The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, December 18, 1790, Image 1

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SATURDAY, December IS, 1790.) THE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE * ■* -■ k AND' GAZETTE of the STATE. FREEDOM of tbe PRESS, and TRIAL by JURY, Hull remain inviolate. Ctnftitution of Georgia. AUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN .E,, S M I T H, Printer to tih State; tjfays % Articles of Intelligence , Advertisements , &c. will be gratefully received\ and every kind of Printing Performed , d •• * \ \* • • GEORGIA: By h>» Excellency EDWARD TELFAIR, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the State aforefaid. A Proclamation. WHEREAS the Legislature of the said date did* on the loth December, 179©, f paf* U An Aft for the support « of Government, from the firft Monday in «« November, one thousand, (even hundred « and ninety, to the firft Monday in No • • vember, one thousand, seven hundred «* and ninety-one, hr railing a-Tax on Pcr '« sons and Property,” iu the words follow ing s An ACT For the support of Government, from the fait Monday in No - vember > one thousand, seven hun dred and ninety, to the fait Monday in November , one tb.u- Jand, seven hundred and ninety one, by raising a 'lax on Per sons and Property, BE it enabled by the Senate and Hinfe of Representatives of the State oj Georgia , in General AjJ'embly met , and by ib* authority f ihe fame, That a tax of lix (hillings specie, or fpecifies, for every hundred pounds value of all lands, within this state s granted to, or fuiveyed for, any person, as (uch land is gftiraated by the Tax Aft of the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety, be levi ,ed thereon agreeably to the mode, and col lefted as direfted by the faki Tax Aft, ex cept where the fame irakered by this Aft. , And be it further enabled,. That the sum of two Ihillipgs and four-pence lhall be levied on all free white males, from the age of twenty.-one . years, in this state; the sum of two (hillings and four-pence on all negroes, snulattoes or other fhves, and the like (um on all free negroes, or other free pcifons of colour, upwards of fixtecn years of age, over and above their property i the sum of fix (hillings on all and every hundred pounds Value of every lot, wharf, or other lands, not included in the said Tax. Aft, aud on all buildings within the limits of auy town, vil lage, or borough, within this state, and the sum of two dollars on all four wheeled car riages, (waggons excepted i) the sum of lix (hillings, for every hundred pounds value of all stock in trade, including the amount of imports, purchases or coniiguments, for the receding year, on all dup-keepers and jthers, to be given in upon oath, to be com puted at the prime colt; the sum of forty five (hillings on all praftkioqers of law or pbylic, and each aud every faftor, broker, and vendue-mafter; and the sum of fix (hil lings on every hundred pounds value of all foreign gooda, wares and merchandize and. negroes, fold, bargained, or tralficked for by such faftois, brokers or veuJue-mifters, and each and every oi them. . And It if Jurtbtr enabled by the authority iferejuii, That the tax collectors #nd reeei*, vers, a >frvUtd of ue be thsll U, GEORGIA. * *■ and hereby are inveded with full power aud authoiity to carry this Aft into execution, at the days and times, in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, as is men tioned in the said Tax Aft for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety, agree ably to the principles aud spirit thereof: Pro vided* That no cuileftor be allowed to dif train for any tax imposed by this Aft, pre vious to the lirft day of January, 1792, ex cept where perfoas are removing, or about to. remove from the county in which the re turn is made; and such receivers of tax re turns, and collectors of taxes, Hull be en titled to the fame fees, aud be fubjeft to the fame penalties, as in and by the said Aft is given aud granted, demanded and required. And be it further enatted , That the Gover nor and 1 reafurer be, and they are hereby re» fpeftively veiled with all the powers given them by the said Aft, eutitled, ** An Aft for im posing- a Fax lor the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety.” • And be it further enatted by the authority afore.aia* 1 hat the cleiks of superior courts within tbeir iefpeftive counties, at any time within iixty days from the palliug of this Aft, be authorifed aud direfted to receive any re turn, duly fwom to, from any defaulter, of hrs, her, or their taxable property; and where any person has been a defaulter for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety, the tax lhall be coiiefted and paid into the Treafuty as pointed out in the Tax Aft of that year, and if for any year pre ceding, it (hail be coiiefted and paid as above, in the paper medium of this state, any law to the coutrary uocwitbftanding. And i: (hail be the duty of the clerks of the superior