Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, December 29, 1860, Image 3

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C|rflnide # Smtiiul •• j 4 -'—— OFFICE ON BROAp STREET, OPPOSITE AUGUSTA BANK. Daily Paper ••••• OO Wee Ely, A inaiiimofh sheet, 2 OO ALWAYS IX ADVANCE. All Papers stopped at the end of the time paidfor unless previously renewed. ATTGKCTST^, SATURDAY MOItNHi, DISC. 29, 1860. Reply to Ulr. Cobb’* Speech. This excellent aualysis of one of the most popu lar speeches of the canvass, is concluded in our paper to day. It is worthy of careful perusal by all who feel an interest in the present exciting political questions. We shall print a large num ber in pamphlet form, which will be ready for gratuitous delivery in a lew days. Our lriends in the country arc invited to send in their orders. HTSce FIRST PAGE We have yet on hand a number of Extras, con taining the speech of Mr. Jenkins at the City Hull in Augusta, on Monday, printed in compli ance with the order of the meeting. The calls for them have been so numerous since they were printed, that persons desirous of supplying them selves, should apply for them soon. The Sunday afternoon train on the Augusta & Savannah Railroad, from Augusta and from Mil. len, will be discontinued on and after Sunday 30th December, until further notice. Mammoth Turnips.— Mr. J. C. Dawson, of this city, haß received from Jesse M. Roberts, of War rentOD, several turnips, (a fair sample of his crop, he say#,) which speak well for the fertilizing properties of the American Guano, with which his land was manured.- Four of these turnips weighed thirty-eight pounds; the largest one, after the top was taken off, weighing fourteen and a half pounds. A small extent of ground, at this rate, would realize a handsome profit upon the amount invested in fertilizers. Gov. Moore, of Alabama, has issued his pro clamation convening the Legislature of that State on the 14th proximo. Death of Hon. 11. M. Fuller.— Hon. Henry M. Fuller, ex-member of C’ongi ess from the Honesdale district, died in Philadelphia on Tuesday, of ty phoid fever. He was the defeated candidate in the 2nd district last October. What Divide* tne Southern People? They are not divided ! T 1 u§i e really is no great principle involved in the apparent divisions among them. A question of time is all there is between them, and even that is nearly obliterated by con cessions. One party, at lirat advocating immediate seces sion precipitate action—have so far yielded, that that they are now willing to wait till the fourth oi March next. The other party, opposed to immediate action, desire that secession should take place on that date or before , or as soon after as may be consis tent with our safety, our honor, our interest and that of other States as deeply interested as our selves in the fate of the South. They desire that no particular date should be assigned for secession, regardless of circumstances and events. There is the whole difference as to time among us. Is this sufficient cause for all the bitterness and strife which characterizes the discussion? The party last spoken of have had, it is true, a desire that the difficulties which have convulsed the nation should be settled in the Union if pos sible. The prospect for such a settlement grows daily more distant, and many of the most ardent national men are sorrowfully acknowledging that their hopes are growing more dim. That point of difference between parties has almost vanished. As to waiting for the co-operation of other Southern States, we are glad to see that even South Carolina, though she did not wait, yet desires and advocates it. Her address to the people of ? the Southern States closes as follows : Citizens of the slaveholding States of the Uui ted States! Circumstances beyond our control have placed ns in the van of the great rontrover sv between the Northern and Southern States. \Ve would have preferred that other States should have assumed the position we now occupy. In dependent oursHres, we disclaim any design or desire, to lead the counsels of the other Southern States. Providence has cast our lot together, by extending over us an indentity of pursuits, in terests and institutions. South Carolina desire no destiny, separated from yours. To be one of a great Slaveholding Con ederacy, stretching its arms over a territory larger than any power in Europe possesses —with a population four times greater than that erf the w hole United States when (they achieved their independence of the British Ismpire —with productions which make our ex istence more important to the w orld than that of any other people inhabiting it—with commou in stitutions to defend, and common dangers to en counter—we ask your sympathy and confedera tion. Whilst constituting a portion of the United States, it lias been your statesmanship which has guided it in its mighty strides to power and ex fiansion. In the field, “as in the cabinet, you have, ed the way to its renown and grandeur. You have loved the Union,in whose service your great statesmen have labored, and your great soldiers have fought and conquered—not for the material benefits it conferred, but with the faith of a gen erous and devoted chivalry. You have long lin fered and hoped over the shattered remains of a roken Constitution. Compromise after compro mise, formed by your concessions, has bean tram pled underfoot by your Northern