The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, May 09, 1789, Image 1

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SATURDAY, Afy 9,1789. J ‘ THE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE AND GAZETTE of the STATE. FREEDOM of the PRESS, and TRI A L by JURY, to remain inviolate forever. Copfiiution of Georgia. .** V. AUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. S M IT H, Printer to the State; EJfays , Articles of Intelligence , Advertisements , will be gratefully and every kind of Printing performed. BOLOGNA, January 29. NO change in the Ottoman Ministry has taken place since the present war— The Vizier and Captain Pacha are in the ple nitude of power. All the Turkiih fleet, ex cept a few small fliips, is still in existence, and the great vidories ot the Prince of Nallau and Paul Jones were unheard of even at (>c -ftakow till the foreign Gazette informed them of the fame. Nothing therefore can be more ridiculous than to talk of the Ruflians besieging Con- Rantinople ; they must firft destroy the Dar danelles, and lastly besiege the capital on the sea as well as on the land fide. On the Me diterranean fide the talk is not easy, as the Swedes will find employ for the squadron of lluflia at Cronftadt, and a Ample land attack can never conquer Constantinople. BRANDENBURG H, February 7. His Pruflian Majesty has- flopped several Banifii velTels at Stettin, Elbing. and Memel; and when the Damlh Charge d’Affairs com plained of this to our Ministry he was told that is was byway of reprisal for the sum of money sent from this country to Sweden for the purchase of wool, which the Danes flop ped. LONDON, January 17. Ex/raft of a letter from a merchant of eminence in Lisbon , to bis friend in London, Decem ber 12. “ By a velTiel which arrived here in fix days from Madeira we arc informed, that, on the night of the 30th ult. three large fri gates and two xebecs came round from the eastward, between the Defert3 and the island, gnd hove to in the offing, when they imme diately manned a number of boats, and board ed the different ve.Tels in Funchal roaij. Un fortunately there were three American and one Portugnefe schooner, nearly with wines, which they towed out, notwitV flandinga constant and seemingly well diretf\ ed fire was kept up from the Loo, and all the other forts ; the next morning they were* vilible from the heights, Handing to the north- \ •weft, in company with their prizes. Three ' days after a Portuguese squadron , confiding 1 of a fifty gun fiiip and three frigates, anchored in the road, when, being informed of the above tranfaftion, they immediately got un der way, and fiiaped their course towards the weflern isles. These velTels are ftipnofed to be a part cf a fleet of Algerines that lately - passed the Streights of Gibraltar; in coafe quente of which a fleet of men of war was difpatchcd from the Tagus, to counteract their operations.” February 15. As a decided proof of his Majefiy’s present situation, the letter which be wrote to Mr. Pitt yesterday may be ad vanced with propriety. It was ot a public jiatme, and written with all pofiible accuracy. Upon the receipt of this joy infpirmg epistle Mr. Pitt immediately set off to Kew, where be had the honor of a long conference with the Sovereign, and of paying congratulatory lefpeds to the Queen and Princefles, who of course appeared to poflefs those grateful and txquifitc feelings incidental ta the happy change. Mr. Ti t, upon his return to town, held conference* with several of the Cabinet Mi risers» and the genera! opinion now is that GEORGIA. his Majesty will in a few days resume the executive government. Since his interview with the King, the Prince of Wales, much tohis honor, has de clared in several circles, that his Majesty is as well as the Prince himfelf. The King will come to Buckingham house to-morrow or Saturday, and attend divine service at the Chapel Royal on Sunday. Inftruttions are sent over to Ireland to dis place Lord Shannon from his office as one of the Vice-Treasurers of that kingdom. His Lordship has consequently