Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, December 30, 1860, Image 4

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■wains run on the Kruncte c\ .* \ BfFn Carolina Railroad. Augusta to Charleston, 1-36 mites Fare, $.'.00 Augusta to Columbia, 1-52 miles Karo, 6.00 HENRY T. PEAKE, General Superintendent. )>AX TRAIN*. Leave Augusta, daily, at .. 8.00 A. M. Arrive at Charleston at —3.30 P. M. Arrive at Columbia at. .'. 4.30 P. M. . r *?nve Charleston, daily, at 5.45 A. M. Arrive at Augusta at. .1.15 P. M. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Augusta at..... 7.30 P. M. A;litre at Charleston at......’ 4.30 P. M. Ai rive at Columbia at .5.20 A. M. L . ve Charleston at.-.. 2.80 P. M. £.i :ive at Augusta at 11.15 P. M. Goth IrantAvonneet at Kuv.;s?i!le with the Wil mington and Manchester Road ; the Day Train from Augusta connects at Columbia with the Charlotte Road. At Augusta, botn Trains connect with the Georgia Road and the Augusta A Savan nah lload. Augusta & ‘Savannali Railroad. W. C. JONES, Agent NIGHT PASSENGKR TRAIN. jgjaye Augusta, daily, at 12.30 A. M. Air'.vc at Milieu, daily, at 3.15 A. M. Leave Milieu, riailY, at 3.40 A.M. Arrive at Augusta, daily, at 6 85 A. M. ’ IT H.iSSKNCBR TRAIN. Augusta, daily, at 2.00 IVM. Axi’.ve at Milieu, da: *, r.t 5.28 P.M. Lease Blillert, daily, at..’..., 8.60 P. ?1. Arttve at A-v-'i ’r, daily, at 6.50 P. M. IN CONNECTION WITH Central Railroad. Augusta to Macon, 164 Miles Pure, $6.75 Augur,ia to Savannah, 133 Miles 5.00 GEO. W. ADAMS, General Superintendent. ’ * ‘ NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Augusta, daily, at. 12.80 A. M. Arrive at Mdcoo, daily, at ft . 55 A. M. Arrive at Savannah, daily,-at 7.45 A. M. Leave Savannah, daily, at. 11.10 P. M. Leave Macon, daily, at 10.00 I*. M. Arrive at Augusta, daily, at 0.35 P. M. This Road connects each way with the South Carolina;Railroad, at Augusta. Passengers from Augusta for So urn western Georgia, ami for Mil tedjreville and Eatonton, should take the-16.30 A. M. T r uia. Those for Columbus, Montgomery, Ac., Moy take either Train. Atlanta & West Point Railroad. * ... . AtiantAlo Poiat, 87 Miles I ure, GEO;G.4TDLT46uperintendeut. V DAT PASSBOOKS T’.AIN. Lears Atlanta, daily, at.'. .. .... i...10.10 A. M. Arrive at West Point at 3.10 P. M. ■ Leave West Point, daily, at 3.00 P. M. L Arrive at Atlanta at 7.51 P. M. NIGHT PASSERGER TRAIN. ML pare Atlanta, daily, at 0.30 P. M. SArrive at West Point at 5.46 A. M. Leave West Point, daily, at 3.15 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta at 7.59 A. M. ■This Road connects with the Montgomery & —VTi jw i—n in f.u.,Lui ,W .. ? P.-V Western & Atlantic Railroad. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 138 Miles. . .Fare, $5.00. JOHN W. LEWIS, Superintendent. DAT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Atlanta, daily, at 10.20 A. M. Arrive at Chattanooga. %t, ..........., .7.3,4,,P- 4* Leave Chattanooga 8.25 A. M. ,Af*jce at A'Aianl.'i ut 1.40 P. M, . fi ; KVENI'A’Q PASBENGBR,VHaIN. Leave Atl’Uiux, nightly, at . .. 8.15 P, M. Arrive at Chettanoogaftt;.......... . 5.80 A. M. -Leave Chattanooga at 3.00 P. M. Arrive at Atlanta at 11.32 I’. M. - Thic Eoad connects each way with the Rome Branch Railroad it Kingston, the Teunesse A Georgia Railroad at Daltouy and the Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad at Chattanooga. • Macon~& Western Railroad. Atlanta to ALFRED L. TYLER, Superintendent. . DAT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon at., 1.45 P. M. Arrive at Atlanta at 7.15 P. M. Leave Atlanta at.- D, 2.15 P. M. Arrive at Macori at.•... 7.45 P. M. NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN*. Leave Macon at.......; 12.00 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta at 7.15 A. M. Leave Atlanta at 12.00 A. M. Arrive at Macon at., 7.15 A. M. The Night Trains will uot be run on Sundays. The 12 o’clock Night Train from Atlanta, con nects with ibe Central Railroad for Savannah, at 10 A, M., and the Southwestern for Albany and Ooliimbus, at 9.45 A. M. Toe 2.15 Train, from Atlanta, connects with the Central Railroad for Savannah at 10.00 P. M. and the Southwestern Railroad for Columbus at 11.50 P. M. ? (THE GLOBE, The Official Paper of Congress. T f I'BLISH no'v mv annual Prospectus of Til E DAILY JL GLOBE, and THE CONGRESSIONAL ULO 11 ."and AHFENTU 3£, to Remind subscribers, and inform those who may tte*lre to stjbicribe, that Congress will meet on. He first Monday of nest EieCttnbev.when 1 shall tteumc pull str: g the abovs named papors. ‘.Xbfr have beeu jruhlished so loup, hat mctt public melt {KtUw.tlHrUr,*ha>*etur, ami therefore 1 deem it e - Jos? to give a irilnutFaceoimt of the kina of matter they t* Vll’contain. THE BAJLY GLOBE will contain a report of the Debate lit both brai.ebcaof Congress a= taken down !ty reporters, equal, St lutst, to any corps ot ahurtrhand wiirtus in this, or in an) other countnu A majority of them will, etuh, be aide to re port, wr’&awn, ten thousand words an hour, while the average aamoerof words spoken by fluent speakers rardy exceed:, seven thousand five hundred words an hour. When the deliates . of a Jay do not make m< re than forty-five columns, they will L appear in the Gaily Globe of the next morning, which will ton v tala, also, the news of the day, together witli such editorial ar ticJps aa may be suggested b/natemg evetns. fiil CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE AND APPENDIX vki contain a report of all the Debates in Congress, revised by the .-speakers, the Messages of the President of the United States, the Annual Reports of the Heads of the Executive De partments, the Laws passed, during the ses lon, and copious In dexes to all. They will be printed on a double roval sheet, lit book form, royal quarto size, each number containing sixteen cageu The whole will make, It is believed 2,000 pages This bt acknowledged to be the cheanest work ever sold In any coot,try, whether a re-print or printed from manuscript copy, takiugrfoedatarbe average number of words it. conta’ns. Tl.e romi-igsession wJU, without doubt, be an unusual!” to- Uierting oDa,bec- trtetbe dirbates will be in a great measure rjpen tbe pphey-oftbii PftmclcTit elect, audtheGlobe will be, as Ittiac, beeufer many years past, the *nly source from which UiU oebiifes of Congrmcan be obtained. Ihl cgng KEKSI<tNA I, globs; and APPENDIX pfiss tree through the mails of the United States, as will be seen ‘>v reading the following Joint Re .ouiHon passed by Congress he #ih ot August, 185*: 4 ojjt Resob. firm providing for the distribution of the Laws of Com-ess and the Debi t* s tbereou. With a view to the cheap di dilution of the lays of Congress nut list- e> avs eumributing so the true .thereof, h|-j; jft; r.ke free the coinin'miration bet wy n'the represeota tvc ar fl constituentsbodies: itfsoivod byliie*enate ttiul House of Kepwnriirtves ol States 01. AhiuTci’ In Congress a-rteniek'i. That |KHn:-<l after the jt*’ . nr*r nutOf'Ccrgrc. sr tin < o.MiBI’ 1 - 8L AND Ai BENDIX, whh-h contain the la thereon, shall paks wee tbrtnj-b tat mails so I>"'t v'-ldshed by order .f (’ongr>-t.,. Pro. iC* the,- shall he co tic trued to authorize the i . }'. j'.MLY CLOBE free of postage. . i, August 6 18&2. jr ‘ t.„ TERMS : For ttfcn’ oii/billy Globe, for four fnoth..