The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, September 16, 1797, Image 3

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LrGUSTA, Se P u 15 - ■. lATK enquiry into the treatment 0 f flares, brought to light inftanc * j barbarity, abhorrent to human na m°‘ jn ft even a reproach to it. Wordi Knot deferibe them. But if they could, K humane could hitdly be persuaded to ■ The deed• ofhorror, which dcfolated Be fertile St. Domingo, may perhaps Iflime, against all Africans, the mind of [ ffle w ho had the power of flying from [ch a topher. But this can by no means Radicate an imitation of those monsters [ barbarity. The contrary ftiould be, [deed, the effed. I But pre-eminent in all those outrages Lainft humanity, appeared an old fettlcr. f b hardly poflible for eyes to behold, [ithout tears, the wretched ridim of his ■tfentment. W Such difgraceful ccndud appear* to be Liinft their own immediate intcreft. A K or wretch enfeebled with hungrr, and [ie !»(h, cannot earn as much in the day, [ one well fed, and free from pain. So [ a t even temporal gain is obviously in [ror of mercy. i What, then, can men of such pradices lave in view f what can they think f do ley pretend to believe, there is not a [ft and merciful God, Who fee* and [now* ail that thus they do f Or are they, Ike some favage*, ambitiou* to please the [rn monarch of Tartarus ? But he also is Inder authority. Yet even if he were not Lbj.'Ct to a higher power, to be a talk [a'ter under him, cannot be a very de- Irable pott for either ambition or ava tice. [ But for an office in his dreary court, 111 the cruel are preparing themselves. she event tho* will be dilappointment. forintteid of torturing, they will be tor ured. Such pradices are not natural to man ; nd satanic depravity *muft contaminate lit mental powers, before the heart can loflibly be made to affenr. Sacredly (hould be observed the law* if oar country} and all due refped be i*.id to the government. But if there be o laws to restrain the rage of tafk rafters, and to proted, from their tor ures, the haples race of Ethiopians, rhofe lot in life (hould command our lity; the ncceflity of the case, the ag onies of those p«or trodden down people light, perhaps, juftify a community, or ocietyin making laws for the occasion.-- This, it mutt be confcffed, ie a dange ous experiment. But humanity l* im icrative; and to disobey, favors strongly if treason. It is hoped, that many such inftanccs • not clothe with diflionor our fellow itixens. Yet there is too much reason brspprehending, some other task-matters here are, who, defying the threats of Danipotence sgaintt the unmerciful, ad i! if they thought flefln covered with a (lick fkio, is altogether callous. Or, hat Hacks are not human beings, created ly the God of the universe, and by Him indowed with an immortal foul. When the Judge of all thf earth (hall ippear, what can these men fay ? Mercy a the promised inheritance to the merci ful ; but on the cruel, He will rain an hor rible tempest.—Pity bleeds at the ides; tnd hopes they will hear the voice of wif foro, and have mercy on their own never dying fouls. It our next aflembly dees not remove a fepreach from the tta*c, and prevent the continuance of a traffic, which is preg sant evils, and a disgrace to any people : Ind if it daes not give those bearers of heavy burdens , • already among us, the proteftion of such laws, as the common principles of humanity dilate, how can they exped their country to flounfh ? Or ho-v (hall they be able to answer for refuf ing to (hew mercy to the opprcfled, and ktlidef* ? such laws are not merely ads of a’.rrry. They are aft* ot jujhce not only to the unhappy bond-men, but to them selves. And if they persevere in their inattention, and negligence, they mutt fc'rtainly exped to find, in the great day ®f retribution, that the blood of those rojerables will cry frr vengeance againtt then. And ascertain!