Newspaper Page Text
VIENNA, Novtmkr 23.
PAUL jotief, a Vice- Admiral in the
fian fervicc, arrived here on the 14 th *
and on the 15th was prefiented to the Mint
pry by Prime Gallitxin, the Ruffian Ambaf
fado;. It is said that this officer will not re
turn to Pcicifourg, but enter into the Austri
an service, though, as we have no navy, it
is not piobable that they will want an omcer
of that rank.
Dec.\'j. The Emperor has been within theXe
two or three days much affiifted with his
cough, and the flame has been mucli inter
mixed with blood. This relapse is attributed
to the chagrin his Majcfly feels at the troubles
in the Low Countries, and the .fermentation
which reigdt in the DUchy of Stiria and Bo
hemia. The States of Stiria, after many in
effectual representations relative to the new
regulation which our C«»ort Withes to intro
duce there against the privileges of the Duchy,
have refilled ftom paying the taxes. The
Bohemians have anlwered, that, knowing
nothing of the new regulation, they could not
admit of it, and that they had paid all they
owed to their Sovercigu. A Commifiary
having been sent into a diftrift to explain it
to them, they would not hear him, but told
him that they had done their duty to their
Sovereign according to the true fenle of the
Gospel. The levy of taxes, which takes
place next spring, will certainly occasion
troubles, as the Bohemians are preparing for
BRUSSELS, Javttcry 1.
Yellerday, in conference of the States
refunding their fotmer powets, there was a
sermon preached by the Cardinal Archbishop
o's Antwerp, at the Grand ChOrch of St. Gu
dnlc. The Patriotic troops and citizens were
under arms all day and teftified their joy by
ringing of bells, &c. At night the whole
town was illuminated bonfires were blazing
m every flreet, and ca.h peifort poffefled
of a great gun or piflol continued firing
till 12 o’alock, when ther left off rejoicingto
thank the Great Disposer of all things for the
happy introduction of the new year.
Prince Louis de Ligne has never (hewn bis
face fincc his retreat from Ghent ; the Patri
ots, however, have not forgot him, but con
tinue as vociferous as ever in their denuncia
tion of vengeance against him.
Unanimity does not prevail at this place, as
might be expeded from a people bent on one
The Clergy and Nobles wifli to eftablifti an
Aristocracy, or, in other words, to lhare the
supreme power among them, and as this was
neatly the case before the present commotions,
they seem to intimate that they would rather
have the Emperor again.
The Emperor, however, has only the castle
of Antwerp: Luxemberg, v%e have no dout,
is by this timfe in the hands of the Patriots.
The Duke D’Ourpe, whowfcs sent to Mol
davia a few years ago by the Emperor, with
a small detachment, has formally renounced
his allegiance to the Emperor. The fame
thing has been done by the Cardinal Archbi
shop of Mechlin, the Duke D’Aremberg, and
Prince Degava. They returned all their or
ders, titles, patents, Sec. and desired to be
confidercU as 110 longer fervams of the Em
PARIS, December 2.
A letter from the Permanent Committee of
Senlis, givirg an account of a ihocking out
rage of villainy or phrehzy committed there :
On the 13th ult. the National Guard being
assembled to assist at the beuedidion of their
colours, two (hot were fired irora a window,
by which M. de Blanc, the son of the Deputy
to the National Affcmbiy, and the Command
ant of the Corps dc l’Arquebufe, were wound
ed. The doors of the house being but ft open,
it appeared to be on fire, and almost instanta
neously blew up. Sixty permits who had rudi
ed iuto it, iu search of the aflaftio, pe
rished in the explosion, and many wete
wounded iu the streets.
