The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, October 19, 1793, Image 4

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A Lift oflettcrs remaining in the Poft-Office at Augusta, the ift day of Ottober, 1793. DOCTOR Abbott Henry Hampton, Thomas Bryen, William Kid, Langley Briant, Samuel Laurence, Abraham Baldwin, 2. John Mitchell, Judges of the Superior Joseph M‘Coy, Court, Robert Middleton, 2* Charles Copy, George Mathews, John Cobbs, fen. Turquil M ( Neil, Peter Cartwright, John Martin, Mathew Cartwright, Rev. Thomas Mejfer, Dr. Jas. L. Clayton, Gedeon H. Muon, John Cobbifon, James and Alexander IVilliam Call, Powell, Nathaniel Durkee, John Phillips, James T. Dicken, James Prentice, Walter Drane, Fields Pardue, Walters Dunn, jun. John Perry, Loranfios Fibecke.r, Dr. John B. Rufon, George Wills Forfier, Joseph Rambo, David Fowler, William Robertson, William Franklin, James Syms, David Giddy, Nicholas Strubine, Lewis Gardner, Daniel Sharpe, Joseph Groves, Dorcas Stroaer, John Gibbons, 2. Theodore Sedgwick, George Hargraves, 2. Benajah Smith, Thomas Hamilton, 4. John Talbot, jun. Thus. Ruketts John - James Tallfon, son, Joseph Wheelwright, Suhina Jackson, David Witmore, Hope Hull, Thomas Whitaker. John Herndon, Esq. A. BUGG. ~ iTTrTTTTI! TO all and lingular the creditors of Mr. George Galphin* now in confinement in virtue of a capias at fatisfaciendum, that the said Galphin is about to make applica tion to be allowed the benefits of the ttatute made and provided for the relief of insolvent debtors, in terms thereof. ROBERT WATKINS, Attorney for plaintiff. : . OH. \Q, 1793. a TAKEN UP on the fron- Ja tier between the Ohoopis, a young Negroe Fellow, fays his name is TOHA. He is branded on the breast thus, R O P, talks broken Englifn—l cannot find out his matter nor where he lives; and as there is no gaol in the county, I thought fit to ad vertise him in the public papers, requesting the owner to come forward and make his claim good and take him away as quick as poilible, as I would not wish to be anfwer ablc for his-good behaviour. The owner may find him in the care of the fubferiber if he applies in a Ihort time, SOLOMON WOOD. William fans ’ Swamp, Sept, 23, 1793. im. WILL BE SOLD at the court-houie in Augusta, on the firft Tuefday in November next, in conformity to a rule made (absolute) at the last superior court held in the county of Richmond; one Lot of Land, fituatc on broad street, in the town of Augu sta, improved and at present occupied by Tho mas Bray—Conditions of faIeCASH. ISABELLA CHAPMAN, Admimfratrix of John Chapman. A LIST of Defaulters in Elbert County. ILLIAM Abbitt, Robert Haddlefton, W James Children, Allen Mobley, Tho nu Bullard, james Martin, Whitehead Hendrick, james Almond, james jones, Wm. Pool, Clabora Martin, james Paxton, Drury Allen, Smith Cook, john Poll, Uriah Scone, john Baughman, Samuel Akin, Andrew john ifon, Reuben Sitton, Wm. Falkner, john Cararon, Abfalom Little, Reuben Linfey, Lewis Phips, William George, john Beard, R»bcrt Reed, jepbta Rufli, Wm. Shier*, Wm. Ross, Benjamin Howard, Mofcs Hill, john Perlell, William Wilmoth,jo(hua Homes, Robert jore*, Wm. Stiles, john Reylcy, Sy« las Dobs, Abraham Mires, Benjamin Taylor Lai kin Currey, George Thomafon, james Simmon*. Archer Smith, R. Cafcy, john Gor dan, Jacob S;ricklin, john Coil, Larkin Di yis, Robert Singleton, Martbcw Warters, Richard Hughbank*, jefey Simmoads, Elijah Crittian, joba M'Curda, joba Calvert john Martin, john Ifara, Qjiiton Huufc, Daniel Oit, joba johofoo. THOMAS BURTON, R. T. R. E. C. August a8 17? 3. NOTICE to the MILITIA. r T' , HE subscriber having been honored JL with the appointment of Pay-Master to the militia of Georgia, which have been, or may hereafter be called into service under the authority of the President of the United States, gives this public notice to all con cerned. That he has received from the Agent of the Department of War, certified rolls of the pay federally due the following troops, viz. To Captain Jonas Fauche’s detachment of dragoons, his officers and men, for their services from the ioth of June to the 19th of July 1792 inclufiverf T o the fame, his officers and men, for their services, from the 20th of Oftober 1792, to the 6th of February 1793, inclusive. To Captain John Barnett’s detachment of dragoons, his officers and men, for their services, from June the Bth, to July the 6th, 1793 inchifive. To Captain Ferdinand Phinizy’s compa ny of dragoons, his officers and men, for their services from the 19th of December 1792, to the 14th of February 1793 in cluiive. To Captain Charles Williamson’s com pany of dragoons, his officers and rnen, for their services performed at different periods, from the 29th of June to the 9th of October, 1792 inclusive. He will open his office at Augusta on the 20th of this inilant, where ail such as have claims borne on the said rolls, are de sired to come forward and receive payment, of the several sums refpe&ively affixed to their names. Now, in order to prevent un neceflary trouble to