The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, September 05, 1789, Image 1

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SATURDAY, September 5, 1789.] THE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE A' N D V GAZE TT E of the AT E. —'••.-w , . , • • \ ■— —— ■ •>"• , ; ~ .A, _ , EDOM of the PRESS, and TRIAL by JUIIY, to remain inviolate forever. Conjtiiuticn of Georgia. "" ' 1 1 ‘ ■ - - ! Intelligence, Advertifemehts, (Ac. mil be gratefully received, and every kind of Printing perform ed. • ■ <— --- PROCEEDINGS of CONGRESS . In the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES of the UNITED STATES. (Continued from our las.) Friday, July 19. IN committee of t.he whole, the bill to re * gulate the colleftii?n of the import bill under confidcration. The clause which reflrifls foreign rtjips to particular enumerated ports, it was moved ihould be flruck out. This occafioued some debate, the substance of which occurred in the former of the fame fubjeft—this motion was finally withdrawn. Mr. Gerry then introduced a motion, the purport of which was, that the names of the particular ports which were the object of the above motion, thould be struck out, and the following words be fubfiituted, “ nor (hall any foreign vertel enter or unlade, but at those ports, to which a colletlor, naval officer, and surveyor, are appointed.” This also, after some conversation, was negatived. The committee then proceeded in difeuff ing the bill—several ports were added to the lift at which foreign vertels may enter. The committee having made further progress, rose, the Chairman reported, and the House ad journed till Monday. Monday, July 6. A fetter to the Speaker, from his Excel lency Beverly Randolph, Governor of Vir ginia, enclosing an account of the exports and imports of that state, from January 20, 1788, to Jauuary 20, 1789, wa s read, and referred to the committee appointed to ps*e pare eflimates, &c. A memorial from Andrew Ellicott, or, addrelTed to both Houfcs of Congress, in troduced by Mr. Page, was read, and re ferred to a committee confiding of Mr. Page, Mr. Scott and Mr. Baldwin. A motion which had lain on the table since the beginning of last month, for prefixing a correft copy of the Constitution of the Unit ed States to the firrt volume of the laws, was called for by Mr. White. The vote being taken upon the fame, it pafi*ed in the affirma tive, and was sent to the Senate for their con currence. A mefiage was received from the President by his Secretary, Mr. Lear, who informed, that he was direfled by the President to le turn to the Honorable House, the bill which bad parted the twb branches of the Legifia ture, imposing duties on goods, wares 2nd merchandizes imported into the United States, to which the President had affixed his signa ture of approbation. In committee of the whole, on the bill to regulate the colleftion of the import. Mr. Trumbull in the Chair. Further progress was nude in the difettf fion : the committee’rofe after three o’clock, and had leave to fit again to-porrow.—Mr. ‘VVadfworth had leave of absence for a fort night. . ~ The House then adjourned, :o meet to morrow at ten o’clock. fuefday, July 7. The House met agreeably to adjournment, In committee of the whole on the bill to regulate the collcftiou of the import* GEORGhf. ~ ' ' - t - . 11. r■ ■ )i - , , ' Mr. Trumbull in the Chair. Very confulerable progress was made in the further difeurtion of this lengthy lull this day; but there was not fufficient time to fi nifh it. The committee therefore rose, the Chairman reported progress, and asked leave to fit again. A mefiage Was received from the Senate by their Secretary, informing, that they had appointed a committee to join with a commit tee of the Honorable House, to examine the enrolled bill laying a duty on tonnage, and to prcfeiit the fame to the I'tefident for his approbation ; also, that they had concurred in the vote of the Hon. Houfe,‘for prefixing the Constitution to the publication of the laws of the United States. Mr. Contce desired leave of absence for four weeks —which was granted. The House then adjourned till to-morrow 10 o’clock. Wednejday, July 8. The House being met, they resolved them* selves into a committee of the whole, on (he bill for collecting the import, but not having • time to complete the fame, they rose, and re ported progress, and the House adjourned till to-morrow morning, 10 o’clock. Tburjday, July 9. The House in committee relumed the con sideration of