Jan. s. On Toefday evening the Affem
hly decided against accepting the donation of
poo,ooo livrea offered by tlie citi/eu* of Ge
3. On the jift ult, a memorable dry, as
the important fabric k •»( the new muncipalio
nes was completed, the Deputation of iUty
waited on the King, aud, aUimugU ii,« Ma-
jcfty only was mentioned > n refolm.on
ilick paid the fame tribute of refpcct to the
M. Defmeoniers, their Present, aodref
fed his Majesty iu tfcs following words :
“ b l K E,
«• The National Affemhly come to par
your Majesty that tribute of love and refpett
which they will be eager to pay at a \* t ‘ raeß :
The refiorer of public liberty, the King who,
in arduous circumflances, listened to no im
pure hut hi i love for- t-he faithful ifation of
which he it the- Chief, Serves all out ho, and we tender them with a warmth
of devoted affetfion. , .
“ The paternal solicitudes of y’onr Ma
- jefly are drawing fill towards an end; the
Representatives of the Nation presume to give
you that assurance. This confidefration is an
incitement to the real which animates their
labouts, and a l’olace to the heavy toils at
tending »heir long career. They anticipate
the happy day, already dawning, when ar
rayed in whole body before a Prince, a triend
to the people, they (hall lay before him a
code of laws calcuhted both for his own and
the whole kingdom’s hap^iuefs: That day,
when in their refpe&ive fonftnefs, they fliall
supplicate a beloved King to forget the dis
orders ot a temped nous era; to fix his re
colledion only on those prafperities and bles
sings which he has Javifhed on the fined king
dom of Europe ; thaf day, when your Majesty
taught by experience, dial) acknowledge that,
on the throne, as well as in the mod oblcurc
of situations, the emotions of a generous
heart are the smiles of true pleasure.
“ Then French loyalty dull be known in
all its extent; then it will dand in proof and
evidence, that Frenchmen execrate licentious
ness, aud know how to repress its excelles ;
tliat, at the very moment when their energy
created alarms, they had no vicgjßut the sup
port of legal authority; that, ft liherty is
become for them a necellary blefiing, they de
lerve it, by their refpeel for the laws, and the *
virtuous Monarch whole department is to
maintain then).”
u Gentlemen,
“ I am feelingly pleaftd with those new
pYoofs of affection you present mein the name
of the National AiTetnbly ; I have no widies
but the happiness of my fubjefis, and hope,
with you, that the year we are just to begin,
will be for old France an epoch of happincts
and prosperity.”
The Deputies being afterwards introduced
to the Queen, addressed her Majctty as
lows :
“ MA D A M,
“ That tribute of refpeft which the Re
presentatives of the Nation come to pay to
your Majesty is no longer an idle ceremony ;
you have a lhare in the glory and in the soli
cit tides o’s a King, whose virtues are idolized
in both hemilpheres. You are bellowing m
ceflant cares on the happmels of a Prince de
serving forever the love of F.enchmen. E
very citizen knows those tender attentions
\*kh which you diretl the education of the
amiable infants, (the Dauphin and Madam
Royal were on bosh hands of the Queen)
objects of our dearest concerns. It is in the
name ot Frenchmen always farhftil, always
loving, that we present you the homage of
our relpettful and devoted affection.”
“ Mrjjieurs ,
** I receive with much feeling the good
wilhzs of the Deputation: I desire you to
tranfrait that assurance to all the Members of
the National Allemblv.”
LONDON, Decemler 19;
One thouland (oldiers have enliAed at Bruges
for thiee years, and have lworn fealty to the
High and Mighty States of Braban*, as they
ftyie therafelves.
We have just received an account from
Lemberg of a tranfattiou which will probao
ly produce a war between the Emperor and
the Republic of Poland, and confequemly be
tween the King of Pruffu, Holland and Great-
The tranfaftion was this. On the 24th of
last month, a body of Poliih fultliera entered
the Aulirian province! from Poland, aud hav
ing Ceiled the Receiver of tbeCurtomi, a»»d 1
the Inlpttfor of Goods, they put the furmcr I
10 death, and cut off the eats vs the Utter,
After these horrid deeds, they took polTef
fion of the houfs of the Receiver, where they
found the sum of jß,coo florins, the property
of the Emperor, which they thought neces
sary to carry off.