confederates. — All fraternity of feeling between the North and the South is lost, or bas been converted iuto hate, and we, of the South, are at last driven together by the stern destiny which control the existence of nations. Your bitter experience, of the faithlessness and rapacity of vour Northern confederates, may have been necessary to evolve those great principles of free government upon which the liberties of the world depend, and to prepare for the grand mission of vindicating and re-establishing them. We rejoice that other nations should be satisfied With their institutions. Contentment is a great eminent of happiness, with nations as with indi vidual!? We ure satisfied with ours. If they prefer a s'VStem of industry, in which capital und labor are in perpetual conflict —and chronic star vation keeps tlmvu the natural increase of popula tion—and a man is worked out in eight years— and the law ordains that children shall be worked only t\i hours a day— and the sabre aud bayonet are tha instruments of order —be it so. It is their affair, riot ours. . , , We prefer, however, our system of industry, by which labor and capital, are indentified in mter .est and capital, therefore, protects labor—by which our population doubles every twenty years _by which starvation is unknown, and abundance ■crowns the lands—by which order is preserved bv*an unpaid police, and the many fertile regions of the world, where the Caucasian cannot labor, are brought into usefulness by the labor of the African, ariid the whole world is blessed by our production*. All we demand ol other people is, to be let alone, to work out our own high distines. United together, and we must be the most inde_ pendent, as we are among the most important ot the nations of the world. United together, and we reouire no other instrument to conquer peace, i hao our beneficent productions. United togeth er and we must be a great, free and prosperous _ whose renown must spread throughout E* S?jX7i J3.*T? in . %r*Tr—The Selma (Ala) Ke sloo,ooo*TO Bank of that porter states thjt the gtate 0 f Alabama the city, has tendered to ™ and do jj ars j n view of loan of one hundred thou Union, her probable secession from * °rp now mm ber, SrS. fl.oM*:" 1 live hundred men. — I “ „ United States author- Fugitive Slav es.- , )istrjct C) fOhio, state that itie* for the boutherrf a. d during the past three every fugitive slave a ires... r^j t ude; no t one years, has been remanded intP ser> nu , has been discharged. Hon. JoJJw H,rl“tZ ‘ He .is home, in tbis plee, on f!° d S rt ,fbe feel left Washington on Friday, lie V of u, e lopfi’ 2 Visitor- A “Dictatob” for the United States.—The t : n journal of Paris, thinks that a dictator for the office. - Favor the Rep of Massachusetts, who the Chicago Convent on bas Z tt fa leiten in favor of the repeal of the Per- Mua Law of Massachusetts. BY TELEGRAPH. WASHINGTON NJiS- Washington, Dec. 28.—Theniw the capture of Forts Moultrie and Castle reached the Administration at the Cabii|e! :aeet i n S to-day. The Commissioners from Soufti ar °li Qa were in conference with the Cabinet, det nanded that unless the troops'be wither *' n this shall be their last interview, and theiM* immediately return to South Carolina an P re P are for the worst. lOuly about two millions aud s was bid for the five million Treasury u 0 “: UU( * ei ‘ new law, at an average demand of i #e * ve centum in terest. Washington, Dec. 28. The “■ aute ® e^ect Com mittee of Thirteen broke without auy concert of action in P resent Nation al crisis. They will request be diachar ged next week. The House Committee will * lke a Bimilar re qust. The South Carolina Cnrnmi^-^ * u v ‘ ew ot the alleged stipulation on °f *| ie Presi dent, that the garrisons in * n P^ ar^eß t° n harbor should not be augment nor * he militar 7 status of the ferts changed, r e^ eSted * n fojmation of President Buchanan a|jto b , *L er Major An derson acted by authorimof in conße( Dience of any order from headquarter? lbe resident re sponded in the negatively that Major Anderson acted contrary to ' :e well known wish es of the General Governing The Commissioners then rruueated the Presi dent to remand Major Anders 1 hack to Ft. Moul trie, but after a Cabinet ges*. - s ' x hours, no definite course was resolved “Ir itis understood that the i imm issioners will resign their mission, and reta ra k° me at once, if Major Anderson is not Rumors are rife here thattf^P 8 have been or dered from Boston to Char^ !SU hut the rumors are discredited in high qua'-’ 5 - SOUTH CAROLINA CONVENTION. Charleston, Dec. 28.—jlr.Khett made a speech to day on the Address to tli: ?40 P^ e of the South ern States; also on the ibiiaance relative to forming a Southern Conft ’ ac y- He advocated the speedy organization of-ucli a Confederacy for permanent protection and recommended that the number of delegai?;from each State to a General Convention for t ? purpose be double the number of its Reprosecutes in Congress. NORTH CAROLS NEWS. Raleigh, Dec. 28. —The c-aibera of the Legis lature huve all gone home. Meetings have been held in various counties. lie Union sentiment prevails here but bope is well nigh gone. WEST'POINT CADI REGULATIONS. Washington, Dec. 28. —Gdeta Ball and Kelly, of Alabama, cadets in Point Military Academj', have resigned, id their resignations have been accepted. MARE®. Charleston, Dec. 28.