the bill for regulating the col leftion of the import, and nude some further progress. -i 11 ' Friday, July 10. In committee of the whole cn thtittpll to regulate the dolled ion of the import. The difedflion of die bill was compleated this day/ when the committee rose. > • Upon motion it was voted, that the Chair man’s report Ihould be received to-morrow. Upon motion of Mr. Thatcher it was vote cd, that Ido copies of the estimate of sup plies for 1789, as reported by the committee, Ihould be pimted for the accommodation of the members. Mr Parker had leave of absence for one i month, and Mr. frvr.ibud fora fortuight. Adjourned. Saturday, July * T • The House according to oidcr, took up the report of the committee of the whole on the bill for collecting the import, and having gone through, and agreed to the amendments to the fame, ordered to be engiofied for a third reading this day. (To be continued-) V I F. N N A, May 13. OUR augurt sovereign is again ill; the day before yesterday his majefly was feszed wi ll a feVcr| which continued lor hours. He fufters greatly from an oh ft ruited respiration. A courier Wsis rliftiatched yes terday »o Florence, by bis majcitj’s orders. They write from C'rotia, that on the 12th of April, 1000 Tuikilh cavalry, attacked a port belonging to the line of uoops on the frontiers of the Baunot, «he foldicrs retired without any loss, but five villages tn the Bofuiaus, which were under the im perial protection; c-ipeiicaccd the fury of the '. enemy ; all the men were immediately put ti) the sword ; 104 women and boys, 6 00 homed cattle, 108 hoifes, and 507 goats v.cie carried off, and three small towns were all burnt to allies. The enemy, after this, retired to the vil lage of Pograzi, where they fold the booty t f the befl bidders —a Turk pnrehafed two women and four children for 600 florins. Two thousand mulTulmeu have also pierced " into Tianfylvania, and having scaled the hfgh mountain on the left bank of the Alps, ob liged the regiment of Orlcx to retire. HAMBURG 11, ’ Mat 19. We learn from Peteiftturgh, that the ice with which the Neva was covered, emirely disappeared on the of last month ; the river had been fiozcn 164 days. . The armtftice between Sweden and Den mark, which expire lon the 30th'of last month, has been prolonged to the 24th of June, till that period, the Drnith forces by sea 0/ land are no: to aft in favor of KulJia. V E N I C E, May 13 The new Sultan fiaa made no alteration in the councilsot the Turks; on the contrary, the Reis Effendi, has declared to the Ambas sadors of Fiance and Spain, who are veiy prefling in their offers of mediation, “ That lie has orders not to lifieu to any prupofitions concerning peace, tmlcfs the preliminaries were on an entire restitution of all conquests ; the renunciation of the supremacy of the Emprcfs of Russia over the Tartars, and the independence of the Crimea.” PARI S, . , May 18. M. de Lamoignoh, late keeper of the seals, died at his caflle of Bavd e, on the 16th inst". An extraordinary courier from Vienna has brought a confirmation of the defperatc flatc of the Empeior’s health,’ whofc deaih is hour ly expefted. His palpitations have become fironger an I more frequent, and Ins fits of coughing f> vio ent, as to give momentary apprehenfioiis of the rupture of a blood vef -1 Cel. His Majefly, who had hitherto borne * up against bis cbforder with wonderful mag nanimity, feenis at length to look for bis dif fusion, and has sent an express to bring his broiher the Grand Duke to Vienna. Various aie the conjeftures on the confequeuces of bis death, but it is bet;er to hazard none than such as must be vague and imaginary ; the event, however, is certainly a inoft impor tant one. . _ . , All hopes from the favourable crisis of the Dauphin’s diforderare at an end ; he has had a relapse, aud is in such a state of debility as to baliie all medical afliflance. L O N D O N, M.y 19. Tiie Emj'•ror of iClorocco demands of the Englifli an answer to the thiee following points, to determine their diffidences, viz. ill’. If you detfie the poits to be open for provisions at the fame duties which the Spa niards pay, it tli'all be done, if content to efioit the two vclTels which we required you last year to conduct to ( onflantinople, and two other vefels with the picfents of our brother Abrtelharocd, whom God preserve. If you do tins, you (hall have the provifion* upon the fame footing as the Spaniards, ami Hull c*eu be fupplicd wah them lor fit'* [Vol. 111. No. CUir.]