The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, May 28, 1796, Image 1

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SATURDAY, J|% 2S, 1796. THE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE AND GAZETTE of the STATE. • l FREEDOM of the PRESS and TRIAL bt JURY shall remain inviolate* Conjlituiion of Georgia, • ~ " ■**"* * * 1 .. ■'■■■■ ■ ii ‘*'"*’ - ■ ■ —■l———■ ■ A U G U S l 1 A: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH, Printer to the State ,* Ejfays, Articles o f Intelligence, Adver iifements, &c. will be gratefully receivedand every kind of Printing performed, {Price Three Dollars per annum.] Mails of the United States. PRO P O SALS For carrying the MAILS of the United States on the following Pott Roads, will be received at the General Polt Office, until the fifteenth day of July next. 6. From Petersburg by Harris’s, Goldfon’s, Warrenton, Lewifbiirg, Raleigh, Averyfborough, Fayetteville, Lumberton, Cheraw court-house, Camden, Columbia and Edgefield court-house to Augusta, twice a week. Leave Petcrfburg every Tuefday and Friday by noon, arrive at Hartis’s by 7 P. M. at Goldfon’s, on VVednefday and Saturday by 8 A. M. at War renton by 2 P. M. at Lewiiburg on Thursday and Sunday by 8 A. M. at Raleigh by 3 P. M. at Fa yetteville every Friday and Monday by 1 P. M. at Lumberton by 9 P. M. leave Lumberton every Saturday and Tuefdav by 4 A. M. arrive at Che iaw court-house by 4 P. M. arrive at Camden on Sunday and Wednesday by 2 P. M. at Columbia on Monday and Thursday 4 A. M. arrive at Edge field court-house on Tuefday and Friday at 6 I*2 A. M. and at Augusta by noon. Returning. Leave Augusta every Tuefday and Friday by 8 P. M. arrive at Edgefield court-house on Wedncfday and Saturday by 10 A. M. at Columbia on Thursday and Sunday by 10 A. M. at Camden by 7 P. M. leave Camden every Friday and Monday by 4 A. M. artive at Cheraw court-house by c P. M. at Lum betton every Saturday and Tuefday by 2 P. M. leave Lumberton in one hour, arrive at Fayetteville on Sunday and Wedncfday by 7 A. M. at Raleigh on Monday and Thursday by 6 A. M. at Lcwif burg by 2 P. M. at Warrenton on Tuefday and Friday by 5 A. M. at Goldfon’s by 2 P. M. at Plarris’s by 7 P. M. and at Petersburg on Wed ncfday and Saturday by 11 A. M. 7. From Camden by Statefburg to Charleston twice a week. Leave Camden every Sunday and Wednesday at half past 2 P. M. arrive at Charleston the next Tuefday and Friday by noon. Returning. Leave Charleston every Tuefday and Friday by 9 P. M. and arrive at Camden the next Thursday and Sun day by 7 P. M. 8. From Augusta by Wayncfborough to Savan nah, once a week. Leave Augusta every Friday at r P. M. and arrive at Savannah the next Sunday by 6 P. M. Returning. Leave Savannah every Tuefday at 10 A. M. and arrive at Augusta the next Thursday by 6 P. M. Note. 1. If either of the routes No. 6, 7, or 8, are altered by law fluring the continuance of the con tracts, the contractor is to o'ftrve such alterations in carrying the Mail, and his pay is to be encrcafed or diminijhed in proportion to the diflance cncreafed or diminijhed by juch alteration. Note. 2. T'he contracts are to be in operation on the firjl day of October next , and to continue for four years until the solh September, 1800, inclvfive. Note 3. The Pofl Master General may alter the times of arrival and. departure at any time during the continuance of the contrails, he previoufy flipu lating an adequate compensation for any extra ex pense that may be occasioned thereby. Note 4, Fif teen minutesfhall be ullowedfor opening and closing the mail at all offices where no particular time is fpccified. Note 5. For every quarter of an hour's delay (un avoidable accidents excepted) in arriving after the times preferibed in any contracl, the contractor shall forfeit one dollar, and if the delay continue until the departure of any depending mail, whereby the mails def ined for such depending mail, loft a trip, the contractor flail forfeit ten dollars, to be deduded from his pay . JOSEPH HABERSHAM, Pof Majier General. General Post Office, Philadelphia, May 2, 1796. FOR SALE, An elegant Coachee and Harness for two horses. ALSO, A compleat Waggon and Gears. For terms apply to EDWARD M'FARLIN. GEORGIA. COLLIN REED& Co. Have just received ir. addition to their former STOCK of GOODS, And now for Sale, on very reafonablc terms, by Wholejale or Retail, fir Cajh or Produce, at their large white corner Jiorc, next above Mr. Andrew Innes’s— A FRESH AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF East-India, European and American Articles, / AMONGST WHICH ARE MENS (hoes, boots and bootees, Womens leather, fattin, fattinet and Mo rocco. (hoes and flippers, Boys and girls leather ditto, Striped willed and.plain nankeens, Medicines of almost every description, A large and general aflortment of paper, Stills with pewter worms, gooie necks, and brass cocks, Ditto with copper worms, Mens, womens and youths worsted, cotton, silk and fancy dockings, Mens and womens fuk and Norway doe gloves, Printed cottons, calicoes and gauze Blue, green and pink perfmn, Pins—White