The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, May 29, 1790, Image 1

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SATURDAY, May t 9, 1750.] THE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE a n £> GAZETfE of The' STATE. **-V« * * . , . --.-« t * J - > _ * .... -v • ■ •■" H, Tv .-t ? FREEDOM of the PREB S, and TRIAL by J U,R Y, fl»*U ren*a»n iatriolatt. _ Ctnfiuatitn Ctorgi*. - - ■ ■ ■- ■■■—■■ .1. <m ■—' 1 ■■ 1 . ' AUGUSTA: Printed by JO H N E. SMI TH, Printer to tbi State v F.Jfays, At tides Intelligence, Advertisements, 13 1. will be gratefully received, and every kind ts Printing perfumed. • . 1 - * * > - . * ' tv * ; PROCEEDINGS of CONGRESS. Ia the HOUSE of .REPRESENTATIVES of the UNITED STATES. Tuefday, March *3. .7. -*C. -v 7* H E committee to whom was referred the petition of Richard Wells and John Hart, brought in the following reports! Rcjol<ved, That the pofleflurs of the conti nental bills of credit, emitted by the autho rity of Congress, before the -18th day of March, 1780, on bringing the Tame into the Tieafury of the United States, fltall receive certificates for the fame, at'the rate of one dollar fpccie value for one hundred dollars of the said bills; and the fame (hall be fund ed on interest in the tame manner as the o the« debts of the United States, ' The inter efi to commence on the day the said bills thall be lodged in said Treasury; and all fucb bills in the Treasury of any start exceeding its -' quota required by the aft of Congrefirof the yth Oftober, 1779, and the'ltfth da 7 of March, 1780, on being brought mint’d the Treasury of the United States, (ball be cre dited to the account of fuchltate at the rate aforefaid, on interest of fix per centum per annum, from the time it was received into the Treasury of tbs rtfpeftive fates. Laid on the table. It was then msved, that tbc Honfe should take up the report of th. committee of the whole on the memorial of the people called Quakers.' This motion was opposed b7 Mr. jachfon, Mr. Smith, Mr. Burke, and Mr. Bland s They feveraily observed that the dif qufiion of the fobjeft has already excited a spirit of diften.uon among the Members of the House; and that every piinciple of poli cy and concern forth* dignity of the House, and the peace and tranquillity of the United States, concur (hew the propriety of drop ping the fubjeft, and letting it sleep where it it. On the other 4iind, Mr. Vining, Mr. Hartley, and Mr. Fage; obfervfd, sat there was the fame propriety -jn taking Vp the fub jeft at the present moment, fend bridging, it., 10 a conclusion, as there was for fir# taking it up; that it has been To fully difeufted, it cannot be supposed gentlemen vrill go over ' the fame ground again ; it may soon be de termined » to jjafs will be unprece dented, and wifi leave the public mind in a state of uncertainty, - from which they can eievcr come to t determination. ; The motion for taking up the reportwas v/amty contefled in a lengthy debate* and finally pafied in the affirmative by a inanity of on*. ? This was followed by q metiotr for entering the report of the feleft commrhee, and the report pf the committee of the whole, on the journals; of .the House. This motion called up the fpeakirs from all /ides of the House, and was at left determined by ayes and noe» as follow: * - % Jyts— Meffn. Bocdi«ot,Csdwallador, Con fee, Floyd, Fofler, Gerry* Gilmaa, Good hue, Griffin, Hartley, Ha&orn, Jfeifler, Huntington, Lawrence, Let, ‘Lionertti Me difon, f. Muhlenburg, Farker, partridge, bebureman, Seat, Sedgwick, Sherman, Syl vester, Sinuickfen, Vining, Wyehoop.-—*9. 1 Any/—MeflVe. Amts, Baldwin, Benson, Blind, Burke, Carrol, Coles, Gele, Grout, iaekfon, Livermore, JMetthewi,, Moore, age, Tib Rißltelletr# »«iih, M. Imith, 6, GEORGIA: C. S one, Sturges, Sumter, Thatcher, Trum bull, Tucker, White, Williimfon.— *5, *1 ] — r*V ai - !■ v. ‘ '-'H'tdntfday, March 04. John Baptist Adi, Esq. from Nortb-Caro lina, appeared in the House, produced his credentials, and took his teat. - ' The H mfe proceeded to the confidtration of the amendments proposed by the Senate to the Appropriation Bill, whereupon it was re folded, that the House concur with the Senate in the said amendment. The House then proceeded to the confede ration of the amendments proposed by the Senate to the Bill for the remission and miti gation of fines, forfeitures and penalties, in certa'n eases. After some debate upon the fubjeft, the KOufe came to a.ftCulution,'ap pointing a committee to confer with a com mittee from the Senate, upon the amend ments' proposed. *?,-J $ 4 ' 1 Then the House - refolved' itfelf into a : . committee of the whole, upon the icport of the Secretary of the Treasury, relative to a provision forthefupport of public credit; and after some time spent thereon, rose, reported progress, and are to fit again. Then the