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SfixURDAT, February 27, 1790.]
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FREEDOM of the PRESS, and TRIAL by JURY, rtull remain inviolate. Conjlituti •* «/ G^rvta.
. - ;
JtUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH, Printer to the State; lffays % Articles of
Intelligence , Advertisements, &c. will be gratefully received , and every kind of Printing performed
MmtwßamK: .• • « .
i An Aft
' • V*
J7V ascertain the salaries and fees
if the Public Officers of this
,Vi State, granting compensation
s , to the Members of the General
and their Officers , and
appropriating money for ejia
blifhing a contingent fund,
TV/T it enaßed by the Senate and House of
JO Reprejentatives of the State of Georgia
in (general Assembly met , That the salaries of
gjte public officers (hall be as follow, that is
Efr. The Governor the fuin of five hun
ted pounds per year; the Judges of the
f&perinr Court, the sum of three hundred
and fifty pounds per year, each; the Auditor,
the film of tyvo hundred pounds per year, in
cluding fioufe rent and flationary ; the Trea
ter the sum of two hundred apd fifty pounds
per year, including house 'refit‘and stationary;
*he Attorney and Solicitor General, the sum
, ,Jg£fiity pounds per year, each; .the Governor’s
Secretaries, not exceeding two, one hundred
founds per year, each ; the Secretary of the
J State one hundred and fifty pounds per year;
the Surveyor-Generafthe sum of fifty ppunds
per year; the Secretary of the Senate the sum
4Kty pounds per year; the Clerk of the House
of Representatives the sum of fifty pounds
'per year; the Chaplain to the Geueral Af
fpmbly the sum of twenty-five pounds per
year; the Members of the Senate and House
of Reprefentativcs at the rate of nine (hillings
«tnd four-pence per day each ; the Prefideut
ts the Senate and Speaker of the House of .
seprefentatives, at the rate of four dollars
fit day each ; and to this Secretary of the Se
ite and Clerk of the House of Reprcfenta
ves, the sum of'four dollars per day each,
during the Sefiion, for all extra services ; and
tf> the mefiengers and door-keepers, leven
> fillings per diy during their attendance on the
General Aflcmbly. And that the Treafurerflialt
pay, on the warrant of the President of the
Sinate and the Speaker of the House of Re
ptefentatives, the said allowances to the Mem
bers of the Senate and House of Reprelenta
' *Jftves, for - their coming to, attendance on,
and returning home from the Genera!'Affem-.
MMy, which said warrants, so drawn as afore-,
said, fliall be receivable by the several Col
lectors in payment of ihc fpecific tax. .
And be it further enaßeu> That the law for
afeertaiuing the'fees of the public officeis,
pa fled the twenty-fifth day of February, one
{thoufand, seven hundred and eighty-fix, ffiall
(Bill continue to regulate the fame, except on
ly where fees are allowed the Governor and
the Judges of. the Superior Courts, in lieu of
which the following (hall be allowed : For
the Governor figniug a grant of land for five
hundred acres, or under, one dollar, if ex
. ceeding five hundred acres, three dollars, and
i if exceeding oue tboufand acres, fix dollars;
* for ordering the Great Seal of the State, to any
paper of a private nature, three dollars, .which
| said fume thall be paid into the Treasury be-
I fore any fucb grants or other papers sre figu
|cd by the Governor. Ststt fees in the Judi
> ciary Department, as follows t On all suits
to be commented, three dollars \ on all suits l
pfofitutcd to judgment, three duUaisj f«cu*
rity to be given to the Clerk in the firft in.
fiance by the plaintiff before suing the process, .
and in the second inftauce before signing the .
judgment, who (hall receive aqd pay the fame,
quarterly Into the Treasury, which sums (hau
be admitted in the bill of costs.
And be it enaßed by the authority afbrefaid,
That the Governor be authorifed and empow
ered to draw on. the Treasury for the futn of
thirty-two pounds three (hillings, in fpetie,
in favor of Peicr Wykoff, Esq. payable out of
any funds in the Treasury. . (
And be it further enaßed by the authority
afore]aid i That the Governor be, and he , is
hereby authorised and empowered to draw
warrants on the Treasurer,. for the salaries of
the public officers, quarterly, as they become
due, which said warrants it Ihall be lawful
for the collectors of the tax to receive in pay
ment of the fpecific part of said tax.
And be it dlfo enaßed , That the contingent
fund for the year one thoufaud, (even huudred
and ninety, ihall be the sum of one tboufand
pounds, and fubjefr to the warrants of the
Governor for the purpose of paying the printer,
paying the proprietor for the use of the house
occupied during the present feiTion by . the
House of Representatives, paring expresses
and other incidental charges, the Governor to
be accountable, which warrants (hall also be
receivable for the fpecific tax as other war
lants before mentioned.
SEABORN JONES, Speaker of the
Houle of Reprejeniaiives.
N. BROWNSON, President of the
r .„ *.= Senate .