-. $3 09 Ftfr a < ‘;pv % fiie Con re- sloral Globe Had’ Appendix, e ■ - - H 1 Eta two copies -tbit?;'when ordered at the sam'e time 0 09 f o'atltsptloh.'iab’bArtjtiid to any vrjJor unuas the money ac- Nccst’.if n'lu the septioTuf yie country where a .sfjikrriber rwfldtr.vij 1 ’ e tceeived at par. The Svhble or .any tar otu sulvteH) Houmay t remitted ’.reportage stamps, fthicL Is prel ei-able to afuf curreuev. fiteept gold or silver. . JOHN C. RIVES. • Ij^a:v. i>,'tSfih. . novlii “VOCAL MUSI ’! ri 8. t,’lS|Ssc.y in MUSIC, will It, eorr.meLveat his .icademy, fovcrWty Hency’s Store,) aa Juvenile< .'lass, t ietoiter fid, at 4 ‘• M. Days Df Tui fit .Tut* Gtv'l’mi’hiYcta-.J. OrtoU-t i&tli t..S VMfc P. oq Mi iidacrsauJ Wednesdays, inch C.asc wui ccmmehce at the fiust prlnciplr of Musical TERMS; ■Dryeude Otai.... ••%*••• .IJ-24 Lessons. • Class A-15 ■gs SI. pppo. Mw SON’S Guano Depot,, KO. t WAUIIEN BLOCK, dishment a >f pure and dated FElt f Baltimore, irolina and xamine the will do well om reliable la, are daily these Ma ember, for may wish to Handing the [onthrougb ilina, (where ts_ jtsidff- ad! cavi, as to its position among tlie best Fertilizers yet discovered. It stands side by side with Peru vian. Tv is true there have been some failures—always will be—-so there has been with Stable Manure and Peruvian, indeed, every kind this season, but that does not prove that American Guano will not pay a large per centage. In almost every case, where there has been what is called a fuilure, it has been owing either to the manner in which it was applied, the cultivation or the quantity used. Some put it too far from the seed —some lose half by the wind blowing it away—others by mixing it with Stable Manure, or by usingnothalfenough to the acre ; but take it as it was used, by the in experienced as well as the experienced Planter, and so far as we have been able to learn the truth, in nine cases out often the Guanoed Cotton,Corn, ML teat, Oats, Barley, Rye, Turnips, and all Car den Vegetables, have yielded nearly twice as tfluch as Jhe unguanoed land —so it pays even in the dryest seasons. You make but little this vear —poor crops—but if you had useu no Fertilizer, i you would have made next to nothing. If the seasons had continued throughout July and Au gust as they did up to the 15th of June, the old worn-out bills of Georgia and Caiolinawould, have groaned under the weight of the most over whelming crops that were ever gathered. So don’t be discouraged, but follow the example of the Dicksons, Thos. Whaley, T. J. Smith, ol Han cock ; Judge Roberts, of Warren ; Dr. Mims, T. G. Lamar, a’fl the Rnnsfords, of Edgefield,’ S. C.; who return annually to their land from $4 to $6 worth of Fertilizers per acre, and your suc cess will be like theirs, an overwhelming income for the money invested, to say nothing ot the per manent improvement of your lauds. Among the varieties 1 offer to the public, sre the following; JARVIS’ ISLAND, at $44; BA KER’S ISLAND, S4P per ton of 2,000 pounds, cash, or 55 on each for city acceptance, pa\ able Ist November, 1861, without interest,’ (which arc the Savannah prices, expenses added.) Those two Fertilizers will be delivered at these prices, and on these t tins, any where on the Central and the Augusta & Savannah Railroads. The balance of the list will bo sold for cash only, or its equivah tit, at the followitfg’ prices, viz : PERUVIAN, SOS ; SWAN ISLAND, ; CO LUMBIAN, *4O ; -MONK’S ISLAND, S4O ; ,A A MEXICAN, 5 .5 ; B MEXICAN, I’liOSl’HO, (which is one-hall Peruvian. SSO ; SANDS’ EXCELSIOR, $54; J. J: & I . TUR NEll’S EXCELSIOR, i containing 700 bonnets Pe ruvian to the ton, ! if.>4; 110 VT'S PIIATE, $45, ior five : tons—less quantity! SSO ; LONG Eli S SUPER-PIIOSPHATE, s4ap RONE DUST,S3.SO per bbl.; Pure LAND PLASTER, iu large bbls., $2.50 per bbl. All these Manures are pulverised and ready for immediate use. All orders will receive prompt attention. Atlanta at 9.05, rrenton at J,C. MWSttM, General gent. fcnjilS-uOtn novDI pjr Sim riilMl blllJli the SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN. We offer this new Guano to tfee Planters of Georgia, ?n the great- T es( confidence that. It is the best irnddirapeiO FeTTUTZeT fei St is a M.ViWIL GffJNO, Imported in balk and sold in its natural state, without txrinding or jManipulafioii, which is the best ion rant cc that Piasters can have, that it is PORK * UWADULTERATED it is essential \y a Phos phate Criiaiio, it has, hi addition to a large eaioimt of Phosphate of Lime—which renders it a perma nent Fertilizer—a sufficient pro portion of the Sulphates of Ammo nia, Potash and Soda, and organic matter rich in Nitrogen, to secure for it prompt and efficient action upon the first crop. We obtained enough of it last Spring to have it thoroughly tested by some of the best Planters in the State. The certificates of these Planters, together with the analy ses of Prof. Jones, thewist to the Cotton Planters’Association; Prof. Shepherd, of (lie Charleston Medi cal College, and Prof. Darby, of Alabama, furnish com hieing’ evi dence of its decided superiority to any Fertilizer yet introduced into this country. These evidences are prin ted in Pamph let fo rat, and will he furnished gratis on appli cation to ont Agents, or to us. THIS ©TJASTO lOTEMOIBAROLm. The importers of this Guano are bound to as under heavy v - nalties to furnish us with Guano of fully as good quality as the cargo analyzed by Profs. Jcne3, Shepherd and XJarby, and we pledge ourselves that each cargo shall be critically analyzed upon arrival, and unless found to be essentially identical with those already received, we will either reject the m or sell them at a correspondingly less pric-3. This Guano is put up in barrels of about 300 lbs., and the price will be uniform, as follows: S4O pe>* ton of 2000 lbs., CASH* or $45 credit until Ist Nov , 1861 without interest, in Savannah. The price at interior points will be the same, with necessary ex penses added. When sold on credit, city ac ceptances will be required. DAFL 11. WILCOX & CO. Augtieita, Nov. 12, iB6O, novl7,d& 4m Georgia Oassimeres ANOTHER tmpplyof UW exceltept HOODS from tlje Ivy Mlito. < odd county, Ga., have J*i#t been received, and are now ottered for ee.le by ar JACKSON, .TILLER Jr. VEKDERY, uovifi *l3 ist’Min Street, ■ I” ■ V ■ —■ - 900 bu*bds CORN, in si we ,md to arrive ; 25 fLOVb. BAKKKIA, (teaond band.) . yoreale by [nov27i J. C. At D. B. - _^5 SC S LLAN^ I[IS - The a station of Languages.—There ts a grevintendency in ege to appropriate thej most expressive words of other languages, and! after a while..to incortrorata them into our own j thus the word Cephalic, which is from the Greek/ signifying “ for toe head,” is now becoming popi/ larized iu connection with Mr. Spalding’s gre/. Headache remedy, but it will soon be used iim more general way, and the word Cephalic will /e ----come as common* as Electrotype and many ot/ers whose distinction as foreign words has been /orn away hv common usage until they seein “ imtive and to the manor born.” / ’ardly Keali/ed. Hi ’ad ’n ’orrible ’eadachethis hafternoon, hand hi stepped into the bapothecaries hand says hi to the man, “Can you hease me of an eadachc ?” “ Does it hache ’ard.F’ says ’ei “ HexceeJingly,” says hi, hand upon that ’e gavs me a Cephalic Pill, hand ’pou me ‘onor it cured me so quick that hi ’ardly realized hi ’ad hid an ’eadachc. ’ X , . r is the favorite sign by which nature makes known any deviation whatever from the natural state of the brain, and viewed in this light it may be looked on as a safeguard intended to give notice of disease which might otherwise escape attention, till tdo late to be remedied ; and its indications should never be neglected. Head aches may be classified under two names, viz : Symptomatic and Idiopathic. Symptomatic Head ache is exceedingly common and is the precursor of a great variety of diseases, among which are Apoplexy, Gout, Rheumatism and all febrile dis eases. In its nervous form it is sympathetic of disease of the stomach constituting si cl headache , of hepatic disease constituting blliove headache, of worms, constipation and other disorders of Hie bowels, as well as renal and uterine affections. Diseases of the heart are very frequently attended with Headaches; Ansemia and plethora are also affections which frequently occasion Headache. Idiopathic Headache is also very common, being also usually distinguished by tho name of nervous headache, sometimes coining on suddenly in a state of apparently sound health and prostrating at once the mental and physical energies, and in other instances it comes on slowly, heralded by depression of spirits and ascferbitv of temper. In most instances the pain is in the front of the head, over one or both eyes, and sometimes provoking vomiting ; under this class may also be named Neuralgia. For the treatment of either class of Headache the Cephalic Pills have been fopnd a sure and safe remedy, relieving the most acute pains in a few minutes, and by its subtle power eradicating the disease of which Headache is the unt ring index. jLrieJgd.