The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, April 25, 1789, Image 4

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% p. o E T R Y. The GENERAL HUNT. A Favourite Song. i. TO horse, ye jolly fportfmeu, And greet the new born day; Incessant, lo! thro’ nature’s field , Each creature hunts his prey. And a hunting, See. \ 11. Dame Nature teaches Reynard craft, j T* o’er-reach the feather’d flocks; And we pursue the chiding dogs, While they run down the fox. lilt Mankind hunt one another; Your great men hunt the fmau Some bunt for Heaven, and some for Hell; Old Satan huuts us all. IV. Some fain would hunt for honour, A game that’s hard to find ; The < eedy hunt for charity, And may go hunt the wind. V. Our patriots loudly bellow The nation’s defp’rate case, While all their stir and buftle’s made* In hunting out a place. VI. Full cry the Tories hunt the Whigs, Who in their turn pursue; And running one another down, Run down their country too. „ VII. The lawyer hunts out quibbles, . Your title to maintain*, lie’ll hunt the right till it be wrong, Then hunt it back again. VIII. The toper daily hunts his pot, Both care and sense to drown j Whilst gamesters hunt another’s purse, And lose light of their own. IX. The lafles hunt their lovers, Each lover hunts his lass; The fop, in chace of his dear face, Hunts out his looking glass. X. O’er hill and dale, with hound and horn*, Let’s hunt, boys, while *tis light ; Then joyous we’ll o’er flowing bowls, Revive the chace at night. And a hunting, &c. Amcdott of the Ducbefs of Klngfl'ov. WHEN that Lady was Miss Chudleigh, flic obtained for her mother from George 11. a suite of chambers at Hampton Court. The King meeting her soon after the levee, afleed her how her mother liked her new apartments. ♦* Perfeftly well, Sire, in point of air and situation, if the poor wo man had but a bed and a few chairs to put in them.” « O then, (fays the King) let her have them by all means,” and immediately gave orders for furnifliing her bedchamber. When the bill for the furniture was brought to the proper officer of the household, he found this bed and afe*i v chairs amounted to the film of four thoujand pound:, which he refufed paying till he ihewed it to the King. His 3Vlaj'd\ immediately saw how he was taken in, but it was too late to retiacf ; he accord ingly gase orders for the payment, observing at the fame time, that, if Mrs. Chudleigh found the bed as hard as he did , flie would not be so ready to lie down on it. - ♦ % J) 4 « t / »\ 1 > ' , • . *t* Blank Bonds, Blank "Writs, Deeds of Convey ance, and Mew England Primers, For Bale at the Printitig-Office. Run away From the Subicriber, 14th inst. A Negro Man Named Harry , a jobbing car penter, about 5 feet 9 inc! e high, of a yellowish complexion, and a little pitted with the small pox, and has an old ulcer on one : of his legs j had on when he went away, a white: negro cloth coat, breeches and boots. g. Junes. $ <vonnah . March T7, 1789’ is now in my poi feffion a small negjo fel fow, named John, about 40 years * of age ; fays he belongs to a Sa nuel Waynes, at Antigua y that , -iis mailer left him at Charlelion about the time of its being cap ered by the British, and that he has since been inthe pofieffio-n of divers perlons. Any perionclaim )g laid negro, may have him >y applying to me, proving his or her property, and paying charges. _ 1 AMKh LEWIS, S. B. C. O’ L U R (j I A, By liis Honor GEORGE WALTON, Esq. Captain-General, Governor and Command er in Chief in and over the said State. A Proclamation. WH E R E A S the Executive, on the ninth instant, ordered and direded that the troops now in fcrvice (Eould be furlougher! until farther orders; that the non-commiflioned officers and pri-vares who had misbehaved in the Ea fiern Dft rift < lliould be forgiven, upon their future good oehavior and obedience ; and that the State Agent thould furniih cloathing for the whole of the troops without delay: I HAVE, THEREFORE, thought fit, with the advice of the Honorable the Executive Council, to iifue this my Proclamation, notifying to all the troops now in service, that they are to l confider themselves under furlough until far ther orders ; that they are to hold themselves in contlant readiness again to be called into service at the ihorteft notice'; and that they are commanded forthwith