The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, December 03, 1791, Image 2

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tie other • monopolizer of land. Whether •hat t» in or not, ii no htiftnefa of mine. I ttill' otfTy make a few ‘remark’*' oh each of •hem, without attempting to unravel the mo tines-which prompted either «r communicate his ideas to the ptfblic. Philanthropes seems to tie s*vi6lei.r ensmv to the excise law, lately parted by Ongreft s In which he is countenanced by th it refpeftahle body, the Federal Grand jury for the diftnft nt Georgia. The Planter, if I mistake him not, is a friend to excite in general; but Whether to the particular a t\ above alluded to, does not so clearly appears Yet, whatever may be the uprightnels of bis heart, cynics •nd critics will conjecture, that he who re commends to one man, or set of men, to do a bad efti'ori, will‘naturally countenance the fkruc aftion in another But if the Planter's lentiroents are as I conjecture, he is counte nanced'by‘that juptrlmtiVtly refpeftahle body, the Congress ot the Uuited State*, with the illustrious Wafliington at their bead. - Fear ful odds in tavor of cxcife. I will admit for a moment (what Common Etofe will never allow) that Congress were jultiriable in parting such an excise law as they liXve ; 7€t, that isnot a- fuflfcient reason why ©ur AdciAblr ihoold be so cOmplai&nt to the precedetir, as to improve it into ad aft of the tftate Legislature, which, in its* tendency, ihill include the most odious part of the ex cite m Great-Britain ; as also the mote odibus Barop act; the fir ft fourcc of difeord between' Guai-Britain and her colonies. Charit ahly'hoping the Planter it only aftu arted by the* laudable motives of wiftjiug to Populate oor‘court try, amT thereby increase •h* coulequcnce of the fou.hern flaths, I will humbly recommend to his confir eration, an expedient that may probably answer those tie flrable purpotes, without the neteflity of* an cxctle ot <iamp,aft. Let those gentlemen who Ebid more lan . than they can pay a reasonable fax on, if they cannot find purchasers for it, adveuife iu this and the neighbouring states, that they will give Jeafcs'on it for ten, twen ty ut thirty yeata j the tedanf only paying this till nefore I conclude, I cannot help m iking a few remarks on his Escelleiicy’s Speech to Both Houles of Congress. He lpeaks feelingly of the meafqres taken •nd taking, for the defence and security of the weftetn frontiers; but not a word of the sub- Ihern. It is to be hoped this will not escape the atteution ot the guardians of our rights and hbcities. * j - I fear the tenderness and philahthrepy*to- Warcis the Indians, exprefTed iu that part of hi£ Excellency s Speech which indicates the expedieucy oi a new mode of alienating their lands, bode* uo ’gdod to Georgia. It is, per haps, another ftrp towards alienating all state fiKius, and reducing the feVeral states to pet ty corporations ; depending, for eheircorpq ra iou powers, outhe fovercigu will and plei fute of . r ATTIfcIJS. VIENNA, August 14. LAST night a courier arrived at the houfh of‘ Prince Gill.tzin, the Ruffian ambaf f»rit>r, from Prince Repnin, with news, that on the 11.b-juft, the preliminary articles of between Russia and the Fdrte were hgned at Galatz by him and the Grand Viiier. And that in order to have time for adjust ing a definitive treaty, and appointing con mirtrunets for that purpose, they had agreed upon an armiliice for eight mouths. Thetouut d’Artois, brother to the King of France, arrived here four days ago, with *o pet lons in his suite ; he-went to Court, sod was received by the whole Imperial fami ly. He wcut away yesterday. LONDON, Siftmber B.* Aggrandtjtmtnt of the Houjt of We took nonce at the time cf the residence of 'he Baron de Hardeuberg, Mioifler of Fi nances to the Margrave of Rrtndtobourg, Anfpsch, sud Bareith, at the Prufluu Court, •od of bis bemg nominated Miniftsr of State «o bis Pruflian Msjsfty, The motive j« now made public, so ; the Gazette of that Court fjpsaks of it in the following terms» “ Friur#, reigning happily overs bear, tifulaud Uinta soumry luluut.sJ by apoinlisd people, and enjoying the Weftioge cf pe%ce, i h.suken the r«f>l«tion at the Jge df p6;»tclfe fire r froin nis iiTuftrious* poll, and to live in foreign countries upon an income drawn from ‘'■the revenue of his hereditary effaces. -Lady Craven, (H well known for her travels and •literary productions, accompanies the Mar* grave on his tour, having already patted the lalt winter with him at- Berlin.