— Missus wants you to send her a box of Cephalic Glue —no, a Louie of Prepared Pills ; but I’m thinking that’s not just it naither ; but perhaps ye’ll be afther knowing what it is. Ye see she’s nigh dead and gone with the Headache, and wants some more of that same as relaived her before. Druggist. —You must mean Spalding’s Cephalic Pills. Ikidgd. Ocb ! sure now and you’ve sed it; here’s the qnarther and give me the Pills anddon’t be all day about it uither. Constipation or Costiveness. No one of the “ many ills that flesh is heir to” is so prevalent, so little understood, and so much neglected as Coslivenuss. Often originating in carelessness or sedentary habits, it is regarded as a slight disorder of too little consequence to ex cite anxiety, while in reality it is the precursor and companidft of many of the most fatal and dan gerous diseases, and unless early eradicated il will bring the sufferer to au untimely grave. Among tho lighter evils of which Costiveness is tho usual attendant, are Headache, Colic,Rheuma tism, Foul Rreatb, Piles, and others ol like na ture, white a long train of frightful diseases such as Malignant Fevers, Abscesses, Dysentery, Diarr hea, Dyspepsia, Apoplexy, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Hysteria, Hypochondriasis, Melancholy and In sanity, first indicate their presence in (he system by this alarming symptom. Not unfrequently the diseases named onginute in Constipation,but take an independent existence unless the cause is ercidicuted mi an early stage. From all these con siderations it lellop st mt tlie disorder xjumiA o- v jpH iRm Roil whenever it -occurs, und, jm person should neglect to get a box ot Ce i%lte ipJls on the first appearance of the com .piainvfls their timely use will expel tho iiiiiduuia approaches of disease and destroy riiTs dangerous toe to human life. A Beal Blessing. ~.j Physician. —Well, Mrs. Jones, how is that Ileffdaehe V ■ Afrs.jfotiest — Gone! Doctor; ell gone. Tho pill you sent cured me in just twenty minutes, and I wish you would send more, so that I cau have them handy. Phynsian-. —You cau get them at any Druggists, (‘all for Cephalic Pills, I find thy never fail, and 1 recommend them in all cases of Ileadncho. Mrs. Jones. —l shall scud for a box directly, and shrill tell all my suffering friehda, for they are a i real blessing. I Twkntv Millions ok Dollars Bated. —Mr. Spalding has sold two millions of bottles of his celebrated Prepared Glue and it is estimated that, each bottle saves at least ten dollars worth of broken furniture, thus making an aggregate of twenty millions of dollars re claimed from total loss by this invaluable invention. Having made his Glue a household word, he now proposes to do the world still greater service by curing all the aching heads with his Cephalic Fills, and if they are as good as his Glue, Headaches will soon van ish away like snow in July. vvaheAv CURE 4t /g> CURE NemusHeadache Heateim By t be use of these TILLS, the periodic attack* of Ifyrvtus Hick- Jleadachu, may be pr-vented ; and If tnken at the conwnSflcament of the attack immediate relief from, polo and flckneat will be obtained. They seldom fail in removing the Nausea ami Ifeadaahe t. winch Females are no sttbject. ; They act gently upon the bowels—removing Costivmesi. For Literary Men, Student*. Dyjlcata Ftmnlus, and all pep eons <'JT‘’tfantary hahits, they are valuable as a Laxative,*\m provir.g the appetite, giving tone and vigor to the digestive or- Cftns, and reatoiing the natural elasticity and strength of the whole system. TheCETHALH’ TILLS arc the result of long Investigation and caroMly conducted experiments, having been lit uea many years, during Which time they have prevented and relieved n vast amount of pain and sutferk.„ from Headache, whether originating in the nervous system or from a deranged state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable in their'cnnaposdtlon, and may be taken at all times with perfect safety without making any , change of diet, and the absence of any disagreeable taste en ters it easy to Hminister them to children. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS The genuine have five signatures of HENRY O. SPALDIJIG on each box. . . - Sold by Druggists and all other Dealers Jp Mediciaes. A Box will tm sent by mall prepaid oa receipt of the PitICIS, TIVKMfI-FITM OfiKTH. A.t order* shtmld be tni.ireused to HENRY C. SPALDING, /FATEN\ JpiRDtCINKS ’ HSLMBQLB’S •GENUINE PREPARATION. EEI.MJBOLYrS BUCHtT for the Bladder, HELM BOLD'S BTTCHU for the Kidney*. HELM BOLD'S BT’OlfU for the Gravel. HILMBOLD’B BUCHTJ for Nervousness. HELMBOLP’S BUCHtT for Dropsy. HEI.MBOLD’S BUCHU for Loss or Memory. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for, Dimness of Vision. HELMBOLDB BUCHU for Difficult Bnsatliing. HELM BOLD’S BUCIIU for Weak Nerves. HELMBOLD’3 BUCHU for General Debility. HELMBOLD’S BUCHTJ for Universal Lassitude. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Horror of Disease. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Night Sweats. HELM BOLD’S BUCHU for Wakefulness. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Dryness of the Skim HKLMBOLD’S BUCHU for Eruptions. HELMBOLD’S IiUCHU for .Pair, la the Hack. HELM JitfLD’S BUCHU for Heaviness of the Eyelid, with Temi c rarv Suffucuou and Loss of Sight. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for MoMiltyand Itestlessness, with Want of Attention, Horror of Society. ■* HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Olxstrudions. HELM BOLD'S BUCHU for Excesses arising from Indiscre tion, and all Dissases of the SesnalOrgar.', existing Iu either sox, and from whatever cause originated, and no matter of how long standing. These symptoms,part, are experienced often by sufferers with diseases of tasrUbwlder, Kidneys, Gravel and Dropsy, and invariably by the ln'udiclous or nerrous ar.d debilitated. It Is a fact, lona since cstamlshed that any disease of these organs atP-ruta the mind more thin any and all others, and if allowed to go on—which *hi3 im-didnc Invariably removes—soon follows Loss of Power, Fatuity and Epileptic Fits—-in one of which the patiout may expire. Who can sav that these exceeses are not frequently followed by those direful diseases, Ini'anity and Con sumption ? The record c.f the Insane Asylums and the melan choly deaths by Consumption, bear ample witness io the t.nith of these assertions. In Lunatic Asylums the inert melancholy exhibition appears. The countenance is actually sullen and quite destitute —neither mirth nor grief ever visits it. Should a sound of the voice occur, it is rarely articulate. “ With woeful measures, wan Despair, Low, sullen sounds. Ids grief beguiled.” Debllityla most terrible, and has brought t housands upon thousands to untimely graves ; thus blasting the .ambition ot many noble youths. It can be cured by the use of this infallible remedy. Tne mass of voluntary testimony in possession of ta ? proprie tor, vouching for its \irtue6 and lb curative powers, la immense, embracing names well known to science and fame. Cert I tics es of cures, from one month to twenty years’ standing, and of the most reliable and respectable character, are open for Inspection from Governors of States, Judges,cm. cent Physician?. ad dis tinguished Uleigymen. HELMROLD 8 EXTRACT BUCHU is- prepared directly according to the wiles of Pharmacy and Chemistry, with tire greatest accuracy and chemical knowledge and care devoted In its combination. See Prof. Dcrwees’ valuable works on the Practice of Physic, and most of the late Standard Works of Medicine. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU is safe and pleasant in taste and odor but immediate In Us action. Personally appeared before me.au Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, H. T. UELMBOLD, Chemist, who, b4ng duly sworn, does say, that Ids preparation Narcotio, Mercury, or Injurious Drug, !ul an- purely Vty-table, 11. T. lIEI/MBOLD, Sole Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before me, tnis fad day of November, 16M. W, P. Hies Ann, Alderman. Price #1 per bottle, or six for delivered to any address. One thing certain, a trial ci sts but a Dollar—try it, and be convinced of Its efficacy. And it. Ujmoompanlr.d by reliable and responsible eertiticates from i'roAssors of Medical Colleges, Oic-rgytnen aud olh'-rs. ejarod by 11. T. HSLMBOLD, Philadelphia. Beware of Counterfeits. Ask for HELMBOLD'B—take uo other. Curts guarantied. For Bale by PLUMB & LEITNER. mhll tiAvvly ■■■ _ N ‘ ’Vi* \ ,• ‘'T!;rrn ,v mehid\ •'to Physician nocossarv /1 !V \ \ IN FA All LIES WHO / \ US £ / S 2 WILHOVS BiLLS./l j i priob /;p | ?si %'• /% i % i IgS isH U U “ tohio. *\"i3 -• j ; GATIIAIiTIOi It W R i { js a a ** \; a J * j.- S! Anfi-Dyspepijo .3 g 8 ij^l.PlLLSrke £ Is s , \ Prpar.l wiLh great / H 2 % ;rt ! \ KieJical care, fcuJ j j R H S\ L ie “ o ! ~< \ . adapted /* 0 w I j * ti; k \ 0 !* i■/ ECOia and \I 4 w j !/ \i •- 5s : i -vd ’Hoenssxiid ‘ g 7 *OJ V VJOOfSOGIjBJ -I •a\” / ‘fijojoijli'jj Gpg oqq ifq \ . 7 pc. -*■ m<l i—._— ■>*; ‘ ———— Ur. U. Pte WILSON’S FAMILY FILLS. ii • Eorally PHI, WasoN’Aore vartlonlarly reeony *” ‘xsmiod—aim pie and harmlera, bat highly medicinal Ut 111417 oomMnation. One Fill a dona, with mild Wnt car min effort*. The cobast ntrm and the delb-ato llld them alike, wuh every Ddgurance of entire ttety. With Wilson’S Pills, ethry Mother In the end becomes her own physlHan. ITiey have proved Atucselvea a graemo, and stand without a rival for ifce lbilowlng affection*: UiDACSI, FBFES 4 AGI’K, DISPEPSII, LITER CCfiPLAITT, wum, nru & agds, liver comMst. Utfkm FBT&S A Km, DYSPEPSIA, LIVES COSPLAIST, mskm, r3?gR t agub, dyspepsia, liver cumplaint, Coetivoiieas, Bilionsaeii, Neuralgia, Cotivoaeß, Biliousnesa, Nouralgia, Coctlvoness, Biliousness, Neuralgia, Costiveness, Biliousness, Neuralgia. MOTHESS, ’7\l’ h wU year cLlidroa, and when their troubles arke ’ . <>.rt great bona of childhood, Worms, ascribo . *to Its tnso end mnove It by gltdng estock’s Vermifuge .!/, pr*;aied fi/vn the purest mt< lu#'f the most effective antidote to th* pbUlf. ! Sold at wholesale and retail by HAVfLANI), OHIO ESTER .V GO. mhl t'6o-d&wly 264 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga MOTHER'S. Thousands are daily speaking in theprabja of DR. EATON’ INFANTILE CORDIAL, andwby-y beoatnte It never lWk to afforFdaitla lll l vx.as rcllot u hen given In time. It note as If by fthtt ( <ouu trial nlono will convlsoe you tliat wbnt, woaay lst.yne;. -j(f. cr-nj^tiid \0 PAREGORIC OR Oi’IATE oftiiiy kind, am! therefore. rJlltwdßbjL<Jtiivjng the. siiUorinus j nf y"n-f hill, if jMy 1 ’' 1 " 1 - ,r this reason it eSminendi; itself as the ovjf noV knotvn forChllriron T.-■•thing, DiarrMA'liwfintery, < Irlplug In the Bowels, Acidity of tbe hi the Head, and Croup ; also, for softening th* rvdfik, fcfitticJng Inflamma tion, regulating tiie bowels, and reftevUlw plfo, It bat* no canal being an anti spiwmodie It is used with success in ail cases of Convulsion Or other Kits. A. ydijßpoemo. the life and hosit bof yotir children,'and wish'WVynWTWm ‘ rom those sad and blighting consequences which are cert ain to result from the übv of narcoßts of wulcfc other remodtesfor ttfantlle Oomplahits are conmosed, take none but DR, SATOS*B INFANTII. E CORDIAL, tub* you ran rely upon. It is p*feotly harmless, and cannot injure the mostdelleaUJjifjttu tfißne X> cents. Full dlrocttoua accompany CfH'h boMlth | FwfirtrertvrUy ty oSratciv a bupont, No. 409 Broadway, New-York. Blood Pood. Hosltby humun blood urod being ANALYZED alwava presents us with lb# sanie esaentiol elements, and gives of course t.lio ttue etatalard. Analyze the Mood of a person sullcjtug from Consumption, Liver Oemplaltt, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Ac., and we find In every Instance oertaln detllffleuclaa in tlift red globules of Blood. Supply these deficiencies, and you are made well. The BLOOD FOOI> Is fumded upon tbla Theory—hence Its aslonishhtg success. There are FIVE PREPARATIONS adapted to the deficiencies of the Blood in dlfTerent diseases. For CoUgbfc Uolda, Bronchitis, or any afiVtlon whatever of the Throat or Lungft Inducing Consumption, use No.""1, wfifcb is Mao the No. for Depression of (Spirits, Lose -of Appetite, and for all Otironie Complaints arising from m-er use, GenoraJ lb*, •iillity, and Nervous lfrostratlon. No. 2 for Liver Comtdnlnta, No.it for Dvspgpsla. Being already prepareflybr abs<>n'tton. It is Taki'nbv Drops and catrled inmiematelv imb tua oiroulatlon, so that what you gain You retain. The No. 41? for Female Ir regularltlne, Hysteria, Ac. See special directions fcr tide. For Balt Rheum, Brnpt'ur.s, Scrobihuis. Kidney, and Bladder CompLduts, take No. o. In ail ca*fr* the directions n.ust t-e strictly followed. Price of the Blood Food *1 per ho til A bkd by CUI UCH Ar, RI PONT, N0.409 Broadw*v, Naw-lork, And by all respectable Dnirgista threnghouttne eo—>try. HAVELAND, CHICHESTER A CO .8016 Ageßis for Au- sale by PLUMB A LKITNRR, lIA-RKETT A t’AR TER and BREAKS & HIOIIT. Augusta. ? uov22-d&wly HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution established by Special En dowment, for the fyeliqf of tbe Biol and Pie. tressed, aMcted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases. BIWW©S ssnss£;- . ’ mder M CITATIONS FOR LETTERS UISMSSSOIii. Cl TATE OF GEORGIA, R K-H.IIOXIJ COUNT V.- 13 Whereas, Thomas-Jhvymr. Afiailnlt'mbr oh -the estate of ‘V iili&m Stretch, deceased, me for Letters of Dismis sion : These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said do eased, to he and appear at myotiiee, on or before the first MondSk in January next, to show muse, if any thoy have, why said* Letters should not be granted. Given under my Land aud official signature, at pili-te in A t gusta, this 4th day of June I3' : 'h June6,l .'SO. FOSTER BLODGET, Jr.., Ord’y. ©TATE OF GEORGIA, KIOHMO\D GOtVI’Y.- \j Whereas, James Braudon, Jr., Executor of John Williams, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission : There are therefore to cite and admonish, ail and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear t.t nsy office on < r hefjre the first Monday in January next, to show cause, if any they have, why laid Letters should no* be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at office in Au gusta, this 2d day of July, ISCO. July B.ISiO. Ft3 S’ER BLODGET, Jb„ Ord’y. CTATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY J C 5 Whereas, William H. Tutt, Administrator oug the estate ol 1 Jacob Sistrunk, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Bis- ! mission: These are. therefore, to cite and admonish, all an* singular, 1 the kindred and creditors of hard deceased, to be.aud appear at my offi x on or before the first Monday in March ntxt, to shew cause, if any they have, whv said letters should not be. granted. Given under my hand and official signature at oiU-.i Ln Au guata, this August 10, 1860. August 11,1800- _ FOSTER BLODGET, Jr„ Ordinary. CTATK OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY.— k3 Whereas, Charles B. Hitt, Administrator on the i-.--i.ue ol Heynmn Biron, deceased, lies applied tc me for Letters Dismission: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office on or before the second Monday in March next, to .-now cause, if ar.y they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand andofiicialD guatureat office in Augusta, Bile loth August, 1840. August IT 1380. FOSTER BLODGET. Jr, Ordinary. QTATE OF GEORGIA. RICHMOND COUNTY.- 43 Whereas, Charles Delaigle, Administrator on the estate c.f Nicholas Delaigle, deceased, a piles to me for Letters of Dismission; These are, therefore, to cite aid admonish, ail and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in March next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and officiu. si <”1 Mil re at office, in A t gusta, this 10t!r August, I*oo. 1 CISCO. FOSTER BLODGET Jr.. Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA, RI( HMOMH OL XTY.- D Whereas, Malinda Gre*n, Administratrix on th-- t -rate of Abram Gti-cn, decetiked, applies to me for Lettetsuißismasion : These are therefore t o cite aud admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors ofisaid deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in April next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should, not he granted. Given under my hand and official signature at office iu Au gusta, tills Ist day of October, 18801 _Oct. 2, 1880. FOBTER BLODGET, Jn., Ord’y. (JTATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND (101 VI’V.- >3 hornas, Samuel 1!. Otaik Administrator with tiie will annexed on the est ate oi Robert M. Peaice, deceased, applle to me for Letters of Dismission : Tliese are therefore to cite and admonish all, and singular the kindred and creditors oi’ said deceived, to be and appear at my office on -or before the first. Monday in April lust, to snow cause, If any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under iiiv hand and official signature at office in Au gusta, this Ist day of October, Hod. G 1 EORGIA. OGLETHORPE < OIM Y.-COUUT r OF ORDINARY, JULY TERM, 1800. Whortns, Airs. Jane S. Williams, as adminlstratix upon the estate of Susan E. Williams, deceased, allows to the Court that she has fully administered and closed up the business <>i said estate, and is ready now to be dismissed from said administra tion^ Wherefore, it s ordered, that a Citation be issued calling upon all person.. c< ncemed, to show cause, If any tliev iiavo, on or before the Court of Ordinary, to be held on the first Monday in Jauuaiy next, whv said letters should not he granted. It is further ordered. That this Rule re publi.#!:’ 1 in the Chronicle & 8 ntiuei at least six month* previous to said Court. A true extract from the Minutes of lac Court ot ■ ‘'dinar;, held July Term, lstio. July 8, 1380. HENRY BRITAIN, Ori’y. ri EORGIA, LINCOLN COL’ XTY.- Whereas, vVillian 1 AJT A. Gun by and William Hogan. Executors of William Gunnv, represents to the Court, in their petit;..i. duly llted-and entered on record, that they have fully administered William Gunby’sestate: Tills is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindled pad creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Es'-cuto; s should not. be discharged from their Executorship, and receive letters of Dismission on the second Monday iu January, isdl. Given under my hand and official signature. July 9, 1860. li. F. TATOM, Ord’y. EORGIA, LINCOLN 4tHM V. Win * . “wile \A N. Walton, administrator de bonis in n on the o Zacharlah Oiiuisloy, deceased, represents to the Court, in his petition duly filed, that he Las tally administered Ztteitarian UriinsleyN estate: This is therefore to die* all persons* cchcemCd, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they cau, why said administra tor should not be -discharged from ins a'lnringtration, and re ceive letters of digthiaoion on the second*-Monday'-’in Janu.-nv 1881. Given under my hand and official signature,'July 4, 1880. Juiy 8, 1880. R. F. TATOM, Ord’y. CITATIONS FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. *2 S ATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COF.YTV.- 13 W in-reas, Augus In Frederick, Admiulatr it-iron the ot Bla'./.c L. Nehr, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dis mission : These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular the kindred and cre.iit.ors of said deceased, to be and appear at iny office, on or Ie id re. the first Monday in dun- m\t ■<. show cause, if any they have, why said letter# should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office In Au gusta, this 15th day of November, 1880. Nov. 18,1880. • FOSTER BLODGET, Jn., Ord’y. UT.VTr, OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY.— 13 Whereas, Lawrence D. Laller-tedi, hpplies to me fur Letters <>i Administration ou the estate ci Thomas Taut, late ot said county, deceased : Efi'hese are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceused, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in December next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under nay haml and official signature at office in Augusta, this 31st day oi Oct- I .-r, 1880. N'jV, 1, “C[T VTE UF GEORGIA. VICZUIUXA* GOt'ATY.- 13 Whereas, the.vn-ia of IjnfHla Maliuda Schmidt, a m nor, laterrr satt! ctJunfy, deceased, is unrepresented ; Tliese are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindredajid creditors oT said deceased, to be a-id appear at my office on or before the first Monday in December next, to show cause, If any they have, why Letters of Administration should not be granted|to Benjamin F. Hail.Cittk of the Superior Court, or to such fit aud proper parson as may be named and presented to the Court. Given under my hand and official signature, at office iu Au gusta, this Ist duy of November, 1860. FOSTER BLODGET, Jn., Ordinary. November 2. 18^0. O TATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY k3 Whe'eas, Edwin \\ . Ansiey applies tom- for Letters of Administration on the estate of Robert Blanc, late ol said crunty, deceased; These are therefore, to rtte and admonish allahiguiartle kin. dretl and creditors of said deceased, to bound appear utmy .office, on or before the second Monday in January next, to show cun sc, if any they imv(i, why emd Letters shoo Id not be granted. Given under ftry hand and ofiieialsignature, atofiice iu Aligns to. this fit h d!fy of D®ember, lsco. Dec. 7, 1880. • FOSTER BLODGET, Jn., Ord y. tL'TATK OF GROKGIA. KK HMOM) nilM Y.- C 5 Whereas, Knbert Wiggins li nplics tv me fur LetUm of Ad •n.lnh* ration on the oaf ate of Geuigp If. Rountree, late of said county, deceased : These are theicfere to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at ttiy office, tm or befoie the second Monday fn .limitary next, to show ca'ns?, if any they have, why said Letters -ho!d not tie granted. CJlvea tinder my hand and. official signature at office in An eiltca, this 4th day o; In _>'Ui bur , IsCO. FuSTf'dl JiLODfiET, .lit,, OrrtiiKuo. f)eeanjh*f 5,1860. CIItEOF GEORGIA, HICHMO.AD COL VTY.- L3 \vhercfts,- Auro.: !'. Evat-s applies to me for Letter* ot Administration on tivi estate of Mr-. Maha’.y K. K mis, hit -of said county, ’ deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and sir polar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office, on or Isiforethe firA Monday in January rwtf, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted, . Given under my hand arid official signature at office in Au gusta, this-"d day of December, lstiO. lice. 1. hStiO. FOSTER BLQPGKT, Jr., Orrt'Y. n eoiu;i a. i7i v'<;a <;<*i; x rv.“tvh e* V a tte ct Sarah Avrett, late of said deceased, hnaplieocir.i un represented by the dismission of I<:Uic N. Avrett, former Ad ministrator, for failing to perforin his duties as such Adnuniktra ter: There are therefor.-to cite, and admonish,.all and . singular, the kindled and creditors of • dd deceased, to be and appear at my office on the second MONDAY in January next, (lV&1) to show cause, if any they can, why permanent letters of Aamin -1 strati u should not be granted to Alexander Jdhtist 11, < Tc-rk of the Superior Court, of some other fit and proper person, on Sarah Avreit's E-state. Given under my tend and official signature t’ais 6th day of December, 1860- _ ‘ B. F. TATUM, Odinarry. Itfcoember ts, 1830. < L^TOi;A : imh\l-V J I'O'ALL WHOM David < ‘ullaiiiui, buying in proper form applied to me for per manent Lc-ttcrs of Administration on the estate of John -(3rosier, lute of said county, deceased : This is to cite all and singular, t he creditors and next of kin ot John Cro7.h r, to he and appear at im office, within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why per manent letters of administration should not be granted to Da vid Callahan ou'.Tohn orower's estate. Witness niv hand and official signature. Pec. 2, 18 w). B. I ? . TATGM, Ordinary NOTICE. IVJ OTK'E. —All personslndebted to the estate of John G. IN Pledge, late of Kiel mo.id oniony, deceased, will make Immediate payment to the undersigned: and thoso having claims against said estate are noiltled to present them duiy at tested. within tlio time prescribed by law. Sept.2B, 1860. BEN-L.MIN F. HALL* Adm’r. NOTICE.