- ‘Jea of cotton to-day 530 bales, at prices rangi: rom 6 to cents. The market was generalhexchanged. Mobile, Dec. 23.~ Sale? f Cotton to-day 2,000 bales. Middlings at 10) ‘.0% cents. Sales of the week 27,000 baits; re fits of the week 21,400 bales, against 56,250 bain decrerse in receipts 133,435 bales. Exports i- JO bales. Stock 149, 000 bales. Freight on c <n to Liverpool Freight on cotton to H e Sterling Ex change par@2 per cent pm.; Exchange on New York discount. New York, Dec. 28.-'Jes of cotton to day 2,500 bales. Market fine. Middling Flour firm, saUs 19,000 barrels, at an advance of 5@ 10c.; South $5 30@i - . Wheat firm at the opening of the market, t the close it was less firm, with sales of 57,■ bushels. Corn firm, sales 98,000 bushels, at J7oc. Rice steady, at 3@3%c. Naval Stores :n. Arming North Carol',. —The Raleigh (N. C.) State Journal says it is aorized to state that a gentleman ot Granville ad one of Halifax, would each be one of a hundreJ to give $1,000,000, to arm the State. A gent aan of Wake says that he will make the third. Gov. Houston has up.?! a proclamation for an extra session of the TMt January 20, to consider the crisis. The Convention of tho people will assemble orfo 28th. The secession feeling is in the ascend ;. “COMMERCIAL. Augusta market. Friday, fl I*. Al. COTTON.—There lias bet .moderate demand for Cotton to-day, at steady prices. Thises were 700 bales, as follows : at BX, Sat 830 1 at 9,7 at yt:i at %, 66 at 10, 7at V]%, 217 nt 10J. 4 , 15 at 10 5-16, 60 at 1 115 at 10X, 26 at 10>g, 185 at 10Y, and 81 bales at 11c. K 15 669 bale3. CHARLESTON, Dec, S’ -[Mercury .J— Cotton —Received week by KailroadL , i baled ; by water and wagona —together 5219 b -corresponding week last year 15,918 bales. Exported In t ime time to foreign porta 4655 ..ales ; coastwise 621 bales-iuting the total exports of the week mM, hales, and leaving hand a stock of 11,058 bales, In fL u 7iyv 01 -dll bale* on ship! cd not cleared, against a stock of , ~195 bales, and 19,318 hales shipboard same time last year. 1 he general state of the m-d during the past week has been ot a very quiet and dejnease aracter, owing in a great roea sure in regard to our mvn at to tne Intervening Christmas buildups, anp in regard to ot produce, to the exist ing unset tled state of the monetary ,iket. Our last weeklv report closed upon a good demand :.ow Middling 9V@lO, Middling 10J4@10M, Good Middling ! ,411, Middling Fair IXVc. The market during the week nov .ader review w as attended by but lew buyers, previous prlct. wing generally been sustained, uu Cl l’? ‘ for the better gr . s , owing to their great scarcity, while those of the Tower, di-rlptlon ranged irregular aud in Javor of buyers, andat adt cos about Wc. In this state of the market, the daily sales re as follows: On Friday, the lirst.dav ol the week, M 5 G- ; on Saturday 835 ; on Monday ( !? Wednesday, 372 ;(. ..day being Christman day,) and yesterday 112 ; making the t and sules of the week 1950 bale*.— M e renew our former quoi pns, with the exception of the common grades, which ilO’ -eitTered a partial decline. W l 3; lot *kow Middling 9X l ®! MiddUng 10H®10K, Geod Mid. I filing 10V6ill, Middling Fa IJjc. TT ,ie .U larket . ir h,- cry moderate enquiry and few sales during the iminedia*< part of the week, came to a stand during the last three dayi. tle f evv sales effected previously ranged from st,Jg@4—thobi; of the sales at #SM@3V. l-lour —the market conti .. s unclianged. No demand, ex cept in a retail way, and e h we quote Baltimore super and ‘‘i 3l ®.‘/Vr an H ®° l Carolina, Georgia, and Western at s7K@sperbblfordo, 0 ’ Sugars f There have bee:. .-rivalsof two cargoes Louisiana, from Attakapas, consistlii. f 870 hhds ; only a small portion of one cargo having been dl- ,edof in small lots from the wharf, at from CXSi. , l 4i the lai portion remaining unsold aud afloat. Molasses— Some 6to bbl y the same arrival have also been disposed of in part only, bv -r. private terms not permitted to transjdre—the bulk of th* tst cargo, and the entire of the last, remaining unsold. Codec—A cargo of 850 Cig Kio, of direct importation, ar rived in the fore part of tn< eek, has been placedon the mar ket, and is selling in small sat 14c—quality represented as prime, and in tirst-rate con iou of packages. Salt— The market is ; .anged, with selling prices of 1 10 from on board and sto i. b'xchanyc—Sa materia Siange. The purchasing rates by the banks closed yesterda at 1 0-KLj. 103 per cent premium for Sterling, and at 5.40<<ji5.45 - francs. For Northern time bills the rates continue nomjp and checks selling at prem as per amount. “ Fri ights— Only onr ves loading for Liverpool, at fi-16d for square bales. None up r Havre. Tn Now York %v. To Boston %c. CC\SIGN EES Fer Augusta & Savanna Railroad. Dec. 23.—Mrs J A Ansley, Baker AU, B M Cos, j T Bothwell, Crltz &F, J A Chambers, CC, G T Do- ■, E & C, A F, F A R. H W A Cos, [HI, JA 1A Cos, L AC, V Murphev, McO H&W,F WK, K AS,R C A To, WFt th, WII S A Cos, Spears AH, I M Singer A Cos, Tucker Warren L A Cos, W A A, N H W. Wilcox A H, CAW A ( Hoard A S, D’A E A Cos, C A B, J M Dye A Cos, J B W A 6 E R 8, W Hale, M R M A Cos. IMPORTS. SAVANNAH, Dec. f_For New York, steamship Mont gomery— 539 bules cotter For Liverpool, shin Jane—9o99 bales cotton. For Boston, sh Fly ing Dragon—l2l bales cotton. