOODS, consisting ot the latest styles of Dress Goods, such as CLOAKS, SU eether with a large assortment of DOMESTIC GOODS. These Goods have befen bought low, and will be sold at prices to suit the tunes. e respectfully invites an examination of the assort ment by the public. The prices, he is convinced, will compare favora bly with those of any other heuse, and be will sa'tisf. all of the fact who may favor him with acalL ecu<bdAw4t