The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, September 16, 1797, Image 1

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SATURDAY, September 16, 1797. THE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE AND GAZETTE of the STA TE. FREEDOM or th* PRESS and TRIAL bt JURY shall rkmain inviolate. Confiitution of Georgia. AUGUSTA: Printed, by JO H N E. SMITH, Printer to the State; E/fays, Articles of Intelligence, Advertijen.ents,, &c. will be gratefully received, and every kind of Printing performed. [Price Three Dollars per annum Ij SHALL attend at the dwcl- L hng-houjc of Mr. John Cox, near Uckcry I'vel creek, in Franklin county, alt of Georgia, on the tenth day of Oc \btr next, and remain in that neighbour )od until the frjl of November, for the irpcfe oj laying out small farms or plan ,tions, as zoell to thoje who. have applied, : olh.-rs toho may be inclined to becom: trchafers of farms in three adjoining acts cj land lying on the head waters of road and Oconee rivers, and granted to 'illiam Call, jun. in the year 17 88 ; one atl containing 1 5,000 acres, the other 00 io»cco acres each. Thoje lands are, ir the most part, very fertile, well tim- • red, and abound in cane, pea-vine and a ■eat variety of other luxuriant kinds of ■ass , which affords an excellent, and cl ft inexhsufiisle range for jluck.—H tving mat confidtrahl: plins to investigate (lie' ties of, and excluded such elder Jurv yt have been found to interfere with the nds above mentioned, / can with cor.Ji ncc assure thoje who miy be disposed to come purchasers, that they will receive idoubted rights. Thoje lands will be fold or leafed (to per ns who will become fillers on than only) tracts of one hundred to four hun ed a> res Prompt payment will be ex cted of a small proportion of the confide (ton money ; payments of balances wiU Mi made exceedingly easy to purchasers, as mhev will be received by injialments at rt |sole pa tods. ■ LEVIN WAILES, Agent for the I North American land company . September 7, 1797. I COLLECT OR’s SALES. BOn Tuefday the 10th day of ■ next, at the court-houfc in Gicene R county, IT ILLBE SOLD, ■Tor the taxes of the year 1795;, l^c Li ■ low ing tradj of land, viz, I 287! acres on Fishing creek, Wtdjoining Starkey and others, as the pro- Wberty of Fair . M 460 acres in therferve, on the Appala- Ihee, adjoining Buttry, the property of A. ioyts. 230 acres on the Appalachee, adjoining Wlntefn, the property oj Buttry. 230 acres on the Appalachee , adjoining the property of Robert Ellis. B 4.60 acres on the waters of the Appala mhec, adjoining Walley and others, in the Hiu ntc oj Montj'ort • I 690 acres on the Appalachee, adjoining Wpockcr, the property oj L. Mufley. I 690 acres in therefrve, on the waters Mpf the Uconcc, adjoining lands claimed by y.Tj on the fouth, and lands granted to Oakham on the north ; fold for the Maxes vp to the year 179 6. ■ 230 acres in the referee, on the waters ms the Appalachee, granted to Stephen BEl’inj. ■ 100 acres on the waters of Richland adjoining Thatcher, in the name cf Mp'rancis Allin. I The aforementioned traEls of land are to me as net having the taxes paid B'i them for the year 1795; the owners are mfjaeflcd to take notice and let me know be- Wore the day off ale. ■ E. FRICE, T. C. B September 3, 1797. |F O R SALE, ■ A Bargain, ■ A TRACT of land containing y * 287 1-2 acres, on the Savannafi Boad, being half wav between Angola Savannah, adjoining Mr. Joshua »c*ce-. land. ■ ALSO, ■A STOCK of cattle. ■ ot the Printer. MARSHAL'S SALE. At the market-house in Augulla on Mon day the 18th of September next, be tween the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, WILL BE SOLD, 17 IGH T negroes, two horses 1 * and a mare; taken under execution as ihe properly of colonel James Stalling’s, to fatisfy Burch (A Ouvry pointed out by • the plaintiff’s attorney. J. GREEN, D.M. Augufia, Augujl 19, 1797* M A RSHA L’s SALE S. At the market-house in Auguita, on the firlt Tucfday in Odobcr next, between the houtsuf 10 ana 2 o’clock, IV IL L BE SOLD, The following lots or trad* of land, pointed out by the executors as tin property of Macarten Campbell, dec. to fatitl'y an execution, viz. lot in the town of Au- & v si a * 0,1 tn( Bay, Known by nurnoo three, unjoining Benj. Harris. <Jne lot on Broad-Jtreel, in /aid tewn, known by number twenty-four, adjoining the lot wnere Baxter Pool rcjtdes. A lot containing Jtx acres of land on a hill aoout three mites from Augvjla, where on is a large and commodious dwtllin , hvuje with ntcejjary out houjes. 