}' as that day (hall Couie, all such cries will be heard in Hea der. Whatever ye would, that men fmuld do tT -t* ytu ; d« ye even the Jame unto ih vt. . If there words were icgraVrn, as they coght, on everyheatr, and the b-nevolent precept adopted by all, as their rule of «orduft thro* life, Low happily weald •iaaiiui live* , By Yeflerday's Northern Mast, ALBANY, Augujl 25. By major Cass, of the United State! 3d regiment, who arrived in this city on Monday Jatt, we are informed, that he left Fort Hamilton, on the Great Miami, the 15th of May latt, and travelled through the North weftetn territory to Detroit; that as far as he could difeover, the Indians lhewed no hoftiie difpolition towards the United States, although, their minds appeared to be much agitat ed, and many of them were moving otf to the Spanilh of the Miiliflippi. The spirit of desertion which had prevail ed amongtt the American troops at De troit, had considerably abated previous to bis departure, in consequence of ener getic measures being adopted by briga dier general Wilkinson. Great cordia lity (übfitted between the American and British officers in that quarter. PHILADELPHIA, Augujl 3 r. Six physicians have been attacked by the prevailing fever—one of them, Dr. Thompson, died on Tuefday night. There are creeled on the vacant ground between Broad-ltrect and the Schuylkill, near to the road leading to the middle ferry, betwixt twenty and thirty tents, for the reception, we believe, of such families as have been, or may be, obliged to leave the city on accuunt of the pre vailing fever, and have not the means of obtaining lodgings in the country. WILMINGTON, (Del.) Augujt 3 r. Yelferday arrived at this port, the Ihip Boyne, of New-York, capt. Ferret, 12 weeks from Amsterdam, with 94 pai fengers. Latt Thursday arrived at New York, the Severn, capt. Fairly, irotn Hull, which place she left on the Bth ot July, and brings London dates to the sth. The principal articles they contain are —the signing of the definitive treaty be tween France and the emperor. The arrival of lord Mai me (bury and the French commiifioners at Ltllc, to enter on negociations for peace. The mutiny onboard two of lord Brid porr's fleet. The execution of Richard Parker, the delegate, on Friday, June 30, on board the Sandwich man ot war, at Black Stakes, near Sheerness, on which occasion he behaved with manly fortitude. The recognition ot the Batavian repub lic by the king of Pruflia, who approach es his exit. Admiral Duncan is anchored off the Texel, but as 72,000 French troops ap pear to be embarking, he demands a re inforcement. Paftorer in the council of 500, has declar ed, that the arret of the dweClory tefpec ting the United States, of the date of March 2, is equivalent to a declaration of war. The differences between the legislative and executive of Fiance have risen to a molt alarming height. Capt. Ealton, commander of the Marl borough, went up to London with dis patches from the ships in mutiny to earl Spencer, and while waiting for an answer at the admiralty house, ltabjed himfelt and immediately expired. The verdict of the iury pronounced him lunatic. The mutiny on board the fleet at the Norc is entirely quelled. September 2. Thursday latt arrived at Philadelphia, the (hip Cumberland, capt. Scott, trom Hull, by which London accounts to the 14th, and a Nevrcattle paper of the 15th July, are received. The intelli gence contained therein is new and in terebing ; but the latcnefs of the hour prevents the editor from giving more than the following abfirad*. IRELAND. That devoted country appears reduced to the latt (late of abjed fl-very. Those who oppole the tyrannical junto, are dra gooned into the measures ot government, by fine, imprifonmenr, and confifcation of property. In this rrigu