Concurred Dec. 24, 1789.
VIENNA, November z.
WHEN the Emperor yeflerday was at
tending the Te. Deum, an ar
rived with the news, of another viCtory, Lieut.
General Prince Hohenlohe,. who commands
in Transylvania, on the fame day of the cap
ture of Belgrade, beat a detachment of the.
enemy near Perenzeny, add on the
(October 8) all the Ottoman corps, of 10,000
men, with five cannons, undef the command
of the Pacha Cara Muftapha, who approached
to attaclt. Cara Muftapha, it is said, killed
himfelf, and 1500 of his men followed the
spirited example. Five of the enemy’s cau-
I non, .ammunition, from 40 to 50 colours, a
quality of arms, the camp, the magazine of
Vadeny, as well as that of Tyrgufchyl, have
fallen into the hands of our troops, who have
made a couriderablc booty, particularly of
cattle. Our loss is trivial; but the Prince
Hohenlohe has received a coutuficn on his
right thigh. He declares, that, at the con
clusion of the present campaign, the
advantages gained succeeded one another with
a rapidity Which is not !e(s glorious than afio
FRANKFORT, 08. to. ,
Letter* from Semlin fay, *bat the assault
upon Belgrade cost the Emperor ebout 4 >O3,
men. Near ficoo Turks fell in the adtou*
The prifoneri amount to about Coo*
B R U B 8 fe L 8, 00 ft.
, No money list been the (e« f<itftrst
•4 abblei, iutulTi dri wm *‘ V’ Ataule m (
... t ■■■ •{ <
[Vot. IV. No. CLXXViI.]
them. As for the plot which has been men
tioned, it confided of nothing more than the
renewal of the .Sicilian vel'pers. The chief
conspirator and many other peifons of difttnc
tion have been arretted ; M. Lingticr is also
imprisoned, , tpgerher .with the Preceptor,
and the Duke of Urfel’s Swiss. Eifco the
engineer is taken op, and* it. confequeuce of
some papers found upon him, conducted to Vi
enna. They meat, to unriermne and blow
up 30 houiesat once ; fix citizens, were to kill
an officer, and afterward all the members of
government ar.d of the Chamber or Accounts.
The person who discovered this conspiracy
has been rewarded wi.h is,OQr> florins, an
annuity, &c.. No meafure* have been ne- t
glecfed to rettore the public tranquillity which
we hope to fee ihortly fully accoinplillKd.
, ** 4
London, Dtambtr n.
•*1 » ’
It is remarkable that the late futnmer and .
autumn have been uncommonly fatal to the
Nobility, not less thapJ 23 Peers and PeerelTes
having died fiuce the month of April last.
The Ealf Company’s sale of fine purple and
blue Eatt-India Indigo, coufittmg of yob
cherts, the average price of which was Ks 6d«
pdr lb. endeil on Thursday last. The quality,
as far as rcfpetis the consumer, is equal to
Spaniilj indigo, andjs confefledly allowed to
be much fuperiof to that which was firft re
ceived into the Company’s wareh«oifes.
The indigo imported by the Eatt-India Com
pany comes from Calcutta., It bids fair to
become very beneficial, as there is a moral
certainty of he fqpplanting the St. Domingo
trade in this article*, for which immense sums
have been hitherto remitted to France.
3. Mr.. John Hunter has latelv received
from Madras the (keleton of a male child of
a very peculiar de/criptiou. It was born
(and lived nuny years) with two Heads, one
growiug immediately over the other, and at
tached to the crown of it, with the face of
the upper turned the reverse way to that of
the lower. The child lived to be about fix
years of age, and while it lived was feeu by*
many gentlemen now in England
7. In Dauphiny, the regiment of Mon
sieur, (the King’s brother) and that of Bur-’
gundy, had an engagement. The regiment
of Monlieur retufed to wear the National'
Cockade, wltirh that of Burgundy put
wi h a degree of euihufiafnv. A combat en-*
sued, when the regiment of Burgundy fiied
on Monlicur’s, and in two difc.nrges It.lied
in the firft 35, and in the fecund 13 men t on *
wliich the regiment of Monsieur immediately
fled, and di/perfed. t ,
10. The mystery of the Swedish fleet
havi ig put to sea fo.fudden from Carlfcro..e,
at this tempeftuoiis feafou of the year, is at ,
length explained by fume pryate intelligence
received on Saturday from HolUnd, of which
the following is an extraft t *
“ The bwedith fleet is again at fie?,’, pro
bably to avail itlelf of the loss of fix ftiips of
the line, which the Ruffians have loft in a late
flotm. It ha» failed wttli thefiun intention
of leekiug did enemy aud giving them bat
1 4. The Hwedifti flees after cruising in
the Baltic 14 days, aud having met iih very
teiopeftuous weedier, without getting hph «f
(he Human fleet, returned toCeiikivMi lb#
| i*«J uit.