to deliver their arms to the Infpe&or-GeneraL or to his or der, to be put and kept in repair. GIVEN under my Hand, and the Great Seal of the said State, in the Council Chamber, at Augusta, this tenth day of April, in the year of our Lord, one thousand, seven hundred and eigbry nine ; and in the thirteenth Year of the Independence of the United States of America. GEORGE WALTON. his Honor's Command , ] JOHN MILTON, Secretary , GOD SAVE THE STATE. By the UNITED STATES in CONGRESS assembled, July 1.5, 1788. On motion of the Delegates for Georgia, Whereas it is represented to Congress by the Delegates of the date of Georgia, that the principal parts of the frontiers of that date have been for several years past invaded and kept in a date of alarm by the Creek In dians ; that the fighting men of that nation, supposed to amount to not less than fix thou sand, have been so far indigated by refugees and fugitive traders, who had formerly efcap • ed from these dates and taken refuge among them, as to ktep up confirm and bloody ex . curfions on the different parts of that fron tier, and that the settlements of four of the exterior counties are almost entirely broken up. tojol a#/, That the Superintendant and Commi&oners for the Southern Department be mftrufled, if they shall 'find it necessary, to notify to the said Indians, that should they persist in refufing to enter into a treaty upon reasonable terms, the arms of the United States Shall be called forth for the proteftion of that frontier. Ordered , That the Secretary at War re port to Congress a plan for carrying into ef ett the purposes fpecified in the preceding Retolve, as nearly as may be upon the prin ciples of the Resolution of the lid July lad, for the prote&ion of the frontiers of Penu fylv&nia and Virginia. CHARLES THOMSON, Sec'ry. , • At a Meeting of the Board of "i rujlees of the Richmond Academy* on Tuejday* the 26th r March , 17C9, * Refolded* THAT on the firft Monday in May next, the enclosing of an acre of ground, on the lot on which the Church dands, will be let to the Towed bidder. The pods to be es lightwood, nine feet long, and eight inches square; to be placed three feet in the ground, the tops of the fame to be capped, and to be arranged at the dis tance of ten feet. The two sides, of 264 feet eatli, to be en closed with good found and merchantable pine plank twelve inches wide, and one and an half inch thick, to be fix feet high, and the edges of the plank to lap over. ' The two ends, of 165 feet each, to be polled, capped and planked as the sides, to the Height of three feet, the remaining three feet $0 be railed and pailed in manner follow ing :—The rails to be of lightwood, 3 by 4, the pails to be 3 by 1 1-2 inches, and headed neatly, to be placed at the diftante of three inches, and to be nailed on- with nails, -a gate to be in each end The beads of she gate polls and of thepail * ing, to'be painted black abctve the upper rail, and white below, the remaining part tp be tarred, the tar to be mixed with white bluff pain^. Refolded, That payments shall be made to the undertaker in the current money of the date, one half on the materials being on the premises. and the other half on the comple tion of the work in a firong and workman like manner. RtjolveJ , That on the firff M on d a Y * n May next, the Pews in the Church of Augusta will he let to the highest bidders, for the term of five years, one year’s rent to be paid downe the monies arising from such lease, to be ap propriated to the support of a Clergyman. Refcfae'd, That the President be empowtr * ed and requested to employ a fit and proper person, to take charge of the Church and im provements as a Sexton, who shall be allow ed a salary not to exceed ten pounds current money. ExtraS from the Minutes of the Board of Trvfttes , JAMES M. SIMMONS, C. B. T. ■1 ■ 1 „..■ M. ~ i■■ —■» On the fir ft IVednefday in May next , The Commiflioners of the Town of Augusta, will dispose of some Vuluable Lots , adjoining and contiguous to the Lower Ware-House, in the said town. April 4, 1789. Fof^Sale^ The LOT adjoining Doctor Lauder’s, on which are every necessary building for a family. Immediate pofieflion will be given, and the terms known by applying to me. The lot is well inclofed, and the houses will in a few days be in good repair. THOMAS GORDON. April x1 1 j;s?. *