The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, May 13, 1797, Image 2

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[IB U 5 O S x o K. April iff ' ■ tT« have seen fever* I accounts of the capture of an American vessel, said to be t/j carrying muikctiy See. to Ireland* Ihi ff ecflel i» the Olive Branch, captain Bry ant, owned here, and was taken in lati l|j fode 47, longitude if, and carried into ft Porrfmouth (England.) The arms and 1? cannon (he had on board, were purebafed W in Holland, by genera! Ira Allen, of B Vermont, for the nfe of the militia of fct that (late; and we have seen an adver tlftdpnt 4a<he Vermont papers calling on the colonels of regiments to toport de ft ficiencies of arms, in order that they might be fnpplied this summer from those tiketi—when this is proved, we think the vessel and cargo will be acquit ted. A» congress-we about meeting by the prudent direftion of prefrdent Adams, the federal citizens are willing to wait , the decision of the people exptdled by their representatives. The Tallies of Petey Porcupine,- or the Biitilh la&ion in the Centinel, will be of little avail; as it is expelled on rite meeting of con greft, that the fee rets of the late ad mi nio ration will be so far brought to light, aa'tb convince the citizens ofjthe fraud in the late treaty negociation. When this -is known, every American will {accede to its abolition. . NEW-Y O R K, April 17, • The (hip Eliza, -captain Allen, of this port, belonging to Theophjlus Brower, mefthant, was taken on his passage from Leogane to New-York, with a cargo faitl to be worth ;yo,ooo dollars, on the jft instant, by the Briti(h Hoop of war Abicore, captain Foftci, and Cent into Cape Nichola Mole. The (loop Polly, captain Anthony, of £harlefton, South Carolina, was taken on her passage from Leogane to Charles ton and Cent into the Mole for *djudi cation. The crews of the above vessels were on their arrival, put into a prifon-(hip, and this captains not allowed to go on (hore without a guard. Reports from the Weft-Indies fay, that the brigands have destroyed the town of Aux-Cayes, and massacred all the white inhabitants. A letter from Philadelphia fays, that the publication of George Wilson, ex cited attention, and Peter Porcupine was called before the mayor—on enquiry of ail the George Wilfons in the city, no one could be found who knew any thing t)f the business--and it appears that Pe ter found the piece in bis letter box— so poor Peter was gulled. Minerva. PHILADELPHIA, April 22. The editor of the Leyden Gazette, at •the conclusion of the address of the late Erefident to his fellow citizens of Septem er last, makes the following remarks.— << Such is the conclusion of a piece, .which completely places the Mutinous Washington, in the rank, not only of the greatest men of all ages, but (what is more) in the rank of the mod generous, the meft wife, the mod virtuous. The founder of a great republic by his courage and military talents; he has been dill more its founder, in consolidating it by his firm, prudent, and just administration .—by the tefpeft which his diftnttrefted character and his enlightened undemand ing have inspired even to his enemies and his calumniators, (for virtue, howe ver pute, is never without them) in fine, by his personal example, which has made him the model of bis refpe&able fellow citizens. As to me, in my arduous career, which -the wickedness of mankind has often planted with thorns, in (he career of a public journalist, which I have ever la boured to render ufeful to my contem poraries, it is to me a fatisfa&ion, which I feel with the liveliest sensibility, to have always known in Wa(hington the hero, the lcgiftator, the sage and the virtuous man.” SAVANNAH, May 9. Arrived (hip Salley, captain Webber, £2 days from Lilbon—with whom came passenger, Mr. John Millen of this place, who was a passenger in the (hip Diana, captain Ingraham, bound from Liver pool to this port, which wbs taken by the French privateer La Vengeur, {owned B by captain Wm. Cowel of Boftou) caT- Pr fied into Brcft and condemned on the bribed evidence of George M‘Kenzie a negro, who had been in the capacity of ' steward on board said fitip. The (hip and cargo was American property, and principally owned* by captain Edward of this place. J4r« MUicß together with the mate and the rest of the passengers, w ere con fined several days, as Bririih prisoners. The following is a lift handed by Mr. Millen, of Americans who at present re side in Fiance, and are owners and fitters of privateers, which are said to be cruiz ing for the express purpose of capturing all American veffels— (vide New-York head. ) W#n. Cowel, John Coffin Whitney, Ellis, James Callender, Samuel Hatch, of Boston; Thornes Lewis, of Marblehead ; Elcry, of Cape Ann; Samuel Turble, of Tanton.; Platt, - Gilfon, James Tiylor, of New- York ; Cooper, of Virginia ; Pecer Whitefides, of Norfolk. Saturday evening last, arrived in town ftom Fort Fidiu?, conducted by a troop of dragoons, under the command of cap tain F. Webb, William Yarborough, Obadiah -Morris, Ephraim Moore and