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SATURDAY, May it, 179 M
f ' * ' •
FREEDOM of the PRESS, and TRIAL by JURY, (hall remain inviolate. Conjiitutio* •/ Ctargi*.
AUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH, Printer to tni State-, E/ays, A,ticlei
Intelligence , Advertisements, lie. will be gratefully received, and every kind of Printing performed.
LONDON, January *B.
THE Be'gic States have at length agreed
to a folcmn treaty of union, on the
model of those of America, and declined
what was at fit ft pfopofed, to vest the fove
teign power, with certain leftriftions, in the
#f an individual.
Jollow'ng are the Articles of the Treat*.
Article I. All the Provinces agtee to unite
tud confederate, under the denomination and
Art. 11. They agree to form and con
centre among themieives a sovereign power,
limited to their mutual defence; raising and
paying a national army \ making and repair
ing fortifications j forming and concluding al
liances pffenfive and detenfive with foreign
powers 5 fending and teceiving ambafradors,
Jrcfidents, agents, Sec. the whole of whu-h,
Without diftiafiion, fluli be done \>y, and
Under the foie authority of the power thus
United, without any iefetence to their refyet
give provinces; each of which, however,
tvill have its due influence, through rhe me
dium of it* Reprefcntativea, in the delib« ra
tions that shall rake place, relative to the dif
ferent ofajerts included in tin 4, tr««y.
Art. Ill* For the exe? eif'e of this sovereign
power, there shall be a Congress of Deputies
from each Province, uuder the name of the
•• Sovereign Congress of the United Belgick
Art. IV. The Provinces (hall always pro
fefa the Roman Catholick and Apoftilick re
ligion, and inviolably maintain the unity of
the Church; and the Congress shall, there
fore, be bound to follovt and maintain con
nexion with the Holy See.
Art. V. The Congress alone shall have the
power of coining money, in the came of the
linited Belgic States, and to fix its standard
and value. • t
Art. VI. The Provinces of the Union
shall make provision for the expences attend
ing the excrcife of sovereign power, in the
fame proportion as under their last Sovereign.
„ Art. VII. Eeach Province shall preitive
all its rights of foveregnty, its laws, liberty
aud independence, in all cases except those in
which they have mutually agreed to cede them
to the Sovereign Congress. ..
Art VIII. fn case any difference shall
grife refpeding the general contribution to
ward* the xpences of the state, or any other
©bjeti whatever, either between the Congress
and one of the Provinces, or between one
Province and another, the Congress shall en
deavour to fettle them amicably; but should
tKs endeavours of Congrels fail, then each ,
province (hall, at the requisition of either par
ty, nominate a person to fettle the matter in
dispute; and both parties shall be bound to
abide by the decision or award that shall be
made by the persons thus nominated.
Art. IX. The Uni ed Su e* pledge and
bind themselves mutually to aflift each other,
and to make a common cause, as of.en as auy
one of them fhsll be attacked.
Art. X. Out Province fhallnot be at li
berty to cent rad any alliante or engagement
with another Province, without the cenfem
•1 Coogrtfs. The Province* of Ftsuders,
however, shall be it liberty to retinue wnn
Weft Flanders, on condition that each hsve
Repreftntiiives in Congress, with a right to
tote freely, end without control,
Art, Xl* The Voten shall b»
w 4 inetutahifl#
Art. XT. Civil and military (hall never
be ttufled to one and the fame person. No
Member us Congress shall be employed in
the military fervite, nor shall any officer in
the army be capable of being elected a Mem
bet of Cougtefi.
Ail parlous in the service of, or receiving
a under any name whatever, from
auy foreign power, shall be incapable of fit
ting in Congress; as shall likewise all persons
who, after the ratification of this T.caty of
Union, (hall accept of ahv title of honor, oi
any military or other order of knighthood,
fiom any foieignjiovver.
The Members who signed those articles
were those from Brabant, Guelder*
i land, Flanders, Weft Flandeis, Hainaulr,
Namur, lomnay, Toufnaifis and Mechlin.
The States of the Province of Limbourg,
having met the 31st of December latl, feut to
the General Affcmbiy thiee of their Members,
the Abbot of PkOihuc, the Baron de Negri, aud
M de Lalfa-ili de Saiute Mine.
Bui thefethtee Members did not sign the
Antcies of Union, as their principals had uot
authurried them so to do, although the States
o! Brabant, who had a'way«, been on a foot
ing ot (tieoiithip and alliame with th -fie of
Limbourg, had sent to the latter the resolu
tion Ly which « was declared, 4 that the
Lmpetor had forfeited his fuverei^nty.*
With a view, therefore, to determine the
States of Limbourg to accede to rhe Union,
it was resolved that a body of the patno rck
troops fliould match into that proviuce, and
tane poUeffion or it.
It was hoped thet these troops would pass
the Meute at Ltege; and on that account a
letter was written by the head* of the Patri
ots to de who received it
va the 9th inst. at mghr.
