Newspaper Page Text
And bt it further enabled, That the jitfticcs
of the Supreme court, and the diftrift judges,
before they proceed to execute the dimes of
their refpertive otfices, ilufttakc the follow
ing oath or affirmation, to wit s “ i A. B do
«» lolemnly swear or adirm, that i will ad
«< rainifter julhce without reject to perfo.iS,
«< ind do equal right to the poor and to the
teTich, and that I wall faithfully and itnpai
•« tially discharge and perform all the duties
« incumbent on me as a , according
« to the belt of my abilities aud uuderitand
ing, agreeably to the coiiftitution and laws
** of the United States So help me God.”
And be itfun her en.i£:d, f hat the diiirift
courts (ball have, exclusively of the courts of
the several (fates, cognizance of all crimes
and offences that iball be cognizable under the
authority of the United States, commuted
within their refpeftive diftrifts,-or upon the
high leas; whete no other punnlimeuc than
whipping,'uot exceeding thirty itripes, a fine
n«t exceeding one hundred dollars, ora term
of imprilonment no. exceeding fix months, is to
be inrtifte *; and ilia 11 aifohave exclulive oiigi
nal cognizauce of all civil causes of admiralty
and maritime juiifdiftion, uisludmg ail fc;z
ures under laws of impost, navigation or uaue
of the United Slates, where the leizutesaie
made, on waters which are navigable fiom
the sea by vessels or ten or more tons bur
then, wuhm their refpeft vc uiltrias as well
as upon the high fefrs ; frying to ftiifors, in
all cases, the right*of a common law remedy,
where the common law is competent to give
jt: And fhuil alio have exclulive original cog
nizance of all leizures on land, or other wa
ters than as aforefrid, nude-, and of all lints
for penalties aud forfeitures incurred under
the laws ot the United Stares. And lliailal
(o have cognizance, concurrent wiih the courts
of tne several dates, or the circuit couits, as
the case may be,' of all causes wheie an alien
sues for a tort only in violation of the law of
nations or a treaty of the United States. And
Ora 11 also have cogmzante, concurrent as last
mentioned, of all funs at common law where
the United States lue, and the matter in dis
pute amounts, exclusive of. cods, to the sum
or value of one hundred dollars. And (ball
also have jurildiftiou exclulively of the courts
of the several dates, of ail suits againd con
suls or vice-consuls, except for offences above
the delcription aforefaid. And the trial of
illues in last, in the dill rift courts, in all
civil caules of admiralty or ma
rittine junldiftiou, ibaft be by jury.
Aid be u further tnacled, That the diftrift
court ft Kentucky diitnft ihall, belides ihe
jtri ifdiftiou afoielaid, have juriidiction ot 911
other caules, except of appeals and writs of
error, herein after made cognizable in a cir
cuit couit, and Ihall proceed therein in the
fame manner as a circuit court, aud writs ot
error and appeals ihall lie from detritions iherc
ju to the lupreme court hi the tame caules, as
from a circuit court tothe supreme court, and
under the fame regulations.—Atid the diftrift
cam t in 'Maine diitnft ihall, besides theju
rifdiftiou heieui before granted, have jurif
diftion ct>alt caule*, except of appeals and
wrirs of error herein after made cognizable
in a circuit court, and ihall proceed therein rn
the fame manner*as a circuit court: And
wriis of error ihall Ik ftom decilions therein
to the circuit couit in the diftrift of Malla
chufetts, in the fame manner as from other
diftrift cou Is to their refpeftive circuit courts.
And be tt Jurtber enact. That the [circuit
court (hail have original cognizance, concur
rent with the courts of the several states, of
all suits of a civil nature at common law or
in equity, where the matter in- dispute ex
ceeds, exclulive of colis, the sum or value of
£”e hundred dollars, and the United States
are plaintiffs, or pettioners ; or an alien is a
party, or the suit is u'etween a citizen of the
ftote wheie the suit is brought, and a citizen
of another Hate. And ihall have exclulive
cognizance of all crimes aud offences cogniz
able under the authority of the United States,
except whew this aft otherwise provides, or
ihe laws of the United States llwll otherwise
diieft, and concurrent jut ifdiftion with the di
flrift couits, of the crimes and offences cog
nizable therein. But no person ihall be ar
retted in one diftrift for trial in another, in
any civil aftiou before a circuit or diftrift
court: Aud no civil suit ihall be brought be
fore either of laid couits agaiuft an inhabi
tant ol the United States, by any original
procels jn any other diftrift than that whereof
he is an inhabitant, or in which he (hall'be
found at the time of lervifig the writ, cor (hall
auy difti itt or circuit court have cognizance
of any suit to recover the contents of any pro
milTory note or other chose in attion in favor
of an affig ee, u'nlefs a suit might have been
prosecuted in such court to recover the said
contents if no affignmeut had been made, ex
cept in Cases of foieign bills of exchange.
