Newspaper Page Text
..• - » r
The !a f e Sultan of ConftauttnopTe !s fup
p'oien c • have been pououed oy tiic party in
favor of the wa; wi:h Rutfia; but though it
is generally undentoo.i that this (lnckiug
tffgp was taken in order to make w*y f->r the
adv.uo e neat of bultan Selim to the thtoue,
bee an ie he was known to bo.jgamft the pei< c
w in Russia, u >tu the Crimea lb ml i have
' been recove eel from he.’, not the mod dif
tetn fur pi ci on has been e te. rained that this
young Hr.nee had the final left Hurc in this
murder. He was treated-by h, a la e uncle
with the ten lerneis of a patent, and expe
rienced at Hi* hands b hilgences arid privi
leges never before enjoyed by the r.c -hew or
brother or an Emperor ofthe-Turks. Prince
Selim made iticn a return to ins uncle as the
molt indulgent lather could expert from the
most gr*ie;ui an I affectionate 100.
B O S T 6 N,A J u ! 7 \.
The filliery, the staple of M rifac hufetts,
we are told, is verging fa ft 10 ihat grade of
luperioriry wh cn it held betoie the revolu
tion. Marblehead lias reached this point,
and other towns are not far in the .ear. Ihe
fi t ft fa es thib feahui have been good, m quan
tity as wHi aj q 1 ui*y. .
Several fine new vcljels, now rigged end
riggiu. m to.s po.t, wul Joe waste lon the
©cea. w loiiy by cauvafs the product of
ou. djex nunufact u y which i> pronounced
by judges to be .tro »ger and ao cheap a» any
imp >iten.
The navigation of Providence, Rhode-
Ifl.uid, is can led on iu 8 ih;p», brigs,
4-6 il oops, and 20 sch iuieio, outtnea pyiq.
to is, not one of which can no.v fad u.icier
tile pr Jit tion of the lata and dupes.
l lie hii veh has every appearance that is
favorable. Os gia.», rye, ft.a, barie/, <3*c.
tneve w;il be large crop -. Jiiiian torn ink'.
Wei;. And we*hive not heard of any gieat
damage done either by the rhea or worms.
* /( UGU S f //,» Air-ufl >9
Government lias received du^a-.die-
New- i iiit, oy wliitli it appears ih*. the
freii ie : ins taken a decilive in.erefl in oor
a&.iio win iiic Indiana. Tone from the
War OiiiceaiecalcuUie i to prom neal'tiodan
tiai peace, and we cauiot douot, fr>*.n uiefe
aodrtioiui circumdances, of its taking plafce
Hi the Federal Gaze::e of the bAijuiy ta‘
the follo.viiig pdta. ia .il
* ba.raifc i a> die is, by the f-ithlefs'
bipeds of me wi'dcrnefs, muit look up to me
I‘o .e. il Government for foccou hi i support.
An I who ilmi lay, *.h*i the pro .g ar nos the
Luton will id be ft etched out, m the de
feu.e of so j tieru, -mil fat tone a braii-h of
t*fc G A.E \F F A vlfi.T f*
Vor the col e turn of the cufto-ns in this
flaic, Major B .Fe'- inam is appo n ed tor the
jsoii of Savannah, Mujgr Hollins for Simbury,
Colonel for Bnniiwick, and Air.
Seagrove tor St. Mary’s.' General M liitoili
is appointed Coniptrol'er; and Major deri .en
MARRIED:] * Oil Thuffday last, Mr.
William Howel , of Congaree, South-Carrd.-
,ii, t Miss Elizabeth Dawion, of New Sa
putdifrare c ;utionc<| not to harbour
or trust my wife, femimah, who has
lately eloped from me, or to purch.afeany of
my p operty from her; as I am determined
xioc to pav any debts of her contracting ; an I
to' pr fectire with the utmost feven'ty anv per
fnis who may harbour or deal with her wi fl
out my coufcut.
Khka, AgufttJ* »7 8 ;-
Ot bt %'il Situ-Pi in SeitenAr nt <t,
Will be Sold,
for the Pflper Medium,
A few Lots,
Jithe lovnot ta.
Bf o 4sr «/ tb> Botv 4 »/' f
-WM*4 Mi, Ciitk*
f I
T> r s Defaulters ?n Cap*. Pearre’s D;f»rifr. r
JuHN Calh, Archibald Beale, Mood* Burt,
1 homos Wynn, John Martin, 1 Fort,’
Brown, Moigan, .Lorkey,
Arglcfs Pentet, Anula Jackfru, Graham,
john H.mller, N.xou, Anselm Bug*,
J ajncs Fox, juu. John Andiews William
w. urquhart, R.R.
Lift of perform, nor beh>n*in* to Captain
Pearte*» Company,' who have made their
returns to me
EORGE Walton, Ffq. John Meals,
J Esq. Janies Annftrong, Esq. David
rnh; Godfrey Zimmerman, Robert Farith,
Sherwood A11e.,, Anselm Lee, J is. V n<hm
a ' ' ■,
1. Notice.
A IX petfons who hive any demands
aga nft the efli’.e of M - Char es Be i
iilgfield, decealed, are rq|t*ede.l to make
■> them known on or bes • e the fif’d thy of Oc
tober tiex:, aa i thole indebted to tnikep ty
mjnt to
W LLIAM WALLACE, rldm.njlralor.
