The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, June 06, 1789, Image 4

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p O E T R Y. -©© SONG. TO the mirth-loving crew who can laugh and be jolly, Here met in full glee at the temple of folly ; To ibe belles and the beaux, that are buzzipg about ’em; To wjfe-heads with tongues, and to block* heads without ’em; To Lords out of breath in the niidft of their leisure ; To Harlequins hoppers in minuet meafnre ; To Temple-bar Highlanders—Scotch Fetite maitres; ‘ To the whole corps of long (lets from all the theatres; To houfc-maids and hay-makers,'fair, young and civil; To dominos, peevish and black as the devil; To petticoat gentlemen, ladies in breeches, To (hepherds and sailors, wits, wizards and witches; »■ • ’ To non-defcript figures, automaton stalkers ; To the toilers, the loungers, the leapers, the walkers; To the gtinners,*the growlers, the huffers and plcafers, To all the uncharafter’d charafter-teazers; To clowns, sweeps and soldiers, nuns, rakes and old women, Kings, coblers, fools, conjurers, ladies and gem’meu. % ANECDOTE. CERTAIN young ladies walking in the fields, met in their way a (hephcrd, who carried a lamb to market ; one of them coming near, ftroaked him, and laid to her companions, ** Look; how pretty 'ht' is ; he has yet no horns” The shepherd hearing that, replied, “ ’Tis bccaufc he is not yet married.** SOME time in the winter came to my mills a red and white ox, marked with a (wallow fork in the Jett ear, aid an over keel and a fwal.ow fork in th< ; right. He is abou four >ears old, and his on i hell tied with a piece of cow hide untann?d. rhr above ox is on the toll book of Hunter, Esq where the owner mult appiy to prove liis property. THOMAS GLASCOCK. May rp, 1789. . . ■ V SOME time in the latter end of the year 1787. I gave a bond to Grant Taylor, for a '->out twenty or twenty-five pounds, which ‘ Loud I have lince fully difeharged, and fore warned him from trading the fame to any I’crfon whatever: I have since been inform ed that he has fold this is to noti fy the purchaser, that he may look out elfe wbeie for paymetot, as I have, as before meationed, fully difeharged it, ar*d before wituefles demanded the bond, and forewarn ed him from partiug with it. JOHN HINSON. May 15, 1789. We do hereby inform the public, that we will fell Lots in Louifeville by pri vate iale. h. lawson, a ]• shelman, y Cmm ' rt - • The Printer of this paper informs the pub lic, that be has enlarged the circle of his cor respondence, so as to be able in future to give to his readers fatisfadory details of the affairs of the United States, in this interesting aud splendid morhent of their politics; and also to furnilh a coucife iketchof the gfeoeial con cerns of Europe.—To be enabled to continue it in this extent, it will be necessary that he fliould have the number of his fubferibers encreafed ; which he flatters himfelf, will be very promptly done, when it is confid'ered, that, besides the scope of iutelligeuce already assured, it is his firft and immediate duty, faithfully to detail the tjanfadions of the state, the knowledge of which muff excite the solicitude of every citizen,' id this cri!s« of public affairs. On this ground, he has taken the liberty to nominate the following persons to receive fubferiptions, whom he earueftly requests to undertake the fame ; and to whom he will transmit fubfeription papers, with the con ditions. In Chatham county- John Haberfham, Esq. William Stephen, Esq. and Alex. Watt, Esq. Ejfingham. Nathan Brownfon, Esq. and Mr. Joihua Pearce. Burke . Hon. Hugh Lawson, Esq. and Mt*. Alexander Carter. Richmond. At the Printing-Office, Gen. John Twiggs, Hon. W. F. Booker, Esq. D. Elam, Esq. rot. James M‘Neil, Rhefa How ard, Esq. and Mr. Abraham Manhall. 