The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, June 03, 1797, Image 1

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■\TURDAY, June 1797. SHE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE AND GAZETTE of the STATE. FREEDOM of thi PRESS and TRIALbtJURY shall remain inviolate. Confiitutum ts Georgia, \ U G U S T A: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH, Printer to the State/ Essays, Articles of Intelligence, AdvertiJetoentS &c. will be gratefully received, and every kind of Printing performed . [Price Three Dollars per annum .] § Sheriff's Sale . SBTuefJav the 6th day of June next, 3g|t the market house in Augusta, be jmjween the hoars of >o and 3 o’clock, mi LL BE SOLD , I LIKELY negro man named Dandy , about the age of >,nty-fix years, country born , and is an client boat hand ; taker, under execution the properly of Cheficy Boflwick, fen. atisfy Abraham Jones. Conditions of f, C ASH. LEWIS HARRIS, D. S. R. C. | MMay 1, 1797. ■ Sheriff's Sale. ft Tuefdav the 4'h day of July next, at ■the market house in Auguffa, between ■the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, B V I L L BE SOLD, PhlE one half of a tobacco flat lately purchafd by Robert M* my ere and J. I!. Montgomery ; also the ft and improvements zohercon Robert AD ftyeve now lives. Taken under execution ft th* property of /aid M ( Tiyere io fatif- WtElizabr'k Mann. W LEWIS HARRIS, D. S. R. C. W Auguda. May 26, 1797. It. Smith, IBSERVE in your last pa r that thefnerijf ij Richmond county ivertifed for Jale , one half of a fat d by Dottor Montgomery and my ind my house and lot in the town of /la, nt the infiance of Elizabeth 1; I will therefore thank you to in l rs. E. Mann's receipt to me for the •nt of that debt, to the end that my may foffer no further injur) from so .1 a iranfaElion. ROBERT M‘TYRE. gujla, May 30, 1797. ECEIVED this 29th day of May, 1797, of Robert M i 'Tyre, the )ffourteen poundsJltrling, being in f a judgement I obtained againfi him inferior court of Richmond county j rdo hereby infirubi George Walker, to deliver the said M l Tyre ell the s relative to Jaid fiuit on his paying :fl thereof. Given under my hand ay above written. , her ELIZABETH X MANN. mark • illiam Bell, Hampton. r 0 BE SOLD, ots convenient for the purchasers, LL the land belonging to Rat’s tract, whirl lies sou of the rd road. Th: lands offered for file ehend the elevated and romantic /lights ling the rope walk from whence there leajtng view of the river, and of Au > Camp hellion, and the adjacent coun it also lies contiguous to Harris’s cjlablijkcd IVurehoufi ; and fime of its will include the Indian Jprings. erms apply to Seaborn Jones , of Au , where a plat of the lands may be JOHN MILLEDGE. idoway, May j, 1797. NO T I CL HOSE who are indebted to th: fubferibers either at their fiores impbellton, South-Carolina, or hew r.nch, Georgia; uiujl positively come ird and djciiarge the fame immedi -1 as no Jurtker indulgence wilt be HENRY SMERDON & Co. ■w Savannah , April 29, 1797. Wanted to Purchase, r T"'OBACCO, Cotton in the JL feed, or chan Cotton. CASH will be given for those articles at Mr. Verdery’s. OR OUGHT to Burke jail, on the 1 qth of Max, a yellow negro fel low by the name of Junes, who fays that he belongs to Benjamin Thatcher, merchant in Savannah ; he is about five feet four or five inches high, and fays that he was taken about three years ago by the Indians from Ogechee ferry, speaks good English. D \NL. BOATWRIGHT, Jailor.- May 2:, 1797. WILLBESOLD,’ At the house of the fubferiber, in Colum bia county , on Thursday the 29 th day of June next, ONE feather bed and a fide saddle; the property of Hezekiah Wood, dec. Terms of sale will be made known on the day of sale. DAVID CRAWEORD. A VEND RE, L’ENCYCLOPEDiE, ou Didtionnaire raifonne des Sciences, des Arts & des Me tiers. Cet ouvrage contient 39 vol. favoir 36 vol. in Bvo. & 3 vol. de planches, in 4to. Editions exadlement conforme a celle de Pellet, in quarto. On peut s’informer a cet Im primerie. r | "'HE fubferiber informs the public JL that he has recommenced the H AT TING BUSINESS in Augusta, where all kinds of hdies and gentlemens hats are made and repaired in the belt manner, with difyatch and punftuality. He also engages to give the following prices for the different kinds of fur, to wit, For good Grey Fox Doll. 032 Racoon 25 Wild Cat 32 Otter Skins I 30 Mulkrat 19 . Beaver per pound 125 And for all other forts of furs, usual ly made use of by hatters, in the above 1 roportion. ISAAC RANDOLPH. Now in Confinement. IN the jail of Hancock county, a neejo man who Jays his name is EMANUEL, about 30 years of age, /tout and well built, near fix feet high , he fays he is front the island of St. Domingo ; [his language is very broken,) he has on a blue cloth sailor’s jacket, linnen overalls, and check’d flirt. The owner is required to com: forzvard, prove his property, pay charges and take him away. SAML. HALL, Jailor . Sparta, May 10, 1797* Wanted in a dry good’s Bore, a young man who tan write a good hand and underloads accounts; none need apply but iuch as can be well recom mended. A letter add re ffed to X. Z. and left at this office, will be attended to. Blank Deeds of Con veyances and blank Bonds for sale by the Printer hereof. GEORGIA. NOTICE. nPHAT the necefiary repairs wanted at Campbell’s and Ham mond’s warehouses will positively be let to the lowe/l bidder at this place on the 1 qth June next, at to o’clock in the forenoon, unless the proprietors have them in