A«gjta % »guji 13. 1 789-
Qn - Saturday,the 2 6 */6 day, of
September nex>\
A Ten u Clack t n tbe Fonnorn t
Willi be Sold,
Befo e my door its G 1 eene-ftree:., on a ctedit
of tit;e; raotrh*, the purclnfer giving bond
wr h approved for payment, to be
ma e in iufp-ecied tobacco,
A Negro Hoy at/out (even \ a y s
ot a^e —j Hrfe, saddle an l B-1
• die—a q iantirx 0! Cork, andJvne
waring Appat/l y
Belonging to the ettaie of Mr. Charles Bed-"
tagticld, deceased.
Uj order of the Adminfiat or,
Augufa, Augujl 14, 17^.
Weft India Goods
By the fuofciibcr, ofi ti.e most
reduced prices ior Calh, or To
bacco, hich will be received in
'payment at lixtecn ’(hillings ana
ioii-pence hundred *
August 21, I/S9.
A lift of Defaulters in Capt Pool's diftrici,
Rlc unond county, 1789, viz.
CHARLES Station, Chares Carte ,
W.lliam Bryant, *— Jones, J dm
iVJ*Mullen, John Branded, David Evans.
Ania (.’lay, Jonathau Glafe, jotui Shalwick,
Abfalotn Fears, ; Da'wion.
Ret irn of defaulter?, and j holdm,;
property in t»er counties in tab <t .te, in
C»p 1 n Hagan’s comp uy, * Waftiiogtou
JAMES Martin 291 acre*. 1* qua!!** of
ork and hukorv land, tn Ru ke c«»tm»v
France- Boykin soo acres, pine hud, in do.
lohoN' tt 170 acres, pine land, in do. [v>e
Whitehead 3,0 aciespne land, in do. John
Martin jooacie*, fe-oud qtu! |v f-alta-ol
hrkoty, in do. Infeph Grijurd 530 I-*
arrei, pine lan I, in W !»<• countv
Dcfaul iri—Mvft»CbilM» »nd the wilow
iI V “ k “ V JOHN WATTS, Rit. >
* Notice.
• ,
There s now 1 m y pofc/Hofi
a mud pegro fellow n tn 1
John, abou - 40 yc*\s o. ag*r ; uys ■
l.e b Engs to a Samuel Waving, ac
/Vnttguathat hi* miller eti him ‘
at Chapelt »n about the tims of i'S
being ca.HU cd hy the
that he has (lace rren in the pciref
fioii i t divers perf ns. Any p. iion
claiming lad ncgr>, may havr him
by appl ihg to me, pr *vina« his of
hir property, andpa\mg charges.
JAiVjhb r EvvlS, S.B C.
■■■ ■
Y-ARAMESof h uses, of any ci-'
*X/ rnenlio is, will pr cut an.’ dvt i.
ve'cdi 1 ugutLi, ltthefhort
cfl i o ire, and on the l v \\ term* ;•'
ado cyp cis'or pi v sh s, Doit*
oak. or bghiwnod* ppits and f nee
nils. He v. l as e ntnet to re
mote h left s, fence or pdr in
A | p y at the Gove norVpl m
tation,ju.tabjVwCill*4 Warc-h uies, •
to *
jo’n Turmaiu
, An :uft 4, 17^9.
He will also furnifti tobaccoho^ftiet in t ’
ftour and .udigo bane.a, calks and keg# of
any lizes.
l_j_J LI. I I- *• : „a 111 . ■ , I - , •
M \ fOK Amb o e Go. don tol’B r:< he f.
ter, until u ci—William ]aikfoii a
l j idhaite branded ihu- M I —Koiert Wat
k 1111. a black hotlc, but one eye,
branded with a heart , also ah iv maehtau •
Ca I r Robert W ilton, a1 ed «ow and one rc<|
and white, branded Wd; a<f» a red hctiep"
biandcd H (o!uVKuiev, a brown c »w, uni' •
ed on t.i-e- lelt ear with a fmo -th ciop, and yr* ’
the eat with an upper keel.
The owner or owner* of tuefe ftrtyt may
prove u.t, net ui ciieir proper y bes > e
AME to the fubfcr’lier, on Friday
7ib > nft- A MU LA ITO KE.I. W,
who fays hs name 1$ JOHN, and tha le
laniefiom Tan R4ver, Virginia, in r< moi' f
w.rti a wlv e man named Lewis, and 11 in r
lay.- t!a h was bom tree He is abott. 1
cats ot ac, <; teet three inches high, an I
(peak- *OO • E.te' »h* Any {>eil’>n or pc* f»ni
, ri.ioiin - he 1a d le'l iw, b> provinz b s <>C.
b.r (ho eit v, an la, plying t * tnc as Be lfo:
may Itave d m on p ynu charces.
Ait uft 13, 17Hy-
A lid ot lief ultets in ( apt. di
ll. 1 t, Kit bm nJ c mmy.
JOHN Culbrea’h, D vid Kevh
don, Thomas Smith, Martin B een, !*•' n
,-ho- fe, John KeHv, ( hirles Trewird. I \u\
purtlt E ! fn. Wflliam H e M l/i
--„ el, D one M Danicl, Jof-n ' ‘D niel.
A un rtjia> nti 'v.h hVt ~n(f>rtd a *ijt rs their
, t/iX thle p> 0 m
j fames
Randill R’m.fey, jun Pivid Perryman, H 11- '
t v Camller, and Few
6AMUEL b r ()TT, Hec # *
• • i - * m •»
A , ■ f #
Delaultets in Capt W 1 am Wynne*?
Burke cot n y. t
A RrIUR ALD Hobinlon, Jul us Well*,.
A and John Michifds. jun.
D1 faultcu iu ( apt. Fullei'ii d.ftrict,
Tizcep vVomeck, H iha-d Oftam, ro»er|
** II null) William BLck,
r JOi.AUI.kN KtMf, R<(f ‘