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SATURDAY, February 13/ 1790.]
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FREEDOM of the PR E.S S, and TRIAL by JURY, (hall remain inTiolate. CnftUutin if Cur git.
AUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. S M IT H, Printer to the State; EJfays, Articles es
Intelligence , Adjerti/emcnts, tdc. will be gratefully received , and every kind of Printing performed.
For regulating the Town of
gufta \ ana to amend an Aft en
titled, u An aft tor regulating
tie Town of Savannah , aud
Hamlets thereof”
BE it enabled b > the Senate and House of Re
presentatives of the htateof G o.gta, in
Central Ayembiy met , That seven fit and dis
creet perions (hall be elected trom amanjj
the inhabitants of the town of Augusta, who
(hail be occupiers of a. house or lot therein,
which seven persons so elefted, (hall be
the Aldermen of the said toWn.
And be it further tnutded, That on *he firflt
Monday in January next, and in every second
yeai thereafter 'he proprietors andoccupier of
the houses or ICts withifi the town of Atigufta,
aud the limits thereof as hereinafter pointed
out, (hall meet at the tnaiket-houfe’ of the
said town, and before two or mote magistrates
of the coumy' of Richmond, (hall proceed to
•left by ballot, seven persons aa afoiefaid,
having the qualifications* above-irfeationed,
and the persons so chofcb, or a majority of
them, (hail meet on the (econd Monday in
January, and cleft by ballot out of the*r own
body, a Mayor for the said town, and (hall
appoint a Town Clerk, aud such other officers
as may be necelfary to carry this Ad into
effect: And the said Mayor and Aldermen,
before they proceed on the duties of their
Office, (hall take the following oath or affii ill
ation, to wit :
“ 1 do (wear or affirm, that I will diligent
ly and uprightly, perforin the duties of May
-01 or Alderman for the town of Augulta, ac
cording to the belt of my knowledge and abi
And be it farther enabled, That the Mayor
an cf Aldermen, elefted an l qualified as afore
faid, (half have power and authority to enaft"
byelaw*, and to impose penahias and forfei
tures for the better governing and regulating
the fa'd town of Augusta: Provided, Such
bye laws be not repugnant to the constitution
or laws of this (fate, or of the United States i
Pt„viaed aljo , That the powers herein veiled
{fall not extend to the mfiifting corporal pu
nilhment, except on (laves, free negroes or *
mulattoes, for offences committed within the
limits of the said town.
And be ti further enaSed , That it fliall and
may be lawful for the said Mayor and Alder
men, or a majority of them, yearly, and
every year, or oftener, if occasion may re
quire, to make, lay, aud afiefs one or more
late or rates, aflefl'ment or affefimenta, upon
all and every person or persons, who (hall
hold, occupy or enjoy any house, building,
tenement of lot in any square, street or place,
within the limits of the town as aforefaid,
&r railing such sum or sums of money, aa.'
they or a majority of them (hall think neces
sary, for .carrying this Ad, and the bye laws
which may be made under it into execution i
And that in cases of negleft or refufal to pay
»ny rates, aftefiraents, penalties or forfei
tures, laid or iinpofed under any bye law pas
sed by virtue of this Ad, theu, and in that
ealt, such rate, alTelfment, penalty or for
feiture, (hall be recovered by warrant of
dittrtfi tod fait, to be levied on the good*
and chattels, and on failure of them,' upon
the lands and tenements, and on failure of
both, upon the person of the delinquent,
which warrant lhall be telied in the name of
the Mayo*, signed by the Towu Clerk, and
sealed with the seal of the said Corporation.
And be itjurthei eni.tlea, That the Mayor
and Aldermen, or e thet of them, (hall not
be entitled to receive for their lervices, by
rate, afiellment, fees or othciwife, any per
quilite, emolument, pay or compensation
> whatever.
dna he it further enabled, That the limits of
« the laid town, and the junfdiction of the said
: Corporation, (hall ex end and operate two
miles iu every diieftion from the market
• house of the said town, and to the middle of
the Savannah river.
And be ttjunker enabled, That the Mayor
and Aldermen fliall have, and they are here
by severally veiled with the power and autho
rity of Julticc* of the Peace, within the above
dclcnbed limits add junfdiction.
Ana he it farther en bled , That the said
Corporation (hall, by their Town Cierk, pub
„ lull quarterly a fettleraent of ail receipts and
expendituies of money, had and made, by
them, by virtue of this Aft, fur the informa
tion of the inhabitants of .he fa:d town.