a rea finable. {late offorwardnefs by that day. ROBERT WARE, ) SAML. CRAFT ON, } Conrnr’u JAMES COBBS, ) Camiohfllton, Max zo» 1797* James Clarke & Co, HAVE RECEIVED, By the latefi arrivals from London and Liverpool, A NEAT ASSORTMENT OF SPRING GOODS, trhuh they are new opening, at the Jtore lately occupied by Mejfrs. llalflon and Nfbitt, next below Mcffrs. Ker and Hogarth, amohgfl which ure the f ollow ing articles, which, they willjcll very low for cajh or produce, viz. i A DIES, mens and youths iafhionable hats, Fancy feathers and artificial flowers, Beads and mock garnets, A large assortment of plain and tainbor’d mullins, Ditto (bawls and handkerchiefs, Humhums, mufiinets and dimities, Camel’s hair velt lhapes, / Marfeiiles quilting ditto, India, ftrip’t and clouded njnktfcns, Fashionable lureftrings and florentines, Mens and womens chi-.a silk and leather gloves, Durants and bombazeen, Superfine broad cloths and caffimers, Jeans, rhickfets and royal ribbs, Umbrellas, Mens, womens and youths fnoes and flippers, White and brown Irilh Iheetings, Oznaburgs, Weeding hoes, Scythes, sickles and cutting knives, Bar iron and Heel, 4d. 6d. Bd. 1 od« and 2od. nails and brads, Ram, Sugar and molasses, Pepper, ajfpice, ginger, nutmegs and cinnamon, Window glass, Lintfecd and train oil. With a great variety of articles too nu merous for insertion. April 20, 1797. Notice is hereby given, HPHAT after the expiration of nine months, an application will be made to the inferior court of the county of Greene for leave to fell part of a tract of land lying on Richland creek, joining lands of Alexander Currey and the acade me, near Gretrupoorough, belonging to the efiaie oj Peter Martin , deceafid. ELIZA MARTIN, Adm’x. WM. MELTON, Jdm’r. March 3, 1797. NOTICE is hereby give/:, 'T’HAT after the expiration of •A* nine months from the dare hereof, an application wi l be made to the honor able the infeiior court of the county of Greene, for leave to fell a traft of 12nd lying on the war? of B*aver creek, of Richland, adjoining lands of CharLs Cef na, belonging to the elute of David Cui bertfon, deceased. February 16, 1797* ($3" Doctor W ATSON’s enf.ver to T homas Payne’s Age of R.ea fon, for i-Je at Isaac Uiß3i.XT’s. {Vot. XI. No. sfS.J To the Public . HP H E subscriber takes this method to injorm the public, that he has taken a large .and commodious house at colonel Cobb’s MINERAL SPRINGS, on Reedy creek, a Jew miles above the road leading from Augufla to Louisville , where he will accommodate, on reasonable terms, all those who may have occasion to visit that pla.e. A commentary upon the virtues of those waters, altho > recently difeovered, is deemed unnecrjfary, as they hdve been ex 4 * perienced by many refpeltable valctudinari ans who can vouch for their ejjhacy. Be [ties the advantages to be derived front the internal use of thej'e salubrious waters, which flow in great abundance from innu merable founts) there is perhaps no place in the world where the cold, or temparate, bath can be used with greater purity or to a greater advantage, The juntlion of thejt little rivulets gliding over a bed of white /and and pebble, forms so bold a Jlream, that the trunk of a single tree fallen across its courf, conflitutcs a reservoir of this cryjlaline fluid) over which a building is crettcd, large enough for the bathing of twenty perjuns at the fame time without dis turbing its tranfparcncy.- -Othtr baths of different conjtrutturc are eretling for the better accommodation as well of the affr&ed as those who may visit them for amuferrient or the purpose of evading the diseases inci dent to the sultry months*—-It « a remark able, tho' tocll known fad', that persons irt the highefiJever may freely use these baths to advantage. And to crown the whole, this delightful spot is Situated in a very high and healthy part of the fate. The subscriber also informs the public that he has a general ajfottment of groceries and a few dry goods,—An excellent baker is about tofet up his trade here j and it is ex pcclcd a market of frefh provisions will bi pretty wellfurnijhed. JESSE NEWTON* BATH, May 4, 17Q7. G E O R G I A. } By William Phillips* L. S. > Esq. Regifler of Pro- Greene county, j bats for said county • WHEREAS Mary Ccffna and John. Crffm, have applied to me for Utters of admini/lration on the ejlatc of Samuel Ccffna, late of this county, dec, THESE are therefore to cite andadmo nifli all and singular the kindred dnd cre ditors of the said deceased, to be and ap pear at my office, on or before the 3 d day of July next, to fliew , cause, if any they have, why letters of adminijtration should not be granted, GITEN under my hancTand seal, at my office, the 3 d day of June 1707, and in the nfl year 1 oj the Independence of the United States of America, GEORGIA, Wiliam Phillis* (L. S.) > Esq. Regifler of Pro- Greene Countv. j bats for said county, WHEREAS Abrahjtm M'Alhatton, has applied to me for Utters of ad miniflration on the eflute of Tarrenct Burns, late of this county, deceased, TUESE are therefore to cite and admo nish all and singular the kindred and credi tors of the said deceased, to be and appear at my, on or before the day of July next, to shew cause, if any they have, why letters of adminiflration Jhould not be granted. under my hand and seal, at rr.y office, the 3 d day of June 1707 ; and in the 21 fl year of the /v.d. prnd:nce oj the United States of America. 'JuJt Hublijh. d, And for Tale at this Office, The ACTS palled the lait Sef fionuf this llau