Miel Monk, who had croffod the Oconee into the Indian terriiories, for the pur pose of hunting, contrary to the laws of the United States, and were taken on the zzd ult. and carried prisoners to the fort, from whence they were ordered by the commanding officor, to this place, to be tried before ttye federal judge. Pre vious to their marching from Fort Fi dius, a considerable number of the inha bitants of Hancock county, collected in arms, with a determination to liberate them from the guard which was to con duit them to this place ; but by the in trrpofition and particular xequeft “of the . prisoners, and owing to the activity of colonel Lamar, the mob defitted from such -an unlawful .proceeding and dif peffed. We are informed that his excellency the govemoT and colonel Gaiter-have both written to the federal judge in their behalf. 7 'ln confeqoence of the late glorious, victories, obtained by the French ar mies in Italy, the French citizens rai ding in this town, gave an entertain ment, to which they invited a number of American citizens. The utnu If har mony and cordiality prevailed oju the occasion. After dinner the following toall were drank : 1. The French republic. 2. The republic of the United States. 3. May a cordial reconciliation soon .take place between the two filler repub lics, and may their iriendfliip be ever ladim*. o 4. The Batavian and the new Italian republics. 5. Buonaparte and the viflorious ar mies of Italy’. ti. All the other defenders of the French republic. 7. The constituted authorities of the French republic. 8. The constituted authorities of the United States. 9. The date of Georgia. 10. The great minority of congress, who opposed the 'Britifti treaty. ri. Citizen Munroe, the late Ameri can minister. 12. Citizen Angeieau, the Fruiterer and his vidlorious son 1 May men of merit be rewarded rather by the xefpeft (hewn to their parents, than by heredi tary diftinftions to their children. 13. May a general diffufion of know ledge, speedily rid the wotld of royalty, aristocracy and superstition. 14. The friends to the French repub lic, throughout the world. 15. May the ble dings of peace, soon crown the efforts of the French republic, and convince tyrants that Freemen are invincible. The eleflion of governor and lieute naty governor for the date of Madachu fetts, has terminated in the eleftion of Mr. Sumner to the former, and Mr. Gill to the latter honorable dations. General Shepherd is elected member to congress bv a large majority in the room of Mr. W. Lvman. a Fifteen Dollars Reward. CTRAYEDor ftelen from the Jubfcriber , on the zzd April laj, a . foml horse , about Jive years old, about . Jour teen hands high, has a Jar in his fore head, the right hind fool white, no brand perceivable, had a cut on his right fide , where the pad joins the sank + former.y the property of major Forjyth , dec. The above reward will be paid on the delivery of- the thief and horse , or Jve dollars for the horse , fuddle and bridle only . The above mentioned horse belongs^o capt. Wm. Lit tle on Ruckktad, Bathe county. May 8, i 79 7, JOHN SMITH. Wanted m a dry good s ftoreVa young man who can write a good hand and onderftands accounts; none need apply but such as can be well recom mended. _ ~ r A letter ad die (Ted to X. Z. and left at this office, will be attended to. At a quarterly meeting of the Augufla Fire Company , at the house of Mr. M'Lazvs, ' -on Monday \ft of May, 1797* Ordered, I'hat the secretary give notice in the Gazettes, requeuing the members - -of the company to be punctual in their at tendance at this place, the fitft Saturday in June, at 7 o'clock p. m, and that they hriny yyth them their backets, bags, &c. — w-o, come prepared to fettle their ac counts with the treasurer. Extrafl from the Minutes, JOS. HUTCHINSON, Se’y. Colleßo fs Sale. At Wilkes court-hoafe on the 3d day of June next, WILLBESOL D, 397 1-2 acres of land in Wilkes county, on the waters of Fijhing creek, joining land of Nath. Rigan and Sam. Walker ; taker as land in default, which was formerly claimed by the heirs of Marry. ]. Harden Foster, T. C. U r . C. COLLECTOR’S sale. On the 13 th day of June next, at Wilkes :; court-house, WILL BE SOLD, For the tax of the years, 17941 1795 and 1796. • ONE black mare the proper ty of William Subblefield. J. Harden Foster, T. C. ‘IV. C. To the Public „ TH E fubferiber takes this method to inform the public, that he has taken a large and commodious house at colonel Cobb’s MINERAL SPRINGS, on Reedy creek, a few miles above the road leading from Augufla to Louisville, where he will accommodate, on reasonable terms, all those who may have cccajion to visit that place. A commentary upon the virtues of those waters, altko * recently difeovered, is deemed unnccejfary, as they have been ex perienced by many refpetlable valetudinari ans who can vouch Jot tktir effi* ary . Besides the advantages to be derived from the internal use of theft salubrious waters, which flow in great abundance from innu merable, there is perhaps no place in the world where the cold, or temparate, bath can be used with greater purity or to a greater advantage . The junction of these little rivulets gliding over a bed of white sand and pebble, forms so bold a Jlream, that the trunk of a single tree fallen across its course, conjlitutcs a reservoir of this cryflaline fluid, over which a building is creeled , large enough for the bathing of twenty p erf on s at the fame time without dis turbing its transparency.