— All persons Indebted to the estate of Gilchrist. Overton, deceased, late of Taliaferro county, are requested to make immediate payment; ami those having demands against said estate, will present them, duly authenticated, with fn the time prescribed bylaw. Nov. IT, TBth). IV.II, A. OVERTON, E'T. NOTICE.— ah persons indebted- to the Estate of Pleasant Robertson, late . f Oglethorpe county, deceasi and, will make immediate payment to the undersigned; and those having claims against said Estate will present them, duly attested, within the time prescribed by law. Oct,. 2, 1860. ALVIN. M. ROBERTSON, Ex’r. “notlcr ALL peraons having demands against the estate < f Hubert s. Smith, deceased, will present them to me*. An tains Ot tits law, for payment. LUOIN DA D. SMITH, Ex4ils< Oct U, 1860. * t\v o m \m-pi 2 §■,mrr i e i. s. finVO >i()VTI)8 will be made to the JL Court of ordinary' l 4 Lincoln county, for leave to.seA the Keai to the estate of Jostah Samuel* iate of said county, deceased. * , Oct. 16, iSew. ALMN 4Xitl-: It Jo H ABTON, Adrn'r.. f*agy*— - - - rntt'O MQIVTHB after date appheation v,ill he niadofoflte JL Court ol ordinary o£Oglethorpe eimufy P>r leave to-*c-l) a small piece of Land liekdiging to the estate ot John B. t'bay pel, deceased. M AKTIIA Wt J tMAPPELL, Adn'.t. December 17 fIHVU MONTH* aft t and fi_ t.Tmt t id'Ordin.tiT Os Oglethorpe cotbitv, fli .te,tve in ,-cil one forty acre l ait in Forsyth'cuuntyr. hkl -riju.w to <he'estate of John Moore, deceased, - ■ Jo* * BTcTlep.) r. v , M December 12, ibOO. F._J RHYL Elf. 1 ~ fit iVIMHLYi’HHufter date application will be made to the X Court of Ordinary of Oglethorpe county, for 1.-aretorell all the Lai d* belonging to the estate of Elijah Cummins, de ceased. ’ARTHUR W. SMITH, Affin’r. December 13,1860. 1 I\VO VIONTHH after d*te application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Richmond county for leave to sell the Negn.es belonging to the estate of Thomas Taut, lute of said county, deceased. LAURENCE D. LALLEASTEDT,.Adm’r. Dec. 7, 1860. rimo MONTHS after date application will be made to the I Court Os Ordinary of Taliaferro coun y, for leave to s< U the Neifroett belonging to the estate of Josifd) Mullkln, lato of said oouuty deceased. JOHN liKOOKS, Ex r. October 20, 1860. -y, fTI WO .MONTHS alter date application will be made to I the Court of Ordinary of Lincoln county for leave to sail the real estate bokuunui to the eetute of Lemuel B. Wynn, late of said county, cteefasou. t Oct 19,18®). ALEXANDER JOHNSTON; Adm’r. mmfi -ypemm M barrels Choice Eating POTATOES ; UrrelsCboiesNaw Orleans PYRUP. ,)e ”, x i.i:,.itTNU vV Kt.AY LAJS D, XjE TOUST, Journal Modeu, ri thetitloof a MONTHLY FAL-liNtj; BOO*, the ch-n. - and mot* complete £B ptfbjt&ed. naC four bCsutlftiily Colored ana highly fnbbeu 6t’ fcteri— imported from besides two ftOftfizea Pai’ernS cut of tissue paper. The Engravings fox the twelve m Bis are not equaled by any other Report of FusJslcni*aow pui- in the ! world. TUey display tHe greatßtt amoutt of in the cut, make, poitioui an-ltriniming of each cdstuffi. from the Lfifant ui- in the most tasty aud refined Ladv. LE BON TUX, published inY’aris, is the a- ihewledgcd standard of Fashion t nere. ar.d throughout Euro , and ?• a largerouculntion than my ot her three works coai'Bi'ed For the past few years, the suascri hers have had entire cuatrol of thisra inon Book ln the. i. r r‘.ad States and Canad: , and has met with e.xtraordim-.ry .success, it, being now sought for hy at. of the leading ostaWLlimeut# and most fashionable L dies Jlavii giust completed some important arrat.m-rn -,,u wiih thcmublishersin Fan.-, we are now prepared to com ‘ne wit), [this work advamagt s revu- before given tn tide -ountty |or in Europe, and will justg.aice at atV a-of there, bv m,v oi” i -giving you Some idea of their ltupcrtance. In the first Uico -i full Plate of Bonnet* will he sent its six times a yeskr. ‘fn fl, e j second place, a Double F.ate of Ci -kt. and Mantillas ml Tx i I seut us for the Fall and Spn’.'K. iu the third place, L cxlng j Partv, and Ba’-t Costurpcfij will l c sent us in their propir sea- i ! son only. In the fimrtp place, one ofthelieH and most r iiabie i Letter-Writers has been encaged t- correrppnd fw tbi# Ut V k I monthly. Her letters wjll.be found exceedinglyiutn Aive l i and inierestlnj to all who wish to study got>d tav e, and ad- ! j vised in advancebf the coming fashions. p u t] K . jjqn p ;u ... , every novelty In the way ot Sleeves. U uaks. Mann.,. ~ C: - L j i Bertha-, etc., pubPsked or made by other honse>, will be r‘ \ us. In.the sixth place, each-Cumber will contain two full t and 1 Patterns, cut fri-tu tissue paper, with full explanations for making and putting their, together, lr; addition to ail this, and much mere too"tedious to mention, vve have arranged with some of the first Parisian iiouses to supply us with Cv* duriin r the year, which will bo inserted in tire body of the book, and tar surpass tor beauty and elegance anything of the kind given in I other Magazines. Beside this, yearly subscribers to I.E BON I TON can order by mall, or otl.ei wise,any extra Plain Patterns at lust half our adverttsed prices. Subsoiiption price Five Dollars a year, and cur be commenced any month ; less than twelve months, at the rateof Fifty Cents a number. Special attention is called to our DRESS-MAKING ami PATTERN ROOMS, the largest and most fashioiuii ir- in the citv. Also, our new system for CUTTING LADIES’ DRRSSES, which is the only perfect one. Address, S. T. TAYLOR A SON, net 13 407 Broadway. New-Vurk. NEW” “ TH E KH T |€kSRBO:KE|e. For 1861. Comineiieement o Jltli Vofurne. From thodit of January,. 180 L the KNICKERBOCKER M AGAZINEvvIU be pulilisbi (J by tbs cndoigne-J. TLo present number is tho flrstoffiif u wse . J. as - materia) improvements have Wen made in thd page, paper, t -. pe, aud general appearance of the Magazine. Iu ttiis Usue we commence the publication of anew Novel, bv Richard Jl. Kimball. Esq., author of “Bt.Leger,” “ Ro mance of Student Life,” etc., entitled REVELATIONS F WALL BTSII-T. In this work, ]>urely American in its character and subject, the cU.-tingutshi'd author enters on a fresh field fi r romance. Tliebusy, bustling events ofthe over-heated life of WaKstre-4, are made to form a romantic drama, where the action is .Bir ring, nod where pathos and humor mingle and alternate. It is, without exception, the-greatest p odnciiou of flic cmijit-nt writer. In this number is alio commenced a now Romance, by Ha,- rlet K. Prescott, author of ‘-Sir Rohan's Ghost,” ‘‘Amber Gods,” etc., entitled FAUNTLSiROY {VfiRNI.AN’i FATE The volume will a’ oeontaln aserj-s ii REOOI.LECTIONS OF MEN AN l; TIIING.-. l.y John V. . Franc s, M.D., LL.P., i.uthot of *• Old New 4 ork.” A SERIF:'-OI- HVMORDUB PA PERS, ‘ lend, Esq., (Mice Sloper,) Editor of ‘-Vanity I air,” and authos Os •’ Me.ster Karl’s Sk teli Book, fran lator of Hein. .’ &c. A sci i,'K of art i lee on \V II AT A BLIND MAh SA \V IN EUROPE.I>y Rr-v. Henry W VMii.urn. (tl.e-Biiud Pre.mhei,) a utli or ofthe •* Rifle, Axe and Snd-lif Ri.?V’ etc. Also BIOGRAPHICAL AND HIP. PORICALSK ETCHES, hy James Part on. Esq., author of *• Life of Burns,” etc., and Hon. Joel T. Headley, author e! “Napoleon and Ills Mar shals,'’ etc. A Series of Papers on STATES PRISON LIFE AND EX PERIENCE. by Hon. John W. Edni.-ntls. TALES AN I)” 8K ETCHES, bv Miss Catharine M. Scli;- wlek. Mrs C. M. Kl'klan-!, ai ■! John ‘i. Jrvl.ig, JSeq., author of “ t.'uod Correx]!: udence.” etc. F-.