The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, May 06, 1797, Image 1

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ATURDAY, May 6/1797. DTHE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE I. - . AN D _ ... ... -; ' • r GAZETTE ovTjttS S T A TE. — ——— — —— : •. . * \ - - w . • FREEDOM o? thk PRESS and TRIALbP JUJt Y shall tlwifif ikviqlatm. CaapUtUian $f Georgiy , ■-1 fti y&y ‘l'At* t?"** *f- • ’»v rU G U S T A ; Printed by JO HN E. SMITH, Printer *0 '■ **'t State ; Essays, -Articles of Intelligence > AdverUjen.eKts &c. will be gratefully received \ and every kind of Printing performed. Three Dollars per annum. 3 Savannah Hospital and #Poor ■ Jibufe LOTTERY. ftpF{£ firfb and second chflcs Bft- of this lottery being drawn, a’.l ■■izes yet due will be paid on demand, ■he coamufiionets now otter to the ■a bile ' the SCHEME for the I TH I R-D CLASS, viz. i Prize of rpo Dollars. 1 x icoo I i 500 • 3 Pates of l 4 •100 1409 20 5° 1 coo I 50 20 toco [ 100 IO I coo ■I2OO 5 60CO Prizes 14000 1 2610 Blanks, saving, 2000 [ 4000 Tickets, at 4 Dollars, is 16000 ‘Dollars* I, £f- The great fires in Savannah, have lib much impeded the sale of the tickers, ■that the lottery could not be drawn at ■ the time originally appointed. I The commiffiontrs propose to com- I drawing the 3d class, on Tues- Iday the 20th of next June. I The lottery being for charitab> pur |»ofes ; generous and humane people are Mcdkited to afliil, by purebafing the few Remaining tickets, which may be had of | the c'olmniffioncrs, at 4 dollars each. ipHN BR 1C KELL, I JAMES B. YOUNG, | ? I JUSTUS H. SCHEUBER, | | I WILLIAM HUNTER, kS; 1 JTIILIP MILLEDGE, ' JOHN MOORE, j 3 I .. WILLIAM EELpHER. J * 1 favannak, Ap'il xr» 1797. I Tickets in the third c!afs of^iis I Lottery may be had at Mr. Godfrey I ZimHermann’s, at Mr. George Barnes’, land at this Printing-Office. I French Grocery Store. I Next door to Smith’s Printing OfE :e. I V LIAS Tt/RC intending to embark for Europe Jhortly , informs mine public that kz km an ajfortment of ■xWr, Uquorsp. amktry wan , (3c. which ■L will difpefe of at ver y reduced prices ■for cash. He also requejh all persons in- M deified to him to make immediate payment , met'd those having deminis againjt him are misfired to bring them in for payment. I, Aagvifta, April 28, 1797. I FOR SALE, I Either separate or together , I r T'HE Hock of Goods and Gro- I , ceries now cn hand in the liore next ■ door to Mr. Hutthinfon’s, oppefue the ■ market house, and corner of the street I fading to the ferry. For terms enquire I at fai.t (tore. I Augu/ia, April 28, 1797. ■ - fubferiber informs the public that he has recommenced the HAT BTING BUSINESS in Augutla, where ■all kind, of ladies and gentlemens hats ■ are made and repaired in the best manner, ■'dth and punctuality. ■ He also engages to give the following j ■prices for the dilfe refit kinds of lur, to ■*; it, K?or good Grey Fox Doll, o 32 ■ Racoon 25 I Wild Cat 3 z S Otter Skins I 50 Muskrat 1 a Bearer per pound . 1 25 ■ , And for all other forts of furs, ufual yy made use of by hatters, in the above ■froportion. ■ ISAAC RANDOLPH. James Clarke & Co. HAVE RECEIVED, By the latejl arriuals from London and Liverpool, , A NEAT ASSORTMENT OF * SPRING GOODS, Which they are now opening, at the fort, lately occupied bv Mefjrs. Ralflon anti Phjbitt, next below Mfrs. Kcr and < Hogarth, amongf which are the follow ing articles, which they will fell very low for ccijh or produce, viz. T ADI ES, mens and youths ■ i falhionable hats, Fancy feathers and artificial flowers, Beads and mock garnets, A large assortment