Newspaper Page Text
SATURDAY, Ocieber 9, 1790.]
• •
FREEDOM of the PRESS, and TRIAL bjr JURY, flull remain inviolate. Confitution of Georgia*
AUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH, Printer to the State; EJfays % Articles of
Intelligence, Advertisements, &c. will be gratefully received , and every kind of Printing performed .
_. • V
Cvjicm-Houfe, Savannah, Sept. 7, 1790.
Contract for /upplying the Troops
0) the L niicd States -u ith Rations.
T TOTICE is hereby given, that proposals
will be received by the fubfctiber, to
the firft day of December next inclusive, for
the supply of all rations which may be le
quired for the oleos the United States, from
the fit ft dar of January to the thirty-fit ft day
of December, 179!, both days inciuiive, at
the iollowiug places, viz.
On the river St. Mary, near Cumberland
On the river Alatamaha, at Beard’s Bluff.
On the river Oconee, at Peock Lauding.
The rations to be Supplied arc to coulift of
(he following articles, viz.
One pound of bread or flour;
One pound of beef, or 3-4 of a pound of
pork ;
One gill cf common rum ;
Two quarts cf vinegar, }
One quart of fait, ,un^ ra *
Two pounds of soap, r* tions.
One pound of candies, j
Should rations be required at any place or
places other than those above mentioned, the
price of the fame to he hereafter agreed on
betwixt the Public and the Contractor.
The proposals must fpecifv the lowed price
pet ration. The terms of payment will be
Xuade agreeable 10 the Contractor.
of the Cu floats for Savannah.
N. B. Major Forfyth, of m’gufta, will re
ceive and forward any piopofals that may be
sent to him in due time.
A LI. persons indebted to the eft-te of
Philip Jones, Lte of Burke county, de
feated, arc requeued to make immediate pay
ment ; and those to whom the enate may be
jiiftiy indebted, are humbly desired to bring in
then' accounts or remands properly attested,
and receive payment.
ELIZ JONES, ] Gjaraians .
Sept. 21, 1790.
At the late dwelling house of Philip Jones, of
Buike county, deceased, on Monday the
25th dav of October next ensuing,
Will be Sold,
To the highest bidder, for ready money, all the
PerJonal j property
(Not other wife disposed of by the said Philip
Jones In his )aft will) negroes and cattle only
ertcepte i—confiding of Horses, Sheep, Hogs,
a Waggon and Gears, a nice Rifle Gun, sun
dry Houfehoid Furniture, &c. &c. See. by
philip jones. >
Sfpt. a, T 790.
N. P. Property not to be altered nor tle
livcicd, till the money be paid*
blank Bonds, end
11, nk Deeds of Conveyance
lur tale at the Office.
j Mr. Smith, »
r'OME time part I saw in your paper a No-
tification, ligued by the Coileftor of Tax ;
die county ot Greene, letting forth, that
he would proceed to the iaie of acettaiu traft
of land, in said county, t r the non-payment
of taxes, which trad of land was adverufed
as the property of William Ramsey, lying on
the waters of Richland creek, containing
287 i-a acres, adjoining lands of Thomas
Daniell. The laid Collector is hereby forbid
to fell said land, and all other* from purchal
ing, as I am the true owner, and have regu
lar ly paid the taxes for it, which I can make
appear by receipts from the Collector of Tax
for the couuty of Richmond.
Sept. 2}, rypO.
LOST or mid-aid so that at present it can
not be found, a FUNDED CERTIFI
CATE, payable to the lubferiber, for forty
nine pounds, exclulive of interest, funded
about May 1785, and signed by his HonorS.
Elbert, Elq Governor, number forgot. Ail
petfons whomever are herebv cautioned from
receiving or takmg the fame in payment, as
I have not by any means whatsoever disposed
of the fame. Any perfou returning the said
certiscA&e tc the owner, shall be reasonably
Sept. 20, 1790*
N. U. I publish the above in order to efta
lifh my claim.
inlkt! County, Little Rivet*.
THIS Advertifcment is to t*il
Near Harden’s creek that I do dwell ;
One of my neighbours did falfely tell
That I of him had dole a bell,
He came and did a beil demand,
I would uot give it at command :
| I thought it was bad policy
To give away my property ;
His witness was one Samuel Pope
A fellow that deserves a rope:
M Vey’i J Aitho’ they fay he is not to blame
corn and £ Hart Champion had done for him
fodder. J the fame ;
They then with hade away did spatter,
To appeal before Esquire Harper,
And there they did join hand in hand,
Nor did* they miud the ninth command ;
Piefen’d to swear allured ly,
My bell was Cham pa in’s property ;
Three Popes they allfwore wonderous proper
To lumps of brass tho* it was copper ;
But yet they inifr’d their main delrgn,
I fully prov’d that it was mine ;
No doubt but they may hear this bell,
A ringing loud when they are in hell:
Yet let me not be raih in sentence,
I might excep.ed true repentance,
That is a thing of ule may be,
To such as pratfife perjury.
Jufeph Met an mud have a (hare,
Who did to all advantage swear ;
Now I do challenge the world at Urge,
Who lay fucb things unto my char ge,
Or let them m w their fuil extend,
And X am ready to defend t
And if they w*ll m tatfely swear, (
Hpeak all the truth, end 47 not Ipjre,
1 am neither ftopt by U*r nor rtmti*,
To i-y aNUKLVV WILvON t* «*y mum
Clerk's C'jjice, Burke county , 0 Sober 10, 1789^
THIS is to certify that Mrs*
Mary W. 11s has in
this Office, a cr'py of Ltters of ad
min iftrai ion to her ot the cltate of
Abfolom Wells, in order to have
the fame ellahliffied agreeably to
liW, in lieu of the original, which
Ihe Lit duiing the lad war.
Burke County, l ebruary Term, 179®*
George Hunt, 1
vs. > Attachment.
Robert Stark, fen J
On Motion Os Mr. Gibbons, Attorney for
the Plaintiff,
THAT the defendant do appear and
plead within a year and a day, othci
wile judgment by default.
R.xtr it Jrrtn the Minute,
GEORGIA, 7 Li the Superior Court , Fe«
Richmond county, j bruary Term, I/yo»
William Mead 1
vs. > Attachment.
Michael Montgomery, j
Ordered, That the defendant do appear and
plead, within a year and a day, othcrwrfo
judgment by default.
ExiraS from the Minute,
THE fluctuating value of rhe paper mo
ney being now at au cud, by its ceafmg
to be a lawful render, it is my earned wilh
to close the accounts of the late johu Wal
ton, Elquire, deceased, as soon as poflible.
All per lons having any demands, therefore,
e;ainff hat ©date, or unfe.tled rranfaftions,
with the executors, or on my own account
arc deiired to make them known, that they
may be liquidated ; and all peifou* any way*
indebted, are desired to do so likewise. I
lhall be particularly obliged to any person,
for information icfpefting the location* and
surveys of land, made by and iu behalf of
the deceafcd ; a» common jurtice to myfelf
and faindy will not fui7er me to let thufa
rights lie longer dormant.
Rof-ney, A*>pi<fl 1 6, 179 c.
The Suhfcnber to porchife
Audited Claims
Os thi l State o r South Carolina,
For which C*ri> or McrcUr.dife will ><e even
A-wjU, d.-us vj t ty/v.
[Vol. IV. No. CCIX.J