And the circuit courts ihail also have appellate
jui ifdktion from the didntt courts under the
regulations and leftricituus herein after pro
dna be it further enabled , That if a suit be
commenced l'n any date-court, agaisft an alien,
or by a cmzei of the date in which the suit
is brought agalnit a citizen of another date,
and the mattei in dtfpute exceeds the afore
faid sum ot value of five hundred dollars,
cxclulive of to s, to be made to appear to the
latisfaCtiou of the court; and the defendant
lhali, at the time ot emeriti* his appearance
1 iuch date court file a petition fat the re
moval ot the cause for trial into the next cir
cuit court, to be held in the dilhitt where the
suit is pending, or if in the diitntt ot Maine
to the dutiict court uext'to beholden therein,*
oi it in Ken ucky diftritt, to the difti itt court
next to ue hidden therein, and offer gooct ami
luihcieiu fmeiy for Ins enteiing in such court
on the firlt day of its leftioß, copies ot laid
ptocels agamd him, and also tor his there-ap
pearing auiT entering fpeciat bail in the caute,
it Ipecial had was originally requilire iheieih,
it (hall then be the duty 01 the date cour. to
accept the futety and proceed no turiher in
the came,and any bniriha may hatre beeu ori
ginally taken ihail oe difclurged, add the laid
copies being cnteied as atoielaid in such cuuit
of the United oute*', tiiecaule ihail the e pro
ceed tu the fame manner as if it'had been
or u Jit thet’e hy original ptocefs. And any
attachment ot ihc goods or ehate of the de
fendant by. the oiigmad procels, (hall hold .he
goods or eftjte to attached, to aulwer the fi >
nat judgment in the lame manner as by the
taws ot Inch state Utey would have been hold
en to aufwer final judgment, had it been ren
dered by the court in winch the suit com
menced. And if m any action commenced
in a (tate court, the titic of land be cometn
ed/and the parties are citizens of ihe fame
date, and the matter 11 dispute exceeds the
sum -or value yl hve bundled dol.ars, excltr
live of colls, tne turn or value being made to
appear to the fatisiactiou ot the court, either
party; betore the trial, dull date to the couit
and make aihuavn, it they tecjuiie it, that
tie claims and ihail lely upon a right or title
to the land, under a gram from a date, o
tiier than that in which the suit is pending,
and piouucc the original giant or an exempli
fication ot it, excepc wheie the lots of pub
lic recot.ta lhaii-puc it out of his power, and
ilia'll move that the adverse party inform the
court, whether he claims a right or title to
the laud under a grant from the state in which
the fun is spending; the laid adveife party
lhali give such information, or othei wife not
be allowed to plead lucti grant' oogive it in evi
dence upon the mal, aud if he mfoi ms that he
does claim under Inch giant, the party claim
ing under the grautfiift mentioned, inky then
on motion, temove the cause for trial to the
next circuit court to be holden in such diftritt
or if in the diftritt of Maine, to the 'court
next to be holden therein; or if in Kentuc
ky diftntt, to the diftritt court next to be
holden therein; but if he is the defendant,
(hall do it under the fame regulatous as in the
beforemcntioned case of' the removal ot a
came mto luch couit by an alien: And nei
ther pat ty removing the cause, (liall be allow
ed to plead or give evidence of any other title
than that by him dated as afoiefaid, as the
ground of his claim. And the trial of ifiues
in fatt in the circuit courts ihail, in all funs,-
except thole of equity, and ot admiralty, and
maritime jurifdittioa, oe by jury.