of plain and tambor'd muslins, Ditto (hawls and handkerchiefs, Humhums, muilinets and dimities, Camei’shair veil ft'.apes, Marseilles quilting ditto, India, ftrta't and clouded nankeens, Falhionable luteflrings and florentines, Mens and womens china silk a»d leather gloves, Durants and bombazeen, Superfine broad cloths and caifTimers, Jeans, thicksets and‘royal ribbs, Umbrellas, Mens, womens and youths Ihoes and flippers, W'hite and brown iri£h (heetings, " Oznahurgs, Weeding hoes, Scythes, sickles and catting knives, Bar iron and steel, 4d. 6d. Bd. rod. and 2od. nails and brads, Rum, Sugar and molafles, Pepper, alfpice, ginger, nutmegs and cinnamon, Window glass, Lintfeed and train oil. With a great variety of articles too nu merous for insertion. 'April 20, 1797. 'Collin Reed & Co~ Have just received additional supplies of Dry Goods and Groceries, Consisting of JAMAICA, Northward and cherry rum Apple brandy by the quarter cask White Port and Sherry wine Lintfeed oil and paint Window glass 8 by 10 Ax barr iron Pots, ovens andfkillets A large assortment of Liverpool ware by the crate or fmallcr quantity Umbrellas, nankeens, oznaburgs, &c. Which they will Jell low for cash or pro duce. Thev will also give a generous price for PINK ROOT. Augusta, April 20, 1797* up by the fubferiber, on JL Butlei’s creek, a BAY MARE, about four feet, five or fix inches high, about fix or seven years old 5 branded on the near (houlder M, hanging mane and long fwken tail j has foroe saddle spots I aad some white hairs on her, which ap pears to have been occasioned by a iur tcit. ROBERT WALTON. Richmond Couny, April 12, 179“7* lFan ted Immediately , A GOOD workman, wh6 understands the building of a Tabacco flat; such as are used between Augusta and Sa vannah : Every material will be furnifh ed | and a much greater price given than has heretofore been cuftomaiy. Enquire of the Printer. GEORGIA. Forfak by the fubfcribgr, at tht fare late ly occupied by ltd ward M\FarHn, A LARGE ASSQR.TM E N'T OF GROCERIES, ‘ Which will be fold, wholtjuil only,for caj/i Os tobacco Con ffins' of SUGAR in hhds. and barrels Coffee in ditto Superfine floor High 4.;h proof Jamaica spirits New- York rum Hojykads gia Teneriffe w!ne I Alum fait Crockery in crates aflorted Checfe Souchong and bohea teas Raisins in kegs Pickled salmon in barrells Double battle gunpowder Swceds iron. / A L S O, A box of DRY GOODS per invoice. CARLETON DUNKLEY. • Augufla, April zq, 1797. - Sheriff’s Sales. On the firft Tuefday in June next, at the court house in Buike county, WILL BE SOLD, 300 acres of land the proper sty of- Stephen John forty adjoining lands of Robinson and Gray ; taken at the infance cf Jfofkua Williams. Alfa 350 acres of pine land, the proper ty of Howell Hargrove ; taken by virtue of two executions for cojls. 340 acres of pine land , taken as the property of Joseph Baily, dec. for cofl. Also, 20 • acres of Savannah riverfw amp land, 600 acres of pine land, 400 acres of pine land, 100 acres cf pine land; nine negroes, four head of horses , and a flock oj cattle; taken as the property of Jacob Griner, drceafcd, at the suits of William Vince, William Oliver, Cuyltr and Ro berts, this 2 id day of April, 1797. 