those concerned, and to ♦ preclude improper applications from them and others, I have given the following pur port of my inftruttions received from the Agent of the Department of War, and which will in nowise be dispensed with, viz. All those who cannot write their names, the payment must be made in the presence of one commissioned, or two non-commis sioned officers of the company to which they belong, who are to witness the fame. No alignment of any foldier'spay will be considered as valid or can be received, the money mult be delivered to each man indi vidually, or to his executors or adminiftratore, agreeable to the laws of the United States, and if possible be pto* in the presence of his officers. It is therefore incumbent on the several Captains to collect their men, as the molt eligible means to prevent delays in payment, and to enable me to identify the officers and men of their refpeCtive corps. And in case of the deccafe of any whose names ore borne on the said rolls, the execu tors or adminiltrators of such deceased per sons, must produce certificates from the Re gister of Probats of the county in which such deceased persons resided at the times of their deaths, that he, she or they (as the case tpay be) had duly adminiltered on the goods, chattels and estates of such deceased persons, and were legally authorifed to receive their pay. THOMAS E. DORSEY, F. M. M. S. G. Augujla , October 2, 1793* Land-Office . THE subscriber gives u nice that he hat eftablilhsd a Land-Office in the houfc foimerly occupied by Peter Carnes, Esq; in the Town os Augusta, and State of Georgia, where those persons who may wjfh to purchafc I may be supplied with any number of acres, and iudifputable titles given. Those who are difpofcd to forward their lauds to this office for file, may depend on the mod ftritt attention to their bufinel'j, and my best endeavors to promote their iatered. No lands uced be offered at this office of which the titles are not properly authenticated. Tnis bufmefs wiil be tratfa&ed in ray absence by Mr. Georg* Ogg of this place, who has redded in this date a number of years, and can give fatisfaftory information rslpeOing the foil and climate of Georgia* GEORGE NAYLCR. A/ril 16, 1793. 6m ioo DOLLARS REWARD LOST on the road betwce' Brushy creekand W ill iam Skin" ner’s, a Red Morocco Pocket-bo ;> containing several Bank Bills, to the amount of 2,150 Dollars; also 32 of John Wereat’s Certificates* to the amount of 2661. and fomc {hillings, and three letters directed to me, with several receipts The above reward will be paid on de livering it to me in Wafliington or to the Printer of the Augusta Chronicle. DUHEM DE MONTROUY. September 24, 1793- NOTICE. IAM informed that a certain James Hart of Wilkes county, has in his poffeflion a note cf hand against me for the sum of pounds, dated the Bth day of January i-jgg and originally given to Benjamin Townfend| which said note I have punctually paid, and do hereby forewarn all persons from p Ut . chafing, the fame. * w . JESSE LOCKE. Burke county , July |s, *793. ~ . % Lijl of defaulters in Colonel Grates’ battalion, Wilkes county , for the year 1793. Captain Lipham’s Diftridi. William Pen ton, Jonathan: Downs, John Ruff, Elijha Mayborn , Thomas' Cooper, John Brown. Captain Binion’s Diftrift. John Fijk, William Graves, Merchant, Samuel Whitaker * Benjamin Whitaker, John Hams Thomas, Samuel Thomas,' Francis Graves, Moses Mathews , jun. John Keith, Peter Dill, Zachariah Ray. Captain Piper’s Diftrift. John Chandler, John Walker , WiUiam Kelley, John Barkley, Robert Shaw. Captain Thornton’s Diftridt. John Mills 0 George Rovell, Gabriel Jones, Phineheas Skinner, Winnty Ivey, [Widow) James Shea rer, Hepps Whitlock ; ABRAHAM SIMON?, R. T. R. Col. Graves’ Battallion. Augujl 8, 1793. SHERIFF'S SALE. On the ijl Tuefday in November next, at ths Market-House in Augufla, WILL BE SOLD, APART of Lot No. 21 with the im provements thereon;, also four Ne groes, Hannah, Suckey, September and Moses; taken under execution as the pro perty of William Bellamy, to fatisfy Meflrs. Jackson and Nightingale. JAMES RICHARDS, S.R.C. October 1793. ir for sale, A YOUNG, likely, prime Ne groe fellow—-He is a good boat hand, and fold to raise cash. Enquire of the Printer. GEORGIA. 1 By John L. S. > Esq. Regitter of Pro- Richmond County. jbat« for said County. WHEREAS Mary Parka, bath applied: to m« for fetrere of adminifiratioo. on the estate and affects of Lcban Parks, iat% of this county, dcccafed. THESE are therefore to cite and admoniih all and finguiar the kindred: and creditors of the said deesafed", to beahd appear at my of-, fice, on the 171 b dayof Novemb. nex>, to lhevr cauf«”, if any they have, why letters of admi* niftration ftiould not be granted. GIVEN under my band and seal, at my office, the 17th day of Oifober in the year of our Lord, one tboufand seven hundred and uinety-thrte ; aud in tbc. eighteenth year of the Independency of the United States of America. Blank Deeds of Conveyance and Blank Bonds, for Tale at the rriatintj-O