** The Mar grave has published the* ordinance, by which he renounces the administration of the Mar gravate. It is dated Oftend, the ptb of June, and has the following pottage : “As many important motives, particu-’ larly rsrSfons of health, oblige him to an ab sence of' long duration, and perhaps at a great distance from his eflatet, he conlider6 all the * cares of if, and all his affairs, as well those - which concern the government of bis country, as well as those which regard his own person, ' without' exception, to 'of Har denberg, and accords him full power to that " effert.” / With regard to the rest, he has also given full power “ to his Pruftian Majesty, to give the neceiTary inftrucrions to the said Minister; and in wtightjr cases, which interest his coun try and his fubjefts, to fend him all the or ders shat his Majesty (hall judge convenient >r In virtue of 'this ordinance/ thefts two Mar gravates arc from the* present moment, at tached to the Pruftian nidnlrchy, or tather in corporated with the 1 mass of 'the 'hereditary ellateS of the houfc? of Bratidenbourg; *and theI*entire 1 *entire authority of the government irin the hands of'M? de Hardenberg, who has the un , imhtd ? disposal of the civil, nulitaryand ecclefiaffical employments, under a tefponfi bifitr to the Courf of Berlin, with an ap pointment of thirty thonfand ftdrtns. 15.- Last nighrj at ten o’clock, a fire broke out near Cherry Garden Stairs, Rotherliithe, which, ftom the tide'being low 4 , artd little water to be had,' bbrued furioufly for a con* ftrlcrable time, by which above so houses, nfacy of them warehouses, containing pro ~ perty to a great amount* were burnt down ; and having communicated to the Ihippmg, the Ranger from the South Secs, and a fmail brig, weie burnt. A great number of families .were burnt oat, and their little all destroyed. The King of Pruftia ban concluded a com mercial treaty Pruftia and the United Srites t.f America/and M Palefke, a refpec tatde merchant in Philadelphia, is appointed his Majcfty's Consul General. It is said that he >s tupropofc a treaty <t>f alliance between the two countries, so that the Pruftian manufac tures may be imported into Amcricaniodef gieat advantages. * The important interview between tto ETn peror and the King of Piuflia is ..ver. The object of it is ft ill a secret. Exchanges of territory, and the affairs of Poland and France, are talked cf, but only on conjecture. The peopjr of the- Austrian Netherlands are alarmed, left they Ihould be bartered or fold The French are at length convinced that all measures with refpett to them will be merely of a defenlive nature. Almdft ail the Paris papers/ lately so full of* apprehension and alarm, now speak cf an external attack on-thk new couftitution as a thing utterly imuro- * babfe. T The elections*-for the/new Legifbturt of France go on with great rapidity, and every where with the utmost profound tranquility. In Pans, tho/ speak lightly of any attempts jwhicta may be made by ’the Kings of. Spam and Saidinia against their liberties: They have no doubt about the wtThes of>thefe bvo narebs; but they know that the Catalonians, the Piedmontefe, and Savoyards, only wait for a favorable moment to foliowthe example which the French have set them/ As to the Emperor, they begin now to think that he must be periuaded by this time, that the only way to make his finer happy, must be by get. ting the new couftitutiuu fiuaUy fettled with ail dispatch nsetttary. On Friday i4*prifoaers wete trieif at thr Old Bailey, three of whom were capitally con. vitted. SufamialrHm was put to the 6*r; upon the charge of wilful murder, upon thr body of Francis Kotiwatfa*, (mentioned* in our lift) by having hung him upou the ftaplt of • doorfor five