The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, September 09, 1797, Image 1

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SATURDAY, September g, 1797.- THE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE AND GAZETTE of the STATE . FREEDOM of nit PRESS and TRIAL bt JURY shall Kimain inviolate* Conjlitution of Georgia. yUGUSTA: Printed fa JOHN E. SMITH, Printer to the State,* Ljjays, Articles of Intelligence, Advertijen.ents, &V. will be gratefully received, and every kind of Printing performed. f Price Three Dollars per annum. 3 G E O II G I A. jfv his Ex aHenry JARED IR Vv IN, Governor avd Commander in Chi(J in irr.i over the jaid State. A Proclamation. W HER CAS I have re ceiv<*d information open oatc, that ace rtain man By the name oT I’-r Camps n, was n n the night of the f’C vid inftrnt, in the county of Hancock j n ,*,» f 3 jd R.r* t harbaroufly nuircercd Jv some pe son cr persons unknown. '{M ORDER THERE FO RE, Th r f'Z rcroetrator or perpetrators of the a for fair? atrocious crime rr*y he brought so cnmJrffr. puntfhment, and to prevent as far as peffible the like erormities in fu ture I have thought fit to iflue this m precHmath-n, rffertng a reward of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS to any pcrfrn or se'for.s who {ball apprehend and bring to jnfiice the afcrelaid murderer or mur derers. AND I DO HEREBY ftrLTy erjom and require a’l officers ci* il and military w-ithin this (late, to h* aiding and aflifiirg in order that this my Proclamation may be carried info due cfrVft. C ICE, N under mv hand and the Great Seal of the foul St ate, at the State - Ilov/e in Louisville, this tenth day of August, in the year of our LORD eve ihon/and[even hundred and ninety /even s andin tiff twenty - Jeconl year oj American Inde r bendence. JARED IRWIN. Br As o ovrrncr, | John Milton, Sec*v. | GOO SAVE THE STATE. N O T 1 C E. r j ''HE Ir fp'iflors of T' bacco at HAR [ I RFS’s, the AUGUST A ard NEW SAVANNAH WAREHOUSES, from I the mary complaints that have been made I to them on account of the tobacco hegf- I heads being made too larm*, do hereby I inform the planters of tobacco, that they I will not receive ary hogfhea l over the I size pointed out by law, w-hith is: For- I ty nine inches in length, and thirty-one I inches in the :i<i-g head ; and all over I that (i'ze will be condemned to be cut I with,uit to persons. It is recom- I mended by the infpeftors of tobacco at I the above mentioned wamhonfes, that the planters do tie up ea; h plant in a I bundle, as rhe'e a'e many inconvei.icn- I ces /offered by its being prised loose. I Augnjfa, Augvjt 23, 1797* l Sixty Dollars RewarJ. n DUN-A WA Y j&ji TV ~f rcvt mack Swamp, I /vkY cn (f,f 6 r h i n ft. a mulatto fellow, named TOM hut f u % calls him! If 1 horn as I White, about 42 years of I a«je, Jive feet 4. «r 5 inches high, [perks the I Vrrzinia dialed, and i: very fund of liquor ; I: it i.% fuppcf dhe will endeuv r to go to An- I gvffa, where he will try to pass for a free ( nan, and into feme gentleman’s employ. \ *>rnt to take core of horses, as he is very ■ Jjnd of that occupation. I Che above reward, with all reafcnclt K d irges will be paid to any perf -n delivering I him to the fuhfcribtr at his plantation, venr I the Siller, Fc r ry, or securing him in the I goal e>(her in S ’vannah or A»gu-la. I WILLIAM TAYLOR. I Black Swamf}, July 2?, 1797. I {£jf* Blank Bills ci Sale, I Apprentices Indentures, JuJg ■ ment Bonds, and Mortga ■ ges, for laic at this Office. Agreeable to an order of the honorable the inferior court of the county of Richmond, WILL BE SOLD, On Wtln efday the fourth of October next, at the market-house m iugufla, between the hours of ten and two o’clock, the fo!