House adjourned until eleven o’clock to-morrow morning. f ’ Yhurjday, March ij. Mr. Lee, Mr. C'adwallader, and Mr. Se ncy, were appointed a committee to prepare and bring in a bill to fufptnd part of the aft for regulating tbc collision of the duties im posed on the tonnage of veffcls, and on goods, kc. imported into tbe United States. The House spent great part of this day on fecrct bufmefi. Friday, March if. The House went into a committee of the whole on the bill to prevent the exportation of. the produce of the United States, without befog infpefted agreeable to the laws of the fe'vcral Rates. • The hill, was ordered to be read the third time-on Monday next. The bill accepting the cession of North- Carolina was agreed to with one amendment, and ordered to be engrossed and read a third time on Monday next. The House then adjourned to Monday. Monday, March *9. v . The House proceeded to the coafidsratioh of the report of the Secretary of tbc Trea sury. The three firft propoHtion*; that had bevn before the committee of the whole, were agreed to without opposition. * . . The fourth oue being rnd, refpeftin* the aflumpsiou of the ftaie/dcLti, Mr. Carco! made a motion that it be re-committed. Th.s brought on a long and desultory conversation. At length it was agreed to. Yeas ay Noes *7. ' : The House then adjeuraed. ; j LONDON, February !. *n#**HE Grand Sultan lately had sit arrow y .fbot at him, walking on the bank! of one of hie canale—-tt rnnte in • d;*. retlion that made It /tippofed t» was timed from iheTowgrof f moffpK. . ? f h*- fifif*. ri hive i, • £ K begun te make experiment, at their tail quar ter feflioua, upon the effect* of solitude as a pnnifhment for disorderly behaviour a id fault thefts. They feutenced fevefalculprite, fume to three months, Come to fix months, to one saod two years confinement, during which the prisoners are excluded from all cenverfe with that community among whom they hare (hewn tliemfelves urifit to live. The peifon who carries their food is not to speak to them. As Golouel Fullerton was walking about in the flreete of fieta, that quarter of Conftan tmopfc, or rather a neighbouring town, where Chi inians and other strangers chiefly reside, he fa# a boy driving* few sheep, with home painted: witq gold. Ori enquiry, he found that they were some of the Iheep that had re mained after the great annual charitable feaft of the Hiram, for which they had been de fined. He purchased them at a eery deaf rate. A good ram cost fhrs guinea*. It hae been tuAomary from the tarlieft time*, for the Tartarian and Indian tiibee to gild tho horni of both their flieep and cattle on cer tain folemnicics. It is foiuewhat of thia per hapa, that is at the bottom of the antient do ries concerning the golden fleece, that excit ed the enterprize of the Argonauts. A recollet of C'halon, in France, a Itw weeks fiuce found means to make himfeif matter of a very considerable portion of tha treasure of the convent of that town, with which he ia said to have taken a flapping for some part of America, under the eharaftec of a milionary for propagating thk chiiftian religion. So warm a party spirit ia excited at Man ehefter, by the application of the diflentere for a repeal of the tefl ad, that upwards of three hundred gentlemen have formed them felvcs into a club, fer the fupporr of the church: They wear in uniform of blue, with frar Ist collars; the collegiate church on the button, with the xnetto, ‘‘ Pn ANs it Ftu? According to tf»e accounts from Courland, there has been r'commotion ia that dueby. Abotit 800 peafante wafted on the Duke, and del red him toSpen the corn magazines, and to depofcthe bailiff of Grimhoff. The Duke granted both, and thereby reffored tranqui lly. ;"K ' ■ ' f ' TUt Ruffians have entered the Ukraine, and taken up their winter quarters there. By accounts from Smyrna we learn, that the Pomona, a f.renth frigate, cemmauded by the Marquis de St. Felix, arrived there with a piratical totfair in tow under Ruffian co* 1 lours,-who, ifter having taken .twer French vefTe ls, laden with Turks, and Turkish com modities, J wis berfelf made a prize of in ihc port of Vifuto, on the coast of the Mores* This conduct of the French has k^ #{l R rfat fatisfadion to th* Turks fettled,at Coran and Candia, a* well a? here, as it wal before ra »her fufpefted that they were carrying on some fecict meafure* in favor of the Rufli ’ns. Cherbourg, f» noted for it* stupendous, but unfoccefkful eff ut* at formings harbour, ia an instance of the mod rapid increase of population, in memory o' min, excepting Petcrfbufg. In the year 178$, there were not sbove 33-10 pe"ple in it; bnt since the Mmifir y began to improve the bafoo and har bour, thee hae been fich an influx ol inha biienu, e d fych • number of hoofs* built, that it t* pew thought to contain pelfoas# [Vol. IV. No. CXC.J