minutes, at his owu dr/irc. in her apartments, whertof fie diad. Two evi. dtoces ware aasiumsd, one ol whom was » cleik st ilia publlc«offtr§| Bnwiftrcet, where Ilia wai eftammad j the otharpiked exafliy oppcfiie to the prisoner, who, on the day of the decc&fe cf Mr. Kotzwaita called out to ' her i and appealing in a ve»y great fright, went over, when the prilcner fai* 4 , “ I have . hanged a n an, and lam atraid he ia dead ” , Here the court rhterfered, aud the council h»v no ether proof of the fart, admitted he th -uld net be able to make out his case ; upon which the jury were direrted to her, and they accordingly returned a veidtrt, not guilty. , '* BOS TO !*, oa*,, :* The committee for the sale of eastern lands, whose affidtmy and attentiou entitle them to public thanks, have lately located one million aetea of the land some time since purchased bv - Jackson and Fliot, on the Kennebec* ** nver f cv etal German emigrants have lately patted through this town, to fettle on the ahove ;*■ land, ‘ Mor « on the road, be&et numhede from Ireland, who prefer ar fetrkemeht on an excellent fca-coaft, id* fafe^,'to the hazard and inconveniences which have been experi enced by thofc who havr fettled in the weft •rn territory. _* b 9 \ n;ew"bernTwc.)dii. ' This town was on Wedoefday last, visited bfan unhappy conflagration, which has de ft royed its mott ftouriihihg part. The firrf'* broke out, at noon, in the fioufe of Pbilirf’ Roche a tavern keeper, on \ht county wharf. 4 The loft of that house being filled with fodder the ft =.mds ftiddehly mad* their appearance through its roof, and almost ioftantly reached' the contiguous houses— the wind blew from the north east:. The* (Tire. ofMeffa.Ken nedy, Gerock and Lawrence, were almost atf once in a blaze’, and had they been blolvn up. all further damage would have beeh ’pre vented. * Court retched acrof. CraVW anj FF.ut.rfrr Mt ,, tht oM ccffet w Mr- Danoella, and Mr rotnlinfun’s (lores. Nintf home, on theeaft fide of Craven street, and seven on the water fide of Front ftreet,' were reduced .oaths., The nonh weft corner of Graven and Front streets, commonly called 1 Pfiden s corner, was next attached, and ev’err - ' houfe, in both direction., wf. burnt down, at co ™* r °! M ' (J, ' lle ftr «< on one fide,' and Mfefirs. Manning and Bti'm's store on the other. The two lad build,fig. wer , blo . **?• Sixty-three houses were destroyed, as well 4 as an immense quantify of goods. ;• fWained on this occafioh amounts to upwards of 100.0001. Philip Roche and his wife were, last even ing, committed to goal; nnoy refpertabltf’ inhabitants Invimrevlirced their apprehtnfioiii' that these people whose hotlfe it is supposed was inteutio ially let on fire) would again at- > tempt to burn the to wn. AUGUST A, December 7% ‘ The General Aflembly have puffed an Art- Topunith persons convirted of dealing horses ' ' afles or mules, with death.. * *> ° n Monday the z&th uh. departed this life the Hon. Alexander Biffett, Esq. ol« of tb*? Senators- of this ftatc, from the 'county of Glvnn. In confluence of his having been a member of the Society of Ancient York Ma fone, the Members of Lodge Columbia con • V€ned at their Lodge Room about 3 o’clock in the afternoon of the' following day; and a committee being appointed to wait on the Right Worthipful Past Grand Masters Steven* and Jackson, the President of the Senate, and c such of the Members of the Senate aud House of Representatives as belonged to tb* Ancientr ;Ct aft, to request theif attendance, they were .accordingly introduced. About four o’clock they marched in procefiioaal order to fheCof fee-houfe. where the deceased bad refided> From thence his remaioe were borne to 6t. Paul’s Church-yard, and deposited with the honors of Masonry {—after which a fuiiable difeourfe was delivered by the Rev. Brother ( —Mr. Bifleet was a native of Scotland* and ha 4 been a citizen of this (fate for a uum bar of years y in the course of which he at* quirtd the character of an upright and aa ho« nest imp, tHED.] O, Friday, tb, fifth wit. Ms, A»bu Clay, of ih.« place* 1 hf trial i f Jndg* Oiboioe, charged with high crimee and mifacumngre sgiiatt the