The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, February 16, 1793, Image 1

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SATURDAY, February 1 6, 1793.] THE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE, AND GAZETTE of the STATE. FREEDOM of .b. PRESS anj TRIAL br JURY (ball remaio M*» . ./Car ,U. UGU rLr\ Pri ?J d % } ° *L N Si S M } „ T H *. Pr,nt * t 0 the State; Efays, ArtUUs ,f ntJligencc, Advert.fements , &c. will be gratefully received, and every kind of Printing performed. , ' 7* bis FRIENDS the PUBLIC. ' THE Printer of the State Paper, emulous to render the Gaxette generally ufeful fcyt more extensive circulation, hai reduced the price, and in future subscribers are to pay only three dollars per annum. Bcfidcc that poverty of the lad year's crop aarurally productive of resources very lncompe tent to the wants and spirit of a liberal people, fcveral concurrent causes have contributed to reduce the subscription, and among them an expensive importation of elegant Types, a measure which he conceived neoeffai y to exhibit a publication, in appearance at least , worthy of the acceptance and patronage of, a country, rapidly progrclfing in arts, wealth and science. It is naturally expected, in the numerous crowd of Grangers, almost daily collecting from all parts of the world to fettle in this Southern region, attracted by a genial clime and generous foil, chat men of mechanical and other fcientific telenet my be found, whose exertions will be courted to give fame originality to the Augusta Chronicle. To omit all the fulfomenefs of common cant engagements, in gratitude for the support he has experienced, no effort or expe ue will be omitted to fsrve and to pieafe hit fellow cl tfzene nuhoft pnnAuab.ty in payment it molt ear neflly solicited—the nature of tbit nufmeft, of all others peculiarly depeodiug upon & fupport cd by the faitb and honor of the Subfcriber*. Subscriptions for the Augusta Chronicle, will be received by Daniel Tcrendet, Esq. "Washington; Aquila Burrought, Esq. tea juilcs above Washington, Wilkes; by Capt. Jbhn Armour, Greenelborougb ; Arthur Fort, Esq. Georgetown ; Major Shield*, Galphin ton—Term* one half at fubferibiog, the other half at the expiration cf the year. Neque jimperfapimtiafortuna comes. To the Printer of the Augusta Chronicle. SIR, INyeur address of Saturday last you have invited, if not direXly, by strong impli cation, a correfpondeace with men accustom ed to think and probably reason on the oc currence* of the day, whether transitory or trivial or serious and permanent. From that class of beings, in every com munity who have mote leafure than bufineft, you doubtlefa, will receive in the com fe of this year, communications enough on politi cal fubjeX* to form a library at eopious at the penal popery statutes of Ireland ; but it it «xpeXed, that your judgement aud benevo. lence will fcleX, from the lucubrations of your corrtfpondcnts, a digest of politicks not only less faoguinary and iniquitous, but more diflioguilhed for genius aud philaothrophy s And yet the tranfaXions, on the frontiers of this truly fertile region, wearing at pre sent a gloomy and unpromising afpcX, im pels on our minds not unfounded appreben- ( fions of a critical and intcrefting period-—viz. Whether the fpirittd citizens , •within thepro utimi of the United States •will patiently be hold the pillage and plunder of tbtir neighbours, the tnejfatre of their defencetefs •wives and cjf fpring, or like their fathers, in obedience t 'he ir re fist ibis impulft of nature, Iravely rt / GEORGIA. I and repelling savage aggrrjjson retort and in fi -7 the form. nts cooly premiditated against t.n rjfenfivefettlers. Every man in the flat# acquainted with the recent occurrences in Franklin county will immediately difeover the origin of these re flexions. A banditti of frontier Indians flimulated by more savage refugees from all law and justice, sheltered by this unhappy people, made an incurfioo into Franklin, and having robbed and murdered fcveral of the natives retreated with precipitation. As soon as cir curnftancet could admit they were pursued by a Mr, M'Clulky and fifty-nine equally emu lous in defeoce of family and country, who, having gained the rearoffome, dividing the spoil by mutual murder and tamohawke, revenged by fuminary tetaliation, tho* unable to re-take any property. This was the firft objeX for the operation of the proceedings of Congress calculated to