- lowing trafls of land, pari of the real efl.ite of Reuben C demon, late of the county of Richmond, Efj. dec, viz. 57; acres oak and hickory hna in Fraok'in county, originally grant el to E’S’kiel Cloud, lying on Indian creek, ail sides vacant at the time of fur vey. 287 1 2 acres pine land in Washing ton county, near the Oconee riv*r, ad joining O ven Suliivan’i and vacant lands. 257 1-2 a-res pine land in the fame counry, 00 the Bcaverlam fork of Rich land creek, originally granted to Thomas Shaw, bounded by vacant land at the time of forvey, 287 t-2 acres ditto, lying in the fame county, originally granted to di'to, ad joining captain Zachariah Philips and Stewart’s land. 287 1-2 ditto, lying in ditto, on the Ohoonee river, adjoining Samuel Bran ham’s and vacant land, granted to John Killgore. 287 1-2 ditto, granted to Samuel Branham, lying in ditto and on the fame river, lands vacant on all sides. 287 1-2 ditto, lying in ditto, and on the Ohoopee river and Mill creek, va cant land on all sides, granted to Samuel Underwood. 287 12 acres river land, lying in dit to, on the Alatainah* river, adjoining William David’s and William Green's land, originally granted to Robert Pcr litt. *.OO acres of ditto, lying in Effingham county, between Scull's creek and Sjke's Bluff, adjoining Nichol'sand vacant land, araiueJ to the said Reuben Coleman. 200 acres of ditto, lying in ditto, on Ogechee river, between Scull’s creek and Syke’s Bluff, adjoining Charlcton Mcezlt’s land, grant' d to George Bryan. 300 acres ditto, lying in ditto, vacant on all sides. <750 acres river land, lying in Colum bia county on Little river and Upton’s creek, confifrated jnd fold as the proper ty of James Greifon. 212 acres pine land, Richmond county, adjoining Dyfart, Stallings and Pace’s lands, granted to John Rhodes. too acr-s of mixed highland, lying in ditto, on Savannah river, adjoining Mar bury’s former lines, late the property of John Millcdge, Esq. 2jo acres river land lying in ditto, on Savannah river, formerly the prop-rty of George Galphin, dec. adjoining Ricket fens and Rac’s ands. One house and lot in the town of Aa oulta, lately occupied by Tmomas SaiiJ wich. One jo acre lot in the rownfhipof Au guda, occupied by Mr. Conrad Liver man. An 1 one house an! lot in the tovnnf Louifvi.iC occupied by James Merriwe ther, Esquire. • Two ditto, unimproved. For the benefit oi the heirs ard credi tors of the said deteafed. Conditions CASH. JOHN C ATLETT, . THOMAS B. SCOTT, V J J AMES SCOTT, / | JOHN SCOTT, J N Augvfl 3, 1797. ALMANACS For die Year 1797, Tor Nile at this Office. GEORGIA. By virtue of an order of the Honorable the Inferior Court for the County of Lincoln, IV I L L BE SOLD , At the house of Abrer Tatom, on the firff Sarurday in November next, the following trafls of land in said county, belonging to the estate of John Tatom, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the fame. 200 acres on Newford creek, adjoining lands of Thomas Owens. 160 acres adjoining the above traft. 200 do. on Mill creek, adjoining Rebrrr Harper and orhers. Con ditions of faie C ASH. ABEL TATOM, )_ , ABNER TATOM.s Ex rt * COTTON GINNING. I7KOM fomc alterations in my GINS, /fed them caparlc of <Uanivg aPout 1 20.' » oj greenfeed cvtt< n per day ;0/ covrfg the price in future will be two hun dfei dollars each, to he paid as the. pur chajer and myflj,may agree, excett thojr who have complied wuh the terms of mi former advr> f ij-mmt. My intention is to efiabhjh with ccrvr nient expedition, as many of those machines through this jfate and South Carolina, as will clean a conftderaolt part of the crop of cotton now growing. If the cleaning of rollon with wooden rolirrs avd with the above mentioned expe dition defrrves any encouragement from the pu dic, l have no doubt of receiving it, nor need they ary longer doubt the certain ly of what I fay. This I intend to be the lafl time that I will pejler the good people of Georgia upon the old Jubjtd of Cotton Ginning. Wm. LONGS'I REET. Who wants to Purchase , A lew theufand weight of good seed coreON, For which three dollars