-rh numl-er will cont ain one or more of a series of POEMS 1-y the eminent American Poet, RICHAHD li’d vY STOj&DART, Esq, who - will write exclusively for this Magazine, Eachtiumber during the riiar wiU also contain an arli.le in Prose or Verse, by i UTZ JA-/TE3-T ’B■ lEN, Esq., tile brilliant nut Mr of the “Idafiom- Lers,” the “IVonde smith, etc, together with EDITORIAL CORP.ESKON DKNCE. during twenty year#. EDITOR S ‘) Alii,! aud monthlv -GOsSIPW I fill LEADERS AND to ■ j 11'..- POKDENTS, by Gaylord Ciark. At and, in adtlftlon.'artictesin Piose:tn-i Verse, by the follow ing d.stluguißhed writer#; li'-n. George Bancroft, Ep,.s Sargent, Hen. (Julian C. VerplancL, D. G. Mitel e’l, IN. llawthorue, (-Ike Marvel ) Fitz Greeue Dxlieck, Richard Grar.t Vhi <■. Rev. F. W. Shelton, T. Bail -y Aldih ii, George D. Prentice, Hon. Jame;. W. Wall. Edwin P. Whipple, Janus T. Brady, H. T. Tuckerman, Fitz Hugh LuT iw, Mhvl).l.J[at, R. Shelton MiKes-de, Mi# ; A. J.3,vmip, Alfred B Str.et. author of ‘‘Beulah,” Tlmma# W. Parsena. Samuel Osgood, D. D., Win. Ji nolev-n.be, M. Prof. C. R. Haddock, C. Actor Printed, R S. Chilton, Henry W. Rockwell, Georg-’- H Clerk, Albert M u hews. Guy P. Mc.Master, (“Paul Slogv<dk."j T. S. Artlmr, Henry- P. Leiand, Wm Pitt Palmer, A. Oakev Hail, Samuel . Francis, M. D., E. Stednmn, Dr.J.W. Palmer, and many others, TERALS: Three Dollars per annum, in advane-, w| n en titles tnenbscril>er to either of tne due steel encravlv*, \'? “ Robert Burns Composing the Cotter’.- Saturday N aht,‘ “ The Merry-Making iu ;D Ohien Time.” Two v pie:, for five dollars ; three copies tor six dollars. IVs'nm. i iiiyatde ax .'4- .—■ —ari <■ reoetved. Clergy nun,: TGnOuK*, “afitois, andPostma-stt-r#, will receive tli- Maga'iiie at two doilars a ‘. ear. Liberal deduetiona made to Clut-s, r. v ill he seen h v om Piospectus. v F. GILMGRfi, 5 Beckman Street, X. Y., Publisher for the Proprietors. AG £- TN WANTED in ?verv town Jn the United State*;. The seven years of unrivaled snoc. si atteadisg the COSMOPOLITAH ART ASSOC! ATI ON, Have made It 1 household word tfufui;’’’Out evei r one rc-r of the Union. , -- Und'-r ti;i\ au*i hcs of this poyuln.- L.stiiuCon. ..vr v c lu)nd-ed tlnL-wnd homes have learned - .. ... p. ja v. tttul works dk art on their walls, and choice iiter:*tirv th- iiw tables- -the kT-at Irene tits derived IVorn t.,--. , :r,„< su 1 Subscription* are now being received in a 1: ’ . unpar • ,od • w-tth that ol :*,y previous year. t’ehass or si BscßiruoN: Anyperson ian become a member by suT-sosl'c-g three dol lar.",, foLwhieUdhcy will receive Ist—The laig* liul superb St, it Ei.ytav 1. •, :Vtv si; cl. * en titled “FALLSTAFF MUSTERING HIS RI^GRU(i S. ’ 2d— One copy, me year, oftliat elegantly ll!us!iaH'duia.._ ue, “The €oMi*.opoiitim Ari Journal. M Bd— Four admissions, during tlw season-, to The taller) of vPaiatmgs, 54$ Brwdiiay, N. V.; Jr. addition.io the above henelits. there will t.c giver, to soh scrihors, atgratuKu.ts prtiniums, over riOO Works of Art, comprising vnluible paintuigs. marbles, p-or.ntlin etc., forming a truly national bent .it. Tiie -sutierb Engraving, yvhich everysube-M-Hg.: wiP ;• ce’ve, entitled ‘‘rallstaffiMnsterii.g Ms Kec. .tits,” is one o) tin i -t beautiful at and nofudat engravings issutu <u this eouo'ry. it .t donfl 6n steel, in KneTine and stipple, aud is printed on heavy plate paper, SO bWh-inches. mtiKing a most choice onumect, sttßablß for tlu- mils of e ’.her the libraiv, inri r ,-r < Id subiccttst.hr eeiKated ecene of Bir Joi.'n F dstiih tecelvh.g, m Justice the recruits whicii have 1 e-'i p ehu'. ,i for his “ ragcg^Bglmvnt It could not be P;in: ~i-.. he trade for le-s dollar". Tiie Art too •.•:■)• known tothnwßel.’ < l-v to 1 \ trv Amrl-.-a. ‘I .* •■ with itrckcd a.iri .11 ’.vie miums sltbscribei s. N milemitltf t Ce rnmni-i \ and ttra engr.i i/’ . t rouble. ssub.-ct'> /fa from California, the Cat .oA-.. anil nil fi-rcint countrieft/i jd'itbc fß.6",instead ofjr,in t-ni.'i to -!c iv ukUu postage, cfc. WHAT THU PRESS SAY. “ TJiD Afcsociatlt n i-ritterallv an * mnttf-itUr,,’ radmti.rg h.lO the remotf.itpart 1 1 the Norte American witiintait tCc West In-iles. It. was founded in June, and - u-1864. and has ever been in a most pr cron.- eondifior. It a Ithe leading features of the AH Ur.iou. pf lbjrric.*,l-fae yAm seriptton pr-ce lonlv'#*t, whieh entiths jbe lifctr'dkr Ait Jotunai quarterly, and to an cijgfavthjf the amount.”—Philauelphla Atla*. “ It- results are a national benedt.”— [Baltimore American. “ Receives the support, of cultivated olNdes. —[Boston Ex press. ” its success is the best svidentx of its n rlt f r a timorc Exiirew. “ We are happy to state that the Cosmopolitan Art Aatougf tion was never in a mt ’tetiourisaing cundltlah tteAlt-T it self, the beginning of this, it* govt nth year. If lia.v effected more toward tile establishment nta comet standard for Ait, and the dissemination of its ißsthiTii’ r-rtneipha, w the cultlv.v tidn oi a love of the L ite, Urn beautiful, anil the good, r ; •, any institution In this onuutrv, ai)(l we hi 1 1t G:-spei lon iuerrand of light.”—fSptrlt nfthe Tudfe.. “ Founded upon such a sound lias!?, and conditco*! in so ;nft a manner, asto ie wgl] ealcutated to receive public confldefcee and Journal f Commerce. THE ART JOJ'BSAL AVHAT IS SIIPF IT. • •/’ . >■ Tlpffoihwhg uOtleca are but a saw oftiie tloasaml com Lplfh.entary expmikiOßs'lrOQi thoPnss of the whole • ounHy ‘ ” I|. ful y mii’ntai'js its htgh i-iiaraeter; ; .a reeo-d of art -1 literal are. Jtitfpogiaphy and illustrations are admirable,”— fH liper’s Magsilne. Best ami chetihen publleatio of the kind extant.”— n Post. •‘Tliere is no or Nodical published in the world which affcfrds us more pleaeura to peruse than this.”—[Deiu. and Nt-u.-, Davenport, lowa For further )>ar<ieulat s. sand for a cot-r of the ei.-ggt t!y ilb.i<- trated AfFJoprua’, pronounced the luuidioMiCst Eiagannr in Amorim. It eopta.hs a Catalogue of Pmuipnifj,and cumei us SttpcTb engravhigr. Regular’ price, hiLoerds per bttJpK r. Sp-.cii’in copies, however, will 1 .•> sent tcrshT-.i, - e ,crit>p. bn roceipt of 18 Pouts, iu stamps or ‘coin. Adores ’ Cl, DEBITS', Actuaryp AA. jkell *46 Broadwiv,.XLw V( ri._ mm • wriß, LaGrange, Ga. Vl r E call the attention of merchant* ar.d others do ti e a nd vttetagesofi red by the REPt'RTERas an ah mediqm. Its circulatten’is between ninehun.lri-d atti n th u sttnri, and is.eonslantly increasing iu the western equities of this .State. We would be pleased to receive such- pathmage In the way of advertising, as they may think would auvar.ee their mt crests ; and, therefore, as a guide in determining tha .mount of money they may wish to invest In our columns ‘* • insert our scale of prices, from which we never vary. It is. np doubt, well known that this secthnof country contains a very a'ttiv population, and it seems U at t he merenauts of AuguAtfl wNffild do well to solicit trade In this direction. Glvethe I.EFDV TER a trial. The following ar- our terms : $1 per square—the space of t welve lines of solid small type— for Mie hr- 1 insertion, and 60 cents for each additional for a loss time than three months. CONTRACT RATE'S FOR 8,6, 9 AND 12 MONTH'. 8 months. 6 months. 9 months. 1 “•if -1 square —s4 88 810 91J 2 squares 11 14 17 W 8 •• Ift 20 26 4 “ ........... 21 26 81 M column hi 60 (Hi if “ ...St 61 ‘•% J f ..[ 60 79 .98 • iIT : sepll-dU JONES it WUiLtt,<HbA*l, _ _— . 0-3 B; OlTllft ML 111 I -mVNew Orienns to New th-r.ee by a Mofebe. .doutgora,-jy Augus-cg and Cob mUi? OEMTRAL L^S, FSdM COLUMBIA TO CHA RLOTTE RAtfeoH TO Mi L1>0: : , N. *C., MdN-w I?^^" liuM for Baltimore. Philatielphl ir*. b-.. 1 Rlcftm ndanrt \\ aahin^on, o S'i -Imrr - and * ra Hoanokc Kuilruad to Portsmouth ind iia iTICKETS GOOD BV ISIS ROUTF UNTIL I>ED. ! Vhi! “by a.iy otlicj Rulircad Route. CaroPoM-M ; f-MB fMw.Jit.the Cm.-u'# . ,’-North and Srath * p ’- rt ;' v lY r -uCtiuml>i:i - Weldor, is aJ tinou -iVa-'k- iC V , work, passing ‘ race lue andhe.mhvi-eUArv. 1 t ” ;ail ■“ bT-w York t- -is line to Main. ‘”4. .iMagai a talifl, Boston, White Ji, fratuuU Art* v'pV W mu R 'v ,r^eJi,H£ ,r i,h ~K‘ n 5 ‘V t.