—-Other baths of different conflrutlurc are eretling for the better accommodation as~well of the ojfetled as those who way visit them for amufment or the purpose of evading the difeajes inci dent to the Jultry months.—-It is a remark able, tho’ well known fad., that persons in the high'ft fever may freely use these baths to advantage . And to crown the whole, this delightful spot is Jituated in a very high and healthy part of the Jlate . The fubferioer also informs the public that he has a general assortment of groceries and a few dry goods.—An excellent bak v is about to Jet up his trade here ; and it is ex pected a market of frejh provtfions will be pretty weUfurnijhed. JESSE NEWTON. B ATH, May 4, 1797. FOR SAL E, A NEGRO fellow about 35 years of age, he is a good jobbing carpenter. Inquiie at . this office. SHERIFFS SALE. At Starling Gardner’s , in Warren county, on the frji Tutjday in July enjuing, WILL BE SOLD, 228 acres of land whereon William Coiam Jives; taken as his pro- execution at the inftante of Richard Hcdo. Terms CASH. jg>. Neal, S. fT, C. May 2, *1797. NOTICE. N/?Y apprentice Charles lie ell abjcnltd kimfelf from my Jcrvut a few days ago, without thefmnliefl prevo. cation, and has not yet ieturned. / d.y hereby forwarn allper Jons whovijbever fro s.i receiving and harbouring the /aid Charts Howell, upon pain of being projects ted with the utmoji rigour of the law. hi; Jvp . po/ed he has gone ir.lo the neighbour hood of 'his mother in Burke county, as hi was ir.-.t on Sunday near M'Beatt. If the/aid up. prentice does within a cutth voluntarily re. turn, he Jiiell be forgiven j but if tti-l, a ’ reward of/ve dollars end all reasonable ex pences /tall be paid to any per Jon who fl.ail apprehend and deliver him to me. Wm. DEARMOND. Augufia, May 12, 1797. ' ro £ E ~S~O~L~dT I In lots convenient for the purchasers, ALL the land belonging to Rae’s trail which lies fouth of the Bedford road. The lands offered comprehend the elevated and ronuintic hights adjoining the rope walk from whence then is a pleajing view of the river , and of Au gusta, Campbell ton, and the adjacent coun try. It afo lies contiguous to Harris’: newly ejlablijhed Wiarehov.f j and some cf the lots will include the Indian J’prings. Bor terms apply to Seaborn Jones, of An - gufta., where a .plat cf the lands may in Jccn. JOHN MILLEDGE. Skidoroay, May 1, 1797. NOTICE is hereby given, r I 'HAT after the expiration cf ; nine months from the date hereof, an application will be made to the honor, able the infeiior court of the county cf Greene, for leave to fell a trail of lane! lying on the waters of Beaver creek, of I Richland, adjoining lands of Charles Cef na, belonging to the estate of David Cub bertfon, deceased. February 16, 179 7. I COLLECTOR’S sale. I On the second Saturday in June next,- V at Elbert court-tooufe, WI L L RESOLD, For the taxes due for the year 1796. I 200 acres land, Elbert comi ty, joining William Watkins and Refert Tkompfon j taken as the property of jshi Oliver. James O. Cosby, T. C. E. C. May 7, 1797. Sheriff's Sale. 9 On the firfl Tuelday in July next, be tween tl»e hours of ten and three o’clock, at Elbert ccu-rt-hcufe, WILL BE SOL LA 400 acres land, Elbert county, j Falling creek, adjoining lands of Wilbers IJ Dodd and Sultles ; taken as the properif j| of Frances Webb, at the full of Frame 11 Smith. ') Aifo, 200 acres, Franklin county, on fl Nelson s creek, adjoining Elijah FUmwi I and. others ; taken as the property of R’d. 9 Coulter, jun. at the fait of Thomas Oliver. I | James O. Colby, D. S. I ~ COLLECTOR/ SALE | On the second Saturday in June next, 2t H Elbert court-house, WILL BE SOLD, f|; For the faxes due for the year 1795. [i vacant lots in the tow: || of Feterfburg, No. 61. 65. 67-69 fl ■ 72 ; taken as the property in d fault to jo Bj lisfy the tax for Jaid year. fl Alfa, a billiard t:ble ; taken as the psrty of John R. Miff in d to fztisfy tax for the year 1796; tax D. 85 Alfa, 25 acres land, Elbert county, the waters of Falling creek, well imp r: f A Bi adjoining James Dillard and others ; ? as the property cf John Lowry for ike * v 'Si of 1796; tax r 8 cents. M 1-5 acres in Jaid county , on the uinlr’U H of F(tiltng creek, well improved, joins Lowry and others 1 taken as the prope ri: WM of fumes DiUard to fatisfy his tax />’B9 1796 ; tax 61 1-2 cents. | m 1 50 acres land in Jaid county, v ,(!tr Ba Beaver dam, well improves, adjoining 'v-'um of R. Allen and Moore; taken as r.N’ perty of Wni. Head foe the ta.± of the)- K 9 1796; tax D. 375 12. fB 10 acres of land adjoining L’dcd' l taken as the property of Mcfes 1/ ilcos cWjB jatisfy his tax for the year i 796 ; tax : IB cents . i B James O. Colby, T. C*E "Ih **May 6, * 191