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE “ SAVANNAH, Dec! ‘ Arrived, steamship Locust Point* Baltimore ; schrProwe t rarden'as. Cleared, steamship Mont gomery. New York; b ; Hope, Havana; ship Jane, Liver pool ; ship Flying Dr** 1, Boston. CHARLESTON, P . 27.—Arrived, brig Messenger, New York ; schr D B War*., New York. NEW BOOKS. JUST received ati<EO. A. OATES A BRO’S, 240 Broad Street, thefollovfi g NEW BOOKS, viz ; “ The Chapel of St, Jary.” B) the author of the Rectory of Moreland. “ Hopes and Fear* .r Scenes from the Life of a Spinster.” By the author of IlaJnf Kedclylfe, Ac. •* Dr. Henry ou Soc l Welfare aud Human Happiness.” •* I ater Essays and J oems.” By Macauley. “Education—luted c tuaL Moral and Physical.” By Her bert Spencer. •• Quiet Thoughts f. Quiet Hours.” “ Life and CorresF idence of John A. Quitman.’ By J. H. Claiborne. 2 vols. “ The Conduct offl.fe.” By R. W. Emerson. “ Faithful Forever By Coventry Patmore, author of the Angel in the Honsd. *• studies of Anim Life.” By E. H. Lewis. “ Travels in the R-Hons ofthe Upper and Lower Amoor. By F. A'ki son. *• One Year.” Ariulld’s Book, in prose and Verse- By the author of John Hafii.x. „ . „ •• Housekeepers lieyclopiedla. By Mrs. E. F. Haskell, Besides a number jf similar works. dee22-dtt JUST RECEIVED 1 30 boxes No. 1 URE CRACKERS ; 30 boxes Large (AISINS, In quarter and halves; 15 boxes DRIID FIGS. 9 boxes DRIB) PRUNES. ALSO, A good assortment of PREBERV EB and J EI,LIES. deelO 3t HENRY J. BIBLFY. WE H4FE FIXED OP NICE IrtOß Christmas lots of PRETTY THINGS, and we have P somany that We actually want to sell some ofthem, Ssfsvs;** ’’rvgj'Tims.y 1 SALT! SALT ! ! IVAAA SACKS new SALT, large sacks, on consign- MAPEIS’ NITROGEXfSEH SUPER-POOSPHATE OP LIME. ’ REMOVAL. fTIHE tftidersigned. Agent for the above Fertiliser, in conse encS j lts success the past season, and the great- demand arising therefrom, has made arrangements n0w,!,,?.. . nu t ac !l! rcrtur a ‘ ar *ce an.! full supply; and re greater facilities for storage and other accommodation. v 11 Die four story Warehouse as below, where he wlil !>e ‘Biantity required, with promptness. He fm!* sr.i owe< * to ex P r ess hLs satisfaction in view of the lac; S' “‘Le numerous purchases made of him by planters, gene farl?iikiL „ P ur P os e of making comparative “tests with other lclliiv oneca; w Pas come to his knowledge where our not skown a decided superiority. Planters who ,?I e u Mapes Phosphate, now make it their sole reliance, fm? Ri® ordering (some of them) as much as fifty tons, for use “ e , n y xt This fact speaks for itself. We have discov- RH-ddy, developed in the drouth, which was before unob irmi.i7.VliL! power, or capacity, to absorb ‘ rom (he atmosphere, which obviated to “a large extent itb\^r!?_l'n^ ara ee d drought where it was used, while most iJlt ho C 1 ere n °t only valueless, t>ut positively injurious —o.ilv toe safety and profit as a money investment, von. the we of Mapes’Phosphate, are now placed be n< ttie experiepce ofthe past season, has estab •w i *h at ‘7 e “ av e.,without hesitation, always asserted for it. j . M ertl reliable under adl circumstances or soil mode of cultivation, and of weather. < A ?j C t. u .?lv2!U rl,? d is also prepared to supoly an}’ description ol MACHINERY and IMPLEMENTS,ot lowen e price8 >rOVe<l atterus to Southern cultivation, at J. A. aUIMBY, oct2dAwtf Xo. 3, Warren Work. Augusta, Geo. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGII rrtHE exetcises of this Institution will b# resumed oa the JL oth day of JANUARY next. o The Faculty ofthe College is compos :d of the following Rev. ANDREW A. LIPSCOMB. D. D„ Chancellor. Rev. P.ll. MELL, 1), D.. Vice-Chancellor and Professor of %*V'I Mental Science and Political Economy. WILLIAMS RUTHERFORD, A. M„ Professor of .Mathe matics and Astronomy. R. M. JOHNSTON, A. M., Professor Belles Lettres and Oratory. WM. M. WADDELL, A. M., Professor of Ancient Lan guages. : —TV Professor of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and Natural Scieroe. D. WASH, A. M., Adjunct Professor ol Mathematics, DANIEL LEE, M. D., Profeasor of Agriculture. Tne charges are for Tuition, Room Rent, Servant Hire end Library fee, $75, payable SSO in January and $25 in Sep tember, strictly In advance. ASBURY HULL, Sec’v. dec4-w4t “W 4 COMPETENT Classical TEACHER, to take charge ot the Columbia Countv Academy, for the next year, is need apply but those who can come well recommended. Apply to C. H. SHOCKLEY, or . A. M. CRAWFORD, irarw? „ . Appling, Oa. ConsUtutionallst copy. f.(ldana7 (Late Dana tfi Washburn,) Fcctor & Commission Merchant, SAVANNAH,. GEO. I” CONTINUE the above business at the old stand of L'sna JL * Washburh, 111 Bay Street, and ain prepared to make liberal advances on ail Produce consigned to my care. aus-w6m rTEOROIA, OGLETHORPE CD.-Whereas Lacy VX Banks applies to me for letters of administration de bonis non, upon the estate of Richard Banks, of Oglethorpe county : These are theretOre to cite, summon amt admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, t o be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law-, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at office this 94th day of Dec., iB6O December 23,1860 HENRY BRITAIN, Ord’y ORUffl HIM FIITIIRI, CHARLESTON, S. C. f|3 IIE undersigned is now fully prepared to Build Church JL or Parlor OROANB, of any size, from SBOO up to SIO,OOO. Having had twenty-five years’ experience in Organ Building, I am prepared to produce as good an instrument asanv In the United States. 