Newspaper Page Text
rm:Zmcm Gb*r\-’ r ' > that as tlie.c ap
peared a division of featiment upon the fnb
ietf, he would piopofc an adjournment: The
Houfc accordantly adjourned.
be continued.)
An ACT for U i\ing a Duty on
goods, wares, and merchandises,
imported into the United Staus.
WHEREAS it is ueceffary, for the sup
port of government, and the mcou
xageinent arnkprotcdion of manufaflures, that
duties be laid on goods, wares, and merchan
dises, imported, Be it tnudtdy by the Con
gress of the United States, That, from and
after the fifteenth day of June next eufutag,
the fevcral duties hereinafter mentioned thall
be laid on the following goods, wares, and
merchandises, imported into the United States
from any foreign port or place, that is to fay :
On all diflilled spirits of Jamaica proof,
imported from the European doinini
6ns of any state or kingdom having a'
commercial treaty with the United
States, per gallon', 12
On all other diflilled spirits, imported
from the European dominions of such
state or kingdom, per gallon, 10
On all distilled spirits of Jamaica proof,
imported from any other kingdom or
country whatsoever, per gallon, i>
On all other d/iftilled spirits, per gallon, i z
On MolafTes, per gallon, 5
On Madeira wine, per gallon, *5
On all other wines, per gallon, 15
On every gallon of -beer, ale or porter,
in calks, 8
On all cider, beer, ale or porter, in
bottles, per dozen, 2 5
On malt, per bufliel, 10
On brown sugars, per lb. -1
On loaf sugars, per lb. 3
On all other sugars, per lb. 1 1-2
On coffee per lb. a 1-2
On cocoa, per lb. 1
On all candles of tallow, per lb. 2
On candles of wax or fpcrmaceti; pr. lb. 6
On cheese, per lb. 4
On soap, per lb. • 2
On bo"ts, per pair, 50
011 all Hines, flippers or galofhoes, made
of leather, per pair, 7
On all dices or dippers, made of silk or
fluff, per pair, - - 10
On cables, for every 112 pounds, 75
On tarred cordage, for every 112 lb. 75
On untarred ditto, and yarn, for every
112 lb. 90
On twine or pack thread, for every 112 lb. 200
On all fleel, unwrought, for every 1 12 lb.
On all nails and spikes per lb.. 1
On fait, per bufliel, 6
On manufactured tobacco, per lb. 6
On fnuff, per lb. 30
On wool and cotton cards, pet dozen, 50
Oh coal, per buihel, 3
On pickled filh, per barrel, 75
On dried fifh, per quintal, 50
On all teas imported from China, or In
dia, in fliips built in the United States,
ami belonging to a citizen or citizens
thereof, as follows :
On bohea tea, per lb. 6
On all fouchong and ether black teas,
per lb. 10
On all hyfon teas, per lb. 20
On all other gteen teas, per lb. 10
On all teas imported from any country
other than China or India, in any thip
or vellel whatsoever, or from China or
India iiuany lliip or veffe! which is not
wholly the property of a citizen or
citizens of the United States, as fol
lows :
On bohea tea, pet lb. - 10
On oil fouchong or other black tear, per
lb. . X*
On all hyfon t#23, per lb. 30
On all other grceu teas, per lb. • l 8
On all Idhking glades, window and other
glass, except black quart bottles, 10
per centum ad valorem.
On all china, flouc, and earthen ware,
ten per centum ad valorem.
On all blank book?, "
On all writing, printing, or wrapping
paper, papti hauginga, and pafleDfaid,
On all ihtbiuei wares,
C'fl in utiitons or mcra;, I
On all facdles, ( I M
On all gloves cf leather, ' j 7
On all hats of beaver, fur, wool*or j _
mixture of either, | 0,
On all millinary ready made, | «
On all . callings of iron, and upon flit 5
and rolled iron, | *
On all leather, tanned or tawed, and all |
manufacture of leather, except such as j
fliall be otherwise rated, j >
On tanes, walking flicks and whips, | §
On cloathing ready made, j.
On all brushes,
On gold, fdve’r, and plated Ware, and on j
jewellery and paste work,
On anchors,
On all wrought tin and pewter ware, J
On every coach, chariot, or other four
wheel carriage, and on every chaise, solo,
or other two wheel carriage, or parts
thereof, 15 per centum ad valorem.
On all other goods, wares, and inerchandife,
five per centom on. the value thereof at
the time and place cf importation, except
as follows :
Saltpetre, tin in pigs, tin plates, lead, old
pewter, brass, iron and brass wire, copper
in plates, wool, dying wood and dying
drugs, (other than indigo) raw hides,
beaver and all other furs, and deer lkin.
And be it further enabled by the authority
aforefaid) That from and after the firft day
of December, which fliall be in the year one
thousand seven hundred and ninety, thete (hall
be laid a duty on every one hundred and
twelve pounds weight of hemp, imported as
aforefaid, of fixtr cents.
And be it enabled by the authority aforefaid ,
That all the duties paid, or secured to be paid,
upon any of the goods, wares, and merchan
dises, as aforefaid, fliall be returned or dif
tharged upon such cf the said goods, wares,
or merchaudifes, as (hall, within twelve
months after payment made, or fecuriry given,
be exported to any couutry without the limits
of the United States, except one per centum
on the amount of the said duties, in conside
ration of the expence which fliall have accrued
by the entry and lase keeping thereof.
And be it enabled by the authority aforefaid ,
That there fliall be allowed and paid, on every
quintal of dried, and on every barrel of pickled
fifli, of the filheriesof the United Statee, and
on every barrel of salted provisions of the
United States, exported to any country with
out the limits thereof, in lieu of a drawback
of the duties imposed on the importation of
the fait employed and expended therein, viz.