courts, where any defaulter lhall .give in his, her or their return as aforefaid, to cra.ifaiit a lift of the fame, with the amount of the taxable property so returned, to the Treafut y of this state, and also to the collectors in their refpeftive.counue6, within four months from the palling of this Aft ; aud such defaulters, so giving in their returns as aforefaid, Ihill be exempted from the pains and penalties pointed out iu the said Aft; and the fcveral coileftors lhall add an account of all such taxable property to the general return 1 of . their refpeftive counties, and pay the fame s'nto the Treasury ; and the clerks of the su perior courts (hail be allowed the luin of two Ihiiliugs and four-pence for each return so received and transmitted as before direfted. - And be it further enatted * That there lhall be one receiver of taxable returns for each . couuty, except Wilkes, and that there (hall be a receiver appointed for each battaiiou of militia therein. , And be it enatted * That any person or per fonß, chargeable with tax by this Aft, may pay the fame, or any part thereof, iu clean merchantable rice, delivered at Savannah, buabucy, or North Newport Bridge, at ibe rate of ten (hillings per hundred weight ; in crop or trsnsfer tobacco notes, infpefted, de | livered at Savannah, fourteen fliilliMS; each of the iufpeftions at Augusta, NeW-Savan nab, Georgetown, -Looilevill*, and at 00 : other place, et the rate of twelve .(hillings and fix-pance per hundred weight* of in merchantable cotton, dear of fesd, lit beg* * Provided* That noXig of cotton d»a! re* ; reived that lhall wy weigh at lead eoe bun* . dted pouud# nett, abe urt-wi *h| &*«• 1 [VdL. IV. No. CCX'X.) ral places aforefaid, at the rata of one fliil* ling per pouud. < . . ‘ • ■* r And be it further enabled by the authority ajortjaid , Tha. from and after the paffiog of this Aft, an infpetfion of nee and cotton (hall be cftablifficdat bavaunah, Suubury aud North Newport, at winch iufpettrons all rice and cotton (hall be received aud infpetled, before it (hall be received in payment of public .taxes, by perioua to be hereafter appointed iufpedors of the lame, by the justices of the inferior court, who are also empowered to fix on tbe proper places for such iufpeftions i aud where any rice or cotton is- offered iu payment of tax, it (hall be delivered at the places aforefaid, and if, upon infpertion, the said articles (hall be merchantable, it (hall be the duty of the iufpectors to weigh and pafe the fame i if cottou, iu bags ot at lealk one hundred pounds nett •, it rice, iu barrels or halt barrels,- as directed by liw r (tamping or maikiug the weight omthe bag or barrel 1 so palled, and the inlpedoi* (halt enter the name ol the peiloa delivering such rice of cotton tu pay incut of tax, with hc-nctk weight ot each calk aud bag, and (hall enter the fame in a book to be by him kept for that purpolc, and (hall give to the owner thereof a receipt in the following form, vie- w Ware hojic, day of ** - deceived nf «« a. B. ' Barrels of good merchantable' u Kite, or Bags of Cotton, (as the case may « be) marks, weight and number, as per «* margin, to be delivered to .the order of the Executive on demand, this v day* t< 0 f , .» Aod all receipt# lhall be printed ; and no intyetbor or iflfpec* tors (hall, on any pretence whatbtffr, ilTue auy other than a pi inter! receipt*, which fnall be received by the feveral'culleffrH* in pay ment of tax i and the feve^aHnfpeft dislf be allowed tor their ttouble for infj^ A -ing aud coopering each barrel of- rice, the f'im of oue (hilling and e,. and for- eactr bag of cottou, the sum of one 'lhill'ng ao<3 two*peuce, to be paid by the owner or {Jsi> sou delivering such rice or -cotton, or • re* ec.ving the receipt as aforefaid ; and dial* iXf fu receive the legal (forage for rice, and-' ftveqt pence on each bag of cotton,, to be piiA hf' - cite (liipper or person receiving the* fame-' And every, iufpeftor hereby'appointed* "h#** fore he enters upon tbe duties ;of his office, (hail give bond good fecufity, lus Excellcucy the Governor and hit in office, in the sum of one-thoofand pounds,* for the faithful performance of his duty, and for the delivery of all such rice and cotton aat (hall come into his hands, when the fame ' may be called far, in the fame merchantable condition as he received them.'. • And be U further enabled, That each of the feveial iufpectors, before they enter cm th#-’ dunes of their office, (hall take and fohferiber the following oath-er affirmation, the fame to be adftuniitcred iifrptn court, vlr. 4 *”lv ** A. B. do foie only (wear, That I will cat#*- tl fully view and examine all rice andvoutm ** which may be brought *• n;s fbr that pur* “ pofei am) that 1 will uA give my receip* “ to any person fur rice pr eutton* bni fucb “ as (halt be iu my judament clean cud iui» “ chautcblf. •bo bc.j> me Cod.** - And be it enacted, Tb. ( uif M era! • t3r», appended by viriwt pi |N> &*** keep id, e ka.'t arco'iuf of al>* (| !'#/» **** P 1/ bens ns' vid *»