Such flagrant ads cannot be overlooked by
- the Emperor, who will no doubt require U
titfadion, not only for a violation of hrs ter
ritory, but aifo for the blood of his oflicers
so inhumanly ipi It.
The urnnber of dead, at the siege of Ghent,
was lo conliderable, that’, after the surren
dering of the place, 150 of the Imperial
t, oops were found in one of the barrack wells ;
they were thrown into it by their
as they fell under the Patriots arms; 900 of
the ganifon, who could not escape, were
taken prilotve.'S. After that expedition, the
Patriot army divided into three lines; one
weut towards Brufl'els, the other towards
Bruges,‘.and the third marched into the duchy
of Luxembourg, to oppole jrhe troops the
Emperor lent nto the Netherlands. No less
than io,ooo Frenchmen have joined th&ftand
ard of liberty. The loldiers are well paid;
the artillerymen have half a crown a bay,
and a firmpie fofilier a fbiiling. The army of
the Patriots is reckoned now at ico,ooc.
Piuffia and Holland will certainly come to the
ailittance of the Belgic Provinces. A price
has been le|gp Dalton’s head, and on some
of tiic The States Gericral re
fufe to deliver Vandernoot, or any other Pa
triot Chiefs, who have fled from Brabant in
to the territory of their High Migbtineffes.
The Ruffian* are in full pofieffiod' of the
• whole country of Wallachia. . The conquelts
of the Empreis in this part of the world have
been aftomlhiugly rapid; and we find the
Tuiks routed in every aft ion. If some Eu
ropean force does not give a check to the com
bined armies of the two Imperial Courts, the
balance of power will be loti in the aggian
dizement of these two Sovereigns.
The Emptefs of Rufiia railed Gen. Suwa
row to the tank of Count, made him a Knight
of all her military orders, and pteiented him
with a tword, valued at 50,000 roubles.
Col. Gardiner is appointed Charge des Af
faires at the Court of Versailles, and itisfaid
‘ to be the intention of Adrainiftration not 10
appoint an Ambaffaflor Extraordinary till
tranquillity is reftbied to that kingdom.
Ext rad of a letter from Rome , Nov. ai.
" Ycfteiday morniwg a courier arrived from
Bologna, with news of the death of the
Duches of Albany, natural daughter of the late
Pietender, who fentforher from France some
time before Ins death, and had her legitimat
ed. Her complaint was an-abfeefs in the fide,
and is attributed to a fall from her horse some
time before the left France. She was the last
delcendant (if a natural child can be so cal
led) of the Stuarts, except the Cardinal of
Yoik, who, since his brother’s death, has
adorned the title of Henry IX.”
The Proclamation of the Emperor, with
the amnesty, & c . meets every where with the
molt maiked contempt from the people.
I hey are defaced, ridiculed, paradoied, and
27. The principal impediment againfl the
importation of American wheat is, that here
it lauft pay a duty of 6d. per quarter, whilst
in France it bears a bounty of
if/. Letteis from Holland mention, that
large bodies of Dutch troops are marching to
r Breda, Boiileduc, and Bergenipzo >m. This '
is supposed to be with* a delignTo favor the
revolution in Brabant.
3HE The French Minifler, it is said,
has made a propofi ion to the Dutch to fell
them the debt due from the American
Congress for their service last war, which it is
fa id has been accepted of; the Americans
have given their consent to the transfer, by
which means a very eonfiderable sum of mo- *
ney will be railed at once for the fcrvice of
the French King. Our Court had the firft
offer of purchaliug the debt, but refufed it.
fan. 5. All rhe foreign gazettes received
by yesterday’s mails, fpcak llrongly of an
extension of the war on the continent in thn
filing. They hint pretty plainly that the
Polea, at the infligation of the King of
Pruflia, are to join the dance, in which he
Imnfelf is to cot a principal figure.
6. Ihe propofol of the King of Pruflia to
the Republic of Poland is truly curious, and
letjuirca the leiious eonlideration of Eng»
Iniimeu. He prupofia that the Republic Hull '