17tikes. Hon. James Williams, Esq Da niel Terondet, Esq. Mr. A. Jackson, Arthur Fort, Esq. and Mr. Thomas C. Rullell. Greene. Col. Henry Karr, William Da rnell, Elq. and David Grelham, Elq. Franklin. Hon. M. Woods, Esq John Gorham, Esq. Liberty. Col. James Maxwell, and John Dollar, Esq. Glynn Hon. Christopher Hillary, Esq. and William Steven, Esq Col. Jared Irvine, and the Hon. Joffiua Williams, Esq. Camden. Alexander Semple, Esquire. ■ • .. i ~ •Augujla , May. 29, 178^. THE Officers ot the Second State Regi ment are ordered to fend to me at this place the time of their appointments, as soon as poflible, that the fame may be transmitted to a Board of General Officers, who are to attend at the Treaty the 2Cth of June, in order to fettle the ranks of the Officers. THOMAS MARTIN, lnfpettor - General. STOLEN on Sunday evening the 17th inst. near Augusta, a waggon HORSE of the following defeription,'viz.' A yellow sorrel about 14 hands and an inch high, branded with small letters W E on the mounting shoulder, fliort bushy tail, a small star in his forehead, and frerti fliod all round. TEN POUNDS reward will be given for the horfe'and thief, or FIVE POUNDS for the horfe' only, on the delivery of the fame to Mr. Amafa' Jackson, merchant, Au gusta, or to the fubfenber, Petersburg, at the confluence of the rivers Savannah and Broad, HARRY CALDWELL. Peterjburgy May 23, 1789. To be Sold For Ca(h, tobacco, or Pierce’s Fi nal Settl ments. a valuable House Wench, About 26 years of age, excellent cock, walker and ironer. Apply to * JOHN INGERSOLL. May 29, 1789. "" •* * *t* Blank Bonds, Blank Writs* Deeds of Convey ance, and New England Primers, i For 61k it thf Major Hopkias, the Judge-Advocate, have tag reported to the Goveraor the proceedings of the Geaeral Court-Martial, on the trials of Captain Ross and Lieutenant M'Avey, whereby they were acquitted, his Honor ifc* i'ued the following Orders ; Orders by the Governor and Com mander in Chief. May 20, 1789. The proceedings of the General Court- Martial on the trials of Captain Ross and Lieu tenant are approved. The material evidence named on the part of the prosecution did not attend, and the Brigadier who arrest ed them is absent frbm the date. The Governor and Commander in Chief, cannot forbear to observe upon this occasion, that theie is no crime which a soldier can be guilty of more attrocious than- disobedience and mutiny, and the mere imputation of which men of honor will always avoid.— Captain Ross and Lieutenant M*Avcy are discharged." TOWN-HALL, May 21, 1789. THE Board of General Officers convened by order of' the Governor, to inquire into, ascertain and report the rank of the Field Officers of the State Troops, orders* and direfts, that the Infpe&or-General da procure from the proper Officers certified co pies of the laws and resolutions of the Le gislature, refpetfing the establishment of the said troops, and the appointments of the Of ficers; and to have or transmit the fame to the Rock Landing on the Oconee river, at the time of the treaty with the Creek Indians, to which place and time this Board adjourns. Ordered, That the foregoing be published in the Gazette for the information of all con cerned. By Order of the Board , THOMAS WATKINS, A. D. C. to General Twiggs* * , Wtlkes Courty , May 14, 1789. THE subscriber, as Attorney at law for Michael Cupp, gives notice, that he has depofued in the Clerk’s Office of this county, a copy of a bond, as near as could be ascertained, from John Grigfby, William Terrill, and Thomas Stark, to the said Mi chael Cupp, for a negroe boy, in order to have it established and recorded in lieu of the original, which was loft. FLORENCE SULLIVAN. r. S ’ “ "■■■T-" ' "" ■« "■ " ' ... ■ i, WILLIAM Stiib, jun. Esq tolls a bay Mare 13 i-a hands high, four years old, has no visible brands, a small star in her forehead, the inner part of her hind foot white. The owner or owners of said stray, may prove his, her, or their property, before D. HUNTER, J. P. Augujla , May 23, 1789. ABS ALUM Rhodes tolls before me a bald eagle horse, about 13 hands high, 9 or 10 years old, branded on the mounting flioulder A. The owner mu ft prove bis pro perty before me, agreeable to law. W. FREEMAN, J. P, Augufia,' May 6/ 17.89 ♦. Burke Couny , Aprs 6 t 1789. TH E lubfcriber gives notice that he has dep Tited in the Clerk’s office ot this county, a copy of a deed, as near as could be as certained, from John Smith, late of Burk*" county, deceased, to him for two hundred acres of land, on Dry Branch, Waters of Ogechee, in or der to have it eftabliflied and record ed, in lieu ol the origninal, which was loft during the lace war. oim WILLIAM JONES. Writing Paper Fer tile at the Filming*Office,