1 have all materials on hand of the best quality —and properly seasoned wood, Ac. I can produce the best testimonials as to capability ami faith fulness. Organs enclosed in an v stvle of case desired, or ts suit the architecture ofthe building orroom. All orders promptly and faithfully executed, ami all my work WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Address JOHN BAKER, au29-dßm* Organ Builder, Charhston, S. C. MACHINE CRACKER BAKERY! T I HIE subscriber, having added several improvements to hi; JL BAKERY, is now prepared to furnish the community with any and everything in tjie Bakery line, at the lowest prices. Oi; Hand, Made Every Hay, FAMILY BREAD. CRACKERS- lIIBCUIT- Butter, Soda, Extra Butter, Boston, Water, Wine, Fancy, Milk, Ginger, Seed, Lemon. . Sugar. Pilot 13 read. Fine CAKES and I’IES, FRESH EVERY DAY, ot all kinds. JAMES BOWEN, No. 341 Broad Street. oet!9 _____ ___ __ Augusta, Ga. JOHN A. BAKER, Manufacturer of ami Dealer in MILITARY GOODS, NO. 63 WALKER STREET, IST E Y O E k: . HATS, CAPS, SWORDS, SASHES, BELTS, HORSE EQUIPMENTS, AND ALL ARTICLES FOR THE MILITARY, FURNISHED AT SHORT NOTICE. RW New Style French FATIGUE PAP on hand and made to order. decl2-d3m MM ACADEMY, LEXINGTON, GA, TJ3HE Eierclßcs of this Acaniedy will be resumed again ou L the first Monday in JANUARY. The Trustees take pleasure in aunonneing to the people of Oglethorpe county, and to the public generally—that they have secured for another year the services or Mr. Thos. B. Mobs in the Male, and of'Mr. Edwakd Young In the Female Department, assisted by his two daughters. Board can be obtained in the village on reasonable terms. For further Information apply to the Trustees, or either of the principals. B. F. HARDEMAN, j L. J. DEUPREE, J. S. SIMS, F. L. UPSON, 1 Trustrees. P. H. HANSON, S. H. COX. G. F. PLATT. j dec2Bw4w Fruit Culture- Partner Wanted! THE subscriber, who claims to possess the requisite knowl edge aud practical skill, but who has little or no money capital, desires to associate with himself in the business of Fruft Cuiture, (especially of the Grape,) a person of good business talent, who can invest a small amount of capital. He has al ready on hand several hundred rooted grape vlnee, and a few fruit trees ami possesses unusual facilities for procuring any quantity that may be required on the most favorable terms, at the nurseries. He would prefer to locate in Georgia or Ten nessee. Is permitted to refer tn D. Redmond, Esq., Augusta, Ga., and Wm. Gilmobs Simms, L. L. D., Midway ft. C. Address D. 11. JACQUES, decS3w4t* Midway, S. C. HOME JOUKNAL FOB 1881. NEW SERIES. NEW FEATIM- NEW TYPE. MORRIS & WILLIS, Editors. thu wille *y circulated FAMILY NEWS IAI EK, will be commenced on the fifth dav of January next —printed on flue paper aud new type. With the January num ber will begin the publication of a senes of beautiful original works of fact and fiction, written expressly for the HOME JOURNAL, by the best authors of America. The first of these ts from the iacile pen o( a well known and highly gifted author, and is a powerfully written, startling, mysterious and dee Jy Interesting history of courtship and married life. This charming story will 1 e succeeded by others of a sim lar descrip tion, several of which are already i n preparation. All the for mer peculiar features of the paper, which have given it a world wide reputation, will be continued, while the several new ones will aud Infinite variety to its already diversified paces. Among them are a number of fresh, spicy, amusing, original sketches, whichsmack and relish of the wit humor raclnesa. brilliancy, aud sparkle of the times. As heretofore, no labor or f. x J???f! : ? 1, !T b oSP? r . edt^. m ?’ ntalnthe , hih reputation of the HOME JOURNAL, which is everywhere, both at home and abroad, acknowledged to i the most refined and elegant re pertory of literature and the arts on this side of the sea • i the best and cheapest family newspaper in the world A r lQ more copies ofthe new series will 1 e printed than are ord i those who desire to begin with the commencement of tb , ume will be able to do so by forwarding their sqW riott™. without delay. .options Tubus— For one oopy, $2; for three for three years, $G ; for a club of seven copies, $lO ; Vihl, of fifteen copies, S2O ; and at that rale for a larger H.Vhlt ways in advance. • un ai- Addtess, MORRIii * WILLIS Editors and Proprietors, 107 Fulton Street, New York dec!4 S2O REWARD ! O AAA WAY from the suoscrlber, on or about the 10th of XV July last, a Negro Man named CLINTON. He is of black complexion, and his height about 6)4 feet; will weigh 186 or 140 lbs. At the time of leaving had on dark clothes aud black hat. Wears a moustache and goatee. He is supposed to be loitering either about the city or In the vicinity of Athene Ga. J. N. FREEMAN, Ex’r. 812 Broad street, nearly opposite Planters’ Hotel tW Dispatch copy. ol .tn TEACHER WANTED. riIHR Trustees of the Waynesboro’ Academy, will hold an I Electloh for a TEACHER, for the ensuing year, on the adday of January next. For particulars, address THUS. H. BLOUNT, at Waynesboro’, Burke county, Ga. decl2-tjanl WM. U, BTURGES, Sec’y. BOARDING. A FEW BOARDERS can be accommodated with Board by applying at 169 Reynolds street. ovSO-9t MARY CALDWELL. ‘ *■’ ‘ J 1 ’ “ ’■% 5000 pounds Ch^S^ACON 5000 pound* Choiee For sale by FJ^BkJHfeiijS&W'l.AKD. deo6lw