by his patriotism gained a loss of 3c ooi. a year. All the Cabinet Ministers are ordered down to Kew on Saturday to receive the King’s command ; but it is hot yet certain whether his Majesty will receive them fepaiately or colleftively. His Majesty did not go abroad yeflerday on account of the weather. After the consulta tion of the Physicians the King received a visit from five or fix different persons, and spent the remainder of the day with the Queen and Princefles. The Duke of York and the Lord Chancellor were both at Kew yeflerday to fee his Maje sty. When Dr. Warren fitft announced the for tunate change of the King’s health to the Prince of Wales he ran up to him in a transport of joy, and, catching him by the hand, exclaim ed, “I fincetely thank you, Doftor, for this intelligence. 1 allure you it is the most joy ful news I ever heard in my life.” ■ daj after :he fair. —The Iri.h Delegates are arrived ! ! !---Andj however inciedible, they are as follow : From the Lords. Duke of Leinfler, Lord Charlemont. From the Commons. Right Hon. T. Conol ly, Right Hon. J. O’Neill, Right Hon.J. B. Ponfonby, and Mr. Stuart, Member for the county of Tyrone. Failing of the firfl objeft of their errand, they do not come quite for nothing, for the Duke of Portland yeflerday dinner d\m all! and they have gotalfo a harmless laugh at;ainft: them, but no matter. They are called “the Irijb Embaffadors Extraordinary /” and they talk of Comedies during Lent. On the sth in ft. died at Limerick, in the' 116th year of his age, Patrick Murphy, who served as a soldier in many wars at the be ginning of the present century From theannual report cf the Physicians at Liverpool it appears that of 70 persons appa rently diowned in that neighbourhood, 67 have been restored to life by the mean 3 re commended by the Humane Society. EDINBURGH, Februay 3- The following will ftiow how ignorant the people of an iuland countiy, are about mari time affairs: [ Whi Ift a Highlander some time ago was crofting from Kinghorn to Leith it blew very hard, and he having never been in a boat be fore could not imagine what was the caufc of all the diiluibance, but, upon looking round him, he observed that the person who was at the helm, and, thinking he was the occasion of it all, weut up to him and knocked him down, faying at the fame tire-.-" Lie you there, you foil of a gun, no wonder that the b—ch was ftinkiim.when you '.cr la the flafcke that way •’* [Vol. 111. No. CXXXV-I.T «. '4 • 4 | ■ ■ .i r i n In COUNCIL, May 6 , 1789. Upon the application of the Board of Trus tees of the Richmond Academy, It is order eu, That Thurl'day the 14th day of May inst. be appointed for the election of a Vcftry take charge of the church, with its appurte nances, in the town of Augusta, and parilh of baint Paul, to be held at the said church. Extrafl from the Minutes, J. MERIWETHER, S. E.C. • We do hereby inform the public, that ive will fell Lots in Louifeville by pri vate sale. H. LAWSON, I J. SHELMAN, 5 Cmm'rs. ■April 27, 1789. To be let to tie lowe/i Bidder y on Saturjay, tbe 6th June next , The building of a bridge over Lit tle river, at Scott’s ford. Ihe terms of payment, as well as the particu lar conftri dion of the bridge, a d keeping the True in repair for a term of yeais, will be made known at the time of letting the fi me. | ()H NGR A V ES, Commijftuners bYD NOR COSBY, \j orntbt county JOHN TALBOT, \of Win. BARNETT, ComWrj^mthe county of Eli ■mend* - - I .I.l* For Sale, 2100 ACRES Os verv valuable land on Savannah river Carolina fide, known by the name of Scott’s Ferry. This Lnd is too well known to requ-re any re commendation ; it is allowed ;o be the mod valuab.e body lanci in this part of the country. Also, 500 acres land on Lloyd’s . reek, Kith mond county, tighte n miles from Augusta. If required by the pur clid'er, three negroes wi.i be fold with the last tradt.- Terms na on ab e, and immediate pc&fiion given. A npiy to' GEORGE HANDLEY. /ti’frvfta, M:iy 2, 1789* “I* blank bunds, blank Writs, Deeds of Conwy, ancc, and . Incw England Primers, for fc*ls it the Priming’Off*cc.