The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, June 20, 1789, Image 4

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- t ' % P O fe T R V. -©©@©@s©@s - SONATA. Sun* by a number of young girls, dreffeff in white, and decked in wreaths and chaplets v of flowers, bolding baskets of flowers in their hands, as General WASHINGTON* pafled under the Triumphal Arch raised on the bridge at Ticiiton, April 21, 1789. mighty Chief ! ©nee more, Welcome to this grateful fliore: Now no mercenary foe Aims again the fatal blow, Aims at Tb:e the fatal blow. Virgins fair and matron* grave, Those thy conquering arml did save, Build for Thee triumphal bowers. Strew', ye fair, His way with flowers, ' Strew your Hero’s way with flowers. ’ ' . ,\ < \ N [As they song these lines, they strewed the flowers before the General, who halted until the Sonata was finifhed.] The General being presented with a copy, was pleased to address the following Card to the Ladies: To the Ladies ts Trenton, who were aj/lmlled On the t\Jl day of rfpril, 1789, at the Tri umphal Arch , ere Sled by them on the bridge which extends acro/s the Ajj'ampinck Creek. “ General VVafliington cannot leave this place without exprefling his acknowledgments to the Matrons and young Ladies who receiv ed him in so novel and grateful a manner, at the Triumphal Arch, in Trenton, for exqui lite sensations in that affettiug moment the afton'ifoing contrast between his former and aftual situation at the - fame spot—the elegant taste with which it tfas adorned for the present occasion—and the innocent appearance of the white-robed choir who met him with the gratulatory Song, have made such an impres sion on his remembrance, as, he aflures them, will never be effaced.” CALL*B WARE-HOUSE. At public Audion will be Sold, On Monday , the lid inf. at 12 o'Clock t For ready money, all the Transfer tobacco That may remain on hand that day. All those who have any transfer tobacco account to fettle, arc desired to call and fettle before that day, as we (ball not fettle with ahy on nhat day. I. ANTHONY, I). HARRIS. - - , C°ME time in the year 178 6, Joel Craw- O ford, now deceased, gave his bond for thirty pounds paper medium to John Brandon, of the town of Augusta, to become due when the said Brandon made titles to a certain tratT of land, which he has never complied with : I do hereby forewarn any person from trading for the said bond, as I wilt not pay it,t nor any part thereof. FRANCES CRAWFORD, Exfr'x. April 2j. JUST IMPORTED, And for SALE, on reasonable terms, for Cajh or Produce , A few pair of French Burr Millstones, Three feet three inches in diameter. Apply to Meilrs. Coiboun U R t iUy y merchants, Augusta, or the fubferibers at their (lore three door* above the Coffee-houfe, on the Bay. „ WILLIAM HUNTER, IS Co. Mtiy 28, 1789, f GEORGIA. By his Honor GEORGE WALTON, Esq. Captain- General, Governor and Command er in Chief in and over the State aforefaid. A Proclamation. WHEREAS the Honorable the Execu tive Council, by their vote of this i • day, ordered in the"words following. In COUNCIL, June 5, 1789- It was moVed by'Mr. Fitzpatrick, second ed by Mr. Christmas, that the Order of the 14th of May last. directing a Circuit of the Superior Courts to commence in Chatham on the firft Monday in July, be rescinded; and that the fame he promulgated by Proclama tion ; and the counties being called, it palled in the affirmative. Extraft from theTSllnutes, JAMES MERIWETHER, S. E C. In obedience, therefore, to the said vote, and by and with the advice of the said Honor able the Executive Council, I hereby issue this Pioclamation, notifying the fame to the peo , pie at large; and to all and singular whom it may concern. GIVEN under my Hand, and the Great Seal of the said State, in the Council Chamber, at Auguila, this fifth day of June, in the Year of our Lord, one thousand, seven hundred and eighty nine; and in the thirteenth year of the Independence of the United States of America. GEORGE WALTON. By his Honor's Command , JOHN MILTON, Secretary . GOD SAFE THE STATE. SIX DOLLARS REWARD. STRAYED of stolen some time in March, a small BAY HORSE, raising four years, about thirteen hands and a half high, marked with a liar and snip, also some of his feet white, but which of them, or how many, I do not recoiled ; he is a natural trotter, and canters very well ; it'is probable he may have some brand, but that I have also forgotl He was purchased by fdme gentleman of Campbeil town from a man in Wilkes, and perhaps is endeavouring to get back. Whoever will de liver the laid horse to the fubferiber, lliall have the above reward. W. LONGSTREET. Xwi.i 1————————. S'TOLEN on Sunday evening the 17th inlf. I near Augusta, a waggon HORSE of the following description, viz. A yellow sorrel about 14 hands and an inch high, branded with small letters W E on the mounting (boulder, liiort bulhy tail, a small liar in his forehead, and frefh Ihod all round. TEN POUNDS reward will be'giveri for the horse and thief, or FIVE POUNDS for the horse only, on the delivery of the fame to Mr. Amafa Jackson, merchant, Au gusta, or to the fubferiber, Peterlbu' g, at the confluence of the rivers Savannah and Broad. HARRY CALDWELL. 3 Peter/burg, May 23, 1789. / To be Sold ; For Cafli, tobacco, or Pierce’s Fi nal Settlements, a valuable House IVench, About 20 years of age, excellent cook, walher and iroher. Apply to JOHN INGERSOLL. May 29, 1789. -* • I We do hereby inform the public, that we will fell Lots in Louifeville by pri vate sale. H. LAWSON, 1 J. SHELMAN, 5 Ccmm'n. April * Georgia, Wilkes County, o Sober Term, 17881 George Cohoon, vs. > Attachment* Lameck Beckwith 3 Ordered, THAT the defendant do appear and plead within a year and a day, other** wile judgment by default. ExtraS from the Minutes, HENRY MOUNGER, pro C. W. C. Nov. iz, 1788. Georgia, Rilkes County, April Term, 1788,. Stephen Heard, vs, > Attachment. Turner j Ordered, THAT the defendant do appear and plea<9 within a year and a day, otherwifd judgment by default. Extratf from the Minuted, HENRY MOUNGER, pro C. W.C Nov. 11, 1788. ROBERT Robercflm toils before w me a’ black horse, near four teen hands high* about twelve years old, trots and paces, is branded on the off shoulder and buttock thus P#2 and has some saddle spots. The ■I owner mult prove his property agree* able to law.- JAMES STALLINGS, J.P; Juste 1 1789.' ■ " •I, 1 -t. IN the last of January, or or the beginning’ of February, 1789, I 101 lin August a bond of Col. Richard Call, in favor of a Mr» , Benjamin Edwards, of North-Carolina, foe five hundred poundslt wa9 given (as well as I recoiled) in November 1786. FRANCIS TENNTLL. I. ■ . -■ ■ 1 »■* WILLIAM Stithy jun. Esq tolls a bay Mare 13 1-* bands high, four year# old, has no visible brands, afmall star in her forehead, the inner part of her hind foot white. The owner or owners* of said stray, may prove his, her/ or their property, before D. HUNTER, T P * r The Printer of this paper informs the pub lic, that he has enlarged the circle of his cor-* refpoudence, so as to be able in future to give to his readers fatisfatfory details of the affaire of the United States, in this interesting and splendid moment of their politics; and also to furnith a concise sketch of the general con cerns of Europe—To be enabled to continue it in this extent, it will be nectffary that he Ihould have the number of his fubferibere encreafed ; which he flatters himfelf, will be very promptly done* when it is confide ed, that, besides the Icope ot intelligence already allured, it is his firff and immediate duty* faithfully to’ detail the tjanfaftions of the state, the knowledge of which muff excite the solicitude of every citizen, in this crilia of public affairs'.* On this ground, he has taken the liberty to nominate the following persons to'receive iubferiptions, whom he earnestly requefis to undertake the fame; and to whom he will transmit fubfeription papers, with the con ditions. 1' I* Chatham county. John Haberffiam, Esq. 4 William*Stephen, Esq. and Alex. Watt, Esq. Effingham. Nathan Brownfon, Esq. and Mr. Jothuia Pearce. H Burke. Hon. Hugh Lawson, Esq. and Ms. Alexander Carter. Richmond. At the Printing-Office, Gen. John Twiggs, Hon. W. F. Booker, Esq. D. E j m ™ Esq * CoL J amcs M‘Neil, Rhefa How ard, Esq. and Mr. Abraham Marihall ITMtu Hon. James Williams, Esq, Da me Jerondet Ef 4 . Mr. A. Jackson, Arthur , Fort, Esq. and Mr. Thomas C. Russell. Karr * William Da mell, Esq. and David •jreffiam, Esq. g 55V #b< M - Wood ‘* £f * J° h “ J,m “ M “ we "’ ” nd fc'r H °. n * rhri(,0 P hcr Hillary, Ef«t. W.ll.ara Steven, Esq. [ ajhtnycn. _ Col. Jared Irvine, and tbfl Hon. Joiliua WilliamEfq. j Lumden, Alexander Efquirei