New Goods! DRY GOODS! LATEST STYLES, TO BE FOUND AT SAMUEL DICKEY S STORE. BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. CLOAKS. VELVET AND CLOTH CXjOAELS, ► T OF THE MOST FASHIONABLE DESIGNS, AT SAM’L DICKEY’S BROAD |TREET. SHAWLS ! STELLA PRINTED, PRINTED CASHiTIERE, SCOTCH PLAIDS, CHENILLE AND GREY. Those wit li an extensive variety of other Fabrics, will be sold much below the usual price at SAII L DICKEY S mtOAl) STREET. Irish Poplin THE REAL Irish IStamifactiire, CAN BE HAD AT SAMUEL DICKEY’S, BROAD STREET HOOP SKIRTS EMBRACING ALL THE Favorites Known TO THE LADIES, AT SAMUEL DICKEY’S, BROAD STREET. SILKS! THE STOCK IS LARGE AND VARIED, Consisting in par of Plain Black SILKS ; Black and Chinche BROCADES ; BROCADES and STRIPED ; ROBES 7 VOLANTES; DOUBLE SKIRTS; STRIPES und BAYADERES ; White, Pink, Sky aud Lavender SILKS. Great care and attention was devoted in selecting the above, so as to procure the most desirable Goods for the Augusta mar ket, which can now be had at SAMUEL DICKEY’S, BROAD STREET. Dress Goods ! Ottoman POPLINS, GRISSELLES ; French and English MERINOS ; DELAINES, COBURGS, P ARAM AT AS ; ALPACAS and BOMBAZINES. JIOS IER Y. 500 Dozen Ladies’ White, Slate, Brown and Mixed HOSE, from 75 cents to $6 per ddzen. 500 Dozen Men’s Half HOSE, from 75 cents to $6 per dozen. Siso Dozen Misses’ HOSE, well assorted. Dozen Boys’HOSE, assorted. A full supply of Gentlemen’s KERIM vests and drawers, AT VERY LOW PRICES, AT SAM’L DICKEY’S, BROAD STREET. EMBROIDERIES! In this department special attention is solicited. The Ladies are assured that thW Latest Styles, from the best foreign mar kets, and of the treat materials, are amongst the following articles : Ja ionet and Swiss EDGINGS and INSERTINGS ; Jaconet BANDS aud FLOUNCINGS ; COLLARS, ofthe most beautiful Needle Work . Swiss and Jacouet. SETTS, without limit, and will be sold at exceedingly MODERATE PRICES* AT SAMUEL DICKEY’S, BRUAD STREET. WHITE GOODS JACONET. SWISS, NAINSOOK, MULL; BISHOP AND VICTORU LAWN ; LINEN CAMBRIC: With a large stock of Real Irish LINEN, imported direct to myself, which fact will insure a large saving in price to \ec chuaers, at SAMUEL DICKEY’S, BROAD STREET. DOMESTIC GOODS! This department is well worth a call from persons desirous of buying FLANNELS, BLANKETS, SHIRTING** ; SHEETINGS, PILLOW CASING, COVTONS ; TOWELS, TICKINGS, LINENS ; Bleached and Brown DAMASKS. Quality and price should be an object to all Hous* s-Keepers, and if so, both can be realised at SAMUEL DICKEY’S, BROAD STREET. Negro Goods. In this line, I challenge competition, and simply say ti at I discouut my own paper at 8 per cent, which enable* me to- sell Negro Goods cheaper, than any other house which boy* on credit. My stock is large, ana consists of OS3SFAJ3URGS, BLANKETS, KERSEYS, PLAINS. SAMUEL DICKEY, BROAD STHEJET. octli-tf ’ jBf&OOUX Ke OA'sr* WHOLESALE AND IRETAILI DEALERS! INBBEST GRADESIIOF” ” READY-MADE CLOTHING, FOESMENIAND BOYS, AT| THEIR NEWI STORE, 5 NO. 238 BROAD JSTREET, JLTJG-USTA., ‘GEO. BROOMjtfe. DAY, are receiving and opening one of the best Slocks ot FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING in the is invited to call and examine, before making their purchases elsewhere. TAILORING. In connection with the READY-MADE ['department, they keep thej latest styles .'of CLOTHS, CASSI. MERES, VESTINGS, &<“, which will be ‘made to order’at the shortest notice, and best style* CALL AND SEE ! sepSO il&w _ qMUBOWKb In New Patterns. JAMBS G. BAILIE & BRO., 205 BROAD STREET, Reg leave to state to r§Custoniers |and thej]Trade thatjthey have just received their FALL SUPPLIES O E . OA Wt lE* 3E3 T fit • KMI( R At; IN (J THE LATEST STYLES MANUFACTURED, CONSISTING IN PAHT OF New Medalion CARPE'FS ; Crossley’s English Royal Velvet and Brussels CARPETS, in new patterns ; Extra Fine Three-Ply and Ingrain CARPETS, of new patterns and superior fabric; (•heap All Wool CARPETS ; Colton ami Flax CARPETS, of good quality and low prices ; and Floor Oil Cloths, Os entirely New Patterns, from 1 yard to 8 yards wide. These Grtods will be cutto fit any size Room or Hall, in one piece; Stair and Table OIL CLOTHS. Also, Curtain Goods, Cornices & Bands, oFafiTinds ; Lace and Muslin Curtains; Satin, Delaines, Damasks, Tassels, Loops, &c.; 54 patterns of Cornices, different sizes, and em bracing many entirely new patterns ; Brass Bands, Picture Tassels, Pic ture Cord, and Nails in great variety Piano and Table Covers, WIKTI3OW (SH^IDEaIS. We have received several invoices of these Goods, embracing many entirely new and beautiful Patterns, in Golds, with and without. .Centres ; Velvets and Colds, with and without Centres ; Pencil, Landscape, Gothic, Plain Panel and Patterns, innumerable —in all, making one of the largest stocks of Shades ever offered. WALL PAPERS AND BORDERS In great variety, and everything embraced in the Paper line. DOOR MATS. We are just in receipt of i large stock of these Goods imported from Europe, which, for quality and durability, are unsurpassed ; together with a good stock of Home Manufacture. Also, a large stock of SC AIK CARPETS, STAIR RODS, STRAW & HAIR BROOMS, Feather Dusters, and everything connected with the Carpet Department ; to all of which we would call the attention of the public generally. Carpets Marie Up Properly anti with Dispatch. JAMES 6. BAILIE & BROTHER, NEW CARPET STORE, 205 RROAD STREET. 1860. 