chappie needles, Cravats, lhawls and handkerchiefs, Mens and womens beaver, white, black and fancy hats, Silk and tinsel hat bands, Irilh linens, 7-8 and yard wide, Irish Scotch and RufSa fhectings, A quantity of feythes and sickies, Juggs and jarrs aflorted, Sherry and Teneriffe wines, Hyfon and bohea tea, A quantity of bar lead. $3” Their present aflortment conflfls of an extenftve and well chosen variety of ufeful and fancy articles, which they wifli to fell at low prices, and will give every polfible inducement to all petfons who Audi purchase or trade at their store. May 19, 1796. Three Dollars Reward. RUN AWAY from the fubferiber the 9th infant a negro boy, named Theophilus, about 15 years old, Jlightly marked on the bread, frong viade and about 5 feet high, he cannot jpeak Englijh. Whoever will deliver the jaid boy to Mr. Blache in Augufa, or to the fubferiber, fiall receive the above reward from EMERY LAVALLEE. Augnfia , May 14, 1796. _ N O T ICE CAME at my house a Negro wench, about 45 or 50 years old, fays fie belongs to a gentle man, near Charleflon, by the name of Parke, and that her name is Fib or Sibby. Any person proving the property may have it by applying to thefub fenber, near the court-house in Columbia county. John Robinson. April 29, 1796. Now in Confinement, IN the jail of Hancock county, a Negro Fellow, who calls himfelf JOE, between 45 and 60 years of age, 5 feet two or three inches high, with a large fear over his right breajf, said to be occafioncd by a . whip-saw ; also a fear on his right arm a little above his elbow, and fom'what mark'd on the back by whip ping, and a small blemijh in his right eve—lie was fold as a f ive in this county by a certain William Brafwell, of Wafiington county, lie fays he was born in the if and of Antigua, and was jet free by the will of George Gulp kin, deceased. The right ewntr may obtain him by applying to the fubjinber, and paying all lawful charges. Samuel Hall, Jailer. May 4, 1796. Wanted to purchase, A good Saddle Horse, For which Cafli will be given. En quire of the Printer. THE fubferiber will, in a few days, remove hit assortment of groceries, to the fore lately oc cupied by Mr. David Sandidge, in Broad-freet, and there offered for Jale ; would rent from the frfi day of June next, the premises he now lives in, for one twelve months, with other privileges——For particu lars pleaje apply to Jofliua Meals. Augufa, May 12, 1796. ISAAC HE RBERT, Begs leave to inform his friends and the public in general, that he has lately received on confign vint, A FRESH SUPPLY OF DRY GOODS, Which includes a general Assortment suitable to thi present season. ALSO, Ground and coarse Alum SALT Bar iron, steel, and nails of different fizca Bed steel plate hand saws Cross cut and mill saws Broad hoes, axes, adzes and drawing knives Iron pots, skillets and frying pan3* Beil London pewter, glass and tin ware Gun powder, (hot and bar lead London made stills of the firft quality Alum, copperas, and brimstone Bcft Jamaica spirits Sugar, coffee, and molafles Allpice, pepper and ginger, Scc.&c. Which he will dispose of on the luwrf terms for CASH or PRODUCE, at his fore, the upper end of Broad-freet. Augufla, Jan. it, 1796. Four Dollars Reward. LOST on Thur/day morning lafl, 12th infant, A PLAIN GOLD WATCH, made at Bor deaux, the imitation of arose engraved on the back of it, the watch string it of black silk with a, gold watch key on it.— Whoever will deliver the said watch to the Jubfcriber fluid, receive the above reward . < Chartier. Augufla , May 14, 179 6. GEORGE JJ. MO,ORE & Co. Two doors above Mr. Andrew Innes’s, Broad-Street, Beg leave to acquaint their friends in town and country, that their fore is now open with a general assortment op GOODS Suitable to the present season Including Weft-India Articles almost of every defeription. The planters in genera], of Georgia and South- Carolina, need only examine the goods at this store to be convinced of the preference due to long experience in purchasing, and the small profits ne neffary to a quick return. Augufa, December 16, 1795- Ladies Academy , Augujla . I\lE proprietors of this ejiablfied jcminary to evince their gratitude to a dijeerning public , face their removal to the late (ojfec-hou/e, and the acquifrtion of Teachers ; have engaged Arlifctrs to make 'Forte Pianos, Harpsichords and other Musical Instruments, on better terms than they can be imported ; and to repair those already purckafed, in town or country. Those fuppliedfrom their mar, ufa It cry will be kept in repair two years gratis. The objection to the polite accomplifment of mu pc, on account of the difficulty in procuring in- Jlrumcnts, is now removed. 04* Pupils tan beinfrucledon the several infru merus vjed in this country. ‘ N. B. There are a few vacancies for ladies, and three fur gentlemen in Rhetoric and Belles Letters: Por a full dejeription of the several branches of Li terature, and ufeful learning taught at this acade my, the proprietors beg leave to refer to their former advertifment. v CABINET WORK in general executed with neatness and ditpauh. IVol. X. No. 503.]