produce happier cffeXt than could it feema be expeXed from an Indian mind and ravage policy. No (ooner had the lavages heard th* President’s Proclamation, than they interpret ed every syllable of it as an impunity for eve ty depredation and a fanXioaing warrant to tl *Vi?e l Stai^pursuance * war rant from the Federal judge and his official duty, which be is as emulous to difebatg* ■as every obligation where siiftreft can claim, • apprehended M‘Clu/ky and brought him to the goal of Savannah, three hundred miles from bis vicinage. Here, however, he met tome friends who procured for him security to take his trial at the ensuing Federal Court, and on his return thro’ this city yesterday he furuiflied thefubferiber with the fubjeX of this narration. It is not intended to come to any fpecific conclusion in this tranfaXion, much less to descant on any narrative of fuf ferings detailed by the prisoner, which noth ing could palliate but the politnefs and huma nity of the Federal Marrtial, who, iadif efisrge of his duty, M'Clulky, emphatically (aid remember'd mercy . A SOUTHERN CITIZEN. SSOSOSGfc3SOSOce3I€3IOIOSOcOI€iBCSiO«3eC F. R. Gaddy. From the City of Richmond\ BEGS leave to inform the public, that he has lately opened a fma 1 fliop, for the prei'ent, near the middle ware-house, where he carries on the BLACK and WHITE SMITHS bufineft in all itt various tranche*; and at he flitter* bimlclf, that he it capable of doing justice in both the aforefaid brauches, he hopes, he will meet with such encourage ment as will enable him to carry it on exten sively. N. B. Wanted an apprentice to the above bufineft, who it able to work, and caubc wall recommended. Augusta, Feb. it, 1793« ALMANACKS For the year 170 for Sale at the Printing QSse-—Like wiii, the asw Judiciary AX. Government House, Augusta, De cembtr 31,1792, GENER AL - ORDERS . Trill Adjutant Gene ai is direct ed to cause the several companies of militia within the rcfpeXive counties to be so arranged as to contain as near as may be, lour sergeants, four corporals, one drum, one fife, and sixty-sour privates; and that be repore the rank and number of field officers to b« commiflioned in each county. By order of the Commander in Chief, Audi , J. MERIWETHER, SscVy. To put the above general orders into ex ecution ifiiied by the Commander in Chief of this slate—The Commanding Officers iu the several counties will cause all Officers com manding companies to give me a return of their refpeXive companies, containing the number of men liable to do militia dutr, by virtue of an aX entitled, “an aX to revile and amend the militia law of ibis date ; pafFed the 14th day of December 179*, 1 * that I mas from said return* report to tbs Commander in Chief of this flat* the rank, and number of Field-Officers, that are to be coiura.ffioued -A . Adjutant-General. Adjutant-General's Office, Augusta, teb . 6, 1793* t* l I 1 1 iw Mr. SMITH, THE severe chastisement, under which the Grand Jury of this county have laid me, in presenting me “ for going in« riotous and warlike manner, &c." is a stab which I little deferve —I beg every impartial citizen, who may form their opinion of my charaftcr from the aforefaid charge, to fufpeud their judgment until a fair trial and investiga tion of this affair sh *ll t ake place --The scope of this paper will not admit of a digression of this tranfaXion, with the neccffary pieces to prove my affsrtiont s —Therefore I shall con fine myfelf to publish the following order* from the commandiug officer of this county 5 aud among a crowd of refleXions, which pre— sent themiclves to mes make but oue—Had I not executed ray orders, Imaft have been tried by a court martial for a breach of them and cowardice—And now, that I have aXed to the letter of the tommiffion .1 am honored with ; which enjoins me obedience to my su perior officers ; I am dragged before a civil tribunal and have my name pubkffied as a rioter—ls there that contradiXion in our law, or is this the effeX of party spirit ? Tbofs who know the fi.uation of Greene county* will be best judges l JONAS FAUCHE ORDERS by COLONEL HENRY KARR; Creenjborougb, julj *O, >79*- S I R, YOU are hereby dircXed to order out th« whole ot the miiitia in this town, and take charge of the Jail of this place until far ther orders, and luffer nopeifoo except youc guard to come wnhio 30 yards of the lame. HENRY KARR, Col. G. Gt To fonts Fauche, Capt. of Light Dragoons, Greene County Rep(, VOL. VII. No. 3J2-3 A