The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, May 20, 1797, Image 1

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TuIIDAY, May 20, 1797- r HE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE | AND I GAZETTE of the STATE. - - . - - - j ■ ja iiT- 3F -o — T FREEDOM or thi PRESS and },O R V mall reual* mviolATE. Cvt/lituu* Sf Vmtia. uGUS TA: Printedty JOHN E. SMITH, Printer to the State/ Essays, Article s Intelligence, Advert(jm**n (sc. tuili be gratefully received, and e very kind of Printing performed. [Price Three Dollars per annum .J Wanted in a dry good’s |&e, a young man who can write a good flftt and undetftands accounts; none |jftl apply but such as can be well recom ■ letternddrefled to X. Z. and left at office, will be atten led to. W~ To the Public . !■'' H E fubferiber takes this method to inform the public, that he flj taken a large and commodious house at Men l Cobb’s MINERAL SPRINGS, ■ AJ edy creek , a jew miles a'>ove. the toad from Augufa to Louisville, where ■ will accommodate, on reasonable term r, ■ those a dii may have occasion to visit that lace,I ace, A commentary upon the virtues of mfe waters, altho’ recently , is memed unnecejf.iry, as they have been, ex mricnced by many refpeclable vnletudinari ■tj toho can vouch for their ejfl acy. H Besides the advantages to be derived from me internal use of these falubnous waters , Which flow in great abundance from innu merable founes, there is perhaps no place ft the world where the cold, or temparate, mth can be used with greater purity or to I greater advantage. The junction of these Wttle rivulets gliding over a bed of white ft nd and pebble, forms so bold a fir earn, (hat the trunk of a fmgle tree fallen acrvfs Icotirf conflilutes a reservoir of this {lnline fluid, over which a building is led, large, enough for the bathing of mty perfns at the fame time without dif ■bing its tr anfpar ency.—-Other baths of r erent conflrutture are ere Sling for the >.er accommodation as well of tne affetled those who may vift them for amufemtnt the purpose of evading the difeajes inci \t to the paltry months.—-It is a remark c, thS well known fail, that persons in highefl fever may f reely use these baths advantage. And to crown the whole, s delightful spot is situated in a very h and healthy part of the fate. 'Thefubferiber also informs the public that has a general ajfortment of groceries and few dry goods.-—An excellent baker is mt tofel ub his trad~ here ; and it is ex l d a market of frejh provijions will be :tty welljurnijhed. J JESSE NEWTON. H ATH, May 4, 1707. a quarterly meeting of the Augu/ta Eire Company, at the house of Mr. M‘Luws, on Monday isl of May, 1797. Ordered , That the secretary give notice the Gazettes, requeuing the members the company to be pun&ual in their a‘- n.lance at this place, the fi'fi Saturday Line, at 7 o’clock P. M, and that they ing with them their buckets bags, Sic. ■ a:to, come prepared to fettle their ac unts with the treasurer. Extract from the Minutes, JOS. HUTCHINSON, Scc’y. Fifteen Dollars Reward. ITRAYED or stolen from the fubfcrio, r, on the 22 d April la ft, a r rd tiorfe , nbrnit fvz years old, about inecn high, has a florin his fc-re ad, the right hind foot white, no bra id rceivablh id a cut on his right pie, iere the pad join, the flank ; former. y the operty of major fortyih, dec. 7 he above card will oc paid on the drbve r y of the ief and horje, or hv: dollars for the rs, fa-idle and bridle only. The ab >ve ■ ncivned horje belongs to rapt. Wm. Llt ■on Buck head, Burke cntvty. May 8, '797. JOHN SMITH. ~~F~O~R S A TJ, NEGRO fellow about 35 -L years of age, he is a good >bb;ng carpenter. Inquire at us olhce. Jh. CARRIE & Co. Broad-fired, next door above Mr. John Fen’s Store, Have on hand a general aflortment of GROCERIES, Which