and'fifty cents per hundred will be given, halj cash, the ba lance in merchandize. July iq, 1707. Sheriff's Sale. On the firt Tueiday in October next, at the Court house of Lincoln county, W I L L HE SOLD, The following Trafts of land, viz. 350 acres second quality, ad jtiuing I k mas IValtan and Stain Sim mon’s, a good dwelling house, and all other neerffury houses, lying on Mill creek ; taken as the property of Benjamin Andrews, at the inftnnt of H-,nr\ Srnerdtm. Robert Hughes, D. S. L. C. Augu't 26, 17^7. SHERI El's SALE. On the firft Tuefday in OHcber next, at the court-houle in Greetifburough, WILL B E SOLD, The following trafls of land, 575 acres on the Oconee river, adj wring Isaac 6>ewart’s land. Aljo, zoo arm adjoining Moses Her ring ; taken by execution as the. property of Davis Grcfham and iTm. Filzpatruk, commiffioncrs of tut court- houje and. goal of Greene county, to fortify James tmerjon. A. HE.-ikD, S. G • C. July 3 1, r 797. FO R SAL E, TWO valuable Boat Hands andayoung House Wench ; they are all too well known in his place 10 need any recommendation.— For tr>ms apply to U. OLIVER. July 24, 1797. [Vol. XI. No. 570.] MARSHAL'S SALES. At the marker-houlc in Augusta, on the firtt Tuefday in Oftober next, between the houtaof 10 and a o'clock, WILL BE SOLD* The following lota or tratta of land, pointed out by the execotort aa the property of Macarten Campbell, dec. to fatisfy an execution, viz. P)NE lot in the town of Au gujta t on the Bay, known by number three, unjoining Benj . Harris. One lot on Broaa-Jreet , »«faid tctvn, known by number twenty-font, adjoining the lot where Baxter 800 l ftJides. A lot containing Jtx acres of land on a hill about three mite* Jrom Augvjla, where • on is a large and commodious duelling houje with necefjury out houses . l 7 heJil ua tiun renders it very valuable for a jammer retreat. A trail of land about Jive miles ahovb Augujta containing about 300 acres, ad* joining Pace’stand. A negro man, a good boat hand, ALSO, - 1000 acres, waters eif Oconee, bounds lanas jurveyedin the name of Crookjhunks, ioco ditto ait to ditto, 1000 ditto ditto ditto, 1000 ditto ditto ditto, 1000 ditto ditto ditto, 1000 ditto * ditto ditto, 1000 ditto ditto ditto, 1000 ditto ditto ditto* 1000 ( ditto ditto ditto • 1000 ditto ditto ditto • 1000 ditto ditto ditto, too acres on the waters of Oconee, bounds surveyed and ditto. 20.000 acres on the waters of Appalachee in the name of said Crookjhanks, bounds ditto, 5000 acres , waters cf Appalachee, 8000 ceres, Broad river and Oconee waters, 4JOO acres Broad river. Levied on as the property of Patrick Crookjhanks, to fatisfy an execution at the fait of Samuel IVillifon, againjl the said C rookjhanks, and pointed out by the plain tiff’s agent.—~All the above lands were in franklin county as the time of survey. J. GREEN, D. M, September 1, 1797. MARSHAL’S SALE. " At the market-houle in Augnfta on Mon day the ißth/0f September next, be tween the hours of to and 3 o’clock, WILL BE SOLD, "[7 IGHT negroes, two horses and a mure; taken under execution as the property of colonel James Stalling's, to fatisfy Rurch id Ouvry pointed out by the plaintiff's attorney. J. GREEN, D. M. Auguffa, Augu/t 19, 1797. # sherlJfs sale. On Tuelday the 3d day ofOflobrr next, at the myrkei-houfe in Augusta, be tween the hours of to and 3 o’clock, WILL BE SOLD, r pHE eastern moiety of lot No. J 9 in Auouftn ; taken under execu tion as the pr< perty of Stephen Evans, to fatisty Sami. £nz>man; pointed out by the plaintiff's attorney. *7 hree- fourths of an acre of land, near the ferry in Auyujfa , part of lot No. 6 l taken unaer execution at the property if Eomd. B. Hicks, to fatisfy Kennedy and Parker, {minted out oy Wm. Kennedy. Two (mail likely negroes; token under execution as the proberty of Geo\ r t Walton, Ere. 10 fatisfy William Sims. Conditions Cash. I.E7TS HARRIS, D. V. R. C. 1 Aagujia, AuguH 25, 1797\