1 JAMES LEWIS, S. B. C. J. VV. DEVEREUX, Contractor and Quarter-Ma ster, F. T. G, Begs leave to inform the public that he is . opening at his fores at Sparta and Montpellier, A handsome A/fortment of Frefli Dry GOODS, Which were purchased in New-York and Philadelphia, with prompt payment, and which he intends disposing of at a moderate advance for cash or merchan table produce; he also has almost every article in the grocery line, which he will fell on reasonable terms; he will pur chase or barter for flour, corn-meal, beef, pork, com, tallow andfoap at the market prices. Starta, Jan. 20, 1797. HTAKEN up and brought to the jail of Hancock county, a negro fellow, about twenty-five years of age, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, well set, has on a grey cloth coat and felt ha , half worn ; he fays his name is DICK, and that he belongs to a Mr. John Walton on the Kio kas. The owner is desired to prove his property , pay charges and. take him away, SAML. HALL, Jailor • Sbarta, March 29, 1797. " TToTTc ~e. A LARGE leather trunk, containing blankets, cloths, plates, Sec. was sent to me by Mr. William Wallace from Savannah, which I And is not mine; the owner is reqnefled to pay the charges and take it away. SAMUEL JACK. April zo, 1787. fVoL. Hi. No.' «J;] Sheriff's Stilts* On the firft Tuefday in Jonenext, at the house of Starling Gardner* In War tea county* WILL BE SO'L D, iis acres of land of third quality, on the waters of Hart*s creek, ad* joining Cloud, Stubbs, and Butler's landy under execution at the property of Eldridg* Hutgrove, at the suit of James W, Greed* )Afo 11 a acres third quality, on Bockp omfort, with fom imprmmnm d&tim fn| land of John My rick's and others 3 n+ of the fame quality on the head water* of Hurt's creek, adjoining land of Jantp Parker and others ; under execution as ths property of George Weather by, at thefutC of /aid James W, Green, Condition* cajh, L. WRIGHT, D, S. March 28, 1797. ~~Do£lor~D rsMrf 4 Refpcflfully informs the public, that hp has just received from Philadelphia and Charleston, j . A S»fplt of Frelh DRUGS,, Which will be fold on a very small ad* varice, for cafa,,tobacco or ginned cot . ton.—Handfomc hoxfes will be taken inpayment. February t, 1796. • • ' * 1 ” Notice is hereby given, ""PHAT a co-partnerlhip bo. X tween DYSART and BRAZIEfe has commenced for the purpose of pfaßifihg physic in all tts different branches: they flatter themselves that they will enjoy the confidence and attention of their fellow* citiuens, as their principal objcQ will be to Hurit them, R R O U G H T to the jail of Burke county, a negro fellow named TOM, fays he is thirty years old last Chnfimas, about five feet fix inches highp and that he belongs to Geo, Cowen , living at the head of Ogechee, three miles from Charles Abercrombie; he is a fait water negro; has a small fear under his left cheek , and two small Jcars on his forehead* DANIEL BOATWRIGHT, Jailor* April 19, 1797. NO TI CE. r pHOSE who arc indebted tb* tlx fubferibtrs either at their floret in Campbtllton, South-Carolina, or Nego Savannah, Georgia ; mufl pofitivcly come forward and difeharge the fame immedi ately, as no further indulgence will he given, HENRY SMfcRDON ti Co. New Savannah, April 29, 1797. Hunt, Stallings & Co. their friends that they have the foie right of receiving She debts due on open accounts to that comm cern, and are the only persons who. can give legal difeharges for the fame : They therefore requejl all those indebted to them in that way, to come forward and make payment without delay, as the preffng de mands against them render it nereffary t* put every account in suit that is not fpec dily fettled, N, B, As there is reafmt to believe that Mr, Birch has received ' monies offundry persons due to the concern of Hunt, Stal lings & Co. of which he has rendered no account: it is necessary to inform them that they wiU be called uhon by the said concern for payment, as the accounts fiand open in their books, Jan, 12, 1797,