Aud be i fu/ther enadtu , That the said
Mayor and Aldermen to be appointed under
thi6 Act, lhall be a body politic and corporate,
and may sue or be sued, plead or be implead
ed, and may acquitc, have, hold and enjoy,
real and pcifonal property', for the use aud
benefit of the said town. s
Ana whereas, by an Aft of Adembly, pas
sed the tenth day of February, one thouiand,
seven hundred and eighty-seven, entitled,
“ An Aft for better regulating the town ot
Savannah, and the hamlets thereof,” it is
theiein enacted that ceraio persons, flyied
Wardens, arc to be elefted in the said town
annually, by the'proprietors of lots or houses,
who ate to eleft from such Wardens a person
that is (Ijied Piefident of the of War
dens ; Now »>e it enabled, That the said town
of savannah (hall herealter be known and
called by the flyie and name of the city-of
Savannah ; and that on the firft Monday in
March, one ihoufand, seven hundred and
ninety, and thereafter annually, the owners
or occupiers of any lot or house in the said
city or hamlets, (hall, under the direftion of
' any two or more Justices in the said city,
} cleft an Alderman for each Ward men
tioned in the said Aft, from among the said
citizens generally, who (hall, on the Monday
following after the eleftion of such Aldermen,
choose from their own body a Mayor, aud
that from and after the eleftion of such Al
dermen and Mayor, their style (hall be the
Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savan
nah, and the hamlets thereof, and are hereby
empowered to carry into executioo-che power*
intended by the said Aft, and (hall be a body
politic and corporate, to have and to use a
common seal, with power to sue and be sued,
plead or be impleaded, and may acquire,
have, hold aud enjoy, real or personal -pro
perty, for the ult and benefit of the said city
and hamlets.
And he tt furtbtr enabled, That so much of
the said recited Aft as is repugnant to the
principles of this Aft, be, and the fame is
/ hereby itpealed/
And to prevent difordore, or eontageoue
dificiupen from beingl'prtad throughout, the
fiete, Jh tr t*t fW COfficer,
being a physician, (hall be appointed for thn
putt t>f Savannah, whufe duty it flnll be to 39
on board every vcllcl arriving from a
poit, and before her arrival at Fivefaihona
Hole, and there examine aa to the health of
the crew and paileogcis on board, and certify
the fame to the captain or com manner of fucfa
vefl'el, for which certificate fitch phyfioian (half
be eutitled to receive, and the captain of fucb
vellei (halt pay three dollars, after which be*
ing granted, the said crew and pailengtrff,
thall be permitted to pass Fort Wayne and not
otherwise : And in case any veil'd lhailhavn
any uifeAious dtforder on board, or arrives
- with any number of pafTenvc • above forty
perlons, (thcctew excepted) ftich vetfellhall
be obliged to pet form the ulual quarantine
requited by the taws*of this state, and parted
ui der the provincial government thereof}
Provide# aiwa't, That nothing herein con*
tair.ed fhab be so court rued as jo contraveno
any law of the United States, in any refpecl
whatever. * t
SEABORN JONES, Speaker of the
. Houjt or Reprejtutativtt.
N. BROWNbUN, Ptefaent of tb§
St Mate,
Concurred Dee, t?, 17G9.
An Ad
For disposing of certain vacant
Zands or territory wttbm this
State, 1
WHEREAS divers perfonsfrom the (fats
of Virginia, NOl th-Carolina and
Sonth-Carolina, have made applica*
' tion for the purchase of certain traits and par*
cels of land, lying and bordering on the Team
neftiee, Tom or Eton Bigby,* Yizooand Mif
fippi rivers, within this state, and have of*
feted to engege to fettle the fame, a part of
which territory has been already fettled om
behalf of.fomeof the applicants, under an<J
by virtue of an Ait of the General Alfembly
of thia state, bearing date the fevenrh day of '
February, one thousand, seven hundred and
eighty -five',, as Savannah entitled, *« An Aib
for lay iug out a dirt nit of land, fituat ed 011
the river Mifti/ippi, within the limits of thia
state, into a county to be called 'Bourbon
/Vcw, therefore, be it enacted by the Senate
ana Houjt oj Reprejeniativet of the State of
Georgia in General /iffembly met , That all
that trait or part #f territory of this Bate,
v.ithin the following limits, to wt: Begin*
ning at the month of Cole’s creek, on the
Miffifippi, continuing to the head spring of
source thereof, from thence a due exit course
to the Tom or Don Biguy river, then conti
nuing-along the- middle of said rive*, up to
the latitude thirty-three, thence down along
the latitude thirty-three,- bounding on tho
territory of the Virginia Yazoo,Company, %
due weft course to the middle of the Midi fip
pi,: thence down the middle of )fhe Miffifippi
to the mouth of Cole’s creek aforefaid, and
containing about five millions As acres, dial!
he reserved as a pre-emptiop for the Souih*
Carolina Yazoo Company, Tor two year*
from and after the parting of this AA ; sn
if th* said South-Csrolina/ Yazoo Compan,
ihsll, within the said tetm/of two yea *, p* \
into the public Tiealur/ of this st ate, tbv
[Vox.. IV. No. CLXXV.J