they will dispose of very low for Cash or Produce. £3” They request all pet Tons indebted to them to come forward without delay and fettle their refpedive accounts. May to ¥o BE SOL D, • In lots convenient for the purchafera, ALL the land Ifelonging to Rae’s trad which lies fouth of the Bedford road. The lands offered for file comprehend the elevated and romantic hights adjoining the rope walk from whence there is a pleasing view of the river, and of Au gufla, CampbeUton, and the adjacent coun try. It also lies contiguous to Harris’s newly ejlablijhcd JVarehoufe ; and Jome of the lots will include the Indian Jprings. For terms apply to Seaborn Jones, of Au gujla, where a plat of the lands may be seen. JOHN MILLEDGE. S.kidoway, May i, 1797* NOTICE. TV /TY apprentice Charles How ell aojented himfeif from my frvice, a few days ago, without the fmalltjl prevo cation, and has not yet returned. Ido hereby for warn all persons whumjoever from receiving and harbouring the jaid Charles Howell , upon pain of being prosecuted with the utmofl rigour of the law. It is Jup pofed he has gone into the neighbourhood of his mother in Burke county, as he was met on Sunday near M ( Bean. If the said ap prentice does within a week voluntarily re turn, he Jhall be forgiven ; but if not, a reward offve dollars ana all reasonable ex peaces Jhall be paid to any person who jhall apprehend and deliver him to me. Wm. DEARMOND. Augufla , May 12, 1797* NOTICE. ’ I HOSE who are indebted to the fubferibers either at their fores in CampbeUton, South-Carolina, or Hew Savannah , Georgia ; mufl pojitively come forward and difeharge the fame immedi ately, as no Jurlhcr indulgence wiU be PlZJCtl* HENRY SMERDON (3 Co. New Savannah, April 29, 1797* NOTICE is hereby given, THU AT after the expiration of nme months frprn the date hereof, an application will be made to the honor able the inferior court of the county of Greene, for leave to fell a tra£t ot land lying on the wat- rs of Beaver creek, of Richland, adjoining lands ot Charles Cef ni, belongjng to the eitaieol David Cui bertfon, decealed. F-kruary 16, 1797* " FOR SALE, j TWO lots of land whereon the jubjenber Lives , in Columbia coun ty, with, the crop growing thereon, one Containing thirty acres with a dwelling houje, eighteen bv sixteen, and aUn feet jkea with other necejfary houjes, an oven and a palled garden; the other has J mad imbrovKient., lying in, the forks of the IVafhington, Fetcrjburg and Old river roads, one mile above, the U■ h-e creek. The terms of j ale uiU be. made known by applying to the fubferiber , who wul make mill!putable titles to the fame. PATRICK BRISON. \ Columbia count j, May 3, 5 797* * GEORGIA. COLLECTOR'S sale. On the second Saturday in June next, 1 at Elbert court-house, IV I L L BE SOLD , For the taxes due for the year 1796. 200 acres land, Elbert coun ty, joining William Watkins and Robert Thompson ; taken as the property of John Oliver. James O. Colby, T. C. E. C. May 7, 1797. COLLECTOR’S SALE. O* the second Saturday in June next, at ' Elbert court-houfo# WILL BE SOLD, For the taxeffdue for the year 1 795. LIVE vacant lots in the town ojPetersburg, No. 61.65. 67.69 and 72; taken as the property in def ault to Ja tisjy the tax forJaid year. Also , a billiard table ; taken as the pro perty of John R. Ragland to fatisfy his tax for the year 1796; tax D. 85 89 1-2. * Also, 25 acres land, Elbert county, on the waters of Falling creek, well improved, adjoining James Dillard and others ; taken as the property of John Lowry for the tax oj 1796; tax 58 cents. 175 acres in Jaid county, on the waters of Falling creek, well improved, joins John Lowry and others; taken as the property of James . Dillard to jatisjy sis tax for 1796 tax 61 I 2 cents. ' 150 acres land in Jaid county, waters Beuvtrdam, well improved, adjoining lands of R. Allen and Moore; taken as the pro perty oj Wm. Head for the tax oj the year 1796; tax D. 375 1-2. 