The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, December 11, 1790, Image 1

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SATURDAY, December u, 1790.] THE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE A N D GAZETTE of -tun STATE. FREEDOM of tbe PRESS, and TRIAL bj JURY, lhall remain inviolate. Conjlitutitn Gttrgia. AUGUSTA: Printed by, JO H N E. SMITH, Printer to the State; 1 Jfays y Articles cf Intelligence , l£c. will be gratefully received , and every kind of Printing performed . GEORGIA. By his Excellency EDWARD TELFAIR, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the State aforefaid. A Proclamation. WHEREAS the hostile disposition of fume of the Cri ek Indians is evinc ed by the following information which has been officially transmitted to me, viz. That a boy named James Rorey was murdered on or about the 4th inst. by a party of Indians, at a plantation lately occupied by James Scarlett, deceased, in the county of Greene - that several valuable horses have been carried off, and a rifle-gun forcibly taken by Indians, supposed to belong to the afore faid nation—That a john Bradffiaw and three other persons who weie chosen by and ac companied Daniel W. Eafly, (who had ob tained my pass-port to go into the Creek na tion in quest of horses stolen from his neigh bourhood) after they had arrived in the said nation, and received a pass from Alexander M‘Gillevray, Esq. who was then at the Tuc kabatchies, fuppoiing it an additional protec tion to their persons, as they had been in formed that their lives were in danger—were twice fired upon by a party of Indians, on the second night after leaving the Tuckabat chies aforefaid, on their return. AND WHEREAS the inroads and depre dations committed have aftually taken place since the Indians referred to, rnuft have been informed of the late treaty held at New-Ybrk : in order therefore to prevent as far as may be future violence and outrage, and any indivi dual retaliation that might take place, I have therefore thought fit to issue this ray Procla mation ftriftly enjoining and requiring all of ficers and others in the frontier counties, to give notice to Indians that may from time to time be on the frontiers, not to come armed into the fettled parts of this Rate, until the pleasure of the P'refident of the United States be known, touching the aforefaid ravages. GIVEN under my Hand, and the Great Seal of the said State, at the State- House in Augusta, this twenty third day of November, in the Year of our Lord one thousand, seven hundred and ninety j and in the fifteenth year of the Independence of the United States of America* EDWARD TELFAIR. By bit Excellency's Command , JOHN MILTON, Secretary. god save the state. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, Augusta, Dec. 3, 1 79°- General Orders . THE Commanding Officer in each dirtrift is directed, without delay, to ciufe the Militia tbtieof ro be drafted by lot, iuco three divifion* or claffea, via. No. 1, *» and No j \ and the irft elafa to hold them 'alvei in n*4i»iU to ourcb at 1 moment GEORGIA. warning. The men so drafted, previous to their marching, (hall be formed into Compa nies not exceeding four Scrjeauts, four Cor p rals, two Musicians, and sixty-six Privates, well armed and accoutred, to be commanded by a Captain and two Lieutenants. The Militia of the counties of Camden and Glynn to aid Captain Berber It’s ftatiou at Saint Mary’s; and to cover the frontier from said flation, to the eroding place on BigSatilia : The Militia of the counties of Liberty and Chatham to aid the flation commanded by Captain Smith, at Beard’s Bluff; and cover the frontier from said ftatiou, to the aforefaid crofting place on Big Satilia s—The Militia of the counties of Effingham, Burke, Richmond and Washington, alio to aid the fiation com manded by Captaiu Smith; and cover the frontier from said station, to Captain Savage’s station at the Rock Landing:—The Militia of the counties of Wilkes, Greene and Frank* lin, to aid the flation commanded by Captain Savage, at the Rock Landing; and cover the frontier from said flation to Tugalo river. The Commanding Officer in each diftrid is direded, (until further orders) to cause to march, ou the application of ei'her of the Commanding Officera'at theflatious of Saint Mary, Beard’s Bluff, or the Rock-Landing, thtf said firft class of the Militia, or such pro portion thereof as fliall be required, to be relieved in rotation, and not to contiauc on duty, at any one time, longer than forty days, to be calculated from the time of their arrival at their refpedive ftations* The Geucral Officer ih each diftrid, and the Officer s commanding the Federal Troops at the several flations within this state, to be served with copies of the foregoing arrange ment. By Ordtr of the Commandtr in Chief | J. MERIWETHER, Stun ary. - ‘ * GEORGIA. By his Excellency EDWARD TELFAIR, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the State aferefaid. A Proclamation. WHEREAS the Legilla ture of this State did, on the eighth instant, pals “ An Ad tt preferring the time, manner and places « of holding eleftious for persons to repre <« sent this state in the Congiefs of the Unit « ed States:” AND WHEREAS it is therein enaded, “ That the state b« divided into « three diftrids, as follow: The counties «< of Camden, Glynn, Liberty, Chatham and <* Effingham, Hull compose the lower di- Arid ; the counties of Burke, Richmond « and Washington, ft,all compose the middle « diftrid: and the counties of Wilkes, Frank « lin and Greene, shall compose the upper «< diftrid; And that, on the firft Monday « in January next, all eledore in each diftrid, «• qualified ‘o vote eleet,oa6 10 ‘k* l ****•» „ agreeably to the Conftitu.rou thereof, ft,all 1 n convene sc the usual place of holding elec « lions in the relpedivt counties within this .. ft.,,. ~i b.llo. for0». <i ih, M l*f*« «* 1 WAV k I lltftfc- [Vol. IV. No. CCXVI’I. FORE thought fit to iflue this nry Procla mation, notifying all persons qualified a* aforefaid, to assemble at the usual places of holding the annual eledions, on the said firft Monday in January next, ahd to vote for one person, who shall have had three years (land ing relidence, immediately preceding his eledion, and (hall have paid taxes for said term, and who shall net hold any office, »r place us profit, under this or the United States, or either of them, (Repreientative* now in Congress excepted : Aud I do hereby require any three or more Juflicea, within rhe diffe rent counties of this state, to open a poll, at nine o’clock in the ntorning of the said firft Monday in January next, at the several places for holding atmual eledions, and to continue “ such poll open until sunset of the fame day, taking especial care that the mines of voters be taken down—that after doling the poll, the ballots shall be publicly called over and counted ; and that the names of the persons as candidates, the number of votes for each candidate, and the numbers of eledors vot ing, fliall be certified, sealed up, and trans mitted to me, by exprtfs, within twenty' days thereafter. And the Sheriffs of the se veral 'counties are hereby direded and re quired to attend the eledions aforefaid, fee the purpose of preterving good order. GIVEN under my Hind, and the Great Seal of the said State, at the State- House in Augufla, this Eighth day of December, in the year ot our LORD one thousand fever, hundred and nine ty ; aud in the fifteenth year of the. Independence of the United States of America. EDWARD TELFAIR. By his ExctlUncy's Command, JOHN MILTON, Stc’ry. GOD SAVE THE STATE. Factorage 13 u fi nds. TH E Subscribers beg leave to inform their friends and the public, that they will in future* attend to the Sale of Tobacco, Lumber, Indigo, Hemp, Flour, Corn, ami every kind of country produce, which may be coufigned to them in Savannah ; aud will faithfully execute any orders direded to them for Goods, Negroes, &c. &c. at the lowcft prices. THEY HAVE FOR SALE, A general assortment of GOODS, fuicabie to the present and approaching seasons. —Like ' wife; a few likely NEGROES. wanted, Deer Skins, Paper Money, »nd every kind of Public Securities, either of this state or - South.Carolina, for which the bert pmes will be given. MONTFORD U LEE- Ssvann. h t Die, I, *7> 0,