On every quintal of dried fifli, 5 cents.
On every barrel of pickled fifli, 5 cents.-
On every barrel of salted provision, 5 cents.
And be it further enabled by the autbo' ity
aforefaid) That there fliall be allowed and
paid, on every gallon of rum diflilled within
the United States, and exported beyond the
limits of the fame, in consideration of the
duty on the importation of the molafles from
which the said rum fliall have been diflilled,
5 cents.
And be it farther enabled by the authority
aforejaidy That a difeount of ten per centum
on all the duties imposed by this Aft fliall be
allowed on such goods, wares, and merchan
dises, as fliall be imported in velfels built in
the United States, and which fliall be wholly
the property of a citizen or citizens thereof.
And be it further enabled by the authority
aferejaid) That this Aft fliall continue and be
in force until the fit ft day of June, which fliall
be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven
hundted and ninety-fix, and from thence un
til the end or the next lucceeding fefiion of
Cong refs which lhall_ be held thereafter, and
no longer.
17 May 1 ‘6.
Kead the third time, and palled the
House of Reprefematives.
Burke y Oblober Term, 1788*
GeorgeWyche, Ex’rofßafsT
vs * > Attachment.
John Todd, J
Ordered ,
THAT the defendant do appear and
plead within a year and a day, other
wise judgment by default.
By Oraer es the Ccurt ,
08. si, lyfifl.
BOSTON, Mcy 11.
011 Friday last arrived here, his Bntaunick
Majefty’e frigate Penelope, of 3 2 guns, com
manded by Capt. Linzee, ftom Halifax.
13. Capt. Shillebar, of Salem, we hear, had
his veflel seized at Coracole, for runuing su
gars, and himfelf and crew confined in goal
at the Cape.
16. The very polite reception which Capt.
Linzee, and the officers of his Britannic Ma
jelly’s fliip Penelope, have met with from his
Excellency Governor Hancock, his Honor
the Lieutenant Governor, and the inhabitants
of the town of Bolton in general, equals their
warmest wilhes, and affords them the molt
pleasing fatisfaftion.
Extrabl of a letter from London , March 6.
“ 1 have the pleasure to inform you, that
your townsman, Mr. Mather Brown, is very
well, and in the highest state of success. He
now rents a house of 1201. a year, and keeps
a servant in livery; and is appointed Portrait
Painter to his Royal Highness the Duke of
York. He has a great run of bufinefs* and
has not only painted a great many of our no
bility, but also the Prince of Wales.
N E W - Y O R K, May 22.
The fliip Chesapeake, from Bengal, John
O’Donnel, Esq. owner and commander, has
brought a valuable cargo, confiding of rdmoft
every production and' manufacture of Asia-
He has had a very quick pafiage, being only
four months, including five or fix days flay at
the islands of St. Helena and Ascension, from
Bengal. By Mr. O’Donucl’s arrival we are
favoured with the following intelligence :
The Chesapeake was the firft American
veflel allowed tohoilt the colours of the Unit
ed States in the celebrated River Ganges, and
to trade there. When Lord Cornwallis, the
Governor General, then at a great distance
up the country, was applied to by letter from
Calcutta, to Know in what manner the Ame
ricans were to be received, his anfwei was,
on the fame footing with other nations. This
anlwer being probably conformable to his
inftruftions from Great Britain, evince the
friendly disposition of that nation in that
quarter; for the American lhips pay no more
at any of the Engliih lettlements of Bengal,
Madras, and Bombay, which Mr. O’Donnel
viflted, than other foreigners. It is to be
notjeed also, that the Supreme Council of Ben
gal have taken off a heavy duty, called govern
mental cuftcuns, which included exports as
well as imports; this duty all other nations,
except the Engliih, were liable to. That on
Madeira wine was so high as 18 rupees the
calk; and one rupee, or 2s. Cd flerling, on
all wines in bottles.
Ali forts of European goods, wines, spirits,
&c. were felling at the different European
fettlemeuts in India considerably under prime
cost, in consequence of the markets being
overstocked. The belt Madeira wine would
not nett twenty pounds flerling the pipe.
Capt. Kerby, in the Betsey, from Philadel
phia, arrived fafe at Bengal, but in a very
leaky condition ; her cargo of wine, &c. was
unloading. The veflel was to be fold, and
not to re urn.
Capt. Randall, in the Jay, was fafe arrived
at Batavia, from Madras, It was supposed
the would winter there, and proceed early
next season to China.
Capt. Metcalfe, in the brig TV-anor, be
longing to New-\ ork, lying in tne river Ti
gris, was boarded, we understand, by a num
ber of Chinese banditti; out by the spirited
conduct of the crew, who brought a gun,
loaded with grape, to bear on them, they
were repulled, with the loss of some of their
gang. The Captain was up at Canton.
All was profound peace between the coun
try and Europeau powers in India, when Mr.
O’Donnel failed. The hitherto refllefs and
ambitious Tippoo, son ot the famous Hvder
Ally, and the Engliih, appear heartily sick of
war, aud are now fully employed j n reflot
ing loft credit and their almost mined finances,
by Iyltems of reform and economy.
The French at Pondicherry were preparing
a (Don* armament to accompany the dethron
ed Prince of Cochin China, who lately visited
France, and to afiift him in the recovery ot*
his legal and hereditary kingdom.
We understand it is very unfafe for Ame*
ricau vcftcls to go on the coast of Malabar,
for tear of the Mahratta fleets, who without
dirtinftioii capt 111 e the (hips of aM nations with
whom they have no treaty,
I »