1860. Fall amMWiuter Trade! ‘me undersigned beg again to rail theattention ol their numerous customers to their EXTENSIVE PREPARATIONS for the FALL ami WINTER TRADE or iB6O and 1861. S TOVES- Jn this Department, our assortment is, as usual, full ami varied, comprising every variety of COOK, HALL, BOX and PAULOK STC>V ES, usually required in this market. GRATES. A choice FRESII STOCK, Including many NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS. RAN C3-ES- In this Department, we have MOTT’S well known VENTILATED OVEN and OIULSON’S NEW DOUBLE RANGE. The latter needs only io be seen to have its unsurpassed advantages over all others appreciated. house goods. A 4 * usual we have in store a large and well selected stock of EVERYTHING TO HOUSE KEEPING— HAKDWAKE CUTLERY, WOODWARE, BROOMS, MATS, BRITANNIA WARE,<fco., Ac. Enumeration in this con- L uection is out oil he question. Buy your furniture at tne furniture stores—in our establishment you can find all else needed fur I '’ ! tiuving"occupied for nine years a leading position in the trade in this city, we feel disposed, in this age of competion, to put forth anew effort to retain the patronage we have in times past so liberally enjoyed—as heretofore, wa propose to do business on srl;*s w "" t *“ rp “' a 17 ssssoct9-d&wlm £3. S. Jones tSa Co- SCHNEIDER’S Restaurant ICE-OPENED! Where all the Good Things OF THE SEASON WILL BE KEPT CONSTANTLY OUST HAINTD I Ki2l SIOO Reward! RAMAWAY in July last, rny Negro Woman ELIZA. i Said Woman is ; years old ; of dark copper color: about five feet high ; all lier front uppei teeth decayed ; speaks like a low country Negro. The above reward wlil be paid for her apprehension and delivery, or lodgment in any Jail where l can get her. WILLIAM 11. FARRAR, novSO-l ru Kaolin, S. C, NOTICE. fIA (IK business hitherto carried on bv the undersigned, under the firm of W. K. ARCHER Sc CO., will be discontinued a *The books and accounts will be found with W. E. ARCHER, who is duly authorised to settle the business of the firm. . All persons indebted to W. K. ARCHER & CO., will please make prompt settlement, and save ARCHER J AS. S. DILL, Augusta, Jline 2fitli,lß6o. THQB. B. ARCHER. GLOBE HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GEO., AUSTIN MULLABKY, I PROPRIETOR. oct23-d&wtf NOTICE. 1 LL persons indebted to me by note or open account, are iv hereby requested to come torward aud settle the same, on ~-,r before the Ist of January, 1861, as at that time t here will be Si change in my bU3ir ess. J. N. FREEMAN, Watcl .akerand Jeweler, 812 Broad btreet, T-dtjanl nearly opposite Planters’ Hotel. i BELTING! LEATHER BELTING, BEST ftUALITY, ALL WIDTHS, 1 to 18 Indies, With Underwood’s Patent RIVET FASTENINGS. RUBBER BELTING, ALL WIDTHS, SUPERIOR QUALITY, ALWAYS ON HAND,"AT SHEW, IJESSIIP & CO.’S, 225 BROAD-STREET, AT ICiITST A, GEO. sep29-dßm 30 ACRESOF LAND FOR S-AJL.E ----THE subscriber offers for sale one-bait (80 acres) of the tract of LAND, situated in Harrisonville, now rccapled by Mr John H. Trippe, on which 1 here are several beautiful Building Lots. The portion for sale extends from I V> road leading through Harrisonville, nearly to the LaFayette Race Course, and is admirably located for Gardening or a Dairy Farm. On the road leading through HarrisoviUe. Is a beautiful site for building. Persi ns wishing to see it, can do so by rati ng on the subscriber. Titles undoubted. W. 8. JONES. /xy * re />AX 43?/4 v\ &\ / A© ECONOMY! Ido*/® Dflspsit®lki! < Save the Pieces! AM accidents will happen, even in well-regulated families, is very desirable to nave some cheap ana convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, Ac. Spalding’s Prepared Glue, meets all such emergencies, and no household can afford to ta without it. It is always ready and up to the sticking point. There is no longer a necessity for limping chairs, splintered ve neers, headless dolls, and broken cradles. It Is Just the article for cone, shell, and ornamental work, so popular with ladles ol refinement and taste. This admirable preparation is used cold, being chemically held In solution, and pos jessing all the valuable qualities of tha best Cabinet Maker’s Glue. It may be used In the place o or dinary mucilage, being vastly more adhesive. “USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE.” N. B.—A Brush accompanies each bottle. Price s;cents. WHOLESALE DEPOT NO. 4M CEDAR STREEI ISTID'W’ YORK. Address Henry C. Spalding, Box No. 3,600, New-York. I’ut up for dealers In oases containing Four, Eight, and Twelve lXi7.cn—a beautiful Liteographic Show Card accompanying each package. IF* A single bottle of SPALDING’S PREPARED QLU E will save ten times its cost annually to every household. Sold by all prominent Stationers, Druggists, Hardware and Furniture Dealers, Grocers ana Fancy Stores. Oouutry merchants should make a note of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, when making up their list. It Will land any climate. tebl7-dAwly HANDSOME WOMEN! TO THE LADIES! HI. XT’S “BLOOM OF ROSES.” A rich and elegant color for the cheeks or lips. It will not wash or rub otl, and when once applied remains durable for years. The tint Is so rich and natural, that the closest scrutiny fails to detect its me. Can be removed by lemon Juice, and will not injure th skin. This is anew preparation, used by the celebrated Cotir Beauties of London and Paris. Mailed free, in’ bottles, with til rectiors for