-ffig this live, ■ . ‘ , l • v. .ronith - an-te.yaui-e# to vn ch ;hey are etib l-'I.T HE, U CIUbS? ’* tWeW 00 iii'OAUEFILTO BCV YOFBTIOKETS % i;i Columbia, Ro to. A ntustft Via a■ % \ v V /i' C ;;" : --- i Mae * to An* =4era J- Ii further r-ixtlruJar#and ft rough Tick: eo . ;r •>t cr ■ , ;-ii;e, jn New Orleait-, Os it. GIiDDKS. >m„: % ‘-SKjft m Mobile, at (. OX, BKAINAUD ,v CO.'S Office- {• Mont’- rvinerv.v.i A. POPE, Grnerai li-.ket A-.-r m ,v V. r u *-ort LEW It-LEVY. 1 asseegor Ay.- 1 Augusts r , T „ ft _ O.I? ROYIIK.;, i >y 1” Passenger Agent. Mcnuromery.'Ah, Greet # Premium AUraetion^. KflSffS UfE OF U-Si AND THE ECLECTIC MAGAZINE i'OK 1861. G I iOROE P. PUTNAM. Esq., the lu'-lldierof IRVjn,v 4 LIFT-, oh WASHINGTON, in five larg,- v ,y.„ ( „ which is from #. to evO per at t. acct-rdi. s t binding h -Vi A. :;,i i- j -r.-.i-l V- u e of S.” x - ” umns, in eimr aiul readable type, withafni. V; ; - A pious Ind , superbly Illustrated with 20 rich 1, ‘ x n , n “ ‘ *1 he Wor.* In ami complete as / .... volumes. , z^° 1. We<4 thi s|-lemi -.1 -- -JELf ir.r-i m lev fc’ J*/ thr-e oeraonv who will^r • > ot * subscribers to { ]j;; Ee!,ortc. vmh ,; A, ,v „ ‘ W< .1 Iht 4, Any min Lit-r--r t-vrson tan thus o -tain s rkh aeeestdon to his own p: ivalc lit-tmy. “Vu V A - laud, caa thus ct.'.ii-, the us.rnciton#. i this great b<H.k of American ii story, by uiuttne t-u : run tile w. and sharing it# ownership. ” Com -■ n re • nonnceo Ir . :ix*r Lfec-f \\ ashliigtou, a vr/rk cf the Uc t.Ajwijhv ;/t ofhiz ’ ‘;v.* 7. W - ha- - made t. e tie eessry arrangement* with the put- Rahertor >• supply :>t this work f r. r -lureci.-. ~?• work will be pioinjliy sent t-y cxpiess. pre ; lid, to mi co.ivc.n!?:it distaneen. In oO.ar <-a.-.-, the work Ti” #- dr hoeitedm the mineipalcitu.-# youth a,:u w. t v.itn , fur it# delivery. ’ _y. In diligent men in every ...mmuriltv it! be i-!;-.! to iui li.:# .vtirg v:.iciu reach oi tin ir sons a::.-f ila-ignurA “ to. iheatte.iti..ii4 l-os’uiHste-r- <•> ... p- ; l( -t , their co-oporatilou solicited. 1 ’ li. Tneod-.-r, -u:d tin r. w ’.i;-.1 ’ ts obtaining the .-ork 1- connc -'inirwi-tith -ECLECTB;,n:iv rpa#-ed Tin’ # .-i! are bote t rad;,. P. b.--A ? ; ft - | v, (j - , iTiu coo? WaSrs at Boat on. GREAT PREMIUM PORTRAIT. L A t.-.-w tttid surpass!rely WutifUJ ;tr 1 aceursto portridt of the Hon. EDWARD F'. Eu Tl.r.agrnv-lbr John mu-'u i# just published. (t is cx.r tiv ttvonry t rues larger than li,e fulMtnmh pvrt-ait ot Mr Evci .-tt, imbiishcd In the LMetrif. . • iu:,.:.,: a iflm i.... t. j evil mat thisyoturt’ • 3. ‘\f will wn-t, postage paid, aec-pv oft:'# vet. bountiful >s ■ ■ , s-irane- . TREMIUM PARLOR ENGRAVINGS. V-’o refir— ti.e i.u rof ,-t, ■ ■ ;hc-.. p • il'nf>.:.v - logs—“! he K*-urn from Ma.-'et” a ■- i “FM-.il Afle-iiou’.- wh’.ehaiready emi-elliehsomnriv i-ari'-i | n ail p..n.- t ,f th-s land. A e-.; y ofeum-r. j vteU’e t fl, w'-il be- m.t to can’- new MU-tcribc-rtothe EOLEClK'.wnnpaysor.e war laaiivm 4. if -.v!..<-ji>C3u : r-mnieiniatl a s i the Et'l EO ITC bv the li-ic-o, ioo! tjie tit*most tiri..- -• tlmd-to subs ribe, tad obtain both tho v.-orV a:-d s valuable premium besides. TERMS: The 1 Uj.ECTIC i.;l ;;o :on tl,-: sits ufcv ry month. Fail) numbor-cm.te.teslll t .vn : .n i-.ij-. r. i•. \l# stitched, in r-e< n < over#, with (■>.. i-ri-o-r- (suiirV. 1 j\.f traits;*>-tfartain Th • >2r.ere rse--#::t'-e voltucea of fto> pa.-r-.- osteli, with titles.indexesabd ci.dirili-l me'-it#. Piter, T-.* p‘.t;t:'.i.e is only threet,- a iti nher, paid .-,i tin- fi c<* ot ii ltv-T,’. The Januiirv numir-r for 50 o*nts ; an-, ,-tln > i.,r 42 cents -sent i. periicstamps. W. H. BIDtV TLL, * deal .2ft>.#B:alrma **r. • -• r y CHARLEI iCRIBA g:R, 121 Grand Str*ct, Xeu Vara, I/AS RECENTLY PUBLISH !> THIRD EDITION . Lectures osstlic English Language BY THE no\ < io. p; M kHW Oc ml. octcv- 701 p.i -cr. Price |B. “We believe we are pot go’tig to far v. ben w ■iv that Mi. Marsh’s l*ok is the best treat! ■* of the lend in the language, it abound* In nice cr!;k ! *m and el.•.ti--. •**•. ■-, <mntier< of t .. in the author a happy capacity fta .-'-tl •>. t . orimliistleu, as vreli at sot hHiiisti.- ttaliimoot.”— Moiithty. f TUeMlsmtesr-mid !.’•• ’-cen wleitj bv >mc hims> it profound w Vet: tl.*- dej: rtmettf Os k ■■ t-> which they relate.^The sty!- i., gu-f ! and attu Mv* tl. • t- a, • sounaf&dably viad- tit-pi::- ‘ t ■ ‘ ■ •• id., ‘e*, and author.. uen-.-i - thcen*'.- ... ■■■•>.. : 1. : ,j wfrdoih, wglAity rheu_:ht and )uw erlr-U.n, have mu oondene* tl Into ;in equ&i .-pac •. >-4 <*iil more rarely pra*-t m in a ftiWn t, well tukuned to J e .ate- - •••••• t >*. North A • icrican J; s iav. 9 ENGLISH NOTICES. From the LonCnn Saturday /?>■■ *■ in. ” Mr. Jlarsh b* i clearly travelled a good d> !, rctsd a go* t deal, mi'idur light a good liivih Ha weak v.i'i. tht.t :.-.ni ■> ..-n neftti s&w’J.'h is ?o charaet, ri.-*tt.-..; the I • rur .•:. .- of iot n tion. ifts.m.’t • • ‘ • • ‘ -i ■■*. Hiapiil- Ulogy t* of spratti.rel work-day Kind. II e-mcliidr .. • are o l tuaie'sbsvtct truths.” . From the lamin’ Crit,c. ‘‘Thre P*u etuates ness in his leaurs” m b j that h.- heart is tu'bls Work, and tiiat he eonsiiiet# that work a veiydlr f rr-nf tj-.fti,-. from the dry A-.se toil us on I h logy wt;idi /.’ from th:i_.) Unto s’lpfareo. 1 bay are r.'inai table foi learning, diii/tnSe, ®BCrlmina'ieft, and good setts*. Wc- lieartliy cotq ! - .. a t-. 4 . art “ !;•) • ike a-, .i * t*t !u the Phtlelegy of th. i cor e i:o-.i.xg. From the London Athtnenm . 11 W* this work with much satisfaetloß. We give it a heartvi.\>!Be us ca'eolaUid to excite an interest in the sin : of English, and to render valuable assis'at’e.j In its pursuit, ft is distfng'd-keJ bv a lddur order of schnlaraWp, a m-ne thoi ough lnyestigatlon of original soorcr-s of knowledge, a under Judgmeut, a more correct tast®. End a tuirai -.tylstha* we gene,- aily find la Ttnasatiantic productions. f3J” Copies sent by man, postpaid, on leeeq-t of pth 1. •: Pui.fyi’CT. _ ._ witAdtr* NED BUKTLIAE'S NEW LOOKS. New-York Mercury Stories. FULL OF ULUS TEA Tf^Ns. JrST rntblDhed and forsAcnt retail or whole> ’ t j chCHp JJooSr&pf A. I>KA! *, i4 Arn (street. New York. Price 26 Cuius cdn, < r auy wc “ f or dollar, or the wuoie eleven ft.r two doll. .• TIIE WHITE WIZARD:'or. The C. -:<t Pi’ rd ..f ti.a Fetninoie Indians. By Ned Bitntih.e-. Price IJ. f- FA WAIF ’ or. The Terror of the ( **-d. A ‘i *’? of Pn ratecrlhgln 1778. By Ned Bunri-tt” P ‘• - SAUL EABBERDAY: or, r’hoWiot Pry. A Tie ot the Mon aati Deeds of 1776. By led Bvntitne. 1 rtco .3c. .- -FI VRIDA : or, Xbe Red K- W Da.'eb*sr._ A N- w Mya tfryof New York. By Ned ISnathuv. FriceiSc. THE MAN-O’-WAR’S GRUDGE. A Ron, nee of *h Revolution. By Ned l ike l-c. OL'RMEPS, oi?. The Pirate Hunter* of U* B f. A Tale -ffNnvnfHen.laro aiitFWili AT.verdure# in tl.” .topirs. By Ned Bun tllne. Price 2?. V], LPOKA PRESCOTT : or, T’< Cum ‘•trtd.;,-. A'i .tie ot the Amerluiu Revolution. Bv N. o itui.llinft. * > e 26c. THAYRSDANTGEA, THE SfHH'RQE: . h T)4 W Fogle of the Mohawk*. A Tal-rt Mjtderv I at t and R ror,g. By Neil Butltae. PriceSSc. STELLA DELORME: <4, The famanehe * Dream. A •Wiblart 1 enrifut Story of Sffvaye Chivalry. By >d lout •lae. price Sac. THE RIFT AND THE SPRAY. A Tale ‘T the Kmug gvre In tiro E- gd.ffi Gharmgl. RcauUfnhy In.;*..rated, B “• Mental Outlaw* A tale < Hire Nortitera i r_uf, 3 .g Go ‘tmts. By IT. J. H Ko union. I Hat of the •: )V” Boofa are ftxfi of beautiful Iliustrativc En- -a; Others will je re- . on of thi above worts will ’ c- mt me o ’ p r ittaltj t- n ftt.y one, *C® or send, or addreef ah r kkEDF RJC A. itUADF, !’ „J 2*At >as(JV mi r F.ixcv mm \ CfrIUS j, LAWBRHCEj No. 29 Ciiambora Street, NEW-VO H K- Wholesale Deal or in SMALL WARES, OF gVEBT BBSCIttPTIOS, . unr-SHV- BUTTI’b” PINS, NEK , ‘ ■f-'TD'G l'erfeet Eyed N EEDLEB ; Lawrence. G*p< W nl , )v id v - . Lawrent. b Sfir warranted ; Lawrer,si*,V. L t>gN<, t ie Planters, and other* EAD-U foperior J ***:’ Maal Balls,am! -a SpwrfJ * reprwcqtod. Neat * - ‘j for mem inals, suppl ■