(To be continued.)
LONDON, July 31.
From Banjancon we learn, that on the news
of M. Neckar’s recall, the inhabitants of
that large town, the feat of a Parliament*
agreed to teftify their joy by a public feaft,
when M. de Mefme, a Counfellor in the Pat
liament, offered his counkry feat, near Vafon,
for that purp About furry or fifty-of the
principal caucus affcuiuled there 5 anti'in the
piidft of the feftivity of the day, they were
all blown up into the'air, by means of fcvcrai
barrels of gunpowder, whith bad been pre
vioully placed in iheapartmeut under the fa*
loon, fur the above horrid purpose. Theex
plofion was heard for lcveral miles distant
from the tragical feene, aud they were all ei*
ther killed or bruised,
lu the mean time, the master of the house
had disappeared, and the enraged populace
flocked to the spot, and levelled the house to
the ground, as well as many country feats be*
longing to his friends or relations.
The National Assembly immediately ad
drefled the King, to give directions to the Am*
bafiadors at tbe fevcia* Courts, to get himde
tivei ed up, in whatever country he might take
icfuce, in order that he might be conveyed
to Paris, to receive the puhirtunent due to his
enormous crime.
It was reported and generally credited in
the Freuch noules last night, that Prinde Lairi
bafe had been pursued by tbe populace, and
burnt in 'his carriage.
Among the fluctuating reports of last night,
oue was, that the Count de Artois had quitted
Biulfels, and had solemnly eretted the Royal
Standa d, in French Flanders; that he was
attended by the Prince de'Coude, the Duke de
B-ui bon, and many other eminent person
ages ; and that the Marftjall de Bioglio had
j lined him with a final! body of forces which
he had collected, and was looked up to as a
; second in command, and the man who was
to model tfifeir forces, whieff were hourly in*
The ( oiftnwis further fairTto have publish
- ed a manilefto, in which he declares his in
ten ion to he solely directed to ihe public
pederf, and the refeuing h:s Majeftys perjotl
tom the hands of “ those Rebels . who now
detain him ”
1 ippo Suhan continues to augment and dis
cipline his Forces. This refllefs Prince is pre
paring a florin, which will soon burst on tht
. Carnatic."
, The dilTention which has sos a longtime
fublitled be ween Lord Cornwallis and Sir
Archibald Campbell, is the cause that the lat
ter resigned” a fit nation which he could not
honourably hold confutent with his own
feoli gs.
The officers of the East-India (hirs, in ge
neral, who have lately arrived from Bengal,
complained that'the trade there is entirely
ruined The articles of merchandize which
formerly ter- hed eighty and a hundred per
cent, they were glad to dispose of at five and
twenty per cent, under prime roft. This,
they lay, is occasioned hy the heavy taxes
which the Governor General has imposed up
on ihops, and upon every species of mer
chandize ; and ftilf mote by the vexatious fe
veriiy w th which those taxes are exatted.
The Enghfti met chants, harrafied and dis—
gusted at those proceedings, ate felling off
their goods, aud (hutting up their (hops, ad
faft as-poflible At the Tales in Bengal, arti
cles of Englifti inatHitattories are now fold
50 per cent", cheaper than in Britain.
H<? has also thought fit to enforce even
among the Hindoos, a judicial observation of'
the Sabbath day; in confequeuce of whicli
the-indolent natives have added to their nu
merous hotidays another of idleness.
AUGUST A y OBober 31.
EUftidris of Members of the Legijlature on the '
iyth infant.
For Gteene County.
Senator. Davis Gresham, Esq.
Representatives. David Love and William
Fitzpatrick; Efqrs.
For Franklin County .
Senator. Larklin Cleveland, Esq.
Reyretentative* Nicl Cleveland and Mid
dleton, Woods, Efqrs.
DIED.j Jn Charleflon, on Saturday laftj
Mr. Thomas Connell, Merchant ot this place.
—Last Sunday morning, Mr.- David Bladf*
worth, late from Nortb-Carolina.
Mr. Smith,'
OBSERVING in your paper of the ryth
inst. fume propofalsof Galba on the very
intetefting afid important fubjett of tire Judia
- ciary department under out NewConititution;
| and 'differing'ffomfemv materially in fomC