of confufion, the parliament v/as diiTolved, and no hopes remained ot any favorable change taking plaie under any new administra tion. E N G L A N D, Burtied in corruption, and reduced nearly to bankruptcy, seems consoled in the fu.’prettion of her naval mutiny, buoy jngup Johnny Bull with th«f expectation ot a speedy and honorable peace. Dif patche* have reached London from \lal me (bury ; they are kept secret. The eccentns ora'or and author, Elm on 1 Burke* alio Charles Mackdo, tbs Th-** pi an hero, arc both dead. | PRANCE Viewing the JBritilh manceuvrti with unconcern, has ordered the Toulon divi sion of their fleet to fail, supposed with intent to Second the efforts of the Spa niards. The Brest squadron, upwards of 30 fail, arelikewife under failing orders, commanded by Richery, Duchayl and Villeneuve; their detlination is conjec tured to be against Newfoundland or Halifax. . SPAIN, Determined on driving Jervis from his station off Cadiz, and by express orders from the king, has at length resolved to hazard an engagement; we may therefore look for intereding accounts from that quarter. This is not all HOLLAND , Favoured—Supported by the French, and Strengthened by thirty thousand Au strian deSerters, are unremitting in their exertions to complete an expedition a gainil England. Ihe Engltlh afe 00 the watch; they know the day oi retribution is at hand; they dread the Shock ; and their enemies, to increase the tremor, openly announce their designs To the opprelled of England, Scotland, and Ire land-—what a day of jubilee would this not be ! NORFOLK, September 24. Extract ot a letter dated New-port, Au gust 24. “ They are very much alarmed -at Pro vidence on account of the yellow fe ver. brought in a veil'd irom tire Cape ; seven persons have died with it, two ot them custom house officers. A number more Tick -it rages at the fouth end of the town." RICHMOND, September 4. Extract ot a letter troin j gentleman of veracity, in Washington county (Vir ginia) to his triend in this city, dated Align if 13, 1797. “ I have the pieafure to mention to you, that a perlon of note from the Illi nois palled this place to day, who fays he has diipatches from Mr. Ellicott and ge neral Guyofo, for Philadelphia, announc ing rhot all matters are agreed on in a friendly manner. The tort* at Natchez are given up, and the commissioners have Set about extending the boundary line. He mentions also, that the Spaniards have now ten thousand regular troops in lower and upper Louifianna. “ Matters being thus amicably fettled with our neighbours to the fouth wcllein waters—except the few who have their minds poisoned with Mr. Blount's bad plans." PETERSBURG, September S. The general aflembly of Pennsylvania mei in Philadelphia on the 28th ult. and on the 29th they received a lengthy ad dref* from the governor---but in conse quence ot the Yellow Fever prevailing in that city, they entered into no other bu- Sinefs than that of appropriating ro,ooo dollars for the relief of the fuffering citi zens of Philadelphia. Agreeable to an order of the honorable the inferior court of the county of Oglethorpe, WILL BE SOLD, On the 18'h day of November next, at the court-house of Lid county, between the houts ot ten and two o’clock, the following traits ot laid, part ot the real ellate of Harrison Mufgrove, de ceased, viz. ONE tract of 200 acres on the water > of Little river, joining Winnjteli ShropJltire. One trad of land two hundred and thir ty acres, joining Parks. One trad of Land two hundred acres on Little river, joining A. M'Bnde. One trad of two hundred acres on Lit tle river, joining Orman Whatley, wuh a mill cretied thereon . One other of twelve acres on Little river adjoining D. Roberts, with a mill thereun. FRANCIS GORDON, f sq JOHN D. SANKEY, > J GLEN OWEN, J c JE N N Y_M USGRO VE, AV*. Collector s Sale. On the firft