use, for sl. HUNT’S • COURT TOILET POWDER.” imparts a daz zling whiteness to the complexion, and is unlike anything else used for tills purpose Mailed free for 50 cents. HUNT’S *• BRITISH BALM” removes tan, freckles, and all eruptions of the skin. Moiled free for 50 cents. HUNT’S “IMPERIAL POMADE’ for the hair, strength ens and improves its growth, keeps It from falling oft; and Is warranted to make the hair curl. Mailed Tree for ftl. HUNT’S “PEARL BKAUTIFIER” for the teeth and gums, cleanses and whitens the teeth, hardens the gums, puri fies the breath effectually, preserves the teeth and prevents toothache. Mailed free forsl. HUNT’S “BRIDAL WREATH PERFUME,” a double extract of orange blossoms and cologne. Mailed free tor sl. This exquisite perfume was first used by the Princess Royal of England on her marriage. Messrs. Hunt &Cos presented the Prjncess with an elegant case ot Perfumery, (In which ail of the above articles were included) In handsome cut glms with gold stoppers, valued at *ISOO, part iculars of which appeal ed In thepublie prints. All the above articles sent Free, by express, for *5. Cash can either accompany tbe order, oi be paid to the ex press Agent on delivery of goods. HUNT & CO., Perfumers to the Queen, Regent Street, Loudon, and 77 Sansorn St., Phlla., Pa. For sale by all Druggists and Pe-turners. IT*t’ xhe Trade supplied. nov24-d&wly CLARK & FULLER’S “ AMBROSIAL OIL CLARK, GREGORY & CO., SOLE PROPRIETORS. CtI’REM Headache, Earache, Toothache, in three minutes; / Rheumatism, Coughs, Neuralgia, Colds, Erysipelas, Bron chitis, Dyspepsia, Colic, Cramps, Inflamed Eyes, Chronic Bore Eyes, Sore Throat, Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Sprains, Chapped Hands, Piles. Ulcers, Diarrhoea, Bunions, Corns, Frosted Feet, Deafness, Old Sores, Sore Breast, Sore Nipples, Scald-Head. Ringworm, Tetter, Snake Bites, Dog Bites, Rat Bites. Tim world is challenged for its equal for Scalds and Burns. It cures Scratches on Horses, Sore Eyes on Horses, Spralns/Swlnney Poll Evil, Festula. saddle and Harness Galls, fresh Wounds or Swellings, and isthe best known remedy to apply to tender-foot ed horses from founder—take up tlie feet and bathe well about the frog of the foot. Cures all cutaneous diseases on man or beast. No one medicine can cure In all cases but we can show mote real proof of the virtue of AM BROSIAL OIL in its healing properties, from responsible men, who are above being bought than can be produced for any other medicine. We do not assort a cure for every malady to which thehuman family are subject, but what, we'proclaim we can substantiate by living witnesses. The AMBROSIAL OIL Is a Nashville preparation, and sold throughout the South and Southwest by all good druggists and general dealers. The South may be just, ly proud that Dr. Clark, a native Tennesseean, aft or much sabot and research, has produced a really worthy medicine, which Is bound to drive out much of the worthless imported trash with which the country isflooded. Please call at our office, where we will take pleasure In show ing letters and testimonials too numerous to set forth In tbe form of an advertisement, some of which came from Physicians in high standing, who are using it In their practice, as they state, with marvelous effects. We challenge the world to produce a remedy so speedy and effectual in its healing properties. CP” Read the evidence of the virtue of Clark & Fuller j Ambrosial Oil, evidence so authentic, and from persons whose word and standing are irreproachable. Read and be convinced CLARK, GREGORY & CO- Sole Proprietors, Nashville, Term. For sale by B. F. TUTT, novlS-diwly Augusta, Ga. RUBBER AND LEATHER BEL.TIKTG All Widths, IX to 14 inches, always on Hand. ALSO, Rubber and Hemp STEAM PACKING, RUBBER HOSE, LACK LEATHER, RIVETS, &C, For sale by CARMICHAEL & BEAN. sep4-d*w3m GLOAMING NURSERY, CLARKSVILLE, GA 1860. fltlllH old and established NURSERY, is well supplied I with FRUIT TREES of all and script lons, as well as VINES of the most desirable varieties of Grapes, which will be disposed of on liberal terms to customers. Our stock of A P PLE and PEACH TREES is of of unusual excellence and variety. Catalogues of varieties and prices will be sent to all appll cants gratis. [octSo-d<fcw2m*] J. VAN BUREN. EXCHANGE? GIRARDEY’S RESTAURANT OPEN. rilllE Proprietor has the pleasure Inform his friends and the L public generally that Lis Restaurant will be open on WEDNESDAY, the 7th of NOVEMBER. Partlee and Families can besupplied with New Tor* Norfolk and Savaa nah OYSTERS ; also, Northern and Southern GAME I. P. GIRARDKY. THE BILLIARD SALOON AND TEN I*ll ALLEYS, Are now completed, and will also lie Opened on The 7th November. nov7-d2m -A- CARD. BLOUNT & DAWSON, General Brokers FUR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF NEGROES AND OTHER PROPERTY, Savannah, Ga., HAVING taken the office and hew Jail completed by Win Wright, Esq., we are able to afford secure and good at commodatlons for a l Negroes left witu us lor sale or safe keeping, would r( spe :tfully solicit a share of public patronage Office two doors east of J. Brvan A Cos., opposite toe Stats Bank. E. If. BLOUNT. * W. C. DAWSON, Having leased the above gentlemen my office and jail, would take pleasure In recommending them to my patrons and th public generally. [gepl2-d6mM Wm. Muromr. Rio Coffee. PAA B AGS Ro COFFEE, for sale by OUU dec# lw WILCOX & HAND.