But the Pruftian General, de Schlieffen, |
without whose confect the if
fecras, would cot, of could not, comply with
the wiflics of the Patriots, refufed to comply
with them, btcaufe he prefueaed a fun ilar re
quisition would belmade by the Court of Vien
na; and if he was to comply with one, be
could not, with confiflency, refufe 10 grant a
fijmlar requeft* if it fnould he made by the
Emperor.' .
Another circuraftance occurred, which pre
vented the lei riots from taking poileffion of
the Province of Limbourg j, it was the defeat
of a body of 800 Biabants on the 13th lust.
near Rochofort, where rhey left 300 dead on
the field.
It is now determined, that as th* Patriotic
force Cannot pal* the Meuse at LiC f ;e, they
“ A regular free periodical paper (a thing \
which all kings and ftatefincn dieadj is tui
known to Spain but pamphlets are bong'.’,
up with an aridity proportioned to the dan
ger with which they aie printed. One in
particular has made much noise, ard h«»i
g ven, tt is thought, a feriou* wound *.u go
vernment in its most critical part. 1: 1* a
catalogue of all the cruelties, horror*, and
outrages agaioft humanity, prattled uuder
the oame of relijrion. E w *ry pig* i& ftamei)
with lome fangulftary tsle ; *»d *l‘ e au -' , °' f
this attack on the holy oftice, has related »
whole with a tinspliehf and pitHoa the nwft
affecting. A person, fufpertld »»»h*
has been thrown in K o| *t »«»d l « wi.l i">
doubt, uld <«tMltfttffUJmw wlnnn
fVoi. IV. No. CLXXXI2.’;
hit pamphlet deplores s hut, in tht mea*
time, the pamphlet it (old, and hat «vt«*
found itt wajr into all the provincet.”
Advice it received from St. MatVa, Hi
fpauiola, that, on the id of thit month, a
number ee people of colour, to the amount
of 700 and upward!, having poflefled them-,
fcives of lcvcral field pieces, formed a camp
iu th.v diitntf, and exhibited an appearance
of humility h-ghly alarming. A deputation
of fivf gen lemeu being lent from the A (Tern*
biy to demand the teafon of so extraordinary
a proceeding, ihe inlurgema demanded that
a lemonftrance, which they then deliveied ta
the Deputies, lb *uld be pretexted i mured i*
ateiy to the General, anti that an anftoer there*
to ihould be given without delay, the papetf
being conveyed, as they tlefited, proved t#,
be a feirfibie and well written drail of ths
various claims the ftee people had on what
they termed the jujiict ot the w bitef, with
whom they demanded an equal
0/ all and immunati wbu /‘never, tho
privilege of rcpiefemauon, and oi qualifying
f r all the learned profefiious, aud concluding
with the avowal of a determination to pro
ceed to extremities should their demands bp
treated with neglect. On perusal of thia
pa; er, it was judged advileablefo aflcmble *
boily of the militia, who, headed by the Ge
neral, immediately went against the camp f
on their artival tUe infurgenta fired, aud fl« 4
to the mountains ; thiee or four of tha white*
were killed, aud one of the ringlcadeis of
the inturgente was taken aud iuftauUy be#
A proclamation tyaa then iflued, otferjnjj
a re waul of 5 0 half joes for the head of ar?
ptnicipil offender, and in iht courle of a fe*
, day* no. lei’s than %y were brought i«. Ua
Sunday the 7111 intt. a very great majority of
thole woo had formed the camp, finding all
the<r attempts completely frustrated, came 111
and took the o.lth of allegiance to the nation.
One >r two of the principals, for whom ihgfe
rewards oic offered, ai« not yet taken.
PROVIDENCE, (JR.. I ) Hiareß 4.
What meatures the great Council ol th®
Union may take with us, bcfldes leaving ua
to the operation of h r arts of trade, aird to
our owu dedruflion, it would be prafumptim*
in u» to fuggeft —But, if any degree of re could be tuppofed to enter into their
deliberations, might we not expetf the molt
rigorous tieatmeut would be the confeqi.eim#
cf unexampled moderation, ignoini„iouJiy
• abuled i After the fiift day of Ap r, l»
tonnage att w.ll be enforced agaiufl us ; th«
operation of which mull be inevitably a Mend
ed /iitb m iery aud difliefs —Congreil has
certainly a right to cornel ua to pay 9’i/
quota of rite oebt cunttacted by the war i *>ius
though they HiouJd agree to conftriar ua f.»«
leign and wdependeui, yet upon the princi
ple* of an incoiporate union, they mud flill
view us a p irt us the Uuited States, subject
to the general g v-crnme'it, and liable to pay
out piopottiou of the expeucc aciued and
accruing thereby. And is it Just that tha
othat Uu'Sk ih'uiM fuliain the wholccxpama
ol afial luhM>g and adiniuilterin* the Maral
governinstti, leconng the waitm laniwty*
4c. &<.«•- '•-and thoc this date, with
out rwouhiuti.ijf* towaid* ii» •*H*A
a t f 10