7he jitua tion renders li very valuable for a fumma retreat. A trad of land about five miles above Augujla containing aoout 300 acres, ad joining Pace's lana. A negro man, a good boat hand. ALSO, 1000 acres, waters of Oconee, bounds lands Jurveyed in the name of Crcokjhanks. 1000 ditto ditto ditto. 1000 ditto ditto ditto. 1000 ditto ditto ditto. iooo ditto ditto ditto. loco ditto ditto ditto. 1000 ditto ditto ditto. 1000 ditto ditto ditto. 1000 ditto ditto ditto. 1000 ditto ditto ditto. loco ditto ditto ditto. 600 acres on the waters op Oconee, bounds furvryed and ditto. 201000 acres on the waters of Appalachee in the name oj Juid Crookjhanks, bounds ditto. 5000 (teres, waters oj appalachee. 8000 acres, Broad liver and Oconet waters. 4 joo acres Broad river. Levied on as the property of Patrick Crookjhanks, to fatisfy an execution at the fait of Samuel Willifon, againjl the J aid Crookfnanhs, and pointed out by the plain tiff’s agent.—All the above lands were in Franklin county at the time 0* jurvey. J. GREEN, D. M. September 1, 1797. ~SHERIFFS SALE. On Tuefday the 3d day of October next, at the market-heufe in Augulla, be tween the hour* of 10 and 3 o’clock, W-l LLBESOLD, r T~’HEeaftern moiety cf lot No. eg in Au h ujla ; taken under execu tion as the preperty cf Stephen Evans, to fatisfy Suml. Bozeman; pointed out by the plaintiff’s attorney. Three fourths of an acre of land, near the jerry in Au f ujia, fart oj lot Be. 6; taken under execution cs the property if E J md. B. Hicks, to fatisfy Kennedy ana Parker, pointed out by V/m. Kennedy. Two jmall likely negroes ; taken under execution as the properly of Georgy Walton, Esq. to fatisfy William Sims. Conditions CASH. LEWIS HARRIS, D. S. R. C. Augujia, A 25, 1797. GEORGIA. GEORGIA. By his Excellency JARED IRWIN, Governor and Commander in Chiej in and over the Juid State. A Proclamation. WHEREAS I have re teivrii information upon oath, that a certain nun by the name of Hurt Cauipcn, wa* on th* night of the second intlant, in the counrv of Hancock in the said ftatr, barbarously muiMCred V>v fom<* perf >n <*r |>erfom unknown. IN ORDER THEREFORE, That the perpetrator or p*ipetra;ors of the a ferefaid atrocious crime may be brough: to condign punilhmenf, and to prevent as ♦at as prflible the like erormitict in fu ture -I have thought fir to ilTue this my tr«dam»tinn, offering a reward of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS to any person •r perform who (hill apprehend and bring r > julticc the aforciaid murderer or mut ‘ereri. *ND I DO HEREBY ftridiy enjoin #nd require ail officers civil and military vithii. this state, to hr* aiding and .ilfiding in order t v. this my Proclamation may be earned into due effect. G 1 PEN under m, hand and the Great Sell of the said State, at the State- Hvufe in Louiivilli, this tenth day of Auguff , in the year of our LORD one thou/and seven hundred and ninety-jeven; andin the twenty fecond year of American Inde pendence. JARED IRWIN. By the Governor, John Milton, Sec'y. GOD SAVE THE STATE. SHERIFF'S SALES. On the fitft Tuefday in Odobcr next, at the court-house in Warren county, WILL BE SOLD, 228 acres of pine land of good quality, on the waters oj Brier creek, a good peach orchard, and. conjiderable im prevements, being the plantation whereon William Ceram now lives, adjoining Clark Blandjord and others; under execution as the property of Joid Corum at the Juit of Hugh Blair. A