TuT.iay in November next, at the court-house in Montgomery county, WILL BE SOLD, 90,000 acres pine land, sur veyed in the name of Michael Henderson. for the taxes due for the years 1795 and 1796. AR PH UR L'J IT, R. M. C. A Lift of Defaulters in RicbmoiM County . Captain Fox's di/lriA. TAMES ARMSTRONG, ~* Addin, Seth Anderson, (free negroj Patrick Bogan, Nathl. Bush, Ba varee, ... Butler, William Clarke, J. P# Chartier, Mrs. Clatkfon, James Chari ty, (free negro.) Wtl. Danlby, David Downey, Charles Downej, William Der by, John Dtflfry, Dc Monte, Or mond Ellbere, Joseph Frith, —— Ful ler, Lewis Grovenftine, Lewis Gregory* Howell Gregory, John Harvey, Henry Hughes, Lewis Hunfler, EdmonJ B. Hicks, Charles Johnlton, Thomas Jem mifon, —Jones, Timothy Kelly, John B. Lary, John Lacouture, George Lord, Laborde* James Murphy, jun, Dennis Mararity, George Miller, Tho mas Martin, Claudius Magnan, —• Mag nan, Ingram M. Monnox, John Martin* W. M'Gowan, H. Ofbornc, B. F. Paine# Madam Pav;tgeau, William Robertfon* Meridy Rumlet, Brackfton P.ogers, Geo. Rmgland, Jacob Snider, Sami. Smith# Michael Silver, Robert Squib, William Spencer, Holland Sumner, William Smith, (bee negro) John Thompfon# Abtahatn Tavlor, Hely Turc, Tervanetr, Walter Taylor, J. P. Van hedigan, Afaph Watetman, William Willfon, Robert Walker, Kfq. Robert Walker, Allen Wiley, Nathl. Wilde** —— Yearman, Jacob Zin. Captain Willcox's diflriEl, Alexander Averett, Wm. Cone, jonf. William W. Clarke, Middleton Cone, James Davis, Daniel Hudson, Jeffrey Hudson, Robert Hauflin, Richard Jen kins, Isaac Lace)*, Owen M Gair, Wil liam Nettles, William Pace, John Rulh* Mrs. Whitfield. Captain Stiles's di/Irift. Drury Allen, Ambrose. Arthur, Rich ard Benner, Afaph Be 1 !, John Burke# James Bayard, D.ittor Brazier, Edmond Blanton, John Bond, John Butler, Joht* Blair, Satpl. Bnyd, James Campbell# James Cooper, William Chapman, En glebeart Crnife, Robert Cowles, Johtt Cheney, John Carmichael, John Car ter, James Clarke, Joseph Dillard, Wil liam John Evans, Auguftinc Ed wards, William Fears, Basil Frrland* Fennel, Daniel Frazcif, George Foil, Josiah Gray, Charles Gee, Moun ger and Grimes, John Golloway, An thony Hane), Winslow Hobby, Mrs. Hunter, David Hagins, J-hn Hill, Tho mas Heron, Michl. F. Houghton, Ro bert Hatcher, Micajah Henry, Mile* Jones, Charles Jones, •• - Jones, Joh» Kean, Freeman Lewis, Samuel Lcck •ogton, William M'Coo, Edward M* Farland, John M’Curdy, Alexander Martin, William M'Natf, William M* Cray, John Mallet, James M‘Afce# James Malone, Alexandei Nrlfon, David Nail, Joseph Prince, Niel J’erry, Nef bit and Rolftcn, Jacob Ritefell, Wcirjr Rudifell, Henry L. Revere, Silus Reaves* Robert Sturgefs, William Smith, Johts Stiles, William Spruce, James Swain, Benjamin Shackleford, Grant Taylor# Peter Wright, Martin Wifeman, John Willfon, jun. Zachatiah Williams, John Williams, William White, A. Welch, David Welfti, Peter Youngblood, Joha Young. Captain Ward's di/lricl John Barton, Ferril Belcher, William Butler, Floyd Crocker, Charles Carter# David Coleman, (free negro.) Stephen Coleman, (free negro.) Dread Dawfon# John Clemmons, Danl. Howell, Robert Gilkey, William Knighr, John M'Dade, Joferh M‘Cul!cugb, Reuben Moore# Richard Parker, Ifom Rogers, John Ro gers, James Reed, John Rowell, Danl, Shaw, John Snell, John Twiggs, Thotna* Wall. Note, captain Lyons's lift not come to hand. L. HARRIS, R. T. R. R. C. September 2, 179“* A Lji oj Dtjavllers in Lincoln county jot the year 1797. Captain Wooldridge's dif.ricl, William Arrington. Captain Zinurman’s uijlrifl, Thoa. Dallis.. Jas. Paradife, Thomi* Glaze, Wm Graves. Captain Ware's diflriEl. Pxobt. Walton, Peter Smith, Richd. Winn, Reuben Carpenter, Henry York, Jacob Johnson, Joseph Lantern, James Lyon. I have had no return from carta In Ey nom’s difirift, nor captain St-al's. ;At. KUGHLS, R. ST. li. L. C.