10 acres of land, adjoining Elherton ; taken as the property of Mojes Wilcox; to jatisjy his tax jor the year 1796 ; tax 39 cents. James O. Colby, T. C. E. C. May 6, 1797. '' Sheriff's Sale. On the full Tueliav in July next, be tween the hours of ten and three o’clock, at Elbert court-house, WILL BE SOLD, 400 acres land, Elbert county, Falling creek, adjoining lands of William Dodd and Suttles ; taken as the property of Eranus Webb, at the Juit oj Frances Smith. Also, 200 acres, Franklin county, on Neljon’s creek, adjoining Elijah timing and oihers ; taken as the property of Rich. Coulter, jun. at the juit offhomas Oliver. James O. Colby, D. S. ~SH E RI~ Ff7 SALE.” At Starling Gardner's, in Warren county, on the Jr ft 'Juejday in July enjuing, WILL BE SOLD, 228 acres of land whereon William Co«am lives; tt-ken as his pro perty by execution at the instance of Richard Hodo. Terms CASH. D. Neal, S. IV. C. Mav 2, 1797* I Sheriff's Sale . On Tuefday the 6th day of June next, at the market house in Augusta, be tween the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, WILL BE SOLD, ALIICEL Y negro man named Dandy, about the age of twenty-jx years, country born, and is an excellent ooat hand ; taken und r execution as the property of Ch- fly Boftwick, Jen. to fatisfy Abraham Jones. Conditions oj Jade, CASH. LEWIS HARRIS, D. S. R. C. ! May 1, 1797. [Vot. XI. No, 554*2 s£}*■ Doctor W A T S O N*l i answer to Thomas Payne's Age of Ret* (on t for sale at Isaac HthAii-r's. ■ James Clarke & Co, HAVE RECEIVED, By the latejl arrivals from London and LIVBftPOOt, A NEAT ASSORTMENT OF SPRING GOODS, Which they are now opening, at the fort ■ lately occupied by Mtjfrs, Ralflon and Befiitt, next below Mejrt, Ker and Hogarth, amongst which are the follow* ing articles, which they willfell very low Jor cajh or produce , viz, j A DIE S, mens and youth* falhionable hats, Fancy feathers and artificial flowers, Beads and mock garnets, A large aflbrtment of plain and tambot'd muslins, Ditto lhawls and handkerchiefs, Humhums, muflinets and dimities Camel’s hair veil (hapes, Marseilles quilting ditto, India, ltrip't and clouded nankeen*, Falhionable luteflrings and florentinel, Mens and womens china fllk and leathef gloves, Durants and bombazeen, Superfine broad cloths and cafflmert, Jeans, thicksets and royal ribbs, Umbrellas, Mens, womens and youths thoes and flippers, White and brown Irish sheetings, Oznaburgs, Weeding hoes, Scythes, Tickles and catting knives. Bar iron and flee!, 4d. 6d. Bd. rod. and 2od. nails and brads, Rum, Sugar and molafles, Pepper, alfpice, ginger, nutmegs and cinnamon, Window glass, Lintfeed and train oil. With a great variety of articles too nu merous for insertion* April 20, 1797- Colleffior’s Sale. At the court house of Hancock county on the tenth day of June next, IVI LL BE SOLD, 51,000 acres of pine land, granted in the name of Charles Moore, lying in Montgomery county on the wa ters of the Oconee river; fold for the taxes of general Walter Steward for the year 1796, as returned by Robert Flour noy his agent. JAMES BYNUM, T, C, H, C. May 5, 1797. Sheriff's Sales. Agreeable to law, at the court house of Hancock county, in the town of Sparta, WILLBESOLD, On the firft Tuefday in June next, the following property, to wit, 287 j acres land third quality; taken as the properly of John 1 hurmond, lying on the Oconee river . 200 acres lying on the waters of Full • fume’s creek; taken as the property of IJham Hugan. Also, on: negro boy called Squire, four years old ; taken as the property of Abra ham Reddick, Terms CASH. A. COMER, S, H. C. April 24, 1797. Blank Bills ot Sale and Apprentices Indentures, for lale at this Office,