Jo, 74 or 75 acres of land third qua lit), on the waters oj Rot key comjor:, ad joining Abner Fullerl and James Parker s land; under execution as the property of Nathan Dabney Asbett at the Juit of said Blair. Likewise the balance or remainder of a trati Os land , third quality, whereon J'Jje Parker now lives, after z 1 4 acres are de ducted out of Jaid trad, lying on the waters of Hurt’s creek, adjoining land of James Parker and o:hr. Y s\ under execution as the property oj George Weather by, at the suit oj Ijaac Stubbs. Conditions CASH. L. WRIGHT, D. S. Augujl 17, 1797# By virtue of an order cf the Honorable the Inferior Court for the County ol Lincoln, WILL BE SOLD, At the house of Abner Tatom, < n the firft Saturday in November next, the following trads of land in said county, belonging to the eSate of John Tatom, dtceafed, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the fame. 200 acres cn New ford creek, adj.;i ing fanCs of Thomas Owens. j6o acres adjoining the above trad. 200 d>. un Mi)! creek, adjoir ing lands of Robert Harp-rand others. Con ditiona ol fc!e CASH. ABEL TATOM, \ v . /.BNiiR TATOM. j- XTJ [Vol. XI. No. 571.] John Hammond & Son, HA / £ FOR SALE, 5,6, and 7 Inch Spike Nails. September 6, 1797. Agreeable tu an order of the honorable th* inferior court of the county of Richmond, WILL BE SOLD, On Wtantjday the f ourth of Otiober next , at t/ee market-ho uje in Au,\ujla, between the hours oj ten and two o'clock, thefol lowing tratts oj land, part of the real efl.ite oj Reuben Coleman, late of tht county of Richmond, Esq. dec. viz. 575 acres oak and hickory .'and in Franklin county, originally grant ed 10 Kzekiel Cloud' lying on Indian creek, all fide* vacant at the time ol sur vey. 287 1 2 acre* pine land in Washing ton county, near the Oconee river, ad joining Owen Sullivan’* and vacant land*. 287 1-2 a res pine land in the fame county, on the Beaverdam fork of Rich land creek, originally granted to Thomas Shaw, bounded by vacant land at the time of survey. 287 r-2 acre* ditto, lying in the fame county, originally granted to ditto, ad joining captain Zachariah Philips and Stewart’* land. 287 1-2 ditto, lying in ditto, on the Ohoopee river, adjoining Samuel Bran hatn’» and vacant land, granted to John Killgore. 287 1-2 ditto, granted to Samuel Branham, lying in ditto and on the fame river, lands vacant on all fide*. 287 1-2 ditto, lying in ditto, and on the Ohoopee river and Mill creek, va cant land on all Tides, granted to Samuel Underwood. 287 1-2 acres river land, lying in dit to, on the Alatainaha river, adjoining William David’s and William Green’s land, originally granted to Robert Per ritt. 400 acre* of ditto, lying in Eifingharti county, between Scull’s creek and Syke’a BluiF, adjoining Nichoi’s and vacant land, granted to the said Reuben Coleman. 200 acres of ditto, lying in ditto, on Ogechee river, between Scull’screek and Syke’s Bluff, adjoining Chailcton Mcezle’a land, granted to George Bryan. 300 acres ditto, lying 10 ditto, vacant on all Tides. 7jD acres river land, lying in Colum bia county on Little rivet and Upton’s creek, confifcatcd and fold at the proper ty of Janies Greifon, 212 acres pine land, Richmond county, adjoining Dyfart, Stallings and Pace’* lands, granted to John Rhodes. too acr-s of mixed highland, lying in ditto, on Savannah liver, adjoining Mar bury’s former lines, late the propelty of John Miliedge, Esq. 2 jo acre* river land lying in ditto, on Savannah river, formerly the property of George Calphin, dec. adjoining Rickct fons and Rac’s iands. One house and lot in the town of Aa gnfia, lately occupied by Thomas Sand wich. One 50 acre lot in the townfhipof Au ijufta, occupied by Mr. Conrad Liver man. An 1 one houie and lot in the town of Louifvide occupied by James Meiriwe ther, Efquiic. Two ditto, unimproved. * For the benefit of the heir* and credi tors of the said aeceafed. Conditions CASH. JOHN CATLETT, a . THOMAS B. SCOTT, JAMES SCOTT, f I JOHN SCOTT, J Jugufl 3, 1^97.