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J| AORGI VEN (£SS o; injuries. aud -a mer-
F 1 ciful dilpofitiou to thofc wlju have of
fended us, is an infallible mark of a great
and noh'c mind, and it is our, wdifpeufable
duty, as reafopabft creatures, but especially
so as Christians. Gallon, Marquis de Re
ny, an illustrious nobleman, was a soldier
and a Chriliian, and bid the peculiar felicity
to reconcile the teeming oppofitioii between
thole characters. He had a com
fnau.l in the Fre.icn army, and had the mif
f i,tuite to receive a challenge from ape foil
of rkitiudion in the fame service. The mar
tinis returned for answer, that he was ready
to convince the gentleman tint he was in the
wrong, or if he could not convince him, as
ready to ask his pardon. The other not fa
t;sfij#d with this reply, infi.Ted upon his meet
ing him with the sword, to which the Mar
qms sent this answer ; “ that he was resolved
not to do it, fiifce God and his king had,for
l.idden it; otherwil'e he would have him
Know, that ail theyideavouis he had used to
pacify him, did not proceed from any fear of
hint, but of Almighty God and his dtfplea
f.ire ; that lie should go eVdry day about his
lifual bulinefs, aud if he did afiauU him, he
would make him' repent it.” The angry
man, not able to provoke him to a duel, and
meeting him one bay by chande, drew his
1‘ vord, and the Marquis, who soon
wounded and disarmed both him and his fc
<ond, with the airuiance of a servant who at
tended him But then did this truly Chri
flian npbleman (hew the difference betwixt a
brutish and a'Chriflian courage; foY he led
their, to his tent, refreihed them with wine
aid cordials, caused their wounds to be
dressed, and their swords to be' restored to
them, dismissed them with ChnfliaiY 4 and
friendly advice, and was never heat'd to men
• ti, m the affair afterwards, even to his neared
friends’. I: was an nfual faying with him,
tbayhere was mote true courage andgeae
rofity in bearing aud forgiving an injury for
the lova of God, than in requiting it with
another, iu fuffering rather than revengiug ;
hecaufe the thing was really more difficult:
hut it was a brutal courage ; whereas that of
men should be such as became rcalonable
ABUH HANiEAH, a molt eelebratd
doflor of the orthodox muflulmans, having
caufclcLly received a malicious and violent
blow do the tare, spoke thus to him who
flruck him : “ I could return you injury for
the injury you have ddfie me ; but I will not.
X could also inform agaiult you to the Kha
lit ; but I will not be an informer. I could
iu any prayers and addreffrt to God, repie
feut the outrage done me'; but I Will forbear
that. In fine, Icould'at the day of judg
ment delife God to revenge it ; but far be it
from me. Nay, fhoOld that ternble'day it
-rive this very moment, and could ray mter
celfion then prevail, I would not cuter para
dife without you.” How noßfe an instance
of a calm, i'erene, and forgiving mind ! Hap
py were it for all Chriflians had they lived,
or could they refolvc to live, according to'
the dictates of this wife and virtuous Mahd*
me tan !
Twenty Dollars Reward.
STOLEN out of my pasture, at"
Locult Hii!,on 1 h ifiday night
between ihe icth and i ilh infUnt,
two hbries, viz. a white h ;rfe, up
wards' of fifteen hands high, ten or
twelve years old, branded on the
mounting-b.ntotk D. b. Also, a
chdntn forftl hoife about feu/etn
'and an half hands high, fix or (even
years old, branded on the mounting
buttock 1. V/. They both trot and
pace. Any pericn delivering the
above horses to me, at Locult Hill,
©red. John fliall
ha-e tlu aboVe reward, or in propor
tion {emitter ,andtwentv pounds (Kr
lingfor the con vision of thethitv.s.
htcuji Hill, Stf4. 14, 1789. -
♦ Gumming & M £ Credies
In the rtiip Planter, from London, and the (hip
Ann, from Britlot, a large and general
Aflortment of European
G O 0 D S,
Which they are now felling on moderate
terms, at their Store iu Augusta, and at
Wcft-Inftia Goods of all kinds, with every
other neceiftry Article for the Country.
Augusta, Odobet 24, 1789.
> * g- ' '
ALL perlons who are pof
felTed of Trealury Certi
ficates iffiitd by the late Trea
surer, Seth John Cutfrbert, El
qui;e, decealcd, are requested to
report the dates, sums and deno
mination of such Certificates to
the Honorable Joseph Clay, El
quire, -in Savannah, or to John
Meals, Elquire, ’ Treasurer, at
Augusta, in order that the amount
outstanding niay be alcettained.
JOHN WERE AT, Auditor.
AL L perions naving demands
ag/mft the eftatcnf 'Alexan
der '-hearer, merchant, *ieceaied, are
delired to lend them in, duly attest
ed, to Thomas Currming, in Au
gufta, or to the fubienber, in fa
•vanr.ah, on or tefore the firft day of
January next; and those indebted,
are requested to make payment as
early as poflible, in order that the
admimftracor may be enabled to dil
charge the debts owing by the de
ANDREW M'CREDIE, Adminijlrator.
GEORGIA. TBy Lewis Gardner ,
(L. S.) .. I Esq RegifterofPro-
LEWIS GARDNER. f bats for the County
J of Richmond.
Vjy HEREAS Abraiiam Jones, of Augusta,
in the county of Richmond, Gentle
man, hath made application to me for let
ters of adminilUation of the eftatc anti ef
fects of chephenkMeers,' late of the fame
place, merchant, a copy of the
will annexed, and t\» beJr continuance only
until »he appearance atody qualification of the
Executor named in tlJuaid Will: These are
therefore to cite afccwlimmifti all and Angular
the kindred and crapitorXof the said deceas
ed, to be and appear before me at my Office,
on the 13th day of November next, to lhew'
caule, if any they have, why letters of admi
nistration Humid not be granted.
Given under my hand and seal, at my
Office, the 13th day of October,
in the year of our Lord 1789, and
in the 14th year of the Independence
of the United States of America.
.. ■ ■..., -
Georg it, IV ilkes County , April Terra, 1788.
Stephen Heard,
vs. > Attachment. -" r
1 urner Law*.
T~ HAT the do, appear and
plead wither a ytihsand a day, Other
wise judgment bjrdefatilt.
Extf(3 frtrn the Minutes , *
N:v. 12,
THE Subscriber has fettled a plantation
011 Back river, near Savannah, which
makes it convenient for him-to reside in that
town. As his planting interest will not oc
cupy the whole of his time, he intends to en
gage iu the
FaElorage& Com
mijjion Bitjinefs .
- Will icceive rice, indigo, tobacco, lumber,
‘merchandize, negroes, Sjc. to dispose of on
Commiffioii. Those who are not engaged with
Agents, he offers his service to receive their
confignjnents, or to tranfaft bufmefe for them.
Merchants or planters, who a e fettled on
either fide near Savannah river, who may be
debrous of fending their rice, tobacco, indi
go or lumber, to Cbarleftoii by water, may
depend on his rnnioft care and dilligence in
forwarding the fame. Letters or orders di
rected to him at his lioufe, in Savannah,- will
be attended to with accuracy and dispatch ;
and the drifted puhftuality will be observed
in tranfaftiug or paying so orders whatever
monies of x other people may come into his
hands. rat 4
Savannah, Sept. 22, *7£9".
For Sale,-*
, : A jmall Cargo of
Prime Slaves,-
.Just arrived from the river Gambia,
to be cilpofed of for Cafli or Pro
duce. For particulars, apply to the
Savannah, Sept. 21, 1789.
BENJAMINE Jenkins tolls i c
foie me the following ftrays:—
1 wo young heifiers, and two large -
steers; one heiffer bla k, with a
white face,"'no mirk or b and per
ceivable ; the other a pale rtd, with
some whitjfcfpoti, with an
under flop no brand
One red and whdpftter, the other
black and maik d with
a crop and ear, no
brands petjj^able; has
one of h scorns d.opp -d'down in
his tixee/f Ihe owner or own- rs
rauft pdve his or their property
within the tirrie preferibed hy law,
JSotice is hereby given ,
TO all perfom who may have bnfinefs to
do in C omi of Confciencc,
which wjll be on the firft
Thurfclay in where the de
fendant has been duly fumbioned and plaintiff
appears, judgment will on all causes
then dcpeudimj'in laid Court \
D. HUNTER, j. P.
Augusta. Oft. 22, 1789.
idU " T - •
Jufc PublilheJ, -
And may he had at the Printing-Office,
C*>nftitution ol the State
of Georgia.
Ratified the 6th of May, 1789.
The Federal Conftitutioril
A Ad a je*w Copies oftjke
Os the General A nembly of the
State of Oedrgia, passed last :i